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Note that this should not be taken an accurate representation of Jinhsi's damages, as you can manipulate the damage number in CBT. (This looks right to me, this note is here as a jic) [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWavesLeaks/comments/1dp76ml/comment/laer3kx)


can someone explain her optimal rotation to me? lol


On twitter theres a page called razor\_language, they literally take gacha game character kits and explain it in the most caveman way without all the numbers jargon, i got this image from them but check it out yourself in case you have more questions https://preview.redd.it/wwsicf8e7e9d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2451213b1511c58058a2f1a53dd9a190e9c964b6


That info graph is terrible. Starting with 4 basic attacks is suboptimal except for perhaps the start of the battle. You should aim to use the intro skill to go into the 2nd resonance skill right away. After that you use her 3rd skill version and 4 enhanced basic attacks, into the final 4th skill version (the dragon laser). The forte stacking is mainly dependent on allies that have coordinated attacks, so units like Verina, Baizhi, Yinlin, Yuanwu, Mortefi.


as a minor extra point. is it best to build her outro right at the start then go into normal rotation? that way extra stacks proc


that's beautiful thank you lol


We have only one showcase and its s6


Is she here s6 s5 ?


Cant get enough of tht forte animation,looks sick af Gonna be runing the same team with my jinhsi


Is she c6r5?


Got a question. Is there a resource pre-download for the game or will the update be on the day of? Like, tomorrow, I mean.


Definitely going to pull her, dont think S6 is worth it now unless you are a whale. Having more options is the way to go Imo


"Worth it now unless you are a whale" I mean that's the only way to get there.


Can get her S6 on rerun if saving from now on, thats more what I meant, works in Genshin, so shouldn’t be a problem here in Wuwa


It's even easier here since you can save Corals for dupes lol. And it will be even better if those wavebands on Coral Shop refresh during rerun.


Dayum! True! Super nice!


I only have enough stuff to pull for 80. Should I still pull for her even though I will not have her weapon?


Of course. the weapon is never a necessity. It's a luxury and imo only worth after you already have plenty limited banner characters.


What's your reasoning behind this?


A new character gives you a lot more options than a weapon this early in the game


You're gonna have that problem with every character if you're not willing to save cause every signature is almost guaranteed to be better by \~15% over standard banner. Probably even more for the worse weapons like gauntlets.


She’s getting a 4-star event weapon right? Will probably be good for her.


Its not even 4 star, its a 3star and the effect not that good for her.


Ah thanks, haven’t kept up with everything.


Man the animations of the normal attacks are so crisp.


looks cool


okay so i can see that she has the same-ish mechanic as Lingyang where she goes mid air and does her combos from there...iirc Lingyang cant dodge while in that state, hence thats pretty bad... Can Jinshi dodge while midair?


She can, she even has a separate entry on her kit for her flying dodge.


Lingyang got hit midair so that Jinhsi can dodge.


I would've felt bad if I hadn't seen that side of him


Everyone talking about the meta when I'm just here for wife gameplay


Jinhsi got no chill.


From quality of footage I can't see anything clearly but can anybody explain me about her S2? (assume she is S6 in vdo) Q : does her S2 only fill her full stacks once per battle by start or she get full stacks while swap her off-field for 4s ? thank you for your answer and have a great day :D edit1 : S2, im dump


S2 lets you start every battle with full stacks. You only generate them when out of combat. Which is not the same as off field. It's mainly a qol for fast overworld nuking.


max stacks and no buffs: 185,175 around half stacks: 147,680 max stacks with Verina buff: 414,711 around half stacks with Verina buff: 277,527 The weird thing is the Jue echo was not used once. It's nice to finally have combat footage of her. This is proof that Verina is good with her and everyone that said otherwise was wrong. It's also proof that Yinlin builds stacks for her quite nicely. Jinhsi is gonna be a fun character to play around with for testing to see how well she partners with every other character. Theorycrafters have gone crazy trying to figure out what works best for her.


Jue is used. If you slow it down frame by frame you can see it goes on cooldown. They just cancel it fast and it looks similar to her attacks. Also it is still to early to say one way or the other if Verina is the best for her or not because no one determined if having more stacks using Baizhi/Mortefi is better DPS than the flat buffs Verina gives.


