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My grandma is 104. She could go any day now but we have been saying that for 10 years.


My 94yo grandmother got mad at me for buying her a toothbrush multipack. She said she’d be dead before she could use them all. I believe her, but only because she is so cheap she won’t change them out until someone makes her so they could last for a long while.


my mom says stuff like this (shes like 75 and her mom was 94 when she passed). i just tell her “oh i know, im taking the rest back after you kick off, take care of it”


Yup! My Grandfather just turned 89 and the only birthday wishlist item we could get out of him was "new underwear to be buried in." 🤦‍♀️


🤣 she’s awesome




My partner's grandma passed only a couple years ago at 103. Shortly before she died, she had told her daughter (partner's mom), "103 is plenty." I really hope that when I get toward my end, I can accept it as gracefully as she did.


I tell people now with how the first 40 years went for me, I'm good with about 40 more. No need to take on another 50-60 😅


Funeral last Saturday…. I had a great grandmother till bout 2015 she was just over 101…. I gotta quit smokin’


My grandma has passed but her twin sister is still kicking it at 104. She’s survived Covid like 3 times too.


My grandmother will be 101 this summer


My grandfather has been saying it since his cardiac episode when he was 66. He is 81 now.


Cherish her! My grandma lived to be 103 and died the day my son was born. She was my last living grandparent and I loved her so damn much. Every day is a gift!


My nana is 101 🙏


My grandma is 102. We've also been saying the same thing for 10 years. 😂


I wish. God, how I wish. I am so happy to see that a lot of you still have grandparents that are with us! Cherish every moment. 💖


Yep. I think of my mother's parents every day of my life, and they've been gone for 24 and 20 years respectively. When I die, heaven for me would be an eternal Friday night in summer at Nana and Papa's house.


Saturday night dinner at grandma's, but her meals appear like magic so she doesn't have to labor.


A comment that brought a tear to my eye…


They were awesome, and it was a type of love that I'll never feel again. They were Italian and had every quality that people love about Italians, namely the warmth and intense commitment to family. I spent every weekend with them out of choice, and my mom's old room was my bedroom. I've gone back and forth over the years with what I believe faith-wise, but I will say, the hope of seeing them when I die definitely keeps me tethered to Christianity.


Same here. My grandmother went 13 years ago. I miss her every day.


I was always short a grandparent because my dad’s mom died of breast cancer at 37 (and I got it at 40. Yay genetics). I’m fortunate to still have my grandpa at 93. I lost my grandma when I was 30. She was my world. I miss her every single day. I definitely know how lucky I am to have grandpa. Grandparent and grandchild relationships are genuinely the most special relationships. I’m sorry for anyone who never got to experience that. It’s a parent… but all love very little punishment.


I wish, too. My last grandparent passed away 20 years ago at the ripe old age of 94.


My nonna is turning 99 in 2 1/2 weeks. She's still ambulatory and sharp as a tack. My kids love her


I did until last year. My paternal grandma passed away at 97 last summer. I miss my grandparents.


I lost my grandpa at 96 last year. He was my last grandparent. I miss our Sunday afternoon phone calls. We did a weekly call so he could talk to his grand kids. And he was so excited to learn about FaceTime a few years ago. Was our only way to really see him living far away.


My last one died late last year. Recommend calling her. Even if you feel you have nothing to talk about, even if you get anxious, call her or visit. I was able to visit her 3 weeks before she got sick and passed away. I got Covid when she was ill and couldn’t see her in the hospital. Looking back, my only wish was that I wasn’t so anxious about calling and being on the phone alone.


The advice “call your parents, they miss you” has always stuck with me (I thought it was maybe a line from everybody’s free to wear sunscreen, but I checked and it isn’t so who knows), and now I’m a parent I get it so much more.  My kids haven’t left home yet, but when they do I’m going to miss them so much, just getting a call every so often to hear from them will be wonderful, I imagine this extends very much to grandkids - you love them in the same way, and will never see as much of them as you did your own kids, but that desire to hear from them and just maintain contact will never go away.


