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I’m 47 and I’m always looking for an adultier adult.


45 here, and same.


45 here and a grandad. It is with great remorse that I admit, I am now the adultier adult. My dad past a few years ago, so more and more I’m seeing others look to me and my wife.


Almost 41 now but yeah, I wish people talked about this more. It’s kind of comforting getting older but still feeling young. Well at least in the ways that matter lol.


Same. I turned 40 on Wednesday and I still feel like a clueless kid.


42 and still a dipshit, checking in!


my username should tell you everything you need to know lmao


Love it.


love yours!


Greetings fellow dipshit. May your new year be full of love and prosperity.


Love for all in '24!


Seriously don't know how our parents figured shit out without the internet. Especially directions.


The farther into my forties I get, the more I realize (and mom and dad now in their 70s happily confirm) they were just winging it at the time, too.


We've finally arrived at the meaning of life. Thanks Mr Adams!


I do rather enjoy sushi. Hmm.


I turn 40 on Wednesday! Bday twins! And I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up 🤷🏼‍♀️🎉🤪✨


idk what i want to do when i grow up yet either lol


Happy birthday 🎈🎁


Me too, on both accounts!


Happy belated birthday!!


Yeah turn 42 in a few weeks, when I turned 40, it was this realization that you're now that number you considered "old" and the most surprising part is you just feel exactly the same as you did the day before.


I felt the same, until I actually spent time with 18-23 year olds. I realized I’m not in the same mindset. Hahahah


Isn't that the truth, Numbers don't make me feel old, looking at young people and not understanding 1/2 their references or listening to them fret about problems that seem trivial to you now makes me feel old.


I drank like a 23 year old last night and now I feel like an 80 year old today. fun fun..


"Life really begins at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research." - Carl Jung


thanks to the cpstd and adhd it's closer to 12-16 for me.


Mind over matter, if you don’t mind it don’t matter.


Jung called that the puer aeternus, [ZeFrank's take on it](https://youtu.be/u2cMjeSvZSs?si=PKDc-Nta6l0kec_o)


Why did you have to remind me on the *first day* of 2024???!! 😡 /jk To be honest it's not as bad as I expected it to be. I have an issue with looking younger than my age (yes, issue - not fishing for compliments or anything, it's a bit extreme in my case and I'm constantly concerned about not being taken seriously). So I'm looking forward to people's reactions when I tell them my actual age. "I'll be 40 this year" will hit harder than "I'm 39". 🤣


I have the same issue so I understand the fear of not being respected in a professional setting. But otherwise now that I’m turning 40, 40 feels much younger than it did when I was 21.


> But otherwise now that I’m turning 40, 40 feels much younger than it did when I was 21. That’s a good point!


Already rolled that one out last night, response was "I'm 44, it's no big deal"


Honestly I'm not entirely sure. For most of my life I never thought I was even going to hit my 30s, so the fact that I'm turning 40 this year is a huge shock for me. When I was younger I honestly thought I was going to be dead by my twenties so I never planned for my future and here I am at almost 40 going fuck what do I have to show for it? The only thing I have going for me is that I have 10 years sobriety.


Your post is true for me word for word except ten years sobriety is only ten months…


Congratulations on 10 months! If no one's told you, I'm proud of you. It does get easier the longer you go on.


Congrats on 10 months, that is amazing! Keep doing the things you know work for you and it will be ten years before you know it!


Dude. The cocaine and booze was unreal in my 20s. We made It dog!


I’ll hit fifteen less than a month after I turn 40. Life has its ups and downs but staying sober each day is something to be tremendously grateful for.


Oh absolutely! I wake up thankful that I was one of the lucky ones that was able to get and stay sober


I celebrated 7 years without a drink last November. When I grt after myself about what I have to show for myself, I remember I have a car. A better job. A better place. Better understanding of myself. Etc. Etc. Congrats on the 10 years, 10 months, and 15 years!


Congrats on 7! Love to see it :)


30 was the age I was absolutely sure I wouldn’t make it to. Live fast die young blah blah. Turning 40 honestly really sucked for me. I wanted more time. So much more I want to do. It’s only been a few months and honestly it’s fine. I’m getting used to it. Starting to accept this as the new era of my life. Not being a kid forever is probably a good thing.


