• By -


First time fighting: Oh its a tiger, its just gona pounce and scratch and stuff. Start shooting missiles and AOE attacks. This tiger a fcking mage.


Tiger opening the gate of babylon mid fight


Low key diet Aix. Thank god I'm using a ranged team.


so am i! Help. Please. Mortefi and Aalto can only do so much


Its litterly just practice, took me about 783 hours on phone and 72 hours on pc, just keep doing it


another Faker


Dude studied at Raya Lucaria


You met the Red Wolf of Radagon Now get ready for Marika's Yellow Tiger


Was going to make that joke but it's kinda funny that a lot of stuffs have a some sort Elden Ring similarity. There's even a boss in the dlc that looks like a Liondancer.


I died to this mf a lot. atp, why not count it as a boss 😭


Delayed Counter dodge attack brother that's the only way after studying there moveset. And Run from those air attacks.


I died so many times to him and genuinely thought I was stuck. But the other day I was trophy hunting and went for the one where you have to eat 100 meals or whatever, so I ate a ton and realized I was buffed as shit so decided to fight him and took him down at first try lol


The way you word this makes it sound like food buffs stack. Surely that isn't the case, right? Like, I can only eat one meal for 30% attack buff. If I eat another, it only resets the duration instead of doubling the effect, right?


Correct, similar food buffs don't stack, that would be broken AF if they did lol


Can you use both crit buff and atk buff though? Or both hp buff and def buff?


Iirc so long as the foods don't have the same buff icon you can use them together, but iirc crit and atk are both same icon as are HP and def... But I think u can use def or HP with atk or crit.


''Food items of the same type do not stack when used (any consumed food will simply overwrite any pre-existing in the same category, regardless of buff strength or star rank), and only four types of Food buffs can be active at once.''


The other boss was more confusing. Just going to come back when my characters are juiced.


Fr, I kept dying for about 2 hours until I finally defeated it.


I would cry, ngl lol


I’m channeling my internal tears through Rover lolol


I did . But I took enough tequila to get me going. I’ve never drunken that much before.


First try I took it to like 1% hp and I died Try it again several times can't get near that again Fuck Try again and beat it HELL YEAH


WOOO congrats on beating it man!!! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)🎉🎉🎉


Just use potion


This. DEF food is GOAT'd in this game


Me too but I still haven't beaten it, I hope like fuck I get your luck and finally kill


I blame camera sensitivity suddenly going haywire whenever this kitty starts jumping around for all the deaths I had against this thing


are u still getting the forced camera direction change? i thought they said it was fixed in the patch notes but the game keeps trying to force my camera to point a certain direction (and i have to let it happen so it would stop)


the camera in this game cannot keep up with enemy movement Even the boss fight against Jue is ruined by it


Yes, just did 3x Jue for my weekly and she's so large that when zoomed out, your character becomes very hard to see. I got hit a few times while going "Where the hell am I?!!". Answer? In the middle of all those splashy pools and golden light effects she causes. Sometimes for those characters that move forward when attacking, you can even overshoot INTO the middle of Jue and can't see a damn thing.


They said it was fixed? Oo No changes for me fr, camera goes weeee 80-90% time in battle like it was before.


Yah me aggressive swiping because the camera just wants to stay in one direction 😂


Idk about you, but there's an option to turn off and I turned this auto camera movement off


Managed to dodge counter killed him after a dozen tries. Keep at it guys.


How do u guys make it out of bounds??


By running in fear to dodge it.. You honestly don't realise how far you are cause of how large his animations hey. Next moment you realise you're too far and he's reset.


only missing Yangyang comforting rover to be perfect xD


I thought about it but I’m kinda going through some art burnout rn, drawing a chibi rover was more of a struggle than I expected 🥲


you did great, and dont worry we all burnout some times


Thank you!! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


No worries man it was great and awesome art originally And you take care of your self should be your first priority! Looking forward for what would you make next :D


From my experience, on my first try it's own attack (the one where it floats up and starts running around) pushed it out of it's own aggro range. This didn't happen on any other try and I fought it about 11ish times I don't think I was playing any less aggressively the first time around, in fact I think I played too aggressively to the point where I didn't dodge sometimes. I do think think that if you just get unlucky with it's attacks it could cause aggro problems. But I also think there has to be a way to manipulate it's movements to avoid this


Thankfully his HP never reset when I fought him. I first tried him as well. Having Verina’s death protection definitely helped. On the other hand… those twin Ice Wolves are BENDING ME OVER HELP!