I have one grandparent alive at 97, but she might as well be dead since she has end stage dementia and is only here to pay off the doctor’s bmw loan. That may sound harsh, but I would have her in hospice so she can be with my grandfather again. She’s had a wonderful life. 


I’m sorry you’re going through this. I had the same with both my maternal grandparents. Was the hardest thing watching them go through that and forgetting people.


(Just outside of Xennial range 1975) My grandfather, grandmother, and mom all had dementia. It’s touched every single decade of my life so far. I **completely** understand what you are saying. I felt like my mom was whole again when she died. (End stage dementia should qualify for hospice. If family is resistant, frame it as hospice provides extra help [some nurse/aide time], regular items like diapers, and even equipment like wheelchairs and hospital beds. *Especially* for dementia, it’s less of a “six month” thing like it used to be.)


I don't even have any parents alive still.


Me either - I’ve also lost three uncles. My family is not long-lived.


That's rough! ❤




My grandma turns 100 this year


Just one. My maternal grandmother is 93.


Just one. My grandfather is 94 and still kicking.


I had one grandpa left when Covid started. He died during the Delta wave, 4 months shy of turning 94.


Yep, me too💗


Just one.. my Mamaw is 91 and is currently in a rehabilitation center for a broken hip.. she’s pissed because she’s not at home. She’s a tough old bird and I wish I could see her more. But my job is MFr😒😒


Even if you can’t see her, call her. You can’t turn back time once she’s gone.


Grams left us just about this time last year. She was 101.


Just one left for me, my grandpa is 95.


Just my grandmother. She's 92 and still lives on her own.


I’m sorry you’re a wheelchair lol


At least they are doing well as a wheelchair. Could be crutches.




My paternal grandparents both passed in their 70’s. Seemed very young but I also lost an uncle in his 50’s. My dads side being fairly young saddens me as my dad is only 62 and in bad health. He doesn’t think he’ll make it to 70.


My paternal grandma is 93 and still lives in her home, but luckily my parents and most of my dad's siblings live nearby and my dad visits her daily, as does one of his sisters. I visited my hometown a month or so ago and to me she seems pretty good for 93.


I'm about as old as a Xennial can be, but my grandpa (the only grandparent still alive) just turned 88. I'm 49


I too have one grand that is 39 years older than me. It's crazy thinking I'm older than some of my grandparents were when I was born.


Just one, my maternal Grandmother who is 96 and Amazing.


They're all gone. Step grandmother died about 2 years ago


Wife does. She’s 92 but still moves and acts like she’s 50. Lost my last grandmother before Covid. She was 94.


One. My grandma is 96.


Me grandparents had kids late and so did my parents so i havent had grandparents for quite a while. The nice thing is that bith sides lived withing 10 minutes drive of our house growing up so we got to see them all the time as children.


All 3 that I've grown up with. One grandpa is 91, grandma is 87. They live in the same house they've been in since 1954, and still do road trips together. My other grandma is 88 or so, and doing well living in her own home with her man of 30+ years. My dad's dad died when he was 17, so never met that grandpa On the other hand, my boyfriend has none, not since the 90s or early 00s.


Not since middle school. No parents either, cancer is a motherfucker.


Nope, it’s been awhile too. I had a moment of confusion because I’m so used to calling my parents “Pap Pap and Meemaw,” because kids. Wait a second, they aren’t MY grandparents!


Paternal grandmother is still alive and in her late 80s.


Biologically, no, but my mom’s stepmom is still alive. Does that count?


If you have a good relationship with her. I’d say yes.


My last surviving grandparent passed away two months ago, five days before her 103rd birthday.


All my grandparents were alive until 2 weeks ago I lost my maternal grandfather


I am sorry for your loss. We’re unusual to both have so many grandparents still with us. I still have all of them. My parents were still teenagers when I was born and my grandparents were all pretty young then too.