10 years of sobriety is something to be proud of, fellow 84 baby. Glad you made it. 😊




I adore your username


It's kind of a trip but overall it's cool. Gotta stop eating like I'm 25




Same. It's my biggest enemy right now. Quitting drinking was easier, no lie.


yeah that was hard to do, my wife pressuring me to start going to the Doctor again and getting diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes at 39 kind of forced my hand. Undoing 30+ years of bad habits doesn't happen overnight. but with changes to diet and exercising regularly and consistently a few years later I'm managing my A1C without medication, and lost about 90lbs (though prob put a few back on in the last few weeks, lol) if you ask my Doctor I no longer have diabetes, if you ask my insurance company I'll NEVER not have diabetes. but somehow I'm healthier and look and feel better in my 40s than I did in my 30s, It's not easy but it's worth doing


I’m an 83 baby and so far, I am way more fit, cute and financially well off now than I was in most of my late 30s. Pandemic did a number on my ass and it has taken a few years to rectify all the damage.


I’ve just been realizing this lately that my mental health is way better. I swear I’m just getting out of the covid fog. Bring on 40 this spring, my late 30s have been tough!


Diving into longevity podcasts 😅 Also, I feel a sense of pride from the personal growth I've experienced over the past 40 years. Been through some damn hard shit at this point but I've used those experiences to refine myself rather than letting them overcome me. Cheers everyone


Any recommendations? I like the book [How not to Die](https://www.amazon.com/How-Not-Die-Discover-Scientifically/dp/1250066115)


Dr. Peter Attia’s “The drive”. Peter is at the fore front of health span and research, his podcast is a treasure trove of information on longevity. His recent book, “outlive” is supposed to be outstanding, I have it, haven’t cracked it yet.


Haven’t read that. Will have to check it out. David Sinclair’s podcast Lifespan was fascinating. Has some good episodes on Andrew Huberman’s podcast as well. Just my 2 cents but it seems David’s views do tend to lean toward the optimistic side of things. It’s nice to have a lot of different views to try and arrive as close as we can to the truth so we don’t get sucked into hype. Peter Attia has a lot of great information as well. Those two have been the most impressive so far. Mark Hyman’s book Young Forever was ok. Rubbed me the wrong way on a few points here and there but a lot of similar information to what I’ve heard from other longevity sources. Interesting about blue zones.


Screenshotting for my next trip to the bookstore.


Ted Williams family has an interesting idea.


Sometimes I don't feel like I'm old enough to be almost 40. Then I talk to some of my gen-z coworkers for a few minutes. (ETA: I genuinely like most of them - maybe aside from the one who kept calling me "girlie" - but we are very clearly not the same generation.)


The whose-it on the tick tock. What now? Talk sense, sonny


You kids with the broccoli hair and tikitty tocks.


I’m 46, and don’t really know anyone who had one of those morbid over-the-hill parties from the ‘80s and ‘90s. I think this mentality died out with younger Gen X, at least the upper middle class portion. I did a 40-mile bike ride for my 40th. I know many others who posted on Facebook about doing some sort of physical activity to celebrate their 40th.


That’s exactly what my dads party was in ‘90. One of his friends came over in a grim reaper costume and all of the gifts were “over the hill” gag gifts.


My parents just had some black balloons and signs. But they really leaned into the “over-the-hill” thing as a lifestyle. Lots of, “we’re too old to ________” excuses.


I could never tell if the joke was they knew they werent and that's why it was funny or they genuinely considered it such, but I imagine a lot of the younger generations seeing that didnt like any of it lol


I did four sets of deadlifts at 400#. Didn’t see many boomers doing shit like that when I was a kid.


Oh, what a great idea! In the past two years I've gotten back into riding my bike. A 40-mile ride would be a great way to celebrate.


I'm an '83 baby. 40 has been the best year of my life so far. I embraced gratitude and have accepted myself. Basically, I've trained myself to think more positively and focus -- or try to focus -- on the positives in life because why not? There'll always be ugly in the world and there'll always be beauty and joy. We can choose to focus on one or the other. I remember for years and years I hated New years: when the clock would strike midnight I'd bummed and start ruminating about all of my 'failures'. Now it means nothing. It's just another day. Best wishes to all you old fart '84 babies!! And everyone else of course!


