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Does Jinhsi's S2 work inside of combat? Like can you make her off-field for 4 seconds and then bring her back to get a lot of stacks?




2 hours left!


anyone know when we’ll find out who’s gonna be on the 1.2 banners? do they tease it on twitter


Not yet, wait few hours more they definitely drip, i have few predictions but it's just metter of few hours now


whats the name of the launchers file, i cant find it


launcher.exe? just search Wuthering Waves in the PC searcher


i have the same problem where i do that and it just straight up opens the game, it doesnt open the launcher where i can update


It should be in the folder where all the info about the game is stored. Search Wuthering Waves in you pc


Can maintenance end early or is it for sure another 4 hours


Ask the magic conch shell and get back to me


Just a heads up for my PC homies; after it patches launch the client it is going to make you patch again in game.


Thanks homie


I see that you already can download the update on PC and Android but not on the App Store, I’m worried :(


I've downloaded the update both on the App Store and my PC already lol


i do it on appstore for a while now though?


Why i cant change my launcher directory? so i copied this game on my friend laptop but i cant play wuwa from the launcher, so i played the game without the launcher. But now i cant update the game because it has to be on the launcher and i cant chance the directory of the game (the prefered is C: mine is D:)


Just redownload the client from the website. It will give you the launcher and the update will still be 21 GB.


Thank you so much, its worked!


try to redownload the game from their site, it will detect that its already installed and go to the launcher for you


Since im reaching ul45 soon, which should weapon i get? I already have the sword 5 star equipped to hrover, i also have a chixia and yinlin sort of built


I'd wait and see what teams you end up with for ToA then get weapons for the main DPS of each team. If you can chug along until you can make a more informed decision, that'd be best. FWIW, in a general sense, sword and gun are the best standard 5-star weapons.


if you plan on pulling Jinhsi, she uses claymores. or if you plan on getting Changli, she uses swords. so you can pick one of those. if not, save it for later I supposed.


Since its 7am here rn, the gamen should be open in about 1-2 pm right?


[https://game8.co/games/Wuthering-Waves/archives/456963](https://game8.co/games/Wuthering-Waves/archives/456963) u can see the timer ticking down on this website


Yes, it should end in a little less than 6 hours.


So since the patch is 7 weeks, is one banner longer than the other?


Check one of the pinned post in this subreddit, it's basically 3.5 weeks each banner.


I'm wondering about this as well


Is the trailer required viewing? I typically avoid trailers for movies and games, because if I'm going to see something in the game, I would like to see it for the first time while playing. But idk if gacha games are different, do the trailers typically have story cutscenes or other things that I won't see in the game itself?


The teaser looks like it’s a big cutscene from the game, so probably don’t watch if you are avoiding spoilers 1.1 trailer seems fine but isn’t mandatory… shows new character combat/echos/limited events


So if I lose my 50/50 on the current banner will my next 5 star be the banner character even if the banner changes?




Which craftable weapon is worth picking up from Tiger's Maw NPC?


The update is 21 gigs on PC...


I have same, like WTF, it's literally redownloading from scratch apparently...


So is this normal or should I be worried ahahha


There’s a a decent amount of games that do this. Why I don’t know.


In Wuwa's case, I am hoping they're doing it now because they had to overhaul everything to fix a bunch of performance issues. But I really don't know as well.


https://preview.redd.it/n5t16xahv69d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24976ac0469ed8a1b861f7aa4c195c7d5b1db132 I've been trying to log into the game since morning and every time this message appears and it doesn't log in, I'm sure this is the right account (because I only have one)


Currently there is maintenance happening. IDK if your earlier attempts to log in had different issues, but currently the maintenence is the issue.


