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Heads hot a guy from a meter away and they live. Haven't touched a shotgun since


I have a clip from black ops cold war where I had to shoot somebody point blank with an RPG 3 times to kill 😂😂 Similar feeling


Flak jacket in Cold War was so fucking broken.


As somebody who despises the rpgs I loved it until it came to doing the rpg camos challenges and then it was literally hell on earth. Even in HC you were lucky to kill without a direct impact. I’m also 90% sure they nerfed it approximately 2 days after I finished the rpg which was fun


Yeah I remember it was like a 2 hit kill in hardcore most of the time. One of the challenges I think was getting multikills (I guess you were supposed to get those by shooting into the hardpoint or something and killing multiple people in one shot) but it ended up being needing to get a bloodthirsty or whatever super fast before it stopped counting as a multikill... with a multiple shot to kill slow loading gun that does splash damage to yourself 😂😂😂


Ah see I found out prior to doing the launchers that you didn’t need to actually fire them for multi kills so I ended up just trying to run behind people in hardcore and using melee with the rpg which counted. Occasionally you would be able to get one melee and then get a shot off too. It certainly made it easier than actual double kills, that would have taken years.


Ohhhhhh yeah I remember that, what a joke that game was Having to use melee to get multikills with a rocket launcher 😂😂😂 They could have literally given us anything and I'd play it instead of CoD


I did the launchers in core because hardcore and core it was the same shots to kill. If you had flak jacket it never killed you. So I just shot my explosives and then rushed in for melee. Most of my challenges ended up being accomplished through melee.


Yeah thinking about the rapid kills in Cold War have me like the ptsd soldier meme


Yeah thinking about the rapid kills in Cold War for launchers have me like the ptsd soldier meme


More like the explosives were just anemic


Hah, I'd straight up quit if that happened. Sounds a lot worse than this but damn either way is annoying


Thats happened in so many instances for me, ive literally unloaded my entire AA-12 mags into an enemy at point blank range and all it says is they taken 11 damage or some bs


The thing with shotguns (at least in this game) is that you dont want headshots due to the spread


Double barrel, flashes, and invis your welcome


Shotguns don't do bonus headshot damage. I noticed that in the practice range.


They do. The problem is that if you aim for the head you are going to miss more pellets. Its just better to aim for center mass.


They dont do extra damage for headshots, just tested it in the practice zone


They literally do.


They literally don't. Go into the practice range and try it yourself. The damage numbers stay the same, even when you hit a headshot. It just turns the number red.


My damage numbers with the m870 literally go from 14 per pellet to 19


Cool. Mine didn't. Neither did the AA-12 or DB. I have a silver DB. Edit: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1_clOFkZ7NPA54vjLbQmU1vodJouXOxXfXjih6aVbUSs/htmlview# Yeah. Someone did it for us. 1x HS multiplayer for shotguns, across the board.


That's literally beside the point. I shot the guy in the head, with a shotgun, from like a meter away. Idc if there's no bonus headshot damage or not, there should be no way for someone to survive a direct hit to the face with a shotgun.


In a video game.


Bruh, logic clearly ain't working on you huh?


Yes. Yes it is. Hence why I said, it's a video game. I just read your comment as someone who'd say "I shot them with a .50 Cal, they should be dead," in a video game. You probably had bad hit reg or just maybe don't aim for the head with a shotgun. Pellet spread will screw you.


Uhuh, sure thing bad.


I'm pretty sure you meant "bud," but I got the gist.


Yeah that’s the reason I don’t use shotguns on games that aren’t milsim


What were you using? I tried the pump for the first time last night and I was surprised at the distance I was 1 shotting people. Reading comments/posts in the sub led me to believe shotguns were horrendous, but I found myself using the pump within what I’d consider a relative range for shotguns and doing well. Getting within shotgun range is another battle though.


It was the pump, Idk what attachments tho. I picked it up from the floor. But no matter what attachments it has, a shotgun should not possibly leave someone standing from a point blank headshot.


I honestly think some of these instances of guns not killing up close is that from our viewpoint we are aiming at their head, but the character model probably clipped through the gun barrel as there's no enemy collision, couple that with the desync issues and it can be a pain.


