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Guardians of the Galaxy. The gameplay can be a little rough but the story, humor and voice acting made up for it. At least for me.


There’s a reason it won best narrative at TGA. Story is a 10/10, this version is better than the movies (which I love).


Don't forget the soundtrack!


The soundtrack is amazing!


The game is bugged for me, and I can't progress past the mission where I have to pull the 4 plugs. Reinstall didn't work either so rip




I can pull the first plug. It doesn't allow me to pull the second one. I'm doing it in the right sequence. Not sure why I'm getting downvoted lol. Looked up walkthroughs and followed what everyone else did, for some reason the second plug just doesn't work for me.


I tried to pull your negative votes up for you man. No reason to downvote for someone having an issue.


It’s weird cause I love the first movie and the 2nd one is my favourite marvel movie (unpopular I know lol) but the game didn’t click for me at all. I know it isn’t bad but even though a lot of the stuff I’m supposed to like, it wasn’t my thing Hope more people play it though since it seems I’m the exception not the rule


I enjoyed this game, but couldn't finish it because after a while the gameplay loop and combat started to feel a little stale.


So your good game has bad gameplay, where are your standards seriously.




My favourite game of last year, I love it so much and keep doing new runs


It really is amazing! I went in for cute graphics, but it gave me more than just that


I agree, currently playing through it and I love it!


Prey is an absolute gem and one of my favorite GP games so far


Prey secretly one of the best games out there.


am i too dumb or do i have to play this game on easy setting? played for one or two hours but i kept dying from these mimics and rage quitted lol


Like all Arkane games, it rewards adaptive play style. Try mixing it up! It is difficult on a general scale but things get a little easier when you get more abilities and weapons. It’s an absolute gem of a game and is sorely slept on.


yeah i read a lot of good reviews (best game on gamepass etc.) so i really want to try it again




It has very little in common with Bioshock. I don't know why people say this but System Shock would be a better comparison.




Bioshock is a spiritual successor to system shock


I mean relative to System Shock, sure. But relative to most games of its type (single player FPS with immersive sim elements) I'd say it's not far from Bioshock. I don't see how this is comparison would be a bad thing per se, especially if someone really enjoyed the latter and it's follow up games and wants something else to scratch the itch.


You should get the Moon Crash DLC. Turns Prey into a rogue like with 5 characters and a new story.


Played it, beat it, loved it!


Hollow Knight is one of the best games ever, definitely try it. For a more chill experience, Power Wash Simulator is very satisfying.


The lure of this game is crazy. People are really into the storyline and world


Really can’t wait for Silksong. Glad it’s Day 1 on Gamepass and we might see it sometime this summer based on the fact that the game was said to be coming in the next 12 months like 6 months ago.


It deserves it. The combat, movement and exploration in this are remarkable.


Yeah man exploring the properties and battling all that dirt really gets me too


this game is good but i'm lost most of the time


I didn't really feel way because there were always a few different things I could go and do. There was never really a point where I felt like there was one thing that I needed to find to progress and couldn't find it. If something was giving me trouble, let's go look on the other side of the map and see if there's something new we can do there.


I get so much shit from my friend for playing power wash simulator all the time but its so satisfying (my husband joked he just needs to get me a power washer when we buy a house... although part of me hopes he isn't joking haha)


Tinykin, pure fun


I'm a fps player and loved Tinykin lol even the wife was like "What are you even playing?". But yeah low key reminded me a little bit if toy story in some ways


Yeh the rooms have toy story feel. Someone recommended me Tinykin and at first I was like, "uh what is this game, I can't even jump on the stupid first box". But after first room I was addicted. It's one of those games that keep you up at night and itch to go back when you don't play. I don't get that ich often those days. Also I didn't have any bugs or glitches. Most games I played lately had some minor bugs or soft locks devs know about but don't bother to fix. It was very refreshing to play finished game without those problems. I hope for DLC or second part.


While I loved the game too, OP specifically said he doesn't want gazillion of collectibles and the top post here is about a collectathon game..


Yeah but I feel they meant the "filler content" type of collectibles rather than meaningful ones like in tinykin.


Yeah that


I thought "fun" was more important. Yes this is a collection game but in the good way, you can collect everything playing every level just once, and if you won't collect everything nothing bad happens. It doesn't have those filler nonsense like ubi games. Also collecting in tinykin is just fun, not particularly challenging or irritating. But there is something in this game that make it pure joy. There are no enemies, levels are beautiful and chill. It's one of those games that give you smile and cozy feelings but don't treat you like a baby. I recommend trying at least first room and see how you like it.


