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Umm _I_ do this, because humidity.


I do it because of the f**king ants. The plastic keeps them out from n a way a rolled up bag does not.


Or weevils!


Or confused flour beetles.


Or mice.


Yep. Fighting rats right now. Air tight containers is the way to go


Time to move. You are living in their house.


Or lice!


Or milk. Gotta keep that sneaky milk from creeping into the cereal before you want it to.


I do it for mice, too.


*Picturing a confused flour beetle* " what the hell- lucky charms?"


It's actually the name of the bug, and they'll eat through anything grain based. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confused_flour_beetle


r/weeviltime snoots and boots


We should all eat the weevils.


You want ant?! Cause that's how you get ants.




I do it because of stupid pantry moths who will not dieeeeee


Going into year three of that battle— where are they coming from?? Every single perishable is in pop top plastic containers at this point! It’s a nightmare.


I just went through this! I had to get these paper traps that are sticky and have some sort of attractant it in. I found out that the place we were getting rice and beans (dry) from is what was causing this. We started putting everything not canned in to glass jars or sealed containers. Now I change those traps out monthly. After about 6 months the moths were gone.


I have the traps!! We guessed it was our pet supply store, which had these open barrels of treats you could shovel into bags for cheap purchase/ lb. After the nightmare started, we saw moths everywhere in the store, which we hadn’t noticed before! Now, we use traps, we throw lots of grains/pet foods in the freezer for 48 hours before use, and I do regular cabinet checks for the [shudder] larvae. I can’t find them, and we still get the occasional moth cycle flying around. Besides one recent infestation I found in a sealed jar of sesame seeds, I’m at a loss. The struggle continues ✊


Between the moth’s and the fruit flies I want to throw my hands up. We do have fly strips by the back door where we dogs in and out.


It is a NIGHTMARE. I’ll tell you how I got rid of mine but you’re not gonna like it… 1) use/throw out everything in a box or bag or that came in via box or bag. Remove it from the house. Might want to just put an empty trash bag outside your door for all the stuff you’re going to need to dispose of. Make sure you throw away any paper bags, cardboard, etc. 2) prepare a solution of 1:1 vinegar and water 3) wipe down anything in a can with the solution. Take the cap off spices and wipe around the threads and cap. 4) if you have a handheld vacuum, vacuum all your cabinets. You can also use a swiffer duster. Empty the vacuum outside/throw away swiffer outside. 5) wipe down every inch of your cabinets with the solution you made. 6) put fresh traps in all your cabinets 7) all flour and bulk grain items go in the freezer for 2 days before being decanted into an airtight container. It’s so time consuming but the moths were making me crazy and I had to get rid of them. Hope this helps!


Ugh that sucks. Ours finally are going away after 8 months, after I read that you’re supposed to leave the traps out for like 3 months. I was throwing them out when a bunch of moths went in but… there were more 😑


I hate those!


Dr. Killigan’s Pantry Moth traps are AMAZING !!! Clean out your pantry and Get some of those!


Ugh, YES.


Roaches too. Long ago, my hubby moved into an apartment across the country, sight unseen, for grad school. I drove him and helped him move in. We walked in, saw dead roaches, and walked right back out. Dead or alive, steps had to be taken. We bought plastic containers and plastic bags to contain every single food item and borax powdered the hell out of every crevice. Thankfully, he never saw a living roach, but it's not worth risk and trauma of finding one in your food. He also dropped out of grad school after one semester, which was partly due to hating the apartment, but mostly due to wanting to live with me.


About a month after my fiancé moved to Texas, he FaceTimed me holding a bag of rice. With terror in his voice, he asked me “Why is my rice moving” yep, you guessed it, rice weevil larvae. The first time you experience this, having grown up in a relatively vermin-free place, it’s traumatizing.


Opened a friend's oatmeal as a kid and moths flew out. Took me years to not lean back and cringe opening that big round container of oats. I had no idea that kinda thing happened.


My immediate thought: Indian food moths




I fucking choose not to.