I also think the wolves are harder than the tiger since I cant time my dodges between two enemies, I finally came out victorious after abandoning all team synergy, put rover (havoc), jinhsi and verina into a team, runs around fighting critters to build my ults, put them on steriod (food buffs), and then nuking the shit out of the wolves, managed to stagger one and took it down while putting the other at half health, the fight becomes far more manageable after one of them died


The wolves felt harder to me as well. Just decided to set aside my pride and cheesed it with encore on top of a nearby rock.


I was able to lure one away from the other and kill one at a time


Opposite for me. Beat them first try in a minute or two. The lightcrusher I had to spend hours and hours fighting. I could not tell the difference between them and the double herons.


Hahaha, that reminds me of a situation that happened to me today, where I finally decided to fight those two damn red ice wolves again, I defeated one of them and when I was about to kill the other one, it turned around and returned to the spawn point and recovered all its life, the positive thing is that only one of them fully recovered but I was still furious T-T, however I was able to evade all its attacks and kill it.


I finaly killed this thing yesterday and chixia is the only survivor


Congrats on beating it!!! 🎉🎉🎉


Wait... THEY CAN HEAL??!?!


No, the arena is small and if your character walks out of bounds slightly, it resets the lightcrusher


Oh I always thought that was because the cat got too far away from me so I followed it when it jumped around and it didn’t reset anymore. I only had the reset issue once.


All enemies can heal because the leash system is buggy as shit.


Mighty Lightcrusher at least gives you some time to react. Twin Glacio Dreadmane on the other hand...


The slow moves he makes is what kills me. The ice wolves were very easy in comparison and I killed them first try. Their fast attacks made them easy to dodge.


But I think we can both agree, that the shiny fidget spinner is where the real challenge begins


I am sorry to say but I beat that guy first try no problem. He was absolutely nothing close to the power of the light crusher. 5 minute fight against fidget spinner vs 4 hours of combat vs light crusher.


Lol I was the opposite. Didn't have much of an issue with light crusher or fidget spinner. However those I've wolves fucked me up so fast. Idk how they were doing more damage than the light crusher


...wait, you guys survive long enough to see it reset?


"Oh booohoooo...like you can't teleport out before I kill you"


I really hate this system since "you know game" time especially if our character that move a lot or the sniper who moving to the back a lot. Either they save the enemy health or make the radius of health reset bigger instead...


I have lv 70 resonators, maxed attack for my UL, and I still can't beat it. 🥲


I have learned to not bother using rotations or trying to maximize damage. Just focus on doge counters and parries. Intro skills will also auto parry if it has a circle. Don't use flashy moves that prevent you from seeing the enemy. Do not try to fight this enemy like it is some Genshin enemy. Think of the cat as a Sekiro enemy.


Great advice! I finally beat it just moments ago based on what you said. Had to use some buffs but I did it! Jinhsi, Yinlin and Baizhi worked the magic I needed.


> Do not try to fight this enemy like it is some Genshin enemy. I *really* wish leash ranges didn’t screw sniping with pistols so hard. -Lyney main


Felt. I’m pretty much in the same position, except my support is at level 60. I’m probably going to take a break from trying to fight it and focus on other stuff. There’s still a lot of time left to complete the challenge and there’s no use in burning myself out from a game I like just because there’s a mini boss I can’t beat rn :v


It’s really not that hard. Your main damage against this boss and the construct are dodge counters and intro/outro skills. Don’t try to bruterforce it with DPS and remember that there is no time limit. You just gotta get gud with those dodges.