Perhaps a desync issue but the person I shot wasn't that close up. They were close, but not close emoigh that the barrel could have clipped through them. I chalked it up to desync or the net code issues or something. I know if the shot hit how it should have from what I was seeing, there should be no chance of someone surviving that. Shot was smack in the middle of the face, no movement on my part and the cross hair was fully on the face.


Yeah that sucks. Hate it when that happens. Luckily it doesn't happen that many times during a match, but it's still really frustrating.


you might have been the guy wrecking my lobby in a match of Hotshot on Echelon map, level 100+ showed me the true side of my fav weapon in all games and real life lol, gave us the absolute business, repeatedly, been playing with it since


If you slide or jump the spread seems to go really wide. Dont bother ADS, its actually almost better to see the circle to know if you will even have a chance of hitting


I ADS like I’m quick scoping and it seems to be alright. Maybe that’s the secret?


Yeah cuz headshots are worse lol


Bruh, explain to me in what world taking a shotgun to the face would leave someone able to run around shooting people like nothing happened. It doesn't matter if it's better to hit center mass or not, shotgun to the face should have a dead person, that's all


Why would you even want to headshot someone with a shotgun? You are just going to miss more pellets this way.


Ever play gears of war?


Me with the AA-12 at close range: "all hit enemy no die" Enemy with AA-12 at sniper range: "one shot one kill"


Enemy with AA-12: "whole mag not killing enemy" Me with AA-12: "damn, clicked on the wrong weapon category"


For me it's usually in smaller maps like arena I'd use the AA-12. Yet in close range it doesn't kill an enemy with full mag. Yet the enemy using the AA-12 can kill me with one shot from sniper range like in the zoo map.


Meanwhile sniper while jumping feels 100% accurate 😂


One shotting me while I am completely suppressing fire their line of sight, even hitting them is rage.


I hear you... but this is an arcade shooter, not a mil sim. Suppressing fire (as it is implemented in COD, anyway) is a giant pain in the ass that totally slows down the game, which I guess is fine for a mil-sim experience. But for arcade shooters, I personally like having flinch, but not suppression because it keeps the pace up and makes it feel more "arcadey"... No hate, honestly - I do get where you're coming from. Just sharing my opinion.


Did you just call COD a mil-sim?


Even battlefield isn't considered a mil-sim and they've had suppressive fire for a long time.


pretty much what it became when infinity ward took over and has had too much control over the the past few years... yeah.


You are delusional, friend


*IS* 100 percent accurate.


Haha, it might as well be from what I could tell


Its like 95% accurate at least. I was having a bit of a rage the other day against. 4 slide jumping only snipers on the other team. Its rough


Jump 3-4 times and yoy have enough spread to cover the whole map


or just slide


I love how suddenly when it comes to shotguns they know how to nerf jumping but every other weapon type allows you to cosplay as a kangaroo with no downsides.


Your picking the wrong shotgun... use the tac 50


I usually use marksman weapons in FPS games and avoid snipers, but after my 800th death to the Tac 50 I said fuck it and picked it up. I proceeded to take it to every close quarters engage and duel shotguns and SMGs with it *easily.* Fucking broken ass weapon


People shit on you if you bring a shotgun put to play, but treat sniping like a skill, meanwhile it's the same exact point at center mass and shoot mechanic with unlimited range... sniping has been bad in these games for Yeats, they need to evolve.... increase ttk for all guns and make snipers a headshot kill... or just make them extremely akward/slow and "flinchy" so they can't be used like a shotgun anymore.


The double barrel is so good tho


When it works, it is, but sadly it's really inconsistent and the reload takes quite a while AND you can not cancel it like with any other gun.


I find it to be much more consistent in ADS


If you actually test this in the test range you notice ADSing barely makes a difference in your spread. The spread itself is quite big and random, so it just always is inconsistent in most cases.


Well that’s cuz hip fire in this game feels shit even with every gun even when they’re designed for it. It’s okay that assault rifles don’t hit anything without ads. Tried the pump shotty in the training course and it consistently killed the close dummy’s with hip fire at center mass but in mp you can basically hug them and somehow it doesn’t kill them. Better waste the time for ads than trying hip fire


Double barrel supremacy!


I love it, but the reload gives me time for me and the opponent make coffee


I feel like it’d make more sense to have the spread penalty kick in after multiple jumps like the sway penalty does. The current state of it makes you the only person in the whole lobby who can’t jumpshot the corner or else you’ll draw a silhouette around your target.


