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You should absolutely have a library card and visit to see all the amazing services a library can provide! Ours have TV and music production studios with musical instruments and A/V equipment you can borrow and take home! There's even 3D printers! The online books and audio and video libraries you gat access to with a card are pretty mind-blowing.


I used it to convert my old handycam vid-8/hi-8 tapes to digital (the camera stopped working, and the only way to view the tapes was, iirc, connecting the camera to the tv and hitting play on said camera). Converting would’ve otherwise been expensive as hell; instead it was free. **EDIT** I also found that checking out cds (for free, obviously) and transferring them to iTunes was a lot cheaper than buying them on iTunes.


Flashbacks to me in Middle School riding my bike to the library leaving with the 55 maximum CDs. You could take, ripping them all onto Zune, and then returning them to the library the next day for another batch after taking more requests from family members on what they want


Uh, excuse me. I believe you mean you squirted them to your Zune. (Fun fact, Bluetooth file transfer is STILL called squirting in Windows 10, and it’s handled by an app called “fsquirt”—short for “file squirt”


Hahahah no no, ripped onto computer, synced with a cable to my Zune, then when I got to school, squirted songs onto all my friends with Zunes so they could listen to the songs 3x each!


Same! And the private rooms mine hsa are rad, they've really helped me when I need to stop messing around at home and focus on a task.


Having kids or what drew me back to them, and the makers space is what keeps me back. We have several within driving distance that have great kid areas and story times, it’s refreshing to get out of the house without paying. Ours has a maker space with a 3D printer, and laser cutter, cricut, basic tools. It’s neat and I’m excited for my kids to get older so we go together. They just got one of those of rug making machines that I think would be fun to try.


Totally. There’s one where I am that has recording booths you can book if you want to record a song (on instruments borrowed from the library) or a podcast or whatever. It’s great.




This is amazing!


I know there's one near me that has a blue yeti mic you can check out; a whole studio would be awesome. I know the system as a whole has a fairly impressive 'library of things' (some of which you have to pick up at a specific library).


Ours has a 3D printer, a laser CNC machine, a cricut machine, a large scale printer that will print up to 8' wide, a sewing machine, and embroidery machine.


Even if you don’t visit your library but see their value, get a card because it helps them receive funding and support.


Please do - I’d like to keep my job, haha. But seriously, there’s so much to discover and you’re already paying for it so you should use it!


Thanks for doing that job! Libraries have evolved so much from the place we went to everyday in the summer, back in the 80s. I used to love going in to read the magazines I couldn't afford the subscriptions to as a kid, bicycling, backpacking, runners world... And the microfiche was like a Star Trek contraption. Now there's probably 30-50 computers at each branch, 3D printers, all kinds of electronics and tools to borrow. State Park passes with a backpack containing nature guidebooks. And I go in during the weekend for the solitude, a table, access to thousands of books, my pocket notebook to take notes of things I read that I like. All without the expectation to spend money just to exist in that space. 😁




That is one of my favorite spots at my local library. They also have an outdoor terrace.


Same! I work in a large-ish suburb and have about 1,000 patrons a day - and it keeps increasing!


I just rediscovered my local public library. There are so many books that I want to read now and I can’t afford to buy them all. So now I just check to see if the library has it in hard copy or digital.


I too am a recent (4-5 years) library rediscoverer after a couple of decades not setting foot in one. I didn't realize how much I missed frequenting one and how much use and value I could get from something I was paying for anyway.


My library system has a tool rental, as in power tools...I use it all the time. Way better than buying tools for a one time use and storing them forever. Suburban libraries tend to be dead - they are the BEST if you need a quiet workspace and don't want to be in a cafe. Bigger library systems also have all sorts of events, lectures, training, etc., that you can attend. Get a library card, it supports the funding!


Ours has cake pans and other baking supplies that you can check out 


What! I'll have to check mine for that, I don't have any and that would be so cool


Digitally, yes. I also sometimes bring my toddler to kids storytime, it’s pretty fun. I’ll get back into borrowing physical media when it’s no longer in danger of being wrecked by tiny hands. FYI, public libraries receive funding based on how many registered users they have, so just opening a library account will support your local branch, even if you don’t use it. Libraries are an amazing, underused resource, and we should support and protect them.


