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I didn't for the longest time but now I have a silicone set in different colors and it's fun to swap them out


Wore my OG for a long time. Moved to the silicon ones as well. Wife wears her original.


Both wife and I have silicone ones now too. I guess I didn’t realize how popular they are!


They’ve been the trend for over a decade. Def a gen x/ older Millennial thing


I wear silicone rings. So does my husband. I use my hands a lot, work with messy things like clay, wood, and stone. I am also incredibly Adhd, clumsy, and will lose things. I still take my silicone rings off with I throw pottery, but now it isn't a big deal if I forget them in a pocket or set them down and forget where I place them.


I lost mine after 12-ish years, bought a replacement when I was at my thinnest, and now it doesn't fit. You know what does? The silicone ones that I can buy 30 for $8 :-D


My wife loves silicone rings and has a ton that she swaps between. I don't wear anything though, I have never been able to wear jewelry.


Same here. I don't do jewelry and my wife was cool with not having a diamond because of how dumb they are. We picked out an awesome heirloom aquamarine stone on a ring that fit perfectly. She wears it sometimes and most times it's a silicone one and she doesn't care that I don't wear anything. And that's why I married her!


Have wore silicone for well over 5yrs. Enjoy swapping the colors around as well. Wife also wears silicone rings.


I can't wear my rings anymore and my husband works in the trades (sometimes with electric) so we both wear silicone now as well.


This is the right move. I (m) can't believe how many I've had to introduce this idea to. I have had multiple rings from the beginning mostly silicon type but not all. I usually wear it out but remove it when I am at my keyboard or doing anything with my hands.


We went straight to silicone when we got married. Husband wears his all the time. I wear mine on my watch band all the time. We do take them off occasionally usually because whatever activity would get them gross or ripped.


Same. At one point I worked at an industrial job, I would put on a ring to drive to work at 5 am, take it off, work all day, put it on, drive home, take it off, then I realized that was silly and stopped wearing it during the week. Now I have an office job and I barely wear it, but the silicone ones are comfortable enough that I'm more likely to wear it.


Yep. My wife and I both wear our wedding rings.


Yes we both wear, but...we're not "weird" about them. We put our "fancy real rings" in the jewelery box a long time ago. We now only wear $10 rings from Amazon. They are usually "non traditional" looking and we match or coordinate with each other. If we lose/damage them, or get bored of them, we toss in the trash and buy new ones. I get more compliments about our Amazon rings than I ever did on the expensive platinum rings.


What would being “weird” about them entail?


I wonder this too. To me, it’s weird to buy expensive rings and then never wear them lmao


Yeah. That’s valid for weird.


It’s like our parents and their formal china that was wildly expensive but sat gathering dust inside a forgotten china cabinet in the dining room that was used twice a year.


I wear a wedding ring *and* I have a china cabinet in my dining room. We use it twice a year. I think it's nice to make holidays special.


Okay time to bring out the fine China


I use my grandma's china for everyday. The only drawback is we've had to get a second set of dishes for items we might need to microwave or want a bowl of pasta/soup. Other than that, I love using them. My mom was really hoping we would take their's also. lol


I have "fancy" dishes that sit in my china cabinet, and we only bring out on special occasions. We got them from my grandmother when she moved out of her farmhouse. They were her daily use dishes back in the day, but they're octagon shaped and have a few other details that are non-standard today. So they pass off as being fancy. My grandmother finds it hilarious that we use them the way we do.


Massive china cabinet that took up a whole damn wall. I’m glad that some traditions have evolved


Could have grown out of it, fingers got fatter. Could have developed an allergy to metals overtime. Could have had to remove the metal ring or diamond ring for work purposes and decided it wasn’t worth the hassle to keep taking it off and on again (me who got a job working with electricity and machines where it’s not safe to wear a metal ring, several years after getting married) Lots of reasons people would buy the expensive ring at first and then stop wearing it but want to hold on to it for sentimental reasons.


And why would they toss them in the trash? *That* seems weird to me, in the consumerism-forward sense.


“We buy stupid ugly cheap rings and throw them away cause we’re not weird!”


Why keep wearing rings if your expensive ones are kept away? I get saving your precious jewelry as an investment I guess (idk I’ve never owned jewelry). But what is the purpose to buy Amazon rings/switch it up?


I lost my original ring a couple of years ago. I now wear a silicone ring, which came in a 4-pack for $10 lol


I wore those when I was a mechanic. They were great. Once they ripped or got too big, just grab another from the pack.


