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If they start developing it tomorrow we can play it in 4 to 5 years!


Lol that's optimistic. New IP + New Team is at least a 5-7 year development window. The new Fable and Perfect Dark games were started in 2018, they are releasing in 2025 at the earliest.


I had no idea their was a new perfect dark game in the works.


I'm not surprised, they announced it five years ago lol


Well, they announced it and then never showed anything from it again. I really hate when Xbox does that with their games.


In the time since they announced Perfect dark: 1. There was a backlash to them showing games there were too far out. 2. They changed their showcase to only announce/show games coming out within 12 months (lol silksong). 3. There was a backlash to how little they showed. 4. They changed their showcase to announce games that are further than 12 months out again. And Perfect Dark is still not out 😂


Silksong isn’t their fault. And tbf, i wouldn’t have expected Perfect Dark earlier than 2023, but they weren’t through a lot with some many people leaving during development, switching to UE5, having their co-developer be acquired by Embracer. I just want a great game when it releases. Last i heard they are ready for gameplay deep dives in 2025, so i really wouldn’t expect PD into 2026 unless they are set on releasing the same year as the gameplay deep dive with would be nice for a change.


I was just pointing out that it's funny that they've changed the entire way they announce games twice during the development on PD partly because of how long PD is taking.


Very true. I’m hoping they soon get to a point where that is a thing of the past. I really don’t want to see a game announced that can’t legitimately launch within 1 year. I understand that things happen and you might need a delay, but 1 delay should still keep a game within 2 years of its original announcement


And that's with covid for fable and perfect dark. They tried to build one ad on team at playground and a completely new team for PD. Absolute worst time to try to build a team with people with no experience with each other. Let alone a game.


7 years to make this https://preview.redd.it/ytmbz44tpnjc1.jpeg?width=447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2862014cafc65425514ea2aaca191f5743d699a


Just building a new engine for the game -- or at least refining it to a point where it's designed for the game's specific gameplay targets -- takes years unless it's something simpler like an RTS.


If that means they're released AFTER alpha testing, I'm happy to wait.


Just add two zeros to the end of that.


That's one of their main issues is they are reactive instead of innovative. I haven't really played Halo much in the past 20 years but the gameplay still looks nearly identical in Infinite. Obviously I know there are changes but having a similar looking multiplayer 20 years later means you've stagnated. Don't get me wrong I loved Halo when it first came out, but seeing gameplay footage now doesn't excite me in the slightest. MS has leaned on the same IPs for so long they forgot what made them special in the first place, a sense of innovation, fun multiplayer, technological leaps, and amazing stories that were fresh at the time. None of that really applies to modern Halo. Anyone who has played halo multiplayer before knows exactly what to expect.


>I haven't really played Halo much in the past 20 years but the gameplay still looks nearly identical in Infinite. I mean, gameplay in Halo has changed massively. Just looking at trailers probably won't show it, even if you go back to Marathon. Add ragdolls to Doom, and gameplay won't look like it's changed much in videos.


The gameplay in Halo has changed massively, but it's also the player base that keeps Halo from changing too much. Everyone, starting from Bungie, has tried to make changes to Halo but there's an aversion to becoming like other shooters and I think that's fine. Halo Infinite was a botched launch, not a botched game. The new things they added are actually all fun, they just didn't plan around having to support what amounts to a live service game.


I'm just saying they haven't reinvented the wheel like other game franchises that survived moving forward managed to do with their brands. Like the way breath of the wild moved the needle forward for Zelda. As one of the early Halo adopters I haven't been excited about a Halo game since 3.


Yeah, and I'm saying that's really our fault. Even if they wanted to reinvent the wheel, we would bitch about it. For better or for worse, there are defining aspects of Halo that its core audience would fight tooth and nail to keep from changing, which then limits what Halo can be and its potential audience. Halo is what it is, MSFT's shortcoming was its inability to create literally any other IP with that kind of acclaim in like 15 years outside of Forza.


Also worth noting that the company that gave them their golden goose split from them around the time the game franchise stagnated. Bungie is kind of a terrible company these days though with their monetization practices in Destiny 2. I agree with you their first party offerings aside from those 2 IPs lack creativity compared to the other big console companies. It's weird they have the biggest cash reserves over any of their competitors and they still couldn't invest it wisely into new devs. If I was MS I would have paid SquareEnix exclusivity for the FF7 Remake and Rebirth. That's going to kill sales for MS this year on top of the newly successful Helldivers. Apparently they don't care about hardware sales though and it shows.