Our library has a ton of board books. It’s a godsend for our toddler who destroys paper books, loves to be read to, and gets sick of books quick. We go through about 10 books a day and she’ll only tolerate a book 2 or 3 times. I’d go broke trying to buy them.


Absolutely. We live walking distance and the kids and wife go and get books pretty regularly. Edit: they have a big “kids” section, so that’s part of the draw.


Yep, there's nothing like turning your kids loose in a library and they come back with 10 books each. There's still something about being able to browse a shelf and pick any book that looks interesting, reading the summary and then deciding on getting it or not. It's different browsing for ebooks. My eyes are bad enough that I don't enjoy print versions anymore, so I will go to find books, and then check if they have the digital version.


Ours has a thing when you check out that tells you how much you saved this year by using the library. We're up over $5k already. And it's 99% kids books.


I do. I check books out from my local library, get interlibrary loans, and volunteer there. Lots of people use it for internet access and as a place to cool off when it’s hot. They have tons of programs and maker spaces.


All the time. Books. Libby. Video games. Makerspace.


Love ours. Use the digital services and take my kiddo to the physical location regularly. We were there yesterday and they had a blast!


I love the public library and utilize their services every day, even when I'm just listening to an audiobook on Libby or a new album on Hoopla, but I rarely spent time hanging out there before I had a kid. Now I'm more aware of non-book things they offer, like free/discounted tickets to museums and zoos and botanical gardens through Museum Adventure Pass, and the program I attended last week on how to make your home safer for your aging parents.


Everyone who was ever heartbroken to see blockbuster disappear: your local library has your back.


I've got cards at 3 library systems. At least once a week I like to stop in just for the ambience. Libby and Hoopla are great too


I go a few times a month. I read a lot of thrillers, historical fiction, etc, and i think it’s silly to spend $20 on a new book that I’m only going to read once. It’s also a great place to get work done because it’s quiet, there’s ac and free WiFi, and you don’t have to buy anything.


The library in my neighborhood has been taken over by junkies. They park their old RVs and mini vans outside of it to get free WiFi then they shit and piss all over the grass and the stairway leading inside. I don’t even bother to try to go anymore, it’s like walking through a field of zombies and they always want something from me.


And your city will do nothing about this? We had the same problems here and it’s all been taken care of and cleaned out along with a lot of meth remediation for the bathrooms in some of the libraries.


No, it’s really bad here. I’m in Washington state and it’s kind of became a free for all. Every so often something is done but it doesn’t take long for it to happen again. I watch my city, Seattle and others chasing their tail on the whole issue.


Read your first comment and thought “I bet they live in Washington” 😂 (I do too btw)


Either Washington or Oregon. I've heard Portland has gotten that bad as well.


It’s because libraries are free to all and a lot of time, if you don’t have a home, a library is a quiet and comfortable place to be. The issue in this city is unaffordable housing, not lax library policies.


I’m not blaming the library, I’m not even blaming the homeless. I’m not sure jail is even the right place for half of these people anyway. They need serious medical, psychological intervention and a place to go. Quite the pickle really. There’s no reason in 2024 we should have places that would make medieval peasant hovels look like mansions. And I’d honestly rather be a leper than whatever it is people on fent/meth combo become. We took a wrong turn somewhere.


Washington State said it all. You live in a state under the jurisdiction of the 9th Circuit court of appeals which had a ruling a few years ago municipalities can't evict the unhoused from public spaces without providing a place for them to go determining that doing so would violate 8th Amendment prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment. The issue is now at the Supreme Court with a ruling expected in a few weeks. You city is stuck between rock a hard place. They either have to find and fund housing or allow the unhoused to remain on whatever piece of public property they are on.


If anything, I use my public library more now than I used to. I still prefer physical books, for a number of reasons. There are also other programs available, quiet work spaces, etc. Our county library system is already extensive, but also has reciprocal agreements with all the surrounding county and municipal library systems. I think it’s something like 97 libraries we have access to, both for physical and digital media.


I love the library near my home. Lots of free digital stuff to access online with a card, free Hotspot devices I  borrow when camping, love the audio books I can access, and a quiet space to work when needed. 


Just checked out an honest-to-god hardcover book yesterday!


All the time. Weirdly libraries don't just lend out books that tell you how to do projects but they also lend out tools. Don't mess with librarians.