Ehh I wouldn't say under powered my weapon of choice most of the time is the pump and it's 1 shot most of the time. But their inconsistent and frustrating for the most part. I think it'd make sense to add a slug option for the shells so the spread isn't so messed up.


Their one-shot capability is fine, but I think they could use a little longer range where they do meaningful damage without one-shotting. I find there's almost zero zone between getting a kill and tickling the enemy.


I’ve never understood this, being in the air makes the chamber act differently?


Of course it’s not a realistic representation, almost nothing about video games are. It’s supposed to simulate the loss of accuracy during aerial movement. Many games have implemented this idea in some form, or they don’t have it at all. But it shouldn’t be only for shotgun spread, it should introduce uncertainty (aka bloom) to every weapon or none of the weapons when you’re in the air or sliding. It’s a part of game balancing designed to not make bunny hopping and slide canceling the most optimal way to engage every situation.


Yeah I agree with it, I just think it’s a bit unfair when a shotgun shoots so slowly. In the air it should still connect most shells if you’re point blank. But I struggle to get 1 hit kills from close.


Yes shotguns shouldn’t have an accuracy penalty when other weapons clearly don’t have it either. Maybe Ubisoft was scared that shotguns would dominate? Balancing them must be difficult, they can be quite oppressive if they’re too strong


I think if snipers are 1 hit from any distance then shotguns should be 1 hit from point blank


Definitely true.


It is just video game logic. Would only make sense if other guns had spread or recoil increase when doing it too


It's COD logic. I don't know any other game it applies to.


No it's just a glitch where if u spam jump your cross hair will keep getting bigger


It’s not a glitch. If you slide or jump then you’re penalized. It’s got nothing to do with the bunny hop patch.


yes you get a little bit of sway. With shotguns your crosshair keeps getting bigger so its literally impossible to kill someone when doing it with a shotgun. Its been around since the game launched.


Called inertia.


inertia would make your gun sway. Not make the hipfire get less accurate with each jump to the point your crosshair is the size of your screen. Unless i missed something in physics class


Have you tried to spam jump or crouch, thats inertia


I notice an extreme different on shotguns, more so than any other FPS shooter, that you have to ADS. If you don’t, unless you’re barrel stuffing, it doesn’t kill. That’s just my experience with them in XD though.


I have 100% opposite experience. I use shotguns a lot in most games. In most games I tend to ADS. In XD I almost never ADS with shotgun: I feel I need to get my first shot off ASAP and need the lower-zoom to track the inevitable jumping my opponent does. Also, BD has meh sights, and AA-12 has better attachments to take than optics. (Also, I never jump with shotgun for obvious reasons). Finished gold on all 3 shotguns last night without really ever touching any non-shotgun primary......I now need to relearn how to play this game.


im a shit player at most times, but I have noticed that using the pump almost all of my kills are hipfired


What attachments do you run?


I’m not high enough level with it (like 18?) to warrant discussing attachments yet. Ask me when I’m 50 and actually have choices lmao. (Though I will probably focus on attachments that lean into hip firing more)


It takes an unreasonable time to unlock attachments in this game. Makes experimenting very slow. I just got my Mk20 SSR to level 50 and all the ”interesting” attachments come so late, you have to get hundreds of kills and spend hours using it. I’m fine with having camos unlock slowly, but normal attachments should be accessible faster imo. For example, I wanna try shotguns properly but the time investment needed to get cool attachments feels like it’s not worth it.


Well after the xp patch the weapon grind isn’t that bad anymore especially with the occasional double xp


Interesting. I use the double barrel and practically never get a kill hip firing. I’ve really only spent about an hour or two using it total. What attachments do you run?


IIRC: choke, quick draw tape (red), lightweight stock.


I find that ADS is worse because its harder to tell when it's inaccurate. You cant just with them, so just not scoping is a good tell


Fair enough. I’m pretty green with the shotgun but had decent luck with ADS. I’ll experiment with attachments and see if I can find a better combination that may support hipfire better Edit: mobile autocorrect is terrible


I don't know if it's a bug or not, but sometimes when I ADS with shotgun, it gets stuck,no shot, I get killed.


Extremely underpowered. It takes 4 shots to kill someone close up!


