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Among the male characters he and Scar are definitely the ones I'm going to pull, whenever his banner drops.


Which other ones even are there lol


There is the other scientist guy, the one standing next to Mortefi in the trailer, I forgot his name. Not sure if he will be 4 or 5 star. Edit: Not confirmed yet, but he’s believed to be Xiangli Bao, a researcher mentioned by Mortefi and some other charas


It’s 4am and I’m hungry. I’ve read that as XialongBao


He looks a bit like Lee from PGR


Yeah not many lol. But the other one I can think of is the military trainer in Jinzhou.


Yhan is just a fancy designed NPC. Compare him to literally any other character and you can see the difference in design concepts. Playable characters have much more flair


I’m ngl I saw Yhan in some character lineup pics and spent my first week thinking he was an already released 4 star character lmaooo But yeah, in addition to lacking the same level of flair as other characters, him having no visible resonator mark is also a big npc indicator


His resonator mark is on his hair


That's a fair point. Though tbf WuWa's NPC's are designed quite well. I'm still hoping he's a resonator and can become a possible future 4 star character lol.


Xiangli Yao, you have one shot of him in one of the cutscenes. He's the guy Mortefi calls for help in Act 2 and also during the Flame Rider zone world quest iirc.


I always tought that Geshu was Scar, idk why. The resonator mark in both of their necks i think


WAIT A MINUUUUTE. You are onto something!


I just found out someone posted about it [This is the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d1y4zr/theory_about_genshu_lin_and_scar_spoilers_for/)


This post needs more traction s2g


No, he isn't. Different voice actors. Different abilities. Different eyes.


I'm also pretty sure that Monster form Scar also does an attack with a big darkness blade, which is what the General is said to use.


I recall seeing this come up in discussions a few times. Would be an interesting twist if it ever happens.


I am saving all my pulls for only husbando characters. Geshu Lin is A tier in my mind....


Dam geshu is like SS+ to me, but I love neutral colors and shit and his aesthetic is perfect for me. Just hope his kit is fun as hell.


If scar combos are anything like his boss version it would be insane, The spin drop kick was cool af


Is it confirmed that Scar will be released? Isn't he a villain which means his banner won't be dropped?


Not confirmed but since there's a lack of playable male characters so far and these two are the prominent ones besides the others, I'm hoping they will be available in future banners. After all they allow us to get Echos of very prominent TD's that are enemies to us so why not the Resonators too.


I wonder how the soldiers feel about us turning into the monsters that killed their buddies..


We don’t really know if he’s technically a “villain” yet or just morally grey. I hope they release him tbh


Other gachas absolutely release villains. I don't know about Genshin, but others, definitely.


Scar is among similar lines of Raiden, Tartaglia, Wanderer (I know, I know), Arlecchino, etc. Without spoilers too much is not that they are villains or have gray areas but their dynamics/ perspectives/ personal situations.


scar is more like roland from PGR tbh (another gacha game from kuro games). he's an early game villain that will most likely be fleshed out throughout the story and by the time he becomes playable he'll thread the lines of morally grey but he won't be exactly redeemed either. it depends on what they plan to do with his character tbh but considering that he's extremely similar to PGR's roland then there's a chance he'll be playable but maybe not so soon. a lot of early game villains from PGR eventually became playable so i hope they do the same with wuwa.


given that he's an early "villain" in the story and this is a game by kuro, the chances of him becoming playable in the future are very high. a lot of early-game villains in PGR (another gacha game from kuro games) eventually became playable after being more fleshed out. scar is heavily inspired by roland from PGR and he too was an early game villain that you fought but he eventually became playable and he's extremely beloved in the PGR community, if they follow a similar route with scar as they did with roland then he will eventually become playable, especially considering how he's already extremely popular amongst the fandom. that said, it might take some time for him to become playable depending on what they plan to do with his character in the story.




Well he did have fire theme going....


