• By -


Where is the illusive realm? When I click proceed on the event banner it opens the quests tab, but there's no quest for the illusive realm. I went to the location before it's also not opened. How do How can I play the illusive realm again?


Can anyone tell me what a "proper" dps rotation looks like for a team with Jinhsi and Mortefi? Maybe a video? My skill issues appear to be terminal, as I can't manage to get the right tower 4th floor down with more than a minute remaining... That's the side where radiant damage is buffed... I don't understand how it's possible to build up to full stacks on Jinhsi. Most of the time, I'm lucky to get about 1/3 of a bar full, maybe half when Mortefi is active.




Mort is not really good with jinhsi it seem since you can trigger his coordinate like 3 times/rotation yuanwu or yinlin is better


Anyone see any calcs in S5 commando of conviction and lunar cutter compared to the emerald of Genesis?


why is my rocksteady guardian 18.7 percent spectro dmg bonus and 60 atk?????? its maxed. im losing out on so much stats https://preview.redd.it/yniae4f7qead1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa233e704939352b35bba1214678133befc6ca98


Phantom choes are bugged currently. Classic kuro


is there no way to fix it? my phantom light crusher has 30 percent and is ok


Currently theres no way to fix it but i suggest not feeding this echo to others for exp its such a good piece and Kuro might fix it eventually.




Should I use my lustrous tide on the wep banner or characters?


i think weapon banner since the characters are available if u lose 50/50


I got Jinhsi s1 early, and already have her weapon Should I keep rolling for s2 or am I safe to keep saving (as in there's no more major early vertical investment point)?


All of Jinhsi's resonance are pretty great all the way to S6. S2, while not as good as the rest, is still a good increase. It boosts her first rotation in the tower as well as QoL for overworld. You'll need to decide the stopping point yourself.


What are the desired verina stats? Like how much hp, er, and attack ?


As much ER as you can get. Nothing else matters. Whatever other stats you end up with after getting plentiful ER is good enough.


Who do you guys think is a better character and more future proof or likely to be useful in the longer (medium) term - Jianxin or Encore. I still have my 80-pull selector and I have all the characters released so far except for these two. It seems I will get 30 pulls once achieving union level 30 or whatever so that would be a good start to get one of them. I’ve been going back and forth between these two. - Initially I thought Jianxin on the basis that I have a lot of DPS already and I prefer short ranged characters rather than guns and whatever those things are called that Yinlin and Verina use (I want to be able to parry) - Then I learned that Encores damage is still among the highest of the DPSs and that she is conducive to a quick-swappy style which I enjoy - But now I’m thinking that a standard release DPS might be more likely to be power crept than a support. I heard that Jianxin works well as a support for Jinsu as well and that might be good since I have her and I like to use unique teams, ie characters not duplicated across teams. Would be interested to hear from people who have experience with these two characters or are familiar with their kits. A secondary question is whether anyone is aware what Kuro intends to do in terms of adding new characters to the standard banner. If they are not adding them a la Genshin then maybe it makes sense not to pull for either of them as the odds will be better that I get one when losing a 50/50. OTOH if they are going to add all the ‘limited release’ characters then maybe I just use the banner. Seems I have a year to decide


Neither. All the standard characters can and will be powercrept quickly and easily. So choose whichever you'll enjoy more now. >I heard that Jianxin works well as a support for Jinsu as well and that might be good since I have her and I like to use unique teams, That's only the case because we currently only have 3 supports and need 3 teams. Expect her to be replaced as soon as 2 limited supports are released.


In the game's entire lifespan, you will only need 1 more sustain assuming you have Verina and Baizhi. Jianxin ain't it. The moment a ZL-like shielder shows up, she's gone, her shield is strong but it takes way too long to deploy. And Encore will be powercreep within the first year. Calcharo is already memed to death as "Midcharo".


Lol, I still mainly use midcharo tbh, I find his play style challenging


He's one of my 3 mains. But the moment I get Changli, she's gonna take his place as one of my 3 DPS chars for Tower.


For the yuanwu, verina, jinhsi team why do people put the healing set on yuanwu instead of verina? Is it because of a lack of resources to build the character or is it because the rotation is longer? I want to build yuanwu as a sub dps but if it isn’t optimal then oh well


Verina builds outro faster, so easier to get Moonlit set proc. Yuanwu can proc Rejuv Glow set in a second by just basic attacking with the healing gauntlets. Keeps his field time low.


