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I was (and still am) listening to the Misfits, but your results may vary :D


Same here. Still blast the Misfits, Black Flag, Ramones, Minor Threat, Sick of it All, and too many other great punk bands to name. I never cared for pop punk but to each their own.


I'm the bleeding edge of Xennial (January '77) and I feel like all of those bands are just *slightly* too old. Like, the cool but aloof seniors were into them when I was a freshman in high school. We got Danzig and The Henry Rollins Band. The Ramones played a PointFest in '94 or something but it was a short set and, well, a festival appearance.


Oooooooo I remember HALLOWEEN!


We are 138!


8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8!


I used to listen to the Misfits. I still do but I used to too




First song I taught my daughter to sing was skulls


Well, this made me very happy to read.


I listened to a lot of old punk so bands like the Clash and Dead Kennedys were bigger for my friends and I. I did love the 80-85 collection, and Fuck Armageddon This Is Hell helped me learn to play some drums


Its a holiday in Cambodia !


It's tough kid, but it's life


Too drunk to fuck


The Clash is forever šŸ–¤ If you havenā€™t heard the series Spotify did on the band, you should ā€” itā€™s hosted by Mr Chuck D, another punk warlord


Kill kill kill kill the poor !


They were playing the Dead Kennedys in the cafeteria at work today and I was like what planet are we on here?


That album is so much better and different than the newer ones


Like a rock, like a planet, like A FUCKING ATOM BOMB!


I'll remain unperturbed by the joy and the madness that I encounter everywhere I turn


I first heard Bad Religion when I was about 13, and I was hooked. I was lucky enough to see them and the Offspring in concert when Offspring was doing the 20th anniversary of Smash tour.


I just saw them twice in the last year. Once in a shitty bar in Reno and then again with Social D and Love/crimes.


Caught them back in 1994 but keep missing them the past few tours. Hopefully, the next time they come through.


Iā€™ve seen it all along, in books and magazines Like a twitch before dying, like a pornographic scene


You know, David Bowie gets a lot of credit for predicting the future, but Bad Religion have to be right there with him: listen to just about any song from the BR catalog that's over 25 years old and it better describes today's society than stuff that was written this morning. "Modern Man" is depressingly accurate.


You could put out 21rst Century Digital Boy tomorrow and it would be just as relevant.


100%. Iā€™ve been saying for years that all the major problems we are facing as a species is shit that Bad Religion has been warning us about since the 1980s.


I'm more of a Descendents guy


Iā€™m more of a DESCENDENTS gal. Same page!


mug mug mug coffee mug


Punk-O-Rama 2 was my introduction to punk music and I still listen to that same cd. Coffee Mug is the first track šŸ˜‰


I had that album! Pretty sure it was my intro to Millencolin.


Bullion was an awesome song! Honestly, that ENTIRE album is badass.




No, ALL!


Had to go way too far down to find descendants. Theyā€™re the fathers of pop punk imo. And Iā€™m not sure what the title of this post means, non pop punk? Bad religion is definitely pop punk.


I read that as more of a Decemberists guy at first and that was funny.


Bad religion is one of the greatest punk bands. I listen to them almost daily still.


I saw them about 10 years ago and they KICKED. ASS. Played every song youā€™d ever want to hear from them


I saw them a few weeks ago and they still sound amazing.


Me too.


I know that Iā€™m in the minority and itā€™s very much a personal thing, but I always preferred Pennywise. But Bad religion are heroes to the members of Pennywise so I have mad respect for them and all the music they made and helped to make. They also bought Eddie in to sing backup vocals which I found was brilliant.


I donā€™t think they ever topped Against the Grain where every song on the album was amazing. Although I am open to criticism and would like to be wrong.


It's true they say the album you're first exposed to usually becomes your favorite. So in that true case for me, it's Generator. The Answer is such an iconic song for me. I'm also partial to Empire Strikes First. Sinister Rouge is such a fucking banger. The lyric "There's space for a paper airplane race in the eye of a hurricane" always floats to my head whenever I read pedantic political squabbling that people make a big deal about while larger, more destructive things go intentionally ignored.


I do love that album, but if I had to pick one, I think it would be No Control.


Suffer is my fav


I canā€™t believe they released these one year apart or that they sound so relevant. Nostalgia perhaps.


Against the Grain seems to be generally overlooked, but itā€™s a top 3 BR for me.