My wife turned 40 last year, I’m 42. Mostly, we haven’t cared much. Just a number. It does suck looking at where our parents were at this age, my parents had their house paid off by now. But costs are higher and we’ve both been hit with some medical stuff we are working out of. It is what it is.


"It is what it is" - the motto of our generation!


Mortgages were like 15% in the 80s, much more incentive to get those houses paid off! If I put a house on a credit card Id be suuuuper aggressive at paying it down.


Oh yeah. I remember my dad frequently complaining about “fuckin’ Reagan and the goddamned interest rate”. My rate is very low but I won’t live to pay it off unless we get aggressive now. I kinda look at it as a rent controlled house that I have to maintain.


>I kinda look at it as a rent controlled house that I have to maintain That is the wisest and most concise description of how to approach a home purchased with a mortgage that I have ever seen.


I’m really good at rationalizing adversity I have to deal with if I can avoid staying pissed off about it.


Looking at what apartments are going for these days, I’m really glad we bought a house at 24 just before the crash (when kids with shitty entry-level jobs could still qualify for a mortgage). Even though my house payment has gone up several times due to bullshit tax valuations changing, I’m still paying less for a three-bedroom house than people are paying now for a two-bedroom apartment. We were hoping to be out of this place and onto a nicer home with at least one more bathroom about five years after buying our first, but things just haven’t worked out that way.


I'd take 15% on a 80,000 house in a heartbeat.


Sure, with todays money. Keep in mind 80k in 1985 is equivalent to 225k today. You jumping on a 225k mortgage at 15%? Even at 80k the mortgage is still like 1500/mo at that rate too, and people were making a good bit less money. You cant equate the 80s to today like that. Edit - to add, average income per person was about a quarter of todays in 1985


Man, you can't find a vacant 1/10 acre plot of land for only $225k within 2 hours of where I live. An older one-bedroom condo is cheap at $600-800k. I'd jump on a $225k *anything* at any mortgage rate.


Come on, dude. My birthday was less than a week ago. Let me get used to being 39 before you remind me I’ll be turning 40 this year.


lol at least you’ve got basically a whole other year to worry about it. Happy birthday


hey there 84 kids.


Shit, I’ve been operating under the impression I was 40 already, so… LET’S GO


There were definitely a couple times this past year where I legitimately forgot my age and had to do the math.


I'm not one of those "age is just a number" people. Honestly I don't understand. Of course it is. A number that depicts your age. I'll be 40 in May, not very ok about it. But it is what it is.


I turned 40 last year and felt kinda proud because my skin looks outstanding.


I wouldn’t say my skin looks *outstanding* (I don’t have the best health habits) but looking at how my parents looked and what their health was at 40 has me feeling pretty ok even though I could be doing better for myself.


Mixed feelings. It feels like a big deal and also like it doesn’t really matter. I have an adult kid, 2 teens, and two young kids so I’m well into adult mode


![gif](giphy|oHBIWhs8n8T6) This sums it up.


I’m going for The Office themed party. Everyone dresses as a character.




Happy birthday to y'all! (especially my cousins D, J, and P who are 84 babies). Honestly, it was no biggie for me (1981 gal). My thirties ended up being a stable time, albeit sad about infertility issues. I got pregnant and was 7 months pregnant on my 40th birthday. I was gonna get a mid-life crisis Toyota 86 Supra, but car seats wouldn't fit well. Instead the 40s have been a really cool unexpected reboot. I'm hyper aware of my age, but it's ultimately been a moot point.


I don't know if I'm having a hard time with it. I'm extremely cognizant of how fast the years have gone by since my wife and I started dating in 2007 and it does make me a little depressed. Back then 40 seemed so far away and now it's ten months away.


Feel great about it.


I’m proud to have made it to 40. Each day is a blessing and I’ve learned so much along the journey. Still feel youthful on the inside despite some lines and grays. I’ll probably treat my friends to brunch but other than that, I’ve no real plans.


That’s a good goal. There’s more physical “costs” with your body at this age. Drinking like you’re in your 20s? Good luck for the next 3 days. Metabolism, who’s she?


I'm feeling ready to enter my 40s. Looking forward to it even. I'm not ready for my parents to be as old as they are.


I'm 43 and life keeps getting better. Kiddo is grown, have an awesome career and get to hang out with my BFF every day. Finally get to travel. And it's nice when people don't realize I'm this old because I don't look it apparently.