I see, you think it’d be okay to build him as a sub-dps but just on the rejuv set or nah?


That should be OK yeah


I haven't seen any math comparing team damage with and without Yianwu being a sub-DPS. The rotations with sub-DPS Yuanwu don't look like they have much more time needed than support Yuanwu. Here's a [rotation example](https://imgur.com/a/8bsTBUJ) for sub-DPS I had thought of. It's unknown if it's better or worse than what people do with the support build.


Because Jinhsi basically do 99% of the team damage in Jinhsi/Yuanwu/Verina comp. Any second wasted with Jinhsi off field means a DPS loss for the team. Yuanwu is also not reliant on his Outro. He just need his skill, and that was it. So people got creative and used a 3* weapon so he can buff the team some more with the Rejuvenation Set


Ah okay I see, thanks!


wuwa keeps repairing itself which leads to restarting which kicks me out of geforce. Annnnnny solutions?


Tried fighting hologram and got my behind handed to me in about 6 hits. And everything else seems nearly maxed out but it says that my echo level is “Novice” even tho all my echoes are at 5-star rarity and max leveled… what am I doing wrong here?


skill issue. at high levels of hologram, it just comes down to parrying and dodging correctly. You dont have to play perfect but there are certain attacks that will just 1 shot you.


This is against a level 55 Tempest Mephis and I’m my team’s at level 80, I got hit once and saw how big of a chunk it took off my health so I let it hit me a couple more times and died at 6 hits, so I’m just wondering if my DEF stat is just sh*t or if that’s pretty normal, anyways the game points the blame on my echo level so I was wondering why it says that even tho I’ve maxed out all of my echoes levels


yeah u are wayyyyy too overleveled for that. you are fine.


pretty sure it want whole team max upgrade to not have that screen show up


I thought the level difference would mitigate the damage since my team was at 80 and the boss was at 55, but do levels not really matter that much in WuWa?


i only know you do less dmg to boss with higher lvl(rumor though) not boss do less dmg to you


Seems one-sided…. But if that’s how the game is, no choice but to parry and dodge then


Which day does the 10 free weapon banner pulls drop? I want to get Jinhsi's weapon and throw the rest at her S1. However, it would be a waste to get her weapon before getting those 10 weapon banner pulls and lose out on pulls to throw at the character banner.


2 days from now.


Cool! It's been such a slog using Jinhsi with a terrible build and weapon because I'm waiting for her weapon. Her gameplay is fun, but because her build sucks I'm spending several rotations against easy enemies. Just 2 more days!


Is Jinhsi's S3 a little funky? She can gain 2 stacks, but it means making her do her intro twice? Any practical use for this Waveband?


It's mainly for double intro comp like Jinhsi/Yinlin/Verina comp. Yinlin -> Jinhsi intro and Liberation -> Switch Verina -> Jinhsi intro and main skill rotation


The longer a fight goes, the more stacks you'd have. You won't have 2 stacks for first rotation, but you'd have it for 2nd rotation onwards. In ToA it's unlikely you're clearing in just one rotation.


What is the best way to farm union lv exp?


Quest,Spend waveplates


ah k thx


How many hours does it take to complete the new quests in 1.1 give or take


~2-3 hours if you read everything. Half that or less if you skip.


Thank you


My friends who didn't have optimization issues now understand my pain lol. If i like zzz i will be dropping this until it actually runs decently.


Then leave


i like this airport annoucement.


mfers really do be out here thinking anybody cares if they gonna drop the game or not. you aint kobe. we dont love you like that.


https://preview.redd.it/xfmtkzuw6ead1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4f00c5c2b18624deb6b35c6be640623461d617f Was doing the quest when I had to go away for a bit. Came back and the game restarted, and now I can't enter the quest area. Please help i'm on mobile


Does anyone know where the turtle song comes from


Is there any solid confirmation if there is a soft pity in the game? If so, what could it be? Thanks in advance.


https://astrite.gg/global/featured-resonator Based on the global stats, there appears to be soft pity kicking in at ~66 pulls. You can see that by the 5* Pulls By Roll graph (if there was no soft pity, it would be completely flat, with a spike at 80 for the guarantee)


Gonna round it off to 65. Well that somewhat kills my hopes for pulling for both Jinhsi and Changli lol. I have a guaranteed but dont think I can afford both. Oh well it is what it is. Thanks anyway.


