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Nice try, internet. Leave no evidence.


We ( my family and their friends) spent months/the year leading up to Y2K stockpiling food and survival books/tools, you name it. They got so into it they were buying bulk ( I’m talking pallets) of different grains, beans, miso, all types of non perishables. They also bought hundred of 5 gallon buckets along with the machine that vacuum sealed the tops to divy up al the food between the families. They were convinced the world was going to end. So naturally, I spent Y2K in my living room with my mom and my very tired younger siblings waiting for the inevitable collapse of society. When none of that happened my mom simply was like “ well, we won’t ever have to buy rice or beans again”. None of the crazy preparation we spend a year doing was ever mentioned again. Edit: spelling


Omg that’s crazy. I knew that was a thing but never actually met someone. Not sure how old you were but did they have you terrified?


Not really. I grew up in a super strict, but kinda weird hippy( ish) family and I knew from a very young age that what we did, how we ate and the beliefs I was taught weren’t anything close to mainstream society. By the time Y2K rolled around I was old enough to know to be skeptical of whatever came out of my parents mouths. Sure there was a part of me that was like “ maybe this can happen? Mayyyyybbbee?”. But I also thought that in the unlikely event that it did, we’d be ok. We had food for years ( I’m not kidding when I say we stockpiled a lot. I know for a fact my mom still has at least a couple of those vacuum sealed buckets in her basement). I knew how to grow food, identify wild plants, find water in nature , sew. My parents made sure I knew how to take care of myself if shit went down. I just wanted to smoke pot and hang out with my friends though. So the “ inevitable collapse of society” was more annoying than anything.


Don’t fret. We could very much still witness the collapse of society! And you’ll be ready


Obviously not my business, but I’m curious how your family handled the things that came later like 9/11 or Covid. Do they still have alt beliefs or did they get more mainstream?


Can’t remember exactly but as this was senior year in high school there’s a pretty good chance that Zima and somebody’s basement were involved.


Same but I was probably on ecstasy 😂


I 100% was, but not in a basement


lol. Zima or Smirnoff Ice. And 100% a basement. Crazy shit always happened in the basement.


Same. Mickey’s and blackberry brandy for me. Definitely passed out on a cold floor and had to use some couch cushions as a blanket.


It’s not Zima, but I was 17 and worked at a place that had cases of Seagrams wine coolers and I was able to stash two cases in the woods during my shift (my boss was very forgetful and I knew he had no idea how many there were). I spent NYE y2k driving to a few different parties and selling/giving away wine coolers


zima still existed? 😮 for some reason i never remember it. i recall smirnoff ice and those little jack daniel’s punch more.


Zima with jolly rancher in it!?! Tasty stuff!


Phish Big Cypress




Big paper airplanes in trees.


Say it like you’re pissed…


The drive home to chicago was the hardest thing Ive ever accomplished in my lifetime.


We drove straight back to sw PA


Stoped at a buddies house near Daytona after the shows, slept like 14 hours. Then drove straight through to Lexington KY.


Me too!


My wife (we were engaged at the time and in our early 20s) was working 3rd shift at a juvenile delinquency center and I had approval to be there with her. So, I welcomed the new millennium with a bunch of juvenile delinquents.


I bet y’all had a blast!!


It wasn't very eventful due to the rules, but everyone was cool.


Getting myself knocked up 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄😂 My daughter was born September 2000 💁🏼‍♀️


Lol, same. Except that I was maybe a week knocked up running around a club with a bottle of champagne. She just graduated college, so she’s fine, lol.


Good job momma! My girl also just graduated university and my younger son is in 3rd year Engineering. Young moms can do it right too! xx


I was in ecstasy at a massive rave called Together As One. That’s all I remember.


I went to bed.


Yep.. home for me


Was at terrible party. My friend and I bailed. Stopped at 7-11 on the way home and New Years hit while we were hanging out in the parking lot. I know, pretty exciting...