Take it from a 82 kid, your forties are going to be amazing


*grumble grumble grumble*


78 checking in, turning 46 in 2 days, fuck y’all. 😏


My dad bought my mom a new car for her 40th, in 2000 when I was 16. I'm childless and will never be able to buy a new car in my life, so that's how 40 is for me vs them.


I turn 40 in 6 weeks and always thought there was something special about being born in 1984. Maybe it's that Xennial feeling. As a woman I thought it would be more difficult than it is to see myself aging outside of what is generally considered the "desirable" range. But I feel confident and powerful and I wouldn't go back for a million bucks.


I got carded last night. Feeling pretty good.


I finished my graduate degree this year before I turn 40. So I guess I'm good.


Not too thrilled tbh, lol. But happy I'm blessed with a loving family and having the opportunity to pursue my goals.


I'm healthier and more goal oriented now than I ever was in my 20s or 30s, so I'm not sweatin' it pal.


Not Feeling good about it. Wasted too much time. A year feels like what a month did when I was young.


So QUIT THE NICOTINE!!! I celebrate 1 year nicotine free today!!! I'm not gonna say its easy.... I quit before in 2012 on New Years Day and lasted 5½ years until I got divorced in 2017 and started again.... AFTER 5½YEARS QUIT!!!Talk about being disappointed in myself... (Ironically, 2017 was the year I turned 40) Anyway, I buckled down last new year and did it again. This time I know better than to ever start again, no matter how stressed I get. It doesn't take the stress away. As for turning 40.... I freaked out more when I turned 30. I'll be 47 this year and keep thinking about how 50 is right around the corner...... I guess its all relative. But again, if you wanna quit nicotine, dig down and do it!!! I've done it twice in my life now, I dont plan on ever doing it again. I feel so much better as a non smoker. All around. It takes patience and some good will power, but if you want it you'll get it.


I moved to vaping in 2015 after 15 years of smoking and haven’t touched a cig since. Now it’s time to quit the vaping. Ohio is starting to outlaw flavors so hopefully that’ll help, as much as I think those laws are dumb.


Yeah, I moved to vaping as well, and in my experience from cold turkeying both.... quitting vaping was a much more intense withdrawal. I also vaped the nicotine salts, which are designed to hit your brain faster and more intensely, so it makes sense that the withdrawal would be the same. Also, experiences vary widely between people. Was was hard for me might be a walk in the park for someone else. Just sharing my experience. TL;DR At the end of the day, quitting both cigarettes and vaping cold turkey sucked, but I would say quitting vaping was a more intense withdrawal feeling. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors, if you really want it, you'll get it!! Signed, your neighbor in Pennsyltucky.


Smoked for about as long as you. Vaped a while, rinse/repeat: Quitting really isn’t that bad my dude. 3-5 days of mild discomfort. Smokers who don’t want to quit and tobacco companies have really exaggerated how difficult it is to quit. You can fucking do it I promise you. If you need some mindset help: [How to stop smoking – 10 tips to quit smoking today](https://www.allencarr.com/easyway-stop-smoking/top-tips-to-stop-smoking/) Make a commitment to yourself and pick a day and then just do it. I know you’ll succeed!


I thought I was 38 until I went to the Dr, and she said she was going to schedule me for a mammogram on my birthday. I looked at her and said I wasn't 40 yet. She stopped and said, "Ma'am, you were born in 84, it's going to be 2024, you're currently 39." I must have had a look of fear on my face because she reassured me and said turning 40 isn't a big deal. So... I guess I'm really 39, and I'll be 40 in 3 months. I have a mammogram to look forward to at least!


That reminds me I need to get my wife a date with the boob smasher. Kind of surprised the doc’s office hasn’t called to schedule one already.


I turn 40 the end of this month. I've actually been doing a lot of self-reflection. My youth and fading youth has been a struggle. Last year was about realigning with what feels more me.


Turning 40 in June and I'm fucking stoked. I just keep getting better and making my life better every year, so I'm ready!


I have to say it does feel weird. I remember older relatives turning 40 and thinking that seemed old. Now that I’m turning 40 this year, I’ve realized that I still mentally feel like I did 20 years ago. Physically I’m not much different either, my skin still looks ok, but my hair is graying. I’ve put on extra weight since covid, so I have big plans to be in the best shape I’ve been in before I turn 40 in November.


