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I do feel bad for kids today being constantly tracked and monitored. I think most of us had a lot more freedom as growing up. Happy Birthday!


Well, that’s also up to the parents…having young kids I don’t monitor them…didn’t have a baby monitor, they don’t have devices and will not be allowed to until quite a long time. I can see how addictive those things are and how easy for parents to keep track…my niece who’s officially an adult and studying in a different city is still being tracked and monitored by her parents and it makes me sick and damages their relationship…so yeah the possibility is there and unfortunately too many times parents, and companies as well, take advantage of those monstrous inventions that are too handy to not use.


How old before your kids get smartphones? My 6 year old is already asking, but I seriously want to wait until 18. Obviously, this won’t fly, but my friends seem to think 10-13 is OK with controls.


My boys are 12 turning 13 this summer. They have the watches that let them make calls and send texts to numbers that I have personally entered into the address book. They also GPS track. This is all they get until driving age. And they only got these when they started riding the bus across town to an intermediate school in 4th grade.


Good on you! I support this 100%


I just don’t really see a need for them to have anything more than that. It can make a call in an emergency and it can help me check in on them locationally. And obviously they can text with friends or call them. What else do they need, right?


We let our kids get them at 13, which is the watershed age when you can sign up for your own online accounts and stuff without the parents having to be involved. I don't know if it's the best time to do it, but I seemed like a natural time to at least let them try to be responsible.




Why not 18 if that's what you want? Once they have them there's no going back. I have friends who's kids are high schoolers and they still don't have them. And those kids are happy and not, like, not cool or anything.


Wait until 18 if that’s what your instinct is. Don’t let others pressure you. Don’t worry about “missing out.” That’s the problem with all this, someone else does it and then everyone else does, but no one can give a good reason other than “everyone else is doing it.” When that is the only reason, it’s the wrong reason to do something. Break the mold. Do what your heart and mind are saying.


Not sure, still a few years to figure things out…but for sure for the entirety of primary school no phone, so that would mean until 12-13 y


Imagine being a teen lying about where you are now on the phone. “I swear I’m at Kyle’s house, dad!” “Ok. Then accept my FaceTime call and show me around.”


Time to get your colonoscopy!


Truth. 45 is the new 50 in this case.


It's the best nap you'll ever have!


Someone had said this to me before mine and I was like ok whatever. But it truly was the best nap ever!


They let you sleep through it? I am now much less terrified


Anesthesia - and it helps if you have an anesthesiologist who's funny, and most of them are.


The nap was great, the chick that kept telling me to keep breathing afterwards was a bit annoying. Like, I'll get to it, it just feels nice not to right now, back off


If your body can actually process the drugs. Lol, not fun to find out you have a superpower drug tolerance for that!


Do you happen to have red hair? I've heard that's a thing for redheads.


First time I had surgery I woke up while they were drilling pins into my pinky. Not sure if towhead is offensive or not but I had bright white hair and was 8 years old. Apparently being a hybrid gives you the same tolerance to anesthesia, but I didn’t get facial hair until my mid twenties to realize I had the redhead genes. Luckily my medical records have followed me around and that poor anesthesiologist actually put notes about it into them.


Nope, its dark brown! And no redheads in my family.


If that's the case, I'm scheduling one immediately!


I got sandwiches after I woke up from mine. Good times!


got mine recently thanks to reminders from this sub ♥️


Shoot. Thank you for the reminder!


I remember being taught you always round up at half. For example, 2.5 is 3, or 7.5 is 8, etc. So you just turned 50. Congrats!


Significant figures, so they are 45.0


That leads to [systematic or statistical skew](https://integralmagazine.weebly.com/articles-blog/why-rounding-5s-up-is-wrong) in data sets.


Your mom examples don’t mimic what you’re saying.


45 in August. The old people I talked to as a 5-year old were born in the 1800's. My mom told me of how her grandma carried [tin milk canisters](https://rentevent.se/image/3647/imgp2889.jpg) for the old people on her block. Right around when the first airplane flew. I love tasting my first sandy summer winds right around the bend of the new era, the first modern decade where men could be kindergarten teachers and women could be cops. I am very happy to have found this sub and so many people who also are of two worlds.


It’s recently crossed my mind also that when we were young kids, people born in the 1800s were still out and about. Kind of bonkers.


Yes. Once at the post office, as a wee boy, I saw a man with the wrinkliest face, and a giant fur hat on, and thick black hornrimmed glasses. He looked to me like someone who might've interned for Rockefeller. And 90-year olds in the early '80s talked very differently than 80-year olds in 2024. The diction, syntax, rhythm, everything about it just hailed from a different world.


