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Damn... Got nothing but few 4 star weapons that I probably never use and Lingyang from the discount banner :'(, mean while everyone else got Verina for free and few extra 4 star characters :'d. Oh well, such a let down. Time to put on my foil hat and blame conspiracy :D Lingyang was the last character I wished for in terms of personal preference, but Is Lingyang truly the worst pull or have I understood it wrong?


Why not rerolling? Idk which ul you are, but it may be worth it, talking from experience. I have a pretty strong and lucky account thanks to it Lingyang is difficult and not that rewarding, yeah, but every character is strong enough for overworld. Only endgame content is more difficult


Rerolling? Like making completely new account? I curse you for making that comment :D. This is my first gacha game so I have already wasted so much effort on this account already before I went and rolled those Convenes, but now that you mention it, I feel so damn stupid for not thinking about this before ><


Yeah, I'd go for it if i don't have jiyan nor yinlin


Myeah... my biggest problem is that I'm already union lvl 30 and did so much stuff.. I guess I could farm them quite fast... But I guess I also would be missing some event rewards. Maybe I just half quit aka play casually and gather chest xP


Save the world? save the cat! i dont know when i finish the first quest but i came back again for the 2nd quest but the quest is not appearing on the map and i cant talk to xiaoju the button is not appearing


The remaining quests in the series are daily quests.


Is there any reliable site for building guides, like KeqingMains? I need someone to dumb down the characters kits for me :(


Prydwen is the best I've found, then game8


Does Weekly Highlights count into Weekly 10k EXP Limit? I started playing the game just before reset and I missed last weeks Pioneer Podcast completely, so I have been trying to get as much rewards as possible before the whole thing restarts in 3 weeks. I'm now lvl 25 and I guess there is no ways to get to 50, and I guess buying levels is by any calculations not worth it.


What happened to this game's [elemental reaction system](https://new.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/xmmwm1/wuthering_waves_elemental_reactionseffects/)? Is it no longer present?


It's not in the game. Given how we can see design elements of these reactions in our present Concerto skills, I'm guessing they got taken out after the devs worked Concerto skills to their present state.


You guys know the group of trees that all have those spiky vines around them? How do I get rid of them? I can't find any fireballs. Also is there any way to see how many chests and stuff you have left in an area in game? It feels like I have explored so much but im not even close to 100% in most areas.


if there’s spiky vines there’s a fireball somewhere


How far did you guys get in tower of adversity this reset? Is there a level penalty for damage in this game if the level gap is too big?


21/30 UL40 with bp weapon


Any tips here?? That’s impressive!


20/30. Not being too hard on myself since I'm currently sick. There is level penalty. That's why taking the central tower against level 100 ape isn't recommended until your character reached level 80


Are Overworld chest rewards better the higher your Union level is? Similar to Genshin? Or is it a different system in this game?


Idk, but i can tell wuwa gives way more rewards per avg chest than genshin


No. Chest rewards don’t change in genshin either. They are fixed in both games.


I’m having some issues trying to “get into” wuwa So I started basically on day 1 (which is something I usually use to gauge whether I play game long term, the only exception was honkai star rail which I got into months later because the game was actually too good) I mean I like the game, I understand I dont necessarily have to play it everyday. However I haven’t even touched it for like two weeks. However I’m currently juggling like two main gacha games. And then for some reason I’d rather login to Genshin than wuwa even though I think Genshin is a worse game. Maybe I’m just too used to Genshin. Or maybe I have too many games on my plate. I think my issue is probably the dailies? They take way too long. or else I probably would have done them.


I personally think the dailies take a lot easier in wuwa since you only have to do a couple of fighting. How far are you into the game anyway? Outta content or just not in the mood? Nothing wrong with taking a break. Wuwa isn't going anywhere. It's better than having to force yourself to play. Maybe it's because it's new so your team isn't as built as your Genshin team which makes fight seem longer because the opponents are tougher.