Love my silicone ring. I have fibromyalgia and my fingers swell a lot due to inflammation. Even as my finger size goes up and down, it's comfortable. And it looks like metal.


That's the definition of weird about them.




I wouldn’t call this weird really, but this is much more fussy than 99% of the answers here haha.


Lol at your last sentence. Same here. We actually both lost lots of weight since we got married, and while my husband had been doing the Amazon thing for a while, I held on to mine until I got tired of being scared of losing it after it fell off too many times. Mine was custom made, but simple, and had special meaning just to us. Now it's kinda fun to change them out every couple years for something cheap and interesting. 🙂


We've always just worn our real ones. Take it to a couple of jewelers. Since it's too big they can easily add a spacer you can barely see (if at all) if you don't want to cut it. We've had to resize ours over the years. My wife used spacers in between her pregnancies because it wasn't any more expensive than buying nice looking "cheap" rings of various sizes.


Yeah I would have to use a spacer because the design is evenly spaced out around the entire ring, but I am enjoying the variety for now. Thank you for the tip, though, I will keep that in mind if I decide to switch back!


My wife's ring is like that. It has a hand done design all around the outside of the ring. Her spacer had to be soldered on and removed by the jeweler, but it was a quick 10 minute type thing. Everything needs some maintenance from time to time, even jewelry. It can last forever, but it might need some help along the way even if it's just so it fits properly or cleaned.


I wish I’d done that. I lost a bunch of weight last year and lost my wedding ring. I ended up having to buy myself a replacement. It really bummed me out.


I'm sorry to hear that, what a bummer! I was honestly lucky not to lose mine, I had lots of close calls! Losing the weight is great though, right? It's weird the things you don't think about happening. I lost 80 pounds and it ended up messing up my eustachian tube in one ear so it gets stuck open. Apparently you can lose fat inside your ears lol.


We always wear ours, too. However, we were poor when we got married and got decent, cheap rings off Amazon. We've both had weight changes so it's easy to just grab new ones every few years. I specifically didn't want to upgrade to an expensive ring because I would stress about losing it.


“ or get bored of them, we toss in the trash and buy new ones.” And people wonder why the planet is going to hell and no one has money. 


lol we’ve only ever worn $20 Amazon rings. No fancy rings here, ever 😭


Yes, and all of my married peers wear their wedding rings. Tale as old as time (3000 years?), it's nice to be in public and put out the "taken" check mark and not waste people's time.


My fingers are too fat for it, and im too lazy to get it resized... my wife isn't worried about it. My wife stopped wearing hers after she broke it a couple times, it has a floating diamond that likes to break loose. I bought her an emerald one for our 10 anniversary that she wears basically only on special occasions like when we get a chance to go out without the kids.


We definitely do … and it feels weird or we jokingly call each other out when we don’t put them back on after we golf or mow the lawn 🤣 My dad didn’t wear his, it “didn’t fit” but he also cheated on my mom and step mom sooooo this is probably why we wear ours.


Married 25 years and I haven't worn one in 15+ years. My husband always does. I just don't like jewelry but he loves it all... rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc. One of the things I really like about this sub is people just answer the question, and no one really feels the urge to comment and say anything about how that person is right or wrong for their choice. It's refreshing for the internet these days.


Agree, it's just nice to have people sharing their experiences with each other and the whole take it or leave it attitude.


That's our generation in a nutshell


Absolutely this. This is one very few to each their own subs.


You're right about this sub! I wonder if that's a generational thing.


You’re wrong and that makes you a bad person


We still have some of that polite etiquette we learned before the anonymity of the internet turned us all into faceless avatars


I don't always, but I wear one when I go out with my buddies. I don't want to look available.


Not saying your way is wrong, but I find that - while a ring would be an excellent deterrent, what really seems to work is my face.


This is what I love about our generation right here. Me too. Me too. If the new white hair doesn’t scare them, my two chins do. 🤣


Jus two? Luuuuckeeee!!


Same here. I don't wear mine and people still leave me alone, because I'm an uggo lol


Hey bro, at least you’re a doctor.


True. Most of the general population is very frightening to interact with on a daily basis, so I guess I am glad they don't find me sexually attractive? lol


Well, that's usually the case for me too, but I've been surprised a few times. And I'm already socially awkward, so I felt cornered rather than flattered.