Thank you. My parents were 18 and 19 when I was born. I was lucky to have all my grandparents til I was 41


My parents too! Our parents are generational cuspers just like us


I have a grandmother still here too. She's 90 now and does great! My grandfather passed about 19 years ago and we worried that Grandma wouldn't make it through that but she persevered and has does great over the last 2 decades...she was a volunteer classroom grandma at a local elementary school for several years, was a volunteer at the local hospital, and kept busy. Those kinds of things gave her purpose and has kept her going.


My grandma turned 99 in February!


Never knew any of my grandparents. They all died before i was 3


My husband’s grandma is, just turned 93 (and he’s 48!) mine all passed a while ago. My maternal grandfather was 99 when he passed in 2003!


No they're all long dead. My maternal grandfather died of Alzheimer's when I was five.I would go over to my grandparent's apartment and be a kid, I needed something to do but if I touched anything in the apartment he would have screaming/throwing fits and I would have to sit outside for an hour listening to them. My maternal grandmother died when she was about 101, and I was probably in my mid twenties. My paternal grandparents, died about a year apart from each other when I was seventeen and eighteen.


Grandparents are dead.. I wish my son could have had a relationship w/ them


My last grandma passed when she was a month from 98. I was 40. But my step great grandmother is still going at 100. 


One on the wife’s side. 98 and declining however. My last one died 20ish years ago.


My grandmother is 93 and still lives on her own on the family farm.


I have 2 grandma’s left. I had the realization that my grandparents were younger than I was when I was born a year ago and it kind of shocked me.


Only one grandmother, who had my mom as a teen. Grandma will be 83 this year!


Nah, they all died before I turned 20, never met my grandfather's and didn't have much of a relationship with my grandmother's


Two. Both on my mom’s side.


Maternal Gma is alive, but I don’t think any of us except for my mom have spoken to her in years. She lives in another state (less than an hour away) and has refused to come to us since our kids were born (now in college), we played the game for a few years but aren’t as accommodating as our parents were, and eventually kind of lost touch. We all made our choices I guess.


Yeah my maternal grandmother is alive and she is NOT nice. She lives by us and I try to be civil and my mom still goes and helps out but she makes it REALLY hard. She tries to act all godly but constantly starts stuff and just says really nasty and mean things. People who don't know her think she's the sweetest thing ever.


I lost both my grand mas last year.


My wife has a living grandmother in her late 80s. My grandparents are all gone, though I do have a great aunt who just turned 100!


One. My grandfather is 95. I also have great aunts, his sisters 98 and 100. Still bopping around. My aunt Monica hasn’t changed in decades, except she gave up driving her car 2 years ago when she moved into a retirement home. But their parents were the exact same way.


I lost my last, my Nana, 2.5 years ago. She was 102!


Man, I wish. My last one passed when I was 13.


Wow... I, too, am down to one grandma who is 92. She uses a walker but scoots around pretty well for her age.


Two living grandmothers. Both 87. Both sassy


My grandfather just turned 88 yesterday. Lots of great memories at his place on a lake with my cousins amd the rest of the family. Its sad to see him loosing his memory like he is, my uncle has been his caretaker, and it is starting to overwhelm my uncle.


My Grandma is 95 -- she is hanging in there.


Yup just turned 92 and still ballin'.


Nope. Last one passed 10 years ago. What's weird is that I'm now the same age as my grandmother was when I was born, 47. She was a tough old bird. Smoked a pack a day every single day of her life from a teenager until she was 80+ and only quit the last 2-3 years of her life because she had to go into an assisted living home.


Nope. My last grandparent died 20 years ago.


Most of my grandparents were gone by the time I was born. The one grandmother I knew died in 2012. She was 91.


I haven’t had any living grandparents for over 13 years now. One of my grandfathers passed away before I was even born. I wish I had been closer to them all and had the opportunity to know them as an adult.


Mine died in the ‘90’s. I would’ve liked to get to know them when I was an adult.


Man I wish I still had my grandparents. I miss them, lost my last one in 2016.


I have one grandfather still alive at 91. My other grandfather passed away last summer at 100. My grandmothers passed away in 1997 and 2019. I feel very fortunate to have known all of my grandparents and three of my great grandparents.