They're only good at 5m, you can two shot over that but a few m more and you might as well start a dance off cos you ain't killing anyone.


They 1 shot up to 10-14 meters...


No, they don't... Also, where the heck did you pull 14 out from?


From the fucking game? Go to your weapon's attachment menu and press triangle. It will literally show all the stats of the gun lol. The double barrel first damage range goes up to 12 meters. Then you can equip the choke attachment and increase it a bit further. Or if you want to test it, just go to the practice zone and shoot the 10m target.


Man, if you're pulling 15m kill shots 1v1, no to the back kills, then good on you. I'm not looking to bring a shotgun to lane, ya dig?


AA12 with drum mag takes care of that. Run in with a slide and slap that finger on the mouse button as fast as you can. I absolutely love the AA12.


You can just press the button once and hold it down. It is an automatic weapon.


I'm getting one- or two-shotted every time. They are fine. Same as ever: If you think they are too weak, pick anything other than that


Then you must be doing something wrong, using the double barrelled is smooth sailing for me, pretty much 1 shot everytime


Why can the spread of a shotgun even change? Like what the hell? If I slide jump or similar action and the spread is larger, while ADS compresses the pellets... BUT WHY? What is this nonsense? Is the pelletfairy changing the shotgun shells with magic or what's this unrealistic bs? The spread should only be affected by attachments, but no in game event should affect the spread at all, because its some unrealistic facepalm.


…and after few m, its confetti. 😐


The worst part of the shotguns is definitely the spread while hipfiring in movement. You need to be methodical when using a shotgun, you can't run like a madman, can't do manouvers around the enemy. Why doesn't it one shot if my enemy torso is all over my screen.


They need to rework shotguns. Basically all devs do. They need to have a pellet spread, and that pellet spread pattern needs to stay consistent all the time, what they need to do is add a cone of spread, for the entire pattern, so the pellets don’t all go crazy, but the entire pellet pattern has an area on your screen it would go to depending what the player is doing. The shotguns aren’t terrible, they require a more deliberate playstyle, but they don’t seem to be good enough to offset that requirement. I feel like once the network issues get sorted out they’ll be better, and more consistent, but their general design is lacking.


And look at that! You even somehow lose a pellet of buckshot when jumping! But seriously. Yes. The first shotgun and aa12 are pretty bad honestly. Only way aa12 is even half viable is with that drum mag. However! The double barrel? That thing honestly slaps close range with the right attachments. It just sucks that there are so few for that gun… literally sidearms get more attachments than that thing. I’d say if it had just a little more range, or a bit faster of a reload… it would be amazing. But the thing is it isn’t uncommon to see multiple enemies at once. So the double barrel can’t really excel there. Nor are there many close range maps at the moment like echelon or certain parts of emporium




Ya I was trying use the m870 last night and after repeatedly losing gun fights close range to ars and lmgs I put it away. The jumping accuracy is terrible and it’s sort of impossible to do well with a shotgun if you can’t jump towards the opponent at all. Even using the cleaners I would shoot someone twice at close range and they would survive with 10-20 hp almost every time. The double barrel is much better but it’s effectively only a one kill weapon because it still takes two shots unless you are barrel stuffing someone.


First game I've seen where all shotguns transform into their sawed off versions when you jump/move around.


Yeah, they really are. For all that use a sniper with ADS speed because that’s more reliable toe to toe than a shotgun lol


Sliding: you can hit the Sun but not the enemy standing next to you.


This my experience with shotguns and hip fire vs ads


Shotguns should be a two hit kill within range MAX. it's pretty ridiculous


I've been trying to level up the AA 12 but damn is it painful. On average its 4 shots to kill unless you're right on top of then, and any further than 10 feet or so you might aswell be shooting salt at them. I think a small buff to damage would be sufficient. We don't need ppl sniping with shotguns, but I would like for them to be viable within their respective class range.


My friend has a .65 KD and has 90% of his kills just running around with camo suit and double barrel.


I got the double barrel gold yesterday but they really are pretty terrible. Only can use them on arena or dumbo if people are sticking inside the buildings.


Dude, they’re a real struggle on most maps. Like on Pueblito? Forget about it. Whenever I get a 30 Shotgun Kill Daily I groan because I know there’s only like three maps that are good for shotguns. 870 is especially underpowered compared to other similar FPSs. You might get two shots in if you’re lucky, they better be headshots or your toast, and you better right on top of them.