In about '92 I met a 95 year old, a bit afterwards I realized that he had to have been born around 1897, that blew my mind. The guy saw the rise of electricity, radio, cars, airplanes, 2 world wars, T.V, the moon landing!


My dad isn't quite that old, but he was born in 1939 and he was 7 when his family first got electricity. They lived on a farm in rural Minnesota. It's crazy to me how far we've come in just his lifetime.


It is wild. I never actually knew anyone born in the 1800s though. My great grandfather was 1903.


You just reminded me of my great grandmother who was absolutely formed by the Great Depression and made it clear you needed to be able to get by on your own with little to nothing.


My grandfather was born in 1892 and I’m 46. He had my dad at age 59.


59, crazy. Neat. Hope he had some good stories to tell you. My grandpa was a missionary in Tanzania in the '40s. My dad swam in the river with his cousins and siblings while adults stood at the banks with rifles in hand, scanning for crocs.


Happy fellow cake day! Today I’m 41 and I had a bizarre moment yesterday that made me think about a lot of the things you mentioned in your post. My mom usually texts or sends me pictures of me from birthdays gone by. I was looking at one when I was 11 or 12. I was sitting on the deck of the house I grew up in and this overwhelming sensation of wanting to “go home”. We lived on the lake. My summers were filled with swimming, fishing, wondering around the woods, riding bikes, etc. It was more perfect that I ever realized and I can’t put to words how much I felt like I took it all for granted looking back. My mom sold the house when I was in my early twenties. I should have bought it, but I just thought I couldn’t for some reason(and as well all know now just about anyone could buy a home in 2006). We were by no means wealthy. I always thought we were middle class and now looking back, we perhaps were slightly upper middle class but back then a house on the lake wasn’t the status symbol it is now. I was just a “county kid”. I have a hard time reconciling all that now that I have my own kids. We do not live on the lake and i feel like I can’t afford the childhood that I had for my own kids, and it’s a heavy blow. On top of that just the way the world is now I feel like makes it suck that much more to be a kid these days. Hopefully I’m just old and my kids will feel like their childhood was the best too.


Today I saw a post about Karate Kid coming out 40 years ago on this date and was like “oh, sweet, Karate Kid came out the year I was born”. Then I realized that I’m 43 and that Karate Kid came out in ‘84 not ‘81.


Hey samesies ♋️ Best birthdate to have in my opinion, we usually get good weather in the northeast. Strawberries are ripe and most importantly, schools out and we can do whatever we we want (within reason). I spent the day, sleeping in. Drinking 4 cups of coffee. Spent an ungodly amount at Costco, cleaned off my grandpas wW2 gravestone (he lived to 50) and got Five guys with my daughters. Time to smoke some weed and microdose some shrooms, get some sun, walk my dog and eat strawberry shortcake. Cheers


My deepest sympathy on the first time you check the 45 to 54 age group on a survey.


Also, think of it as being halfway between 20 and 70. Or maybe, halfway to 90. This isn't helping, is it?


As someone going through her mid-life crisis (I’m sure most of it is menopause), this was beautiful. Thank you. Hugs.


Is this the oldest you’ve ever been?


Naw, I've been at my oldest before.


Happy Birthday from a fellow June 27th baby (just a year younger) 🎂


I’ll turn 45 next month! We’re the best generation ☺️ keeping it real! A lot of the content on this sub is very American so I don’t always get the shared cultural references but I know there are certain things about being Xennial that you all just ‘get’ and it crosses country-based cultures. We are the generation that is coming into the strength of our power, age wise - old enough to be holding positions of authority while still being young enough to have energy and vision - but we are also disadvantaged by being a smaller generation than boomers. And I feel we are quite a chilled generation too. We don’t want to be bothered with your politicking and CEOing shit; we want to kick back and relax, or if we do expend energy on something, it’s a hobby or passion project … or else we are too busy just trying to survive and keep our heads above water to rule the world.


Have a totally tubular birthday!🍕🎈 ![gif](giphy|x8WHr4InW2LU4)


Have your party at Chuck E. Cheese.


also turned 45 this year and this is spot on


Right on. Great read after a bong rip. Happy Birthday, you beautiful bastard.


45 on Sunday. Dude, kids barely had pagers when we graduated in ‘97. I’d say it was more like 02-03 when people had phones for the most part.