You can bruteforce it with Jinhsi but yes dodge counters will still do a big chunk of damage (and Jinhsi needs the lightcrusher staggered or bell turtle shield to not risk one shotted during her combo)


I mean yes, you can try and force it with DPS, but it’s probably easier and faster to just dodge counter and intro/outro skill your way. (Unless you have a sick whale tier character). The only advice I can give to someone struggling with it is the one you said! The turtle shield in all your characters to spam it and maintain its damage reduction, use ranged characters for easier dodge counters maintaining distance, and the most important one: keep going. Best way is to keep trying and learn its attack patterns.


I'm just gonna wait level 90 and step on it lol


This! I am either smart, lazy or lacking in skill. I’ll skip the tough battles till my units are prepared.


Isn’t this just video game protagonists getting a taste of their own medicine?


Time to cheese it and use Chixia, Mortefi, and Aalto. It'll take hours but at least he's defeated!


Yeahhh I tried it with Aalto at first since he’s my favourite character to use, the amount of times the fight got reset… 🥲


This Thing was worse than the tower. I died so many times and then I nearly killed it just for it to fully heal itself and kill me right after😭


I didn’t defeat it on the first try, but I never noticed that it could heal 😞


It doesn’t exactly “heal”, the area where you can fight it in is just small so, if you or the edgy buff cat accidentally leave it, the buff cat goes back to it’s starting position and gets back all of it’s health. Sometimes it just yeets itself out of the area by running around and flying :v From my comments it seems like not everyone is dealing with this problem though


thanks for explaining to me


No problem! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


I am so glad that I beat it, don't EVER wanna mess around with that camera again


oh also this is nawt crappy its so good


Aaa thank you sm!! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


This happened a lot with the monsters on Hongzhen for me. Where the last enemy in a group despawns and respawns on full health in the middle of a fight, even if I haven’t gone out of bounds, that’s why I always kill the strongest first, so it’s not the one that gets full health again


Same!! I had that happen just now, happily it was just one of those spiky spheres


This and those two wolves are hell, idk why i bothered to fight them knowing damn well I'd die so many times


I can’t even approach the wolves lmao. There is no fight, I end up dead in literal seconds 😭


Bro I had to cheese one wolf by getting it stuck in the fallen tree and rock in the middle just so i can deal with one 😭


Yeah idk I killed this guy no problem on day 1 of the patch with my lvl 70 resonators. I would love to see a video of how people with this picture are fighting this guy as I fought him on his island and didn’t encounter the issue over 3 fights.


Not gonna lie, I died to him . In area prior I needed gunner so I took out a healer. Then I saw an elite and I was like let's kill it but forgot about red aura. Not that red aura mobs were any issue in prior zones by this stage od game. Then I got one shot. So I item rezzed. By the time he started jumping in air I realized I was fighting a red mob and had to pause my TV show. But I couldn't do much so just took wipe and came back with verina crew, a normal party.


No flame for people who died to him a bunch, he does a lot of damage, I just wonder how he’s getting reset for so many people. Like they have to be running a kilometer away trying to cheese him. Standing your ground and fighting him until one of us dies doesn’t seem to produce the issue so I can only presume, based on my own experience, that they’re not fighting this guy as intended and then complaining when they hit the valid leash range from trying to cheese.


for me he resets after running in air and landing on the skelletons


I’m the type of player who moves around a lot so, I find focusing on staying on a little patch of sand instead of on the actual fight pretty hard, especially when dodging the enemy makes me move back. On multiple occasions I’ve gotten slowly pushed out of the area which would make the Lightcrusher go back to it’s spawn point and reset it’s hp. It also did it like twice when we were right next to it’s spawn point so idk, maybe I’m just unlucky. I’ve had the same problem with other Lightcrushers (and enemies in general, the Lightcrushers are the worst though) around the map, some of them just walk away in the middle of the fight and reset their health 😭