Can I save the 10x Radiant Tides which were today’s gifts to pull for Changli? Or do I have to use them on Jinshi’s banner?


what makes you think you need to spend them immediately


First gatcha so I don’t know


You can save em


Amazing, so they will work on future limited banners?


Yes they don't expire


Thank you :) I’d love to try and get a dupe of Jinshi but that seems very, very unlikely


How much better is Yinlin (standard 5*) than Yuanwu for Jinhsi or is it more of a trade off?


Yinlin is going to lead to more dps if played optimally Yuanwu is easier to use


Tradeoff. Yinlin buffs liberation and deals a crapton more dps, while Yuanwu demands much less field time and is better at helping build Jinhsi forte.


YuanWu is better. He's super fast to setup his thing, then you switch off him. Give him healing set and he buffs your team too.


better at generating stacks\* yinlin makes the team better overall


Depends on how hyper carry you want Jinhsi to be I guess. But yeah.


Does 4 star pity (the every 10 rolls guaranteed 4 star) carry over between banners? Can't seem to find the answer anywhere. I think in Honkai Star Rail it doensn't, but what about Wuthering Waves?


It carries over (Also it does carry over in Star Rail). Do keep in mind however, that unlike Star Rail/Genshin, in this game 5 stars consume your 4 star pity. So it's possible to have 19 wishes without a 4 star, if the 10th was a 5 star.


Oh, someone told me it doesn't carry over in Star Rail... weird ok thanks for the info.


It does.


People mentioned that Changli is a sub-DPS, and others said she can be a DPS too. I want to pull her, but I'm scared she won't be anywhere near Jiyan or Jinhsi's level. What you guys think of her ?


Well she is not a sub dps, she just happens to have the same outro as Yinlin instead of a damage dealing outro. Don't pull because you want that because you're going to be dissapointed if an actual 5\* fire sub dps comes out.


I've made a post about it and people were giving interesting opinions The post is titled "u think changli will be a game changing character?" Some people say she's not crazy, but decent dmg, and most are pulling for her animations and booba


Anyone else experiencing high ms after the recent update? I was playing with 60-90 ms constantly in SEA server and now I'm experiencing 200ms. I fixed the client and redownloaded all patches and restarted my router but none worked. Hopefully this is fixed for the next update. This was the reason why I left Genshin in the first place


I don’t play on SEA but I get consistent 45ms


Is it better to +8 talents or upgrade to level 80? I have just barely enough damage on Encore for the L/R towers. Like I can get the boss down to less than 10% at 3:00 but it’s just not enough.


First lvl your dps to 80, then focus on maxing their talents And only then you can focus on subdps and support, but they're not that necessary to keep building past lvl 60-70


How do i activate these crystals ? https://preview.redd.it/p0nf6fjurdad1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c5f0c8ac30fa8d8cc085de8108f1761c353419e


The main exploration quest of the area (green quest)


ty !


Assuming you’ve finished all the prior content, how much more astrites can you get before Changli’s banner?


If you can, buy the monthly, is the best value we can get for money. It's nice to have additional 20 pulls over time


Yeah, I’m really debating it tbh lol


~1200 from dailies, 1000 from illusive realm, and another potential 700 from TOA depending on how far you can clear.


Appreciate it, thank you. 🙏


If I pull 79 pulls on Jinshi banner and don’t get any 5 star, does the pity carry over to Changli banner so I can just pull once and hit pity on that banner?


Yeah if you have guaranteed




https://preview.redd.it/s9gpmmlokdad1.png?width=979&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b8ef1d708763dfbe7e5352522c0e832ba8e149f Why can't i talk to these guys for "A quest of wits - II"


You mean even after 24hrs? because these guy only give it once every 24hrs after you complete quest


yeah it shows up on the minimap


Can you waste pity counter in this game? In some games if you get a 5* with your 10 pull, and you get it on 2nd pull out of 10, the game just resets counter to 0 instead of 8. Is that the case here?