> It's also proof that Yinlin builds stacks for her quite nicely. I really see how good Yinlin is with her but I'm still not convinced that one couldn't just use Taoqi with her massive 38% skill damage deepen. Yes it would take more to build the stacks up but maybe some echoes can help with that (like instead of using Heron on Taoqi you might go for something that does more attacks on field of a different element). The one thing I don't understand is why does the numbers you mentioned look so inconsistent, when the damage increase should be linear?


If you have 38% deepen but it takes 38% increased amount of time to get your skill, then you've gained nothing. Playing Taoqi means you can get 1 stack a second only being able to have 1 character on field, so your warmup nearly becomes <50 seconds (no intro) which is ridiculous. Having a coordinated attack + the ability to play Jinshi on field means you get 3 stacks a second which is a 16.67 second rotation. That is a \~200% multiplier on your DPS. Having echoes to help out doesn't change this difference because you can just do so with Yinlin as well running Impermanence Heron since it's a different attribute than Yinlin. The damage is not linear because the amount of buffs applied at each snapshot isn't increased linearly and not all buffs have the same effect in a damage formula.


They just said Verina wasn’t that good with her assuming she does her outro just after liberation meaning that Jinhsi will get reduced forte stacks during her rotation but it really isn’t that big of a deal. I’ll personally use Spectro rover as a support


From what i understand, Jue works passively by generating stacks every 6 seconds so its one of the only 4 cost echoes that dont need to be recast to apply its buffs, which some of them are very TERRIBLE at hit boxes or having long winding times. This is kind of why i would say the Glacio boss and that one Melphis echo that does the spam attacks and even the Gorilla echo end up costing time because its easy to whiff hit with the latter on smaller enemies, the middle one can end up with you spamming it and wasting time a bit and the former is just leap spams that likely only good as a means to spam hit mobs and i dont recall any of them being good at generating signature or outro energy that deeply compared to just doing the forte skills for the characters instead.


What I'm most interested in is her free concerto switch and how we can abuse that, though I don't think the rotation in the vid is something an S0 Jinhsi can pull off


There's no abuse. You just use it to keep her outro buff always up. Her outro does not even do damage.


This is pre-rework Jinhsi with 40 stacks and assumably S6 (old 12 stack from intro is active so it's at least S3). Jue echo was much worse before the rework patch as well, which is probably why they didn't bother pressing it tbh lol.




It’s not even post buff jinhsi


its not?


It’s version 1 s6 apparently. Which s6 pre change was busted. Basically they buffed s0 and massively nerfed s6 in version 2. So version 1 s6 is crazy OP. Not sure how this all translates to version 2 jinhsi at s0.




No way in hell this is a relatable showcase, that’s a ridiculous amount of damage. Changli wasn’t doing near that much in her beta footage.


You mean the solo changli S0 showcase? of course she'll looks weak af in that clip.


This jinhsi is pre-rework jinhsi I believe. Essentially proving that she is s6 because most people saying she isn’t past s2 are going off of new changes. It also means s6 is way more busted than now. Basically post changes s0 jinhsi got buffed and s6 got massively nerfed. So yeah this dmg is in no way relatable.


Ah, phew. I was afraid of the possible insane powercreep lol


I’m pretty sure most people could deduce that it was obviously a whaled jinhsi. There is no way they’d release a character like this at s0


The current ToA hard buffs Jinshi. Also this was likely Jinshi before buffs who was straight up bad. Changli beta footage also had 0 combat buffs. You can crit for 400k+ too with about a S3R1 Jinshi current version.


We got a Showcase 2-3 days before the patch. Isn't it too late? 😔


at least we got actual leaks


Eh, it's better than getting bored and losing the fun on release. We already saw how she moves from 2 weeks ago


Less than that


Is Jinshi level 90? Yinlin damage looks on par with my Level 70 Yinlin with her weapon. But Jinshi's own damage looks ridiculously high for a level 70 char.


