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I'm waiting for a 5 star brawler, sometimes you just wanna punch some mobs.


Pretty sure scar is a brawler bcz his boss fight has him attack u with his legs


I hope he will use his cards...


Happy cake day !




Tho he does carry a gun so he could be a gun user too


Isn't Lingyang a 5 star brawler?


You know exactly this is not what he meant


He is bad, so bad.


Not really, people are just over-dramatic


He's usable, but I don't think most people are exaggerating. Forte gauge-based on-field dps with aerial melee combat having only 1 dodge with a tighter didge window that also breaks your combo string is both difficult and unfun with so little payoff. It hurts playing Jinhsi now bc she essentially has everything I wanted from Lingyang (easily accessible aerial mode, multiple dodges, better targetting/hitbox, and uninterrupted combo string)


Flying up as Jinhsi and dishing out a shit load of dmg makes you feel like a literal God lol. But she's a limited character so it makes sense.


Flying is what sold me lol. Airwalk go brrr


We don't talk about that.


He's really bad, and he's the one no one wants to pull, and you know, he'll be the first 5* you max out in terms of "constellations" cause I already failed 2 50/50 and Ive seen him twice. They'll ever buff him and he'll be bad almost forever, cause someone has to have that bottom tier, right?


Same.. It's tough I'm trying really hard to resist pulling Jinhsi.. her animations and effects is such a big jump from Jiyan. I already blew all my gems on Jiyan and his weapon. Need to save in order to guarantee the next 5-star.


I felt it. I am saving all for Changli and her weapon xD....and husbandos arel coming on 1.2 qwq


I got Jiyan at 6 pity lol. Somehow I’m still broke tho…


You can play with Yuanwu for now


For when you want your brawler with a little "m'lady"


Never say that ever again


Same, looking forward to some 5 punch type character and no, I don't count LingYang cuz he is a meme.


yuanwu dps 3 am amogus build


Me too, but I want it to be Glacio, with ice effects. I don't like the Lion Dancer at all


Well you always have “Rawr Sowy Rowy”


I have a s5 yuanwu for that. Not main dps obvs but hey, works for me since I largely prefer ranged gameplay.


I'm waiting on Jiyan's sword rerun. I'll probably go for Scar if I like his moveset, but I want to see that first. If he's a gauntlet user it's an automatic "hell yes" unless he's super janky. I love how gauntlet users play so far.


Yup he will be a gauntlet user bcz he uses melee attacks (most of the time with his legs) against us in his boss fight


I don't think him being a gauntlet user is set in stone just bc of his boss form. Outside of that, we see him fighting by throwing playing cards which could theoretically be themed as a rectifier or a gunner.


ask us this again when there are more than a measly 2 or 3 men to look forward to lol.


LMAO, fr, but hey ain't that more than their other game at launch? Maybe it'll be better. Huge maybe


Well, PGR gets worse with their treatment toward male units as the years go by so...


Lol, I know... I just came back to play the Noctis patch and checked the future updates... Only 2 male characters, Watanknabe and New Wanshi... Noctis was literally the only crumb I came back to and he isn't even viable because of Alpha... 😭


And the new anniversary stream only has one announcement for male characters, which is Watanabe's skin 🫠 Not to mention they're buffing Crimson Weave instead of Hyperreal


Bruh... Husbando lovers are really being told to starve, huh 💀 poor Lee


waiting for north sentinel appear, the resonator should be cool or bulky to represent the black tortoise sentinel


You know what's a theory that's been running through my head, We know Changli is not from Huanglong, she transferred over, confirming that she is definitely the South of the Vermilion Bird (she uses red feathers with fusion (Fire), that's as symbolic as it gets). It's possible she herself could be the magistrate in the south that's having someone fill in for her. But eh, for finances sake, Kuro might wanna hype up a whole new char as the Southern Magistrate... But imagine if we got reruns to coincide with an expansion of the story, and that's where they make their sales? Like when we get to Changli's story in the southern region, that's when we have her banner back.