Is this subreddit connected to the developers? Why is it that relatively infrequent posts about F2P and monetisation which actually raise issues affecting the long term viability of the game are removed whereas posts that are frankly trivial and borderline nonsensical are cluttering the main page


It is.


I see. Bad look for them imo


Have Jiyan and Calcharo built, with Havoc Rover slowly coming along as 3rd main dps, should I get the broadblade or the sword from the UL45 chest?


my vote is on the sword for that crit rate stat


Anyone else have this problem on PC and know how to fix it? Any time I try to access menu items that I believe are pulling up web content, I get a white screen with this error message: Loading Failed. Please check internet connection. This happens on the Announcement screen and Convene History specifically every time. The only reason I know what these options are is because it works for me just fine on mobile.


dont have this issue but seems like could be related with your network/PC having restrictions such as anti-virus I can suggest you troubleshoot by -connecting your PC to another network such as your mobile data hotspot. -check if there is any antivirus software or endpoint restrictions on your PC


What should do with useless echo since cant feed xp?


Data merger


how can I unlink my gmail account? i forgot my password from that email.


A few questions. I have no cadenza yet. How much ER does mortefi need to ulti every rotation? When is the new update dropping? I know the date but not the time. Thanks


Regarding vigor system in tower of adversity - Does vigor affect character stats (dps)? Does lower vigor mean lower dps in any way, or is it just some cost for using characters?


no. it's just game's way of saying no you're not allowed to do everything with the same three characters.


What would be the best way to create an alt account? Hi, I've been thinking for a while to make an alt account to to see how it is to play with male Rover. But I'm not sure what would be the best way to do it: I know I could make an account on a different server. But then my ping would drop significantly on this account (I'm in Europe so main account is also in Europe). Or just make a whole new account with a new email. But then I would need two logins, which is also annoying. What are your experiences with alt accounts and what would you recommend? Thanks in advance!


I personally switch servers. It's easier for me since my ping doesn't drop when I switch from SEA to Asia. If the ping is that terrible, I'm afraid a new email is needed.


How is the ping difference for you? I just tried switching from Europe to Ameria. It's around 130. That doesn't seem so bad?


I'm around 43-56 in SEA and 70-80 in Asia so they're both green! I guess it dropped significantly but it's not noticeable in performance imo.


Okay that's really good. I just tried out Asia and it's 270...Guess America is my second best.


How many resonators do people usually fully level up? At union 38, I only have Rover, Jianxin, and Baizhi at 60, with 4 others at 40. The shared ascension materials has discouraged me from advancing the 40s further since I'm close to the next ascension for the top 3, but was wondering what others do.


Ascension and level up isn't the problem, talents are. I got only 2 with maxed out talents, and 3 with okish talent investment.


4 70/70(Jiyan Yinlin Rover Mortefi), 2 50/50(verina jianxin). I'll keep my verina on 50/50 until I actually need her high healing.


https://preview.redd.it/tkel1uwlhe8d1.png?width=1877&format=png&auto=webp&s=95e77ad52b13fe4159a70ad048358e131fe5f75c What do I do with all the extra weapons that I have? Can they be scrapped or sold or something? Just curious as to what I should do wits 200+ weapons that I am never gonna use


Weapon upgrade fodder


Who’s coming first in the 1.1 banner? Is it Changli or jinshi






Is there any use for Lampilumen ore after depleting the vendor in the mine?


hitting union lv45 tomorrow and wondering, which s the better weapon pick: sword for hrover or broadsword for calcharo? i have s1 yinlin w sig if it helps. on the other hand, i dont have a 4* sword yet, so i couldnt use hrover lol




Sword is generally the better option cause of the crit rate. But honestly get the weapon for your favorite character cause you’re gonna be using them the most


Sword because it has crit rate




You're asking for leaked information so you won't get a specific answer here. But a generic answer would be if you're pulling Jinshi her weapon will probably be stronger than 4 star options.


If I’m using Yinlin as a sub-DPS, which 3-slot echoes stat pairing would be better? > Electro DMG Bonus % and Energy Regen Or > Both Electro DMG Bonus %


If you can't find 2 substats worth of ER across all your pieces, and have a better ER mainstat piece with better subs than your Atk or Electro% pieces, then use it. But ideally you want the ER from subs.