Halo failed to innovate in a way that kept the core audience engaged. Bungie tried changing Halo with Reach by including armor abilities and that wasn't as well received as previous titles. Then once 343 took over they doubled-down on changing stuff. Halo 4 was really the fork in the road. They opted to try and be more like CoD by keeping loadouts in the game and adding ordnance drops which were blatant kill streak ripoffs. Why would anyone play Halo 4, a CoD wannabe, when CoD Black Ops 2 was released at the same time? With Halo 5 they had a chance to get people used to a new style of Halo gameplay but it launched missing a bunch of features. Now ever since then with Infinite they've been slowly creeping back to having the classic gameplay. They even nerfed sprint so much that it might is well not be there. Makes you wonder what would've happened if they didn't try to chase trends at all. Some people like to argue that Halo would've lost popularity anyways because the gameplay went out of style, but I don't think that's the case. Halo 3's gameplay never lost popularity. Bungie/343 just decided to chase CoD and it hasn't worked out.


6-10 years and it’ll be a 6/10


With Micro-transactions!!


We can call it “StarCraft Ghosts 2”


Nova won’t text me back 😔


Uninventive way to design a game that usually results in a train wreck. Take game genre currently popular - add existing franchise = profit! We saw a million live service games, battle royales, MMORPGs etc. etc as each type of game was in vogue, by the time the uninspired clones came out the genre was saturated and the games were dulll, lifeless corporate copy and paste jobs.


Take game genre currently popular - add existing franchise = profit! Don’t forget to add in the +4-5 yr dev time, so it’ll probably be outdated by the time it comes out.


To be fair, Helldivers certainly has its unique style for a third-person shooter, but it very familiar and intuitive because it feels like other third-person shooters. Some games off the top of my head are Ghost Recon Wildlands/Breakpoint, Division I & II, and Outriders. I have no doubt we’ll see shameless copies of Helldivers if the game retains popularity past the fad phase, but it didn’t necessarily reinvent the wheel.


Exactly. Helldivers isn’t anything new. But it IS good. Hope they can fix their server issues. I do love to see overnight successes like that happen to devs


I’d typically agree with you but like 75% of blizzard’s games are literally this and they’ve been extremely successful at doing this. The only time they really really missed was Heroes of The Storm, and that’s more to them probably waiting wayyyyyy too long to make that game. They didn’t pioneer RTS’s, MMO’s or Hero Shooters but they’ve been able to, at one point, be at the top of those genres but almost shamelessly taking concepts from other popular games.


The "destiny killer curse" in a nutshell


Blizzard made billions following that formula though?


I don’t disagree with you, however a lot of Xbox players want something similar to Helldivers since it’s a PS exclusive, and right now there isn’t anything on Xbox that scratches that specific itch


And in the 5 years that it takes them to make it everyone will have moved on Problem with chasing trends instead of making trends.


Fair, still sucks, but fair




You're missing one important point there. . Becauae of that situation more games will launch on PlayStation, meaning more competition, more noise and harder to get noticed. Releasing just on xbox would get a lot of eyes on you for being more unique proposition. There are still reasons for sometimes targeting the smaller platform as long as it has a viable audience still.


That only apply to indie and AA games that have limited budget for marketing. AAA games can afford to pay for advertisements on the digital stores. Heck, they can pay for ads on YOUR home page, which both Xbox and PS literally push right in your face. You simply can't miss it. But the catch is this online genre requires regular and constant new content to stay alive and relevant, which is something indie and AA games simply don't have the money and manpower to provide. In the end, your "important" point is irrelevant since the games that can utilize it don't need it while the ones that need it can't utilize it.


Plenty of AAA games launch and flop regardless of budget spent on marketing. Your view is very reductive.


Irrelevant to your "important" point. Your whole point is about being harder to get noticed on a bigger platform. Those game failures had no tie to recognition, they died because they are bad games. They would have died anyway launching to a smaller audience like in your previous comment.


If I'm alive I would play it! I don't care what anyone else does.


Make a halo ODST version of helldivers 2 and that should do.


