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… you have a 21 yo? 👀


Some of us started young. I am 45 and my sons are 20 and almost 22. It's kinda nice still being youngish and my kids aren't a full time job anymore.


Jesus, I have a kid due in November. I'm going to drop dead changing diapers.


I will be 41 this year, I have a 5yr old, 2yr old and am due with another in January. Lol


Flip side to that though, I have a fairly real possibility of grandkids in my nearish future.


41 and have a 5 month old. You got this 💪🏻


I have a 9 month old baby girl, you can do it.


My kid was born when I was 37. It’s not too bad. Teen years hurt a bit because I have no idea if this grey hair is genetic or caused by her


>It’s not too bad. One word: perimenopause


45 with a 2.5 year old, you'll be fine!


47 with a 4 and 3, agreed.


I’m 44 with a 2 & 9 yr old. It helps you feel young!!


I was 39 when my daughter was born. I’ll be retirement age when she graduates from college.


Rough to go thru 10 years of peri work any kids, let alone young ones. I don't envy you.


We started late. I don't want my kid to have a cell phone yet but she's old enough to need to be able to get a hold of us if she's at home alone so we're putting in a landline. I'm going to find one of the old clear ones you can see the guts inside of


MagicJack FTW


If you can't find one of them get a burger shaped phone!


I had the phone you're talking about when I was in High School


I'm 40 with an 18 year old (19 next month) and a 14 year old. everyone else my age is dealing with toddlers or elementary school. if the wife and I wanna go somewhere, we just inform the kiddos and bail.


Yep, I'll turn 40 in September and the kid will be 21 in November. Life has been *way* less stressful for almost a decade now (My kid is such a square bear 😅)


I am 45 and my daughter is 26. Had her at 20. Lol married at 18, mom at 20 divorced by 24. But damn dude was an honest to God cowboy and gave me a horse when he proposed and we rode off into the sunset! Yeah 18 me was not so smart.


I'm 44. I'm honestly loving it; while I am definitely still Mom and will pull that card if I have to (which is rare), my 21yo is my best friend. I'm loving it, really. Just... Nobody tell my 21yo they're not allowed to grow up anymore or move out. lol


As a dad to two boys, I feel sorry for my wife. I mean, the kids and I are mostly housebroken, but she's still the only woman in a house full of adult men. So when she wants to get her nails done or her hair, something to feel pretty, I always tell her to go do it, because we burp, scratch, and fart up in here. Also, she can burp louder than any of us.


My boys are 7 and 4, and we (unfortunately) think it's hilarious!!! My poor Mrs!! My 7 yr old got my armpits too, and my 4 yr old got my feet. I take 2 showers a day just to try and compensate, but their teen years are going to be something!!


I grew up with mostly male friends, and so did my daughter. We know when she's up in the morning, because she'll walk out of the room and belch so loudly that we can hear it across the apartment, and it's like "Yep, she's up." She and I have the sense of humor of a bunch of 13yo boys. She'll walk through a room and start laughing as she leaves, and I'll go "You just crop dusted the room, didn't you?", she'll cackle, and I'll crack up. We know when to be "ladies", but usually? Ha. Nope. My husband was raised with all women and he's way more graceful on the regular than we are. lol


So not continuing the Xennial tradition of keeping kids out of the house all day until street lights come on then booting them out at 18 to college or start their own life? 😆


The way things are these days, if someone boots their kid out at 18 they are extra messed up. I got kicked out around that age. It was rough, but I had some help, got my shit together and was able to get an apartment relatively quickly. Rent in my area for that same apartment 2 to 3 times what it was then. If I were to kick out my young adult children I would really be dooming them. They won't be able to recover from that as easily as I could at that age.


Yeah rather than the single roommate I had would likely need 4 these days to split rent.


42 with a 6 year old. I got all my partying and fun shit way out the way. I know how to live and have fun so I have the knowledge and experience to raise a person.


48 and got my first grandchild a year ago. Nothing makes you feel older than being a grandparent.


My goddaughter made me a great uncle at 39. I get it.


I just turned 45 and my daughter is 24


43, our oldest is 24, then 19 18 17 and 8


Oh wow. I regret not having more kids. I'm divorced and my daughter is grown and out of the house. I've been aimless.


Youngish….man that hits so many truths for me


I, too, started young. I am 41 and my oldest will be 21 in a few months.


Same, 42 and I got a 22, 21 and 20 year old. I'm surprised I haven't declared bankruptcy with all their bullshit I've had to pay.


Same. Close to the same ages. And damn it's nice and my marriage has had a renaissance. Including spontaneous sex on the couch


Right on. There's almost a sense of "we don't have to be parents anymore, so who are we now?" I'm loving every minute of it.


Agreed. I'm 44, my daughter is turning 19 next month. I don't know what to do with all my time these days!!


I’m 42 and my daughter will be 20 in December. It’s been nice having her be responsible for her bills.