It's L70 But S6 is basically 2.5x S0 DMG. And we don't know what weapon refine / ToA buff etc So your average S0 Jinhsi will be nuking for more like 180k, while hitting like a wet noodle for most of your rotation. It's pretty fair. Considering that Jiyan can also nuke for 300k at S6, and then continue to do big DMG. And he frontloads DMG, and has cc


Yeah s6 jiyan is nuts


I get that this showcase may be old, but when compared to the latest version on wutheringtools calculator, it seems equivalent to a S3/4 R1 Jinhsi. I ran the calculator with 43311, CD/ATK/Spectro, all pieces have CR/CD/ATK, but at minimum rolls (6.3/12.6/6.4), VERY likely you can get WAY better pieces. 5pc celestial light, WITH VERINA BUFFS, just considering crit damage. Illuminous Epiphany: S0-240k, S1-4stacks-317k, S3-1/2stacks-345k/373k, S4-396k, S6-838k** Ult: S0-126k, S2-1/2stacks-137k/148k, S4-163k, S5-358k **The S6 damage feels weird. The additional 45% scaling per incandescence stack increases damage from 396k to 742k, but the 45% DMG multiplier for Illuminous Epiphany only increases it to 838k. Shouldn’t it increase to about 1.076M? At least for Jiyan, I believe, at S6, multiplies the damage dealt by emerald storm by 3.4x. Edit: I have tried and confirmed the S6 tick box of the calculator to be off. It gives 45% damage bonus instead of 45% damage multiplier. (As of current time) So 1M damage S6R1 Jinhsi seems likely! Edit 2: wutheringtools have settled on 45% damage multiplier only affecting the BASE multiplier, pretty much giving Illuminous epiphany an additional 2.3 stacks. That’s an increase from 50 stacks to 52.3 stacks. A little too underwhelming for what it sounds like, but still quite strong I guess? I’ll wait for S6 showcases before deciding to pull. But yea either way, it doesn’t feel like S5/6 damage as of currently known kit.


everytime i use that jinhsi damage calculator i get the message “NaN”, but i really want to know how my current echos are with her, so ik what to change. Does anyone know how to fix/or are having this issue?


I don’t have that issue, still working fine for me. You can try reporting the bug.


Did you run calcs with L70 or L90? I think this is L70 S6 You lose about half damage at L70 compared to L90 when I did my calcs.


L90 S6R1


Ok i did my own calcs on [https://www.wutheringtools.com/](https://www.wutheringtools.com/) You're right, L90 S6 can do 1M at 50 stacks with every buff. L70 S6 does \~400k with \~40 stacks or without Verina buffs. So it's prob L70


What is the missing damage here? I'm not really following. Where are you getting the 1.076M from?


Forte circuit: consume incandescence stacks to grant additional damage multiplier to star glamour Star glamour is PART OF illuminous epiphany, specifically the final hit. S6 increases the damage multiplier percentage of the entire Illuminous Epiphany, including the initial multi hit solar flare. So I would assume it would be 1.45* [solar flare 119.34% + star glamour (347.92% + #incan stacks*(incanbase 44.54%+S6incan 45%))] The entire back portion after 1.45* is considered illuminous epiphany’s damage multiplier, which changes depending on number of incandescence stacks. THIS IS CALCULATED TO BE THAT 742k THAT I MENTIONED. TO GET THAT 1M, I JUST MULTIPLIED IT BY 1.45. Well, it wouldn’t make much sense to simply boost the 0 stack multiplier by only 45%, because that’s only equivalent to 2.3 additional stacks out of 50. I can’t confirm this, so I’d assume this is not the case. Guess I can only confirm it tomorrow when she is released.


AFAIK, Illuminous Epiphany = Solar Flare + Star Glamour. But if the S6 specifically says it increases the Incandescence multiplier, and Incandescence specifically says it only applies on Star Glamour, then why would Solar Flare also benefit from it? I'm also not following why you multiplied by 1.45 again when you only have the 50 stacks.


S6 increase ADDITIONALLY the scaling per incandescence, AS WELL AS the damage multiplier (NOT ADDITIONALLY) of ILLUMINOUS EPIPHANY(solar flare+star glamour)


So does the calculator not match your formula? I thought it also already multiplied by 1.45 to each of the skill parts because when you uncheck the first part of the S6 it affects both numbers but the second part of the S6 only affects Star Glamour.


It only increases from 742k to 838k, that’s a 12.9% increase when i assume should be a 45% increase since it is a multiplier increase. I played around with the numbers and found the ‘error’ with the calculator. The calculator’s S6 made it a 45% DAMAGE BONUS instead of an actual 45% DMG MULTIPLIER PERCENTAGE. Damage multiplier directly buffs the scaling, and since it is not boosted by echoes and stuff usually, a 45% increase will directly translate to actual 45% more damage. Edit: You can try setting one of the echoes with additional 45% skill damage bonus and the damage results is the same as ticking that S6 box.