I love my library. It's SO worth going to get a card just for the digital stuff. I use Kanopy more than my other streaming services for movies --it has a great app and great selection. I can read newspaper articles that are behind a payroll. I read mostly on a Kindle, so I get A lot through the Libby app, but whenever I'm planning a trip I go hang out at the library and read all the travel guide books. I love my library!!!


Yes. Our library system will move books from other branches so you can get just about anything for free. Can check out up to 50 items at once (overkill) so we can get a dozen kids books, they do free events for kids all the time (dances, movies, activities, etc), offer free passes to local attractions like the zoo, children's museum and others, and has other things to borrow we haven't even started exploring. Libraries are a treasure and it's amazing they even still exist so please support them!


We have an elementary school kiddo and the library is a monthly stop for us and honestly a lot of fun. Great programming for kids and we can try lots of books without collecting clutter for a one-month read.


I love my library! But also I'm never physically in the library. I'm legally blind and having ebooks available for free has made reading so much more accessible! I also use Hoopla to watch free movies/tv and occasionally check out a free museum pass.


Yeah, I checked out a half-dozen books from one of our local libraries last week and regularly check out DVDs. Ours are always packed on Saturdays but not so much during the week.


Sure. I have Hoopla and Libby. I get e free subscription/access to the NYT through my library also. I don't go as much in person but if I can't get something I want on the apps I'll go in person.


Yes, I use my public library via Libby for ebooks and magazines for my Kindle. It's great. I hate giving Amazon money so being able to just check books out is fantastic especially since I'm a fast reader. When my son was little/pre Kindle /nook I would go to story times and check out physical books and DVDs.




We go every couple weeks to get 20-30 books for my kindergartener and 2 year old.


I do! More so for my daughter but I still have borrowed books regularly as well.


Yes I use it all the time.


Yup - I have about a half-dozen books checked out from mine right now, along with a couple of video games. Mine is always busy when I go - people using the computers, going to toddler storytime, attending some sort of talk/workshop, or even just sitting and reading. I started going to the library when I was three - it's always been a quiet, calm, safe haven for me.


Yes, Tulsa's library is the fifth best in the nation.


I went to my library 2x this week!


Yes, absolutely! Our two-branch library system is one of the crown jewels of our community.


All the time! More when my printer is broken. lol. But they have free access to all kinds of things that will give you are firewall. Most people don’t even think about that.


Yes! Once a month on average


I do a lot. I check out digital books to read on my kindle.


Yes! I mostly get ebooks from them but I love my library!


All the time. Physical books, audio books, have borrowed a Chromebook, have access to online education. Benjamin Franklin did us all a service by creating the first public library and we should honor him by using, funding, and protecting them.


I rent digital books from them, but no I haven’t set foot in one in years. Reading on my phone has made my book reading go up massively. It’s just so easy to read a bit on a break instead of scrolling social media all day.


I still check out books fairly regularly, and I will go grab a few CDs to rip to my laptop now and then.


Technically yes, through Libby and Hoopla (I still miss Kanopy though) I really should visit my local branches sometime.


Mine is crazy busy buts its a new one with rentable rooms and even a studio to record podcasts etc. Tons of families with kids as well as they have loads of activities for kids


I didn't every weekend at mine when my kids were younger  I love the library!


Always. I mainly am using it for checking out ebooks, but go in every month or two for an interlibrary loan or for the maker's space. The maker's space is amazing- I use the laser cutter, but it also has a screen printer, 3d printer, podcast studio and all sorts of stuff. Our libraries- Tulsa- are always full.


I was just at the fundraiser for mine a few weeks back and picked up a pretty good assortment of stuff for under $10. They also have a permeant clear out bin with an honour bar payment system. I found a pristine copy of the Daily Show America book there a while back which was fun to have again now that Jon Stewart is back with The Daily Show. They also give me access to streaming services, as a music geek Quello streaming concerts is my favourite.


All the time! I have a small apartment and in my previous life of owning a large home, I amassed a huge book collection. Once I went small, I gave most of them away because of space constraints. I started using the library again at that point and haven’t looked back. It’s also great for DVD rentals. My library has a lot of new stuff available that I could pay to rent on Prime, Vudu, etc - but I just walk around the corner to my library and pick it up.


Take our kids every couple of weeks


All the time. Mostly for my kids, but sometimes for me as well.


Yeah, I’ve been taking my kids (now in junior high and high school, respectively) almost every week since they were babies.  I love the library.