I have a friend who plays too and he said he was able to log into the game normally today, I tried to log in after leaving school this morning and it didn't work, later my friend managed to log in But so far I haven't been able to, I'm thinking about waiting to see if this will be resolved after the update but I really wanted to know if there is another solution if it doesn't (or at least know the problem), I really wanted to get jinhsi


Could someone share how to make the character do their Intro Skill in the Illusive Realm? I realized when trying to speedrun at the last moment I don’t know how to do it. I know it can be done, cause I noticed Jiyan did do it sometimes, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it on purpose.


You need to pick up other characters to do their Intro.


When you have the option for a card that has a team member then it’s like playing normally you press the character and boom


Where can I download the update from PC during maintenance? I don't see the option from launcher


its jst popped up for me,restart ur launcher


It did for me too thanks!


What weapons from the ULV45 selector are most suitable? I've been considering the broadblade for Calcharo, however I'm starting to think it would be more advantageous to grab another emerald of genesis just because it offers a lot. What did you choose?


>it would be more advantageous to grab another emerald of genesis just because it offers a lot. Are you using many teams with 2 sword users? Because different teams can share the same weapon unlike Genshin where it locks your equipment while attempting abyss.




Crazy right? Actually a really helpful change/feature


So...maintenance started. But where's the patch? I can't find how to download it.




How much concerto energy do you need to fill up your outro skill? And if it’s not the same for every character where do I check to see the requirement?


100 conserto energy for everyone.


So, when I get Jinhsi later, I think my account will finally be ready to start trying to build my 3 teams with no overlap. I'd like any advice on who I should prioritize building. ^(Bolded characters are characters I want in my team somewhere regardless if there are better options.) ^(The listed characters can be mixed up as needed.) Team 1: - **Jinhsi** - ??? - ??? Team 2: - **Encore** - Sanhua - Verina Team 3: - **Danjin** - Havoc Rover - ??? I have all characters except Lingyang and Yinlin.


Jianxi and Baizhi as your 2nd and 3rd sustains. Give Mortefi to Jinshi.


What do you think the best distribution of the sustains would be?


Baizhi for Jinshi. Jianxin for H Rover/Danji team.


Thanks! Do either of them want much investment or are they like Verina, where you can just get away with the bare minimum. I'm not against investing in them. I just don't want to accidently build them too much and waste resources.


Focus on ER for smooth rotations. My Jianxin has 190 ER and Baizhi 210. Turtle Bell Echo




She’s always been the guaranteed free 4 star from the tutorial single pull. If you didn’t get her you might have backed out of that tutorial wish? I got her day one 🤷🏻‍♀️


Everyone has guaranteed Baizhi. People who don't simply skipped the tutorial pull because they let the tutorial expire (30 seconds wait). Just need to spend one pull on the standard character banner if you haven't


It's not an event. Your first pull on the standard character banner will always result in Baizhi. That's how she is given out. If you skipped the tutorial pull, you can just pull now and get her.


is there pity in this game? i failed to get yinlin during her banner and got calcharo/waveband. Am i guaranteed on the next character banner?


There is a 50/50 system yes. If you lost, you are guaranteed for the next one


At what hour does 1.1 release ?


7 hours from this comment.


in 8 hours


I know there are a million posts on optimization but with all those posts I can't track down an answer to "how can I make my game lag less" Saw somebody made an engine.ini setup but it's for getting better graphics. I don't want better graphics, I want less lag


Couple things that noticeably helped me is setting LOD Bias to Medium or Low and playing in Full Screen. The 120 fps trick also made the game buttery smooth but I still experience stutters here and there so there's a limit to all this until Kuro optimizes performance


Is LOD part of the in game settings or something I need to tinker with And wears the "120 fps trick" If I'm lagging hard at 30 fps, I don't think 120 is going to be of much help lol


Yeah it's part of the in game setting. Are you on PC? Not sure if it's the same lol https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1cyumj2/wuthering_waves_120_fps_guide/


I know there are a million posts on optimization but with all those posts I can't track down an answer of "how can I make my game lag less" Saw somebody made an engine.ini setup but it's for getting better graphics. I don't want better graphics, I want less lag


it seems like there's not much you can do about it once you cant run the game smooth. someone reported there's no noticeable difference by changing the settings from high to low for mobiles. i would expect the same too on pc


I just started this game yesterday and have just unlocked the wishing but my limited wish isn't there. Do I need to have a higher level for it or complete a quest for it or something??