Both electro for sub dps. And an energy regen substat somewhere would be good


How much ER would y'all say is enough for Jiyan? I have him at 138% right now and I've tested him when he had about 130% and 165%, and I really think using him below 140% is absolutely not optimal. Problem is, it's so hard to get good echoes for him since you're not just looking for crit rate and dmg, but also energy regen :/.


I got 121% and it's enough as long as I do my rotations properly and remember to hold Q heron lol


Oh my goddjdnjjfr I always forget I can hold down, thanks though!


 115%  to 125% is good but if you miss intro hit than 1**25-140% (just to be sure )**


I see, maybe that'll be enough now that I cranked up the ER on my Verina and Mortefi, thanks!


What’s the expected number of pulls for 1.1?


If i recall correctly radiant tides are a bit more than 90 (asterites included). Though that is if you clear every content there is. Including stuff like fully cresting ToA. Keep in mind that this is a rough estimate and we could likely get more


Mortefi weapon. I have the 5* weapon and it improves his personal damage a fair bit, which is a significant contribution. But I had previously been running Cadenza and it made for much smoother rotations. As of right now I'm leaning towards Cadenza since smoother concerto rotation seem more important in a Jiyan team. Just wondering if other Mortefi users in a similar situation feel the same.


Shortening his rotation increases ER needs of Jiyan, so you don't necessarily gain any damage. Just use the 5 star weapon and do 2 + 1 E skills.


I'm likely not noticing this due to my higher ER% on Jiyan. Also because I'm bad and my rotations aren't clean. I'll try swapping some stuff around and test what you and the other poster commented on. Should I be swapping between Jiyan and Mortefi while i stack concerto energy, or do I just stay on Mortefi until my concerto is full and then ult, echo swap? The more I swap around the more i open myself up to input errors as the character positioning isn't static on the side of the screen ( 1st and 2nd position swap around at times) The more I play Wuwa the more I realize I'm one of the filthy casuals that impede endgame progression in Genshin, lol.


1 swap to jiyan after Mortefi Forte skill (so before his outro is ready), use Jiyan's Skill and Monkey - that's enough time for Mortefi model to disappear from screen, then cancel the monkey with Mortefi. This will also forward Mortefi's BA string, helping you generate more Concerto with fewer BAs. Then Mortefi skill again, Heron, to Jiyan ult and unga bunga. If somehow you got Mortefi outro early, say by some dodges, don't do this, just do his full thing and then go to Jiyan, Monke the ult.


Just a suggestion, you can check out zajef77 guide on how ER works. He has a segment there specifically for mortefi. TLDR: dmg-focused weapons is superior because you want to use his second forte E to generate energy not just for him, but also for jiyan and verina. But of course, follow what you feel comfortable doing.


I'll look into it. I stopped following Zajeff in genshin related stuff because I learned enough from him that I didn't really need his input anymore. But he was instrumental in my early team building needs. I wasn't aware characters generated energy for the other units. Liberation energy or concerto? I'm probably not swapping around as much as a lot of pc players, but I'm not having liberation energy issues with any of my party. The struggle has been lining up Verina and Mortefis concerto gauges since without Cadenza I find he kind of desynchs and with an r4 Variation, Verina fills up quickly.


Liberation; any skill that generates energy, 50% of that goes to your off-field units. So not using an extra forte E for mortefi is increasing your ER% requirements on Jiyan. But since you're not having issues, then keep it as it is.


Interesting. I've been playing around with both builds. I do still have high ER on my Jiyan, and am working on moving him from aero/er to aero/aero. I definitely figured long term goal would be just this, to move Mortefi to a more damage oriented build. I'm even considering swapping him from the er set to the fusion set since I think his personal damage increase will out pace the 22% atk buff once builds are finalized.


I'd say keep moonlit for longterm until some other set or echo releases because hold heron skill just generates a bunch of energy too. Goodluck on the grind!