This video is V1, not V3 of Jinhsi.


I said it in my very first sentence that I know the showcase is old. It’s just to translate how this damage is equivalent to current kit implemented on Wutheringtools calculator.


Just when I lost all hope from the leakers, they drop this in probably the driest day so far for wuwa with no banners and double drop event last day. Good thing the strongest laser hit always crit in this video but I have a feeling that with my subpar build, I would probably crit that nuke once every 10 business days.


And no other crit rate broadswords beside signature


The broadsword in the battlepass has crit rate on it.


True. I’m f2p so I forget about Bp weapon mosty


That's why I'm going for the signature. No way am I playing Jinshi with <50% CR because I'm sure everytime that nuke does a non-crit, I will die a little bit each time.


https://i.redd.it/7i9kirmtwz8d1.gif IMA FIRING MAH LAZOR!!!


Hmmm. Considering this is v1 and current middle tower buff gives 60% skill and liberation damage. I think even if you play slow and do 30-40 second prep rotations with taoqi+baizhi/verina, a well-built s0r1 jinhsi will still melt Memphis within 3 rotations. The 2nd part with 2 waves and ape, however, might require a little more finesse. Probably round up all the targets and nuke them at once so you can damage the ape with it too as soon as he spawns.


Its an obvious Jinhsi at S6 dupes. You can easily tell because Jinhsi starts with her forte gauge full from being out of combat from one of her dupes.


Yinlin and Verina are prepped. Prefarming is done. All I need now is for Jinhsi to come home




terrible quality, but i'm pulling just for the dragonite hyper beam animation. ult animation still worse than yinlin's though, can never get tired of those


too good to be true S0


She started off with full forte which is minimum s2.


These must be with cons, very cool gameplay


Bro these ToA enemies in 1.0 tankier than 4.7 Abyss 12 or what 200k barely dented their HP. Felt like the boss has 4M+ effective HP


I can only dream of one day hitting those numbers. As I cry myself to sleep with these flat def on my spectro echoes.


wow this reminds me of how much I hate hp buckets but damn she looks fun


Yeah. Was loving the combat but the high HP bosses kinda turned me off. Becomes too repetitive and boring after while. Not fun for me. But it’s a beautiful game. Maybe I’ll get back into later on.


That's why holograms is a different mode


Every endgame right now is a HP sponge tbh. Holograms, Tower, even events and Illusive Realm (I failed a few times because of DPS timer)


Hologram is not really close to being as much of an hp sponge as TOA. It actually feels more like a challenge to play perfectly to be able to do proper rotations and hit the dps checks. In TOA, I can literally just facetank everything to do good rotations and still be so damn far off the timer. That's what an hp sponge is.


IMO A HP sponge is anything that if you whaled for S6R5 Jinhsi for example, it's much easier to clear than S0 Hologram is difficult because you can't one shot it, yet. If you had L90 S6 Jinhsi, it might just be zero challenge. In the end, it's still a DPS check A true skill check would be if they took away everyone's sequences and put everyone on equal footing. Then it's a skill check to see who can do it. When one person is doing 3x the DMG than another, that person has 3x more leniency in skill because he has to dodge for 3x less.


I mean its on your own if u wanna whale to one-shot everything, the whole purpose of holograms is to provide a challenging gamemode which it does for the majority of the players.


Not really, imo you're over interpreting the word. A HP sponge just means that the boss has a lot of HP to soak up damage to extend the fight. Each component of the design of a boss fight is separate. HP sponge has nothing to do with the difficulty. You could have a HP sponge and a really difficult boss. You could also have a HP sponge but a easy boss. Hologram still has some difficulty despite being a HP sponge. Although I agree with you that it's not a true skill check. However, they can't just make it a sole skill check cause it's a business in the end. They need something to incentivise players to swipe. Aka known as the hey look at that S6 clearing the "hardest" content easily bait. Also they tied rewards behind it so if they make it a true skill check, casuals might be unhappy that they can't get rewards. However I would like some form of equalised boss with no rewards instead that you can fight for trophys or achievements. That would be nice imo


Tower of Adversity is still an HP sponge (which isn’t necessarily a critique on WuWa, but most games with boss fights that don’t rely heavily on boss mechanics). When I think of good/fun boss design that aren’t just DPS checks I think of Lost Ark. shame how that game went cuz of the publisher tho


Are you referring to raids? There's no way any game like this is gonna get raid level boss design though. They take too long to make.


