• By -


Are they going to change Jianxin and Lingyang still or did they already do it and I just didn't notice? I remember seeing that about a month ago.


There’s no achievement for activating all the resonance beacons, right? Just the resonance nexus towers? Just want to make sure I’m not losing my mind trying to find the last beacon on the map.


Is there anywhere I can see a summary of wuwa 1.0? the skip bottom was too tempting


Youtube got TONS of story recaps and explanations just search there


I'm just getting into the game but really confused about everything, so many things to keep track of. I don't know what characters are good, or what aspects/attributes would contribute to a character being good, I don't really know what characters combine well and out of my list of like 100 weapons I have no idea what I should be equipping on anyone. My resonator collection so far is: Chixia, Verina, Aalto, Rover (F), Yinlin, Yangyang, Mortefi, Baizhi. My purple weapons are: Comet Flare, Variation, Amity Accord, Advanced Energy Core My blue weapons are: Rectifier of Voyager, Originite Type V, Rectifier of Night, Gauntlets of Voyager, Originite Type IV, Gauntlets of Night, Pistols of Voyager, Originite Type III, Pistols of Night, Guardian Sword, Sword of Voyager, Originite Type II, Sword of Night, Broadblade of Voyager, Originite Type I, Broadblade of Night Would really appreciate tips on what I should be combining and looking out for and why, when I look at all these stats and attributes and abilities on my own it just seems like confusing word salad to me so I really need help here


So https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/ is a pretty decent general resource to use since you're confused about a lot. This will generally help you figure out what weapons are good for what character. As of right now it looks like you're only gonna need 1 team for overworld. Verina will be there for a long time since she's a healer and having a healer for overworld just makes gameplay more comfy. You should probably also use Yinlin since you went to the effort of getting her. Last, it looks like you haven't used your 5 star selector yet so you have your choice of any 5 star for the last slot. I'd recommend against a Verina duplicate though. Or, if you don't want to use it yet because you'd rather save it, Rover is a perfectly good option for the 3rd member of your overworld team. You will eventually need 2 and then 3 teams, but by the time you get there you'll probably know more about the game and if you're still having trouble, you can come back here.


Will i get to Union lvl 40 if i 100% the map? I'm at lvl 39 1010/10000 right now, was wondering if i can get to 40 by doing it. I'm at around 50% on all locations except tiger's maw(26%)


I'd say no but it could be close. But you're better off getting union exp from using waveplates and dailies anyway.


thanks! i guess I'll just do those and wait for the upcoming update


Greetings! I'm now over lvl 32 in pioneers podcast, and I might be able to get it to lvl 40. I was wondering that is it worth it to buy Insider Channel/Connoisseur Channel anymore? I don't know value of stuff too well yet, as I started little over one week ago and this is my first gacha. I'm most likely going to buy it for next season when I have time to finish it.


Not worth it at all, always buy the battle pass at max value, as important as the weapon is, the battle pass value also comes from the tons of recourses it gives specially at higher lvls the last 10 lvls has the same value as the first 20 and then after 50 you get a solid amount of echos


i dont think so my guy. its almost done and a new one will replace it. better wait for the next one considering theres a weekly exp limit you can earn for the bp so theres no way you can hit lvl 70. However, if you dont care, then by all means go ahead.


Yeah.. I was thinking that people buy it (Maybe) mainly for the purple weapon, and as I would be getting atleast that, maybe it would be worth it?


I would say hold off on it unless u can safely say that money means nothing to you. the BP refreshes with the same weapon selection anyway so unless you are pressed and want to do it now, then i would hold off on it. Whats more important is hitting UL 45 for the free 5* weapon or waiting to see if the new weapons in 1.1 are good to pull or not.


Ah.. hmm.. When does the 1.1 come out? I'm long way from 45. Should I hold on to my stuff and wait? I'm honestly feeling little stressed about all the resources and stuff. That is because if I don't lvl up my crappy weapons, I can't kill enemies as the ranks go up, but meanwhile everyone telling me that save your EXP. This is also partly reason why I was drooling after that new weapon from the Podcast xP All weapons I got from discount banner were the worst ones in game + got Lingyang :' ) (Tbh I got one decent blue weapon but accidentally used it to level up weapon worse than that cos I'm a noob.)


