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It has good parts and decent melody, but it has the same problem as every other musical piece in this game - when listening, I feel like track never progresses, because the music stays kinda low key, and doesn't burst into more intense parts. I feel like all Wuwa tracks lack even a clear mid section. It's like they don't want the music to be intense or structured beyond basic continuation of melody and some sound effects. Certainly odd choice considering the games theme.


This sounds a lot like music from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn except it lacks the reoccurring themes present in that music. Wuwa music really seems to be lacking in leitmotifs which I feel like is such a central vibe needed for bosses. Radiant Dawn music examples: [A Grasping Truth](https://youtu.be/clzhUOuljEw?si=OqVZXmg5tixlVTRZ), [Bearer of Hope](https://youtu.be/1wg5o3JNcrQ?si=BisXGO5ZNKyksVvL), and [The Devoted](https://youtu.be/6jzfAVwDhNM?si=ktOuYB3M0YqZ23R1) Edit: one more from a literal giant dragon boss [Wisdom of the Ages](https://youtu.be/79PaW9IoKaA?si=ghiuNAqRtofZbuof)


last section would've been great if the whole thing wasn't so messy


hmmmmmm This feels somewhat... generic. there are no clear leifmotifs or something that makes the theme memorable. It feels the same, like the theme doesn't progress and goes on loop. Maybe if the boss was a normal one it could pass, but isn't Jue a weekly boss? we are fighting a literal guardian of the land...


I bet the CN community will throw a huge fit about this later. The music just sound too Japanese-y for a loong/chinese dragon boss lol More drama incoming?


The monster hunter vibe makes me feel like i'm going to slay and carve Jue lol


Its decent music but not MH tier of hyping the boss up. Like if we compare this to black dragon theme song (alatreon, miralis, fatty) or like the end flagship boss for MH (amatsu) this falls short. Ngl I generally think it lacks that oomph part like during every Mh music where the main theme plays out if ur on like the last phase of the hunt. Again, dont get me wrong its decent music and maybe somewhat way to safe and borders generic.


I was thinking the same thing. Gives a lot of mh vibes, mainly elder dragons. Also reminds me of Sekiro. These tracks while not phenomenal are far from bad.


Yeah people are just too overly critical, like it's not VSS or Hoyo-Mix tier, but it's not as bad as people are saying. I would just let them find their groove because this is the first time they're trying to create it with their in-house team.


I don't expect gacha games to even dish out bangers like the shit I hear in Nier, persona, FF, etc. Not every single ost is going to be utterly phenomenal. I'm satisfied with 1.1 being a huge step up from 1.0 in terms of music quality already.


Kind of meh. It sounds like a very generic traditional Chinese action music. There's not any particular melody that really make it pop, no motif that gets stuck in your head. There are many good boss OST that, once you hear it's melody, can immediately be associated with the boss in question. I just hear bombastic action music in this.


its good. though it doesn't strike as a boss music. feels like an opening ost to a trailer.


It’s fine. It feels like at one point it is building up and the percussion intensifies but then it busts its load early and drops the intensity. The music itself isn’t bad, but for a set piece boss fight it isn’t good. The context matters. They really need to work on this, and I feel like they have people there who can write good music but need better direction. This last part I might get flamed for, but they are forgetting the global audience. Chinese names, Chinese proper nouns, and pretty narrow in scope sounding, fairly generic Chinese music as well. Again it isn’t bad (it would be great in some other situation), but they have to remember to at least pretend that they are trying to appeal globally. People might say global doesn’t matter since many CN companies clearly only listen to the CN audience (Hoyo HI3 3D anniversary drilled that into my head, but we’ve seen it all over the place up to and including WuWa CBT1 feedback), but in this case JP is part of the global audience too. They are a huge market and need to be catered to for real long term success. So yes Vanguard is responsible for the music we know and love in PGR, but they need to take some notes. Save music like this for less impactful moments and use *their own other game* to teach their in house music how to make effective soundtrack music.