Haven’t played it but it seems to remind me a lot of division series with the 4 player co-op thing going on.


That's pretty much where the similarities end lol


Check out deep rock galactic. It doesn’t have the AAA atmosphere, but the gameplay is solid and does the co op extraction missions better imo.


Love DRG


Rock and Stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


It's actually a better game imo. 


Remnant 2 is amazing, although not quite a 1 for 1 comparison. A little slower paced and exploration based, but still a great coop 3rd person shooter. And it's on GamePass right now.


Fortnite is king of battle royal but didn’t invent the genre, hell it tacked it on and it has all but killed the original game mode. League of Legends king of MOBA didn’t invent the genre. World of Warcraft king of MMORPGs didn’t invent the genre. Palworld didn’t invent a genre. Oreo’s didn’t invent the chocolate sandwich cookie, it was a blatant knock off. Point is you don’t have to be first to do something to be hugely successful. It no doubt can help but failing to innovate and iterate will have you go the way of Heroes of Newerth and Hyper Scape.


I’d say the problem with Xbox Game Studios is that, with some exceptions, they haven’t really pushed the medium forward in any capacity. Fortnite didn’t innovate in terms of inventing a whole new subgenre, but the game has many novel components like the build battles and its live service model pushed the whole industry forward. Likewise with LoL, Wow, Palworld and countless other games in their own little way. Aside from Sea of Thieves, Age of Empires and Microsoft Flight Simulator, you’d have to go back possibly 15 years before XGS pushed the gaming media forward. And even then most of the examples where they innovated back then was Kinect games. Whereas for PlayStation Studios, they’ve spent the past 10 years setting new standards for video game storytelling and modernising a lot of the Ubisoft open world formula. And plenty of other smaller examples like Returnal, Helldivers 2, Dreams


Ummmm you do realize this is Microsofts favorite thing to do right? They took halo and just chased every trend they could each game. It's their favorite thing lol


And it hasn't worked out great has it?


Has that ever stopped Xbox from continue doing it? Reality is Xbox doesn't learn that lesson.


Every now and then though it gives you Fortnite. Not my kind of game, but it has made a few bucks. Also Apex Legends and COD Warzone.


Fortnite wasn't designed with the intention of being a pubg ripoff tho. It was its own thing with its own heart and soul which wasn't clicking so they desperately pivoted and it clicked. I can almost guarantee if epic set out to copy pubg cynically from the off it would have been a worse game.


Kinda exactly my point mate. It wasn't supposed to be a BR, they chased the trend by throwing a BR mode into it, and then made $billions. They took a genre that was popular, added it to the existing IP, and did indeed = profit. So did COD. Same with Apex and the Titanfall IP although that one was at least designed to be a BR from the start, not tacked on. If you're 'cynically copying' then yeah sure, probably going to make a piece of shit. So don't do that. We've certainly seen plenty of that. But it can demonstrably be done well and quality profitable games can result.


That’s literally both Warcraft and Starcraft though? Not exactly original ideas.


You can have #Another pixelated Platformer exclusive to Gamepass!


It's called ODST helljumpers from Halo lol


Plays like Halo, not Helldivers


I feel like if played like Halo then you’d just be Master Chief. I’d rather a Halo game that actually played differently than a spartan.


That would make a better tactical FPS.


Not really The tactical FPS genre is beyond saturated and it’s a pretty niche type of FPS to begin with An enjoyable PVE co-op Halo ODST with good depth would do wonders for the platform with the right mechanics and long term support


The benefit of ODSTs is that you can do both. ODSTs do hotdrops and stealth inserts. ODSTs lead assaults and carefully set up ambushes. ODSTs blow up facilities and sneak into compounds. A good ODST game contains multitudes.


Not in a big co-op PVE game though  That would be more of a ODST CoD clone or something 


I mean, one of the most popular game modes on Halo right now is the PvE king of the hill mode.


Which says a lot because that mode is a half baked version of firefight Imagine a fully developed and fleshed out co-op Halo game that merges firefight and some of the structure/mechanics of Helldivers 2


I am thinking more Helldivers/Warhammer 40k. They have multi-Astartes drop pods.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought Helldivers 2 looked like Astra Millitarum the game. Not in a bad way mind you, in a very good way.


Microsoft doesn’t own the Warhammer 40k IP though.