Imo, Cadenza is the superior weapon for him if you’re using him as a role player for Jiyan teams. Atleast that’s what I do.


That's what I am feeling too. The shorter rotations line up better with Verina as she's on Variation, and shorter concerto rotations lead to more Jiyna field time to fill the resolve meter and generate energy, and less downtime over all.


Why do people insist on such high ER requirements for Verina? There isn't any reason she actually needs to ult every rotation, right? You can proc the healing set bonus and her forte circuit passive very easily without needing to ult, so what am I missing?


her ult builds concerto meter for getting her outro faster. teamwide all damage deepen is a pretty big bonus.


How much Asterite does 100% exploration give on it's own?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TSiqdVgKke85ZzDWx306QU3pwOZ1Pj43hJ_YhEA0iDs/edit#gid=1753032211 Here's a spreadsheet with all the numbers. Honestly not as much as I thought it would be!


https://preview.redd.it/xd97cdgurd8d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1573886ffeea53abdb28a85eb62f3670ca4d5470 Why doesn’t Tempest show in my world? I’m Union Level 42 and I’m done with every quest, but it never ever showed up in its arena. Up to now, I’ve only been able to farm it in my friends’ worlds..


reinstall but when it fails, contact support ig


What Is the limit of how many days I can stack Lunite Subscribtion?


90 days.


Somebody can help me, i need to unlink an google account and don't know how.


You can't unlink the account due to Kuro taking extra measures for account re-rolling/selling


I got hacked and somebody linked the account to google...


What will some Jihnsi good teams be? I was thinking something like Mortefi/Sanhua as sub dps and Jianxin/baizhi as support. I was thinking of these teams for TOA.


I didn't get to play Jiyan's Companion Quest, is it lost forever for me despite me owning him?


The timer was just for the notification about his story quest.


No it’s permanent content.


Im a bit upset there is still no release date or any updates regarding the PS5 version. Can we get some updates regarding that? I refuse to play the mobile version because its awful with the touch controls. Probably drop the game if PS5 version isnt coming any time soon


Nothing yet. So I use a controller overlay touch mapper. It let's me more or less have controller support. It just can't map menus well or like, multiple dialogue options.


I know ping doesn't really matter since this is primarily a single player experience with co-op capability and everything is run client side, but why is the ping so sporadic? I had gone to 500 ping back down to 75 to 200. At launch I had this then it went away and now the issue is back. If I were to join my friends world, this would be a nightmare of an experience...


Can someone just explain what Startling Bow is on Hologram Difficulties IV & onwards? I’m not quite understanding what it actually means


Hi guys question I don't have much to pull after pulling for yinlin, I keep hearing that her sig weapon is insanely good. Which one is a better value, spend what I have for Yinlin sig. Weapon or better use it for upcoming character (Jinsi, changli, etc), any advice is greatly appreciated. I only use Calcharro / Yinlin / Verona with occasionally Jiangxi so far, any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks!


It's great on her, but she's a subdps. Getting a main DPS their signature is generally more impactful. So just save for someone like that so you can get both them and their sig even in the worst case.


So, how do you properly farm shell credits? Aside from running the dungeon. I am under 100k now and soon UL50, and I am really scared about how much credits I will need to progress my characters (and weapons). I have a feeling like we don't get enough credits in this game, and sol6 credits dungeon gives only 80k.