My street had a big party and I was in charge of babysitting all the kids, but they still wanted the kids to be part of it so it was me and a bunch of little kids kind of going house to house and eating snacks. I also remember them setting up speakers in the street and playing Prince's 1999 really loudly, and all of us going out to the street to sing and dance along with that. Then the evening got late and all the parents were really drunk so I brought all the kids back to the house that we had set up for the kids to sleep in and put them to bed and watched tv. I remember how my friends were divided between the people that were going to go out partying and the people that were going to be babysitting to make money and I was pretty psyched that I got to do both, and in a way that let me have a really good reason for leaving the parties early. (I'm autistic and at a certain point I'm just done with people, so having an excuse to leave a party is my favorite thing.)


I was running through the streets of Bologna. Speakers around Piazza San Petronio were blasting Under Pressure. I was a mess. It was beautiful.


At a Phish concert. One of the best nights of my life


Sounds like an upstate NY new years lol I was a lot of them but not on new years but I was 16 at Clifford’s ball where I’m from in Plattsburgh ny


This one was at Big Cypress in Florida, but I did also go to the big festival in Oswego NY that year! Those were the days


I had turned 20 that year. On mushrooms in a field in middle TN watching friends bands play music for that NYE.


Now that sounds like a lovely NYE. Way better than my dumb college party.


Close to me. In muscle shoals on mushrooms at a river party.


Mingling with friends wearing formal attire for a new year's dinner party aboard a ship in the Sea of Galilee in Israel.


I was a teenager and not let out of my house (not because of y2k but my mother didn’t allow me out on NYE until after I was 18). I probably spent it in my room watching tv.


Big Cypress Indian Reservation


Me too!


There’s definitely two stories here


Oh yes there are. It was insane.




Massive three day Phish festival. ‘Twas insane


Read the book!


At a college party, waiting for the world to end. Why not party if it’s your last day on earth 😂


Partying like it was 1999


Yours really is the best answer.


I was surprised it hadn’t been said already


I was party jumping with my then girlfriend. At midnight we were just leaving a party and the guy who owned the house flipped the lights off and scared everyone else inside. It was funny to hear them all scream. Lol


Big Fucking Cypress, baby!! CHEESECAKE!!!


Lots of us in here.


Makes me happy :)))


I really want to hear you guys exchange stories


Indianapolis at a party full of graffiti writers. Slummy apartment complex clubhouse.


I had just turned 21 and threw a huge party. Most of the people there were people I didn’t even know. We danced on my roof. It was truly wild and so much fun.


Pontiac Silverdome. Metallica concert


At a phish show, in the Everglades. I miss those days….


Phish. Big Cypress FL


https://preview.redd.it/2fjb3ccn0pyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb6495c58b9016eab7aaf5418d376be45797d32a I was where the universe wanted me.


Several of my friends went to NYC but the rest of us stayed home and partied per usual. I was 20 at the time.


Stopped at a party for a drink with some friends and then went to work (bartending) from 11pm-4am.


On E when the clock struck midnight at Buzz/Capitol Ballroom in DC


Me too! Tried to find the flyer because I can’t remember who was there that night.


Found it https://preview.redd.it/iyrj3jg97vyc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=70f410e1bce30f28df860e20f39504d5ab955dc2


At a dumb college party when I should have been seeing Phish in Florida.


I was 16 at home with my parents listening to the local radio station’s countdown of the top 102 songs of 1999.


It was Much Music’s countdown for me (Canada).


Brooklyn, wildin out


Recently turned 21, worked a deal with an owner of a local Chinese restaurant who let my friends and I pay $50 per person for all you can drink. Even let my 19-year-old girlfriend in, LOL. What a deal.


I turned 19 on 1-1-2000. I was in college at the time, but living in the dorms, so I was back in my hometown for the holiday break. I had a job at the local internet provider, and had keys to the building. So me and a couple friends spent the night having a LAN party.


Partying at George Holzhauers house, senior year of high school.


18, working a shift at the movie theater. Reassuring coworkers that nothing bad was going to happen and how I knew that. I spent the whole year contracting for companies like Mervyn's and Banana Republic making their COBOL systems Y2K compliant. I was obsessed with old programming languages in high school, so I just kind of got lucky that there was an easy job that didn't care if you were an autistic teenager, as long as you knew what to do. I've never made so much money as I did that year, but my mom didn't believe that typing on computers was a real job, so I got a part time job at the movie theater because back then, I thought listening to her would shut her up. Now I'm 42, and I'm wishing there were still places that would hire an autistic teenager.


