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In 1.2 Scar breaks out of jail and scars all over the place mark my words


I can take him


In a fight right


Itโ€™s Scarinโ€™ time


RIP onigiri


Me who just wants GeshuLin ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ


Spoiler: Geshun Lin and Scar is the same person


For it to be spoiler, it has to be true in the furst place. Its at best, a theory on not much ground, basically only the resonator mark locations match, and everything else is st best, wishful thinking. And nothing states that resonator marks have to be in a unique place.


I mean he was never found dead so maybe just maybe scar is general genshulin


just because they have the same tacet mark position doesn't mean they're the same person


Please let him and Yhan be the next main males to be playable.


aaaaaaaaaaand geshu lin bbg


i want scar to do some nasty sh!t to me tbh


Scar leans toward you and whispers: "Long live the king".


Currently saving until either him or his sister become playable ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


Saving all my Astrites just for him... <3


He is not a war criminal. He just takes Yu-Gi-Oh a bit too seriously.... ๐Ÿ‘€


*My precious onigiri


He is playable but donโ€™t expect him coming out soon


Honestly I didn't know who I wanted next after Yinlin, but I might save for him now.




Kuro, please write a good story and backstory for scar~


I heard rumors he will be playable sometimes "soon" like within the next 4-6 character releases. No idea how valid they are tho


What will be his weapon? I hope he is a rectifier user, and his animation are throwing cards ๐Ÿƒ:)


Maybe maybe, at the end of the story if already tho ๐Ÿ˜”


and pls be ranged. don't just slap a sword on him like you did with jinhsi


Why people keep asking for him to be a ranged character... Most of his attacks are melee..If anything he's a gauntlet user with card throwing skills.


Because card throwing and usage is his most unique feature fighting-wise. Even in cutscenes his usage of cards was propped forth.


Lingyang's most unique feature is his lion. He just has lion form on forte and heavy attacks..For everything else he uses gauntlet. For a powerful character like Scar to use a gun or a rectifier as a medium to his strength? What a cheap downgrade it would be


> lion form on forte and heavy attacks And liberation. But outside of the fact that liberation, forte and HAs make up a very big majority of a character's kit (esp forte: like literally forte is what character kits are designed around), like his non lion dance form has him pouncing around + hand to hand combat is suits a beast theme for the character. What we've seen from scar thematically is cards, magic (spatial magic specifically), and more cards, sus/trickery, and the shepard story that may or may not be about him. > For a powerful character like Scar to use a gun or a rectifier as a medium to his strength? What a cheap downgrade it would be Sounds more like you just hate guns and rectifiers really. Like using a gun or rectifier doesn't have to mean weaker scalings. Not sure where your prejudice is coming from really.


If you need to use a gun to kill then your base power is weak. It just gives off weak character power. It's like bringing a gun to a fist fight. I'm not talking about stat scaling... Why did you even think about that. Ps:Lingyang liberation is just a video animation of lion.


>If you need to use a gun to kill then your base power is weak. It just gives off weak character power. It's like bringing a gun to a fist fight You can say the same about any weapon including gauntlets themselves. E.g. Who's relying on some external item/weapon for an advantage/power up in sword vs pure fists? Or gauntlets vs pure fists? Again, sounds more like you just don't like guns or rectifiers. >Ps:Lingyang liberation is just a video animation of lion. Even if it's just another version of his forte lion form or so, the point still stands about how much of his kit IS his unique lion form and beast theme.


Sure you can say that about gauntlet. But using a gauntlet still require the user to be freaking to be strong to beat monsters 10 times bigger than you. A gun anyone can use. Mike tyson wouldn't stand a chance against a kid using a gun. When it takes a kid to kill someone who trained his whole life to fight you can see how it's fcking demeaning for the character. You can't win this argument. I don't care about downvotes. Never expected any logic from gacha players.


>A gun anyone can use. ... You can't win this argument. I don't care about downvotes. Never expected any logic from gacha players. we're talking about a fictional world where something like magic exists, monsters exist, and people being able to transform into monsters and back isn't unusual and plenty of things don't die from getting shot by 1 bullet (esp when high chance said magic is likely used for that bullet too in the first place rather than a "regular" bullet). trying to apply irl logic would be straight up incorrect and illogical which is quite hypocritical of you. esp when again, all of this is just coming from you not liking guns. which is further indicated by the fact you chose to hone in on guns specifically when rectifiers is also another option for a ranged weapon (and I did mention it before many times). are you going to apply the same "no skill weapon" argument to rectifiers which is basically magic too, despite literal 0 real world analogue to make that argument?


we reAAAAAAAAALlllYYY need him and geshu lin bro


They ruined him now that he has no onigiri to chomp on. I don't even want to look at him or F.Rover or Nicole from ZZZ after CBT changes (Male player ftw) Actually nah, eos all games that limit characters. I already limited my spending for gacha to $0 EZ


I hope he is a 5* so I can skip him and save for the next hot waifu


this is not really an offensive take to grt this much downvotes holy


It's fine, these are imaginary internet points anyway People downvoting it only makes it funnier


Welcome to husbando fanbase


Take my upvote ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Rushing ahead aren't we :D There is time , give them at least a couple more months and then we break loose if it does not happen .


Isn't he a mass murdering psychopath tho? also half tacet discord, well thats his ult most likely. I want him to have atleast 3 story patches if he does become playable. Asking him early is basically ruining his character development or story depth


it was funny until you begged


why do you hold hate in your heart


Hate is stored in the heart ๐Ÿ˜ž Like how microplastics are stored in the balls


horny much? How about give them time, since it's only been a month since release lol


Same can be said at Yinlin


100% facts, I don't even know why people are acting like I said it was a bad thing lol


Yes, what I mostly meant to say was that now their focus will be on appealing that subset of men because they get more profits that way