Jinhsi banner starts in about 6 hrs.


There is currently no limited banner active


i havent seen people asked about this, will the weekly boss entry reset on maintenance done?


Probably not? We have no precedent to work off of.


How long will maintenance be for?


7 hours


Game is currently 8GB, but How much storage It Will need after 1.1? I have 28GB of free storage.


Remains to be seen. There's no pre-download, so we don't know how much 1.1 adds.


I still don't see any pre-download for the new patch both on pc and mobile, are they gonna drop it on maintenance?


No pre-download, you have to update during maintenance


Am I doing the correct Encore opener? Using Verina/Sanhua/Encore. I wonder if there is a better one. Verina Ult Skill Bell Borne Echo Sanhua swap (no intro for first rotation) Ult Detonate Skill Detonate Encore Swap (no intro) Inferno Rider (swap cancel) Sanhua swap (no outro) Detonate (no charges, just to fill concerto) Impermanence Heron (swap cancel) Encore Intro Skill Ult Ult combo Heavy Attack Repeat


Put Encore in first slot. Immediately switch to Verina and do 3BA then the rest of the combo until concerto is full. Outro to Sanhua, Sanhua do her things until concerto is full. Outro to Encore.


Verina is one of the few characters who get her outro to buff your opener rotation equally fast as sustain rotations. For that, don't put her in the first team slot, as you can't swap characters before starting the timer, and then Verina swap in (no intro) 3 BAs, which will count as BA 3,4,5, giving 1 Forte bar Ult Skill (1 more Forte bar) Bell Borne Echo Jump and 2 BAs (consume the Forte bars for Concerto and heals) This should fill her concerto if you got a Variation R1. If not, a few dodges or BAs should suffice. Rest I don't know much, but I think Sanhua also can get her outro pretty fast even in opener rotation. I forgot which BA she skips to when swapped in, but you can test a bit. So you can effectively play Encore with full buffs in the opener rotation.


Mostly looks fine. Only thing out of personal preference i would add is to sometimes just throw encore E right at the beginning and then swap to verina, use single detonate on sanhua and just do quick heavies to fill up concerto as her detonate is prone to interruption and slow in general with not much gain unless u have prisms. And I guess similar to point one try to offload encore E when she is not on field cuz she is like sanhua will get blasted if stationary for too long. Can use that time to charge sanhua concerto too.


How many hours till the servers go down?


3 more hours


Anyone know where can I get the character sheets of characters from the game? Especially that of jinshi?


What do you mean character sheets?


Character Design Sheet aka character in T-pose from front/back view and stuff.


I got Calcharo C1 from the first guaranteed and a 50/50 loss. He's still my guaranteed target on the newbie banner. Should I take the free C2 or swap him? His C2 doesn't make too much sense since ideally you'll want to R and then just normal attack I think


Swap. His C2 is garbage, unless you plan to get his C3 as well with coral, which is good.


Imo, such a bad luck, i rerolled just for that, got a c1 calcharo


Hey everyone, I'm in a bit of a dilemma and could use some advice. I'm trying to decide whether to get Lustrous Razor for Calcharo from the 5 star weapon selector. It’s technically his BiS, but I've heard mixed opinions since it’s an ATK% weapon. Some suggest I should only go for the Emerald of Genesis or the Static Mist because they provide crit rate, which is crucial. For context, I’m currently using Autumntrace on Calcharo. Thanks in advance for your help!


