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My siblings and I loved Karate Kid *because* we all did karate. That being said, Cobra Kai is incredible and it makes all 3 movies *better*.


Agreed. CK is very well written. They somehow perfectly balance: just enough 80s cheese + deep characters + plot lines you actually care about.


I think you may be in denial about revisiting your childhood if you’re in the group and making this post. 😁


I didn’t write that sentence out very well. I meant I only like the versions I know. So the og movies. But u may consider Cobra Kai. I love our nostalgia and this sub


No but it's where I learned to use chopsticks


I'm still doing martial arts today. Two black belts in different styles of Tae Keon Do and now actually trying Shotokan Karate. Still love it.


Love that. I did Tae Kwon Do and I did tai chi which I loved the most


My wife wishes I would stop watching Karate Kid lol. Every time it's on, I find myself watching it. Definitely took karate a lessons for a minute bc of the movie. Enjoy Cobra Kai. Cheesy but the nostalgia is great. Johnny cracks me up.


True story: Saw Karate Kid when I was about 9 and had a fight with a bully the following week. The odd thing was I let him throw me to the ground several times like at the start of the movie, intentionally letting him win. A lady came along and broke it up. That evening, I went to the library and checked out 2 books on Karate, expecting that after a week of studying the pictures I'd be able to have a rematch, waste him, and, like, everyone would cheer and stuff. Of course, I learned almost nothing from those books, and never even had another fight with that guy. Later, when we ever met as teenagers he would bring up how he had battered me and I was too embarrassed to admit I'd thrown the fight intentionally in a bid to reenact the storyline of a movie in real life.


Cobra Kai is the sequel I never knew I needed. It makes the movies so much better.


I may try it. I watched one and two but couldn’t sit through three.


It was TMNT and happenstance that my cousin was in karate and when I found out, I wanted in. Turned out that the karate organization that I became a part of was headed by Fumio Demura, who was Pat Morita's stuntman and good friend. I love the Cobra Kai series. And Yuji has visited our dojo a couple times and Sean Perlman came from our dojo and was how he got into karate kid 3.


I loved the Karate Kid 1 & 2, and really wanted to take lessons. Unfortunately couldn’t afford lessons until I went off to college and learned Shotokan karate. Now working on my dream to master the weapons the Ninja Turtles used. Surprisingly I actually like using sais, but Raphael was my least favorite Ninja Turtle growing up since he was always so angry. Now I can relate to him more. lol