I also do this to hide the fact that I'm buying cheap knock-off cereal that comes in a bag.


And also, oxidation/going stale. Easier to pour, open, and close as well.


OP reading all these replies, just now realizing he just never understood the many good reasons you would do this. ![gif](giphy|Fq6T5aJsuPl80TD12A)


If I could get away with the knock-offs, I would. More and more name brands sell the big bags now. I stock up when they go on sale. You bet your ass I’m using the Rubbermaid containers to protect and prolong my edible gold.


Easier to store in the pantry than bagged cereal, too.


I don't always get the knock off but I will usually get the bulk size, and the bins are so much easier than the big bags.


Not everything our parents did was meaningless. Stale cereal in the summer sucks. ![gif](giphy|U56VoSyFD8MFcie2k8)


I do because children. Mine has a flip top so there’s even less effort to make sure it’s closed.


I thought the whole point of cereal was for mom to bitch and scream about it going stale every morning cuz you did it wrong. That was the end result so I assumed that was it's intended purpose. Plus it fueled the Chip Clip industry.


Same. My kids are the worst at closing cereal boxes.... They get it from me. 😂


Yes, because humidity and insects - the jungle wants into everything.


You do it to get the toy right away, liar.


Do they even put toys in the boxes anymore? I'm 43, but I want a fucking Tony Tiger spoonstaw at LEAST.


Good question. I wish I still had my small Sugar Bear stuffed toy that came 9 years after I sent in 3 proofs of purchases…that’s another reason for the plastic containers: Mom yelling at you for cutting out the upc symbol out of a brand new box.


I shop for kids cereal weekly. Not that i can see.


Same here! I also put my saltine crackers in them.


We still do this, Florida in the house…..


Florida here too! The only thing worse than humidity cereal, is humidity cereal with a humidity palmetto bug surprise.


I had a neighbor from up north freaking out about the palmetto bugs in her house. I forgot they aren’t just normal roaches until a transplant reminds me how crazy big they apparently are.


Yeah, enormous flying roaches are always a bit of culture shock for transplants. We should put them next to the oranges on our welcome signs. 🤣


With a cloud of gnats above it!


Growing up with a swamp cooler (evaporative cooler) this was the only way to have cereal not ruined.


Now humidity... Previous state I lived, because of bugs.


Yep and stuff stays fresher for longer and you don’t have to throw out stale anything !


Pantry moths 😫😫


and mice


My parents never did, but I do! It keeps the cereal fresh for a lot longer, plus it’s easier to pour.


OK. I had no idea people still used these.


My kids told me they prefer the "vibe" of the cereal if it's poured out of these instead of the box. If it means they'll actually eat it, that's how I store it.


My kid pulled that on me as well, i just took apart the box and tapped it onto the container. Now the vibe apparently slaps…


I like that you say they prefer the "vibe".


That’s verbatim what my 9 year old said


One cannot risk consuming cheugy cereals


I love all the wacky lingo of this generation. My boy is also 9. He's got rizz, for sure. Haha.


It would be cool if we just replaced every word we didn’t know with “vibe”.


You must not watch pantry organization youtube videos. 'Decanting' is very common for lots of items.


I can't say that I've ever watched a pantry organization video.




Not so much a pantry as a few shelves, and it's not too bad.


Aren’t there much much worse things to be terrified about? I hope this was sarcasm




I have much more important things to worry about than pantry organization. Like actual real world problems. Most other people do too.




It had 22 when I saw it and I didn’t want you to be a liar so I upvoted


They can be oddly satisfying, almost like ASMR.


A lot of them ASMR, which I hate but I can’t stop watching the reels I get fed on FB/IG because they’re so mesmerizing. The acrylic nails tapping on plastic


Me neither. How the f do people store Rubbermaid containers and lids? My kitchen cupboards are warzones


store the lid with it's container always


I only have like 3 brands, only buy from the same line for each brand. I keep them all in different cupboards/shelves. They all stack or nest and use the same lids. Very easy to keep organized 


For me they all have their home in the pantry, with lid on container, empty or full doesn't matter. At least for storage containers like OPs. For leftover containers I still store with matching lid on, but they have a cabinet where they stack neatly until needed.