I would also suggest sword or gun for those reasons. There may be a limited weapon in the future that works better for Calcharo anyways, if you plan on buying the battle pass for a long time you could also use extra autumntraces to bring it pretty close to the 5\* weapon's power level [Calcharo Guide and Build | Wuthering Waves | Prydwen](https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/calcharo)


Thank you! 😊


Is there any way to view monster resistances? I saw somewhere that these electro monsters had electro resistance but I'm wondering if some also have weaknesses. I have to farm that ice hopping creature a lot and wondering if I should use fire on it.


https://ww.hakush.in/monster Enemies don't have weakness. So no, using fire against the ice creature will do same damage as any other element (except for ice since it resist ice). 


Currently enemies only seem to have resistances, no weaknesses. So if an enemy is electro, just don't use electro. Everything else should be equally effective.


Does coop scale up enemies like in Genshin or are their stats fixed regardless of players?


It is based on the host's Union Level, I think bosses have more hp but I am not 100% sure


Bought the Asus Tessen Mobile controller and there is no controller support sad




I hate to say this but please read the banner periods that are clearly posted on the banners of the characters when you pull for them.


Gone. You're too late.




She was live for 3 weeks and is now gone so you didn't miss anything.


I have Jyian and his weapon. I am gonna pull for Jinhsi as well since her playstyle looks really fun to me. Would you pull for her weapon as well, or just use Jyian's and save the asterites for future characters?


All we can say is that her weapon is roughly a 20% damage increase over using Jiyan's one; other considerations are impossible to make without knowing how much cash you are willing to spend, how much you have saved, other characters you have, etc. Standard recommendation: don't pull on Jinshi on day 1 and wait for people to figure out the character first. This is particularly important because based on beta, Jinshi seems to require non-spectro characters with coordinated attacks, and there are two good such DPS characters: Mortefi and Yinlin. However, Mortefi is obviously taken by Jiyan, and I don't know whether you also have Yinlin / are willing to non play her with Calcharo. Or perhaps 1.2 will bring a good support for her (more reason to wait until we have 1.2 beta info).


More characters are always a better choice unless you truly don't ever care about any other cooler characters coming out and want to simp for your waifu


If i already have verdant summit for calcharo, is the lustruous razor worth getting?




I’m in decision paralysis right now. I have jiyan with his weapon he’s level 80 already with great stats but still I’m having hard time to clear the tower of adversity the one in the middle which is with mephis. Now I’m thinking whether which one is a better choice, to pull for jinshi or wait for changli? In order to propell me for more clearing tower of adversity.


Eh.. it is his best weapon but since you have Jiyan's weapon the difference would only be like 4% or 5% so it ain't really worth it, unless you wanna get Jinhsi too who is also a broadblade user.


Are the Skill upgrade mats domains are buggy? Im prefarm for jinshi on the level 70 one and i always get only blue+green.


rewards are buns no matter which stage you're at. Between UL40 and UL50 - there's hardly an improvement.


Ok. 3 UL more then to get better rewards.


Lol, the rewards in general are just low. i get purple maybe once every 3-4 runs


Should I just save my exp mats for new characters and leave my team at 60/70 (Until I unlock the next Ascension)? Leveling from 60-70 nets them like 30 ATK and 70 DEF so it doesn’t seem like it’ll make any difference in the Tower


Depends, are you likely to pull Jinhsi tomorrow? Changli won't be out for 3 weeks so you have time to level up more characters if you're going for her. If you're waiting until after them for future characters just level your whole team now also, the difference that helps in tower is that when you level up, you have less damage reduction from being below the enemies level and take less damage. thats a big deal for tower


Who am I actually supossed to use the Moonlight set on? My healers or my sub-dps'? Feel like its a mis-match on both. 4pc bonus also feels very easy to just waste as it only works on 1 character whereas healing set buff affects whole team and for longer so feel like running it on Verina or Baizhi is pointless, but running it on sub-dps means they don't get their elemental set so their damage sort of just tanks? I feel like I'm doing something wrong as everyone else seems to think this set is busted.