Strip club. I was working 😅 Ar you in Ontario Canada or California?


At maybe the last Detroit rave of the 90s, under the bridge. Can't remember the dj, but they definitely played Daft Punk One More Time at midnight.


All night skate party for ages 15-19. The dj thought it would be hilarious to shut the power off for a few. At the time my friend group had been making fun of adults flipping out and over shopping because the banking world was going to “end”.


Bong rips in the back of a VW bus


I was tripping on mushrooms


In my friend’s basement, very drunk and making out with my boyfriend. Now he’s my husband and we’ve got two teenagers - so NYE 1999 was a pretty good start for what’s turned out to be a 25 year relationship so far!


Did a tour of all three gay bars in Appleton WI. Woke up in Champaign IL.


Pontiac Silverdome seeing Kid Rock, Metallica, and Ted Nugent. Some dude passed us an opium laced joint, so that was an unexpected first. Then went to a party at Mara's house, split a fifth of green label Jack with my buds John and Alex, and made out with a girl named Kim. I concluded the evening by puking in the sump pump and passed out on the basement floor.


Same as the guy who posted above you.


US Army Killeen Texas. Me and my wife at home in our apartment. Watching TV and waiting for something to happen. It never did.


Went into Boston where friends who were going to BU were having a party, then to a party at Northeastern, then back to another party at BU, and finally walked to Boylston and joined a huge crowd of people for the countdown. Loads of fun


I was 20, out partying with friends and making fun of the people who were freaked out but the joke was ultimately on me. A bunch of my friends crashed in my bedroom after being out all night, I woke up first, turned on the TV, CNN, and their was a montage of all the terrible tjings that happened over the year - like bombings, disasters of all sorts - and I thought it was all from overnight, panicked and yelled "Fuck, it happened!"


I was a junior in high school, and went to some church festival with my family until like 11 or so, then we went home before midnight "just in case" My dad worked in IT for a big corporation and they'd spent MONTHS preparing for Y2K, and they all got fat bonuses when all went according to plan, lol.


Writing “2000” in gasoline on my parents, concrete patio, and lighting it on fire, just before my father came out and started yelling at me


I was tripping acid with my best friends. I was 18.


Wyoming. Whisky and blow.


Ecstacy.... I was doing a ridiculous amount of ecstacy with all my friends.


I was at Godsmack concert at the Bayside expo center! It was amazing! They blew up their tour van with all kinds of shit people put in there to let go of for Y2K!


I finally found someone else we were there together!


Amazing!!! Are you in Maine now too?


Ended up down in Florida in 2014 bunch of family members up there still


Oh nice! Your username made me think you were in Maine 😁


Born there and then moved to Portland Oregon around the time Reddit came out so portlander just seemed to fit


Phish Big Cypress partying with 80k other idiots


Big cypress Indian reservation seeing Phish and tripping my face off


I was in the process of moving to San Diego. We stopped in Oklahoma City because it just happened to be where we were that night. Stayed at a Red Roof Inn, smoked weed, drank 40s of Olde E, watched a marathon of The Crocodile Hunter, and thought it wouldn't be that bad if the world really did end.


I was on a Native American reservation in the Everglades gittin down.




In my apartment with my new wife and young kid with a bathtub full of water watching new years rockin eve with dick Clark waiting for all hell to break loose and planes to fall out of the sky.


I was 15, visiting my cousins in Michigan. We had a party amongst ourselves at their house & wore finals because YOLO.


I was actually hanging out in a celebrity’s Manhattan apartment. This celebrity’s step daughter went to college with a good friend of mine and we were invited to a week long party in their home with a few other close friends. The celebrity was out of town the whole time. We stayed in the apartment the whole time and didn’t go to see the ball drop. I wasn’t sure how crazy things might get. I didn’t expect anything to happen, but I remember the whole Y2K computer thing had a few people worried.


Hotel “party” consisted of me, my gf, her best friend and my best friend. We were all under 21 and my friend I worked with picked up the booze for this party.


I was in Spain on a balcony drinking champagne and watching the fireworks.


