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Jinhsi. I already know i can complete toa with my encore sanhua, and jiyan mortefi. I need one more good dps. And jinhsi is pretty, is majestic, and has insane animations Powercreep will not happen for months, so what's the point of not pulling for dps if we know new characters may be stronger? Then you basically would never pull for dps expecting the 1 and only strongest dps, which is never gonna happen


Bro i only have mortefi and snahua is it ok ?


Yeah bro, she herself is op, with help of mortefi would be really good


Her team wants, yuanwu/yinlin and baizhi/Verina. And she is a literally self sufficient dps all the teammates need to do is fill up her stacks.


If you're pulling for pure power, you should probably look on youtube for pre-release theorycrafting then wait a week after their release for practical performance analysis to make sure you're making the most out of your currency. Main dps are always more susceptible to powercreep. Numbers can start big and be supported by endgame modes buffing their performance on release, which is going to be the case in this game. If you want the most longevity of units you pull, then focus on offensive supports, limited 5\* with low investment roofs with good elemental coverage, and maybe 1 to 2 powerful defensive supports with offensive buffs in their kit. Alternatively, you could save for 4 to 5 patches and wait for a dps you like with a crazy strong e6 and good kit and go for their e6 and never have to worry about it again. Just because a dps seems OP now doesn't mean it'll be OP for long. This is only the 2nd banner of the game.


Can you recommend anyone reputable doing theorycrafting and not a random click bait youtube goon? I don't want to be just told HER DAMAGE IS INSANE !!1 I wanna see the numbers


Depends on what weapons you have. If i were you, and already chose 5-star standard broadblade for calcharo. Id probably roll Yinlin + wep. And spend extra on getting Jinhsi, ignoring weapon. If you dont have 5-star standard broadblade yet. I would roll Jinhsi+wep then spend extra on Changli. I wouldnt care too much about powercreep, because every character is gonna get powercrept anyway, unless they really provide something special mechanically. But so far all the chars are mostly just dmg. When they do get powercrept, you’re gonna roll for those stronger characters anyway too. Hard to advise more without knowing the specifics and how far you’ve invested your chars


Jinhsi > changli > yinlin As damage Jinhsi >>> yinlin Monoteam is not always worth because if you found an enemy resistant to that element, you are fucked. 😂 The best buddy for jinshi are pg with different element, so she can stack faster her buffs (every element does 1 stack, so for example 3 elements = 3 stack at time.. team mono spettro = 1 stack). The best buddy of Jinhsi is YinLin right now, and then Verina. Jinshi + every sub + verina will be meta. Mortefi is also good, he does also coordinated attack. Sanhua is good. Everyone is good. Rover spectro non that much, because is a “cheap coopy” of verina


Jinshi doesn't actually want spectro.... she needs mix attributes, if anything you have Sanhua and Baizhi for free, and how do you know Changli isn't OP? where do you hear this misinformation LMAO, from the leaked numbers and animation seems like she's a very fast main dps similar to Danjin without the bleed. yes DPSes will get overshadowed so I wouldn't advised to pick her over Changli BUT how long do you think until she gets passed by new chara it wll take months or best case scenario like genshin years for any chara to out dps other, heck if Kuro play it right we might have a Hutao/Xiangling situation where Jinshi wouldn't be powercrept all just more a pick whomever you like style.


also we wouldn't know how good Jinshi is until released, so just wait. If anything the best chara for the info you give and in general is Yinlin her sub-dps is more worth


From everything I have read so far in the leaks, this is my opinion on their powerlevel: Jinhsi > Changli That being said, Jinhsi needs certain teammates with coordinated attacks to build up stacks for her nuke. I'd say that her BiS is going to be Verina and Yinlin. Do you have them? If not, well, you really need to wait and see the after-release analysis. Lastly, consider actually waiting for the leaks of the characters coming in patch 1.2. If one of the new characters is a support (I am hoping it will be Camellya) you should save for at least one 50/50.