I am down to 1 of six. Stepdad is 70, his Dad is 93. Grandma past away recently. My paternal grandparents are long gone, but they were born in 1917. My maternal grandparents are gone now, too. Lost grandpa in 2013. Dementia took grandma's mind years before her body gave out she passed like 2 years ago.


Yah my paternal grandfather was born in 1902 there was no way he’d be still alive now.


Last one died in 2019


I wish. I honestly thought my grandmother might outlive us all. Covid is awful. She made it to 83 and passed on her birthday a couple of years back. It was soul crushing. Make sure you give your grandparents all the love you can while you still have them.


Granny- Stroke at 72 died at 80 Gramps- Stroke at 57 died at 62 (had undiagnosed hemochromatosis) Pop Pop- died at 68 Nana- Alive 86 (1937)


1 grandma 87 very good health lives on her own near my dad (her son) & my aunt (her daughter) both.


My WWII Battle of the Bulge Grandpa is still kickin. I just lost 2 grandparents last year.


My grandma is 85


My great grandma is still alive and almost 100. I also have a grandfather who is still alive and doing well.


Yep! One left. Until last summer, I still had 3. My great-great grandmother died when I was three, so my family seems to live forever.


I have one grandmother. She had kids young and so did my mom. But she’s a gambling addict that even at an adolescent age I could feel the weird vibes she puts off. Terrible cook, rarely ever came to family events, holidays or birthdays. I lost the grandparents I love dearly when I was still a teen. The one left is just someone running a facebook page from my perspective.


One grandfather. He never smoked and did pushups every day until he got COVID. He's been weakened by it several times but is still trucking along, shaking his fist at immigrants, in his nineties.


One left. She’s 92 and could easily live an another 10 years. Lives inseparably in her home and still drives (not at night). I had four wonderful grandparents. Three of them got to know my own kid. Pretty special.


I just celebrated my grandma’s 97th birthday last month 🥰 she’s actually a great-great grandmother


Yes she is 89 and still insists on making most of the Thanksgiving dinner. She said my black eyed peas are good and Im gonna brag about that forever


Hey u/gnarlslindbergh , as long as you keep yourself well-oiled, refrain from overexposure in the elements, and have someone change out your wheels once they wear down, you can likely outlive all humans and still be a very useful wheelchair! On topic, no, they've all passed. I have two paternal aunts still living, one is 91 the other 93 or 94.


My son's great great grandmother is still alive.


Now that you mention it.... no. I don't. My wife has one...and I think that woman is part cockroach or something. She just won't go.


Yep, one. She’s turning 98 next month and her grandkids are throwing her a party. She’s outlived three of her kids, including my mother, and is in extraordinary shape. She still walks 3-4 miles most days and can wear her 4 inch stilettos on special occasions.


Is your grandma Baddie Winkle or something?? That’s amazing!


I have one. My grandpa who is my personal hero. He turns 99 on the 19th. He lives at home with his second wife. He is totally independent minus not driving anymore. He walks, talks, cooks dinner, tells stories from fighting in WWII, shoots pool with his 70’s-something sons at the corner bar. He is smart as a whip. My grandpa was a well known family practice physician in our area thanks to a unique last name. Prior to family medicine he was the county medical examiner. He lives in the same house he and his wife bought in 1983 and they’ve hosted thanksgiving for 35 years and I haven’t missed a single one. When my childhood went to shit he took me in. Well into his 70s he moved my 14 year old teenage girl self into his home. He has a lot of local fans and I cannot wait to see what kind of 100th birthday party crowd he draws. He seems immortal. I love him beyond measure and will be devastated when he eventually passes.


My last living grandparent is 101 and is "livin’ it up with her soulmate in a hot tub." For real, she smokes L&M INDOORS and still takes care of her garden. Her recent fascination is with her bird feeder. She’s so frickin’ cute. Hard of hearing, but still of sound mind— she does repeat stories, but I do that all the time and my partner is always rolling their eyes and exasperated, “You already told me about new intern Brianna…” This is she last summer. https://preview.redd.it/36jyg8081btc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7eda23cd03968b034cc9485048016ac0aa82a9a


Yes, just one sadly. If it weren't for the pandemic I imagine the number would have been higher.