It doesn’t need to be Xbox exclusive, Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 is coming out on all platforms later this year.


You realize you’re in the Xbox subreddit, right?


Indeed, but not everything has to be 100% exclusive to Xbox. My comment was suggesting a possible better alternative to the Starcraft idea with the WH:40k IP.


Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter


This is exactly the kind of thought process that leads to terrible games like Anthem.


>Anthem Ah, that one hurts. So much wasted potential.


Preordered, had high hopes, launched it, saw the beautiful art style. Gameplay was fun (even though not really my thing) despite bugs... soon discovered that there's no story, despite it being a BioWare game. Randomly ends after what seems like a mid game mission.


"pre-ordered" stupid is as stupid does or something


I don’t regret pre ordering. I would have bought it day one anyway since I’ve been playing BioWare games once the 90s. By preordering the day before I got the preorder bonuses.


Fuckin a man, I’m down


Enjoy fucking your man


And why shouldn’t he?


Oh no he is more than welcome to but just want him to know what he signed up for.


Have fun with that fam


Just got off the phone with Blizzard, they say they’re listening and they hear you but the best they can do is StarCraft Immortal. Unless you have some spare breast milk to offer them…


StarCraft Ghost


“You’re just as beautiful as the day I lost you.”


Whoa, woah, whoa, woah, whoa. Hold on now. No good ideas allowed. If good I would certainly buy this. Not Game Pass play. Buy.


Still waiting on an ODST game that isn't a Halo 3 spinoff title


Here's a wild thought....Space Marines!!!


That'd be awesome!




343 and Microsoft should have done the Halo ODST variant that they pitched


Microsoft should've done a lot of things


Too bad it will never happen.


I’ve wanted a fps StarCraft for so long. Would be soooo cool. I just want any type of new StarCraft though. Playing that StarCraft the first time on pc growing up was a fucking magical experience


Starcraft: Ghost?


That was more like StarCraft meets Splinter Cell.


Or....you know..... Halo: Helljumpers


Why not just make starcraft 3?


When they launched a 15 dollar microtransaction horse in wow it made more money than the entire starcraft 2. Unless they come up with an ungodly monetization scheme it will never happen...


Add in an RTS commander layer on top and I’m in


Like Command and Conquer Renegade. TAKE. MY. MONEY.


That would be awesome! I remember doing that in Battlefield 4 and I freaking loved it!


I don't believe anyone at Xbox or even Microsoft would come to reddit and see this.but hey its a good idea


Would be nice, too bad Blizzard has forgotten about Starcraft.


Personally a halo odst game fighting the flood would be pretty great. The flood can take all kinds of forms, spider types or different bugs, also the creepy zombies and other things, would allow lots of variety. Can throw in covenant also.


I just want Starcraft Ghost to come back from the dead and be made


Gears of war coulda definitely had a spin-off like helldivers


Blizzard would monetize it to the point of unplayability


Chasing trends is stupid when games take 5 years 


Id take starcraft on gamepass plz.


I'm surprised we haven't got a halo ODST style game with Helldivers formula. Have ODST fighting flood waves as well as random onslaughts by brutes and elites. Firelight modes are a bit of the premise but make a full fledged game


Warhammer Space Marine 2 can't come soon enough


Can’t wait for it.


It's kinda sweet that you think Blizzard remembers they even have SC as an IP


Just play gears of war.


Hear me out. StarCraft Universe + Metal Gear Solid gameplay = Amazing Concept. StarCraft Ghost needs to be revived now that Microsoft is at the helm.


Not interested in either of those games.


Hey Xbox, let’s release a reskinned version of this wildly popular game. No need to thank me.


Halo fanboys (me) will be absolutely FILTHY if another ODST style drop and kill stuff game is released, not even mentioning it being on Xbox lol


Hate to tell you this but Microsoft would never have made this game


They're unfortunately too incompetent for that, I sincerely doubt in microsofts ability to even make good games anymore


Just pay Sony whatever they ask for to port hd2 to xbox


It’s not negotiable for anything that would be reasonable. If it was MS would have been buying ports of Sony games a long time ago.