Im pretty sure the CN theme and CN names are due to starting with the chinese inspired region first. That said id be lying if i said this wasnt an issue for current WuWa. Also now i understand why genshin released with 2 region first. So the game isnt saturated with a single theme


This is... Serviceable tbh not something I might remember but it put you in the mood for a epic battle. I might even change opinion if the fight is memorable.


Everyone here is wrong just wrong. this is a beautiful piece and would love to hear it live. Yall dont deserve to listen to this. Probably the same kind of people that will say the ost of made in abyss is mid too.


I mean a song can be good but not memorable, which is what I think the common consensus is here. It's one of those songs which feels like it's there to support a story rather than stand by itself.


Made in abyss is far better than this ost so far tho. Not rlly the best comparison. Kevin penkin is just too goated.


Most people are probably expecting EDM or similar like in PGR.


Alright all these people saying it’s disappointing compared to PGR music should know several things : 1. Vanguard Sound will not be producing music for WuWa (not sure whether they’ll come back in the future) 2.Two different games , two different vibes , two different genres of music . 3.coming from the same company doesn’t mean it’ll get the same thing . Different dev teams and different management .


I find it interesting that the boss themes changed so drastically between the 1.0 bosses and this one. In 1.0 its all EDM and now suddenly there's a drastic change in instrumentation. It's not a problem but thematic consistency is weird.


Not the right direction imo. It’s going to just be compared more to Genshin if they try to go the symphonic route, and they will lose.


In a way it makes sense since the boss is Chinese inspired. On the other hand, I'd like to hear something more memorable and unique for sure


It has good...pieces? Like I kept hearing things that made me sit up and pay attention and then it just...kind of goes away. I really liked those bits of it, though!


I think it has good ideas but doesn’t seem to know what to do with them. Like the vocals are cool but … they’re just kind of there. In the background and don’t really ever come to the front of the piece to make it pop. It has bits where it’s building to a crescendo but … then it never happens.  It’s really weird. 


It’s like the rest of the music in this game. It’s not terrible and it’s decent background music to a boss fight but it’s entirely forgettable and it really lacks a strong structure that gives it oompf.


This remind of sekiro divine dragon boss fight ost, also I see kuro has found a direction with the music now compared to 1.0 where it was just there, also this ost is very fitting for a Chinese divine dragon


This is absolutely beautiful. We Finally have the genshin killer


Truly an Azhdaha killer




At least the openworld is more memorable


Mid like there is little built up to the music


It such a disappointment...


Can they not just reuse pgr music? Most gacha players never played pgr so it would be fine. As a long time player of pgr I wouldn't mind. Heck I even play pgr music in the background anyways during fights


We need some revelation and lamia 🙏


I'm assuming legal reasons is why they're not doing it. Wuwa & PGR are two separate games even if it's made by the same company, and if Wuwa takes music from PGR there could be an argument for plagiarism (or whatever the legal term of it is, copyright violation maybe?). Even if Kuro isn't exactly going to sue Kuro


Let’s be honest . Reusing music is just fucking embarrassing . Also WuWa’s music is being produced by their own in-house studio , not Vanguard Sound . Due to some difficulties in work schedule. The music composers won’t be able to work with WuWa .


I was trying to avoid downright saying it's embarrassing xD


mid.... ffs kuro


Compare this to Qu Shukra's theme from PGR and it's not even close. Really sad to see that the game focused all around sound themes has a mid OST. Community needs to start pushing them to use Vanguard AT LEAST for the main boss fight off each patch. I get they're overbooked but they can surely manage 1 song per patch




I get it guys. PGR blessed our ears with amazing tracks...but Vanguard isn't working on WuWa and probably won't be for a long time from what I understand. It isn't *as* good and it probably won't be. Vanguard has amazing tracks and Hoyo literally makes music in-house. For what it's worth. This track is a step up from what the game has so far.


Their music team is obviously not talentless. They need better direction.


This is very true. The style they are going for has great potential but they need a good director to help them bring whatever vision they have to light better. 1.1 is a start, but they need someone like Vanguard to step in and teach them.