I don't know if anyone had come with a free cost way to farm a meaningful amount of shell credits, i.e. something that doesn't cost some other currency like tickets or waveplates. Like farming ingredients or ore. I would recommend trying to resist the impulse of buying from a permanent store immediately but from need for whatever is your present progression goal. Like presently the hologram or souvenir stores. Having a reserve is helpful for when you might have a waveplate disruption, like now with the mandatory 180 stamina spend per day event. You absolutely have to max the event, it effectively doubles your waveplate value and speeds up the world level progression, but reduces flexibility as you have less waveplates to spend on everything else. I hit 8k myself in the early 40s, and gobbled some food to clear a few holograms to keep up echo progression even with the bad balancing with echos. I didn't even spend my store credit earned, just the clear rewards, and haven't went down to those levels since. Another source of shell that's easy to miss is the alloy event as if you skip the intro buffs you might not clear the rewards. They should have emphasizes that stronger. I totally missed it during my first event run as I didn't realize it was a gimmick event to teach intro/outro rather than a pure challenge event. But if you are nearing 50 already and asking farming questions, you might have cleared all that is within your level of progression and are done with exploration. So, I guess suck it up and exchange waveplates for shell (they wouldn't have the option if we weren't required to do it sometimes), or just hoard some resources and wait until 1.1 as there is a very good chance they mail us more shell because of the echo mess up.


> But if you are nearing 50 already and asking farming questions, you might have cleared all that is within your level of progression and are done with exploration Pretty much. My characters are almost set (the main 3-4 are) for the current level, but getting all the credits and some other mats will be a huge pain. I have no problems exchanging waveplates for credits outside of the x2 events, but it does fill bitter, considering the other ... similar games make you swim in cash if you don't spend it. You are lucky to get a few K a day here.


Genshin was pretty tight with the mora, until they put in resin free money generators like the city quests and the teapot to smooth things out. I haven't hit your levels so I still have waveplate free options to generate some shells in a crunch, but glad to hear that my other currency emergency fund might get tapped during the final days before 1.1. I would just bank some resources until the echo waveplate issue is fully resolved and we see if we get another instant cash infusion. That should happen in the first days of 1.1, if it is going to happen. But yeah, they don't develop stuff unless they instead for us to use it someday. I think they want us to spend waveplates for shells even though it feels bad.


Dungeon will probably be the best way for the foreseeable future tbh


Why does Yinlin solitary path has cooldown? Isn't the quest not permanent?


That's just a countdown to when it stops appearing on the event page


Tick tock!


What's the meta build for Verina? I see people just put 0 lvl Echoes healing set on her and thats it. What if we actually leveled up her skills and Echoes tho , should we aim for Atk %? I'm not sure if we need alot of healing , so far at low lvl seems like not an issue.


She wants a lot of ER, so get a pair of ER 3 cost echoes and level them a bit. It might be worth fishing for some ER substat on her cost 1 echoes too, rerolling until level 5 or 10 should not cost too much resource.


Guess they are PC players. Mobile get hit more so need heals. As you can tell from the talent tree, her heals and attacks all scale off of atk. Gamewith.net seems to have simple to follow echo builds and skill prioritization, and if you want something more authoritative but a bit less streamlined pyr linked at the top is pretty great.


Skills yes, echoes no. The healing set gives a buff to your team once you heal. She also has a few fortes which are worth investing into since they also give useful buffs. Her damage is not a priority, maybe later on when you will need every single damage point that you can do, but until then it's fine without (much) leveled echoes. Level 10 is cheap and useful. When you are in need of heavy healing, you are doing something wrong, so investing a lot into your healer without having everyone else set is kinda a waste.


I didnt know the free 5* picker expires this soon.. I thought it said expires in 300 days or something?? I didn’t get to pick yet!! Is there anyway to get it back or something? The free picker banner in the convene page isnt there waaaa…




the free 5* unit picker we were given?


Is there going to be a livestream for 1.1?


Is Skip button (to skip all in-game cutscene or similar feature) implemented?


Skip button was there from the beginning. Most stuff are skippable though some are not. They said they will add skip option for more quests soon


When will be the next drip marketing?


Which 4 star or 3 star Echo is good for Sanhua support? Supporting Encore Also for Dps Sanhua , is Lampylumen good ?


Heron is the best active Echo for Sanhua. If you really wanna focus on her DPS, I guess you'd not use Heron. But Lampy is kind of a bad Echo so depends on you.


Do I have to finish attack with the Heron or can I just tap it and switch imidiatelly before it lands?