Nah. I think Changli is basically the Equivalent of Jiyan to Jinshi. She got some of the sentinel power but she isn't the Resonator of the sentinel.  Perhaps Phoenix sentinel will be like Jinshi and summon the true Phoenix sentinel when she fight. Meanwhile Changli summon an image of the Phoenix like how Jiyan summon an image of the dragon 


Yeah you’re right, for that reason - Jiyan’s isnt a distinct dragon like Jinhsi’s Jue, and so is Changli’s more like a red spirit phoenix rather than actually a sentinel figure (interesting to note, what Jinhsi’s using is not actually Jue herself, it’s her own creation mimicry) But also, you’re right because the say the sentinel never strayed too far from Jinzhou (the first time for days was because of Rover coming) no way Changli can just go away to whole new continent for a long time. Cheers.


Honestly I didn't think of this, but you could be very right. Changli could be a similar situation to the characters of Raiden and Yae Miko which would make it easy to release another character as the Southern Magistrate. Very early if so as a preview but would be a clever setup, could think of a dozen easy plots for why Changli left and arguably is implied to be weakened (at least the cutscene before her solo fight seemed to imply that to me).


Well, IDK... Scar or Genshu Lin? There aren't many to choose from.


Bless you male character fans. You are the main force protecting us from the worst of the creeps, and I wish you all the dudes you can pull.


I just want a 5* gunner and it better be a MAN


I mean. I MEAN. *bites lip*![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


Feel like gunners could use better animations on ult and skills


I’m using a c6 chixia atm and she just SLAPS. I’m fine with the animation, I just wish I had a 5* with some Gatling animation or something 🥹


My wishful thinking is that its similar to boothill’s animations from hsr




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just scar. i want his unhinged ass on my account


I am saving for ANY HUSBANDO. I don’t care who. In fact i just pulled jinhsi bc i think husbandos are far away and i already have jiyan and his weapon and calcharo with autumntrance r3. Plus i liked jinhsi from her quest and now i have both dragon benders. And despite pulling her i still have like 50 pulls so when either scar or genshu lin show up i’ll be ready. Unless they pull a neuvillette/wriothesley situation and place them back to back i believe i can pull both no problem.


I mean….1.2 banners has a husbando character lol. We don’t know if its a 4 star or a 5 star though




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I think both of them are Male, the other is a 4star and most likely the Gray hair guy, The other guy has too many Sound effects to be a 4star, probably a minor patch.


Honestly, if a 5 star male resonator has guns then it would be cool. Also, it better be someone as cool as Dante from DMC lol. But that's just me.


Scar, because he is the sole reason i am playing this game. I havnt done a pull so far so i can throw everything into him(tho i am waiting to see if he could be next and i might pull now because the gameplay of Jinhsi is fun)


Scar because he is HOT (straight man btw)


Geshu Lin.


I mean, what other options are there? Scar, Geshu and Lee expy so far. Wish they would show us more characters even as teasers


Scar is no brainer, still have his strip stuck down my throat.




The males who've caught my eye so far are Scar & Geshu Lin (obviously) and the Lee expy


GESHU LIN I need my man’s to be playable. I hope he’d be a top tier damage dealer, not alot of male in that spot in gachas




I don't really pull based on looks, I'm playing a game so I'm strategizing with team synergy and trying to find units that make the game fun for me to play. But, I absolutely pulled Jiyan because I think his design is insane, didn't really care about his kit because I was already sold on character design! So I guess my answer is that I'm not saving for anyone at the moment, but I think the designs (both kit and appearance) have been pretty rad so far all around, so I assume I'll have another in my sights soon!


Just Scar tbh.


I want a Zhongli or a Baizhu equivalent. Need good supports and supports tend to age better.


I genuinely pull for every 5 star male character and skip the females so whoever’s next I will get. That’s how I get away with playing so many gacha games bc the ratios make saving enough pretty easy. It just makes things a little boring when there’s no new males and watching others pull.


Imo there is probably like 5% chance we ever get genshu lin. But if we do i'll print this post and eat the paper.


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New male character who is sexy and not full covered like a conservative


NGL, as a straight man, i wish all those who enjoy husbandos to get characters on the same design tier of changli. Just insane amounts of fanservice. Equality!


that scientist guy next to mortefi in the release trailer lmao


Geshu Lin geshu Lin geshu lin


Yhan lol If he will ever be playable I will give them my paypal credentials faster than you can say "Wutherkng Waves". And maybe Scar. Geshu Liu needs a bit more stuff going for him or he might become a 4 star which is not bad at all.


I'm hoping for a Colonel Sanders type of character🗿I love dudes with mustaches.


Geshu lin and the cute dude that is rumored to be pitol


Just scar, mhm.