Sony knows that they have something special with helldivers 2. they’re not gonna let it go to Xbox. They own the IP already, same case as with Bloodborne and Demons souls. They are probably in talks with arrowhead to secure the studio for their first party. Looking at how successful HD2 is right now, it wouldn’t even shock me if Sony decides that Helldivers3 will be PS6 exclusive and a year later a Pc port. It’s actually kind of sad, that MS spent 80billion dollars and they don’t really have anything to show for now. They bought the same games that we would’ve gotten anyway. Imagine how many Helldivers2 they could’ve funded.


Or how about Halo?


Yep ODSTs aka Helljumpers, call the game Helljumpers 2 for shits and gigs haha


I say just tell Phil to bring starship troopers to Xbox.




That makes two of us!


Stop chasing trends. Innovate for once


If it's such an opportunity, get cracking I can't wait to play your game


Would be an absolute waste of a strong ip.  StarCraft has a cool story with awesome characters, diverse factions with strong identities, and a unique visual aesthetic.  No, StarCraft deserves a real time game of some sort but not a l4d or helldiver's template.  Those games are fine but they're not on the same level of IP as sc


Umm I'm not sure if you noticed or not but SC ip is practically dead currently. People always wanted a starship trooper type game, which is essentially what helldivers 2 entails. Starcraft would technically be the perfect ip to match with that kind of gameplay to bring back the franchise. Anyways my point is that Helldivers is currently more popular than SC because they haven't done anything good with the IP in a while.


And I'm saying that'd be a dull use of the IP   I understand that it's not being utilized but I still contend that there are more involved and fleshed out games that could be developed other than another coop, horde-survival game.  How boring 


Yeah at this point since Starcraft came out there are several other game genres that have popped up so who is to say which one would be the best introduction to a new view on the SC universe. Doing nothing certainly isn't helping the IP stay fresh in minds of newer generations.


They should just revive the StarCraft : ghost concept. That game sounded insane and with today's tech could be incredible


I hope OP is really from Xbox marketing and is fishing. Cause this sounds awesome


I mean yeah but they won’t


Why not just combine all the Xbox IP and have a: - Super Smash Bros-like game. - Helldivers type game. - Kingdom Hearts like game. Just need competent developers and a solid vision. We have all of these companies they bought siloed and having no synergy.


A clone of something is almost always gonna be a lesser version. Why not want Xbox to be creative and do something interesting with their IP rather than trying to crowbar them into everyone elses game?


Lol why would they ape kingdom hearts?  Series isn't relevant anymore 


They initially successfully combined Final Fantasy and Disney verses. It would be cool to make a similar game with all of Xbox's IP.


Maybe without all the jumping and diving and rolling around on the ground. What about the Star Wars battle front game type. The more points you get in a match, the better units you get access to until you can be Kerrigan, Jim Rayner, Zaratul, and so on.


its microsoft and blizzard. they dont make games that makes sense and would be great. a gears of war style game in starcraft would be amazing, so we will never get it


StarCraft? The fuck are you talking about? You mean HALO??? Helldivers should have been Helljumpers made by Microsoft with ODSTs


Can they save Sea of Thieves as well? Pretty-looking game, boring and tedious gameplay.


Look, considering Helldivers 1 was inspired by the StarCraft factions and terminator, why would Xbox try to just make this game again when they could buy the game for gamepass and call it a day


Why is everyone in love with this game? Just because it's from sony? If it were from Microsoft everyone would be ridiculing it.




If Microsoft swooped in now with a good offer to buy arrowhead that would be smart and something I would be definitely trying to do right now. We all know Sony will end up with them if someone else doesn't.


What makes you think Arrowhead would choose MS over Sony? Sony is the one that has built them up over the last decade. Relationships matter. Expect Sony to acquire them. MS tried to buy Housemarque and got turned down for similar reasons.


Microsoft considered buying a lot of Devs. Arrowhead being one shouldn't be a shock they had that list from the FTC leak and court docs. Is Sony can buy bungie anything can happen. Bet you didn't think they would own call of duty and Skyrim 10 years ago.


I’m saying Arrowhead will not choose MS over Sony for the reason I stated. They are happy with their current relationship and project. Why go to Xbox and start over from scratch no guarantee of success? Sony was able to buy Bungie because they allowed them to stay fully multiplatform while MS would not agree to that. What does MS have to offer Arrowhead that they don’t already have? Are they just gonna throw an outrageous amount of money to “steal” them from Sony? Because that’s literally all MS has going for themselves in gaming. Money to burn.