My wife turned 40 last year and I did the year before. It’s no biggie, really. But I’m starting to be twice the age of some of my coworkers, which is definitely a little weird.


I turned 40 two weeks ago and I was feeling extreme anxiety about the day for the month or two before the 13th... Then the day came and I felt no different. I still feel like I am 25 but I am going to put a huge effort in hitting my goals this year (like paying off my student loans). Age is a number. I still feel young in my heart and my personality. I'm going to enjoy this first year in my 40s.


I'm ready!!


At 40 you're either feeling OK about your life or low key having a crisis. Imo.


Or both at the same time!


I just read this comment and my heart dropped. We do turn 40 this year! I’ve been putting it out of my mind for so long….


I'm looking forward to my Gundy year. "I'M A MAN. I'M 40!


Been telling everyone I'm already 40 for the past 2 years lol. I've discovered when you tell people you're older 1.you always look good for your age 2. You already are in the mindset of being that age. But honestly idgaf at all cuz I'm still having fun


I’m an ‘82 so turned 40 two years ago. Both of my parents had huge parties on their 40th birthdays. I worked and my grandma died. So yeah. Then I got to deal with problematic relatives at the funeral.


I don’t know what you’re talking about. I stopped counting at 21. ![gif](giphy|c7UHczpligPbxR0u1q)


That sequel doesn’t get the credit it deserves.


Are you me? I could have typed this paragraph and it still would be 100% accurate


I’m a December baby so I’m in denial. I am a new 39!


I turn 40 in 18 days. My goals are to slow down and try and enjoy each day, get better at my kick flips, do more creative activities with my kids, and MAYBE go on a vacation.


As an 83 kid, it really wasn’t that bad. I had a costume karaoke party at a local bar. Friends came in from all over and it was a blast.


Well, I’ve thrown out my back enough times to finally feel like it’s time to get my shit together. Besides my broken body I don’t feel like I’m about to turn 40 at the end of January.


I still feel like I’m in my 20s so I ain’t too worried. I feel like 40 gives me some “credibility”


As an 83 kid, it was kinda woah but I had a much harder time turning late 30s....37, 38....those were the ages where I realized wow time really is marching on.


didn’t plan to make it this far. what do.


Having to really up my stretching and self care game to not get aches and pains in joints. I’m a runner and have been able to do limited stretching in the past. Feeling lots of new soreness and aches in the last year. Also metabolism seems to fallen off a cliff in the last year. Otherwise eat well and exercise often.


Honestly it was the first thing I thought about when I woke up this morning. After falling asleep around 9:30 and hearing festivities that woke me up at midnight. I feel like an old fart.


82 kid here. Get your cholesterol checked, and your BP.


I’m starting a new position in 2024 overseeing the team I’ve been apart of since 2019. Two of my colleagues are in their 50s. The other is about my age and we need to hire two new ones. It’ll be an interesting challenge as I’ve done well, and feel confident that I’ve earned their respect, but there is definitely some resentment that I’m leapfrogging them in my career. I also feel confident because I feel like no one knows what’s going and we all just figure it out as we go along. But there’s that part of me, that thinks impostor syndrome the entire time.


How dare you bring that up!


I thought xennials were 77-83.....? Edit, amazing how I get downvoted just for a question where I am displaying confusion. Thought xennials weren't the assholes that millenials are


The sidebar of this very subreddit lists it as 77-84 but the mindset can extend as far as 75-85. As an 84 myself I def feel more connected to the Xennial thing than the outright, younger Millenial thing. I'm sure this is helped by growing up with full-on Gen X siblings and cousins, plus since pop culture usually extends beyond the end of a gen into the next a bit, mid-late 80s Gen X stuff was still popular and relevant for at least half of my childhood. It really wasn't until I was in middle school and all the Gen Xers were starting to graduate high school that my life went full-blown Millenial.


Xennial is a state of mind. Plus millennials just bitch about everything all the time.


Depends on what publication you're reading and when it was published. I've seen Xennials described by several names, covering several different year ranges, even as late as 1985.


The Gen X identity was basically conjured up by MTV and Pepsi. Let’s not turn it into a legal debate.