Raids only take a lot of resources and brainpower to work because you have to balance the raid over existing mechanics and skills that different classes (typically on the role trinity: dps, supp, tank) have. They wouldn’t need to do that for a game like this because every character has 2 abilities and can generally clear all content in the game depending on build. The mechanics could literally just be: 2 players have x mark, 2 players have y mark, during phase 1, y players must stand in (this) spot while x attacks (part) of boss. co-op in these games exist for a reason and I hope it’s finally put to use for once instead of immediately being shunned by the community for being too difficult (see: elemental crucible in 1.0 of genshin and them never doing anything like it again)


414,711 gyatt


Is this with constellations ?


V1 C6 R5 so don't take the damage numbers to heart. On Bilibili though people said V3 Jinhsi C0 R1 does similar to V1 C6 R5 You can tell she has constellations and at least C3. She starts the fight already having stacks while gaining 12 from Intro skill. Edit: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1oz421B7vg/?spm_id_from=333.788.recommend_more_video.1&vd_source=3de60d7b3d676de1e0f872614c0a6151 CN Source. Jue looks different here compared to the official pv trailer, as she did in V1 rather than V3.


The damage here is actually comparable to lvl 90 S4R1 Jinshi using wutheringtools calculator with all min roll sub stats and the buffs shown in the leak. S0 is half damage, so I wouldn't say its similar.


>Jue looks different here compared to the official pv trailer, as she did in V1 rather than V3. Does that mean thats before nerf?


Yes but It's before V2 buff too


Alright thanks for the info


It seems it's s6


I see that 414 k didn't seem to do too much damage tho


Enemies tanky as f Also damage per screenshot. You wow at 400k once every 20 seconds but ignore Jiyan or Encore hitting 15k every 0.3s tick.


lot of gacha players are like this for real, Remember players getting crazy about eula dealing 2million burst at c6 then ignores other dps'es dealing 100k every second


And then there's Neuvillette, who somehow does 80k DMG across the whole damn screen every 0.3s, and can't die.


The issue with this rotation is you end up doing 25-30 Incandescence skills and that's with s3 giving +12 after intro. If you want damage per screenshot you got Taoqi + Yinlin, get 50 stacks with +38% deepen and have the 600k burst at the cost of slower rotation.


Didn't they remove the stacks on S3 when they reworked stack gain and limit? This showcase is apparently from an older beta patch (bar is only 40 notches).


SHE IS SO FUCKING COOL ! And this is finally a true gameplay leak. She is fast, she is flashy and looks really fun to play. So happy to save for her from day one.


PSA to potential rollers: Roll for who you want! It is not a good idea to be enticed by Jinhsi just because she’s flashy and does damage. Why waste rolls when spectro rover can also clear tower..? Better to skip for now.


Bro, what type of Delusional argument is that Lmao. I could literally put up same argument on every limited that's coming. Just say it, If you don't have enough pull and want to make Jinhsi not good So it's okay to skip it Lmao


Yes roll for who you want. I want jinhsi


“Roll for who you want!” being in the same message as “why waste rolls when spectro rover can also clear tower..? Better to skip for now.” Is just crazy. This is definitely one of the contradictions of all time.💀


This is not a PSA lol, it's a statement that is parroted constantly every time a new character comes out in a gacha game, and it also inherently contradicts itself. Flashy animations and big numbers are one of the biggest reasons why people pull for a character. Telling people to "pull for who you want" while also saying that it's better to skip her because another character has the same element is contradictory and nonsensical.


Pro tip : Pull for Jinhsi and enjoy as much Changli fanart as the ones who pull for Changli herself 🤣.


Yay desu plays wuwa


I honestly think your comments are peak comedy


nice to see you here too desu


Loyal Havoc Rover worshipper here. Black wings ftw. Havoc >>> Spectro




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful and Civil It's okay to have differing opinions, but please be respectful and refrain from toxicity of any kind, that goes double for slurs and or insults hurled at other members. We also ask that you refrain from doomposting or posting just to rant/vent/complain about leaks regarding the game.


Dont be rude, its just Desuladesu.