Seriously needs some buffs


Agreed tbh. The AA-12 does decently enough, but isn't remarkable. The double barrel is underwhelming even with high damage the reload speed and two shot limit are huge issues. The pump shotty takes its sweet goddamned time between pumps that it feels purposefully aggravating, without including the again, painfully slow time your op takes reloading shells like they think each one is about to burst if forced in too quickly.


Cap every gun is different based on the map shotguns can be broken sometimes but if it's escort or sum then your not doing shi


Shotguns need a serious buff. I should not be able to hit all 8 shots from an AA-12 at point blank range and not get the kill


Can someone explain to me if aiming with a shot gun is worth it. Given the role of a shotgun being clos quarters I tend to build all my shotguns with high hip fire and evidently extremely slow ads speed however does aiming with shotguns actually make it more usable?


Aiming doesn’t do anything for the spread except for the aa12, bc the aa12 hipfire spread increases with the automatic fire but aiming stops that spread increase.


But the crosshair does get smaller as you aim in so doesn't it tighten the pellet spread by aiming in?


Someone told me they didn’t make a difference so I went into the training session and to my disappointment i didn’t notice a difference for ads and hip fire at all on the target. Only aa12 gets hip-fire penalty because of it’s fire rate


The jumping rabbits should make sure to always, whenever in doubt, keep themselves safe


Even then, if you’re not shoving the barrel down someone’s throat, you’re gonna have to shoot them like 6 more times. Also the AA12 literally just shoots out hot air or something, completely useless


but the one bullet from a tac 50 from across the map hits my pinky toe and I get insta gibbed


I think part of the problem is that every single pellet is subject to rng, making killing someone with a shotgun blast feel incredibly inconsistent. On siege, they fixed this by having a single pellet just go where you're aiming always. Maybe they should do the same


Once I got the attachments for the AA-12 I am having fun with it


tested shotgun at training when the game released and wondered why headshot doesent kill the closest target but body shot will.. feels wierd to me sence the fucking barrel is right in the targets face. I still like to use them but just dont aim upper body


Honestly, I think they're perfectly balanced, as with all weapons there are ways to play and ways not to. When used correctly shotguns can decimate the lobby


Just remove the +20 HP passive from Phantom and replace it with something else and shotguns will feel miles better. Everytime I get frustrated with the consistency of a shotgun, a phantom is involved.


I think the last time I ever saw a shotgun be good in a video game was probably the USAS-12 12g frag rounds in battlefield 3. Ever since then shoguns have been trash in video games


No they are not


Underpowered for those who use shotgun like other guns Fear those who already know how to use them properly, especially in Echelon HQ c':


I am an absolute menace on HQ with the double barrel. No one on here knows how to use shotguns


Yup, its scary once you can use it


It's a shame sliding seemingly kills accuracy/damage but I can see why they did it


Absolute dog shit and useless. You have a better chance with a pistol ffs.


Let's keep it that way, i hate shotguns in every fps, they always get me hahaha


Use the laser pointer ! the attachment fixes all spread issues


I feel like they're at a decent place. I fear even a slight buff to them would make them annoying as hell. From my experience, I would 100% rather get the AA-12 to gold twice versus the 686 Magnum to gold once. That gun is nightmare fuel with that abysmal fire rate.


I’ve only used them a couple times but it’s usually a 1 shot kill, like 90% of the time i’d say. Seems fine to me, but the maps seem pretty built towards AR dominance, so mid to long range gunfights.


They are fine. They are not op unlike games like cod where they are usually always 1 hit up close, but you can usually kill people with 2 shots. When the servers get better you‘ll realise that they are acctually quite strong and will 1 hit more often. It is okay for them to not be op tho.


...so don't jump?


Fine by me. Shotguns being too strong can ruin a game. First 3 months of MW2019 were unplayable because of the 725


I can’t stress enough how unfair shotguns would be if their one shot capabilities were increased. Some of these maps are so small that you are constantly coming into point blank range of enemies and shotguns would win every gunfight no contest.


Shotguns are either underpowered or overpowered, theres no in between, you guys do NOT want that..


Shotguns should not be in any arcade shooter ever


I've seen some pretty bad takes on this subreddit, but this takes the cake.