Depends on the sub DPS and how large their contribution is. Mortefi, Sanhua or sometimes Jianxin, yes it's BiS. Yinlin, mostly no, especially in AoE. You're overlooking energy generated by the Heron. That makes it busted from good. In Genshin analogy, yeah Fav tanks your Xingqiu, Yelan, Furina, Kazuha etc. damage, but it's still their best weapon in most teams in most situations. Just an analogy, don't take it to be exact, Fav saves you way many more substats worth of ER than this. Also echo exp and tuner scarcity, having a set with 4 costs and 1 costs portable is a plus.


You would normally use it on your sub DPS to buff your main carry (preferably a hypercarry that wants a decent amount of field time). The set buff itself combined with Impermanence Herons echo skill buff is quite powerful and the increased energy regen from the 2p set effect and flat energy from Heron active help off-field sub-DPS like Yinlin and Mortefi with ult uptime. The tradeoff is a sizeable amount of damage loss for your sub-DPS though you can still make up a decent amount with elemental bonus main stat on Moonlit Clouds 3-costs.


That's where my issue lies though. "Sizeable amount of damage loss" is it really worth it for a 12% dmg boost on 1 character with 20% atk? Feels like I'd be better off having 2 characters deal good damage rather than just 1 who deals great damage with the other stood around like a bot. Again, I feel like it's just me and I'm not invalidating what you're saying, just my thoughts on it is all.


You're not just buffing them with the set, a sub-dps has a buff with their outro skill too and you'd also be using the heron 4 cost echo for even more buffs.


Didn't I include the heron buff in my numbers? Sorry if I missed them, but I still don't think I get it😅. Are there other examples of characters who vastly prefer Moonlight to their respective elemental set? Like, would Sanhua want Moonlight or glacio set? Sorry for constant questions but I feel like in a game that encourages swapping as much as WuWa, surely you want everyone to deal as much damage as possible rather than just one character doing everything and then you have no damage when they are on CD?


Look, there are two types of teams you can make in WuWa at the moment: hypercarry teams and dual DPS teams (aka quick swap teams). All of them use a third member with the healing set who is ideally Verina, albeit in some chambers Jianxin can also be quite good. The most clear cut hypercarry team is Jiyan / Mortefi. These are teams where one character does the vast majority of the team damage, typically by staying on field for a significant amount of type and receiving some deepen buff. Here, taking a 20-30% damage drop for the secondary damage dealer to buff the hypercarry for 10-15% using Moonlight is well worth it. In dual DPS teams, you keep swapping between two characters who deal similar amounts of damage. The most clear cut example would likely be Encore / Havoc Rover. Here, it doesn't make sense to use Moonlit. Other teams are somewhere in between, in particular, anything using Yinlin, since Calcharo doesn't like staying on field while he is stuck in a 2s DM animation and Yinlin does significant AoE damage.


Sanhua, Mortefi, Jianxin. You name it. A boost to your actual damage dealer is significant. If Havoc Rover hits for 50k damage on ultimate but your Sanhua deals 10k in a full rotation - why on earth would you buff Sanhua damage? Give her a glacial set and she'll now deal 13k damage. Woopdeedoo. Give the Havoc Rover 22% attack? Havoc Rover will hit 60k now (probably higher to be honest). 6k more damage than if you gave a percentage boost to Sanhua. At the end of the day it comes down to multipliers. You want to give your multipliers to the person with the BIGGER numbers - no matter what.


See that reads way better than any other explanation I've seen. Every source I looked at before always talks about the character using heron and Moonlight losing massive amounts of personal damage. Guess I was just put off by the wording essentialy sounding like I'm going to make 1 character useless. Thank you 😊


The waypoint and casket sonar require some items in order to be reused from what I’ve read. Is that not the case for the Lootmapper? Can you just use it infinitely and have 3 max on the map at any given time? No other restrictions?


Yes just use it infinitely


Wow sounds pretty OP and I won’t have to use one of those online maps then! Thank you!


Well you probably still have to use online maps. Lootmappers don't mark every single chest. They won't mark chests that aren't already spawned in the world. So if you need to solve a puzzle or something, it won't show up.