All of my grandparents were dead by 1999.


my last one was gone in april 1997. all the other 3 were already gone by the very early 80s .. some died like 50 years ago..


I just lost my last living grandmother in September. She was 89, just days away from turning 90. I miss her so much!


My maternal grandfather passed away 6 weeks ago he was 93 and this has been the hardest few weeks of my life. It sucks. I still have my maternal grandma (90) who is my absolute world, and my paternal grandfather (96) but he’s an asshole and i have almost no relationship with him.


Nope. Paternal grandparents, grandma died when I was 17. Grandpa, we didn’t meet until I was 10, so not as close to him and step granny, he died around 15 years ago. My maternal grandparents it’s been 12-15 years for them. They were toxic AF and as harsh as this sounds, glad they’re dead. If you want to judge me go ahead lol, but I promise I can give reasons to why they deserve these feelings!


Lost my last one last year, she was 100


Between my wife and I we're down to 1 - she's 94 but dementia is starting to take a bigger toll over the past year or so.


My last grandparent died 11 years ago at 84. My wife’s gram died a few years ago at 97. We are fresh out of the silent gen here.


I have one remaining, she’s 97.


My grandparents died before I was even born.


Paternal grandmother still going at 94. Lost 2 during the pandemic at 98 and 99 and my maternal grandfather earlier at 102.


My paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother are still alive and living on their own in their mid 90s. I think it helps that they are both physically active and take care of themselves. Their spouses died younger because they were sedentary and overweight. It is a huge motivation for me to take better care of my body.


My last living grandparent died in 2021 just shy of his 92nd birthday. Before that, they died in 1998, 2007, and 2008 at 79, 86 and 84 or so. I wasn’t super close to my last grandparent, but we cared about one another and I was sad when he went. My eldest aunt just passed last week at 86 and she was the nearest thing I’ve had to a grandmother for years. It’s a sobering realization to know that we’re entering the stage where funerals are ramping up as weddings and baby showers ramp down.


Yep…she’s 92, was 51 when I was born. Has dementia, still remembers me. And is in a wheel chair (just spent six months getting her a be one). Generally speaking she’s doing pretty well. And without the dementia would have been doing great! But sadly big stressors really progressed the disease… Losing my father when he was in his sixties to cancer, Covid shutdowns, and losing her boyfriend of fifty years was a lot to take on. And seemed to really hurt her cognitive vitality.


Lost the last one in 2020. He survived mesothelioma in his 60s, multiple heart attacks in his 70s and 80s and died at 94.


I (37m)Just visited my grandparents for spring break. They're in their mid 80s and my 13yo son really connected with my grandfather. It was awesome. Both are cancer survivors and live without assistance. Very sharp still mentally and even though they have different political views, we were able to have a brief yet productive conversation about things and how we viewed them differently. I really admired one comment my grandfather made along the lines of "I have my opinions but the world has passed me by and it's you guys turn to make the decisions."


My grandparents: Maternal grandfather: born 1900, died 1960 Maternal grandmother: born 1913, died 1982 Paternal grandfather: born 1908, died 1981 Paternal grandmother: born 1912, died 1990 So one grandparent I never knew, and two died when I was very young. I believe I understood what death meant when my grandfather died: he was no longer here and I would never see him again.


Nope! Not for about 5-6 years now. My mother’s side is long lived but the last two generations didn’t have kids early, so my grandmother on that side was in her 60s when I was born.


I am 47 and have one grandparent left. I also have a granddaughter. 5 generations.


I haven’t had a living grandparent since age 9. I’m 46, but I was the youngest child by 8 years and my parents were in their 30’s when I came along. We all lived in the Midwest, and my grandparents weren’t the healthiest of all folks - cancer took 3, and heart attack took my paternal grandmother last.