It isn't a debate. I asked a question. A simple question


Sorry, I shouldn’t have been so quick to think you were gatekeeping. It’s just not very practical to define hard cutoff dates for where our group begins and ends. It depends a lot on how, where and around whom a person grew up.


Thank you. I was always in confusion until xennial came about. 1980 is sometimes on the genX cutoff, and sometimes on the millennial cutoff. Annoyed me honestly.


Same here. Finding out about Xennials was a light bulb moment for me, as I’m sure it was for most of us on the far tail end of Gen X. I think of cutoff dates as a Boomer/core Gen X mentality, hence why I like to encourage our group not to do the same thing. 😂




I think I’m ready. Am I anywhere near where I expected to be by this point? No, but I’m still alive, so the situation doesn’t feel completely hopeless.


I feel better than when I was 20. Getting sober is legit.


I'm an 85 kid but I've really hit my stride recently and the cash is just pouring in at this age. I'd take this any day over my 20s after the great recession.


My wife turned 40 over the weekend, I have a few more months to go.


same as i did turning 39, not a damn thing different


Im not happy about it


Turned 40 last year. 40 is fine, but now, every year going forward, starting in 2024, I will have been over 40. That being said, between kids and work and family, 40 seems fine. I don't have time to worry about all the things that I could be doing or should have been doing. No time for regrets, I have kiddos to take care of and watch as they bloom into the best they can be.


I’m hoping to find a Chuck E Cheese to have my party at, lol


Oh fuck


Im in denial. Everyone in my life thinks I was born in 87 anyway so I bought myself a little more time🫣


If you’re smoking your nicotine and want to stop I’d recommend Allan Carr’s Easyway book. I’m 5 and a half years done with that and it was the best decision I ever made.


I switched from smoking to vaping in 2015 and over the years got down to the lowest level of nicotine. It’ll be tough, but I’m ready for it.


Just my two cents here as a 84 kid, but I don't necessarily mind aging on a personal level as it's part of being human after all. The only possible concern would be social factors like possible ageism as I age for example. Either way, personally, I still definitely feel younger than I am in many ways, even if, at the same time, another part of my brain has felt like an old man since my early 20s (e.g. see the George Carlin bit). Otherwise, I have some regrets like most anyone else, which I can overthink about, and I have some unhappiness where I'm currently at in my life, but I'm also grateful for what I have (e.g. I'm content with my weight, making the switch to ebikes/bicycle, etc.). Also, I like to consider myself cautiously optimistic, even if I can be a bit cynical, or skeptical as well. So, on that note, while I know we live in uncertain times I'm also relatively hopeful for the future, and that I can accomplish at least some of my goals, if not many of them, in the next year, and beyond.


I’m in a creative field and ageism is a legit fear of mine. I have no concerns about it where I’m working currently, but it things change and I need to find a new job, the older I get the harder it’ll be since I’m not a “young creative” anymore.


I don't care, life suck ass from cradle to grave anyway


I’ll be 40 in a few weeks. I feel good. No meds. Clean bloodwork. Need to drop off about 20lbs of holiday weight. But that’s fine. I have to do that every year! It is slightly depressing that I’ve easily lived more than half my life already. Maybe 30 good years left? Anything after 70 probably won’t be great My kids are growing faster than I’d like. Oldest is already 14 and my youngest is 7. Ugh.


My wife is going to be 40 this year, I really need to throw her a killer party. She outdid herself for my 40th not long ago, was awesome.


I turned 40 in March of 2020, so in some ways feel like it never happened


I'm here for my auntie phase!!


I’ve been rounding up since 37 in my brain so I’m good with it. It doesn’t bother me. Happy to be alive and healthier than I’ve ever been.


It is what it is! Cant stop it from happening. So just gotta make it happen


I’m not upset about it or anything but I have thought about all of the “over the hill” jokes from when I was growing up. I am realizing I have arrived at “the hill.”


Do you call the ‘81 kids boomers now?


There’s a really good salt spray that can eliminate smoking easy. Took me three days. It works but balancing your Ph. Turns out smoking is actually an addiction to the sugar that is burnt and inhaled in the Tabacco. Every time you wanna smoke you just spray it about 3 times under the tongue.