Lee Hyperreal


Straight guy who just loves Geshu Lin's design and whole element. I was very lucky with Jiyan and Jinhsi, I still have 145 pulls rn and can easily get more with the current and future content. I'm very confident I will be able to max Geshu Lin as soon as he is out!


No one else has said this yet so I'll just say I'm waiting for more twinks and cute guys. Feel like characters like Lingyang are gonna be few and far between given how unpopular and disliked he is (I doubt most of his hate is from how good he is from a meta perspective).


Twinks have a high chance to be healers in the future


Ngl I don’t think any of the male characters are as hot as male Rover atm. Idk he’s just my type of anime crush 😂


Shirtless husbandos. 'Nuff said.


Will be pulling scar and genshulin when they come out for sure. If they aren't coming soon then any male character I like




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Bro there is not even many of them. But yea i think you should cherish what you got at this point bc i am not sure kuro is eager to release a lot of them


Yeah i am asking bcz there is a huge chance that we get like very few male characters compared to female characters


Geshu Lin, hoping he will be released soon. I already have Jiyan, I just want him and I'm good with males for now. Scar is okay, but I prefer other type of guys. I really want some girls too, but I don't know who to choose, they seems one more gorgeous than the other, and gameplay is always sick. I can't even spend more than a subscription.


Anyone who shed it’s first exposed abs or chest will win my whole savings 👊😭 Calcharo did it only on his forte 😢


Honestly any and Many Husbandos!! Though, I hope there are atleast 1 male character in 1.2, I will be waiting for the Drip Marketing before I will pull for Changli (Because listen, I Love husbandos and I priorities Them over waifus, But dang Changli's Pheonix Appeal is one of my Weak points, I love Anything Pheonix Like😭❤️), but if 1.2 has a male, then I will skip Changli. (Sorry Pheonix Princess, But my Kings Need to come home! ❤️) Ge shu lin and Scar, are Definitely on my HIGH priority List, the problem is I don't think there has been any talks of them being playable, which is sad because I can't plan my Pulls. :( But I am rooting for All Husbando with Their Signature Weapon! I couldn't get Jiyan because I lost 50/50 to encore and Then had to pull for another 67 times before I got him, leaving me with very less pulls which couldn't bring His Weapon home. I was on 37 Pity on Weapon Banner too! (😭) But on the Good side! I now have to only pull for like 30 something times to get the next characters weapon! Which feels nice. :D


Most people pulled for yinlin bcz of mommy, i pulled her for calcharo ( he is up there with jiyan for me )


Pulled a Character to Support Husbando! You are so based! She is definitely very Good with him! I skipped her, because I just didn't like her appeal, despite her being good for Calcharo. I can make do with 4* units for a while, until a good support comes out. All Best units and Builds For Husbandos!! ✨ Honestly, my Exploring team right now is, Rover/Mortefi, Calcharo and Jiyan. I wanna see my Mans while exploring! ✨❤️ Also! Happy Cake Day!! ✨❤️


Both.And it's not hard at all.Because I heard form someone they won't come so soon so I still have time collecting pullings


The only man so far I really want is that hot piece of manly man NPC. Scar and Genshu, I would pull just for the sake of it. But they don't really do anything for me.


Not saving for anyone specifically bc I like a balance between looks and gameplay, so I won't get a hottie that has boring or too difficult gameplay to me. I'm looking forward to Scar and Geshu Lin. I'm not interested in Xiangli Yao at all bc he looks like a twink. >!And we haven't seen Zhezhi at all so I don't know if I would want them.!<


Xiangli Yao and after that Scar




Xiangli Yao. Then Geshu Lin and Scar :')


Xiangli Yao and Geshu Lin ofc




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Xiangli Yao. Had a glimpse of him in the release teaser and he's more my type. Not a fan of scar, Geshu Lin is ok but hope he gets different outfit otherwise probably not pulling for him either. Hope they'll tease some more dudes to look forward to 🥲


Xiangli Yao because I need to put him in a team with Mortefi


I’m invested in Geshulin and hoping he’ll be playable soon. I caved and got Jinhsi and her sig because she won me over+her gameplay is fun. Going to keep saving for him from now on though, I’m sure I have enough time.