I kind of treated the collectibles as a way of keeping track which parts of the map I haven't explored yet. If there was pollen I know it hadn't been explored. Also from high-up you could spot it across the map and know you hadn't been over to that corner yet etc.


I’m really liking Chained Echoes


It’s a great accomplishment from the solo dev, however the balancing on anything higher than normal is completely broken. I had to stop about half way through because it just became too much of a slog.


High on Life


I wish I had heard the roiland news after I finished the game...


Yeah I imagine that must be awkward


I finished it the day before the news broke.


Funny but awful gameplay.


It was funny enough for me that I didn’t mind the gameplay


I started that! Reminds me that I should continue through


Game is fun af. Don’t have your kids around when you play it.




Adult themes. But honestly a teenager could handle it.


The plot is literally trying to stop an alien drug cartel who uses humans to get high.


Yep let’s not forget alien cum


A plague tail requiem


*tale. Although there are lots of tails in it.


Pentiment has a cool story!


Been getting into octopath traveler lately. Great old school looking turn based rpg


This one is possibly leaving in March and will take you a good 50-60 hours to get through. I enjoyed it, but some people don't like the way the stories don't really tie together.


Loved the combat and art direction, hated the pacing and overall game structure


Oh damn you sure about the March thing? Been planning on playing that, perhaps I should start soon.


Well never 100 percent sure but in March it will have been on GP for 2 years.


Guess that makes it a higher possibility than others, thanks for letting me know! Will be my next game. Just finished Chained Echoes today and I'm itching for more JRPGs


Ni no Kuni and octopath are stellar. Octopath is great to play on your phone as well. If you like the turn based styles of jrpgs you might like the other style of rugs as well. I'd reccomend both pillars of eternity and the ascent If you want to try other rpg styles.


Ni no kuni was great! Played the 1st one. Octopath has been my backlog for a while. Pillars is one I'm excited about as Tyranny is an all time favorite for me. The curse of having so many games to play


Metal Hellsinger is very similar to Doom if you’re looking for another shooter


Been playing this recently. Fun, good music, to the point and doesn't overstay its welcome! Perfect Gamepass game


I’m playing prodeus right now and really liking it. I’m planning to play hellsinger next!


It’s actually quite a challenge staying on rhythm at first but once you get the groove of things it’s super fun. You’ll see what I mean if you haven’t played it yet. Shoot to your headbangs.


Monster Hunter rise baby best game on game pass rn


Really? 10 minutes in I have uninstalled it already. It is too similar to the older games and it hits me in the head with 50 written tutorials in the first minutes, which I started to ignore and then I saw I had no chance to kill the first monster... uninstalled.


fr same here, i did the whole tutorial, did an expedition and killed like 3 monsters, then uninstalled. just wasn’t feeling it i guess


Agree. The Monster Hunter play loop gets old fast. No desire to play Rise after World.


Honestly State of Decay 2, an amazing game with an amazing community. Even on Reddit. The learning curve is amazing and the story will grip you so badly, you’ll fall in love the characters and simply can’t speak highly enough




What would you say kept you playing? I recently picked up this game, started a campaign and got pretty hooked for about 10-12 hours of gameplay, but got a little disheartened once I got to the Builder legacy missions. I had 8 survivors in second location in my campaign (shipping container base) with all the building slots filled with plenty of resources to sustain my community, so it didn't feel like there wasn't much left to do. And all the Legacy quests basically just revolved around "Build X, Y, Z" in your base which isn't that exciting of gameplay.


It took some time to get into it, but I really enjoyed Citizen Sleeper. The gameplay isn’t for everyone, but it’s a very unique experience and a well told story


Giving it a download, I'm all for different and unique


Nice, hope ya like it!


You should try pentiment too then


Really took me a while to get into this too but once it clicked with me I enjoyed it and the story was good.




For me it was kind of a bell curve. It doesn't help you understand anything at first, then you master little by little the daily routine and you really start exploring all your options, but toward endgame you realize there is not much to be done and that it in the end most of the options the game gives you all lead more or less the same places. Also the story gets a bit to a stall at the end and of the various endgames, they all just feel a bit sour. Apart from the "vegetable" one that I won't spoil further.


I agree with the bell curve, but I’m not sure I agree with your take on the third act. For me, the ending actually snuck up on me, and I feel like there were options I had yet to explore (maybe not enough to warrant a second play thru, but enough to leave me curious about what stories I had missed).


I've really enjoyed Eastward. It's a very funny game. It's just hard enough easy puzzles and fun storyline. It's like adventure time for Stardew Valley.