Shut up broh i don't give a fuck about DMG. How i will know she is meta before even the game release ? I knew i wanted her before the game even get launch, go give your stupid "warning" to other one in the forum not me.


for the theorycrafters, will she and/or the other new character be meta?


i mean Jinhsi's only competition rn is Spectrover so ofc she will be meta


How does that make any sense? Not saying that Jinshi is bad, but one character replacing a bad character does not automatically make the replacement meta.


One question, Does elements matters much in this game? Like if you have a different element than the enemy then your damage will be hampered by alot?


Very much. ToA just give massive buffs to certain elements and every enemy has certain resistances.


Stage 2 of both left and right towers is harder than it should be for me because the enemies are fusion and havoc. My DPS are Encore and Havoc rover. If I use encore, the wolves take too long to die. If I use Rover, the mushrooms suddenly feel very tanky.


Enemies with the same element as your character take reduced damage so yeah, kinda you need to have chars with diff elements built if you wanna full clear the tower. You don't necessarily need to have one DPS of each element built but it'll help because the tower levels have element specific buffs that they rotate out (usually they'll just be buffs targeted at whatever character is on that banner


How big is the damage reduction?


Up to 70% for regular enemies, straight up immune for elemental enemies


Massive reduction. Usually at least 50% from my experience. You really don’t want to meet element resist in tower unless it’s some trash mobs because of how tanky they are


depend on the enemey, some have complete immunity to certain element


We don't know Jinshi's and team members' investment. Also, remember that ToA provides buffs that boost stack building and damage.




That's not how it works in this game. Heron only is strong against Havoc, but all other elements deal the same damage. There are no weaknesses in this game.


Theyre representative of a spectro carry doing it's job though.  I'd expect nothing less.


F i don't notice that, she prob is not that fast like in the video cause she can have a attack speed buff here.


She’s not slow at all I’m in love again


Rightttt I thought she was a bit slow, but now….i’m broke.


Crazy how we finally get gameplay leaks just the day before her release.


Ain’t she releasing on 28th?


yeh that's tomorrow.


🤣🤣🤣 I actually have no brain


We have had gameplay leaks for weeks bro.


While you aren't incorrect in referring to those leaks as the same thing, it's pretty obvious that the user meant practical gameplay showcases. I.e. full rotations (and here it looks like the leaker plays optimally) with a team composition.


Not against enemies, skill showcases arent representative of how well she would do in a battle.


Eh, probably because they can track damage numbers in beta and it’d be easy to determine who leaked what. That’s usually the reason Genshin leakers have to set up a private server to showcase against enemies. Even though they never actually show the new unit fighting and even then they aren’t build so damage numbers tell us absolutely nothing. Doing like 200 dmg when 2,000 dmg ain’t shit in Genshin.


you got downvoted for the truth, but it does suck that we haven't had meaningful gameplay showcases like in hsr, I hope people can get private servers running soon.


Happens all the time. This community is more trash than Tower of Fantasy’s. I love how I got downvoted for saying someone who doesn’t have an SSD and a graphics card less than a 1080 has no right to complain about performance. Bro, that shit is more than a decade old… So many people downvoted me saying “Well some people can’t afford new rigs. Kuro needs to optimize better. Optimization is terrible.” Literally if the game doesn’t run on their toaster from 2010, they say the game has bad optimization and blame Kuro. Like c’mon… Also if you can’t afford to get a device from this decade, then why should Kuro give a shit about you playing? They won’t be buying monthly passes, BP, not spending. They’re f2p leaches who cry for more free currency and that they don’t get enough. Also that their phone runs genshin at max, so it should run WuWa at max and they won’t accept anything less. Literally said WuWa graphics look the same as genshin. This community just sucks. Literally want a free gacha game that hands them everything and it has to run on their $100 Walmart phone. But if the game was made to run on their shit phone they’d complain how terrible the graphics and vfx are. No matter what you said these people cry. Literally about to quit the subs.




not against an actual enemy


Eh, guess I’m just used to genshin and never getting showcases with actual enemies. Lol. And before you say it, no genshin leakers don’t showcase the new unit against enemies. They showcase their 3 off field dps and buffers, yes. Maybe zoom into the side of the hill they’re fighting on. But showing the new character fight? Never.


Are you talking about genshin leaks? There's always gameplay leaks on the leaks sub tho? Stuff like ICD and element interactions are the important part of new characters' kits so leakers there always try to showcase that. Have you actually been there?? I can't believe you sounded so sure with your blatantly wrong comment.