21rst Century Digital Boy feels like it could have been written yesterday.


21st Century Digital Boy feels like it could have been written yesterday. Such a classic. Infected too.


Fugazi anyone?


This might be the only real answer to OPā€™s actual question


Minor Threat would fit this post more but I love any band MacKaye's been in.


Fugazi, Pixies, Dinosaur Jr, Sonic Youth (I could go on here, but thereā€™s 4 equally influential bands-behind-the-bands-we-loveā€¦) These are actually foundational for my late Gen X mid 90ā€™s teen generation. Iā€™ve literally never listened to a Bad Religion album all the way throughā€¦ just doesnā€™t do much for me.


This is not a fugazi post.


NoFX or Rancid may be close but agreed bad religion is still the goat, although there was a schism during this time of the genres, all the 80's punks made fun of the bubble gum boy band punk rock of the 90's(blink182 types primarily) and then we had no doubt which was Ska and not punk that would get thrown into this mix. Then of course we were always being compared to the British punk scene where it all originated. I liked it all back then, NoFX dont call me white is still on of my favorites, for older more original sounding punk a buddy turned me onto these guys back in the 90's. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zQYkvkixBFo


FWIW, NOFX is going on their final/farewell tour, now.


Going to the Portland shows in a few weeks


Have a great time! I caught them in SLC, UT.


See ya there!


Me too


Iā€™ll see you there! If Iā€™m not too punk in drublic that is


Obligatory "I heard they suck live."


Well FML. I wish i had found this out before today so I could have gone to see them before hurricane season started šŸ˜©


Bad Religionā€™s Brett Gurewitz was basically Rancidā€™s fifth member.


Operation Ivy.


Only 1 album though and then became Rancid. Love both of those bands for sure.


Only Tim Armstrong and Matt Freeman were in both. And that one album inspired a lot of bands, including The Offspring and Green Day.


Check out Common Rider for what the other half of Op Ivy got up to. Last Wave Rockers was a top tier album for high-school era gutens.




My daughterā€™s favorite bands are Pierce the Veil and MCR, I just recently told her to check out AFI and Jawbreaker as well.


The nice thing in case your daughter greets your recommendation with skepticism is you can probably find plenty of interviews where MCR will also encourage their fans to listen to AFI :)


One of the more mainstream bands, The Offspring. I loved the album Ignition.


Smash is still an excellent album beginning to end


Ixnay on the hombre was great too.


Agreed. I still prefer Smash, because it just fucking rips one banger after another. But Ixnay still has some solid songs (Gone Away being my favorite).


I even liked conspiracy of one, I never owned it but I remember liking pretty much every song I heard.


Smash was good too for sure, but I heard the song dirty magic for the first time during a break up and it resonated


I actually thought I should give a shout out to The Offspring after I had already submitted the post.


I still love Ignition! Definitely one of my favorite for decades!


Ixnay is awesome, front to back, but it didn't have massive earworm so it tends to get ignored. Smash, Ixnay, and Americana are all awesome and almost completely listenable, aside from Pretty Fly and 1-2 others


Offspring got so bad it's almost hard to admit that you like the early stuff. Pretty fly for a white guy............Holy shit I can't even believe that band that put out Smash would do do anything so revolting.


Saw them at a festival last year. They were legitimately the highlight of the weekend. The whole set was one big Xennial singalong.


Which was released on Brett's Epitaph Records (as was Smash).


Great call. I love The Offspring through and through. 'Ignition' is great!


https://preview.redd.it/ki7gvy6rt67d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c83bd0f013e917ae89dde8f77796b2b3c4be1754 Saw them last month. Love Crimes, Social Distortion, and Bad Religion


Always loved Social Distortion, actually got to play a game of pool with Mike Ness years ago.


https://preview.redd.it/s73bnk0ey67d1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=189c7050f5aa18de3dce416a175d47adac8f5d81 But seriously, one of my all time favorites. Have seen them many, many times. They expanded my vocabulary and my world view. Graffin's books are great too!


You must tell me where I can go to find Bad Religion memes like this. Sea-cow!


Great callout re. his books. His music and writing have expanded my worldview considerably.


Both Black Flag and Propagandhi had been pretty influential, and not a small deal either.