I'm playing it now. Great game


Yes. Up to the "Hollywood" level, one of the best stories I have played this year. But then the ending.... ugh... Though it is still worth it even just for the Dragon Quest clone. I spent too many hours optimizing the path toward the real boss ending. In the end I had to really collect a lot of Pixballs for the final fight. I was reliably able to reach it without many of them, but no further.


Also has a great soundtrack


I really enjoyed Road 96.


Yakuza 0, Iit has a very small map but unlike most open world games, every little place is far more meaningful and just overall fun.


One of my favorite games of the past decade. Kiwami 2 is just as good if not better, the newer engine and mechanics are nice.


As an aside, do you know when/if this will be leaving GP? I have all the games on PS4, and have been playing 0 since it launched (I come back and play around in it every few months and make hardly any progress because I get caught up in the side content). I want to play the next ones on PC, but not if they're just going to get pulled before I finish them. I noticed MS seems to have some deal with SEGA, and am unsure if these games are like the Bethesda titles and will be permanent additions.


Dead cells!!




Oh yeah baby! Crazy game with some really unbalanced levels, but with that impossible to avoid feeling of "just one more try"


Solasta. It’s D&D but single player. Only downside is there is paywalls on four classes, a subclass for each class, three races, and a second campaign.


Lost in Random. Amazing story, great art direction, excellent voice acting. Linear third person adventure with some innovative gameplay mechanics, but it is the story that keeps you going.


Hm. Maybe try Dead Space.


Just stick to the first 2 if you want to avoid the dlc


No understand. Or do you mean avoid DS3?




Ok, gotcha. Well I have no clue what was wrong with DS3's dlc, didn't really pay attention to any downloads tbh. What bugged me with DS3 it had some open - world tendencies, like side missions and waaaay too much weapons and customizations. The side missions were fine, but I wished they had left the whole weapon and power - node thing how it was. How many guns were there in DS1? Like 4 maybe? I've shot myself through DS1 and 2 basically just with a plasma cutter and that was fine. Only in DS3 I additionally used the Mjölnir to take down those big ol' ancient aliens. Also, those little search bots for resources, dunno. But other than that, it was a great game and I was impressed with the setting they came up. When I started the game, I almost dropped it because I foresaw another "Dead Space on a spaceship". But instead, you end up traveling in that field of debris and spaceships and eventually going down to that ice planet, where most of the game takes place.


The op wants to avoid games which require dlc and ds3 without the dlc is one hundred times harder because the dlc for the game is more weapon parts which you don’t get enough of in the base game. I would recommend you play the extraction dlc tho it’s worth the 9 aud I paid and feels like ds1


This may sound strange. MASS EFFECT 2 (don't truly need the first for this) I could not get into one. I tried couple times and didn't do it for me. Homie of mine told me about two. I just went for it and still to this day it is my favorite game of all time. The big open world's are so so so exhausting to me. But, ME2... it's the balance of first person shooter with RPG and the story and squad building is so so fukn dope dude!! It's legit like playing a Hollywood blockbuster. And it's legendary edition on GP. Titanfall 2's campaign is super awesome actually. Short but awesome!! Doesn't get enough cred. Dantes inferno is awesome. Psychonauts 2 (don't need the first to play this) Prey is also awesome. Fuk, whenever these questions come up I always get a nice reminder how fukn dope GP is!


Thanks for the suggestions, I might take your word on mass effect 2 and see how I feel!


Don't skip mass effect 1


Yeah, you miss out on so much world building and (imo) impactful scènes to really get to know the fate of the galaxy


I tried getting into ME1 remastered, but the gameplay really didn't age well. Maybe I'll try again with ME2.


The gameplay has aged the worst of the 3 but it's still absolutely worth playing for the story, characters and world building which make playing 2-3 much more impactful. You can rush through the main quests on easy difficulty in 15-20 hours and will appreciate ME2 much more if you do.


Rolling the credits now :) it really got good towards the end. Other than not being able to jump I thought the gameplay was ok. I play everything on easy though :)


Cool. Forgot to add to the list JEDI Survivor. Great game.


I know others are telling you to not skip 1, but in my experience you're just as well served reading a summary on a wiki page. The story was just okay, but it is kind of important to get the bigger picture. Unfortunately the first game's gameplay is very dated. Even at the time of release I struggled getting into it. It feels like KOTOR, but they tacked-on a half-assed shooter mechanic, and force you into a tacked-on, half-assed driving mechanic. The second one however, while not being a super polished shooter, feels more like a proper TPS and is fun to play when you mix in the various abilities. It also doesn't have as many driving sections which were just a horrible chore in the first game. As for the story, it's also not bad. Unlike the first game it at least doesn't feel too cliche. I could see people saying they like the first game's story more, since this one is a bit more out there. I just felt the first one was ripped from any other sci-fi show/movie/book/game. If it means anything, for some reason I have played through Mass Effect 2 more times than any other game I can think of.


dante’s inferno is so underrated, i love that game sm


Guardians of the Galaxy


The yakuza games are really good


I just finished Kiwami 2 this past week and it was such a banger


Senua’s sacrifice is really good


Ori and The Blind Forest/Will Of The Wisps, Lost In Random, TMNT Shredders Revenge, Streets of Rage 4, Life Is Strange: True Colors, Trek To Yomi, Lake.