The leakers are so shit you don’t see any of that. It becomes screen spam of vfx. Instead of doing like Yelan and Arlecchino to test vape, they’ll add a bunch of other bullshit that gets in the way. Sure if you want to scrub video millisecond by millisecond to see what is even going on sure, you might see something. But nah, it’s always Kazuha burst, Furina burst, or maybe some Dendro hyperblooms mixed in and you can’t even see shit. Like yeah, I know you can spam everything at once, when are you going to need that outside of abyss? They show what a team can do rather than a character. Like instead of showing how fast a a hydro and Dendro make blooms, they’ll make sure hyperbloom is there and some other bs. And it’s not like you can’t even figure out team dmg because dmg numbers are super skewed and never accurate. Also recent leaks are better. Back in the day leakers would go to the dumbest spots like on the hill between sumeru rainforest and desert and you can’t see shit. No clue what’s going on. Or just terrible team comps in general. Genshin leaks were bad. They got better though.


Numbers in video leaks never meant anything. Numbers/multipliers are leaked first. Gameplay vids are for interactions with other characters. Yeah, leakers there may not be using great teams but at least you can see how that character interact with other elements in general. It's not the best (depending on the leaker) but at least Genshin leaks get something. Wuwa gets absolute crumbs when it comes to gameplay vids. We only got one from each character. You make it sound like genshin leaks are so bad when it comes to gameplay leaks when Emilie alone which is a character with like no hype at all got multiple gameplay vids.


Again, leaks are way more prevalent these days. There is one dude that makes the same kind of video every leak in an arena. He will literally do every single animation one by one solo. Show off normals, then skill, then burst, etc. We never got those in genshin before. Only shit videos where they use bennet and other buffers while not showing what the new character can do. At least with Jinshi and Changli we got videos of the characters doing all of their animations one by one. Again, never got that in genshin until Fontaine came out. And there really isn’t too much reason to show WuWa units in combat. There aren’t any reactions. Biggest thing would be showing her stacking her forte. But again, game is brand new. First beta. And I believe people said Kuro had plenty of things hidden on screen that could track who made the video. They need time to set up the leak network. I’m surprised the leaks were so clean and we got them up front with animations and everything shown off.


It's clear you don't follow the leaks at all. Stuff like ICD and particle generation are super important so leakers always drop videos of the leaked characters fighting. Take the recent Emilie for example. Her skill changes based on burning dmg and there were videos of just the skill attacking mobs to test the range and another of how the skill react based on burning ticks.


My guess its a S6 Jinshi


Ironically you are correct it's V1 C6 R5 as said on bilibili


What does V1 mean?


First iteration of Jinhsi's kit before her buffs


First version, the one where she only has half of damage increase per stack of what she has now, 40 stack max, and no getting 2x stack per coordinated attack.




She literally does lol




I think you are confused. That is what it looks like when it's full, the later change is due to her using her skills. If you join the discord and ask in the TC you will be told the same thing.




Yes, that's what it looks like at full stacks though. You don't start the fight with full stacks, this is with C2. This isn't even V3, everyone on CN said it's V1 Jinhsi.




Yes that's what it looks like at full stacks, you can also see her gain 12 stacks from her intro at around 28 seconds into the video. This proves two things. 1.She is at the bare minimum C3, CN says C6 2. This isn't the current version ( V3 )




I think for s2 she needs to be 4sec offield for getting full stacks


I know the video is in potato quality but [https://imgur.com/3jWqbKg](https://imgur.com/3jWqbKg) looks like full stacks to me. Here's another one [https://i.imgur.com/23d6tKX.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/23d6tKX.jpeg)


This guy really wants to believe his s0 jinhsi will hit these numbed








Sure buddy sure. Provide me footage of a havoc rover on a normal account with normal builds hitting 300k. I’ll wait. I will believe you when you do though


I haven't seen those showcases, but I would not trust character showcases to judge a character's dps. In my experience, showcases usually have food buffs (or whatever Wuwa calls them), also, many showcases are super focused on getting one comically gigantic dmg number, so the builds they use are impractical for normal use. Those builds are potentially not easily obtainable by most people either. It also depends on which content and enemies you are fighting.




If there is visual evidence for it you should have no problem finding it for us no?


It's the Tower. You can't use items. Anyways, where is this video of 300K Havoc Rover ult? I barely manage to break 50K with his 5-Star weapon and Verina + Yinlin buffs. This looks sus.