I was at work on the graveyard shift at a fast food restaurant with my ex & his best friend. The best friend’s dad had limo for some reason I can’t remember & he took us to work in it. The look on customers’ faces… Everyone thought I was my ex’s sister & I was the best friend’s gf. My ex & I kissed at midnight. The look on our coworkers’ faces…


I was in bed. Watched the ball drop, sparked a J, then went to sleep. I had to work the next morning.


I was visiting my girlfriend at the time, so I spent it with her and her judgemental parents. We watched the ball drop on TV and even though I didn't think the world was going to end or anything, her dad had gone off to get champagne without me knowing and popped the cork behind us right at midnight and scared the living shit out of me.


I was closing my shift out at the restaurant I worked at and flirting with waitresses. Later, I'd be making out with said waitresses and generally having a great time.


Bellingham Washington....getting shittered


Getting drunk in the local bar with my buddies from high school.


San Francisco pre party at my apartment (was usually the party party spot for events like Halloween and Pride) but the street party at Ferry building is where I ended up. It was a bluuur but one moment that stood out was how crowded it was down there and as I wandered I found a huge opening and walked through dazed and dizzy then noticed things flying by me and glass crashing. Apparently I had walked in between a Sharks and Jets standoff before it had really popped off.


I was 20 and at a bar with a fake ID


High school senior playing video games with the evil witch that accidentally introduced me to my future wife.


In college at a house party. Everyone was wasted. We turned on the tv at midnight to watch the ball drop and got nothing but static. We all freaked out that Y2K had knocked out tv broadcasts worldwide until the host informed us that they didn’t have cable 🤦‍♀️


My husband and I went camping on the Appalachian Trail. We camped out for several days at the October Mountain lean-to. We spent NYE 2k cuddled up in a tent (erected inside the lean-to) listening to Boston’s 107.3 WAAF New Year’s countdown on a transistor radio.


I just turned 15 and went to my older brothers house to celebrate in another state 2 hours away. But my dad got scared and made my brother drive me home "in case the world ends"


All I remember I was with the guy I was dating at the time and I was very drunk. I fell in a snow bank. I was 23 at the time.


I was home alone by myself My older siblings had plans and my younger ones went with my parents. I wasn't welcome at either. So I just stayed home and cried about it.


Drunk on homemade grappa at a big street party in Montreal.


I was staying up late at my friend’s house waiting to see if the world ended.


I was 19, hoping like hell that y2k would really wipe out the records because I had to go to court the following Monday for being caught with alcohol while under age. I’m in the US. I was scared straight after that, I only drank at home from then on


We got a hotel room downtown, I drank for the first time ever (Snowberry Creek Boone’s farm and a Seagram’s in a glass bottle) and we talked about what might happen when midnight hit from a Y2K standpoint, I tried to get close to this girl that I liked to no avail, and we all watched The Rock and Y2J Chris Jericho on a special midnight WWF special MTV broadcast as the ball was dropping. We had dinner beforehand at a Perkins and I had an appetizer sampler.


One of the only house parties I ever went to while in high school.


Northern Ontario. Log cabin heated with a wood stove. Next to a frozen lake. Six of my best buds. Stoned out of our minds. Staring up at the stars. Waiting for the world to implode when the clock struck midnight.


At a new years house party. The snacks were good. 🤷‍♂️


At my sister's house partying with the fam. At midnight we all held our breath and waited for the power to go out or something to explode. Then we did the hugs and toasts and went to bed.


Drunk and on drugs at a house party! Ran outside to ring in the apocalypse!


We were turning off the power to my buddies house. His dad was absolutely convinced Y2K was the end and everything was going to fail so we flipped the breakers on his house and each of the neighbors at midnight.


I was 16, cranky and doing a jigsaw puzzle on my mum’s dining room table, while grumbling to myself that people were crazy.


Working at a grocery store while in college. It was miserable.


I lived on the TN river and had a view of a nuclear power plant that was miles away. I jumped up at midnight to make sure the lights on top of reactors were still blinking. I have no idea why those blinking lights reassured me that all was well with the world, but I slept good after that🤷🏻‍♀️


Watts Bar or Sequoia?


Watts Bar!


Sitting in an apartment with a group of people out of my face on booze and ecstasy.


I was in the Twin Cities visiting a friend, it was snowing hard... I think. 1,300 miles from my house in Florida. We finished watching American Psycho just before midnight. Glad everything stayed working.


