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Oh come on y'all. It's an Olympic year and we aren't talking about Kerrigan and Harding???


I was obsessed with that as a kid!!!


Elian Gonzalez raid


Lorena Bobbit? Joey Buttafuoco? The cheerleader who was assassinated (or maybe attempted to be) so that a backup could join the team? There were a bunch of just plain weird ones all in a row that became national news because of just how bonkers they all were. And I think they all got their TV movie dramatization within days. Also, Heaven's Gate, the Branch Davidian cult in Waco, Ruby Ridge.


My name is John Wayne. Yeah. I didn't like the Bobbit thing.


I'm in Australia, and when I first saw Lauren Boebert, I thought she was a strange parody of Lorena Bobbit... I'm still not convinced she is real, she is like a the dropbear of politics for me.




Yes, that for sure! That was a major one for me. I remember watching the car chase. I am a ‘78 baby though. Elian Gonzalez Bill Clinton impeachment Rodney King Gulf war (had my class send letters to my “step brother” who was there) Mad cow Internet (was so excited as editor of my high school paper, I got to take a tiny Apple computer home. Cue fights with the parents regarding dial up) Princess Diana died, I was in LA modeling and about to do Playboy... Joey Buttafuco Waco Ugh sorry. Could go on. I was a journalist. Apologies


No worries. Was a journalist as well! Plenty of “Where were you when” moments.


Started writing at 15 for a few state newspapers (I think I made a whopping $25-50 an article?)… and then magazines. Interesting you were too! Crazy to think back. I was also killing it making $5 an hour as a car dealership receptionist after school and on weekends 😂


Honestly Abu Gharib, and the related “oopsie, we made up the whole weapons of mass destruction thing” was like a giant WTF and feeling like a 1984 society. Facts were made a joke in the matter of weeks.


I don't know what's worse. That they happened, or everyone just memory holed everything surrounding Iraq.


Baby Jessica and the Exxon Valdez oil spill


Mary Kay Letourneau


Yes…..she remained married to her former student until the day she died.


Sinead O’Connor ripping up a picture of the pope on SNL. She was eviscerated in the media but she was dead right. In Ireland the fall from grace of the Catholic Church was huge. They were the absolute moral authority with the power to take women’s liberty and to sell their children without their consent. Then we discovered they had been abusing children and covering it up. Despite their vow of celibacy a bishop fathered a child. Massive social change occurred because of these revelations.


>She doubled down and did it again at a Bob Dylan birthday celebration concert too.


Yes! She was a protest singer shoved into a pop singer’s mould.




You used to have to show your marriage license to a doctor if you wanted contraception. If you got pregnant out of wedlock straight to the nuns. A lot of the babies went to America where there was a market for white adoptees. Unless a male relative came and got you out you worked there without pay until you died. Divorce was legalised in 1990. Abortion in 2015. The cultural shift has been incredible. Today it’s much more liberal than many parts of America.


What about that kid that got caned?


Weird Al covered that situation for me


There was this kid who took a trip to Singapore and brought along his spray paint...


Enron Scandal


Arthur Anderson.  Around 2000 I was invited to some kind of we can get away all expensive paid by Arthur Anderson. It was really shady because I literally didn't have to pay a dime and then we're probably 50 to 100 other students.  I don't know what year the Arthur Anderson Scandal hit but it wasn't a surprise to me since they were pissing away money. 


Magic Johnson H.I.V. announcement there was still a lot of stigma concerning aids


Prior to his announcement, most people with HIV/AIDS died within a few years of diagnosis. His situation shows that someone with the best of the best healthcare can live 30+ years after diagnosis with no trace of illness.


The only one I really remember anyone caring about was President Clinton.


Most of the things mentioned were just news events, not scandals.




Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee seggs tape


Exxon Valdez, all those poor seabirds!


Does the Bill Cosby situation count?


Yes, very much so.


I’m probably a lifetime anti-Republican with all the shit they did in my formative years. Lying to force me to fight in Iraq, I joined the military before 9/11. Playing dirty politics by swift boating a veteran John Kerry. Running the economy into the ground in 2008. Boosting Tea Partiers to play dirty politics against Obama. Playing dirty politics to get a conservative Supreme Court. Changing hundreds of years of precedent to use the filibuster politically. Then selling their soul to Donald Trump.  I think there are right leaning issues I could actually support, but I can’t vote for any Republican because they’re all fucking shit bags, AND IT’S GETTING WORSE.


Michael Jackson on TV in the red shirt proclaiming innocence on the child molester charges.


What about the US representative that was murdered by the Kool aid cult in Guyana?


Jim Jones and his Jonestown?


Yes . I'm not sure what year it happened.  It was before my time but a Congressman flew into Georgetown/Guyana and was shot and killed.   I can't believe I didn't learn about it until s few years ago.  I suppose the federal government doesn't want you to know how vulnerable they actually are...


It happened in 1978. Since I was born three years after it occurred, I heard of it from my parents and through the myriad of documentaries that retell the story.


Well I watched a few documentaries about it and what never made any sense to me was that the reporters and congress people went without any sort of security. Had they been escorted by our military perhaps the outcome would have been different, but perhaps not. It just seemed strange that they just figured hey we'll go to this place we're hearing terrible things about with no backup and no plan other than to talk to them.


Ice skating clubbing knees.


Your choices gave me whiplash. I would say Clinton/Lewinski.


Honestly I didn’t care about either.