Vampire Survivors


I saw a couple clips of streamers playing this. Decided up give it a shot but I didn't "get it" until the first or second level up. It is really fun,


Gunfire Reborn


Im really enjoying Death’s Doors! Its a very relaxing yet challenging game with an intriguing unique story. The world is also beautiful for this type of game.


Why am i not seeing any Fallout New Vegas here? The one actually good Bethesda game?


Obsidian not bethesda


I’ve been enjoying Medieval Dynasty a lot.


Destroy all humans is great. Humor is on par with original and it's a quick finish.


I've been playing Minecraft Dungeons. It's a Diablo-like.


Grounded is alot of fun once you learn the mechanics and stay temper your expectations of staying alive in the beginning.


Deep rock galactic


So many great titles. Browse and find what’s best. My latest favorites. Vampire hunters and high on life


Lol same for me, I started high on life, then downloaded vampire survivors and got addicted and I finally got around to beating high on life last night


Maneater is pretty fun and straight to the point. The ori games are fun too and gorgeous to look at. Blinx is from the classic Xbox and a solid nostalgia trip if you’ve played it in the past.




Psychonauts 2 is truly a unique beast with a great story that is both wacky and incredibly serious. Kinda feels like a kids movie that adults can enjoy too.


I was gonna recommend coffee Talk! Plague Tale Requiem is amazing, but you'd need prior knowledge of the first game to play it.


I spent this entire weekend playing Medieval Dynasty. Very addicting if you like survival-style games. It's a pretty relaxing and slow-paced take on the genre. And I've also been getting into Hardspace Shipbreaker. Once you get a handle on the physics it's very satisfying to break a ship down into all its little bits and pieces. Each one feels like a big 3d puzzle to solve.


I've been recommending this game any chance I get, but Omori. If you've played EarthBound, it is structurally and thematically similar, but with themes of mental illness. Things get pretty dark at times, which is an interesting contrast with the game's otherwise cutesy design. It's also kind of short as far as JRPGs go. My playthrough clocked in at less than 30 hours. Another game I've started is Signalis. Think of it as a top-down Resident Evil (which also makes it feel like a top-down Zelda game but with guns). The only sticking point in the game is the limited (6-slot) inventory (apparently the number 6 is heavily symbolic in the game). Deathloop is another fun one, but it's hard to describe because it's not really like any other game out there. It's a first-person shooter, but it's also semi-open-world with side-missions to tackle. There's also the whole mechanic of a time loop, and you can only take certain items with you between each loop.


Beacon pines


I really like high on life. Solid game with some fun mechanics that didn't over stay its welcome. Completed it over 2 or 3 days and had a blast.




I’m playing weird west currently and really enjoying it. Sunset overdrive is dumb fun too but like you I’m a bit over huge maps with long lists of things to collect


Doom eternal


Monster Hunter Rise High On Life Doom Halo Death Stranding Persona Stranded Deep


Immortals: Fenyx Rising


For story driven games give Road 96 and Kentucky Route Zero a try. They are both great stories.


Guardians of the Galaxy


So, so many games to recommend, but I'll just go with Paradise killer since finished it in 3 sittings two days ago and had a great time with it.


Sniper Elite 4 all the way ❤


Neon Abyss. Fun little rogue-lite twin-stick platformer. It's pretty easy to pick up and play and most runs aren't going to last beyond 15-20 minutes or so.


Prodeus is a great throwback to doom2, quake, duke style no story nonsense, throw me in a damn closed world map and shoot


> I'm getting tired of the huge open world's > I've been really enjoying No Man's Sky okay, joke aside. if you want story, and like pixel art styles, maybe give Norco a try


Lol I know but there's something about no man's sky that I love. That's the exception. I might give it a shot, I have it installed already!