Lol. I worked in an oil town, where the men would be away for stints. The guys with rings got hit on a lot because the married women knew these guys wouldn't be asking about them after a hookup.


This is logical, but it makes me sad. 


This is sad to me, but having worked in the oilfield for years, I'm not surprised. Being the only woman under 40 on the rig meant that I got hit on whether or not I was wearing a ring. (Or if they were.) Being the corporate representative meant that telling the idiots to go pound sand or I'd make a big deal out of it generally meant that I didn't have to tell them "no" more than once.


I get hit on even when I wear one, so I don’t usually wear one. I have no problem telling someone I’m married and not interested.


Neither of us do. I habitually lose things and he has a labor job where degloving is likely so we don't wear them.


Ahhh.... I'm in ER nurse. And my favorite holiday 4th of July is coming up. It's always some drunk fool who forgets to let go of the firecracker. And you know what degloving is... That's another way of having it happen. Yes I have dark humor and I'm quite macabre.


To work in an ER, I think you have to at least be comfortable with dark humor and the macabre. I'm not judging. I've worked in the ER and I have very dark humor myself. And I've seen things that absolutely fascinate me. But also things that are just too sad to be funny.


Degloving is not just possible but likely?? Seems like a dangerous job.


Nope, mitigate dangerous items like rings, hoodies and loose long hair in certain jobs and you become safe from these things.


Any job with any sort of rotating tool and a wearing ring greatly increases the risk of deploying. So think of the all the trade and manufacturing jobs.


Same. I'm DO NOT want a degloving injury.


I'm a millennial that ended up here somehow. I don't wear a ring either. My wife doesn't care, she wears hers sometimes. We understand it means nothing. We're not gonna forget we're married. If someone hits on either of us we can just say no thanks. It's just a tradition and nothing more.


Yeah i saw a guy jump off from the back of a lorry and his rign got cought between the planks. Sheared the finger clean off.


Same. Not that I lose things but I get annoyed with having something on my hands now. He’s in construction and originally wore a silicone band but after the third broke, he doesn’t wear one anymore either. Everyone we know wears theirs. Meh, ultimately we don’t really care.


I do when I leave the house.


Same. I feel weird without it if I'm not at home but I feel weird wearing it in the house.


Exactly the same for me.


Yes except for the gym. I'll ruin it if I wear it at the gym.


Same, though sometimes I don't even bother if I'm just running into Target on my lunch break or going grocery shopping.


I don't, mine's tungsten and I'm about 30 lbs heavier than when I got hitched


I hear you. Looked at the tungsten when we were picking out rings, but the guy behind the counter asked me "You planning on losing or gaining any weight in the future, ever?" So we went with white gold.


I have a tungsten band I have to take off when I have too much sodium, but my engagement ring is more forgiving, so that one always stays on


My husband got the same but after bypass he’s 100+ lbs smaller than when we got married. I got us cheap silicone rings. Even got him the thicker band kind like his tungsten ring.


Mine was, too, for my first marriage. Had to get it snapped off in a vice at the fire station when we separated bc I’d gained weight.


You can get tungsten rings in Amazon for $20.


Yep, always.


I do… my wife doesn’t usually because it can get in the way with art projects she does, but she will wear it for events


Yes. It's a meteorite ring so it's extra cool.


Nope, I hate to wear jewelry. We went with a very simple band that I wear on special occasions.


Nope. Neither of us do. It's our 17 year anniversary today, too!


Same here and Happy Anniversary!


I never take mine off 🙂


Same! Married for 15 years now and ever since she put that ring on my finger I've quite literally NEVER taken it off.


Me too, though it's more of a case of can't physically get it off even if I wanted too. Might have to do something about that one day.


Yep my wife and I do. I’m going to need to find a new one soon though. I’ve lost almost 50 lbs since we got married and this one is getting pretty loose, which is a good thing…but I really like this ring. And it’s got a design that would be destroyed if I got it resized.


They sell ring adjusters, clear that can help reduce the excess space. Check Amazon, "clear ring size adjuster" or something like that should show you some options that might help!


They also have them at craft stores for stupid cheap.


Sure do


Yes, both me and my wife wear them every day.


No, it doesn’t fit anymore.


Yes, and when I go to the gym I swap them out for the silicon ones. Not that anyone would be knocking on my door is I didn't but I feel naked without them


I don't, wife does.


Yes. Married 16 years. The only time I take it off is to have it cleaned (about 5 years). Mine is just a simple, white gold wedding band. I'm actually quite proud of my "cheater's band" when I don't have it on.