I use Libby a lot. And since I don't mind lying to websites, I have a few different library cards from around the country in case my local one doesn't have what I'm looking for.


All the time. They have tons of books (duh), movies and full tv show seasons for when we cut off our streaming subscriptions every so often, some board games, and interlibrary loan if you want something your local branch doesn't have. My county libraries have seed swap gardening events every season, and some cool-ass local history lectures. They also have no problem going against the local book ban enthusiasts and instead of caving and pulling books, they just buy more copies and highlight them every month with different displays lol


My dad is an avid reader and lives in a very small town with a very small library with limited selection. So I always have gotten a library card from every new place I moved to so he can download books. He was VERY excited when I moved to LA for a bit lol


That's so sweet!


Yes, I do. We take our child there a couple of times a month, as well. I learned a few years ago that books that aren’t checked out are often removed from the library to make room for more popular titles. I will check out certain books and return them the next day just to make sure they stay in circulation.


Absolutely. Both my children and myself have our own library cards. Our library offers SO MANY cool classes… my kids took a programming class, they learned how to program robots. Most libraries offer free passes to zoos, museums, etc. And of course we borrow books.


My city's library is small but I love going there. I typically will go Saturday midmorning and find more books to add to my TBR list before settling on a book for the week. I also use Libby for audiobooks while I'm walking or driving. Plus, I use the library for free museum passes. Once we cut off streaming services, I plan on renting DVDs and CDs from there. It's just not a need at this time.


We homeschool, so we’re at the library at least once a week.


My wife is a librarian so I'm kinda obligated to.


Hell yes, public libraries are a gift to this earth!


I am a librarian. While I can't speak for all of them, we are currently experiencing more checkouts and usage than any other time in my twenty-year career.


There's a video app called Kanopy that is linked to my library card up on Vancouver Island in BC, Canada. It's quite good, I watched an awesome documentary about Automats that had Mel Brooks in it.


Yes! Download Kanopy and get free movie streaming!


I use the library nowadays more than ever. Movie rentals (physical/streaming) book rentals (audio/streaming/physical), I get free flower and vegetable seeds there, and they do things like 3D Printing and you can suggest books they don’t have that you want. We still buy some 4K and BluRay classics that we can’t get via library.


I absolutely use the library all the friggin time. We check out 40-50books monthly for our kids. I request books regularly, too. Ours also has a “library of things” where you can rent stuff like tools, telescope, board games, etc. Support your library; it is a free place with lots of useful services.


Collection development librarian here (I buy all the things)! Please please come check out our physical media! We know it’s going to become more important as streaming continues to let us down but budgets are based on circulation so checking it out helps us keep it and get more!! The comments of everyone using the library in different ways makes me so happy.


Yes. I was there yesterday.


I use mine to borrow books online. Occasionally, my husband and I will go to the library together to look at magazines.


Yes. Love it. 🧡The Library is more-punk-than-punk-rock. No other place in society, can you be indoors with ZERO EXPECTATION to spend money / consume. Probably, annually: 8 books, 30 DVDs, 2 national parks passes, & 4 print-outs. In San Francisco. They also held a clothing workshop where volunteers (sewing machine experts) helped me sew & repair a hole in my pants. Remember this at the ballot: Republicans (Pigs) wanna get rid of Public Libraries & also, USPS because they are not profitable. Vote for Union-Endorsed Democrats.


I never used ours much. It's underfunded and doesn't have much to offer TBH. Their website doesn't even work. Every link is a 404 error.


TV and music production studios with musical instruments and A/V equipment? 3D printers? 30-50 computers at each branch? Where does everyone live? My local library is small with only 15-20 computers tops. Homeless junkies hang out there and solicit other patrons for money. I still check it for titles I'm interested in but I hate going there.


I feel like COVID and new management made our local library less accessible. Every program offered is "reservation required," even for kids. They used to have craft times for kids, but now it's just "pick up this kit and take it home." I admit I'm not the most regular user, but every time I went, it seems like my card was invalid. They'd offer to get me a new card, but it would be $5. Then finally they told me that they routinely go through their data and remove inactive users.


Yes, but it’s much better for kids books and stuff where they read it in 0.5 seconds and then need a new one. For adult books I’ve had a hard time finding exactly what I’m looking for and the cost of purchasing is so low for me I just buy it.


