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I hope they massively improve the combat and not make me have to constantly search for Runes. Loved the story and atmosphere of Hellblade but I really didn't enjoy those two aspects. I wish they showed more actual well gameplay.


Yep! It’s really the only knock on the original. The narrative towards this game since it was announced has been if the AAA budget will also translate to big improvements in gameplay. I have no doubt this will be a cool story and very cinematic but the puzzle got old by the end and the combat was incredibly basic. Still, that was a neat trailer, and so can’t wait to see more.


I enjoyed those puzzles. Sad many dont.


The puzzles are almost literally just where's waldo, there is pretty much zero game design thought to them. I wouldn't even call them puzzles, just pace management devices. There's no shame in liking where's waldo but frankly I expect a little more from a puzzle than just walking around until I'm standing in the right spot. This is the kind of mechanic I'd excuse in a game like Pokémon where the devs don't want kids to get stuck all the time... But this is a game whose Steam page requires you to enter your age.


I'd say it's a step up from where's waldo in that many involved perspective and making other objects come together at the right angle. Don't try superliminal if this kind of thing doesn't appeal to you.


The combat in the first is better and deeper than it seems, but any improvement is definitely welcome


I beat it by pressing the same button over and over with an occasional block


I feel like you can do with most action adventure games


Well you can do that in DMC too, doesn't mean you made use of the full combat system.


What else was there in hellblade


Still my most hyped Xbox game but I needed a little more than that...


Same man, I was genuinely excited for this showcase but it left me feeling… disappointed.


I think they are not showing more gameybecause that's it, is the same walking simulator with better graphics, underwhelming tbh


What the fighting was great, the environment and puzzles were cool. The graphics were awesome.


Fighting was great? It was a mobile type fight style, not get me wrong I really like the game but was more an experience and in all this years they're been silent gameplaywise people expect something more, if it's not is ok but the should talk what is the game about, it was announced the same day Xbox series X was announced and we still don't know exactly how is gonna play.


The combat is actually pretty good with depth when you get to know it. The problem is that the game doesn't teach you how to play it. This is reflected in people that have problems with the camera, overwhelmed by the amount of enemies in small spaces, etc. When you know the combat and all its possibilities, it becomes great and makes you wish it had more fighting. You have the light and heavy attack, the parry, evade, block, stun, sprint and directions. You can combine these with so many different combinations. Forward with fast attack, sprint forward with fast attack, sprint forward and stun, long combos mixing light and heavy attacks, or light + stun + heavy attacks, or light + sprint forward + heavy attack and more, much more. I've watched many gameplays on YouTube and I haven't seen many people really knowing well the combat. When you are with many enemies you can do crowd control by stunning different enemies and killing them one by one. You know how to move without attacking to position yourself better. It's NOTHING like a mobile game.


I don't know what mobile type play style is.


As much as I'd love for better combat mechanics, Its more than likely the combat will not change much. Hellblade was more about the narrative and immersive atmosphere


Wish we saw a combat gameplay . Graphics looks insane though .


They've said there will be more at the extended showcase on Tuesday, so hopefully there's some combat there. Not sure why they would hold it off until then, though.


Where ???? Are you serious ? This tuesday ??


It will be on Tuesday at 10am PT, just like this showcase. According to their blog post: “The event will offer deeper dives into what you saw from [Avowed](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/games/avowed/), Towerborne, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom, and Microsoft [Flight Simulator](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/games/flight-simulator-2020/): Dune Expansion, as well as games from our creative partners that we didn’t show you today.”


And this sub will be dark lol


Oh man thanks for the heads up ! ! Can you please send me the link of the blogspot please ??


Where is this blog post? I haven’t seen it


It's the last paragraph of the blog post covering everything shown at the showcase. Here: [https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2023/06/11/xbox-games-showcase-starfield-direct-recap-everything-announced/](https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2023/06/11/xbox-games-showcase-starfield-direct-recap-everything-announced/)


This was the biggest disappointment of the show for me. We already had 2 cgi/in-engine cutscenes, game is out next year and instead of showing gameplay they show the 3rd cutscene? Why are they so afraid/hesitant of showing off combat gameplay?