1.1 comes out tomorrow or the day after depending where you live. UL 40 is when you generally want to spend all your crystal solvent. I would say, pick a character you want to use as a "main" for the meantime. Generally, games like these make it hard to build multiple teams because the materials are timegated. Early on, its recommended to pick 1 team to build around until you hit a point where you are satisfied with your builds before going to a new team. I suggest focusing on your dps characters first. Prep them for lvl 70 and farm the echoes needed.


Yeah.. I have all of my characters at llvl 40 and I ascended them. Mainly focusing on Rover now who is 50 and the Ice ninja lady (not the healer), cos I probably want to build Encore with her at some point. I have not used the free pick 5 star, because I don't know if I want to pick Encore or the healer from it. Anyways as I understood, leveling to 40 is not too much waste as its quite little xp compared to what I will get, but now I'm trying to focus on 1-2 chars.


yup. its the going to 70 and up thats very costly.


is there any other way to change email without contacting support (basically they are non existent)?


What ER is good enough for Calcharo?


I recieved not one but teo crit rate peices on my healing set ehen I am trying to go for healing % bonus is Crit Rate any good?


Dont wanna scare ya buddy but i got around 103 crit pieces before i got one healing on the healing set 😂😂 this set is a troll be prepared


Not really. You can try something like Hybrid Jianxin but ehh, just use Atk% on her. Basically you're on the look out for Healing bonus, Atk%, and HP mainstats on that set, and ER substats, rest don't matter. It's cursed, you'll get dozens of Healing pieces on your DPS's sets.


Hi all, I'm looking to finish all of the side quests before 1.1. If I am in an area with an unaccepted quest, will it pop on the world map, or do I have to be close to it?


Some do. Some you have to talk to the NPC, though I don't know which of them count as quests and which as just minipuzzles that give rewards similar to a single chest.


no preload for 1.1?




Complete Alone in the Abyss quest


Is Energy/Waveplates going to be a Huge problem when 1.1 comes out? I love the fact that they are giving us free pulls and the next update clearly indicates that they are listening to us. But I can't stop thinking that pretty much everyone will be getting to UL 50 in 1.1 and the energy that we will need to level up/equip new characters/weapons/skills is going to be massive. Are they going to give some energy items or something similar? any event for this? I'm worried that all the content will be gated so much by energy that is going to be painfull to play and select on what spend the little amount of energy we have everyday.


Prefarm and thats nature of gacha : stamina timegate,Resource management you dont build 5-7character at the same time till much much later like 6 months in so you had more room to breathe


In my game the Yinlin banner has 12h remaining. Why is it not going all the way till the next banner comes?


Corparate decision


kinda weird


So if the device requirements are 7.0 or above How is it that i still get 30 fps?


can you stack 2 of the healing set?




What do you mean? Like on two different characters on the same team? It'll just affect their healing individually.


Should i start merging echoes now? Just reached UL 40. & DB 20


Thats what I did the only difference is that I did the merge at DB 15 and got to 17 from the merge alone


you can, if youre looking for a starting set with the right main stats. i merged away all my purples and below because it was easy with the autofill. but im going to wait on merging my bad golds on the hopes they can improve the interface for that. DB21 has 100% gold rates, so there's a small payoff to waiting.


Is Sanhua bugged? She doesn't unsheathe her sword, it looks bad.


Does Yinlin S4 give a bigger damage boost than Verinas outro?


No, Verina's outro is a final multiplier while the attack buff from that sequence is just an additive 20% attack among every other attack bonus that you get.


Verona gives more damage overall?


What's better for stats: Type DMG Bonus or ATK%? What's the difference?


Atk% > high rolls of flat Atk >= Type dmg%. Type dmg% is good only when most of your damage is from one type, Like Jiyan with Heavy, and sometimes Yinlin's skill or Calcharo liberation. For evenly split damage profiles like Havoc Rover, Atk% is significantly better.