No. You'd be at 8 pity in this game


The team I use the most is Jiyan, Mortefi & Verina. I just pulled Jinshi. I read her best team is Yinlin, who I don’t have & Verina who I’m using with Jiyan. The other two recommendations I’ve gotten for characters I have are Spectro Rover with Taoqi or Yuanwu with Baizhi. I was wondering with of those has worked better for people, or if using Spectro Rover with Baizhi might work, as I’ve already got them partially built. The only other 5 star support I have is Jianxin.


Yuanwu+Baizhi would be the better choice.


That’s what I’ve been hearing. Tysm!


how do they manage to make this game run worse every single day? it's honestly pathetic, i really like the game but good luck retaining players if it runs this poorly over a month in


my danjin is c6 i havent built her up at all and used her like twice is it worth it to invest some time in her? i also wwanna put some time into toaqi aswell


For the record I'm still building my 2nd team for toa and reached 24stars yesterday, I've been the most efficient possible on it. So if you care about toa and don't plan to use havoc rover + danjin team, then no But if you like her and don't care for few astrites then yeah


She rewards high skill. And even if you are skilled, it's not like she's better than the best 5* carries. So if you like Danjin and/or like high skill expression in your characters, try Danjin. If you dislike dying or don't want to put in effort to get better, don't build Danjin.


She looks pretty fun i think ill build her




1) "445+796=824" is not the correct math. The ATK of Jinhsi's weapon is part of her base ATK. That's what the 768 is. It's her base ATK + Weapon's base ATK. The +824 is from echoes and other sources of ATK% and flat ATK. The 796 is from Echoes alone. 2) What is Encore's weapon? Are you using Cosmic Ripples? That has ATK% on it. You wouldn't see the ATK% in the Echoes page, because that's from her weapon, not her echoes.


How does Jinhsi compare on lingering tunes over the spectro set? Biggest disadvantage to me is the loss of Jue but idk how much it matters in her total damage output


It's pretty bad. 2pc Spectro/2pc Tunes would be better than 5pc tunes.


Really? Do you know how much? She spends a fair amount of field time before being able to drop her nukes so tunes has time to ramp up, i would think it'd be viable on her


I have Jinhsi S2 with her weapon and want a good SUB DPS for her. I've decided I'm either going to pick my S6 Spectro Rover with BIS weapon, or Danjin S6 with BIS weapon. Spectro Rover S6 gives the buff 'the target's Spectro DMG RES reduced by 10% for 20s", but Danjin S6 gives the buff "increases the ATK of all team members by 20% for 20s". I am not sure which one to use. Obviously my healer will be Verina, and I am totally fine running a mono Spectro team. As a side note, it would be cool if running a mono team gave resonance like Genshin did. Anyway, any advice for picking either S6 Spectro Rover or S6 Danjin as my SUB DPS for Jinhsi?


Your jinhsi will suffer in toa


Neither of them. Spectro Rover's RES shred doesn't really matter that much for Jinhsi, and Jinhsi's Forte discourages using mono-attribute teams since it slows down her stack generation (thus lowering her nuke potential past the first one). Danjin is slightly better since being Havoc means she can generate stacks at the same time as Verina, but Havoc damage and that ATK buff are the only things she had to offer. Her Outro buff is wasted on a Jinhsi team, and the lack of coordinated attacks means Jinhsi stack generation is still slower than what it could be.


Is there any reason you are doing that instead of just using Yuanwu? Neither Spectro Rover nor Danjin have coordinated attacks, which will make it difficult to build stacks after your first rotation.


Yes. I have her S2 so I am not prioritizing coordinated attacks as much as everyone else. Just the nuke damage :}


Her S2 only works on the very first rotation though. If you wanted a nuke (for like screenshots) you would use Taoqi, because Taoqi has 38% Skill damage Deepen.


Oh yeah it does, doesn't it. Well I can't stand the fedora, and I also foolishly never pulled for yinlin. That leaves Mortefi, but I prefer him with my Jiyan. I could use him, but I prefer to use one of my 2 S6 characters because they can do lot's of damage on their own, too.


Not sure what to tell you then. FWIW, Yuanwu's field time in a Jinhsi team is like <2 seconds. You just attack once, skill, and then dip. You give him the rejuvenating set and the gauntlet that heals on basic. You don't have to build him. At all. You just give him enough echoes to survive without being accidentally one shot. You're better off using Danjin/Rover in a different team entirely.