Oh so basically the Lootmapper only shows chests lying somewhere and tidal heritages, right? Thanks for the heads up!


are they going to fix the optimization of the game and stuttering in 1.1 ?


We don't know, they have not given us full patch notes yet, and it's not out yet for actual testing either.


I tried buying the lunite subscription but it said "payment failed" but on my bank account i still have an expense of 5 dollars as "authorisation hold". So I'm just asking if anyone else has had an issue like this. Am I gonna get the subscription once the payment gets off hold or is it just failed now?


Sounds like you should be able to call your banking institution and authorize it, or preauthorize it and try a second time.


If it said it failed, then it will fail and the authroization hold will fall off after 2-3 days


Yeah that is what I was thinking too :)


Is there any reason to keep 3 cost echoes with mismatched element damage, like an electro Flautist that buffs aero damage, or can I just dump those into the merger? As a side note, are there any echo stats to look out for that lead to an automatic throw away, like defense or hp? Or do those have a use on a certain character? Right now I'm using Calchero, Yinlin and Verina and their sets are pretty much built, I'm mainly farming for other characters now.


some character skills scale with their hp or def stat. already we have baizhi scaling with hp and taoqi and yuanwu scaling with defense. so if you think you'll use them ever, hang on to rejuvenating pieces with hp or havoc/thunder pieces with def. and who knows when we'll see a new limited 5 star that wants hp or defense more than atk.


They're garbage just recycle em.


Are there any easy ways to get Echo EXP? I got too ambitious when team building and have run out of my Echo EXP items. Unless there's a way to use my weaker unleveled echoes, I really need a way to get some of those items other than from pioneer podcast, quests, and the sonace caskets.


Farming tacet fields is the expected way of getting echo XP tubes, Tidal Heritages in the open world also give echo mats but farming tacet fields is the default way because heritages don't respawn.


Best way was the event we just had with boosted tacet field drop rates, other than that you gotta do tacet fields anyway but with less drops now that the event ended.


Tacet fields are the activity to get echo exp materials.


hi, how many wavebands cab we get for rover right now? i got 4 for my spectro rover? can i get more?


S4 Spectro, S2 Havoc.


4 for spectro, 2 for havoc


Will turning on FSR on mobile (Android) reduce stuttering and lags if I have the medium or high resolution in settings? Or will it increase stuttering and lags?


Has anyone used Taoqi? I have her at S5 and I don't know if I should invest in her and what role. I already have Verina, Baizi S1 and Jianxin at 60 as healers, Mortefi S1, Yinlin and Danjin S2 as supports. What are people using Taoqi for?


Nothing really right now. Her outro is too slow and buiding shield requires being hit which means you can waste precious time being on the field with her. She theoretically is really good with Jihnsi since her outro boosts skill damage - which a lot of characters didn't care about. So she may have a use there. Jihnsi also synergizes with her since she hypothetically can speed up the outro gauge


i've messed with her enough to know the shield comes from her intro skill + attacking a few times. it's a pretty weird mechanic. I know she has some sort of heavy attack + hold and counter ability but that's not how I get her shield.


She's shaping up to be one of Jinhsi's best supports so you can't go wrong with building her.


I'm having trouble with the autolock on my iPhone. Whenever I'm fighting a really "jumpy" enemy they sometimes go behind the camera and the autolock isn't actually staying on them. Is there some setting I need to adjust or am I just bad at the game?


Neither, the auto-targeting has been problematic to many people. It happens a lot during mephis hologram for me. Hope they fix it.


Tragic, hopefully 1.1 shows some improvement


Anyone know where we can get free weapons in-game? Like I know there's Dauntless Evernight Broadsword in one of the skyscrapers behind Inferno Rider, but are there any other weapons just sitting there, waiting to be collected by us?