Propaganghi is more relevant now as ever. Crazy


Saw Propagandhi on tour a couple years ago and they are still absolutely perfect live.


propa is probably my number 2. Those guys rip




I laugh so hard every time I listen to ā€œSka sucksā€ and they tell Rudy Giuliani ā€œfuck you.ā€


True story: I was raised Catholic and had a cross necklace blessed by a Cardinal. When I first went to college, I started questioning religion altogether and today lean more agnostic than anything, depending on who you ask. Anyway, it was around this same time that I started listening to Bad Religion and saw them live for the first time. I was jumping around in the pit when Greg Graffin leaned over and picked something up on stage. He held up a long chain and I immediately put my had to my chest. No necklace. He put it in his pocket and the show continued. I never saw it again. Thatā€™s the story of how I lost my religion at a Bad Religion concert!


If Bad Religion didn't expand your vocabulary, you were just listening to them wrong.


Bad Religion: "The arid torpor of inaction will be our demise." Me: "Idk what that means, but it sounds deep."


Kyoto Now! My favorite of their songs. You might not think it matters now, but what if you are wrong? You might not think thereā€™s any wisdom in a fucked up punk rock song, but the way it is cannot persist for long, a brutal sun is rising on a sick horizon! God, I love cerebral, fast, punk rock screamed at the top of your lungs with shredding guitars. I saw Bad Religion last fall and they still put on a hell of a show ā€” but I was surprised to hear idiots heckling Greg (ā€œwe get it, dude, you read a lotā€ etc.). If thatā€™s not your jam then why the fuck are you listening to Bad Religion? Sheesh. Meanwhile, inject that shit straight into my veins!


I love this song so much. It became one of my favorites as a young college student studying ecology.


The only band that ever made 13yo me pick up a dictionary.


Bad Religion, The Offspring, & Face to Face were on continuous replay in my truck for years


I love F2F. Discover at a live show. Forever in the mix.


Bad Religion is by far my favorite band. I can't believe they never got more credit, but I am thankful to Greg and the gang for continuing to go strong. They literally changed my life and helped me develop into the person I am today. Nobody even comes close to them lyrically imo


Bad Religion and Pennywise will always be personal favorites.


Awww shit. Pennywise and NOFX are top 5 for sure


I can't hear about Pennywise without thinking of that stupid arcade game you controlled by standing on a Skateboard




I love Bad Religion, but itā€™s NOFX for me


Pennywise. Their lyrics spoke to me in ways I didn't know I needed to hear. Even now, I listen to their songs and it's like comfort. I credit their music with part of why I am even still alive today.


I'm a big fan of Bad Brains, Dead Kennedys and the Crucifucks. Not sure how they guided "us" but they did guide me.


For me, it was Social Distortion


Bad Religions Suffer saved the 80s American Punk scene. The scene was in a slump whe it came out, so when Suffer released with its melodic singing and skatebale riffs, it revitalized Punk


My suffer tattoo I got in 1997. https://preview.redd.it/vlokme4pw67d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=295ec477f7125cee9b73c167cf7a8f4d09a5fd3d


Bad Religion, Offspring, and Pennywise. I may have grown up in socal listening to KROQ 24/7.


I sort of named my child after one of their songs. So yeah. Kind of a big deal in this house.


American Jesus?


šŸ˜‚ Sorrow? Suffer? 21st Century Digital Boy? Do What You Want? Fuck You? Better Off Dead? Weā€™re Only Gonna Die? So many obvious choices for a kid name!


BR fan until I die.


They Might Be Giants


- Bad Religion - Rancid - Face to Face - No Use for a Name - Swingin Utters - NOFX - Strung Out - Jawbreaker - AFI - Blink (-182), Cheshire Cat album - Skankin Pickle - Op Ivy - Guttermouth - The Vandals (added because Iā€™m an idiot, but while Iā€™m hereā€¦.) - TSOL - Descendants - Agnostic Front - Dead Milkmen (they were punk as fuck, fight me) - D.I. - Circle Jerks - Black Flag (with Keith Morris, also fight me) - Fear - Minor Threat - Fugazi - Bad Brains (with HR) - Tiger Army - Street Dogs - The Ducky Boys Okay I gotta stop, but goddamn some memories.


You need to check out the Riot Fest line up this year for NOFX farewell tour.


Yes but add the vandals


I am so happen to see the Vandals get some love on this post! So great.


I love all these bands, especially AFI and No Use but I canā€™t listen to Guttermouth anymore, their earlier albums are so homophobic and cringe.