Confuse me. O Pantry organisation!


I use the “push the lever for cereal” style you see in hotel continental breakfast areas


Well la-tee-dah. A continental breakfast. Where should I head to first?? Belgium? Spain? It's all too much!


That would be awesome to have at home.


I'm a single guy, a box of cereal will last a month if I keep it in one of those. Otherwise it goes stale before I can finish a box


You're single. Just eat it for supper or late night snack too. Cereal doesn't have to mean breakfast, but now that I have kids I don't want them going through it like crazy


Haha I mean mine look a little different for sure, but I love them!




I say this every time I pour my cereal out of the Tupperware.


Man you only get pantry moths once before all the cereal goes in the bins.


OH yeah, my ex-GF had those once..it was a disaster. I had forgot all about that.


Or ants. Or weevils. Or mice. Or your cat thinks it’s just soooooo smart.


I had to throw away pretty much everything in the pantry when this happened to me


I’ve tried to eradicate these fuckers for years. I get the sticky traps. Hide all flour/corn products in bins and buckets. Washed cabinets. They still appear. I hate them so so so so much!!


I did have this problem once, so I put bags over the boxes. Those darn moths were such a chore to root out. 


We never did as a kid but we do now. Cereal at Costco is cheaper but the boxes and bags are huge. We pour it into the OXO cereal containers and it makes it easier to deal with.


Yes and so did I. Not only *does* it keep the cereal fresher because you're using a sealable container as opposed to rolling a bag which will almost always have a gap for air to get in, but you also avoid the issue involved in the bag ripping the wrong way and spilling cereal into the box, and you can see exactly how much cereal you have left at all times.


My mother would go to these Tupperware parties in the 80s surely to get pissed with her friends..not sure what the parties were for though


It was the only place you could buy Tupperware back then. MLM marketing.


My mom was a tupperware lady. She had parties and just pressured people into buying tupperware. She was pretty good at it. With her money, we bought a doberman pinscher and named him Nicholas Von QuickCooker (a quick cooker was a tupperware product that you could microwave multiple dishes in at once)


Pressured people into buying Tupperware lol 😄. The name for the dog too. Brill.


This is the greatest story I've ever heard.


Was it a set of round stackable dishes? If so, we had one and my mom used to make spiced pears in cranberry juice in the shallowest one.


If you ever got cigarette/drugstore beetles or pantry moths, it never felt unnecessary again. We had drugstore beetles (Also called bread beetles) hitchhike their way into the house on a box of dog biscuits. They were a pain in the ass to wipe out. It's been 25 years since I've seen one, and I still do it.


My parents, no. Me, yes because I have kids who apparently are allergic to closing cereal boxes correctly.


Opened AND peeled back for easier access.


Do you not like fresh cereal? Also, do this with dry pet food. It’s nice to let your dog or cat have food that isn’t stale.


And food that bugs haven't been crawling in.


Often the original pet food bag is designed to keep the food fresh/not stale. You’re better off keeping it in the original bag and securing it with a binder clip. Edit: I do transfer a week’s worth to a smaller container, as the main bag is 60? pounds or something.


Mine always come in a resealable bag, but if you're going to store it elsewhere, I'd advise a container with stainless steel or ceramic, as plastic is too porous to effectively keep out unwanted bacteria.


I have a huge one for the dog's food. Fits the average 35 lbs bag. It's awesome.


I use one of those because I buy bagged cereal (because it is cheaper) and pouring from a bag is a pain.


I do it because Marie Kondo told us packaging and labels are "noisy" and now I can't stop. I find decanting soothing or something lol


Because if you think those flaps are doing anything to seal in freshness, you’re living in a fantasy land!


Good God, Lemon!