Iirc WuWa’s music was made in house too, which is the issue because the music team isn’t anywhere near the level of Vanguard or Hoyo-mix.


My point is people need to get that unfortunately it won't be without the direction of Vanguard. People tend to think Kuro is known for their music. No. Vanguard is known for Kuro's music. Clear distinction that needs to be made. At the very least, Kuro are making an effort. Trying to follow up what PGR has will be insanely difficult. I'm just being reasonable about it.


People won’t stop calling it mid however, because it is.  It’s got PGR for a sister game and Genshin as a direct competition so given that the music is a huge part of both games and WuWa having sound and frequencies as a major central idea, the music being incredibly mid sticks out like a sore thumb. 


This is understandable, and nothing I'm denying. Like I said, I'm just being reasonable with my opinion on it coming from both PGR and Hoyo games respectively. Edit: Expectations, not opinion.


I listened again and again,and now I'm sure it's wrote by AI...a huge disappointment


again just good and kinda forgettable, not memorable for a big boss fight like this tbh....


This sounds like a Pokémon theme. Not exactly a memorable one, but yeah.


pokemon theme would mog this


This is.... All over the place. It has slow and melodic vocals but the music is so intense and wtf was that peak it sounded so scrambled. Just... hire Vanguard.


Disappoint for sure


Do we know why Vanguard is not doing shit for wuwa ? wtf is going on


Overbooked they doing ost for many thing. not just pgr


isnt wuwa high priority tho ? I would assume they have the biggest budget out of all the game they work with even pgr is got new ost recently


Totally not high priority , Vanguard has several composers , each composers overlooks the music production of several games . I.e Snowbreak , PGR , GFL 1 and 2 , AG . Do you really think those composers would just drop one of those games and make music for WuWa simply because it’s ’high priority’ ?


Doubt it. thats say i dont how they manage contact but i really doubt they will move newer contact on to the top priority just because there is more money(accord to my moral compass of course)


sucks for wuwa anyway, no ost in the game are playlist worthy rn lol, I would never listen to that outside of the game


People here want PGR music style lmao. No thanks. This theme is great.


It's literally a looping theme....




It feels like it can be swapped with random boss music from a indie adventure game and no one would notice. All around forgettable and meh (for boss music)


Greatly disappointing 


It's alright but highly forgettable.


Really bad. Even worse than dreamless ost, and this despite the fact that dreamless ost was quite average. Where is my Haloweak and GhostFinal? I think they should understand that it was Vanguard Studio OST that made their last game popular, not this boring mid BGM.


BGM of this game is not upto the par..


It looks like a Zelda theme from some epic cutscene but it's missing something to make it actually sound good


not good not bad, just unremarkable.


They need to hire Vanguard more for the Ost. Haloweak made "flow" for Wuwa and it's really good. I don't get why they can't compose more for Wuwa. They already have ties to the company via PGR so I just don't get it


because they do ost for other game too? so they are overbooked recently


Not good....at all! Very generic.


idk i think its way better than most of genshins boss fight themes if Im being honest


Bro what have you HEARD scaramouche’s theme if you compare that with this it’s fucking insane the gap of quality and consistency and story that can be deduced from genshin’s


lol lower the level, even tartaglia ones are more interesting and comparable as they came in 1.1


Try even Dvalin’s


The comparison is disrespectful tbh. Wuwa just doesn’t compete


This is just objectively wrong. I hate genshit for what it has become but the music is amazing.


tbh this ost is probably the worst ost from the leaks , the changli theme battle is so good tho , tbh even 1.0 boss ost were better than genshin bosses ost idk why ppl make it like GI bosses ost or even their other ost are good i feel like its just nostalgia talking nothing wrong with it


1.1 already has 3 weekly bosses in game (total 5 osts) Wanna compare childe weekly boss theme that was dropped in 1.1 as a fair comparison? (Since both are electronic music)


1.0 had liyue already in the game. Wanna compare liyue music with jinzhou? 🤓


Nah you trippin. Genshin has always had great osts, from battle music to exploration music. Almost all of it has been distinct and good. I still remember something as niche as the spiral abyss theme II even though I haven't touched the game in two years or something like "Dance with the vortex" that was played literally once in the entire game.


i played GI for 1 year and i dont remember any iconic osts , they dont even have the best ost's in gacha like alot of GI pplayer make it out to be ....


