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It’s Free.99


Can’t argue with that lol


No it's not. The beta game takes alot of stress.


No SBMM allows me to play with my friends again. We would play like 2-3 matches on COD every now and then but they hated my lobbies. Truly playing a different game I was. Now, they enjoy the lobbies. They are your typical casual gamers and float around .6 to 1.1 KD, with one friend being like a 1.4 on CoD. COD Ranked they were hard stuck gold, maybe even high silver players. Being able to use meme classes with them and it still result in me going positive, us winning the match, and having a good time. We occasionally run into a difficult lobby (for them, it's still easy for me, particularly if I switch to a meta gun) but those are ultra competitive and generally have a close score and are incredibly fun for them, even if one of them is triple negative they know the game just happened to throw better players at them in an organic way.


Not having to run meta builds is the greatest part to me, couldn’t agree more


Yup. If they start struggling too bad or we're getting spawn trapped, I'll switch to a meta weapon just because we still like to win. But again, that's maybe 1/20 games that I'm playing against a party of Crimson or higher players. But I'm not going to sweat still unless they start shooting bodies. I can't wait for ranked and other leaderboards to show off w/e rank I'll end up at.


Absolutely this, so many of my friends stopped playing cod there were only 2 of us left, now we can easily get a full 6 man party going in xdefiant, and I know they are actually going to play the objectives and I don't need to do everything just to win like with cod.


Same here. It might sound crazy, but I literally can’t play CoD with my friends. There’s just too big of a skill difference between M&KB and controller players. Not even worth the frustration of trying to carry them.


^ This. You Win the match for your friends. This is where the Matchmaking fails. Never ever should a single one - who is even trolling - make a whole team win.


Surely the friends do most of the obj


I mean they do the objective and are responsible for the W. I just keep map control, flank the objective, or prevent them from getting spawn trapped. Why should I, someone who has well over 20k hours of FPS experience since I started with GoldenEye 007, let my friends suffer in lobbies that aren't for their skill level consistently such as the case with COD? Why is it fair that I can't have a social experience with the game unless I'm playing with only of people of my skill level? Pair that with disbanding lobbies and you can't even make friends with anyone of your skill level or gain a rival over numerous games. None of us are going to have a great time when I'm facing 6 Crimson most games when they're Silver (in terms of COD ranks.). They're going to die constantly, I can't break a spawn trap when it's 1v6. While I'll go positive or when with a 2KD because I can complete, they'll be below a 0.5. And then the next game is either a stomp against an enemy or we get stomped it becomes incredibly predictable and boring. The Skill Gap for many FPS titles is still incredibly low. An average player can kill a pro with the tools given to them in COD, xDefiant, etc. Other games with higher skill gap, such as Rocket League, an average player has no chance of scoring on a pro/SSL.


This is the first fps I enjoyed since the og mw3


100% Even the Mp7 + ACR being dominant is just a cherry on top of the nostalgia since the og mw3 was also my last main cod


Just unlocked the mp7 rn lol


Going 7-25 but blindly throwing a grenade in enemy territory and in the middle of getting clapped you get the you got them pop up!!


By far, the maps. The layout of them is so well made because it forces people to keep moving, or be at the bottom of the board on kills. Camping spots are few and far between, and if there is a good spot, there is always a counter to that spot to catch that person off guard and get the kill to push forward. Another thing is the game modes, with other modes being added as well at later dates/seasons. I love how objective based it is, and the team play involved. Although I do wish people on mic were more active because it would make teams more fun & coordinated.


almost no campers in this game its great


The scanner gets rid of campers easily


Fully agree for maps being the best part, and the added modes through time are a great plus too! About objectives modes what I don’t get with the current focus on those is the lack of a basic PING system. :/ As for the movements, like OP mentionner. There’s room for improvement imo, especially with the vaulting/climbing over some stuff, I hope they’ll improve the fluidity of those, and the number of things that can be vaulted/climbed on.


I can run around and not take it too seriously. It’s fun. It scratches my shooter itch. I don’t really care how well I do. I play for an hour or two, have fun, and go about my day. I love it. Plus it’s free!


Netcode issues aside, I think the gunplay feels good and the sound design when landing shots is satisfying.


sound design is underrated


The maps are great both visually and layout wise and it's easy to see they all had thought put into them. I can't think of a map I hate, only maps I like less then others.


is one of them echelon hq? Because that‘s my least favourite map


If I'd make a list I think that one would go somewhere in the low-middle, my least favorite is definitely that hotel rooftops one.


