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I don’t get that argument that they make. Like there are plenty of absolutely awful Gen X politicians lol. Good ones too, but honestly I don’t care what generation the president is from. I just want them to be good.


They all came of age during Reagan's presidency and it shows.


Who gives a shit if they’re GenX or Millenial??? As long as they’re not geriatric and/or unhinged!


Im actually perfectly fine with geriatric when the other option is unhinged (and is also geriatric).


Ok, point taken - I’m hoping eventually we wont always have to choose the best bad option.


Well, the 2 candidates this time (and last time) are pre-boomer even, so if this trend continues, we have 8 elections of opportunity.




Our current president is the first Silent Gen president. The last one, and current opponent, is a Boomer.


Don't care.


Wasn’t Obama Gen X? Oh, nope - he was born in 1961. I never thought of him as a boomer though, even though he technically is one.


Ehhh he's the Boomer equivalent of a Xennial....Boombox? Okay, I cracked myself up with that one


I think those on the cusp of Boomer/X call themselves Generation Jones. I think...the subreddit keeps appearing in my feed for some reason.


Obama was part of the Generation Jones microgeneration, kind of like Xennials. It was from about 1955 to 1964.


Obama is a Jones'r, as is Kamala Harris.


Not fussed about generation. However, introduce age limit of 65. IQ test, cognitive test. General health test.


There's a lot of this I disagree with but I don't want to get into the first part cos they aren't big enough disagreements and I totally know where you're coming from. The thing I have an actual problem with is the general health test. More than one of our greatest presidents were severely disabled and/or chronically ill. (Obviously, I am not including anything that includes cognitive decline in that, that's a whole nother ball game.)


Quite a few ‘normal’ jobs have health screen requirements. Therefore, one of the most important jobs in the free world should also be for fit and intelligent people only. No point having an ill president.


Well, we will all just ignore the opinion of someone who would have disqualified FDR (and probably JFK) from the presidency.


Well put


That's extremely ableist.




I'll just be glad if they're not silent generation/older boomer, pro-fascism, or pro-genocide.


And they're not Pro Christian Nationalism, anti-women's rights, anti-LGBTQ+, or just in general a whackdoo Extremist.


I mean, it’s a small generation wedged in between two massive populations. It’d be nice to not be forgotten about and passed over like so many other times. Political views, mental health and having a backbone are way more important considerations for a candidate though of course. Also the genx stereotype is the slacker, the one who quits or walks away rather than compromise on authenticity, while the millennial stereotype is very earnest and hustle culture and participation… I think you’re going to find way less genxers as politicians. And there’s another post about all our questionable role models in music! Ice-t and Suicidal Tendencies fans are gonna be a hard sell to the mainstream! 😂 I think the most stereotypically genx politician would be Beto O’Rourke in Texas and he had a rough go of convincing the general population.


I do feel like the “slacker” mentality has probably been a bad combination with the death grip Boomers have had on power. Like, Boomers haven’t done well fostering the next generations to take over, but I also feel like a large portion of the young gens have been content enough with not stepping up and staying in a secondary role (despite the grousing about it).


Gen X know it's a shit job for the illusion of power with crappy legitimate pay so don't run.


I think there’s a lot of truth to this but then Gen X shouldn’t complain one of them isn’t getting elected.


I thought about the post itself and also thought exactly what you said. I just didn't change my comment. Yeah, most of our generation is smart enough to know better. But I'm personally not complaining. For a generation who prides ourselves on an "I don't care attitude, why is there surprise that there aren't many Gen X in politics, especially at the presidency level, which is essentially a nightmare of a job with no reward. I wouldn't want to do it, and I think most of the generation agree. Why are people complaining that others of the generation probably just have the same insight. I'm sure most of us have wonderful ideas for the country, some of which could be achieved, well...why don't you interview for the job instead of expecting others to do it?


Nope, totally—I’m with you, I wouldn’t want the job, either, and yes, I think there are probably some Gen X attitudes that would actually be salubrious (friend just sent me an article about that, actually!). But I also feel like, fuck it, if there’s an enthusiastic, earnest Millennial who wants the job and takes it seriously, go for it! We don’t need to have a Gen X president. Maybe have a few Gen X advisors to balance it all out!


I'd rather skip Gen X and go straight to Xennial/Millennial. Gen X has some weird political ideals at times.


Idgaf if we have a Gen X president. As long as we can have someone sane and not decrepit. The election this year with these two ancient men, one who is medium bad and one who is a fucking nightmare of the highest order, is depressing and terrifying.


I saw that thread and railed against it. They're right that we shouldn't have 80 year old presidents, but they ain't gotta be GenX. I'd vote for Pete in an instant, pretty sure he's a millennial.


Maybe they don't want to be as invisible as they're Silent Gen parents?  Being a small group (still smaller than the already dying Boomers!), they have never had the kind of generational power of the Boomers. Entering middle age has always meant losing cultural power, which Gen X either handled gracefully or were completely ignored when they didn't. But now Gen X is approaching retirement without having had political power or corporate power. Many fortune 500 CEOS, bank presidents, etc are either Boomers or Millennials.  Besides, it's not new. There was definitely a lot of coverage of "Aaahh! The president is younger than me! Aaahh!" when Clinton won in 1992.


There should be a maximum age limit. Nobody over 60 or under 35 should get to run for president.


I don't really care about what generation a nominee would be from. Right or wrong, I'm one of those people that is a life-long member of one of the parties and that is way more important to me. It would be cool to have someone more relatable to me but it would in no way cause me to change parties or anything.


Three words: Ron De Santis


Generation isn't important to me at all, so long as they have a reasonable platform and a sense of duty and integrity. And equally of import, is whether they have the sense to surround themselves with advisors that are experienced and willing/able to see their president's blind spots and communicate them. Part of being intelligent is being humble enough to recognize when you don't know something and ask someone who does, and that's the sort of leadership that I tend to respect most in any facet of life.


I’ll take anyone completely sane and competent. That would be a *huge* step up at this point.


I just want gas to be $2 again, I don't care who's president.


I don't care about generational membership at all. I do expect at least 2 (authentic) PhDs from a presidential candidate though.


I don't care if they're from my generation beyond them not being from the Greatest Generation.


So anyone under 97, then?


OH MY GOD. I just realized my grandmother would have been 97 this year. I was like, my grandmother was Greatest Generation...she was 91 when she died. Six years ago, silly.