ATK% is a direct multiplier to your base attack, while Type DMG bonus is a separate multiplier that is applied after base damage (with crit) is calculated. As for what is better, it depends on how much you have of each. Some characters get DMG bonus buffs in their kits, some ATK% ones. Generally speaking, DMG bonus is a bit better, AFAIK, but if you want to know what's best for your characters, that's usually tested on a case-by-case basis. It shouldn't be difficult to find which is better for your specific case if you Google it.


do character story quests expire with the banner?


They do not. We thought that they might for a little while cause there was a timer for them on the events page, and it might be just that the events page is tied with the banner timer, but the quests themselves aren't timed, and functionally you can still play them.


oh great. thank you. i didn't dare to try even though i've been wondering lol


I have a question about logging onto PC with a mobile account. I am about to finish building my PC and am I able to log into the game with my mobile account that I created with my icloud? Or do I need to create a kurogames account and merge/link accounts? Or am I not able to log into my mobile account at all?


I also use 3rd party account (in my case google), there should be no problem, if it is available on your phone it should also be available in pc


Hi, rovers! I got Yinlin yesterday and her outro skill seems very important. But now I have a new confusion. Do I need to **perform an intro skill** with my next character to trigger **outro skill**? or does it trigger every time I switch to that character? example to make things easier to understand: Let's say my Yinlin is on field and I switch to my Calcharo BUT he does not do his intro skill. Do I trigger Yinlin's outro skill? Or do I HAVE TO use Calcharo intro skill?


Outro and Intro happen at the same time. It's all or nothing at all. If you don't have enough Concerto energy of the leaving resonator, then no one does anything.


wait. i need to have full conerto energy on BOTH the characters! I thought that shit was only for intro skill and outro skill will happen on it's own regardless if the leaving character has concerto energy or not


so when you get concerto energy full on your on field character, when you switch, it triggers BOTH outro for the current field character and the intro of the new character switching in.


Only. On. The. Leaving. Resonator.


I AM BEGGING YALL FOR HELP ON THIS!!!! How do I pull up the Exploration Progress Menu on the PC version of WuWa? I've seen it EVERYWHERE on this subreddit so I know there is a way but I just can't figure it out for some reason. HELP!!!!!!!


Compass at Bottom right of the map screen




For WUWA top up center (the online store) does anyone know how long it takes on average to get the stuff you bought? Bought supply pass and idk how long I should wait to get it.


Should be instant, make sure you bought it on the right account and the right server


It’s right account and right server but when I pay for it it says “Please complete transaction in 5 minutes”


# Scattered chests and map completion I have noticed that some articles online (like g\*\*\*radar for example) are mentioning scattered chests in their guide for map completion, however, I've been trying to figure out if those are actually increasing the exploration, so far I haven't seen it increase from a scattered chest at all, anyone has experienced exploration increase from it?


If it is about the interactive boxes you can loot once that show up as an option in the interactive map, those count towards an achievement, but not the map completion.


Will turning on FSR on mobile (Android) reduce stuttering and lags if I have the medium or high resolution in settings? Or will it increase stuttering and lags?


How do I collect character sigils? I have both verina and linyang at full intimacy but their sigil/Namecard is still locked?


They haven't made it yet.


Ohh ok thank you, I thought my game was bugged or something


Ohh ok thank you, I thought my game was bugged or something


What do I do? As of right now, I have 161 wishes. My main team is Verina, Encore, and Sanhua. I also have Jianxin. I feel like I need another main DPS which makes me think I should go for Jinhsi, and her banner also can give me Sanhua dupes. But also Changli is more future-proof I think, and works really well with Encore. I think Jinhsi is a bit stronger now, correct me if I'm wrong. No matter who I go for, I think I'll go for weapon as well. I could also just keep saving I guess, I don't mind that much.