Buying a studio with 1 success under their belt isn't a great strategy. People seem to suggest this every time a good game comes around, MS should buy them. MS should only look at buying teams they can rely on to repeatedly release good games. Look at Obsidian, since acquisition they have released Grounded and Pentiment and now have Avowed ready to go this year. Solid pair of hands with a frequent release schedule.


They're an experienced talented team with more than one game under their belt. Success doesn't Equal quality and vice versa but it's clear arrowhead are talented. Sony will end up with them anyway it's inevitable at this point


Microsoft bought nearly $70 billion worth over the last few years, buying more is not the answer.


What they bought was call of duty and mobile divisions. ABK was never supposed to benefit hardcore gamers. Literally every studio at Activision works on cod. If raven and high moon was gonna make new ip's brilliant but we know they're not. I agree about buying more isn't the answer but Sony or someone will buy arrowhead and we all know the way the industry is going. The more 1st party content Microsoft has the better for game pass. It's supposed to be attracting consumers right now game pass isn't really offering anything must have.


Mojang, double fine, Obsidian, Arkane Lyon, Arkane Austin, Id, Bethesda, Machine Games, Tango game works, playground games, Compulsion, Inxile, ninja theory,


I know the studios they own but that's not what you said. You specifically mentioned the ABK transaction amount.


I mean, just do a halo game like this with the floor and covenant and boom, you have the copy.


Not a bad idea. I really hope they do something with the SC universe, such a fun IP with a lot that can be done with it imo. I'd love to see a genre change with it.


Please just give us fucking StarCraft 3. They can make anything else too, but first StarCraft 3 and revive ESports with the announcement


They're not going to make Starcraft 3 when a store mount (in wow) made more money than SC2. People voted with their wallets. Now we all must suffer for it.


I'm listening.


I hope the Nova game can finally come out, it looked so kool back then.


Like a StarCraft ghost?


Just do actual odsts this isn't hard


3rd person StarCraft would be so good


At least i think when mods are able to be used on platforms for starfield, Should make the game way better


is it a good idea? yes will they do it? no


The StarCraft IP is so ripe for opportunity.


Anything really. Someone needs to steal their idea just like Palworld took Pokemon + botw + base building etc. I would say Star Wars but EA would fuck it up big time. StarCraft is always a great idea. They are so rich in lore but it would trigger the fuck out of the SC community if their next game was a pve third person shooter lol. They would need to announce SC3 and this to get away with it. How about Halo? There’s an ODST feel to this game. I’m fucking loving it. I like it so much I bought both $60 versions on PS5 and Steam.


WH40k:Space Marine or Gears of War like game in the starcraft universe would be great.


Hear me out, new Halo with Helldivers 2 gameplay. Did I cook???




I'd say it's more like Starship Trooper gameplay considering that came out prior.


Some people are pointing out how, unless this was somehow in development already, it would be 5+ years before we'd see this game. Honestly, I'd be happy to wait. Not that I'd ***enjoy*** waiting, but I've been truly itching for more StarCraft and was really bummed a few years ago when that leaked StarCraft FPS game got cancelled.


Meh, if Spacemarine 2 had a multiplayer mode to be like HD2, it would be absolutely amazing.


What about halo x starcraft ?


Still waiting for Ghost


They wouldn’t really to start from scratch IF they can find the work Blizzard had done for StarCraft Ghost. It’d be awesome if they completed that game and included a Helldiver’s-like multiplayer mode. God, I really want them to revive StarCraft Ghost and complete it. [StarCraft Ghost Trailer](https://youtu.be/BFn7gxSoN0k?si=Gu8FzsGQA7x8eSuo)


I mean the terminoids are basically Zergs minus the lurker lol


And this is how Palworld was born!


Imo, any games in the SC universe.


Sadly as other have pointed out, it would take 4-5 years if they worked on it today. And by the time it came out, the industry will likely have moved on from extraction shooters to whatever the new fad is.


Zerg rush!!!!!


Might as well just do a starcraft Crossover event. Less money spent and easier to do, no need to reinvent the wheel


It'll sit in development for 8 years, with a turnover of staff every year and a half


Absolutely insanely good idea. Troopers fighting off zerg and protoss waves.