It's awesome. I'm in a similar boat. It was certainly a struggle in my 20s, but it's paying off now


Same. I'm 45 and our son is 21. Honestly it's kind of nice to still feel youngish, and be able to leave on vacations without him. I mean, we take him most times, but we do one just us here and there. A Couple years back, I picked him and his buddy up from soccer practice in my late '90s truck, and the friend got in and was like WTF is this!? And he was looking at the manual window crank.


Same! Was preggers when I graduated college, she's 24 this year and my other two are 22 and 20. It was sometimes rough doing it so young, but very happy to be an empty nester at 46.


Some of us start late. Lol I'm 45 and have a 10 year old.


I have a 21 yo as well! Started young.


Psh. That's nothing. I'm 1977 and mine just turned 28.


After 3 kids you can do it without getting shit finger.


Same here. I’m 46 and my girls are 23 and 20. It was rough when we first had kids but it’s all good now!


Similar here, 46 with a 22 and 21 year old. I also have one in high school and a 9 year old…I feel so old compared to the other parents at my 9 year olds elementary school 😅


Yep. I have a 23yo too. I, uh, started early. lol


I'm 45, I have a 21yo. Tbh, having a kid at 24 isn't even "starting early". That's just starting. I got married at 23. *Slightly* earlier than average for back then, but still average.


A girl I graduated high school with became a grandma in February. We're not even 40 yet😭


I’ve got a 22yo and a 19yo. It happens. You see, when a man and a woman love each other very much…


Why is this a surprise for people in their 40's? I'm 41 and could have a 23yo. Anybody else know a girl who was pregnant in high school? Some people start early and some people start waaay early.


I have a 29 year old, and my youngest of four turns 18 today. Yes, I was very young.


It’s possible! I’m 46 and my son will turn 20 soon.


I'm 44 and my daughter turned 21 yesterday


It’s interesting the age range is so wide for xennials having kids. I’m 43 and my oldest is 18, but I know lots of people my age with very young children.


I am 45 and I have a 24, 23, and a 9! 


Make me feel old, why don’t you!


Ive got a 25 year old, lol. Granted I was born in 77 and got an early start though too.


My oldest is 23


I have a 22 year old.


The three kids that I know of are 24,21. And 17, mid 40s here lol


I graduated college when my mom was 41.


...we are downvoting simple facts? Uh.


I'm 46 and have a 24 year old. My wife and I started young.


44, oldest is 25, married for 3 years, and pregnant with my first grandchild. I’ve been married for 25 years. We also have a 23 year old, 17 year old, and 15 year old. I have friends/former classmates with kids in diapers. It’s pretty crazy!


My son turns 20 in a couple weeks. We had him when I was 24.


I am 43 with a 25 yo lol


I’m 43M and I have 3 22&18 F and 14 M


I have one too. Youngest will be 19 this month. Not a bad idea to have kids when you are still young enough to chase em.


My oldest will be 22 in a couple months, older than I was the day she was born (by about 60 days).


We still have a landline but rarely use it. My dad still called me on it.


I didn't find out my parents had gotten rid of theirs until one day when I tried calling as usual and got the "this number doesn't exist" message. Called them both multiple times on their cells, no answer. So I freaked out, drove 45 minutes to their place, only to find out they'd gotten rid of the landline and left their cell phones in another room. Whoops. lol


My parents' landline is the last phone number I know. I have to check my phone to see what mine is sometimes.


It's kinda the same thing as when I was a kid, our house had a laundry chute and you could still tell where the coal chute was for the furnace.


I am not going to lie, I would LOVE to have a laundry chute. Chuck it in, it goes to the basement, you do the laundry from there. Unfortunately, I have about the same chance of buying a house right now as I do winning a billion dollars in the lottery while being struck by lightning.


Owning a house is its own set of problems though. The financial stress of "what's gonna break next" is real.


Other than "can't afford it", that's the other reason we rent.


I recently bought a house that has the laundry room upstairs which I had never seen before. It works out perfectly because 99% of our laundry comes from the bedroom and bathroom up there.


I have two laundry chutes in my house…one is in a half-bath. We still use the other one


Kiddo was giving me grief over the size of the cup holders in my car, and I told ‘em the story of how cars *didn’t have cup holders when I was a kid*. Gasp! So old…!


But they had more ashtrays than seatbelts!


Oh god, the one built into the back of the front seats!


And in each door handle and in the console and under the radio... it was ridiculous.


It's insane. I drive an older Cadillac that has 3 ashtrays, and 3 lighters! But it's the most comfortable car I've ever owned. It just floats down the highway


Right!? We used to have the cup holders you'd put on the door, hanging on to to where the window opening is.


When we moved to our new place he called to get the WiFi going. The genius on the phone kept saying there was a jack in the building. There was not. I can’t imagine how that conversation would have gone with someone in their 20s.


"Well, yeah, there's a Jack in the building, but he lives in 2F, so how's that matter?"


We have a landline. Not just a defunct wall jack, but an actual telephone... Because we're on ADSL over copper 😭 I get to live in the woods, but I also get the woods internet


I still have a working rotary phone. I remember I had a friend over one time in the early 90s and it was our only phone at the time and I had to show him how to use it lol


Disney+ has a classic sitcom category now. It’s all shows from the 80s and 90s……. classic, sitcoms. Let that sink in for a second.