Is it confirmed that camellya will be on 1.2?


nah,there's no reliable leaks about any 1.2 characters,but I've heard some people say it will be camellya and scar,yet again,these aren't reliable leaks,but could be true so you're better off saving in case you want any of the two mentioned above


Her kit is already in game at cbt so people actually predict her release sooner than later


I think it was said Camellya + Scar and Camellya was havoc (unconfirmed)


Wait a second; where did you read that "Changli isn't as OP. I've read that Changli needs a lot of dupes to be really good, whereas Jinshi is already OP and doesn't require as many dupes for F2P players"? Because I've read the opposite, where Jinhsi begins to shine with more dupes, but changli is great at a single copy


Who told you Changli needs dupes to be really good? She’s good af as base lol


changli is better for long-term use since she's a sub DPS and the thing that is mostly replaced in a team is the main DPS also base changli is still a good dps character so if you're going for more efficiency go for changli but if you wanna dish out some much better damage and already have a good sub go for Jinshi.


they're both classified as main dps


Tbh most character can beat tower at ease. It just depend on investment you throw at them and how good youare at using them and their team rotation. If you want to pick character to pull, first pick whoever can benefit theirs and your current team. For example if you pick changli and call it a day, you want to choose 5* standard sword and share it with havoc MC. If you pick jinshi you want to pull her signature too and share it with chalcaro. The 5* standard broadsword doesnt really benefit jinshi but if you want it then its fine too. You might read that jinshi have higher dmg but you also know that she only do dmg. Meanwhile changli can be used as buffer. So its 50 50 for me. If its me i actually skip both and focus on my current team if i cant get 21 star yet. Yinlin give significant boost to my chalcaro team and her signature boost my encore dmg by a lot, so i pull her and my tower is now 23 star ( i havent built my yinlin yet)


Based on other gacha experience, just wish for whoever u like more, power lvl will eventually not matter when yr UL goes up


I see a lot of people recommend Jinhsi, though I would personally go for Changli if f2p. From what I know so far, I believe Jinhsi is only really “good” if you get her to R1 and her weapon. I could be wrong but to my understanding that’s how it is


Changli cause you don't need to roll for her sword.. emerald of genesis is good enough for an f2p..


Changli isn’t that far behind. Current calcs our Jiyan as the best DPS then Jinhsi and then Changli


I thought Encore deals more damage than Jiyan according to calcs.


jiyan performs a bit worse than encore in single target both with and without sig if you treat yinlin sig as encore’s substitute for a signature weapon. (a more significant margin without sig because the standard 5* does not synergize with him due to literally 0% of his kit being liberation damage) however, this isn’t necessarily accurate as far as the actual game goes. jiyan has 3 main things going for him: 1) mortefi is absolutely cracked with him, they synergize almost perfectly. encore has sanhua for her basic% deepen which is great, but she’s no mortefi for jiyan. 2) jiyan’s attacks can parry consistently and very easily. his attacks last for ages and make parrying pretty much a nonexistent problem, while encore struggles to parry outside of her ult due to only her n3 out of her normal string being able to parry along with her plunge attack which takes skill and interrupts your combos. easier parrying equates to less time lost dodging, more uptime, and more toughness damage, which again equates to more damage uptime while the enemy is laying on the ground broken. 3) and most importantly, he has phenomenal aoe, encore isn’t *the worst* as far as aoe goes with most of her attacks cleaving a small area, but jiyan’s grouping and wide sweeping attacks are on a whole different level, they’re not even comparable. especially since a lot of ToA has quite a few spread out small enemies all of these add up, *especially* point 3, and 9 times out of 10 jiyan is going to outperform encore in any real content that takes place outside a spreadsheet. he’s a fantastic all-rounder. a great single target dps, and a straight up busted aoe dps.