I was just thinking about getting some of these. I guess I’m my parents now.


My parents? No. But my wife did this morning.


I still use them for cereal lol


Wait, should I not be doing this?!? ![gif](giphy|YrBRYRDN4M5ryrNOND)


Yes- ours were blue. It did keep cereal crispy!


My parents were so hardcore about keeping things fresh. Everything was folded over multiple times, clipped AND closed up. If I ever left anything with even the slightest possibility of air getting in, I was in deep shit.


We never had the problem of stuff being around long enough. My dad is one of the most gluttonous people I have ever met. If he saw a bag of potato chips or Doritos in the house he’d hog the entire bag watching tv that night. Probably why he is almost 300lbs.


I've got an in law like that. I was hoping to get a piece of pumpkin pie the day after Thanksgiving and to my surprise it was all gone. He'd downed the rest of it...almost an entire large pie...by himself after Thanksgiving dinner the night before.


I mean I’m almost 200 I’m not exactly a small man, but I have no idea how people can eat like that especially greasy stuff. I would be sick all the time if I ate like that.


I don't know. They're built different I think.




Still using them


Literally just did that to two boxes of cereal this morning. I live in the South. The humidity will just make it soft if I leave it in the box.


I have 5 of them. Frosted Flakes (super big one), Cinnamon Toast Crunch, fruit loops, lucky charms, and Honey Nut Cheerios (super big one). I grew up not being allowed sugar cereal. Now when I actually eat cereal I want SUGAR cereal. We (my family of 4) don’t eat cereal often enough to keep them from going stale without the plastic air tight containers. I got mine at Costco (the super big ones) and TJ Maxx (the regular size ones).


My husband does this. His mom used to be a Tupperware Sales Manager. When we moved in together, she gave us loads of Tupperware. It was awesome.


Nope. The only Tupperware we had was country crock containers 🤣


They still do...


I just got into cereal again in an effort to lower cholesterol and i bought cereal saver because it's way cooler and actually works. Shit! I feel old. 😩😩


You’re not old, you’re sensible.


I appreciate that! They were actually hard to find. I went to five different stores. But the cereal is still crunchy after months.


If you keep the cereal in the bag in the box half of the flakes end up slipping between the box and the bag. Also it gets stale after a week unless you roll up the bag after every pour and clip it. Cereal containers are so much easier to ensure freshness and control the mess.


Unnecessary? I feel like you're gaslighting me, op


Do my parents take cereal out of their impossible to fully seal original packaging and put it in hermetically sealable containers instead? Yeah, and so do I. Because I don’t like eating stale cereal three days after I bought it.


I use these, but not for cereal. I use two different ones for bird food. One container is for my pet parrot and the other is for the wild birds. For our pet parrot, we can create a blend of food in the container and easily pour into his containers. For the wild birds, it's just easier to pour.


How is putting cereal into a container that’s resealable and designed for pouring things out of a strangely anything task? Sure, you could argue that it’s not necessary to make it easier to use your cereal and keep it from going stale as fast, but it’s certainly not strange to do.


Yes, probably weren't bpa free either!


My mom did after we all got home from being out around 10-11pm to an ant infestation in our pantry when I was a kid.


These are useful especially if you don’t eat cereal every single day.


Still use these for pancake mix.


I do that. I saw it in "This is 40" and thought it was a good idea.


Yes, and I understand now because pantry beetles are a nightmare.


We had those EXACT ones. I think my folks might still have them. I know they're still using a lot of the same kitchenware from the mid 90s. LOL.


I use them for spaghetti. Yes, I buy that much spaghetti because my husband eats that much spaghetti.


They had to fit the bags of fake fruit loops somewhere


I bought a pair of rubbermade tubs similar to these a year or two ago on sale and don't even eat cereal every day. But learned that they do keep it fresh for quite awhile. Soo I see it as a win.


Easier to find the toy that way.


My parents didn’t but I did it with my kids. Each kid had their own container. Sometimes it would be just one cereal per container or sometimes they’d mix and match with each other.