When I hear Nirvana on classic radio....I just can't.


Kid (6) pointed to a house in our neighborhood and said it was a really old house, “like from the 80s.” My heart sank. I said, “I’m from the 80s.”


Our twins will be 21 this year and our baby just turned 15.


In about 10 years your 21 year old will start meeting teenagers who don’t remember the pandemic because they were babies or not even born yet. Soon after that it will be adults who don’t remember it.  It’s the same thing with our generation and 9/11. Your 21yo doesn’t remember 9/11 because they were born after it happened. Just like you and I don’t remember the moon landing or JFK being shot or Pearl Harbor. 


Has your 21 year old never worked a job with a “landline” before? No major business, with an actual office/work space, is relying solely on cellphones.


last week, I saw a community theater production of Rent, where one scene has main character calling someone from a pay phone. the kid went to the phone, dialed the number, THEN PICKED UP THE RECEIVER. i’d never felt so old.


Either it was a purposeful joke or they should have rehearsed better (I'm betting the latter lol)


it’s definitely the latter


I was in high school when RENT made it to Broadway 😳


I will never not have a landline. I prefer to have a way to call 911 that doesn't need charging in a power outage and can't be dropped into the toilet, lol. Plus, I have my dad's old duck phone - a hand painted wooden duck decoy landline phone, and when it rings, it quacks, and the eyes light up. One does not walk away from such beauty simply because times and technology have changed.


My 7 year old asked me if I was alive in the 60s.


I have a 21 year old also. He made fun of me when I told him to “just Mapquest it”


When my daughter was ten, now thirteen, she spent the night at a neighborhood friend's house. Since she didn't have a cellphone she asked her friend's mother if she could call me. It turned out the family had a portable land-line she could. From the story the friend's mother tells, my daughter sat for a few minutes holding the phone and trying to dial me before blurting out in exasperation, "how the heck am I supposed use this ancient thing?!"


Our kitchen has one, as well as the finished part of the basement and the primary bedroom. We'll have the one in the kitchen removed when we redo the kitchen next year.


They were born after the matrix and lord of the rings. After the Star Wars prequels. They have never known an age without high speed internet. I’m 46 in August. It’ll be ok. It’ll be ok.


What was it like growing up in the late 1900s?


"fuck that shit" was my immediate reply to that question. and I mean that in the nicest possible way.


I have a 29 yr old. I was 17.


My teen refers to anything that happened in the 20th century as the 1900s.


Mine does too!


My 9 year old just asked what the numbered buttons were on the tv remote control


We have one in our house and my son said “Why would anyone want to plug their internet into the kitchen wall like that.”


Tons of businesses still use a land line and I believe fax machines too. Still useful today, just not in most residential places.


"WTF are yellow pages?" Payphones Paper road maps Interacting with people in person instead of social media. As I post on Reddit.


My nine year old was doing something in Microsoft Word and mentioned clicking on the house button. The save button. It's a picture of a floppy disk. I had to explain what those were.


I not only still have a landline, but still have a working rotary phone in my home.


I have a millennial friend, her boomer in-laws just moved into an even older home that has a built in nook for a landline. I was amazed, never saw one before IRL (the nook, we had landlines growing up).


The amount of time between Back To The Future's release until now is 9 years longer than the amount of time Marty went back into the past, to 1955.


Well… People who have home elevators are supposed to have a landline for it. So I suppose if you’re in that club, it makes sense to have one!


We still have a landline. It's good for emergencies, but from what I've heard from people above me they want to get rid of them because they don't have trained workers to maintain copper lines and it cost a lot of money. They would rather switch everyone over to wireless. It's also dependent on where you live. There are still places that don't have wireless at all. Basically, dead zones.


My parents (in their early 80s) are moving closer to us. One of the things they looked for at house viewings was a phone jack lol. 


42 with 14 (soon to be 15) and 17 (3 days after her sister she’ll be 18). I didn’t feel old until recently. On the flip side I did recently get to tell the how the Foo Fighters came to be a band. Then I felt super old.


42 with 14 (soon to be 15) and 17 (3 days after her sister she’ll be 18). I didn’t feel old until recently. On the flip side I did recently get to tell the how the Foo Fighters came to be a band. Then I felt super old.


My 21yo is a total stinker. She never misses a chance to ask me what living through the Cretaceous period was like. Lol


I had to teach one of my staff members how to use our landline. I told them to call a customer not thinking anything of it and after a few minutes I hear “ Um, I’m feeling incredibly young here” I said “ oh no, am I going to feel incredibly old?” They are 18/19 years old. Couldn’t figure out how to make a call cause there was no send button. They never heard a dial tone either.


Reason number 987 to not have kids


But they can be so useful... They're great at remote fetching!


what? it's not like wall installations just disappear. slap that kid.


A 21 year old kid. Yeah, you’re fucking old.