You missed the point, all they have shown is running in real time in the game. It's how the game looks, the last demo at TGA2021 was literally entirely player controlled.


We saw more gameplay the last time they showed it off lol


It started great, but then it dragged on. In game, with all proper context it probably works, but not as a single clip. If that's all they had to show, I would have just been ok with a vague date, cuz that was nothing. I love Senuas Sacrifice though, so I'm still onboard, even if I'm very down on this showing.


"Why does this look like hellblade 2 instead of Norse Assassin's Creed with Senua?" - the comments


This subreddit has been insufferable today. Did anyone here actually *play* Hellblade? This looks exactly like what I was expecting it’s a narrative focused game for fucks sake.


They keep talking about combat footage for some reason. It's a hellblade game, not Horizon forbidden west or something.


It didn’t “look” like anything because it was just a cutscene. No actual gameplay at all.


Did you play the first one? It was basically a cut scene we walked through. A puzzle here and a clunky fight there but it was mostly just listen and watch.


A trailer of 5 minutes of someone in a cave touching a puddle... Sigh...


Yeah, I never got the hype for Hellblade. Maybe it's just not my liking, but all the trailers are so underwhelming. I still have to play the first game though, been in my game library forever.


It's a very cinematic, engaging, interesting experience. I recommend it.


Also use a good headset or good surround sound system.


Well there's the thing if you played the first one this trailer makes total sense tonally lmao. I believe this one will have more action than the last one but it will still be mostly a story-driven game so expect this tipe of cutscene to happen often.


> Yeah, I never got the hype for Hellblade. > I still have to play the first game though lmao


What's so hard to understand? I got the game in my library, never got to play it and all the trailers are underwhelming af. Just wondering why the games are so hyped. But the way this fanbase talks about this game (ans what I see in this thread), I'm pretty sure it's an hispter games for "mature gamers because you don't understand". Just asking what's good about it and so far, no one can tell or think I am a troll.


I'm just laughing at the fact that are saying you never got the hype but you never even played it. It seems odd to form that kind of opinion on something you haven't experienced. That being said I enjoyed Hellblade for the atmosphere and psychological stuff, which I think is what the hype is about. The combat/puzzles absolutely could have been better which I'm hoping the sequel improves.


But hype is not an opinion, but a perception/feeling. Of course you would be hyped if you are waiting for a sequel, but as someone who never played it, I don't get it. Will get to this game at some point, probably before 2 comes out, I was just never attracted to this series.


Play it, then you might find out.


The first game felt like a linear tech demo. I expect the 2nd to be the same.


No it's wasnt like they at all.


In what way is it not? Clunky combat where you can beat the game by repeatedly mashing the same button and sometimes dodging, and **zero**-effort puzzles (literally just walking around until you stand in the right place). Game has great graphics, acting and sound design but that's all really. You can watch the game be played and miss pretty much nothing of the experience.


You saw the one fighting the giant? It’s the first demo I saw that felt next gen and it made me buy a series X.


Played first one for 4 hours and its one of the most boring games I have ever played. at first atmosphere is great but thats it, once you get bored of that too its over. Combat is laughably easy and repetitive just spam dodge button and fight same enemies over and over again. I was rooting the game should improve bc I saw so many people hyping this game here. Your character moves so slow that I was trying not to mess up puzzles(puzzles for twelve year olds btw) so I would not walk back. Never experienced movement to be so tiresome. I played many cinematic games but this is the worst so far. Dunno why they are not making interactive game instead or more like with fixed cameras. Basically walking simulator, trailer literally showed what kind of game it is. Idk what more people are expecting from the sequel.


Clearly the theme and idea of the game went over your head


Was not that special.


This was the game they announced along with the Series X reveal and yet still isn’t out and has shown so little gameplay. Crazy.


Yeah to announce it with the console and it not come out for almost 4 years( or 4+ years) is kind of an odd choice.


Kinda underwhelming… and 2024?? I was hoping for late 2023


Looks really good but I would have like to just see a bit of combat regular gameplay instead of a cutscene.