Yes via Libby. I guess that counts?


All the time. I prefer physical books and there are so many other resources that libraries provide to the community, including a community fridge, job search help, etc.


Our main library branch has a 3D printer and just charges for the materials cost. A friend owns a bakery and uses them to print custom cookie cutters all the time.


Yes! At least once a week! I take books out via Libby as well, but I also borrow physical stuff too. And attend class and functions at the library. Libraries are super important, especially in this day and age. Please support your local library by visiting and borrowing material, and by voting for library millages and tax increases.


Yes, it's the best! The only free space to hang out without having to pay for anything. Libraries are a precious resource, and many millennials agree :) https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2017/06/21/millennials-are-the-most-likely-generation-of-americans-to-use-public-libraries/


We go once a week since my kids have music lessons nearby. We borrow books, movies, comic books, etc. They also have a 3D printer there, offer free state and county park and museum passes, and host several classes, activities and meet-ups each week. I also use Libby pretty extensively for ebooks and audiobooks, and access a free digital NY Times subscription that I use regularly.


Big library fan. I hate paying for books


I adored libraries growing up but unfortunately I’m no longer the voracious reader I was as a kid. I do have a library card, but any book I really want I just buy. But I do go to them a little more now that we have a kid. When she learns to read I’ll be there even more.


I use it for their electronic resources like ebooks and magazines. As far as actually using the physical library a group I'm a part of used the community room they have available a few years ago but I haven't been in since then. I have looked at the online catalog of the things they have to lend which includes things like tools to see if there was anything that'd be useful for some of my home projects and it's pretty cool they offer that. If I wanted a physical book I do love how easy they make it now. I can reserve it online from any library in the system and they'll move it to my local branch and let me know when it's there. I can then go in and grab it off the hold shelf and they even have self checkout kiosks.


Absolutely!! I go usually once a month. I borrow books mostly.


I have school aged kids, so yes, I go there weekly.


Yes, we were giddy when a new one was opening near by. Some of ours lend tools or fishing gear too.


Every week


Absolutely! I love our library. (I love libraries in general.) They have so much to offer.


Libraries are astonishingly amazing. Libby is phenomenal.


All the time! I am particularly fond of ordering books through the statewide system to have delivered to my local. The ladies there know my name and face as soon as I walk in. Its nice.


I use Libby a lot. I don’t use the physical library as much as I used to when I lived within walking distance to one. I do go to a library everyday for work, but not a public library


Our library is also connected to Hoopla. I work from home and really like working at the library for a free and cozy change of scenery.


I use mine and donate to it.


Yessir. We got our cards a couple of months ago, so far we're happy we're happy we did.


Heck yes! I save mucho bucks using the library. My library also gives away seeds that I’m using in my garden this year, and my kid is starting to get into Manga which they have a ton of.


All the time. It’s how I get my graphic novels.


Hoopla has a ton of graphic novels.


ALL THE TIME. I used to use Audible, then realized how awesome my local (San Diego) library was with their selection of physical books- but also their audiobooks. I borrow both, and frequent the used book shop downtown.


Every week, but that's mostly because I have a 7 year old. He's at the awkward reading age where he still wants pictures on every page but he reads fast enough that he flies through picture heavy books. Our library has a great selection of graphic novels so we are there a lot. Plus the baltimore library system is fantastic. They have various reading challenges all year and kids get prizes like aquarium tickets and stuff. During summer they give out t shirts to kick off summer reading challenges and this year it's a shirt with a crab reading a book. It's a must have t shirt for the 7 year old crowd.


I haven't used it lately, but I did just renew my card cause after 40yrs it expired lol


Hardcore library fan! I get movies and books all the time, both online and physical. I like to go if I need a quiet place outside of the house to work on stuff and don't want to spend money. I use the printers if I need a paper copy of something. I get free access to tons of resources through our library system too! I could access Consumer Reports for free when I was shopping for a new washer and dryer. There are a bunch of magazines available through the library so I don't have to buy an issue for just one random article. The library is one of the last places you can exist in public for free and they provide a ton of services, media, and resources FOR FREE. A lot of libraries don't even have late fees anymore!




Yes I still use it all the time. I order books via inter-library loan so I don't have to buy them. I also will borrow DVDs and sometimes audio books.