Attica heights right? Gives me strong BO2 Hijacked vibes but i kinda like it


That's the one


First non battle royale fps I’ve enjoyed for almost 10 years


The maps are bangers, really well designed though there’s hitbox issues with the palm trees on Attica Heights, which is otherwise one of my favourites. Guns feel very nice in this game, great audio design. It scratches that arena CoD itch without me having to spend 70 dollars and take up a huge chunk of my hard drive.


Input based matchmaking should be in every crossplay game.


The maps are good and the spawns make sense


Coming from destiny 2 pvp, spawns were one of the first things I noticed.


The spawns really are excellent. Even in more fast paced games like domination I only get killed straight off spawn like once or twice a game. Well done


I’m gonna go with some non-gameplay things- like how it doesn’t take itself too seriously, the maps are bold and colorful, the factions are interesting and mostly well-balanced, it doesn’t feel gratuitously violent (for a game where you’re supposed to shoot people with guns). It just feels like *fun* is in its DNA. It’s simple and easy to understand across the board, but hard to master. It’s pretty much everything I’ve ever wanted tbh


First run & gun game that I’ve enjoyed in a while. Can actually listen to music and mess around. Movements feels smooth. Also enjoy the grind for weapons , nostalgic feeling from cod back in the day.


Running faster with your pistol out is super fun and engaging to get back in the fight


I wish you could switch to your pistol during the 3 2 1 countdown at the start


True. I hope this helps some people. Especially in escort. Getting back to the payload fast is essential. And in hot shot once you become the hotshot your speed is even further increased with the pistol out. I love zooming around corners and trying to get away from a bad gun fight. But be careful I've caught myself not switching back fast enough to my primary in a gunfight. Try to time it to switch back to primary before rounding the corner so you're ready for anything


you can do that (lvl 9 btw)?


Yeah it's a basic function of the game. It's a passive generic function anyone at any level can use. You run faster with your secondary pistol out


The no SBMM ( not as big a deal as some make it seem imo ) but it is super nice to have a decent mix of having a great game, doing about average, and then getting shredded, how it should be imo, also love love love the abilities so far for most factions


havent had a game i could still down and enjoy for hours on end since overwatch 2020


It just feels easy I guess I'm not good by any means but I can get 30+ kills and feel good I feel like I don't have to rack my brain so hard and I like that. I'm a diamond OW2 player and I have to be so locked in at all times to not get shit on it's a nice change from that lol


Top teir shooter


I have more than one No SBMM Movement is great Guns are great I like the customization of the guns I personally like a lot of the skins that show up in the shop I know a handful are complaint about it Honestly there really isn’t much I don’t like about the game really everything just feels great and love that it’s more about skill than SBMM (I’m from The cod4 days)


No SBMM/EOMM made me fall in love with the game. It feels like how cod used to be. After cod started rigging the gunfights I stopped playing. I had no FPS I really enjoyed after that until this came around. If I died I know it’s because it was my fault. Lately it’s been more death around corners vs getting outgunned but I digress


Yup, I love competitive/ranked but I'm really not trying to play that every single game in casual matchmaking, especially with the amount of cheese available in COD (though fuck spiderbots and mines in this game).


FPS game that isn't EXCLUSIVELY guns and boots on the ground. Aka the abilities. Oh and the fact that for the first time in a LONG time a FPS game coming out ISN'T a Battle Royale. The market is over saturated by them the wow factor is over. But now I hear the next big thing is Extraction Shooters... \*sigh\* So we moved from Battle Royales to a Battle Royale with an objective... Way to reinvent the wheel... If this lasts 2 to 6 years like the Battle Royales, I'm just done with gaming.


Yeah this trend of pursuing other game success by trying to copy concepts from each other is so bad for the medium. Can’t believe the suits, and high-level managers didn’t get yet that’s it’s not what gamers want, give us variety, offer something fresh and MANY gamers will try your game and support it if a return to classic or something really fresh in the online gaming world. I like shooting games, but they really could be way more diversified, we have very few options if we like a genre other than BR, or in the next 3 years, better than an Extraction Shooter or a traditionnel hero shooter with Fortnite/Overwatch art style… Luckily we have XDefiant and The Finals to shake things up a little now!


I mean I know why they do it. Its an easy gamemode to make. And its easy money with very little effort involved. Just think up a niche gimmick and if it takes off great if not well no big deal, next project. Honestly I just want a remake of Ghost in the Shell:First Assault. Best game I have ever played, hands down.


Input based match making.


100% I don't care that much about SBMM, I'm a sweaty player and I'm fine with playing other sweaty players. But playing sweaty controller players on CoD/Warzone is infuriating. When I'm against a MnK player that is better than me I lock in and try to up my game, on CoD when I watch a killcam and see a controller hit 100% of their shots no matter how much I jump or slide or strafe it just makes me want to turn the game off. Xdefiant is a joy to play in comparison.