You don’t have to always dodge backwards is my tip, you can dodge forwards through attacks to offset any movement you’re doing. An I-frame is an I-frame no matter which direction you dodge in, so use your dodge direction to stay in a consistent spot rather than always dodging backwards and moving the fight away from the arena


Camera on mobile is kinda crazy for me after the update. I had this thing reset 3 times and died a few more the first time I tried, but beat it right away on my pc. And it's not cause I'm a better player on pc, I usually do better on my phone as I'm more used to playing mobile, it's just that I could actuality see what I was doing and where I was lol


Did mfs forget to just use dodge counter? Bro was kinda light


That thing is the double level of my strongest resonator


Dodge counter and concerto I think deals some pourcentage dmg, so you can chunk him using those. As for its dmg, it's gonna one shot you and has a ton of health, so focus on dodging for counters and building concerto instead of fighting this guy like a regular enemy


Like I said before I'm a shitty player and gave up after 9th try


If you're struggling but would still like to give it a try, give Chixia a try. She has a really fast counter You can use her skill to create distance Is a gun character so she can counter even if you dodge away If you don't want to level her up, you can keep her underleved as you would probably get one shot anyway because of the level difference


Haven't reached the tiger yet but if my current built units are gonna get one shotted anyway, might try using her or baizhi.


Dodge counters and intro skills do fixed damage to red mist enemies regardless of your level difference (about 5% of their HP)


I'm also shity player


I beat this tough kitty using Havoc rover, Baizhi, and Taoqi on my first try. As long as Taoqi can agro the light crusher at the center of the battle area and time your counters and healing it wasn’t too hard.


Died to this dude twice. First try was trying to cheese with Chixia on top of the hill but slipped and got one shotted. Second try, try to fight it for real, again using Chixia cuz ranged, ain't doing damage and got one shotted. Third try is the charm, Rover-Baizhi-Verina double Bellborne did the trick. First phase is incredibly easy but the latter in which dude jumps around in circle and have that deceptive big AoE special jump was tricky. The AoE hit twice, once upon landing from the jump and once more a split second after that. For those who are struggling, Bellborne helps you tank it's one shot attacks once before you get into oneshotted range. So try triple Bellborne and just focus on dodge counters and intro skills.


dude I hate that shit. I not fought this fucker yet.. But I hate fighting mobs, and they heal out of fucking nowhere. Its bullshit cheating. They do it right in front of you when your still beating on its ass.


Now I beat it But I gotta respect it, this guy was reaching into his bag for moves I have never seen before, and trust me his bag was deep.


that one fucking pile of bones makes me fear for my life that it's about to reset when it gets caught


This is the one 120lvl enemy I've struggled with. Most of the time I can heal about as fast or faster than they can do damage. With the boar and ice cube and others .. yeah they hurt but I can recover. This MF is a dark souls boss. One hit and I'm toast 💀


I'm wondering why they had to add it to the event list of things to complete 😭 took me and another in co-op over a half an hour. Thank goodness he bugged, and stood still while we bonked him


I really don't understand how so many players experienced this, when I was fighting that guy we literally both ended up hugging the cliff and going pretty far away, and sometimes it got stuck on the carcass, but it never reset hp, sometimes it did weirdly run back to the spawn point tho did you guys walk out of the sandy area and into the water?


Yeah I recall another thread about this cat and people where saying the pair of red ice wolves was harder. I was surprised I missed this enemy after exploring the entire mountain and I looked up where they are supposed to be and I had killed the red ice wolves without even realizing it. They were that forgettable. This Lightcrusher though. I will remember him for a long time. He feels like a hologram 4 enemy and I beat some of the hologram 4 enemies.


I died i decent amount with this guy, but i never had problems with it healing. Do people not dodge in a circle on the island it spawns in?


I'm feeling left out on the outrage for this enemy. I first tried it with Lingyang Sanhua and moved without any issues. Those double red aura Ice Wolves.....are the real threat.


I went into that fight with confidence, and came out with existensial crisis. edit: Grammar


Bruh this thing hit me and took out 3/4 of my health in one go and I immediately knew my psyche + level 70 character team wasn't ready for this shit Once I get better echoes maybe...