Had all 4 until 2 years ago - only one left. He’s a huge Chiefs fan, so I think he’ll live as long as Mahomes can play lol


Both granddads are still with us, one is 94 this year and the other 104. The 95 year old still "works", has a hobby that's basically paying him as well. The other has started to rapidly decline in the last year.


No I sure wish so. If you do, you are truly blessed. Miss mine every single day.


That would be awesome but I wasn’t that lucky. Hopefully those of you who are spend some time with them! My family dies young


Neither set are alive. Dad's parents were born in 1928 (granddad) and 1933 (grandmom) and mom's were born 1918 (granddad) and 1920 (grandmom). I didn't even meet my mom's parents, they both died before I was born, with my Nana dying 2 months before I was born. My dad's parents are the only one's I knew and could conceivably be still alive, but they were gone by 2019. Given their health and where they were living at the time of their deaths, if they made it to 2020, I doubt either would have survived COVID.


3 of mine are still around. Both grandmothers (90, 92) and my maternal grandfather (94). My paternal grandfather passed away due to leukemia in 1980 before I was born. I also knew three of my great-grandparents.


I haven't had a grandparent since I was 24! My husband was born in 76 and still has a grandma alive.


Both grandmother's are alive. Not necessarily thriving, but doing alright. I lost both grandpa's within a year of each other.


Damn so many of you are lucky! My grandparents died in 1986, 1989, 1992 and 2001


I still have both of my grandfathers. Both in their 90s and still living independently


Nope, my last grandparent died over a decade ago


My last grandparent passed away almost 10 years ago. From the looks of it, by summer, I will have no close maternal family at all.


My grandparents were born in 1914, 1918, 1922, and 1922. As you might surmise, no. My mom was the youngest of 8, and my dad the 4th of 5.


No, my last grandparent passed a few years back in her late 90s. My father passed in 2005. But I also remember one of my great grandmas who lived until the early 90s and died at 96.


One - he’s 98 and somehow dodged the reaper 3 times after multiple heart attacks. He’s all there mentally though.


My grandfather on my mother's side died when she was 16. My grandmother on that side is still alive, though suffering from dementia On my dad's side, they've both passed away. Over a decade for my grandmother and just under forn my grandfather.


no... most of mine passed away before I was born. they were all born 1900-1906. my last grandmother passed away when I was 12.


No, I don’t even have parents that are still alive.


One Grandma left, she will turn 85 this year


My grandparents are alive, and still living on their own, late 80s. They have lots of health issues and I wish I could visit them more. My mom and her brothers visit and help out often. My wife's grandma just turned 92 and she's sharp. She moved to an apartment, but I think she's on her own. All her kids come over to spend time and help.


Two of my four died when I was still a kid. Another when I was about 30, but she'd dealt with severe dementia for about a decade prior. My mom's dad lived to be a pretty healthy 92 though, and he passed away about five years ago. He had two different marriages last over 30 years (my grandmother and his second wife) and outlived both of them. That's a rare accomplishment.


My last living one will be 86 this year.


Dad’s mom is still here. His father died in ‘88, two weeks short of my fifth birthday. Mom’s father died in ‘98. Her mother died six or seven years ago.


My grandma just turned 90 a week or two ago. She’s in frail health, unfortunately


I'll be 40 in 2 months, and I still have 1 grandmother who will be 96 in September. My husband is 38 with 1 grandfather, 86. His other grandmother is much much younger at 78. I'm so thankful we still have them, and our kids can know them.




My last living grandparent passed away in February at 102.


Glad to hear all of you who make a point to connect with your grandparents. I went from four alive to one in less than a year. They appreciate the smallest gestures and have great stories


My last grandparent passed in September of 23 and she was 84. My dad is 17 years older than my mom so my paternal grandparents were gone a while before my maternal grandmother passed


My maternal grandmother is alive.