I have not used the public library in a long time. I think the last time I used a library was back in 2017 or 2018 when I was completing an associate's degree at a local community college. I have my own personal digital library comprised of around 2,500 books, maybe 1,000 audiobooks, and an additional 3,000 manga. 🧉🦄


I love my libraries. I have five different library cards, they are my happy places!


Yep, my son loves going… we go on the weekly.


I'm at the library twice a week for storytime!


My fam goes to the library all the time.


I use it frequently and so do my kids. We have a small local library but they’re awesome.


Yes, I love the library! Mine even has passes for local attractions like zoos and museums.


Yeah especially during the summer, take my kids there at least once a week


Regularly. We just took our teens in yesterday to sign up for the summer reading program. I also worked at my local library for about a year. I think a lot of people use it for the digital media through Libby and hoopla. But there were a lot of regulars who would just put things on hold and be in and out quickly. Others who would come in just to use the computers or print.




I LOVE my public library. I honestly don't know how my family and I would've gotten through early parenthood on a very tight budget. IMO it's one of the most important public institutions a city/town can have!


Yes! I have a small child so we go to story times/other kids activities. But I’ve also gone to author or other talks there. Libraries have some great programs for adults as well! Also- you can check out yard games and even a telescope at my library. So all sorts of good summer activities. And I like physical books for gardening/home repairs. A few times I’ve used library meeting rooms if I’m traveling and need to have an undisturbed place for a meeting.


I love the library! Our's lends pans, bikes, mobile hot spots, has printing services, a notary on staff, and so many toddler friendly programs every week. In addition to a kid's level, they even have a summer reading program for adults, with a Kindle as a grand prize. The adult kickoff was going to the library and reading by yourself and helping yourself to baked treats and drinks. Fantastic!


It’s the best place to get free music, they have CD’s galore.


All the time, especially the free digital library with loads of magazines.


Yep! Once a week. Sometimes twice.


I miss my library in the town where I used to live. The children's room was designed by someone who was a Disney imagineer, and it had this really cool pirate ship facade and aquatic theme. It also had a really great selection of books. I moved 8 years ago, and the libraries in my area are just okay. Like, they have a lot of extra amenities, which is fine, but their book selection (which, in my opinion is kind of the main attraction) is severely lacking. They cater to the mostly senior population, so the classes that they offer are during the day when younger adults are at work. The children's area is just okay; they have a lot of graphic novels and popular titles, but they don't have older books. I wanted to get some of the Baby-Sitter's little sister books to read with my daughter, and they don't have any. I've had better luck buying them at thrift stores. The central library does have a lot for teens; their YA room is considered a teen hangout, which is good.


Not as much as I feel I should. I still have a library membership (surprising as I was the kid who constantly had memberships cancelled and restarted after late fees), but I tend to only go if I need to print stuff that would be awkward at work. I appear to be on a lifelong ban list for one Borough's library after losing borrowed books when my bag was stolen aged 16. I worked in the area as an adult years later and tried to rejoin this library anew, but was coming up as banned.


yep - still checking them out and dropping them off in physical form. I also do Kindle format checkouts.


ALL. THE. TIME. I love my library.


Hell. No.


I don't live in city limits, so my library charges a $50 yearly fee to get ONE library card. Not for the whole family, that would be $200 since there's 4 of us. I've thought about just getting myself one for audiobooks, but here's my problem. My oldest lost a book 4 years ago and when I found it finally it had been destroyed in a fire that broke out in my son's room 3 years ago. Now I'm afraid to go to the library and admit what happened and find out what I owe. I just keep imagining that I owe hundreds of dollars haha.


Yes and we take our 3 kids about once or twice a month. Great Community Resource


I haven't been in a public library since high school.


I go to the library all the time to borrow books, work in the study rooms, etc. They even have live rooftop concerts. Make sure you join the Friends of the Library group!




Yes. And ours is always hopping with patrons! Love to see it.


Yes, not a ton but semi regularly. Lots of good stuff to borrow….and the digital options are nice.


Yes. Weekly. I take the kids there often. My daughter is constantly reading, so the library helps prevent me from buying the bookshop owner a new boat.


I rejoined this year and it’s been wonderful! I prefer a physical book, and the act of popping in on a Saturday morning to pick up/return has become my favourite errand.


Yes! Love the library! And, the apps for the library are a great resource.