Class of 99. In '97 my dad had a car phone he used for work, and then he got an Alltel cell phone that I use to take to track practice in '98 which held a charge for all of 25 minutes if you left it on. I would turn it on to call home for my parents to come pick me up, then turn the phone off again. Oh, and you had to pull out the antenna otherwise you couldn't get a signal lol. I got a pager in '99 and my code was * 69


Class of 98 checking in. Had a pager junior year, threw it in the puget sound cuz I didn’t like being that connected…….. didn’t work.




Happy Birthday! Hope you’re having a good one. Nostalgia is hitting my wife and I hard as well. She’ll turn 45 in August.


Happy birthday, bud. The golden age is obviously those years when we first experienced the magic that we fondly remember now, but the next best (to me) feels like right now where we have the knowledge, the means, and - most importantly - the strength/desire to do what we’re interested in.


I feel the same way. I'm finally in a place financially and mentally where I can finally pursue my interests and enjoy my time. I am not fond of popular culture these days, but the ability to look up information immediately and spontaneously is beyond amazing and I don't think that I'd trade that capability for anything we had in the 80s/early 90s. As a kid, when we got our first computer with internet, I was hooked. It sometimes seems like people don't realize just how incredible it is to be able to find out about whatever you want whenever you want.


It’s true. The net is a true yin yang, and the dark side really tries its best to spoil the awesomeness that’s there. It’s hard to believe we lugged ourselves to the library for book reports. 😄


Hey Birthday Twin! I'm 44 today! 🍻🥳🎉


Happy Birthday! I'll be 43 this year and I totally agree with you on the uniqueness of the era we were brought up in. I'm so glad to have been a true child of the 80s and 90s. >being the grandchildren of WW2 vets and the respect we had for that This is important. I'm glad to have had Great Depression Generation grandparents. They faced major hardships and were creative and resilient, unlike their children who grew up to be...not as resilient. Obviously no generation is perfect but I feel like the combination of factors we grew up with shaped us in a unique way.


Happy Birthday! I hope it's a good one. I'm 41, and I miss the 90s. I had so much fun back then - friends, pen pals (fucking pen pals!), the end of high school, multiple love interests, fantastic music and so much more. If only we could go back to a simpler, but cooler time. Oh well, we've got plenty of time left to do all the things we still haven't done.


Happy birthday!! I’m also ‘35’ and will be doing ‘35’ in October. Have a good one:)


Happy birthday


Welcome to the 45 club. I grew up in southern NY, so right around the corner really. I think it would be safe to assume a lot of your fellow fence sitters share your sentiment. Happy birthday!


I turned 45 this year as well. What you posted definitely hits home. Happy birthday and welcome to the 45 club!


Hella, fellow 62779 baby, and happy birthday!


I’m also turning 45 this year and this post is spot on.


Happy Birthday! I could have wrote this post myself I swear. Turn 44 in the summer.


Happy birthday! I have always thought of myself as an in between person - maybe it is a generational reality? I am grateful to have interviewed my grandfather about his time in WW2 and to be raised by parents who believe in the power of community organizing. I think as our national memory fades (as we lose those that remember the really hard times) we also seem to backslide on the value of democracy. I hope you’re all planning to vote, local and national. Maybe we can find a way to offer today’s youth the kind of hope and vision we had for the future.


He's hip.\ He's cool.\ He's... #[45](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KF2X1o0FGA0)


Happy birthday. I’m turning 45 in exactly 6 months from today and this has resonated with me so much. My husband and I talk about the same things that you say. While we grew up in a different country than you so some of our experience is different but it is also not in so many ways. We truly got the best of both worlds. I see myself settling into this age, it was hard but I’ve embraced it. Still have moments, things that I want to do, things that I feel I couldn’t achieve but mostly I’m content and I’ve automatically stopped giving two hoots about people’s expectations. I do wish I didn’t have to take hypertension meds tho ugh.


Well that was really well said. Happy Birthday to you!!!


Love this. Couldn’t have said it better myself. I hit 45 last week. Happy birthday bud.


Happy birthday, mate. Let's see what the future brings


Happy Birthday 


Happy birthday!


Grew up in NJ so did you go to Rutgers, FDU, or Drew? Welcome to 45. It's a wonderful age!


I felt like 45 was the year I finally had to admit I really was a full adult.