Another cutscene!? Youd think we would finally get some REAL gameplay by now. Even the last trailer was heavily scripted but at least it kinda looked like a game.


This game was announced in 2019....I feel like I still have ZERO idea what this 2nd game is about...I'm hype for it but all we have gotten is a few "out of place" trailers and snippets of MS being like "LoOk HoW gOOd tHe MotIoN cApTUre iS oN hEr FaCe!!!" The fact it's not a firm release date and it'll be in 2024 makes me feel like Ninja Theory is terrified to release this game because it's not gonna hit as high of a bar as the first game did and it'll be another half backed game by Microsoft....I hope to god I'm wrong though but I'm sure I'm not


This was the most bizarre trailer from the show? I'm sure this was shown to every member that created the game. How in the world did no one have the balls to speak up and say this is a shit trailer that shows nothing and has zero substance


My hype was already sky high on this one. The 2024 (no window) really sucked but this is going to be so good.


I was disappointed af


I’m sorry, how long have they been working on this and it can’t come out this year.


It’s coming out next year lol. Keep in mind, this is so a small studio. They had like 70 ppl where Xbox purchased them and they sell only have like 120. Ppl are expecting a AAA title from them, not another AA title like the originals


Have we've seen any combat from this game? Every trailer they show of this is just walking and talking. What gives?


I mean that's mostly what the last game was and it was critically acclaimed and people loved it.


Yet people were expecting more for this secuel,e included, 2 "gameplays" but no real mechanics or combat, if this is another walking simulator they should have let us know by now because people want more but they haven't show us nothing.




Not if is in development for more than 4 years, of course people are gonna expect more, not saying changing the experience, but evolved adding more stuff, we want to see what the game has to offer, but if it the same like the first game is gonna be a letdown waiting this much for so few.


Yeah have Senua jumping off a moving train onto a car then shouting 'let's get outta here!' In an American accent. That's what hellblade fans have wanted all along.


Of course not, they said this time they developed a AAA game so fans were waiting for more mechanics, a polished fighting system, a redefine gameplay, bit only that we have see is the first game in unreal 5, not that is a bad thing, but if this is the case they should have clarified that from the beginning instead of just saying "we are treating this like a AAA", just temper the expectations and better communication, because after four year and 2 "gameplays" I think we've seeing how the game is gonna be.


Jeez no. It is Senua. A game about mental illness not a combat game.


One of the few realistic comments I've seen and understood about the first game. The experience is the main point, the combat. Yes, it will be better, but this isn't like the god of War or some combat-driven game. There are plenty of those out there. This game is about Senua, who has psychosis and is identifying her goals and ambition. Also, people forget Covid probably set them back a yr at least. Some may dislike the puzzle feature, but it stayed true to the individuals who experienced it daily and the frustration they probably felt.


Last year they had gameplay. Not sure why not this year


It is not call of duty. Sorry to disappoint you lol


Excellent gameplay, we got to see the weapons she can use, enemies, combat system, and lots of stuff. Great, thank you Xbox. ❤


While I am still pumped for this, more gameplay REALLY would have been nice.


Trailor kinda sucked. Im guessing late late 24 due to the lack of gameplay shown so far


Thought they said no CG this showcase? Need to see some gameplay.


It wasn’t CG, it was in Engine


Not just in-engine but in-game captured on a Series X (as stated by Melina in the intro prior to the video during the livestream). You can also see "in-game" at the bottom of this video.


It was literally the game on a Series X.


Guess that’s the loophole.


Still technically CGI, but I know what you meant unlike the plebs who downvoted you because they are morons. This looks next-level of amazing. The facial expressions for an in-engine game are just crazy.


The first game was awesome and this one will be too. People cry ‘Xbox has no games with substantial story’ then bitch when theres a game with a story driven trailer and no combat when we will know what the combat is like if you played the first one. oh well, im Excited!


I can't fucking wait for this one too. Even though I have UGP, I may just purchase this on PC anyways just to support, because the first game was fucking amazing, and this one looks to be more of the same.