The Vandals


I second that. When I was young I wanted to go to Cornell just so I could take his class.


Beastie Boys and Rage Against The Machine come from the punk scene at least... even if they got famous not really playing punk music... Bad Religion has to be the answer. The combination of the music, the lyrics, the cross logo t-shirts..... Even a lot of the other bands mentioned on this thread (Pennywise, NOFX, etc.) would probably tell you it's Bad Religion. Fugazi, Operation Ivy and Sick of it All (edit: also the Descendents) would be my others for specific crowds but definitely not the reach of Bad Religion.


I saw Bad Religion again on their latest tour. In my casual conversations with people (ā€œwhat did you do last weekend?ā€ ā€œI saw Bad Religion and Social Distortion play a showā€), I was only getting blank stares!! So I have started quizzing coworkers, age range 30-55. I AM ZERO FOR FIFTEEN on any name recognitionā€¦. what the actual fuck.


In the 90s my friends and I were all listening to Crass, Subhumans, Conflict, Rudimentary Peni, Black Flag, Misfits, Fear, Dead Kennedys etc. Old school stuff mostly There was definitely an elitist purity culture of sorts. NOFX was punk rock for people who werenā€™t into punk rock. In my personal experience, that was often true Bad Religion always crossed all of those lines. Everyone loved Bad Religion. Even if you didnā€™t dig their sound, you still dug what they were about


Everyone I knew with a huge Exploited or Subhumans patch still had a smaller Bad Religion one somewhere on their jacket. They crossed the boundaries of punk genres at the time.


My people, you guys exist? I had maybe two other friends in junior high/high school that liked what I was into. Crass and Subhumans were on constant rotation. I remember driving 6 hours to the closest store that had ā€œpunk stuffā€ for sale and buying an Exploited backpatch that was basically just Wattieā€™s face and a middle finger. Had it on my jacket for maybe 2 days before my parents threw it in the trash. Worth it.


Op Ivy kinda started a lot


I'm surprised I haven't seen it mentioned yet but "guided" is the key here. Forget Bad Religion all together - Brett as a producer shaped almost EVERY band mentioned in these comments. I don't think there is a single individual who has had a larger influence either directly or indirectly on pop punk. He's basically Tom Landry.


Nothing against bad religion, but they sure as shit arenā€™t the band that ā€œguided our generation more.ā€


Yeah Iā€™m regretting not wording that better to make sure people realize Iā€™m talking about punk bands!


I saw them with my daughter - They still put on a hell of good show. Edited to add that BR is my daughter's favorite band, so I consider myself a successful father.


Dead Kennedys and Bad Religion


At risk of sounding like a cynic, BRā€™s ā€œThe Handshakeā€ from ā€œStranger than Fictionā€ is about as honest a distillation of society as it gets.


First band I saw live at 13. Watched a guy jump off their tall ass speaker stack, the guy in front of me went into the pit and came back with his shirt torn half off and all bloody faced, I couldnā€™t hear properly for at least 3 days afterward. Good times




Face to Face


Best band to go see live. They go up there, they say hey, they rip through 6 songs, they say ya-hey, they rip through 10 more songs, they talk a little bit, then rip the last 15 songs and you're still outta there at 11. Also The Suicide Machines deserve a mention in this thread from me


Love me some The Misfits personally.Ā  On a more region specific mention, for Australians you can't mention punk without inevitably Frenzal Rhomb being brought in to the conversation.


Violent Femmes, Rancid, Anti-Flag, Suicidal Tendencies, and Dropkick Murphys.


You hear about the dude, Justin Sane from Anti-Flag? He was apparently date raping girls he met at shows. He would ask them to "break edge" with him and get drunk and then like jump on em and start going to town, non-consensual. One girl came out and told her story on a podcast and the band kicked him out and disbanded. Then a bunch of other girls came out and had similar stories. Pretty fucked up. This all came out last year.


NOFX. Their albums shaped my adolescence and my thoughts about the world.


As someone who didnā€™t it grow up with a bunch of punk influence, ā€œWe got two jealous againsā€ introduced me to some great albums I would never have heard of.


I think if you ask all the punk bands of that era who influenced them the most, the only ones who aren't going to say Bad Religion is Bad Religion themselves.


I remember seeing them three nights in a row here in NYC in ā€˜97, fucking amazing. Coney Island High, Wetlands and CBGB. None of the venues exist anymore but the memories sure do




"Guided our generation" how? What does that even mean? How did a pop punk band guide us?