1 from Tiger's Maw NPC. Basically a craftable but without using any molds. 1 4 star box you'd have gotten from mail. And the 5 star box at UL 45.


not yet. They did reveal there's gonna be a 3 star broadsword I believe, in patch 1.1.


Update drops at 10pm EST tonight right?


1 am EST tomorrow. (tonight after 12)


Darn was hoping 10 est like when yinlin came out


Is there any point in hoarding those golden waveplate cubes? Or should I use them to level up my stuff?


I use them to make doing events/season pass require a little less waveplate micromanagement. Makes it so I can log in once a day instead of twice a day when I'm in maintanence mode. Though I'll probably start hoarding them soon to make leveling new 5-star dps hypercarries less painful. Technically it is marginally better to horde them until you are the final world level because the more of your UL you gain via dailies instead of waveplates, the more "waveplate efficient" your UL leveling is.


Saving them for higher SOL3 phases (union level breakpoints like UL40/50) is technically more efficient (as all waveplate drops become better, and you can get exp from quests/dailies), so unless you really want an upgrade immediately for something (like a new unit/weapon etc.), you are better off saving them.


I'm level 41 right now


i only hoard them for when i want to rush build someone. so currently i am still holding about 40


is there a way to counter the Dreamless' scythe attack without using a gun resonator? i tried countering it but even rectifiers can't reach her until she gets low enough and, at that point, the counter window is gone


You can't parry with guns anyway


wait, then how come i was able to parry the crownless with Chixia? D:


You didn't. must've mistook it for a stagger.


ok maybe i'm dumb, i'm calling "parry" the thing you do when you hit the enemy when his yellow circle is in the right spot and i'm SURE i was able to do it to the crownless (but i was using Chixia's rapid fire attack so maybe it's only basic attacks that don't do the parry?)


Use gauntlets, swords or broadswords to counter her scythe attack. Pistols & rectifiers aren't capable of counter attacking, only dodging.


then when should i hit? should i do a plunge attack?


Rectifiers can parry. I have Verina and she is able to parry. I don't think all of her attack strings can parry, but I know basic attack 1 can.


wait, guns can't parry? then how did i parry the Crownless with Chixia? does it only apply to basic attacks? (i'm sure i was using her rapid fire when countering him)


That is what I am told. I don't run any pistol users so I can't verify. But perhaps you broke their vibration bar?


i haven't used a gun in a while, i'll need to check it because i can't remember D:


1.1 is coming out tomorrow, won't there be a predownload like in hoyogames?


Nope. They mentioned the update will be available once the maintenance starts.


Didnt Genshin add predownload after 1.5 years of the game being out? U gotta chill lol let them cook.


Nah they started [doing it in 1.2 for PC](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/news/detail/103796) so only like 3 months after the game started. [Mobile in 1.3](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/162474) We'll see if Kuro starts doing the same starting from 1.2 onwards.


https://preview.redd.it/b6h5z11qw49d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e808ff863bc966b5433f387ee837fd050d4fb850 Day 1 player, had a long hiatus so as to focus on IRL stuff + Honkai: Star Rail and still have absolutely no clue about how to get stronger whatsoever. For starters, I am still playing this game like Genshin Impact, in that I dodge way in advance because I suck at timing and I use my S4 Mortefi like freaking Yoimiya. Lucked out with Verina but am kinda having second thoughts about choosing Jianxin as a standard 5-star instead of going with Encore + Calcharo. How do I get stronger so that I can eventually grab more characters?


I wouldn't use my 5 star selector ticket until much later. I used my 5 star selector after I: 1) Lost 50/50 on limited banner. Would suck if you picked say, Encore for your selector ticket and then immediately got her dupe after losing a 50/50 2) After Completeing the Beginner Banner selector. Idk the name but the one that guarantees you a 5\* standard unit of your choice after 80 pulls. THEN you should use your selector ticket. I got Verina from the 50 pull banner, Jiangxin from the 80 Pull banner, Encore from a list 50/50 to yinlin, THEN i used my selector ticket to get the sephiroth guy.