I killed him on the first try. Helped my friends kill him a few times. Helped some randoms. Never encountered this issue. But the construct. Holy fuck. Or rather holy skill issue. I died like 20-30 times on it. And it did reset like 7 times


I tried to do that I have the higher Ground trick on him but doesn't work either.


My problem with this thing is its aoe ranged attacks, I can't snipe it from a distance  ( ͒ ́ඉ .̫ ඉ ̀ ͒) 


Out of bounds range is tiny


Is it weird that I did this challenge my first try with no issues?


First try I got it down but man it was intense.


I would die before it would reset it's HP


I always stayed on the little island, as I had a solar thing happened to me with the duo birds


I give up and asked 2 jinshi whale nuke the boss for me


This was the hardest thing I fought in this game lol. Took me like over 40 min....


Man, after elden ring dlc I just don’t care anymore when a boss beats the shit out of me, I just go agane


I died ONCE after he started the "light show", wasn't even from the dmg, but from the camera being glued at the worst angle...away from the missiles, so I just kinda had to guess when they were coming...didn't work out great


Honestly Jinhsi has been kinda broken for these red mist enemies her full stacked E with verina buffs still do like 20% their HP even with spectro resist on the lightcrusher. (and doubled if you manage to group the red mist ice wolves)


I killed him first try (s6 Taoqi main here uwu) so I don’t know if that happens often or not. I did get nervous every time he starts running circles around me, making me think he was going to reset though.


Just spam switch between Spectro rover verina Jinhsi That’s how I beat it and all of my characters are lvl70 verina was lvl60 at that time


Wait till Asmongold discovers that he can't cheese this mob with block build like he did on ER DLC


Me as a melee-only enjoyer: ***What healing?***


Spectro Rover with two cost-3 energy regen: ***ZE WARUDO.***


The thing about this boss is it's hard to hit using a melee when jumping around so.. what I did was switch to encore when it starts jumping around then, when it stops doing that I switch back to rover havoc. Also it won't reset as long as it doesn't go outside of the tiny patch of land where it spawned


Its kinda easy when you knew the moves but the framerates and camera movements that kills me


Serosh boss fight we didn't get in Elden Ring be like:


I could only beat it once when it bugged out in coop and stood there taking it all lmao


I was so scared of this guy based on everyone's experiences, but I wanted to get the Asterites Ended up beating him on my third attempt and the other one on my second 🫠


I finished the tiger after dying like 50 times, and find out that's I need to kill another lvl 120 boss fir the event :)


You mean quadraped?


lol this is relatable to a TD where “Jué” was held


Legit prolly the scariest tiger I’ve fought since Secret of Mana.  Or maybe Wo Long.


Looks like wuwa really did copy genshin, they even got the boss leaving the ring and reset bug


Mobile Malding experience They should give this guy a hologram


Fighting this enemy makes me realize that the lock on system in this game fckin sucks.


LMAO My experience with it is getting two shot.


Oh how the turntables..




For me this is the Luminius Scale,


This fucker is a DS boss I tell you. He got the delay of Morgott and Gael down to a T. The swipe > air walk> projectile> jump > delay explosion was so off putting. Not to mention the swipe to delay ground aoe.


I had a much harder time with the Ice Wolves. 1v1 is simply far more tolerable than 2v1, especially with the way this game's camera works.


all three lvl 120 mobs are fun. Would definitely try again after they respawn.


It took a few tries (like 6) but I did it.... **I DID IT!!!**


bro has the dark souls ahhh attack timings


It hit hard yes but after seeing his mechanics he was quite easy to beat the second time round ( for me personally)


Am I the only one who did not experience this when I fought it? Used HRover, Danjin, Verina team, everyone level 70 except Verina. Took me about 4 party wipes, but I managed to kill it without it ever going out of leash bounds and resetting on me.


My level 50 team practicing my light rusher evades.(Regrettably, the worst decision.)


Between Lightcrusher or Protective Scales, I'd rather fight this one.