Black smog


Let's just hope Geshu Lin isn't the Dainsleif of WuWa. His design is so nice. I really wanna get him when he eventually comes out.


Geshu Lin did nothing wrong.


Bro soloed a literal god and the people of the city he saved rewrote history to give all the credit for the victory to a guy who peaced out halfway through the battle


I will not accept Jiyan slander, bro saved people because he was originally a medic. He acted in character, while Geshu Lin was a general from the get go


Yeah I feel like their arc will culminate with Jiyan just expressing that he just wished he could have saved Geshu too, and the guilt he felt over that and taking on the role of General afterwards maybe?


I have a crack theory that, he managed to splinter the Threnodians power, but Fracsidus must’ve found his weakend body and morphed him with a fragment of the Threnodian. He’d still be sane enough, but he’d be essentially a living, breathing vault to safeguard the Threnodian and keep it alive.


Actually you just gave me an idea about the Scar/Geshu theories - what if Scar was like a clone or fractured part of Geshu that the Fracsidus did something with. It would explain the similarities, but also the stark contrast in personalitys and stuff. Then I could see both being playable, Geshu being havoc, and Scar being fusion - together representing the "black flames"


I posted my full crack theory on GeshuLin mains, but given their personalities (and Scar not having a scar across his mouth) no idea. I hope not because I want both playable, but Scar being a fragment of GeshuLin could be possible.


Didn't Jiyan got selected as General by Jue?


Yeah, I didnt mean he forcefully took the role or anything, but surely he feels some way about how people remembered Geshu


For all we know he might take several years to release (like how I waited crazy long for Scara in GI after his first appearance in 1.2), so I won't be holding my breath for now. So I'm not saving purely for him. That said, i will be skipping 1.1, so if Scar or Geshu Lin happens to be released somewhere in 1.2+ I'll be ready. If another cool character comes before them though I might use some pulls for that. Right now I've still got the 40 limited wishes unused and 18k+ asterites saved up. So I'm curious to see how much I can save before a character that catches my interest comes along.


>For all we know he might take several years to release No... Don't say that. Don't dash my hopes like this! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


It's possible another character could come out that interests me, but it'd be really hard to top Geshu Lin in my books, so I don't mind waiting since I'm not really interested in pulling for anyone else anyway. I can either wait until another interesting character comes out or wait for Geshu Lin. Wuwa seems to be pretty good at listening to their player base, so hopefully, it won't be that long!


If you're really planning to S6 him (and possibly R5 his signature weapon too) as F2P, you may well have to save up the entire time until he comes out. Well, unless you plan to whale a bit on his release, especially if it happens sooner than expected. In any case, good luck! I hope you accomplish your goal.


Yes. After seeing him even Scar lost bit his appeal but I am saving for both. Or any male character really xD 1.1 is a skip for me. I lost 50/50 on Yinlin's banner so I decided to just save that guaranteed for the next hot dude.


Hey, im kinda new to this game. How do you know all the future characters? Is there an older game or an anime or manga? Thanks for the response.


The mark on his throat basically mean "playable"


Spoiler: what about him being dead? It's possible Jiyan was hallucinating him, but isn't it canonical that the only way an echo appears as someone else is if that person been eaten by an echo


His whole moment in the story was hallucinated, was nothing to do with him showing up as an echo or the like. Was (maybe) a mix of ptsd and the effect from the rain.


The rain plays with your mind, so the basis for the illusion with Jiyans memories and his perception from said memories.


Oh right, forgot that detail. 


Also I just think they wouldnt have given him as much detail, especially including his signature weapon in the animations - like not just the giant fat sword version, but when it reverts to like a katana look. Its definitely going to be a broadblade katana that transforms in his animations similar to how Jiyan has a broadblade and also the lance.


also he isnt dead he disappeared


don't worry, selena is dead on pgr but she's playable and there's a bunch of future characters about to die on pgr but they're still playable


basic economic factors. a studio (usually) doesn't spend money on designing a stand-out character compared to the average NPC, so it's often a good bet that character will be available later, especially when teased early enough to increase anticipation. but not always, like a certain italian named character getting nuked in genshin >!before the inevitable ressurection-arc to really drain the waifu-collector wallets xD (cope)!<


Adding to what other poster said, Geshu Lin also has a unique character model, which Kuro 100% wouldn't make for an NPC who only appears a few times during the story.