Jinshi is also a spectro dps and the closest we have to that is spectro rover. I also have Encore and will be going for Jinshi just to fulfill that role (I like to have all bases covered in games like this in terms of elemental dps), whereas I will skip Changli since Encore and Mortefi both fulfill the roles of fusion dps just fine for me.


Think I might pull Jinhsi for elemental coverage as well. Changli would be my third fire character if I go for her, so I'm not sure if thats a good idea. Do you think Jiyan's weapon would go well with Jinhsi?


So would you recommend her?


I'm just telling you what I'll be doing in a similar position. I don't have her yet, so I can't recommend her to you per se.


we won't know how strong a character is until they are released and math people can run the numbers. so a proper comparison of two unreleased characters isn't going to be something you can rely on. my plan is to see how much i like them in the 1.1 quests before deciding who to pull. get characters you like, don't worry about something like "future-proof" since that's impossible to predict.


I purchased the Phantom: Impermanence Heron from the Depths of Illusive Realm store but I don't see it in my echos, did something happen?


It's a skin


oh that makes more sense, I thought it was an echo, thanks


What are people thinking for the 5\* weapon selector? I've narrowed it down to the pistol for Chixia or the Broadsword for Jihnsi. Was thinking of going for Jihnsi's weapon if I win the 50-50.


I'd just hold the box until you have a built and invested character and can clearly see what a 10-20% damage boost would mean for your account progression v.s the 4-star alternative.


the general consensus is that crit rate/cdmg main stat weapons are gonna be good long term, so the normal sword and the gun are the better options if you are thinking long term but right now every option is great


My Lingyang is getting new shiny gauntlets soon then :)


Help with taoqi build Every guide telling me to build rejuvenating blow or moonlit cloud. While I don't think rejuvenating glow can take effect since she heal herself not ally??? I also don't have trouble finding a good moonlit set for her. So I go with havoc set. My question is what the different between havoc damage and def for cost 3? Is it better to use havoc damage bonus than def. My purpose is just to have good game experience in overworld. Like maybe def is better for her shield or maybe using havoc damage bonus for her damage like her burst damage more.


Reju set trigger even on self heal. I use taoqi as my 3rd healer/support for tower stage 2 and 3. So, baizhi and verina can handle the rest. If you want her for overworld as dps, you can go with havoc set. Element is always better than def and you can share it with havoc rover or danjin. The only downside is the 1 cost def are not shareable with them since taoqi is the only havoc def scaling unit.


Rejuv set works when she heals herself. Havoc set I don't think is worth at all unless you are prepared to spend an eternity on field with her. I'm using Moonlit set+Heron and basically burst every other rotation. In between bursts I swap to her, press E, echo, maybe parry combo if it looks like I can do it without waiting the full 3 seconds, and swap. I also get outro about every other or unfortunately sometimes every third swap. TBH I'm hoping she will improve with future supports or a Broadsword that provides concerto energy, its her biggest issue as a support unit for sure. If you're just playing her in overworld I think you're fine with whichever. Using her in the tower for me has been a frustrating experience so far but my echos are still far from ideal. I'm also very torn between switching from Moonlit to Rejuv. If I go Rejuv it would be to basically transition her to pure support, which isn't really exactly why I wanted to use her. I just don't think she has everything she needs to really shine yet, but I think in the future stuff will come out that benefits her more. Just gotta wait.


https://preview.redd.it/yktb0c8kfr8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=08ba8ae080a3222c11d294e51836a94e48ae027f is this happening with anyone else? or i am the only one! my rover is level 70 but her ascension 1 & 2 dialogues still lock


For whatever reason, the dialogue unlocks are based on what element Rover you were when you did those ascensions. Switch back to Spectro and you'll probably have those two


Whatt?? Lol i checked it's actually true hahaha


# I’m using the FPS unlocker that enables 120 FPS in-game. Does anyone know if 1.1 is gonna add that option or am I safe to keep using it? # My gameplay improved by a lot when using that tool. Anyone know if it’ll be in the game or stay as 60fps? Also when is 1.1 out?