State of Decay 2! It's just so fantastic


The Ascent - Highly underrated game


Persona 5


I made a post about my experience playing mainly indie games last year thanks to Gamepass. Of course, it always greatly depends on your tastes. For me, some very hidden gems are: - Ghost Song: a Metroidvania that doesn't require you to invest days to get into it. With a decent progression system and intriguing backstop, that you will enjoy depending on the amount of exploration you will do. - Eastward: this is a really peculiar game. Of you like old style games Zelda games, it's a must. Be ready for a very disappointing story toward the end. - The legend of Tianding: side scroller done good. Compact, easy to explore and get into, Taiwan folklore with incredibly high details if you get into it by reading the collectibles description, and simple but exciting gameplay. - Turnip boy commits Tax evasion: the simplest and funniest of the games added this year on gamepass. Basic humor with some really nice touches easy to predict but that I will not spoil for the story. - Young Souls: another side scroller with very basic story but a lot of heart in gameplay and enemy design. Quick and stylish, worth it if you like the genre. - Lost in Random: this is not exactly as quick as the others to get into, but considering its incredibly well done Tim Burton atmosphere, it's a crime that very few have played it. If you like Gothic atmosphere, this has no chances of disappointing you.


Deep rock is the answer


Rock and stone!


Gaurdians of the galaxy


Crusader Kings III is complicated, but awesome.


Hitman trilogy is one of my favorites and on the 26th of Jan they're adding a new mode.


You should play absolutely soma, it's a masterpiece. Trust me


Persnona 5, monster hunter rise


Sounds like you might enjoy Death Stranding.


Hitman Trilogy was for me the best game on game pass so far.


If you haven’t tried yet, give a chance to “Ori and the blind forest”, if you like platformers you will like this one, sound design is good, characters progression and level design was great, the story hits hard!


This is your sign to play Hollow Knight!!


Playing through the DOOM 2016 campaign, so fun and amazing gameplay


High on life.


for quickfire/to-the-point I’d recommend slay the spire. I didn’t think I’d like turn-based card games but now it’s occupying the part of my brain previously taken over by vampire survivors.


Tunic, Hollow Knight and INSIDE.


Death's Door was a really fun little romp.


all of yakuza games honestly. you can play 0 to test the waters of the franchise. that game got good story and is fun overall


Chained Echoes. Man, that game is so much fun


If you like no man's sky try Valhiem.


MORTAL KOMBAAAAT (11) \*bambambambam bambam bambambambam bambam\*


Biased, because it's all I've been playing for the last 3 weeks, but Chivalry II. Log in, grab a weapon, play a team objective map for 15-20 minutes and you're done.


Turnip boy commits tax invasion was fun Rubber bandits was funny playing with my kids I play Omori and star dew with my daughter




Scorn. Don't listen to any comments telling you combat sucks. This game is so damn creative that the tiny bit of bad combat is not enough reason to skip it


Signalis. I wasn’t prepared for that game…


I really enjoy Gunfire Reborn. It's an FPS rogue-like. It has really nice, tight controls and always keeps things fresh with randomized dungeon layouts. Also Minecraft Dungeons. I've sunken so many hours into it in the past couple of weeks.


Power washer simulator is pretty chill! Yesterday a spent 5 hours cleaning some stuff. Couldnt figure out how anyone could let their houses get that dirty but it was chill to clean them. Im normally playing COD but this game is my crack now!


I always recommend Frostpunk. Story is pretty good since you kinda decide its fate. But the genre perfectly mixes between city building and survival. The most unique and enjoyable games iv ever played.


Since you already have my game of 2022 - Vampire Survivors - on your list, let's see: I quite liked The Accent's fast gameplay (with a mouse). Her Story, Day of the Tentacle and Grim Fandango all have great stories. Oh, and take Persona 5 and 3 out for a test drive.


Hollow Knight


If you like no man sky, my hubby (who loves the game) suggests surviving Mars. I personally took a liking to hue (if you like puzzle games)


Little Witch in the Woods It's only like, a demo still, so it eventually stops when there's more to the story. But even the demo was really fun to play through, I'd say give it a go


If you want something kinda grindy like NMS or Vampire Survivors there are some good survival games, State of Decay 2, Starbound, and 7 Days to Die(on PC, the console port is outdated) are good ones. I've heard Grounded is good as well.


Medieval Dynasty is a lot of fun - while it is ‘open world’, it’s more of a relaxing survival and settlement building game with a lot of depth. If you like crunching numbers several layers of production deep, it’s worth checking out. Also the devs are highly engaged in the sub and make regular QoL updates. Slay the Spire also a lot of fun - it’s a turn-based rogue like deck builder, there’s a lot of depth and it’s highly challenging.


Turnip boy commits tax evasion is a fantastic relatively short game.


Stardew valley did it for me


Wreckfest - Great racing game. Beat up cool old cars. Damage both visual and performance wise. Good physics. Beautiful graphics. First person view.