Well, a lot of characters have been teased, and there's a lot of lists that will show all the current characters and upcoming ones. Geshu Lin hasn't been canonically confirmed by Kuro yet, but he's teased in the story, and there's some speculations and leaks regarding when he'll come out. I personally think he'll be playable due to all the evidence we have for him. It's just a matter of when! A wuwa Anime would be so cool, or a Manga, omg Geshu Lin would go so hard in either.


He has the resonator black mark on his neck, which all current playable characters have somewhere on their body. On top of that, he has a solid character design that makes it seem like he will be reappearing again at some point and is not just a random npc. Past that, there's not much else, it's mostly speculation.


Yes, hello! Playable scar and Genshu Lin waiter here! (Please kuro please!!) I'm saving everything, after I got both Jiyan and Calcharo, these are my highest priority. Nothing else matters!


Me, i'm saving for the homies in general tho. No care for waifus in this account.


One of the biggest appeals about Wuwa to me is that the male designs are well thought out. They're appealing and relatable for both audiences, and that's really cool imo <3 The world needs more husbandos, guys are cool, we love men out here :)


The thing is, the fanservice coming from male characters is very subtle compared to some female characters. I wish they tried to appeal more to female players (and gays)too. Now they are taking very safe route with males and it kinda sucks. After seeing that scene with Camellya I was like, pls I want scenes like these with male characters too :(


The ending of Jiyan quest


Compared to some other gatcha games where even the male characters look like female....


Me too, is there a WuWa husbandos sub yet? I live in the honkai one


Man I wish because I'm a huge simp for Jiyan and Calcharo


yes, r/WuWaHusbandos


Kuro makes good male characters


I’m definitely saving for him and his sig at least. Really love his design, lore and mannerisms.


Absolutely. Him and Jiyan are exactly the main two archetypes I go for. I'm insanely hyped for Geshu. (They feel like better executions of Xiao and Cyno if that makes sense). Now I just need an Albedo type spectro mage (maybe the Xiang Yao pistol guy will be like that?


theyre not here on reddit for sure, at least in my side of the internet bc majority of them are on twt


This is actually very much true lol, Tumblr too apparently. It's pretty funny how few Geshu Lin fans there are on reddit.


hi. I'm that guy. I'm a Geshulin fan. I have more hopes of getting Xiangli Yao (Mortefi's...friend) than Geshulin this early on it seems. My waifu-only buddies are already chafing w/ their pulls and don't really mind a skippable male in the next patch. Meanwhile I'll never be able to afford sig weps cos I like everyone equally :')


reddit is a male dominated platform so it's obv going to be skewed compared to the community of twitter


I just hope WuWa continues releasing husbandos frequently enough to be in a somewhat balanced ratio with the waifus. Waifu lovers get to skip on husbando banners, husbando lovers get to skip on waifu banners. Win-win for audience appeasement and savings. Lowkey hoping Geshu Lin's "disappearance" isn't a death so he can be playable.


I can fix him


his weapon is really cool remember the mc main weapon of doupo cangqiong


Honestly, I respect the people saving for Geshu Lin. ... Mostly due to me saving for a character who's only been name dropped and seen in one trailer for a split second. Hoping he makes an appearance in 1.1 so I'm no longer grasping at straws between "I think this character model is the character an npc and a few of our playable characters have mentioned in voicelines. And yknow. The one Mortefi purring scene.


I don’t think he is Scar, but I do know that I want to squish his cheeks and call him baby. The girls and gays deserve him. We deserve all the pretty men.