We don't know. 1.1 is like 3 days or so.


https://preview.redd.it/8rkn07jaer8d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=783322e06aafd7aacaee77ce44fe1bad03f2364c Cant find this. Where?


https://preview.redd.it/rq9434wafr8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=59ab36f1989dcd27197b243fa6b2fdb068c69b22 go from here its underground cave


When does calcharo use his intro skill where he does cross attack?


Two conditions: * You have ulted. * Concerto energy of the non-calcharo character is full.


Bro after ult his cross attack intro skill will activate


Intro skills are only cast when you swap characters while your concerto energy is full. So he'll do intro when you swap to Calcharo from someone else when you have full concerto on them.


After you ult


Thanks bro


Stuck on "A True Arena Champion" side quest after I fucked off in the middle of it. Can't get the third badge for registration because I don't have a dialog option for "Exile Resonator". Quest log also doesn't track anywhere or say anything useful. Anybody know how to get unstuck for this quest? EDIT: relogging seems to have fixed it.


Is spectro dmg% on spectro set very common? I have 13 pieces despite never actively farming them. I have 2 to 4 of every other element bonus


its random (you can get every main stat on any set) = if unlucky u can farm 3 days for one echo with the correct set and mainstat




Anyone knows how to open this chest ? Just above Thorny Passage besides the waterfall https://preview.redd.it/3bkx6pv86r8d1.png?width=1470&format=png&auto=webp&s=934885fc815912ad0c6544f448730f48daecaa11


Go down the waterfall there is a blob quest, usually near rivers, you'll end up at the chest in the end and it will get unlocked


Alright, I will try this tomorrow and see what the results will be for me. Thanks for the answer


Quick question and sorry if it was asked before! Will the 3 weekly boss rewards (Turtle, cardguy and dreamless) reset with the update this week? Thanks in advance!


No. Weeklies are weekly


If I start when this version of the game releases, do I have all of the rewards which we were given in the mail that were available since launch that can help me get one of the new characters?


No, they disappear after the 1.1 update


**Is it normal that wuwa doesn’t use my GPU at all?** Only uses like 20% of my CPU I think? Is my pc too good for this game and just doesn’t need the GPU? I didn’t change any settings in-game, should I up them to ultra high or not? 7800x3D + 4080 super. **1.1. quests & events** I might go on a short vacation and not be able to play that well on my old laptop. Would prefer starting the new quests they add (act 7 main story & characters’ side quests) and events when I get back home. So basically 3-4 days after 1.1. releases. Will I have enough time to complete them? I’m a bit slower when it comes to doing these compared to other ppl, but I guess I could play more hours per day once I get back home, but I’m still anxious about it. What do you think?


Usually you want your cpu to sit on low % and gpu at 100% to avoid stuttering. I dont think this game is graphically demanding.


I don’t experience any stutters. League of legends is the same, not graphically demanding at all and only using a bit of my CPU so hopefully that’s the case with wuwa as well! Thank you!


U have the best gaming cpu currently available. It being low isnt a bad thing as long as ur fps is fine. Wuwas events seem kind of long but if u just focus the ones tht expire first ud probs be fine


Yes never experienced any stutters! Would you set things on ultra high if you were me since I technically can, just a bit worried to not push the pc too much? I wonder how long these new events will last. I managed to finish Alloy Smelt like 2 days ago which is a bit late compared to other people, but it took me like 8h to complete.. I got some skill issues.


Pc parts are meant to work hard. Gpus generally want to be at 90-100 percent usage. Doesnt have to be tho but ur wasting its power. No point of getting a 4080 if ur not using its full power Cpu u want less usage generally so it can handle stuff like open tabs as well as the game


Thank you! I guess I just worry because I want to have this pc for a long time since it costed so much, but will consider what you said because you are indeed right.


https://preview.redd.it/0ee3myoyzq8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0238e8f334ed17709f34448d86b0d42545b35666 anyone know how to make it so im not blinded by the damn sun?


turn down game brightness to 0. If that doesn't work - SOL unfortunately


That’s with brightness and 0, unfortunately lol


That’s with brightness at 0, unfortunately lol


game brightness at 0, monitor brightness at 0 and maybe red/gren/blue try to play with those


Is Danjin sustainable without a healer or will she slowly die?