Yup yup on paper Encore number is ridiculously high, BUT that is if you can perfectly combo and time the Sanhua Verina Encore quick-swap tech (+Yinlin weapon being a perfect fit with Encore). Jiyan's comfortability is unmatch for now and will for a long time if Kuro play it right like genshin powercrept where it take years just for hutao to be overshadowed, even then she's still very much high tier DPS.


i understand why you’re gassing up mortefi cos i know it’s true, but he feels really bad with jiyan for me just because jiyan’s intro -> ult anims take so fucking long that mortefis liberation disappears after like 2 procs at s0, pretty much the only thing that matters is his heavy attack deepen outro. s4 is a different story but only lucky players, rerollers or whales will have that at 1.0


true, mortefi is a whole different beast at s4. guy is like xiangling lmao. he’s coming up in a new banner soon though which is nice. also, jiyan’s damage profile is crazy heavily skewed towards heavy% even more than encore to basic%, so even without many ult dmg procs he still makes him hit like a truck. and you’ll get that s4 sooner or later, and then you can start popping off even harder.


i feel like it’s unanimous that mortefi’s best driver is jiyan (and i fully agree they’re cracked together) but i do think that people are waaaay too dismissive of jianxin’s synergy with him just because she’s a jack of all trades character and not a pure selfish dps building up her chi is incredibly fast (and gets much faster with her early sequences, meaning she has good longevity), using bell echo + heavy attack gives her ACTUAL INVULNERABILITY since the 50% reduction on both reduces all damage to 0 the entire time, and she procs mortefi’s liberation crazy fast on top of giving the whole team shields once she’s done. even if she’s built for utility healer with originite iv, her personal damage doesn’t matter as much since mortefi does most of the work i’m half tempted to get changli just because i want to see how a mortefi/jianxin/changli teams would work out


The thing with Jiyan is he's the best dps IF you always have his ult.


Who would work best with Jiyan between Jihnsi and Changli? My main party right now is Jiyan, Yinlin and Verina. Thinking of subbing out either one of the two ladies


Neither. Changli and Jinshi are main dps. You would swap Jiyan out for them.


He's my husbando so i'm definitely keeping him haha


Lol fair enough!


If you want the best for Jiyan, well sadly mort will always be the answer. Between the three ladies Yinlin is better than both since she gives extra numbers while not taking time from Jiyan, and although the outro isn't as good, at least it buffs just like Changli buffs the first instance of Jiyan ult which has the biggest on-screen number lol. While between Changli and Jinshi it will probably be Changli, again just because of Outro, but yeah all three aren't that great in the long run.


Thanks for the insight. I do have Mortefi but never build him


You should, not only does he give a whopping 38% to heavy dmg (all Jiyan's liberation dmg count as heavy dmg after the first dragon lunge) and give a fusion(fire) dmg after you use mort ult (just like yinlin's thunder) so extra dmg and very high dmg at that. comp wise its the best dmg+comfort in the game by far, theoritically though best dmg wise is Encore(with Yinlin sig) Sanhua Verina.


Gosh i have all those you mentioned above plus Chalcaro and Lingyang. But to level and power them up is so material and time consuming hence i just focused on my Main group. I should definitely look into Mortefi though


just take your time, the game isn't rushing you at all since its a PVE game. Rushing the game will only net you like one to two extra pull lol, and the hardest content is "level-gated" unlesss you spend money.




You are mistaken about one thing. His dragon lunge is also considered as heavy attack dmg, "When casting Resonance Liberation Emerald Storm: Prelude, if Jiyan has 30 "Resolve" or more, he will consume 30 "Resolve" to cast Emerald Storm: Finale, dealing Aero DMG, considered as Heavy Attack damage. Emerald Storm: Finale can be cast in mid-air at low altitude." you can read this in his forte circuit.


Buddy. You sound completely stuck because they're *both* good options. At this point, especially considering changli will probably get her kit updated before release, there's no way of knowing who's definitively better. Additionally, you can blast thru this game with a well built sanhua and rover. Meta can be fun, but you can optimize ANYTHING to your tastes and do great. You CANT mess up your account by pulling the "wrong" one. They are both good options. So yes. I'm sorry, but you need to put your overthinking brain down for a bit and pick the character you find most aesthetically pleasing. That's the *point* of these games. If this is your first gacha, please remember to actually enjoy it. (Additionally, if you haven't pulled jiyan OR yinlin, are you sure you don't have enough asterite to pull them both? Lol)