New Year's Evil, basically Ozzfest. No regrets, except for the stadium owner after bonfires broke out across the new grounds.


I was freshly 16, at my boyfriend’s efficiency apartment that he shared with two other people.


At some party hoping all of those Y2K patches worked that we installed


I went to a crazy party that my older friend threw at his house he shared with a bunch of roommates. It was a 3 story, 5 bedroom house and I think they were splitting $300 a month for that thing so they did not give a shit how wild it got. I just remember my friend shaving 00 out of his chest hair and walking around without a shirt on.


Working at anExxon gas station/convenience store, trying to figure out how to shut the power off at midnight to play a little Y2K prank.


I was at home waiting for the Nibiru to hit.... you know, just in case.


I was in the kitchen with a shotgun trained on my toaster, just in case the little fucker wanted to try some shit. 


I’m sure I was at my house. Too young to go out & my Dad saying NYE is ‘amateur night’


At my friend’s house with a group of friends. First we all huddled around his computer to see if it would explode, then we went out into the street and walked around to soak in the eerie emptiness.


I was at a friends house party enjoying libations. At midnight a group of people went streaking, but I chickened out. One of the guys comes back and says "that's ok, you can do it next millennium". Burns to this day.


Russians stole my bottle of Veuve Clicquot. *Not* a great way to start the millennium.


My friends insisted in going to this really fancy dinner party in the middle of nowhere which we had to leave shortly after midnight cause one of them was so happy she crushed her champagne glass in her hand and was bleeding so bad an ambulance had to come get her.


Got drunk in a bar in Amherst, MA.


My wife and I were at her sister and BIL's playing cards waiting for the lights to go out.


21 and my boyfriend at the time and I went to the bar across from his apartment. It was bittersweet, not because the world was about to go haywire but because in 13 days I was moving thousands of miles away to Colorado for school.


Getting pathetically drunk and getting mad at my bf for innocently dancing with his female friend.


I was 17 in a basement, drinking my friend's parent's stockpiled water. Her parents and mine stockpiled water in every empty soda bottle.


I was at a friend’s house, watching the NYE party on MTV and no so discreetly hitting on his sister.


I was working at my local ISP in case shit fell apart. It didn't. So we had a Tribes LAN party instead.


At my Dad's in the basement, watching Dick Clark, and trying champagne for the first time ever.


Celebrating my bday and hoping the computers would work. lol.


I was out in west Palm beach visiting my dad with my girlfriend from college from upstate NY. we met Gene wilder at the frozen daquiri bar that used to be in city place on the corner.. with his body guard that night.. it was epic! we even bummed a Marlboro medium from him.. Then, a guy tried to rob us at atm later.. the good old days! That is one of our celebrity stories .. we hung out with him for quite a while as he had a rented place in Palm beach then


I was at a rave in Atlanta. The event cautioned people about leaving the warehouse space because people actually thought Y2K chaos would ensue. I left the rave specifically to see the chaos, but it was just another night. No chaos. I started college a couple weeks later.


I was at a house party with all my friends. I remember nothing aside from the gorgeous dress I was wearing, a back velvet spaghetti strap dress covered in glitter.


I was 19 and at a drum & bass club in Brixton, London. I had moved outta my family’s house in LA to England to go work in that music scene and had been there for about 6 months at that point. Didn’t stay too much longer in London either, it was too gray and cold after coming from California, lol


My friends and I rented out a hall and had an swing dance party. It was actually a really awesome night, though we had to walk home because the wait for a cab was 3 hours. A surprising amount of people were panicking. I knew one friend whose family forced her to stay home in their basement, turned bunker, "just in case". They'd pulled out a bunch of cash and had enough food and water to last a year. They even offered to let me stay as they liked me. I'd done a bunch of research into what was more likely to happen and wasn't very worried. So I just had a good time.


I was sleeping. I had to work at Walmart at 7 the next day.


At home, losing my virginity.


My dad rented a cabin in Death Valley and took the whole family there.


Hiding from Y2K! Low key celebrating with the fam, expecting the power to go out and to wake up in the stone age.


kegger at a farmhouse


Flipping the circuit breaker at my buddies GFs house party at exactly 12... the silent was thiiiiiick for about 3sec, lolololol


I was at a house party that turned into a street party. I just turned 18 the week before so was able to drink without worrying about being underage anymore. Loads of good stories from that night. Seems like an eternity ago now.