‘84 here as well. You know this, but it’s worth echoing. Leave nicotine behind. I’m watching my 74 year old dad and 70 year old mom struggle with health. Dad takes a trip to the hospital for breathing difficulties once a quarter. He just caught RSV and COVID over Christmas and spent New Years in the ER. Neither can walk a flight of stairs without being totally winded. Everything in their life is made harder by their shit lungs. At least switch to a safer means of consumption, quality of life at the end isn’t good. Trust me. Do this for future you! You got it!


No children an just turned 40. I think I've found the secret of not getting old. Kind of happy I didn't share my drugs. 40 rulz alot more then the teens 20s and early 30s involved a lot shitty decisions but 1 really good one.


Not bad. Turning 30 was rough, and I wasn't expecting that. I feel like 40 isn't so bad though.


You can do it! Leave that nicotine in the past.


Good luck, u/___cats___! For your sake I hope you leave nicotine behind. I've asked friends who smoke if they think they'll smoke forever. They pretty much always say "No!" and very definitively at that. I get mixed responses when I follow up with: "Well then why don't you quit today?" It's not easy but it's simple. Godspeed, OP.


Fucking tired and sick of living through tragedy lol 😆


I’m told once you turn 40, you ascend in to not giving a fuck. I already give less than zero fucks, so I might as well enjoy it


I always had very high hopes for where I’d be at 40. I was on track to it but now things have kind of gone awry. I’m so grateful for my life and have a lot to be thankful for, but ugh.


How you guys feeling I’m a 86 baby and it’s creeping around the corner


38 to 39 felt like a big leap to me.


It's odd, that's for sure. For me the 40's start late next month. Aiming to make it my best year and decade yet. Less force, more flow. More focus, less distraction. Letting go of things that don't serve or had their time, engaging with and having gratitude for what does. Big goal for me is starting a new career. Smaller goals are fitness/health related. One thing I want to improve seems almost like a contradiction but I don't think it is: To be more effective in big responsibilities (more adult) while simultaneously letting go and allowing myself to enjoy life like a 12 year old (more child-like). To be both highly effective and playful. Feel like my 30's were filled with being hard on myself while having minimal effectiveness.


I just quit smoking last year. It sucks but worth it. How do I feel about turning 40? I'm ok with it. Better than not. My sister commented that I'm getting pretty grey. Pops turned 40 in 1997. That is some kinda thought there.... Lol ... Wow. Thanks for that.


I’m 83. It wasn’t a big deal for me. That’s a good goal. I’ve often wanted to start smoking or whatever, but I stayed away from it because of the addiction. With vape pens it’s much worse than before because you can use them just about anywhere.


I don't have negative feelings about it. My life has consistently gotten better as I've gotten older, so I have no complaints. Plus, I'm healthy, so I can still do most of the things I used to do, minus skateboarding. I don't want to injure myself and be out of work. We had a coworker out on fmla for 2 months because of a skating accident, and I hung my boards on the wall after that.


The goal is to be better at 40 than I was at 20. That’s not too hard, I gave up heavy drinking and nicotine in my 30s and started lifting too. Now to get my finances sewed up.


My dad also had a surprise 40th birthday party in 1990! I remember everyone parking their cars around the block.


I hit 40 years ago but I kept thinking about my father’s surprise 40th. They threw him an “Over the Hill” theme and I remember thinking how old that must be and life was half over.


Feeling great!! I had a few health concerns last year that have been taken care of, and I lost 30 of the 50 lbs I needed to lose. A whole bunch of major life changes last year too. So after all the upheaval I'm ready to settle in to a little bit of normalcy and focus on really dialing in my health and fitness and getting those last 20 lbs off me. My husband says that at 40 I'm going to be fitter and hotter than ever! I don't know about that but he's a trainer so I'm choosing to believe him! 🤣 Lmao my feeling great and focusing on health and fitness has been downvoted 🤣


I'm so freaking excited to turn 40 this year! I'm settled, leveling up in my career .... Life is good and 40 is gonna be great!


I turned 41 last year. I feel middle aged but with a youthful spirit an lots of get up and go.


Gray hair is coming in nicely and I'm likely having gallbladder surgery later this year, and my back hurts from picking up kids. So yeah, feeling like kind of an old man.


I’m really enjoying letting shit go of stress lately and getting deeper into all my hobbies, I think 40s is gonna be dope. But also my back hurts.