Even still, if you had to choose a buff for Jinhsi, would you choose -10% Spectro res on the target for 20s, or 20% ATK bonus for 20s? What do you think would benefit Jinhsi more?


They're both super minor honestly, I wouldn't choose either lol. Getting more stacks is more important. Each stack of Incandescence is worth ~44% more scaling on her nuke (at level 10). Missing out on full stacks is a much bigger loss than 20% ATK or -10% Res would ever give you.


sounds good, thank you!


Finally got Jinhsi. Is Yuanwu her best partner? I've seen that Yinlin is also good with her and I have both. Wondering if Yuanwu is worth the investment.


Use her with yinlin and learn the right rotation, it's really powerful I wouldn't go for yuanwu if I'd have yinlin


Yinlin is technically her best partner for now, but Yuanwu takes almost no effort to use.


*reddit was being weird about adding the picture so I've place it in the replies I can't figure out how to unlock the last photonvault for the main quest (mianloong chamber, part 3). I tried searching up a guide but it just said there should be a corroder, but it is empty for me. Is there something else I need to do? I think I might have grabbed it by accident earlier in the quest and thrown it in the incorrect location. Is my game just bugged now? I really want to just finish up the main quest. Thanks




There is another corroder, that one has two. If you use sensor, it should at least point you to where you have to go? I don't remember specifically where the 2nd one is.


ah I found it, thank you! I just had to fight some enemies I had been avoiding to unlock the second one lol


“Waking the World” is on YT Music in Japanese Chinese and Korean but the EN version w/ Will Stetson is marked as unavailable. Can anyone else cross check this with Spotify, and does anyone know why? I mean they even have the instrumental it’s just the English that’s missing 


Seconding this. It was there at first but when I checked to play it a few days ago it was gone from the album.


How do we get character-specific sigils? Is there a way, or it's not been included yet?


Hasn't been added yet


Guys, for Yuanwu should I go: 4 Crit. - 3 Electro DMG Or just DEF in every slot? (i'm building him full support, no hybrid or DPS)


Better build verina full energy regen and your jinhsi If it's not for it, yuanwu is a bad support for any other character


doesnt matter, just get him the white set 5/5 (moonlight something)


This is incorrect; Yuanwu should use Rejuvenating and Verina should use Moonlit. You are not going to outro on Yuanwu so Moonlit+Heron doesn't work. Rejuvenating+Bellborne still works, you just have to use the Originite weapon which heals with one basic attack.


nice, Ill try this out today


moonlit clouds


If he's full support, then it doesn't matter at all. Personally I'd still use DPS echoes though.


Can Jiyan use Jinhsi's weapon? or is it bad on him?


It is his second best weapon


Push for Jinhsi S2 or try for Changli? I have Encore but S5 Sanhua works great with her so far so I'm not sure I want to pull for Changli or not.


Jinhsi's S2 is mostly a QoL for the overworld. Most would say that's not worth getting over a new 5*.


Doesn't it work on the tower?


You have 2 minutes in the tower to 3 star; even if you use Jinshi in a slow rotation with say Yinlin, you'll fire 1 nuke every 15 seconds, so 8 nukes total. S2 only works on 1 nuke out of 8. It is not a good sequence.


Yes, but it's not exactly a game changing difference. You still got to do your normal rotation, so you'll end up with most your stacks for her first nuke regardless of her C2.


Why are Lightcrusher so much stronger than any other mob in the game xD


take elite mob a bit too literally


Does anyone else play this game? Is there a matchmaking people flock to? I just wanna kill things but can’t find them. 


You can use the official discord, there are co-op channels.


Oh. Just wanted the easy in game built stuff. lol 


Not a lot of people matchmake for domains and such, since none of the domains take that long to solo.


Guess I got spoiled by genshin which match made everything in seconds. 


Yeah, it's pretty lame that WuWa doesn't have matchmaking for Tacet Fields. Even in Genshin the only thing i really matchmake for are Artifact Domains and weekly bosses.


Yeah think they spread it too thin with this game 


Since the new update everytime I get into the game it crashes. Dois someone have advice for me?