She's only sustainable if you're pulling off 50% forte heavy attacks, typically charged with: 1. 2x Basic -> 2x Crimson Erosion(E) 2. 3x Basic -> 3x Sanguine Pulse(E) OR Dodge counter -> 2x Crimson Erosion(E). Using any additional Es will put your HP in a deficit. This is also not an ideal way of playing Danjin as a **main DPS**, since 100% forte does 3x the damage of the 50% forte, hence it's always more worth going for 100%. If you were playing Danjin as a **sub DPS**, then releasing 50% heavy attacks are ideal since 50% and 100% fortes generate the same amount of concerto and resonance energy.


Playing Danjin is being off screened by a random projectile mob as you're frantically trying to build up meter to heal yourself Source: I main Danjin


She can never die by commiting sudoku


She's able to solo anything, however you basically live in a one shot zone. She won't kill herself though


Is there gonna be a 1.1 predownload? If yes,any idea when?


No but you can download the update during the maintenance period


Shit,any idea abt the download size?


How does Scale: Slasher compare to Lunar Cutter on Sanhua? I'm building Danjin and Rover and realized those are the only two 4* swords I own, so I'll have to either take Sanhua's Lunar Cutter or put both on Sword of Night.


It gets sanhua off field without doing most of her basics. It's decent, though it guts her personal damage compared to better options. She usually doesn't do all that much team damage anyway compared to encore.




Why can't I beat any bosses at SOL Phase 2? 🥲


Level your stuff


Fully leveled characters and weapons. Idk why I am so bad.




I'm also struggling to parry like i can do it once of the halo one and then i try and dodge but i can't do it consecutively and just die


Try to dodge, not parry. It's easier and the same results for overworld bosses


Okay but what about when Crownless does a bunch of attacks in a row and then I get attacked as soon as I'm out of dodge. Also I have Verina but do u know how her healing really works I feel like I'm relying on food


Verina heals the most with her Outro and Resonance. When you swap to her do her skill, echo, midair attack once, do Resonance if its up, then swap away. If you don't have your outro after that stuff just come back to her when her skill is off CD and you should get it. Her forte heal is low but its meant to just add up over the course of the fight as sustain.


Dodge less, only when it matters. Perfect dodge increase concerto energy and the bullet time will have you regen nearly as much stamina as you spent for the dodge. When crownless does a bunch of attack evade or run and stay away.


Oh my god thanks so much will do. What is bullet time?


When time slow down during an action. It comes from matrix when Neo avoid bullets in slow motion


press the wheel , it will lock camera so you can parry you need to face boss


Sorry, but which one is wheel?


between your left mouse button and right mouse button


Ohh you can do that. Thank you for your info. I am a newbie in gaming especially combat game


Thanks so much this has helped finally defeated it


If all else fails, just shoot them with Chixia.


Quite bad mostly 2 and 3 stars but I can't ascend my characters to get Handbook Data Bank XP because I can't get boss materials 😭


I have two accounts. One of them I’ve saved every single form of currency I have for changli . It’s about 6000 in astirite and 40 in wishes. I have another account I’ve been grinding for yinlin won’t get her in time I think. Do you think it’s safe for me to use gems on my changli saving account for yinlin? I like changli more but yinlins fun and has a lot of aoe on her kit it feels so much better when fighting group mobs


Does anyone have tips on beating illusive realm 4? I tried with yangyang but I kept dying


You can dodge everything so you just need all the damage you can get to win fast. Take every trigger effect you can get. Trigger on crit, trigger on basic attack, etc. That stuff kills fast.


Took me like 3 tries , take turtle if you can or crownless . Level up your HP in the shop before trying again , you need to repeat these stages anyways multiple times to buy all from the shop so just take your time.