I use the Rubbermaid ones at Sam’s Club for my Cheerios that I buy at Sam’s Club 😂 The ones in other stores don’t fit the boxes at the club.


I do the same thing these days with dog food (Vittkes Vaults).


TIL that my fellow xennials are very passionate about Tupperware and/or pantry organization. I thought it was just me. 😂


We use those - cereal, rice etc. It keeps the food fresher and it does help if ants get in or anything else.


It's not unnecessary. I still put cereal in a sealable container. It's also easier to pour.


If I could find any of these I would still do it. I loved them.


Here you go -- [They're almost everywhere.](https://www.google.com/search?q=cereal+containers&oq=cereal+containers&aqs=chrome..69i57.4289j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Ha! I have those little ones but I didn't know they sold the cereal version as well. Love those dang things and now I'll be ordering some. Ty!


That beige top brings back so many memories of eating waffle crisp dry while playing SNES and early PS games.




I still use these. I get Honey bunches of out" knock off and mix it with maple nutt granola. Cause the original is mostly flakes.


Yeah because we were broke and bought the generic brand that came in just a baggie.


No, but my Mormon ex did.


Oh yeah, I forgot about the Mormon connection. My mom's family is Mormon. GIANT Tupperwares of rice and flour.


We had two of the round opening ones. Man Raisin Bran smelled gooooooood in them.


I thought it was a toilet


My mom *still* does this. We live in a very dry place, and it takes cereal about a year to go stale, but that doesn't stop her. I just want my cereal to live in its natural habitat, the properly labelled box, not to taste like the inside of the dollarama containers she buys every time she realizes I don't have cereal containers.


Doesn't this add the plastic smell to the cereal? I think the ones made from the acrylic type plastics would be better since they don't seem to smell as much.


✨ microplastics ✨


People are still doing this bs but in shinier containers.


I always viewed that as a rich kid thing


I do this because otherwise the pantry gets so cluttered and confusing with boxes. This makes it easier to see what we have as opposed to being out of sight and out of mind.


My parents didn’t but I do because my kids can pour out of plastic containers easier. Less mess and they can get it when they wake up at the ass end of dawn.


No, those were for orange juice and kool-aid. Oh from concentrate, where you get the frozen can of OJ and add like four or five cans of water and then close the lid and shake the ever living hell out of it... Also iced tea.


Weevils can't get inside those.


Who eats cereal as a meal anymore? It’s a snack. Often don’t even buy it.


They still have it.


Thanks for the reminder about these. Some adult female in my house feels the need to cut the whole top of the cereal bag off. It's good for the first day.


I do it now either sistema containers


It serves two purposes. 1.) Keeps it fresh longer. 2.) Once the kids are used to it, keep the "real" cereal boxes in the cabinet, but fill these with the bagged generic Marshmallow Mateys or what the fuck ever.


we kept it in the box and when the cereal got ants I'd complain to my dad and he would say "the ants don't eat much"


They still do it, just upgraded the containers.


We do this. We buy our cereal in those big bags. And these containers keep it fresh and are easier to pour than the giant bags. We also have had issues with meal moths in the past and containers like this keep them out. We also keep our bread in plastic boxes called bread buddies. Love them.


And kids don’t close the bag. I still do this! For cereal, chips, and basically anything in a bag.


My parents didn't but I use them to keep my cereal fresh and crisp.




Yes. Yes, they did. I inherited at least one. I'm doing my best to make it useful.


I actually do this. Not because of parents but to keep humidity and bugs out. My parent’s food storage habits were a shitshow.


Yeah, because it worked.


we had that exact one with the round cap.


I buy bagged cereal and transfer them in to these.


Cereal no, spaghetti noodles, yes.


People love to complain that things like cereal, flour, and cookies don't come in resealable bags. It's because you're supposed to do this. You're supposed to have a cookie jar and a set of cute matching ceramic jars for flour and sugar. I will riot if they ever start putting flour in plastic bags