I’m saving for male characters so probably most of my stuff will be unused for awhile until a male character pops up again so if Geshu Lin appears, he’ll have a bunch of pulls ☺️


I only pull for the men. Got Jiyan so saving for whatever hot guy is next.


Wasn't he dead?


Have same question, I thought it was implied that he lost in last war\\breakout, and Jiyan was hallucinating him in last chapters


1. Geshu Lin in this scene is a hallucination from Jiyan's subconscious, or a manifestation of it, caused by the Retroact Rain. 2. Geshu Lin's fate is unknown. He charged Ovathrax after ordering the Midnight Rangers to hold the line at all costs instead of retreating. No one knows what happened to him after that, which is basically just a cliffhanger way to say "he's coming back and going to be playable"


If you ask Jiyan if you might be a phantom when you first meet him, he tells you that for someone to be appear as a phantom in the rain, the two conditions is for the person to have been exposed to the rain before and have a deep connection to the area, so it doesn’t necessarily mean the person is dead. However, Geshu seems presumed dead in-game in a “he went missing but body never found” way.


Likely, he still has a chance at being playable if they pull a plot twist and say he's been fighting for 3+? years. I have a 7 year long gacha history of liking characters like this that never get made playable. In my opinion the tragic truth is that there a 90%+ chance based on being implied to be dead and only involved in one part of the story that he will not be playable. If the community keeps him popular and keeps asking the devs about him then he has higher odds. If we see him involved in future story updates then the chances improve too.


Me, I'm saving for him and his weapon




I want Scar. If he's coming with or soon after (before is worse) Scar, I will cry.


Ngl he reminds me of Toji from jjk


And Toji is the coolest char there


He does swing around a giant great sword like cloud in ff7. He seems like a very fun char.


Me, i have 150 pull and 80 weapon pulls


I have 7k saved just for him, skipping Jinshi and Chingli no regret. Female characters are fine but i dont feel any of them is actually nearly as cool as Geshu Lin with his big greatsword.


If he releases ever INSTA COP. Dude reminds me of if Hollow Ichigo and a Demon slayer character had a baby lol. his design is so good.


I’m probably gonna get him too. He’s one of the few characters I literally went “I WANT THEMM” out loud when I saw them.


1, I hope he is not dead. 2, Did dead characters became playable in Punishing: Gray Raven?




I actually am looking forward for him!! I honestly hope he is playable.  I do hope he didn’t age tho when they release him. I prefer him that way.  I’ll c6 him too if no characters interest me while waiting for him. 


Definitely saving for him. I WANT ALL THE MEN IN THIS GAME


He's pretty neat, I like how him and Jiyan are basically polar opposites. Unfortunately, my waifu addiction means there likely won't be funds for him.


I love Jiyan as well! My top wuwa characters go in order of Geshu Lin, Jiyan, and then Scar. It's alright if you want to collect waifus instead. Nothing wrong with that :) I just love my husbandos!


I actually really like Jiyan but I just wanted to avoid another Seele situation where they get power crept extremely fast (obviously Seele is still good but it only took like 6 months before she was easily replaced). If anything, the Husbando I'm most likely to pull is Scar, even if he lost his zipper. All my favorite scenes during the 1.0 storyline included him!


Ahhh, not the zipper xD We mourn this tragic loss. Happy cake day, by the way! May your pulls be wuthering and your waves be plenty!


Appreciate it. Good luck with your pulls as well! And always remember, it's not the zipper that makes the man, but the man that makes the zipper... or something, I don't know what I'm saying anymore. RIP Scar's zipper, you will be remembered.