Maybe download was corrupted I redownload and try again


Hi all. Just reached UL40 and data bank 21 and I'm kinda lost now so I have a couple of questions. 1 - Is it worth merging echos at this point? Or is there any better use for the useless echos I have? Should I keep any purple echos at all? 2 - Where am I suppose to waste Waveplates now? Or what's the most effective way to use them? In the meantime I've been improving my Jiyan and farming echos in the open world. But I should start making a second team for ToA. I pullef Jinhsi who should I use her with? I've been seeing a lot of people talking about Yuanwu Thanks


1. I would say upgrade one set for your main dps (for example I use Havoc Rover with crit dmg / havoc dmg / havoc dmg / atk% / atk% and I dont caera bout substats at this point, so should you 2. echo exp / talent points for your main dps later when you farm echoes you can just upgrade them to 5 and if you get hp/def u can just upgrade the next one to 5 with the old one and so on and so on


This may be a tough question to answer in the daily megathread but does anyone know how the yuanwu, baizhi, jinhsi rotation goes?


I "accidentally" (just mindlessly pulling with no goal in mind) get Jinhsi signature weapon, IIRC it's stat are not that universal (for other characters, it's only stat stick),  My question is, can I get Jinhsi before her banner end?  - All my maps are under 30% completion - My Union(?) rank is around 34 - I'm at 35-ish pity, with guarantee (this game also use 50/50 guarantee system right?) - I have close to 0 asterite I can give additional details if needed, thanks


are there enough resources for you to guarantee Jinshi? absolutely.


If you finish exploring then you'd basically guarantee it.


If you finish the map exploration and upcoming events, easily.


Can somone explain to me what is 'account blocking' ? recently, i've encountered a problem with purchasing lunite subscription. my visa didn't have enough money but the payment still got through (i make my purchase through app store). i've contacted customer service and they told me that they will refund my purchase, but it may cause account blocking in the game (i have the text). i've tried to contact customer service to ask about the term 'account blocking' again but it's no use. am i getting ban ? is there any penalty ?


Can you screenshot the exact text?


https://preview.redd.it/f4tddz55scad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=358ed8a6af84cdae12fdd87d50a82a859fb32132 here, i've tried to contact them again but it've been a day, they haven't refund the subscription yet nor contact me back.


So, they won't refund you. You have to do a chargeback. If you do a chargeback, they deduct whatever it was going to give you. If your account ends up in a negative balance state, you will only have a short time (I am not sure what the timeframe is for WuWa) to get back to a positive balance, or else they ban you. So just make sure you don't spend anything (astrites/lunites) until the chargeback is done.


update on my problem: if anyone ever caught in the same situation as i am, go to app store and fix your pending purchase, and you will be set, there's no need for a refund.


so should i make a chargeback on my own, or wait for them to deduct my lunites and astrites ?


You have to do a chargeback. Their support message clearly states that they aren't going to refund you.


thank you for clarifying the matter, have a great day!


Hi can anyone help me find this chest? It isn't on the Lower Tier. If you go there, the chest will have up arrow. It isn't on the Middle Tier. If you go there, you won't find anything. (I scanned.) It isn't on the Upper Tier. If you go there, it is a wall. It isn't on the surface. If you go there, the chest will have down arrow. https://preview.redd.it/yzsojelencad1.jpeg?width=1306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b60c7fecd2a5b3d6df0c4cc4419f02686b3ec74


Middle tier There's a crack on the roof near the explosive rock and you need to climb up there to find the chest


Thank you! I tried searching on other website and those website doesn't have this either lol.


Lootmapper doesn’t show all chests and tidal heritages for some reason, do you also have this issue? What substats are good Havoc Rover other than CR and CD? In what order?


lootmapper doesn't show chests that haven't spawned in yet. so it misses some puzzles and challenges pretty much every DPS wants substats in this order: crit rate = crit damage > atk% > flat atk with the 5th ideal being ER until you hit the breakpoint. the attack type% substats are pretty small compared to those other stats, and get worse on characters like h-rover where your damage is split between multiple types.