Without SBMM I can actually see my improvement. The air movement feels pretty good as well


This is the first FPS game that I ever enjoyed. Yes the game has it flaws and yes the patch sucked I was 2 levels away from gold 🥲. But I couldn’t care less this game is so refreshing compared to the same old shit we’ve had for years. This game can become so versatile within a year to two. And it’s nice to have a game where the devs listen to the community and try there best to give us all what we want.


Sniping is satisfying. 


Besides being free, how simple the game is. There ain’t hundreds of attachments and you don’t need a degree to create a loadout. I like the fast pace and maps as well. Even the menu is simple. Just create a playlist and play. I remember playing last year’s MW2 and being lost on the menu with so much bullshit on the screen. Just let me play.


So true. I’m just afraid of where it will be in a few seasons if younger gamers ask for too much news guns and attachments, it seems that today's gamers can’t have fun without new toys every 5 minutes or 5 days… Fortnite is the biggest example of this, and it’s players don’t even realize they might not like the gameplay that much if they need that much changes every 2 weeks… Anyway, I really hope the game will stay "simple" and not have 200 guns and 300 attachments in a year or two…devs are listening so far and vocal minority could ask for more and it could escalate into an echo chamber of demands that is not really what many gamers that loves the game now could want from it…


Besides the long loading screen this is exactly what I want from a MP. I’m busy so I like XD menus are pretty minimalist as I can go straight to finding a match as I log in. Perfect to jump on play a match or two hop off and continue what I was doing at home. Then when I’m tired of being an adult I can jump back into a match. Sometimes the loading screens be too much and I’ll just go do something else lol


Yeah they need to work on that since it’s really feasible in this gen, and they’ll then get a huge plus over CoD (just to name one of the same genre) that have clustered menus and long loading between menus, modes and versions. If they make the loading a little faster and less of a nuisance (still allow us to use the menu, loadouts etcs), they’ll get a lot of praise for it from players imo. And yeah, adult gamers don’t want to waste more time than needed, this gen some games could really do better.


The fact it's ability-based game using modern standart fps mechanics and not some csgo type of movement/gunplay


I like the general look of the game especially the look of the maps.




The sniping is incredibly fun, and it's fills me with great joy when people are triggered by it.


Being able to send an emote after I die is the greatest thing ever 🤣 it's so funny and I love seeing peoples reactions when I kill them. I will never not send an emote after I die


You gawk gawk really well


The devs for sure. We’ll see how long it lasts, but being so open about their process and actually listening and implementing requests from the player base is so rare nowadays, it’s such a delight to see


How casual it is. I live a busy life. XDef is perfect to login, play some games and log out.


The guns feel so nice to me, I can never quite explain but an fps just needs to feel good to play (like movement, ads, killing enemies, etc.) And this one just feels very good


No SBMM. Matches have variety now. You either stomp, get stomped, or it's a tug of war. I feel so vindicated and can't help but think, "I told you so" towards the people in favor of SBMM.


I like bunny hopping tea bags .


It's free and I don't feel like I'm throwing away time by uninstalling or re-installing it (uninstalled as of right now, got bored of it after 2-3 ish weeks).


I like how rewarding the marksman rifles feel in this game. Crisp two taps or one taps with the svd just feels right. Brings me back to the cod4 days.


I’m 80 hours in and if I get a day where I’m burned out a little I am usually pretty pumped to play the next. Ranked hasn’t even started yet and I feel like that will be even more fun. I’m a fan of playing the obj and pubs that of course comes and goes. If it’s fun now I’m pumped to be on a team of players who are obj focused.


I agree on the movement but what I love is the score reward for playing obj and using support


Free, maps, weapon balance (IK AK-47 & MP7 are S tier, but A tier is right behind them), abilities (Bo3/IW all over again in the best way).


The dev team does listen to feedback and at least try to fix it. I come from division 2 where feedback about pvp just.. falls on deaf ears ig. So seeing the devs actually give a shit is refreshing.


The fact that I don't have to sweat my ass off just to go positive and then when I do go positive immediately get punished for it. The fact that I can once again hop on with my sniper and go 50-20 with a quad feed or 2 whenever I feel like it is an absolute god send. This game is essentially what CoD never should've stopped being minus a couple of its own issues that are being worked on because (shocker) the developers have so far communicated openly about what they intend on fixing and roughly when it will be fixed.


One of my best games in the past few weeks was just using my M60 (I named the loadout BIG CHUNGUS) and only put on attachments that let me ADS quick. I was top on my team 2 games in a row and we won both games. People kept running at me so I just kept mowing them down as I held B. Teammates started helping me out, throwing down med packs and such. Even got a few stankface reactions in the chat from the other team. Was awesome. This just feels like a shooter where people can’t take it too serious, so I doesn’t get into that COD toxicity. Even when I lose, I’m having a fun time. I’ll pick up something new


I’m not good at the game but Im addicted to the gameplay. And I’m determined to be decent.