I will wait years for him, pulled for jiyan and now saving the rest to whenever he comes out (will be absolutely devastated if he doesnt become playable)


The profile picture checks out :) No worries, friend! I really do believe he'll become playable. There's a lot of connect the dots I've found with him. Plus, he's too cool not to be released. We ended up doing the exact same thing! I pulled for Jiyan so I can have them both on the same team together when Geshu Lin comes out. Now I'm just waiting. Always happy to see another fan <3




He's defo at the top of my saving list, scar probably being second but i don't like him as much so far, and waiting for any other male or female chars that looks cool enough to me


27k asterites + 40 limited + 11 weapon limited Hoarding for either him or camellya 100%


yes Jinhsi and HIM :D


I'm impulse spending (free currency) to get more 4 star dupes for a bit but once I'm done with that, for sure saving for hot murder general lol.  Him and scar are Def high up there for me in terms of wanted units.


I already have s6 yuanwu




Genshu Lin and Scar, that's why i'm wondering when they'll drip market the 1.2 characters... I need to knowwww D:


Not me.


After Changli, I am waiting for him and Camellya. Nobody else gets pulled. I was under the impression he would be an electro character though so I'm curious about why / how havoc comes to mind. Not that I care, or that any information we might have is reliable.


Is this guy not scar? They have the mark in the same spot


And yet they don’t have the same scar on the mouth.


I have 13k astrite ready for him..i am waiting... i am praying...I AM MANIFESTING! (i will skip all the 1.1 ladies..)




When is he releasing


ME AF I dont care how long it takes for him to release that just gives me enough time to farm enough pulls so he can be maxed alongside his weapon.


He’s not gonna be havoc he’s most likely going to be an electric character due to his “black lightening” mentioned in the cinematic


He sure looks dope ngl. I'm going to save for him and Scar, specially Scar.




I'll be pulling for him as f2p.


Im saving for him AND Scar >:)


145 pulls saves


I have a rule that I’ve created for myself— I will give new characters I am mildly interested in 1 10-pull, and save the rest. I did this for Yinlin and got her as #7 on my only 10-pull. This will give me the vague chance of getting a character I’m mildly interested in, all the while letting me build pity so when sexy husbandos arrive, I will be prepared.


I want to know his story more than I want to use him as a character tbh. I want to know what makes him, him


Saving for Scar ✨


Based off his role in the story I doubt we're getting him anytime soon imo, I'd be surprised if we saw him any earlier than 2.0 or something


Will be saving for him for sure


There’s a friend in my friend group that is absolutely shipping him and Jiyan. He whaled hard on Jiyan and is saving for Genshu Lin so he can go ham here.


Yesn't, I'm inadvertently saving for him because I'm skipping the 1.1 characters and as of rn 1.2 has no drip marketing so idk if it'll have anyone worth saving for or not lmao


U guys might be saving for someone that might never be playable 😂😂


Oh yes, because Kuro totally made a (mostly) unique model, weapon included, just for one trailer and a couple of story appearances! I get that you and a few others are trying to be cool hip contrarians, but come on.




This, oh shit this. At this point it’s a meme.




Idk man I don't like how plain his design is. He literally is wearing a black tshirt and black baggy pants lmao He's "Calcharo at home" with that color palette and clothing


Its a crazy good design to me. Like really 10/10


He is more handsome than Calcharo lmao I love his tired eyes xD


His design mixes modern elements (tshirt, pants) with traditional east Asian elements (the prayer beads around his neck, his traditional earrings) along with uniquely stylistic elements (shark tooth necklace, bandages around the arms) If anything, blud has the MOST engaging, least plain design out of anyone we've seen so far. Also keep in mind that "not looking plain" is not necessarily a good thing all the time. Scar looks unique compared to other characters, but at the end of the day he just looks like a Diet Coke advertisement. Geshu Lin is by far the most fashionable character in the game right now in my opinion.






Running 3x sword, 3x rectifier in my two groups right now. I really just want a male 5* fister that isn't a little boy with a kit that I don't care for at all. Still likely pulling for Jinhsi since she is broad blade and will get some dupes for Sanua and Yangyang


I have actually 40 saved for him already and unless he's confirmed in 1.2 then i will throw 1 pity at Changli (ill use Jiyans weapon on Genshu Lin tho since i dont feel like getting more weapons in 1.X in also F2P and broke so ... no choice)


I'm pulling on banners in between now and him for sure but I'll pull for him too.