Oh so you mean I haven’t really gone to that area so it didn’t load in thus the chests not being spawned in just yet? So the 6th ideal one would be liberation damage for HRover? Would skill damage be good too on her? For characters that focus on dealing damage via a certain way like Jiyan I’m assuming %HA damage is good on him?


what i mean is that some chests aren't on the map until you do the puzzle or minigame for them. those are what lootmapper fails to find. and i'll drop this link for the substat stuff https://old.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1djr5w1/math_substat_optimization_and_why_you_shouldnt/ basically, none of the move% substats are worth prioritizing, especially on h-rover. you'd need over half your damage to be one type and it'd only end up sorta close to flat atk.


Ah no, I meant that the lootmapper failed to spot chests that were on the map! This happened quite a few times. It failed to spot unlocked chests (those that are hidden and lying somewhere) and tidal heritages. I don’t recall it failing to spot locked chests just yet tho (those that are guarded by Exiles or earned via challenges/puzzles and are present on the map). Really weird tbh! Thank you so much, that’s really informative! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Hey All, I am looking at the minimum investment needed in Yuanwu for a Jhinsi / Verina comp. I will get him to 60/70 for the AOE, I have his healing gauntlets at R5/lvl 60 and I am putting the turtle and healing set on him. Few questions: 1) Should the turtle be a healing main stat? 2) what levels should I take his skills amd what skills need leveling? 3) what should his overall stats be / is there a need to level his echos for said stats? 4) what does the rotation look like for these 3 man comp? Thanks so much!


1) The primary purpose is to proc the echo set ability. The stats don't matter and all echoes can be left unleveled. 2) Skill can be left at level 1. 3) No need to level his stats. 4) The simplest rotation you can do is just Verina burst> Yuanwu, burst (if up), skill, echo ability, one punch > Verina, finish mid attack chain, skill, heron echo ability swap cancel> Jinhsi, skill, skill, (I like to grapple upward here to avoid getting hit) basic attack 4x, burst, dragon puke, Jue ability> Verina burst if available otherwise I go straight to yuanwu and repeat. There are more sweatier rotations, but this is the basic structure. My Verina has trouble bursting every rotation, so I like to weave her before and after yuanwu, but not when I think her concerto is going to get filled up.


stats, healing bonus, echo levels don't matter. the purpose of the healing set is just to get the atk bonus from the set effect. skills can all be lvl 1 too


Please add Planar Reflections and Motion Blur Feature on mobile 🥺


Why does everyone call the resonance chain sequence? I have yuanwu at chain 6 why do people call it sequence 6 (S6) can i call it chain 6 (C6) instead?


Dude most people understand contextually what people mean, and it's also not intuitive the way WuWa has it set up. THey call it resonance chain sequence because that's what it actually is (im not saying it's how it should be lol) It's a **Sequence** on the **Resonance Chain**, so really, you'd say something like **Resonance Chain Sequence 6**, and that's too long. So there's a few that are fine: RC5 - Resonance Chain 5, sure. S5 - Sequence 5, sure. RCS5 - sure, but we don't need allat. You could do C5 as well, but that gets confusing because it's full term is Resonance Chain, and it also does share naming with another popular game if you use C alone. (end note) the only time someone really doesn't understand is when it's like a complete nongacha player who sees a genshin term - i don't play genshin and goddamn **am I made** to know so much about it even when i dont want to, but i get it. *some of these letters can get confusing when you play other similar games*, but I usually in these posts can figure it out. and anyway, I saw this concern come up a bit around launch around naming, but i've never actually seen any major posts that made it hard to understand. You can most usually contextually understand.


Thanks for the wall of text. So it's just a general consensus, I got it. Now you brought genshin here. I just found it funny that we differentiate the name of the same concept of duplicated characters. You're right people might find it confusing. A lot of gacha games that are not big just called it "dupe"


I am sorry for bringing up Genshin (you know why i did it, but Im sorry nonetheless) i'm tired of comparisons. And it is useful to differentiate precisely for that reason - We're building WuWa's community, why not try to use lore accurate words, even if Kuro sucks at it right now lol.


I didn't have Baizhi until now even though you all got her for free. https://preview.redd.it/npvdl34racad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=1470a043e98423c71bbded1f0958fa1718520bd3


This was Sanhua for me, and Jinhsi and weapon made her S9... https://preview.redd.it/o9wf1tkbwcad1.png?width=1764&format=png&auto=webp&s=15c9981b972e2c5f14d75309c623f17d475f8aa7


Just do a single pull on standard banner and you'll get her too.




Yeah that's literally what I said.


Skill issue