Mine got stuck on a rock when I fought it.


Pro tip: Let the tiger do the moving You master the art of One tap dodging.


There is no challenge in that opponent; all you need to do is evade and counter to win.


It took me a bunch of tries before i got him. Make a bunch spectro damage resistance potions.


Wait does it do that? Bc I fought it about 10 times and it never happened to me. Thank god, I'd be so mad


Anybody got a level 70+ All-Def-main-stat Yuanwu or Taoqi that can survive a few swipes from this guy?


It was a really fun fight, i cant remember how many times i died but i did encounter a reset once. And then just accepted it was part of the challenge to stay within the circle. I killed it using verina in the end coz everyone else in my team died.


That's how Genshin enemies feel when they see the player they're fighting eat a whole ass chicken💀


Just stay in the middle


I finally beat this mf and that diamond thingy in Mt.Firmament made a ton of food and revive kits


revive kits work? I tried to revive my characters but it says I can’t


Tbh light crusher wasnt that hard comapred to the 2 ice wolves


I defeated him with yuanwu and mortefi. My last slot was jiyan but i cant even put him out because it's easier to dodge with the other two. WON. I think it wouldve been much easier if i kicked jiyan out for verina XD


the rewards are not really worth for the amount of time and effort i spent killing this mf


I just cheesed him with chixia like any other elites, her dodge counter skill ignores the toughness which I like a lot.


I have to say, the lightcrusher is easier than the 2 ice wolves. Holy hell, they just kept launching sharp projectiles (feathers?!) at me and 1 hit from a non-boss ice wolf takes 80% of my HP. I escaped with 2 dead characters and 1 surviving at < 5% HP.




I got it first time. Havoc mc is op.


Please this is too real 😭


Im surprised people find it hard just get gud 💀🙏


This kitty is too op for my noob ass ;(


I beat it at co op with my friends using 2 way point fixed near it spawn I attract it while friend deal damage when my friend die I open map the fast travel to the way point installed on the edge of the clif then my friend respawn then fast travel to way point installed on the boss spawn area then continue to attack it together


Verina suprisingly made this boss a little bit easier for me because of dodge counter. I just fill her concerto bar so i can swap with Danjin and immediately swap back to her, rinse and repeat. Still died like many times cause i play on a potato phone and its lagging as hell lmao


had to lock in to beat this mf


I used Jiyan, challenged it tons of time, finally won with one surviving character. I suggest placing a waypoint near the tiger so you don't have to teleport and climb and run to it again and again...


Thanks to him i got achievement for using consumables. Also.. Just take your time, attack in proper Windows. Then just wait, heal up a bit, and attack again. Its not time challenge.


I managed to beat this thing after 6 tries. The problem wasn’t even the orbs it was shooting, it was the attack he’d do after he did the orb attack. The one where he launches a claw blast lmao.


Pick full hp Baizi Dodge the attack Instantly hit 30k with basic attack if you manage to get slow motion dodge Use E to heal and Q to shield(use tortoise) You can kill it easily even if you screw up few times


Playing Elden Ring rn so I was WARMED UP bro never stood a chance hahahahaha (Prime Radahn is whooping me hahaha)


I had to dope my team with spec. Res and electro dmg up potions also atk and def up foods, i think i revived like 5 team members to finally kill that mofukker. I do have to say, i got humbled


He can't low diff you, if you low diff he first.


Its a pain,just like the special Construct under the mountain T^T


Idk I beat him with chixia 2nd try


Zenless zone who?


beat it first try lol


First 5 tries the lowest hp bar that he has was like 5% then never seen that hp bar below 50%... This fight made me realize that... The camera movement on mobile sucks. to be able to see the enemy I maxed the distance camera on settings but somehow sometimes the camera zooms in just enough to put the boss out of the camera and then surprise, an attack that I can't see instakill me. This is the only fight that made me question is this skill issue or just bad camera movement 🤔 guess I will be buying a controller for my mobile


You even drew the light crusher in its shiny form


Tiger was easy, the scales did a number on me