20 years in and we haven’t worn ours for a while.  I stopped wearing mine shortly after I got a nasty spider bite in my sleep one night that started to swell.  I was barely able to get my ring off in time as the swelling increased and that left me a bit traumatized to wearing it.  My wife hasn’t worn hers for a while as her job requires a lot of manual hand labor that often gets dirty. A ring could get in the way or even be dangerous by getting caught on something. 


Married nearly 20 years and we both do, every day


I stopped early in Covid and haven’t restarted.


I wear mine daily. My husband has his tattooed because his fingers are kinda webbed and the physical ring drove him batty.


Nope, and neither does she. We bought a house instead (16 years ago), and never felt the need.


You were able to buy a house for the price of two wedding rings?


Of course not. We just prioritized the house, and don't really care about rings. We aren't fancy people, we didn't do the big wedding thing either.


I lost mine in 3 feet of water at the lake we go to every summer, a few summers ago… it was maddening because had I lost it where it was 30 or 40 feet deep….. well that’s that. But we were on a sandbar and it slipped off while I was tossing a football. We happened to be on vacation that week and I snorkeled the sandbar multiple times trying to find it. Never did. Bummer. Since then I have not worn one. and need to get a silicone band or something. But it’s not like I’m getting hit on all the time or anything, lol. A bummer is, they don’t make my ring anymore.


You could always go to a jeweler and get one made, especially if you have photos. I got my wedding ring made and it wasn't too expensive. It's good because you can customise everything about it and a good jeweler will help you design it so that it is comfortable as there's a lot of designs out there that are just got practical for every day use without modifications.


I’ll get around to it. Right now we have three kids and money is a little tight so it’s not a priority…. We know we are married and we love each other so that’s that. She usually doesn’t wear her ring on a daily basis because she doesn’t want to damage it


Totally fair, might be a fun future present for each other once the kids start contributing (lol as if children these days ever cost less or god forbid actually contribute! I'm nearly 40 and will need help to get a deposit to buy a house!)


We do not.




same buddy, same - this is the way.




Not saying you should wear one (you do you), but if you ever want to, there are some great silicon options. I love mine. Looks metallic, but it will tear if my finger ever gets caught in anything, and if I ever lose it, I'm only out a few bucks.


Nah I'm not married it would be weird.


Married 20. Havemt wore one in 18 years. I dont like things on my hands.


Yes. We both do.




Both my husband and I wear ours most of the time.


Yes other than golf (gives me a blister) and lifting weights in my garage.


Nope. I took mine off during a pregnancy and never put it back on. My spouse lost his while doing yardwork or something. Neither of us are into jewelry, so it's more comfortable to go without. I would've gotten a tat of a ring if he had any desire to get ink, but he doesn't.


Generally, neither of us do. He works with his hands and I’m allergic and have a reaction with prolonged wearing. We both wear our rings on special occasions but it’s not a huge deal to either of us.


Neither of us do. I will put mine on for a wedding or funeral. If i remember. I work in an industrial setting so it is safer. I know everybody is probably wondering if beautiful women are constantly hitting on me because they think I am single. That is true. I let them down gently and say that I am quite fond of my current spouse.


Ex-wife and I decided rings were a waste of money. Went on a Star Trek cruise instead. Also, the collar she gave me meant *way* more. Frankly, she could have given me a ring out of a cereal box, and it would have been a treasured piece of jewelry.


Meh, I have a few rings I swap between. I pawned the OG for groceries years ago.


Only when I leave the house. I don’t wear a watch or necklace and I took all piercings out years ago because I’m always aware of the jewelry on me and I want to fidget with it so it kind of irritates me. So when I get him I take it off and put it in the dish with my keys and wallet. Wife doesn’t mind at all




Yes. I Haven’t been able to wear my engagement ring since my surgery a year ago. That makes me very sad. Im not if resizing will be possible due the band design.


Yes but i take it off a lot. Especially when cooking or working on the car




Yes. Mine is a plain white gold band, though. I almost never wear the diamond engagement ring because it always snagged my nitrile gloves when I was a lab researcher.




We both wear rings, but not the rings we used for our wedding. We found some tungsten rings with a dragon inlay and wear those now :)


We did when we got married but we both work with our hands and he doesn’t really wear jewelry. Every once in a while we think about doing necklaces. I wear a small bracelet with his initial. It’s just not a huge thing for us.