Ecstasy party with whippet balloons at my house. Lots of incriminating photos.


I was 19 at a house party on university hill in Syracuse, NY hooking up with a gorgeous blonde girl I had only met a few days before. When we first got there I was outside having a smoke with a group of guys and one of them kept glaring at me. He jabbed his finger in my chest and said “you can have her suck your dick or whatever but don’t you dare fuck her,” which is how I found out that he was into her and it wasn’t reciprocated. I thoroughly ignored his demands and had a great time. Found out later that she was dating a friend’s older brother (who also made some laughingly disregarded threats) and that they were serious. The whole time I had a plan in the back of my head to travel the 10 miles or so back out to the family farm if the predicted Y2K insanity actually popped off. A few of the neighborhood patriarchs had already hatched a plan to survive societal collapse. We had farmland, livestock, equipment and weapons, another family had stockpiled seeds and sundries. I was kinda looking forward to partying like it was 1899 for a while. Great memories


I was 17, incredibly drunk in a small mining town in Arizona, making out with my friend's older sister who was 21 and a total babe with Prince playing in the background. Not gonna lie, i thought I was soooo hot shit after that lmao.


I was dressed up and at a formal event someone had asked me to help out at. (I never got paid either lol.)


I was a teenager at a family friend's new years party with my parents. I convinced the other teenager who lived there to take me down to the circuit panel in the basement. At midnight (which we only knew based on the counting of everyone upstairs), I pulled the main breaker. I'll never forget the sound of "3!.. 2!.. 1!... Happy New Yeauuuhh?" We turned the power on a minute or so later and went upstairs and later on my dad told me the confusion only lasted 30 seconds until someone saw the lights still on outside.


I was 16, and was at a new year's party with my closest friends at one of their houses. This house sat atop a hill looking out over a large part of the valley, so we could see all the fireworks going off down below. We turned the party into a sleepover, and stayed up pretty much all night talking. I remember one of my friends and I talking about how we would turn 30 in 2013, and how far away that seemed at the time. \*sigh\*


Downtown Austin, big party on 6th Street and Congress Avenue with my boyfriend. Fun but was worried we wouldn’t make it out of the crowds.


Red hot chili peppers at Staples. What a night. Bought alcohol for the first time. Found a groupie named jellybean who got me backstage. Winner.


I was 16 at the party where I had my first kiss.


We had a braai with all our buddies.. And at about 1am we went to the atm to draw money (y2k) I got home in the late morning and then my car was stolen. Seriously bummed


Las Vegas, staying up late watching all the new years stuff around the world, and as the world kept not going to the stone age by the minute, I was like “I’m gonna go play some EverQuest”


Had my first long Island ice tea. Had my last long Island ice tea. Missed the toilet a lot vomiting and passed out on a friend's couch. Had to apologize perfusely the next day for not being able to clean up after myself. Never went back to said friend's house again. I still feel bad.


Sleeping. Like every new year's


My wife (girlfriend at the time) and I were both 19 and living in SE Ohio. We went up to Windsor where we could consume alcohol legally and attended multiple NYE parties at various bars and our hotel. I was working at a bank so I had spent the previous months leading up to Y2K reassuring our customers that they would still have money in their accounts on 1-1-2000, that is if the would didn’t end at midnight.


Ebaracedo Square with over a million people partying.


I was also 17, doing shots of tequila at a house party wearing my 1999 jeweled t-shirt and jean overalls 🤣


I pretty much slept for 24 hours straight. Not sure if I was sick or what. But I couldn’t stay awake.


We had half the kids doing ecstasy, and half the kids smoking pot. The pot smokers were chilling on the couch eating Wendy’s, while the people rolling were giving each other massages and drinking orange juice 😄


Funny thing, I was house sitting for who would be my father in law 14 years later, because he didn't want his daughter, who id eventually marry, throwing a party. Ironically, I was allowed to throw a party.


Shamu-lineum at Sea World Orlando.


21yo, taking ecstacy for the first time and dancing my ass off in a club. if the world was going to implode or whatever, i was going to be happy AF when it all went down.