You and me both!


Go play the first game it's incredible what they pulled off. Seriously gorgeous game.


That was easily the best in-engine gameplay I have ever seen. UE5 is next-level, like the NEXT mother-fucking level! \*\*\*\*Downvote this all you want mouth-breathers. You wouldn't know a good game if it hit you in the ass.


Seems like 90% CGI.


That’s Unreal5. Thats just what games can look like now.


Bad trailer. I wanted to see more of what the combat would look like.


It's not exactly a combat focused series


Fair enough, I just feel like a trailer of the character touching a puddle is hard to get excited about.


I wanted something more interesting, but in the same vein. Have you played the first? It's really good


That's... That's what the game is. You're supposed to be listening and looking, it isn't a hack and slash.


Combat? What????


Absolutely terrible trailer. No one will want to play this game off that.


I do


Man I'm psyched. Those facial expressions and the sound are masterful. If it's just more of the same from Hellblade 1 I'm so in.


Simply not true ya bastard. I've been waiting for this game for YEARS and I keep track of every single update to when it's coming out. This will be Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2024


I'm not as hyped as you are but this will be absolutely superb for sure. The first was excellent


The first is quite an experience when you are in a dark atmosphere with headphones on and you're on MDMA


Headphones with surround are essential.


I was waiting for the gameplay, this was more in game footage


All I needed today


I can't help but feel a little disappointed that we didn't see what the moment-to-moment gameplay looks like, but I still thought this was really cool and this is still my most anticipated Xbox exclusive easily.


Personally I think a lot of people are setting themselves up for disappointment with this game. I’m sure there will be more combat than the first one, but “God of War” this is not.




How does the 2021 trailer have more gameplay than this? Terrible trailer, was hoping they focused on the combat rather than environmental puzzles, the latter of which was boring in the first game.


Perhaps you just don't like this franchise? The combat wasn't the main point of the first one.


The first one started on Kickstarter so I felt they focused on environment puzzles due to budget necessity; I thought with Microsoft publishing they would expand beyond that and Ninja Theory has a history of action games. Matching runes while voices talk as the "core game"... no thanks.


Not every game needs to be a button bashing combat game.


Enjoy matching runes to the environment.


It looks like an early cut scene from the game, I'm still hyped


We eating.


They need to just make this game a god of war type slasher already, enough with the mobile game style combat. MS has their GOW competitor right here, graphics are there, giant boss battles seem to be there, production is A+, now just fix the damn combat.


Why does it have to be a GOW-type slasher? Why can't it be its own thing and Senua's experience? Part of me thinks some gamers just want it now to one-up other competitors and not actually enjoy the game. Yes, combat is important, and there will be plenty of time to still show it, but it still isn't a combat-driven game. The story and Senua's ambition and struggle are. the main point, while staying faithful to her symptoms.


That was all in-engine, just fucking incredible, UE5 is fucking stupid amazing.


Only good thing for me was this


I get they’re trying to go after that PlayStation over-the-shoulder awful half movie/half game vibe but this trailer sucked.


That’s how the last game was though


Not blaming Xbox for this, because it was an issue with each showcase, but man am I sick of CGI trailers. Enough is enough, why can't they show a gameplay section of the game? The visuals are stunning, but i want to see gameplay, not cinematics.


This was in-game footage. Go play the first one. It's incredible what they did with graphics. This game is no joke.


The point is this trailer sucked. People are ready to finally see some actual gameplay and combat for this. This trailer was a step backwards from the trailer we got last year in every way! Shorter, graphics looked slightly downgraded, showed no combat improvements etc Can't you just admit this was not a good trailer?


Oh for sure from that perspective I can agree. Hoping Tuesday brings something more.


I’m all for it. LOVE the first one this can only be an improvement


Please lower some of the game prices in the Microsoft shop! I'm too broke 😭


Presuming we get a full gameplay trailer at the Game Awards?


What's taking them so long? Wasn't the game announced back in 2019? You'd think they'd have a bit more to show by now. We didn't even get a specific release date, it could be December 2024.


I can’t wait!!