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This is the norm for me. I haven't done voice chat with randoms since like 2013. I have no appetite for the toxicity, the swears, the slurs, the bigotry, etc. Plus I'm a Dad, I often game when the kids are asleep I don't want to wake them, plus I want to chat with my wife who is often playing her own game nearby. I'm here to chill, voice chat with randoms is not the vibe.


Goals fr


It’s slowly changed with the times. More people don’t opt into voice chat anymore due to multiple reasons but toxicity is a big one. Then of course the rise of discord. Edit: And the majority of those who do opt into voice all use push to talk.


I live right by a railway that is used for both passenger trains and freight so yeah, I never use open mic in public lobbies lol.


Idk about that. People talk a lot in CoD, especially in ranked or FFA matches. This game automatically turns public chat off if you’re in a party and I think a lot of people either don’t realize that or just don’t bother changing it back to public. I think that’s part of the problem.




I play solo and talk in game but I assume so many people are just in discord as I've never spoken to anyone else. TBH there's so much toxicity in FPS now I see why.


Hit level 70 last night and I have yet to hear a single person speak lol.


Yeah your right Iv'e got about 30 hours into xdefiant and I can count on my 2 hands the amount of times I heard people talking. I know a lot of players use console chats or discord etc now.


Might wanna wait when Ranked mode officially out for people start using comms more often. The game is so chaotic fast to try call out things for your team. Unless you're in a stack then perhaps its easier to maintain when you know who you playing with.


I generally turn mine off. There are a lot of people far to comfortable yelling at strangers from the comfort of their bedroom. My third day on there was some guy tearing into a level 4 with so many racial and homophobic slurs I gave up counting. I threw down my mike and told him to shut the hell the player was new and his hill time was only 30 second and suggested he try and last longer on the hill then he does in bed. I set it to private after that. Any of us that have been gaming for awhile just want to relax and play so we gave up on public chat long ago. * there is always someone who can't replace a fire alarm battery and will learn to live with the beep driving everyone else nuts in the lobby. * DJ numbnut blasting some crap tunes that they will then try and sing to off key. * The player that sounds like he is at a family reunion while gaming. We don't need to hear you fight with the wife or the baby cry toss your mike up. * the kid that somehow got promoted from the McDonald's drive thru window to general on the way home trying to bark orders and use callout that are so obscure you need a decoder ring to figure out what they are talking about. * then you have the toxic assholes who have no issue mouthing off from the safety of the couch. I'd love some civilized in game chat but the odds of that are rather rare so don't bother.