The concentration of wealth and corporate greed has just spiraled out of control now. It started with policies enacted before we were born, but it’s never let off the gas. I miss the blissful ignorance of youth (except the Mormon part) and being technologically connected all the time. Riding my bicycle out of the city and just gravitating toward zen is pretty much the only thing left that binds me to my childhood, back then they were dirt roads though. Grabbing a garbage bag, picking up bottles and cans, then setting them up on the railroad tracks and target practice with sling shots was the best. Except that time we ran into a nest of rattlesnakes. Yeah we exterminated them because we were kids and it was way too close to my friend’s house.




Born year of the goat, or as we now call it, the year of that Smashing Pumpkins song


Happy Birthday! Welcome to 45! I'm only 5 months ahead of you. I don't feel 45. I still feel like the kid I've always felt like... Just with a few more aches and pains. I've come to realize recently that even though I don't really feel different, I am different. I've discovered that I have learned some things and gained some valuable experience. I'm not as stressed by the things that used to stress me, I don't often sweat the small stuff because at this stage in my life, I have bigger fish to fry. Take pride in what you've learned and who you are still becoming. I toast to you and the rest of us Xennials. May our best years still be ahead of us.


Happy Birthday. I turned 47 yesterday, and it's definitely a weird spot to be in. Midlife crisis in full swing!


Look at those old farts having a debate for president. We still have a chance to make positive changes to this world our children are just beginning to navigate. We've had a plethora of awesome experiences, and we ain't scared of shit! Don't count our generation out yet friend.


Hey I also turned 45 today. Cheers!


I'm from a totally different part of the country and you pretty much summed up my outlook on things. Weird how that can happen in two totally different environments, ain't it?


Happy birthday to another cancer baby - ill be 46 next week


Happy Birthday 🎂🥳 Cancerian Buddy!! Love that part about abiding by time and keeping our word around it. It's definitely important for me. Personal Integrity overall. I think it's influenced by my Japanese heritage too. Appreciating deeper internal qualities. I think by being born into this Gen, where we got that sneak peak into the forecoming internet technology era, but still living without it, helps me give a better clarity of choice knowing that life can still be super rewarding and enriching outside of it. I love having in depth face to face conversations and heartfelt going out experiences with close friends. Going for day hikes in mountains, Walking and talking is great, Spending quality time with my family, and also keeping myself Fit, fit. Love it. Doing Reformer Pilates, Long distance swimming training, Spin Cycle. Of course I Injoy mooching and having downtime streaming a movie, being a couch potato too but there's life outside of screens too. Aye to that about being born. As a Human nonetheless. In Buddhism, they look at all the possibilities of being born, amongst billions of species of things. To be reborn as a human where we can have the gift of making wise choices consciously. This is a gift to be incredibly gracious and grateful for.


It's just another day of the year. They all blend together.


Happy birthday and enjoy this gorgeous day, dick!


> how lucky I was to be born where I was born You were born in NJ, that isn't lucky it's a curse. edit: lol at all the downvotes, you guys really can't take a joke here jeez.


Hard disagree. A well educated, wealthy state? I've loved all 43 years of my life here in NJ.


The bridge tolls make you pay on the way out of NJ, because if they made you pay on the way in no one would go.


Philly trash or NYC trash 😏 Or worse, Delaware trash.


I know, it's crazy that every state bordering NJ hates it! :)


but yet you all come enjoy our beautiful beaches. Except for maybe Delaware since they've got MD to go to.


I wouldn't call them beautiful beaches, downright nasty is more like it, but you are right people do go.




How terrible to have easy access to the shore, a mind boggling variety of food from around the world, two major cities within a 2 hour drive from almost anywhere in the state, and a place where it’s usually *difficult* to find a bad pizza! Oh and to top it off it’s being overrun by all the hipster dipshits who moved from Iowa or whatever to NYC and are now buying up homes in…NJ. Either the only thing you’ve seen of NJ is the stretch between Newark and NY or you’re just parroting very tired material.


I heard Jersey was just a glorified crew.


I am quite familiar with NJ. I have *unfortunately* spent a lot of time there.


There are things about our childhood years I’m glad are gone. White saviorism was at a peak back then. Being gay was still widely controversial and not just to bigots. A lot of the progressive values that are considered BASIC now were considered adorably fringe in the 90s. We knew the conservative christians were scary but we still weren’t facing just how far they were willing to go. As much work as it can be to see more of the corruption and be expected to educate ourselves on issues, I don’t miss the ignorance.


Only 15 years left, better enjoy em


This sub is most triggering depressing thing ever. Byeeee


Happy birthday. I turned 33 in January. am close to 40.


You're as close to 40 as you are close to 26.


Happy samesies