Did you play the game on mute or something, dude. I'm not even being a genshin meatrider here cuz I legit dislike that game (why do u think I haven't touched it for 2 years) but you cannot say genshin doesn't have some of the best music in gacha games, not **the** best because that's subjective, but you can't say it's mid. 80% of Wuwa ost rn is underwhelming compared to what genshin had early on. Even Day one had andrius and dvalin theme. Their battle themes rn are currently very underwhelming except a select few.


Narwhal boss theme, Arle boss theme, the Tower of Ipsissum adaptive battle theme, Coppelia and Coppelius boss theme, and the Sea of Bygone Eras boss theme were all very good. Not sure which one you found underwhelming.


Yeah right, the fuck are you smoking....this music is awful in comparison....i may not like Genshin but their music department is on another level.


Gotta say I adore the 2nd theme's reprise at 4:39 through to the climax. Really beautiful orchestration and voice leading.


Y’all dislike this? I think it’s pretty cool. Maybe itd good for it to be more overwhelming for a sentinel but what are you guys disliking about it


Put it this way. Listen to it and ask yourself what emotions or ideas it’s trying to convey. Tragedy? Sadness? Glory? Power? You can’t really tell because it’s just kind of flat in structure and all over the place.


This sub is being invaded by the main sub and R/Gachagaming haters. Just ignore them they will eventually get bored.


Y'all fanboys really can't accept that Wuwa isn't perfect in several areas huh


I can't hear a clear melody in this theme like it's very chaotic, No direction on where it's going, Imo a Song is good when you can hum the melody along with it.


Did you really expect the music to be good this early? They were working on 1.1 pre launch. Gotta wait a couple of patches.


Not a good excuse tho tbh. Pgrs was fire since launch.


Is it? i think it less than 80% of launch ost that actually good in pgr


Ye pgr at launch isnt nowhere as good as it is now but it still beats wuwas launch if Im being honest.


Didnt mean it to sound like an excuse. The music should've been there since launch. But a lot of people are expecting better music in 1.1, which is a bit unrealistic.


Fire emblem aha music


I mean, it's alright...


Epic,but I just can't catch the main theme...


First ever gacha game ever to have mid music which is surprising cause pgr was goated.


Definitely not the first lmao. Most gacha have trash music tbh. Only a few have memorable ost. Kuro didn't make PGR's music. Vanguard did. They aren't working on WuWa so this comparison is unfair since it really isn't Kuro's fault in the sense that Vanguard isn't there to not just make the music, but even assist them with music direction.


U might get downvoted but ur right. Pgrs ost blows this games out of the water so far.


Definitely getting downvoted, people dont like hearing criticism about their games but pgr is next level wuwa music is like your generic open world adventure games music


I mean, I didn't down vote you, but "First ever gacha game ever" is a pretty damn large group with loads of trash music. So that's pretty big hyperbole.


Gacha games are known for having banger music and yes some will be bad but those are the very very trashy cash grab games.


Narwhal Hikari Under dimension  Lamia  To the Limit Nona ouroborus Surviving Lucem Unknown territory Left Unsaid Moonlit occultation. These are all insane, unforgettable tracks from pgr(especially Narwhal aka the national theme of PGR) and the list goes on.  I really want that level of music in wuwa. :( 


No one ever mentions holy moonlight 😓


I forgot to mention it 😅. There are too many great tracks in PGR. The list of insane tracks never ends.   Anti-General and Vanguard's Haloweak/Ghostfinal are legends.  Anti-general even made one PV track for WUWA. The track title is "Antinomia" and is so good 🔥.   Kuro should use it in game. 😔




inferno rider remains on the throne


Is it just me or do I hear Touhou music from the background. It sacres me