Well I got Calcharo and he was my favourite. Waiting for Scar. And maybe Geshu Lin if they don't make him full edgelord. I don't feel anything for that Xiangli Yao guy though


I like Scar, so probably him! I also want another pistol user, can’t have enough of them


I got s1r1 jiyan, so i plan to only pull when theres a male character or someone i just like. So any wuwa male they release will be mine no exceptions lol


I already got Jiyan so... nobody until we see some more.


I already have Jiyan + Signature 🤷 All I need left is his kids




Praying Scar is playable! I’m doing it as a challenge so I don’t really care, if it’s a guy I’ll pull, since I’ll probably have plenty of time to save anyway!


Scar, Scar and Scar (and Geshu Lin ofc)


Saving for camellya rn (I have to see her play style first to know 100% if I'm pulling) if not her than probs a healer/support or a hot man


Xiangli Yao


Geshu Lin


Scar prob but I already have my best main man Rover anyway


Ah pretty smart to save that 5* weapon, I just used it yesterday to make my Aalto even better at buffing Jiyan. I know it won’t matter for me anyway, if there’s a weapon that matches with a character I have I _need_ to have it purely for aesthetic reasons lmao. _Yes I whaled to get Jiyan’s sword oops._ I was saving up, decided to use 10 pulls for Jinshi: and I got her. Then I proceeded to spend all my asterite pulling for her weapon lol! I don’t really know yet, I’d definitely want Scar just because of his character. We stan the edgy anime boys with white hair and red eyes lmao. I’d have to see what element they are and what their gameplay is before deciding though.


Jiyan and Scar and whoever else


Is Geshu Lin the general with oversized beads? Not liking the beads tbh. But I do love Scar's design and personality and if he is a gauntlet user who fights mostly with his legs, then deff Scar. Scar. Scar.




Dcar and if i have to save 5 years


Genshu Lin is my priority but I'm interested to see how they will make 5star Pistols. Right now they're okay but they all "feel" underwhelming when I play them. Not damage wise, but gameplay wise. But it's subjective ig


scar and genshu lin are who i'm primarily saving for out of all the characters that we have in the story atm. Aside from that, I always love melee combat/brawler/martial artist characters so if any cool 5 star brawler (male or female tbh) comes out before them, then maybe whoever that ends up being too! i know we have jianxin and lingyang, but i'm not huge on either of them, their gameplay doesn't really do it for me but i love their inclusion to the story! and if we get a cool 5 star gun user then high chance i go for them too


After playing Jiyan+Mortefy for a month, i'm not looking forward to "Husbandos" anymore...


I will definitely pull for Scar, but other than him, I can't really think of any other male characters. Though admittedly, I haven't played 1.1 yet, because now I'm on that Dawntrail grind. I just do my dailies in WuWa rn.


I love yanderes, so its a given who


I try to pull for jihnsi cuz she is damn OP. But!!! I lost 50/50 at 30 pulls and no sight of her after another 50 pulls, so think I will hit hard pity as usual( it happen with yinlin). Haven’t got any luck at all in gatcha games. I feel like crying. 🥲🥲🥲🥲 So ima save my pity for husbando. I hope it will be 5 star geshulin with equal strength. In the meantime I just stay with Calcharo and yinlin team.


I hope Geshu Lin become playable & ill do my best to pull him & his weapon because he reminds me ma boi Camu. Well hopefully if he did become playable i hope it's at 1.4 cuz i need some times to saves up astrite since im planing to pull Changli 1st cuz...mommy 😅


Aalto We have no confirmation that Scar and Geshu Lin will even be playable, far as I know, so until Kuro confirms, all I want is Aalto.


Whoever has a catalyst, because of the camera problems.


Geshu Lin for sure!! 🙌 Tho as Changli is next I want her because everything about her is so dope! Plus need a general aoe char. After that, it's Geshu Lin all the way! 💪


i wanted to save for scar but jinhsis animations with jue won me over lol, so I'll probably save for geshu. Guessing scar is going to come first since he had a more important part in the story as of rn


I pulled my Jinshi I also have Jiyan so i dont really need new units for a while i will probably gonna save for a while and try to e6 a cool character.


I need Scar so I can become an official Scar Main Free my man's he didn't do nothing wrong


Saving for a 5-star gunner like Lee from PGR.


Scar, without a doubt


saving for the old man (from the daily quest) who lost his son in the war... I already forgot how many flowers I left in the different tombs that the quest asks for... how many children did this guy have??? a real machine for making children...


Xiangli Yao and GeshuLin


i don't like scar so,,, geshulin my beloved :)


I want Yinyan's predecessor!