Have a Strung Out and Bad Religion combo tattoo


I still listen to NOFX and DKā€¦


For me it is and will always be Propagandhi. I also love Bad Religion but Prop to me will always be the best of that era.


They look like they've stopped by to say something serious about your backyard situation.




Itā€™s Social Distortion for me I just saw both of them last month in Chicago!!


If BNL doesn't get a little recognition as the greatest alt rock Canadian group of the early 2000s I'm gonna be pissed.


I'm a lover of all things punk from this era. I do however probably wear my bad religion shirt the most. Might partially be the upside-down cross with the šŸš« but I definitely enjoy them.


Social Distortion, Bouncing souls, and face to face


I donā€™t recall which Warped Tour it was, but Bad Religion headlined one night and the band before them was New Found Glory. Half the crowd left after NFG and all of us true punks suddenly knew how many posers were now going to Warped Tour each year. The tour wasnā€™t around too many years after that


I lived for the Clash, but one of the most memorable punk moments Iā€™ve ever had was a guyfriend of mine bellowing ā€œPunk Rock Girlā€ up at hill at me when weā€™re were at school in the late 90s. Iā€™d never heard it before so that was quite an introduction to the Dead Milkmen hahaha


AFI? They got pretty trendy for a while but def didnt start poppy Black Sails in the Sunset Im also gonna give Sublime an honerable mention, ska has some punk in it


Took me a min, but proud of myself that I realized this was BR. Been a while since Iā€™ve seen them live or pics of them. A long while. Went to HS in Vegas and saw them a few times. Once with NOFX. Was in my top 5 live shows. As dumb as it sounds, if you didnā€™t get to see Goldfinger live in 98-2000, they put on shows that would rival any.


Bad Religion feels like the right answer.


I increased my vocab listening to Bad Religion


Love me some Bag Religion and Dr.Greg Griffin is a badass


The precursor to 90s radio pop punk is my favorite genre. Bands like Screeching Weasel, The Queers, and The Mr. T Experience never get enough credit imo.


Mxpx, nofx, blink, Ramones, misfits, screeching weasels, and Green Day


Non-pop punk? R.E.M. taught a whole generation political action existed. If you mean a punk band specifically, I canā€™t argue Bad Religion. Iā€™m


I agree with Bad Religion, but also surprised there hasnā€™t even been a mention of Social Distortion in the comments.




This should be up top.




Saw them a couple weeks ago, still so great live


Mu wife introduced me to their music when we started dating around 2002. I've seen them 4 time live over the last 2+ decades, and they've always been excellent. Great band that doesn't get mentioned enough.




If you consider Sonic Youth ā€œart punkā€, then they are by far more influential.


Just saw them live last month!


Social Distortion


I'm a Bad Religion fan. I've seen them 3 times in concert, so far. I went to this Punk in Drublic tour with NOFX as the headliner. They were going to have Flogging Molly open for them, but they couldn't make it. Low and behold, Bad Religion comes out on stage, looking and dressing like they just wandered off of a golf course. Then they proceeded to rock so hard that Fat Mike of NOFX was openly embaressed about following them up afterwards.


American Jesus!


I saw them in Chicago with Social Distortion last month and they were awesome. It was somehow my first time seeing them. Have you seen the NOFX farewell show at Riot Fest in Chicago this fall? Itā€™s pretty stacked.


My intro to punk was a tape with Screeching Weasel on one side and The Vandals and NOFX on the other


Not really punk, but Iā€™ve been listening to Queens of The Stone Age for 24ish years now and they still absolutely kill it live and their last album, which is a year old today, shows they are still at the top of their game.


Crass Cocksparrer GBH Warzone The Cramps The Templars The Slackers Symarip Madness The Exploited


Bad Religion is one of the greatest bands ever.


The absolute best. On my playlist most days still. One of the first bands I saw live. Core memory




Oh and bad brains n black flag


See, this might not fit exactly but....Rage Against the Machine. To me, punk is more about a spirit than a particular super specific genre of music.


I love this post.


Generation X or the Ramones. Maybe Iā€™m too X-y to honestly answer though. I was born mid 70s and am kind of just on this sub for solidarity to yā€™all.


My favorite band of all time.


The Black Crowes


The replacements


The cure


The Dwarves - the most punk band youā€™ve never heard of šŸ˜†