Yangyang should work with bell just fine. Make sure to break all the extra stuff to find the extra cats and coins, most stages have some sort of destructible object


there are extra cats hidden in the destructible objects? Only ever found coins... But didn't really look for them! Thanks, maybe I can finally finish the fully leveled turtle quest.


What are the chances that i can manage to finish the 1.1 MSQ before FFXIV 14 Dawntrail servers come up without skipping cut scenes or voice acting? With the 7 hour maintenance there’s only a 2 hour window maybe a bit more if I’m stuck in queue for ff14




Yeah i figured, i thought I’d have a chance if it came up early


Will I still be able to access the Companion story if I don’t finish it before its supposed deadline on the events page?


Yeah, Jiyan's quest was still available after his deadline passed.


Is there any way to quickly raise union level other than burning pots for plates? I've done all MSQ as well as the companion and exploration quests that give 2k+ union exp and most of the ones that give 500. Was out for 2 weeks so sitting at UL38 but would like the 80/20 gold drops and char/wep level cap and have 22 waveplate pots but feel like it's probably not worth to burn them until at least SOL3 5


Any time a double drop event happens it also doubles the union exp gain. Meaning the current double tacet field field will give you an extra 1350 union exp each day. So do that if haven't. 


Yep, been making sure to do the 3 daily doubles, thanks for the tip though!


No. I 100% all maps, did all side quests and used all of my solvents and did 2 refreshes a day since UL40 and I'm at UL49. It doesn't get any faster unless you're max refreshing waveplates. But idk if you want to spend 840 astrites a day


Gotcha, thanks! Yeah figured it might just be a “just keeping logging in and using plates” but wanted to make sure


Technically you will need alot of silver , like 2 million per character. There is very small increase in silver gained , so might aswell use like 10 boxes for silver farm and do it right now.


Yinlin banner will end tomorrow right? Why is Jinhsi release 28?


Because thats how it is. The new character banner will be up after the patch and the current one will end a bit sooner. Thats just how it is.


Should i buy an insider channel or its going to be a waste now as only 2 days left for it to finish Am already lvl 70 in pioneer podcast


You'll get all the rewards if you buy now since you're at max lvl already.


Thanks buddy 😊


Question about calcium I'm quiet confused about his ult. Does his basic attack during his ult considered a basic attack or it is considered as liberation? 


Calcium kek




So I can use jianxin buffs to buffs her basic attack during his ult?




Thank you 🙏


Can someone choose 2 characters for me to draw 😋


Jianxin and yinlin


Maqi and Ganxue


Yinlin and changli🙏


Camellya and jinshin, but draw jinshin in her ult form from today’s trailer! >!with horns!<


Is it normal for my iphone 11 pro to heat up and lose battery percentage quickly in like 10 minutes? Haven’t played gacha games for a year so i may have forgotten


does taoqi heal the entire team or just herself?


Herself - but on the other hand, that makes her trigger the heal set to boost your team damage.


im about to buy the BP this time only cuz my paycheck just arrived, and the BP is about to refresh soon planning to go for augment for yinlin my question is, when i buy the BP does the lvl goes unsync? will the current weapons in there not be available anymore in the next BP?


> my question is, when i buy the BP does the lvl goes unsync? The paid track catches up to wherever your free track is right now > will the current weapons in there not be available anymore in the next BP? We don't \*know\*, but logically it'll be the same weapons over and over so you can get duplicates of the ones you like, because otherwise you're limited to 1 weapon + 1 dupe.


oh im Lvl 70 in BP so like, if i bought the BP rn itll insta lvl to 70?


Yep, if your Free BP 'track' is level 70 then once you buy the Paid BP, the Paid 'track' will also be level 70! Enjoy the extra rewards!


i was worried my pesos will go to waste thnx for the answer🙃


If i want to use Encore as a sub dps, is it worth it to pull for stringmaster?


thanks to everyone, i'll get standard then


Just get the standard 5 star if you can. Yinlin weapon is only about a 15% damage increase. I'd only pull for a limited weapon if it was around a 30% damage boost compared to the standard 5 stars for a character I use.