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Aim penalty after one jump is too extreme. Gunfights would feel awful. Devs have already said they want movement to be a skill gap in this game but not reward spamming it, and jumping once isn’t spamming so that nerf will never happen.


Like I say slide jump, jump (max penalty/sway) problem solved and no mid air strafe.


Yeah I think being able to change directions mid air is what most people are having a problem with. I don’t mind it but I could see that being tweaked


Yeah I agree. Slide jump jump should be in the game i think that's something that increases the skill gap without being too annoying but for me it's the slide jump jump and then air strafe jump in the opposite direction. Irritating af to deal with and easy to do while reg gunning if you're using KBM/paddles/claw grip


1 slide jump is perfectly fine. A jump after that combo is the problem


I don't think so. Slide jump jump is very reasonable in terms of the length of a gunfight. The issue for me is players whose aim isn't great only have enough time to do that over-the-top movement because they don't land enough shots for the kill fast enough. Slide jump jump fits nicely in your typical gunfight I just don't like when players with bad aim double down on movement instead of improving their aim. If you have good enough aim you don't need all that extra movement, sometimes you need to do the slide jump jump around a corner to kill a sniper or something but adding that extra jump and strafe on top of that reaches crutch territory imo.


Would be zero reason to use 2 to kill a sniper if flinch was done right. If I come around a corner and beam a sniper then it’s his fault for late reactions and he either needs to go into hiding or he dies.


They slide jump jump then air strafe which is why the 2nd one needs max sway


do you want them to nerf shooting your gun too?


Lmfao deadass bro, these kids just need to get some paddles or learn claw. Strafe jumping into a bunny hop or slide is not something that should be ever touched. Just fucking learn it.


lmao sorry guys not everyone wants to sweat while playing the game, if you guys think jumping in the air and changing directions is ok then good for you guys


Slide jump jump or any combination of that should be in the game without penalties imo. Nice middle ground. Crouching is not hard to deal with at all, but the slide jump jump then air strafe jump in the opposite direction is so annoying to deal with and it's not hard to do either. I just think that over-the-top movement is used as a crutch for players to get kills they wouldn't otherwise get purely by virtue of button mashing and spraying bullets. Like if you have enough time to do that movement in a gunfight that means you don't hit enough shots to get a kill in the first couple jumps which menas imo you shouldn't be rewarded by just doubling down on the movement until you shoot them enough times to kill them. Aiming while doing it isn't super easy compared to standing still obviously but if that's the only challenge involved then it's a problem imo. You should have to overcome some sort of penalty in order to get those kills just like snipers should have to overcome flinch. Aiming in itself is not difficult.


Slide jumping is movement, beating the hell out of your spacebar/A button is not


Skill Issue


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Penalty after second hop. Not the fourth. Nobody needs to jump more then twice around a corner


Keep it as it is, but stop strafing and slow down movement more with each jump. People should still be allowed a couple jumps before the sway kicks in


Just remove jumping from the game, it isn't realistic to be able to jump while shooting /s


Then make every weapon one shot in the head, it's not "realistic" to be able to tank multiple bullets in the head. Remove sliding and let's make everyone way slower while we're at it!