Pulling what I can for Yinlin before she leaves, then I’ll wait for the end of the other two to decide how good they are/who’s coming up next


I want him too, but Scar is the one I'll C6 R5 (or whatever the equivalent is because I still find it confusing)


S6 (sequence 6) and R5 (rank 5). i think it's like that, at least.


I already got jiyan and his wep, but I'm still going for jinshi because dragons are cool. Idk if i should try my luck on jinshi's weapon tho, because id rather have 5 stars of all weapon types bcuz its possible to borrow equipment in the tower 😭 this guy is broad blade too right? I hope scar uses a gun then 😩


I'm saving up for the year, nothing worse than a character in one of these games comes out you love, you spend everything, plus some money and don't get them Orr you needed like 5 more copies to make them viable


I'm not saving *only* for him, but the chances of me *not* pulling for him are very low. Since the next patch is winter-themed, I'm hoping he's a prominent character. We might get him in 1.2? Maybe?


i reallllyyy want a 5* pistol user but i will go for someone if they seem nice and i got enough for weapon and character :) need someone for my 2nd team not that big of a fan of havoc rover and dijin.


Going off the placement of his, resonance(?) thing on his neck, isn’t scary a resurrected scar? I don’t think the placement is just a coincidence


If his weapon is that huge black sword then I will save for him.


I’m pulling for Jinshi and her weapon IF Geshulin or Scar not coming on next banner. I’m guaranteed next pulls since I lost Yinlin 😎


i’m saving for camellya and him 🫡


I am saving for Genshu Lin and his weapon. But if Chun comes with her original design then I will be satisfied with him without the weapon.


I'm saving for Scar and Camellya. As well as whoever the next 5 star healer is because atm we have a soft cap of 2 good teams and one has to use Baizhi


After getting Yinlin I decided to save any currency to focus mainly on him I want him to be C6 as well and will be pulling for his weapon and getting the wavebands. If I save everything from the beginning shouldn’t be too hard to max him out


I thought the dude was dead


Most people on global probably don't know about him even.


But isnt he dead?


Wait I thought he is dead.. he is not? I should have paid more attention


What about the evil villainess? Those can be fun too. I dunno if I can pull scar. I first heard that VA in code Geass and kinda hated his voice, so while it's tolerable in this game and he's God king of the wuwa eng voice acting bench, I do wonder if I might go back finding his annoying. No shade on Scar's VA, if you need an irritable mainiac he's fantastic and turned in a great performance when conditions were not great based on the other VAs performances. Game needs to up its game on VAs. There are some anime VAs killing it with their voice work on these gatcha games


Me too. But I'm good with S0R1


i am convinced hes calcharo personally


The only thing I’m concerned is what’s his attribute and if I need any one from 1.1 to buff him or need to like boost my dps output




Why are people wanting Changli so bad anyways?


Camellya and her signature is my version of Geshu


Idk about his weapon but him for sure.


I got both jiyan and yinlin as an f2p and i aint spending shit now until geshu lin and his weapon drops!! Skipping both 1.1 and further until he comes!


from the moment i saw him, i already know i will pull him and probably one of the coolest male design I've seen


You guys are saving for Jinhsi and Changli I’m saving for Camellya We are not the same 🗿


Me. I'm skipping 1.1 characters.


After changli, he is my next target


Did he die or disappear? I forgot which.


As long as he is not only a calcharo 2.0


Is he confirmed to playable?


Plot twist. Ice ice baby!




Saving for him and Scar and his sister.


aren't him and scar the same people? I mean it could be just the same designe but they both have their marks on their neck.


Waiting for Scar and Calcharos sig wep. And Jiyan rerun, I started late.