We do but not all the time. Maybe 50-60% of the time outside the house.


I do not. I don’t like wearing jewelry.


Fuck jewelry. We spent our money on important things, like diapers and preschool!


Always thought it was a scam and never participated.


I always wear it when I leave the house, but during quarantine, I got out of habit of wearing it at home. Now, I just pop it on when I’m grabbing my purse. I love it— it’s gorgeous. I just wash my hands a lot and put on lotion so rings get kind of annoying.


We dont wear them since we have lost a lot of weight and we still have some more weight to lose. We got silicone spacers, but they are not comfortable and don't work that well. The rings still fall off pretty easily. Eventually we will resize the rings.


My “real” wedding ring was severely damaged two years in, both stones were destroyed. I haven’t had it fixed but wear silicone rings in our birthstones every day as does my wife


I wear it if we go somewhere


I don't wear my wedding set but I do wear moissanite rings on my ring finger. My spouse wears a large ring on his ring finger but it's not his wedding band.


I do always. My wife works with her hands, so doesn't at work, but does when we dress nice.


No. I have a beautiful engagement ring and wedding band, but I don’t wear it daily. Turns out I’m not much of a jewelry person.


Nope! I hate jewelry and can’t stand the way rings feel on my hands. Everyone thinks there’s some underlying meaning to it, but I’m happily married.


We have them. He wears his most of the time if he’s leaving the house. I wear mine on special occasions or when I feel nervous. My fingers tend to swell, and I have some sensory issues, so I’ve had a few close calls with leaving them where they shouldn’t be.


If we go to a wedding or something


No, I’m left handed. My wife does.


I used to wear it out but not at home. Then once I had kids I stopped wearing it out as well.




Mine was too small after kids and I’ve never gotten it resized. Maybe someday I’ll get around to it.


Nope. In fact my wife was asking "Where are our rings?" We have them in a case in our watches shelf. Personally, after I moved to Japan, it was so humid I often got a rash on my finger wearing it. I took it off and never put it back on. No idea why my wife doesn't wear hers.


I don't, she does. And you'll never believe it, but she didn't take my last name, either. I wanted to combine our names and make a new one, but she wasn't really into it.




Nope, we don't even have rings. Married 20 years and doing just fine without them.


42, not married, thinking about wearing a ring sometimes anyway so any decent conversation with a woman doesn’t include “my husband xyz” in the first two minutes.




Nope. Never really cared to.




I lost mine and didn’t wear one for a year. My grandma passed away in December and her band fit me perfectly. I’ve been wearing it since the funeral. Now I know why I could never decide on a replacement one.


24x7 for 15+ years.


Great question! No! We didn't even get rings. I didn't realize we had so much company. We have always been the only married people we knew to just skip the rings.


Neither of us do.


Nope. Neither of us do.


No, I find rings uncomfortable. But I'll wear earrings and necklaces.


Nope. We both hate wearing jewelry. I bought my wife a silver brick when we proposed and it keeps increasing in value :)


Nope neither of us even have wedding or engagement rings. Married 10 years together 15.


- I would, but i got fat fat and ir doesnt fit. Also, my hands swell. (I wear a solicone ring sometimes) - my husband doesnt either, but its cuz he doesnt like rings in general. He says they make his hands sweat


Nope. We never even bought any rings.


Lesbian Xennial and Millennial here, we got 1 half of the same tiny geode on a necklace we both wear often.


We didn't even buy wedding rings nor did we have a big ceremony. Neither of us like rings and figured why would be spend a bunch of money on rings and a ceremony instead of something that is much more worthwhile, like a house?




No, neither of us do


I do not, no.






nope but we never had them in the first place. my lady and I eloped and didn't have rings because we were poor. we werent kids exactly but were definitely fools in love. it'll be 16 years next month


No. My husband and I, both movie people, don't wear rings at all and never had wedding rings. We got married in a movie theater and we exchanged VHS copies of the movie "The Ring."


No... I was always afraid I'd lose mine so we just didn't get any.






When I was married, I did not wear a ring.








We don't , i don't like anything on my fingers. Husband wears a bracelet with mine and sons name on it, and i have a necklace with theirs


Nope. Would lose/ damage at my physical, blue-collar job for sure. But we also talk about our spouses, so it's not like anyone doesn't know we're married.


No, but we are also non monogamous.


No. Never liked the feel nor ever really saw the point.