Both my grandmothers are still alive. One is 95, the other 91. The older one lives with my aunt and uncle. The younger one has more trouble walking and lives in an assisted living facility because she's such a fall risk. But two of my aunts live less than 10 minutes away and see her nearly daily.


Nope :(


My step-grandmother is alive (born in 1935) but we’re not close. I miss my maternal grandmother, died in 2003. She was my oma (Dutch word for grandma) and my mum is a lot like her. I’m so glad my daughter gets to have a real oma, like I did 🥲


If my grandparents were alive they’d be 130, 128, 118, and 117.


My grandmother died last year at 100. She was not a great person, but my other biological grandparents died at 44, 48, and 55 - so I’d like to get her longevity …


I lost my last one last week. Maternal grandmother, a month before her 87th birthday


My grandfather is 89. My parents were wicked young when I was born and even though one of my grandmothers died before I was born, all 3 of the others lived well into my adulthood.


Hell no. Not even parents or Aunts and Uncles. I don’t have anyone left but one sister. I lost 2 sisters, my Mom, an Aunt and an Uncle in 5 years. Dad left me in my 30s. I’m close to 50. It really sucks.


Dads parents died before I was born. Moms dad died in 07 moms mom died in 2014. Mom in 22. Dad had leukemia but survived.


Both of my maternal grandparents are alive. Grandpa is 90, Grandma is about 85. Grandma was 42 when I was born, my age now. I am not even a mom, the idea of being a grandma is insane to me.


One grandma, 86.


Good grandpa just turned 90. Compulsive gambler but has 3 girlfriends at the retirement village and is unstoppable at dominoes. Evil Granpa also turned 90. Slumlord who hoards wealth with his "other family" but apparently a decorated Korean war hero. Both of them are Mets fans lol!


Both of my maternal grandparents. Love them to pieces. Grandpa is 89 and Grandma is 86. They're doing great considering their age.


No not even my parents. Thank cigarettes.


Not me, my last (and youngest) grandparent passed away 12 years ago, she would have been 100 this year. My husband (‘85 baby, younger than me) still has a living grandmother. She’s around 85. It blew my mind when we started dating (17 years ago) all of his grandparents were still alive, whereas only one of mine were. Just goes to show differences in age of child bearing. Most of my family had children a bit later in life while his tended to be a bit earlier. His living grandmother was married at 16 and had her first child at 18.


My grandparents were relatively young when I was born, so 3 of them are still alive. My dad's mom is 89, my mom's dad is 82, and my mom's mom is 79. My dad's dad died before I was born but would be 99 if he were still alive. My dad died 7 years ago, but otherwise I have only lost great-grandparents at this point.


No, my grandparents were in their 60s when I was born ( My parents had me in their late 30s) so they died in the 90s.


The last one kicked at 99, like 2 weeks before her 100th. Had the whole fuckin party planned and everything. Burried her on her 100th instead.


My mom's mom (my hero) will be 89 in August.  I'm going to have a hard time when she goes!  Whenever my depression gets bad, she's always quick to remind me that I'm loved, I do have things to be grateful for, and it will get better.   She's a tough old lady; had to raise 5 kids basically by herself while my grandpa served overseas. I guess I should count my mom's stepmother as a grandma because she technically is, but I've had trouble calling her that since I've grown up.  She was my grandma's best friend who had an affair with my grandpa.   Eventually, my grandparents got divorced, which prompted my grandma to stay in a mental institution for a while. And here's the type of person my grandma is: she's forgiven my mom's stepmom and they're friends again.


My grandpa raised me. Lived to be 97. I miss him everyday and wish only that I spent more time with him the last few years. We don’t think about it as much now, with photos, videos, and the web. But our oral traditions of our ancestors are what keep them alive years after they’re gone. “I never got to meet him, but my great grandfather was a whip of man!”.


I lost my last grandparent a year ago. She was 97. My husband has one grandmother left who is 89. I was incredibly lucky in that all four of my grandparents were alive until I was 25. Had at least one grandparent alive until the age of 43. My oldest cousin was in his 50s when our grandmother (I'm assuming she was his last grandparent) passed away.