I like the TTK. I also really like how rewarding it feels when you successfully flank the other team. With the ttk so short you can completely eliminate a push with a good flank.


I've had 30 hours played with zero cents spent.


This is the first FPS I’ve played on about a year that I enjoy playing. But I’m a casual gamer though. Prefer MMOs


I love the maps! They’re all places I would have loved to go paintballing 😂


That I want to load it up, not to tick boxes, not to unlock fomo stuff - i simply want to play the shit out of this game and that is all I need. It general much as I have said netcode this, hit reg that, it's still very good and just feels nice to look at and play, I love how the characters pop enough but if you want to hide and camp the maps corners and cover are good enough to do that. I don't feel like when I get shot from the front I could have never saw it coming unless it is the best mouse hole sniper and in that case skill recognize skill.


Have not played FPS (or BR) for over 10 years - I wanted to join a new experience, not try to catch-up with years of features added. I only remember CS-GO so this looks incredibly HD and crisp to me. Also a plus to the 'ubisoft all stars' integration in the factions and maps - I come from the division, not a farcry or spinter cell players, but it feels like a solid universe to play in. Now let's be honnest i suck at the game but i'm coping it's because of net code and my very low ping.


Most fun I had in an fps game since bo3, its just a very good mix of movement, maps, weapons, abilities. Its not perfect for sure but I have so much fun playing it


No EOMM makes me actually enjoy getting thundercunted, because it feels NATURAL, and gives me drive to improve. It doesn’t feel like the matchmaking system is abusing me in the exact same way narcissists abuse their lovers. *I can elaborate on that if you want*


The movement is very smooth I love how fast you move the downside to that is literally everything else is slow 😂 and I also am not a fan of having to hit the bumper to throw a grenade like 4 times before they actually throw it


That it doesn’t use sbmm/eomm at all and instead uses pure unadulterated cbmm. Although technically it’s not “unadulterated” because it does look for equally sized premades when you don’t solo queue but skill still isn’t a factor.


For as many issues as there are with netcode and what not, the gameplay still feels fast and extremely crisp which is hard to find even in other current FPS titles


Haven’t played an fps and loved it since high school I’m 27 now.


I can see my improvement every game rather than it being an overly balanced lobby every game.


I started playing to bond with my son who loves shooters. He didn’t like it but I’ve been having a blast. I’m not good (.8 win .9 kd) and I really enjoy the different factions. If you’re having a bad night with one of them, you can completely switch up your style and put together some good games. I think they did a good job with balancing the abilities. Sure, I wish the netcode wasn’t an issue, but we are all playing that disadvantage right now. I just don’t have anyone to play with so I get put in a lot of random rooms. That however hasn’t stopped me from liking the abilities and overall fun.


The gunplay. All of the weapons feel and sound unique.


Definitely the no SBMM. It really feels like when I use to play black ops 1. Sometimes I get destroyed, other time I’m the destroyer, and sometimes I’m evenly matched. My favorite thing is the randomness and variety of matches.


The game dying is going to be the best part of it


I will admit being a 249 gunner in this game and swapping to your pistol for zoomies is a riot


Nah. It’s crap. Let it die.


I actually love the movement. It feels so good


Just see the positive, the hit reg could be even worse than what we got.


Seeing the same set of players game after game. I don't remember everyone, but I do remember the ones who consistently does well. And I keep seeing them every single day in some of my lobbies. Every kill is so satisfying when I know I'm up against a good player. Every win is satisfying, when I know I'm against a hardcore obj player.


Somewhere at the core there's a good game asking to be let out


i really can't just point out the best thing, everything just works so nice together. Just love the game. Feels so much better then cod.


The abilities. It makes the game different from others and makes you choose your weapons/ loadouts differently when changing factions, so they align with your characters strengths.


The modes are fun and maps are cool for the most part. Unfortunately just about everything else is poo


It's free and it's honestly good fun for a couple of hours a day.


When I was level 24 and lower it was fun


The only positive thing about this game is that it showed me why Hero shooters are garbage


I get to shoot stuff without paying for any subscription and it’s not a battle royal


It's free Reminds me of old call of duty games like bo1/mw2/3/bo2


Can you imagine in real life grown men go to war and it’s the bunny hopping that gives them the advantage. That’s the movement you like? Soooo ridiculous


The option to uninstall one day


It's a GOOD f2p arena-based FPS game, much needed in a time where all we get are BRs.


Do we need r/LowSodiumXDefiant ?