You can swap cancel it indeed. If you do the hold version and swap cancel correctly it will auto-target with the fire and it will give a ton of energy, more than the tap (assuming you land enough hits)


It needs to hit. The thing is idk if animation cancelling it is sufficient. I've swapped and it's continued it's plunge and made contact. But idk how to check if the buff is active when you swap cancel.


Will first time buy bonus for premium currency reset with version 1.1 ?


Very doubtful.  If they copy Genshin on this, which is highly likely, it will be reset once a major version release (eg 2.0, 3.0, etc)


What are the best two teams I can build? I have everyone except for Encore. Verina, Aalto, Sanhua, baizhi = r1 Mortefi = r2 Yuanwu = r4 Danjin, Chixia = r5 Everyone else is r0


Jiyan Mortefi Verina/Baizhi Calcharo Yinlin Jianxin/Verina/Baizhi HRover Sanhua/Danjin Verina/Baizhi


easy. jiyan, mortefi, verina and calcharo,yinlin,jianxin. arguably the two best teams in the game rn. third one might be havoc rover x danjin and any suitable buffer/healer for the last slot


Is it better to just give up on yinlin in lieu of the future units? I have calcharo as my main dps rn and I'm thinking of alternatives jic yinlin doesnt come home, I have 55 pulls in and im guaranteed so I want to weigh out my options.


I would say as a f2p you should focus on collecting standard banner aharacters/weapons and event banner char/weap are like a very special thing that you get 1/2 a year


I don't think we can know the answer right now. Yin makes cal better and I would guess most got and invested in cal for 1.0, but cal-yin teams are going to be less valuable for 1.1 as the limited are spectro and fusion. The content like TOA tends to favor the banners being run. It's kind of late in 1.0 so I would lean towards hoarding for 1.1 as probably at least one of the two main DPS will be on the same level of strong, if not stronger than jiyan for main dps. It's a fun feeling to have your new limited character be content buffed, even though it's a temporary thing. Over the long run it doesn't matter. Banners rerun, so you'll have more chances to get what you want, with a lot more reliable information to sort between value purchases and esthetics purchases according to your requirements.


Good point, I already have Jiyan and Havoc rover so, it just irks me that I don't get Yinlin for my Calcharo team because they compliment each other so well design wise too (personally anyway)


As a yinlin haver I am happy with getting her for 1.0. ask me again in 1.1 with less pulls if I feel the same, especially if one of the two is tier SSS to jiyan's SS rank. She definitely feels sub DPS. There is something special about having the shiny main dps at the beginning of things, however fleeting the moment of supremacy.


I am building a Baizhi, and I was thinking. When a chracter gets her passive buff, will that character still retain the buff if i switch to another character. Basically, i am asking if I can double buff a character.


# Do Chinese or Japanese voiceovers sound better? In the meantime (Kuro is hiring a new VO director/directors), I'm not using the English voiceovers yet. So which language should I choose, Japanese or Chinese? Which sounds better? I'm a weeb, yet I'm completely willing to enjoy the game in its original language if the Chinese voiceovers are objectively superior.


I tried Chinese after using Japanese for a week and it was too late, the damage was done now everyone sounded too strange.  So if you're anything like me you'll just imprint on whichever you choose first. Japanese VA is good though.  Scar is a little cringe but besides him everyone sounded good to me.


I love both Chinese and Japanese dabing, so I guess it's up to you which language do you like more




I think it resets as a whole, with all achievements etc


Anyone wants to do the hidden achievement Starry Hearts together? Pls PM me.


is anyone experiencing this???? so when im farming for the double drop event and try to claim it. it says "Gameplay Error" and don't get the double drop while saying 2/3. anyone else or its just me?


Just claim again and it works


i just did 3 times and still didnt work l, next time ill wait before claiming. thanks for all the helpful replies ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


I get this error when i collect the rewards too quickly after completing the tacet field, wait one second and try again and you should be able to get the rewards


i also get the gameplay error text constantly but i think i still get the double drop. i'll have to check tomorrow.


After finishing the story, quests and clearing the map exploration. What should I prioritize on building characters? Should I prioritize permanent upgrades like level and skill/passive upgrades? Or should I grind echoes and tacet fields?


