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![gif](giphy|XhRoUxoASx1aU) Two snaps up for this month


Don’t forget Nonbinary! ![gif](giphy|u3fkQNnkwvVdK)


I played with the Ween!


three snaps in a Zee formation!




I raised a gay son and literally fought people because of how he was being treated. I'd do it again for anyone. No quarter for fascists.


"I love my non-dead gay son!"


My parents don’t gaf, can you be pride parent


I'm your mom now. ((((Hugs))))


Honestly, thank you. Moms like you don’t always get the credit they deserve. 1977 Fuq yeah!


I'm a dad, and you're welcome.


Wow. Damn, Showing my bias!


Cheers dad 🥂i have fought people, full adults, for how they treat my autistic daughters. Would do again and for anyone needing an advocate.




Conversation must remain civil. Hate speech, name-calling, rudeness, gatekeeping and/or trolling are not allowed. Please refer to our wiki for more information about hate speech.


I'm just a straight dude, but stay fabulous bitches! :P


Straight but not narrow 🥰


I know you meant not being narrow minded, but physically....I am far from narrow. :)




Oh sure, make me cry❤️


Why is there mention of meds on there? Food, water, and medication....odd.


My son has to take daily allergy meds to ensure he doesn't have horrible reactions to the various things he's allergic too. He's 13, this have been a thing for 3-4 years now. ... Trust me, this is a very mom thing to do.


You know why meds are mentioned, don’t play dumb


I'm not. I'm a father and I'm concerned about my children's health and well being of course, but I'm not a huge meds guy either. This picture seems to be speaking to the masses and medication is not one of the human requirements. Food, water, air, and shelter are the requirements, well and social depending on the book you're reading. I guess I can see how meds may be a main concern for some mothers, but not the masses. It just struck me as odd it was listed here with food and water. Probably just overthinking it.


When people are nostalgic about our childhoods, I can't help but assume they are not gay. It wasn't a great time and I think Matthew Shepard especially will always haunt me. We've come such a long way but we still have a long way to go. Happy pride month indeed, folks


I still judge the entire state of Wyoming over what happened to Matthew Shepard. Because I don’t think they’ve changed at all.


I came out as trans at 40 and I am so happy for all the people who can step into their authentic selves at an earlier age in a way that is safer and more welcoming than when we were young. Happy Pride y'all 🌈


>I am so happy for all the people who can step into their authentic selves at an earlier age in a way that is safer and more welcoming than when we were young. Hear, hear! I only learned what asexuality is at age 39, and that moment of realization, of "Oh! I'm not broken! There's not something wrong with me! I'm just ace!" was such a wonderful, freeing, healing thing. It makes me so happy to know that many kids today are growing up already knowing there are different ways to love and feel and be, and can find and express those authentic selves a whole lot sooner than we did!


Same. 🖤🩶🤍💜 That seems to be common amongst us older aces, I had no idea that was a sexual identity until I was 40. Once I put those pieces together the past 25 years of my life suddenly made SO much sense. 🥹😌 ![gif](giphy|OKh0MiqZxotosPAMhm)




100% this, I was 42 when I came out! Happy pride and smash hate!


I think I was 39 when I finally decided to stop enabling Birasure and telling myself I wasn't gay enough to count. That just made me as bad as the people telling me my whole life "There is no such thing as bisexual. You're one or the other." I'm not out and open with it, because explanations are exhausting, and I don't owe anyone anything. But, I don't hide it anymore, either. At 41, I went out and got a Pride tattoo. Any time I order custom Chucks, I choose my pink, blue, and purple tongue label.


Not sure who is downvoting this. Happy Pride to You and good on your for being brave and being yourself


Thanks! 😊 The people downvoting are the same ones who said all sorts of homophobic and transphobic things about me in the locker room in high school - turns out they were right 😎🏳️‍⚧️ They didn't change or grow, we did and are making the world safer for everyone. I have enough made up Internet points not to be bothered by them or their pettiness. 💪🏻


Screw those people, congrats on finding your happy!


Downvotes? Not on my watch! I'm giving out upvotes like Oprah!




To the homophobe who came through downvoting everybody, I manually upvoted every single pro-pride post here. It’s now like you were never here and never really mattered.  Next time, fly your bigot flag proudly so we all know who you are. 


Let's celebrate how far we've come and work to go that much further.


When you think about it it’s impressive how far we have come in just our lifetimes so far. Yes, there’s still a ways to go for sure but there has definitely been progress.


And, sadly, some recent regress, which we have to combat again.


![gif](giphy|xT4uQr9H3EDL7Ha2hq|downsized) Happy pride my fellow queers.


Happy Pride to all my LGBTQIA+ fam! I’m a bisexual dating a man so I realize I have extreme privilege, but we are all family and we all need to lift each other up and continue doing the work. I’m proud of each and every one of you. I love you and I see you and I hope you feel celebrated and loved every day, not just in June.


I see you queer fam! Happy pride!


Honest question. Why does being bisexual and dating a man give you extreme privilege?


Because I pass as straight. Like to the average person they just assume that I’m a straight girl (or maybe even a pick me or confused) because I’m in a hetero presenting relationship.


Okay, thanks for explaining.


While the alphabet I identify with consists mostly of psychological diagnoses, I fully support those associated letters. Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈


As a 46 year old metal head on the spectrum and has anxiety and depression, but is cis gender and supports and defends the other alphabet group, I'm with you!


I don't know why you're getting down voted. As someone in both the rainbow and psychological alphabets, I appreciate your support.


Thank you! It was fully out of support, awkward as rereading it now seems to be. I was so excited to see ny first Pride Month post that there was some disconnect in logic. I knew so many people through high school (music department) who were confused or in the closet, and to see the enormous change in them as they've found and become comfortable with who they are, gotten married, and thrived, and society's perception of them, in the years since, is truly something to be celebrated.


Excuse me, why is this the first time I have heard about this? Am I missing out completely? Happy Pride Month from this ND-ADHDer.


I noticed people downvoting you, but thought I would ask, because I’m not sure it’s clear what you are trying to say. Could you share a bit more context?


Looking back at it a few hours later, I have no bloody clue. ADHD is one of my issues, but I was so excited at seeing my first Pride Month post that I got caught up in whatever train of thought it was.




It feels good to be yourself. Happy Pride!


And be careful. With the conviction of the nectarine nightmare. His band of maga maniacs will be out in force trying to spread hate and discontent. Stay safe enjoy and be extra gay 🙃


Note to self: be extremely, fabulously queer. Got it!!


I say this with absolutely no sarcasm: all the young kids totally identifying as non-binary, I think it’s neat.


I'm out of date enough I just think of it as celebrating and supporting anyone who isn't cis and straight. Good on you all. Fight the good fight.


Celebrate YOU! I love my LGBTQ friends.


I have a trans kid and trans sister in law. And have tons of gay friends. Happy Pride to all who celebrate it!


Happy Pride Month, friend! 🏳️‍🌈❤️


![gif](giphy|26gsitZBRzUgnVcf6|downsized) Happy Pride Month!!!


Happy Pride Month, Xennials!


Happy Pride!!!


*Offer void in Rochester, NY. We have Pride in July.


We get 2 months of pride in Rochester!


Don’t forget every letter of the alphabet and even some from the klingon alphabet.




Not being bigots. How about you?


I'm proud of being a good kind God fearing human being. By the way good for them for not being bigots.


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