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Happened to me. Also fell out of the car twice in the early 80’s when I should have been in a car seat


My mom still laughs about the time we went around a curve and I yelled “TIP!!” as I dumped out of my booster seat and rolled across the entire back seat of the station wagon, because the seatbelt wasn’t fastened all the way.


Fell out the trans am myself, mid 80s.


Happened to me, happened to the neighbor kids, just seems like a thing that happened. The neighbors chewed out their little girl for having fingers slammed on by their boy, like they thought it was the girl being crazy reckless instead of the boy seeing a golden opportunity and not letting it escape. My mom drove a huge realmetal van because driving on a shoestring budget (back when it could be done) meant not picking what you drive. When it was wet outside I'd slide off the part I was supposed to put my weight on while I climbed in and I'd land shin-first on the metal, that pain would linger for a while. My biggest childhood pain was either my territory dispute over the swingset with the wasps nesting inside its metal tubes, or something bike-related. If there's a good reason why my teeth are crooked, then it's probably because I went over the handlebars (while adult front teeth were coming in) trying to catch up with my dad when he ditched me and forgot me as one of his occasional attempts at a family activity. The time I took a baseball bat to the forehead from a kid twice my size didn't feel all that painful, but left me with a good lump.


My butt got slammed in the sliding door of a minivan. Baby got back.


Halloween 1992(?) I was leaning way out to get the momentum to close the sliding door of the mini van ( I was a small kid), my brother didn't see and pushed it from the outside. It slammed on my head.  I swear that plastic knight helmet saved my life. 


I remember a friend getting his arm slammed in a sliding minivan door. You had to put a fair amount of force into those things to get them moving. Probably less likely with modern minivans that usually have power doors that close slower and have obstruction detection.


It happened to me when I was like 5ish, and I screamed and cried like there was no tomorrow. Couple weeks later I saw my older brother do the same thing but with no tears, and I was astonished. It was pretty gnarly and his fingernail turned blue and eventually fell off. Then later that year it happened to my uncle who also didn’t cry or get upset. Looking back, the string of pinched fingers showed me that screaming when I get hurt doesn’t help anything, and I’m glad I had the experience. But no, I haven’t seen or heard about it happening in a long, long time. That’s we


A few times as a kid. The last time I did it know my dad still had a car where you had to unlock the doors manually so he had to come around and unlock the car door so we could get my fingers out. I lost my nails on three fingers.


I did it to myself as a teenager. Fortunately there was enough rubber gasket cushioning.


I had a very vivid dream of my hand getting slammed in the door of our Jimmy, and for years I was convinced that it happened. I thought I knew when and where, felt the pain, everything. But no one could corroborate this “memory” so I’ve resigned myself to it being just a dream. Still freaks me out to think about it!


will never forget the shape of my sisters finger when i slammed a door on her finger :(


Happened to me.


My mom closed my foot in a car door when I was little. Not sure how that happened.


That happened to me in 1985, my fingers were tiny, just sore. And again in 2010, had to get 2 surgeries on my right thumb.


Happened to me. I’ll never forget it. It was my thumb actually and I didn’t even notice until I looked at it. Damn did it ever hurt!


My Dad ALWAYS said "mind your fingers" before shutting a car door or the car boot (trunk?). I think this is how my uncle had lost part of a fingers when they were kids.


My pinkie finger got slammed in the trunk of our old Toyota when my hand was resting on the tail light. I was certain that it wasn't in harm's way, but kids are stupid. Lost my fingernail for that one.


I have a pretty vivid memory of sitting in a strip mall church parking lot talking to my mother who was sitting in the driver's seat and I was trying to do something with the door and she was resisting and she closed the door on my hand and I guess the rubber gaskets in between kept me from feeling it immediately because I kept talking and trying to pull the door open with my other hand, but she locked it, for like twenty seconds before it kicked in that my hand was being crushed in the door. Apparently no long lasting damage, so that's cool.


My hands and fingers remember. My right leg too.


at least once...and I bet NO ONE went for x-rays...I know I didn't. I never even told on any of my bullies either, maybe once.


Happened to me in Dad‘s truck door one Saturday when Mom was working. I cried and he panicked and said I could get whatever toy I wanted at the store, just don’t tell Mom 😂 Mom was confused when I suddenly had Catra playing with She-Ra.


I literally did this *to myself* a couple months ago. One hand pulls the door shut, while the other hand reaches back for the seatbelt… but, that time, my index finger was *outside* the doorframe.


Me ✋🏻 I lost most of my one fingernail and it grew back but it’s never grown correctly.


Yep, my grandma slammed the door on my fingers when I was 6 or 7.


This happened to the deaf kid in my first grade class. We had been taken by our teacher in her van to the city park to watch the 8th graders shoot off rockets. Anyway, this other kid Jonathan P. accidently slammed Eric A.'s hand in the side door. Have you ever heard a deaf kid cry? It was awful. From that day on Jonathan P. was collectively treated like shit by everyone in my class. I don't know whatever happened to him after 8th grade since I moved away. But I can only imagine he was iced for the rest of his high school career.


Happened to me too. Also happened to both my kids, one worse than the other, though both requiring no medical care outside of smooches and hugs and icepacks. Tell you what, it's mind blowing how more of those don't end up serious.


I remember I was holding the B pillar and my bro closed the back door on my fingers. Luckily they just bruised and didn't break.


I don't think anyone can make it to adulthood without doing that at least once. Same with bumping your head on the car door frame.


Got my hand shut in the sliding door of our Dodge caravan. My mom tossed me a bag of frozen peas from the grocery bags and buddy taped my fingers together when we got home. 80s Field Medicine ftw