First thing is always do whatever is event doubled. Right now that is echos. It doubles both the resources and the world progression. Also, we know that echos's shell credit upgrades are being rebalanced. So if you want to be super optimum you may want to wait until 1.1. that's unfun to me so I am just hoping for another 1 million from the devs hitting my inbox. I'd balance waveplate prioritization among all of the above. Echo grinding is it's own thing. It doesn't cost waveplates so do as much as you enjoy. I do some when I feel the itch to just beat up on mobs, but don't push myself as RNG can be irritating, and really depressing when it's just the set and mainstat rolls and you realize how many waveplates gated rolls you have to go. But having more free rolls is better and helps resist the temptation to keep rolling if you first roll HP/def.


permanent upgrades first then worry about echos


[https://imgur.com/a/SXZqCwi](https://imgur.com/a/SXZqCwi) I got this decent 1-cost echo pictured 1st on the left. I run Calcharo on the 2nd and 3rd echoes, and Yinlin on the final two. Which echo would you replace for the 1st one? My Calcharo is on 54.7/224.0 crit stats while my Yinlin is on 66.5/224.0, if that info helps. TYIA!


# Just what is the drop rate of healing bonus for rejuvenating bell borne? https://preview.redd.it/7fdgy563fc8d1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f41f47752c461dd6092f00d8d0fd1917e1ca5f4


There are 6 main stats for 4-costs (HP, def, atk, Cdmg, Crate, HB) and 2 possible sonatas for Turtle, so the chance should be 1/12. But it's possible that the drop rate for Rejuv Turtle with HB is intentionally scuffed lol. Assuming you are using Verina, just slap an attack turtle on her and it should be good enough lol. Getting a healing bonus turtle is such a miniscule buff to your team it's not worth grinding for it. That's what I did, until I randomly found a free Healing bonus Turtle in the battle pass lol.


I got mine on probably my third roll. My turtle was so kind on dying that he gifted me a crit moonlight roll on a weekly visit just in case I ever fancied trading some damage/er for a comfy shield in the future and then sent me on my way to return only when I needed more weekly mats. On the other hand, for the lighting guy I got 5 CD and no CR for cal, along with the useless rolls. This fracking guy doesn't realize that cal wants Cr the most because CD is built in his friggin kit! Worse yet, the CD are unrecycleable because it's certain that someday a future lightning character will want CD because he has CR built into his kit and all I got is CR weapons. RNG going to RNG. As they say in basketball, just keep shooting. Or just go work on another set if you're at complain to reddit levels. It's not like healing is really the difference between a clear or not.


if this is for verina, then atk% also works. Took me a long time to get a healing bonus% one as well and I was using atk as placeholder


Thanks for the tip bro, i don't have atk as you see, but if get it first i will swap to it.


not sure who to invest in to pair with havoc rover. either s1 sanhua or e2 danjin. i'm not leveling another sword yet because i'm waiting for the selector to pick the 5* sword so having a really hard time deciding since resources are so scarce


Can’t decide whether to go for Jinhsi or Changli. My main two teams rn are Jiyan Mortefi Verina and Calcharo Yinlin Jianxin. I have S6 Taoqi Danjin and Sanhua who I haven’t leveled Not sure what the projected good teams for each are


Why not the two


What did you choose in genshin ayaka or yae miko ?


Yae because she had off field damage potential


Then you’ll want Changli for Encore. She’s the Yinlin to Calcharo. The Yae to Raiden.


Thank youuuuuu


i kinda don't get the initial plot. genshin initials plot were something something lost sibling, what about wuwa? strange thing attacking the world?


With as little spoilers as possible: >!Memory loss. Rover lore hunt. Prevent apocalypse from happening again. Prevent apocalypse from worsening!<


Does anyone know what determines which echos are given as choices in Illusive Realm? It seems that Bell is only available sometimes, just trying to figure out if it's random. pre-set by the level rank (I, II, etc) or tied to the resonator you go in with. In particular I was trying to get Bell for tier V, but so far I haven't gotten it as an option.