All the time. I check out physical media and also utilize the Libby app. My local library also has a “library of things” and lends out board games, baking equipment, and even party decor.


I have small kids. I am there 2x per week. I even visit all the ones in surrounding towns. So much free stuff.


Sure, but without setting foot in it; Libby is a free app letting me read eBooks through my library card. I utilize it to read anything new enough it hasn't yet hit Kindle Unlimited (which I also have). I read a LOT of SF though; my use case is far from the average person.


I mostly use my library for downloading e-books and photocopying


Our public libraries are hopping community spaces! Go in between the end of the school day and about 6, and it’s full of teens, and there are community events every weekend.


All the time! I have a 2 year old so we do story time a lot.


I have and use the apps for digital media options all the time. Seems the only time I go to the library is to vote (it’s my polling place).


Yup absolutely. I use Libby for free via my library.


My daughter just got her first LB card last week. She’s 4.11.


I use my local library system all the time. I prefer physical books over e-readers, so it really saves me money and shelf space. They also have a large and very current DVD collection, so I can save on some streaming services, too.


I only go into the library when I need to get registered (so twice in ten years.) Audiobooks for the win. And now I have two Libby / library cards to source from. Life is good.


My wife uses it more than I (She still checks out paper books as often as ebooks), but we both get lots of ebooks from the library system. When we go to pick up her paper books, our local branch has a few folks sitting reading, but it's never packed. my family is coming to visit and we'll likely use the library's season passes if we can get them


All the time. Libby is where its at.


I have about 6 different library cards I use for audiobooks. I still have audible because of audible exclusives, unfortunately...but I consume so much audio I have to use both


I’d like to. The hours are currently cut back so that anyone with a 9-5 has a hard time


Yes. I take my kids all the time. My daughter especially loves to go. I grew up going to my local public library and want to share thar joy with my kids.


I go for the smells and to rip DVDs and uncompressed music while I read in the AC. I don't even have a card.


Hell yeah! It’s where I get my video games


Yes! My two sons love going to the library to pick out new books. My wife and I read with them at bedtime every night, and even though they have many books the library adds a lot of variety. When our boys were younger, my wife would take them to the library to play and engage in “toddler time”, which was a great way to enjoy time out of the house for free.


I’m a huge fan of Libby!


There’s one walking distance from my kids’ school. I have dropped them off, gone for coffee (the library doesn’t open until a couple hours after school starts), and then chilled at the library most of the day. They have a better wifi/power/quiet/comfort situation than coffee shops. I’ve never actually borrowed a book from that library, but my kids max out their borrowing. My wife has made better use of it. Once a year, the local model train club does a big Christmas display. I love taking the kids, and one of my old work buddies is always volunteering at the event, so it’s also an excuse to catch up. The parking lot is always 50% or more full. Fortunately, there’s so much seating that even when the lot is full, I can find a place. But it’s never dead/empty.


Yes, I have two kids and at any given time we hse about 180 books/games/shoed/ml ockes on loan. The amount of money I've saved on books and figuring out it wasnt for me and returning it is very high. But I also read about 10 books a year for myself plus what we read with the kids.


It’s a staple!


Yes, and my spawn has a new love for libraries too! We have an evening farmer’s market starting at one of our locations in a couple of days, and I’m super excited for that! We need to do everything in our power to keep libraries alive and growing!


Yep. I live one block from it.


With 2 small kids, absolutely. Plus I use the Libby App for e-books for myself.


I use the Libby app for free audio books.


All the time! I was so excited to get my newest library card - and it’s beautiful!!


When I moved eight years ago, I was super broke and couldn’t afford WiFi at home. The library was within walking distance, and I rediscovered it. I would check out movies and TV shows everyone was talking about, and it reignited my love for reading. I was there so much, my friends would make fun of me for hyping the library all the time 😂 While I don’t use it as much now that I have WiFi, it’s amazing, and I’m grateful to have such an awesome tool at my disposal!! Edit: just want to agree that Libby, Hoopla, and Kanopy are incredible and I use them all of the time!


I do. I'm back in college and love the views from my local library. I write my best papers in that space.


All the time! Maybe I’m just old school but I’ll happily use the library for most books on my reading list (sometimes using their digital loans) and visit regularly to find books for my kids. It also seems like the only way to get movies now is to subscribe to a dozen different streaming services, so I occasionally pick up a DVD from there instead.


We go to the library once a week.