We don't have much to choose from... I would like a rectifier user since I'm not particularly fond of either Scar or Genshu


Im saving all pulls for tarzan


Genshu Lin’s design and character just ticks every box I have


I need more Mortefi


we need that training simulation guy as a brawler!


Gasoline or Scar.


Since I have Jiyan & Jinhsi I'm going for the Lee lookalike


Onigiri Scar, i want both him AND his signature, I ve been saving since jiyan, I didn't pull anyone and I don't plan on pulling for anyone until I have my Onigiri, my team now is jiyan mortefi verina and I will keep playing these 3 until Scar will be mine, I also hope Scar will synergies with characters I can easily obtain


if they make yunawu but buffer, I'd definitely pull even if he's a 4*


Pulling for Geshulin, a male healer hero, a tan guy unit, basically getting all the husbandos that look beguiling or have aesthetic combat kits


His ult will be his final form ❤️‍🔥😮‍💨


For any male characters at this point!


the only husbando i'm saving for is scar but i feel like it might take a while for him to become playable since he's supposedly a villain and all of that so until then I'll wait and see if a new male character comes out that interests me.


Geshulin and Scar, love their design


I want 5 star aalto pls.


I'm waiting for Scar. S6R5 Scar is one of my motivations to play the game right now. I don't really care what kind of role he will play as a playable unit. I will still pull for him even if he wield a broom and is a support/crowd control.


Geshu Lin.No one else only *him*


both those hot men....and pharlovaaaaaa


Genshu looks broadswordy, I already got Jiyan, Calcharo, Jinhsi and the two limited broadblades. Will pull for him if his kit works with any of the swords I have.


I missed Jiyan and I'm so pissed about it, him and scar are battling it out rn for my no.1 husbando spot. I was literally blushing at some parts of the Jiyan companion quest aha so when he eventually gets a rerun I'm pulling for him and obviously scar too. I love how deranged scar is lol. He's 100% a sadist (*look my username*) so it's safe to say I want to get scar too but honestly if any hot guy with an interesting personality comes on a banner I'm pulling for him lmao


You want seed ? — jiyan to rover




I'm saving for whoever looks the most fun.


im honestly saving til a new one is shown, dont get me wrong i like all the characters and their designs so much. theres just always that 1 that i always REALLY want. right now my calcharo is that til a new one is shown, preferablly with black hair lol


sadly i feel like the next character shown is gonna be a 5 star gunner, since we dont have that yet


There is certain place on reddit where there may or may not be information about who we may or may not get as a playable male character next for anyone wondering.


Whatever 5* gunner we get. Hopefully a dps. Otherwise a support (M or F idc) Tbh none of the potential men really hype me up that much yet. :/ Scar could, if his kit is cool. I REALLY like where they *could* go with him (his boss, the cards).


Whoever releases first. I’m pulling for Scar since he’s just cute. 


I just want Geshu Lin bruh pls 😭


Sorry but my heart belongs to Alto and Encore, that guy has the charm to charm everyone


The PGR Lee equivalent /hj


anyone that's hot but not too edgy looking. geshu lin and scar are kind of too emo for my personal taste


I am saving for hot murder general. Hoping they tease someone soon so I have something concrete to look forward to though.


I have jiyan already, but id save for a glacio male healer/dps to pair with sanhua


They haven't revealed many male characters yet that I can think of that might be playable. But out of scar and that guy that Jiyan remembered, they both are cool.


Genshu Lin


I'm a panroller, I don't care about genders, but I'm pulling for the robot arm guy if he is like lee


Depends if any are ranged. I very much prefer ranged gameplay and as f2p I prioritise gameplay over looks (kinda used to that unfortunately). Main reason why I pulled for yinlin + her weapon: subdps longevity and good value dps rectifier.


Unsure at the moment. I rerolled my account 3 times for Calcharo and in the end, I don't even use him anymore. Jiyan is someone I'd like to have eventually but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


After I get Jinhsi (dragon ftw) imma be saving for Geshu Lin in hopes that he’ll be playable. I am in the weird situation where I kinda like scar but his design isn’t making me go ‘omfg I need to pull right now’ Whereas Geshu Lin in that animated short had me screeching like a banshee, and his in game model certainly didn’t help matters AJSGSJSKS Famous last words really, I hope I don’t get tempted by someone else’s design


Scar 🥺