Bell, Rider, Crownless. It's random, retry until you get whichever one you want. I think Rider is the most damage if you want to cheese it.


Aha, you're right, I had just been unlucky. I did get Bell eventually, took like 20 times loading it and resetting though, RNG is the worst. In case anyone else is struggling, I cleared it fairly comfortably with Jiyan (level 60) and Bell, Sanhua, and Yuanwu. With Rider, I could get to the final boss np, but I suck so I need a lot of healing. The level 4 buff Bell gives you combined with the upgrades that trigger shields makes you practically immortal.


Are substats like basic attack dmg bonus, heavy attack dmg bonus good?


They are the "at least I didn't get DEF/HP" kind of stat.


For characters with split damage profile, like 30% from BA, 30% from Skill, 30% from Liberation, then Atk% and even Flat Atk are better, eg. Havoc Rover. For characters like Jiyan where it's 70% Heavy Attacks, then Heavy dmg bonus is better. But then again Jiyan with signature you get quite a bit of heavy dmg from there and Atk can still be better, even as a main stat for your 3 cost.


Is Sanhua forte circuit her heavy attack?


Yes. Her forte is the upgraded heavy attack


Is sol3 phase 6 really at 50? It seems very far away I assumed it'd be at 45


Sol3 phase increase every 10 levels. Next patch continues the main quest so more union lvl exp.




Why is this closed


Locked behind a quest. Dont really remember but could be the main story


Thanks I noticed the main quest was near so I completed it


Can I complete my data bank levels with 2 missing 3 star echo variants? My data bank lvl is 15 and I can't get a 3 star drops anymore


Getting a higher level echo should give you credit for the lower tier ones as well


Thanks a lot mate


Does base level give a damage multiplier relative to enemy level? I’m trying to decide if going 60/70 to 70/70 matters as much as just leveling up their skills/ult etc


It changes base atk, which is pretty significant, and also enters the defense formula.


how do you balance crit rate and damage. is the ideal 4 cost echo (for dps) one that has both stats? i haven't gotten any echoes with both rate and damage so i'm wondering if that's what i should be aiming for eventually.


Yes, largely from substats. Not necessarily from the 4 cost, and not only the 4 cost either, you'll want a lot of crit in other pieces too. For now don't bother, just try for 50% Crit Rate.


The ideal 4 cost echo should have a crit rain main stat and a crit rate/crit damage roll. Both if possible.


How do I eat food during combat? Where can I "slot" it? How do I activate it? Is there healing food that scales to lategame?


Esc > utilities > pick a food buff you want on hot key > tab to access


Nop. Doesn't work. Only utilities there, no food, no buff. But I have food in my inventory.


Look at the top right of your utilities menu, there another tab there for quest items and food/potions.


I've reached union level 45 and i've got the golden weapon to choose. My main team is havoc-rover/yinlin/verina and my secondary team is encore/sanhua/baizhi. Considering I'm F2P, and that I've got rover's second best weapon but pretty shitty ones for yinlin/encore/sanhua, should I still get rover's golden weapon and pass the Commando of Conviction to sanhua, or should I get it for yinlin/encore? If so, which one should get it? The weapons that the 3 have are: - Yinlin: The crafted 4* - Encore: Rectifier of Night (the 3* with the intro skill atk boost) - Sanhua: The crafted 4* EDIT: On the tower I'm at 12/30, so the encore team is decent enough to act as a secondary team already


You can share weapon and different between 5* and 4* is just big because of the raw stat alone. MC current BiS weapon is 5* standard sword, its good choice as it had crit rate main stat, also buff atk% stat, its universal and age well. As for yinlin and encore, their BiS is actually yinlin sig, yinlin sig unlike another premium weapon, its very universal since its buff atk%, and it have crit main stat too any atk scaling dps can use it. If you pick 5* standard rectifier, it big increase than your 4* weapon but also very lacking compared yinlin sig especially yinlin since she cant properly use the buff. So for future investment i do consider sword more