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I miss when we watched things together. Like the Olympics or Thursday night TV and I am sure that still exists to a certain extent but we don’t watch anything together anymore then go to work and have conversations about what was on last night. This may not hit with anyone else but I hate how streaming has made tv an individual thing not a collective.


I agree. No more watercooler moments. I had a classmate in 7th or 8th grade who I'd routinely discuss the prior night's rerun of *The Simpsons* with. Miss that era.


I miss it too!!


Same here. The highlight of middle school/jr high was talking about what happened on Martin the night before!


Right! It was something we all had in common. I seriously miss it


The latest 90210 episode was the talk of the girls in middle school. In high school, it was ER. I haven't had a conversation about a TV show in a long time.


Right! It was a big deal before steaming because we had something in common! Now it is literally like a treasure hunt to find someone who has watched what you have! 😂


I miss the feeling of a new Stephen King Miniseries being shown, it was such a great feeling.


We watched IT at my 14th birthday sleepover. Loved a King miniseries.


Storm of the Century. Give me what I want and I’ll go away. Rose Red.


I watched Death of a Cheerleader last month. I'm rather disappointed in the school that made Tori Spelling their queen bee.


Absolutely fair. Still cheesy enough to work.


Tubi also has, or at least had, Without Consent where Jennie Garth plays a rebellious girl whose parents send her to a mental facility.


You remember that one with Hilary Swank where she beat the dad from Wonder Years? It gets wild.


I have not! Is that also on Tubi? They do have the one where Candace Cameron dates evil Fred Savage


LOVE the Candance Cameron gets murdered by Fred Savage one. It’s a special event.


I never saw any of these when they aired but right now I tend to gravitate towards them while smoking weed. Mother May I Sleep With Danger really is just fantastic.


In the WORST possible way …


I just Wikipediaed it, MMISWD was independently produced by a bunch of doofuses who tried and failed to get theatrical distribution. A Tori Spelling film. In theaters. lol


Adds up.


Terror in the Family, it’s called. Wanted to link it, but I’m too fucking old.


My all time favorite Made for TV movie was TNT's Pirates of Silicon Valley. I dubbed it on VHS and watched it everytime it came on. Wasn't until many years later I learned online that others thought it was a masterpiece as well. Still think it's better than the actual Biopics they came out with not long ago.


I Know My First Name Is Stephen


What a sad case that was. Steven died very young and his brother turned into a serial killer!


I watch the movie again on Lifetime network or some a while back and they had to add another screen at the end about the guy who kidnapped Stephen and how that guy tried to buy a boy in Mexico and go arrested again, he only served 5 years for what he did to Stephen.


Made for TV movies were awesome! I miss them too.


I feel this! I hear you.


Absolutely! Loved all the TV mini series they used to do. The Odyssey, Gulliver’s Travels, North and South, among others.


I loved watching those old-school Lifetime movies. The ones they have today are so bad, and not in the fun to watch because it is so bad way. Just bad. In my first apartment I only got one channel on my TV because I couldn't afford cable. CBS. I used to like it when they had those cheesy Hallmark movie specials because it was something different to watch.


I miss the edited for tv movies. Movies I loved as a kid that I can’t let my children yet watch because it turns out they were full of violence and language. Who knew?


I loved these. One of the highlights of summer was watching Lifetime movies. If I remember right they had one at noon followed by another at 2:00.


Aren't these what Hallmark and Lifetime movies pretty much are? None of those movies are released in the theaters or on video.


Yeah basically. TNT used to do them as well. Hallmark and Lifetime was nothing but Made for TV.


And as someone who regularly watches Hallmark and Lifetime movies this is still their primary offering.


Yup that's always been their bread and butter. They got it down pat. Very rarely will you see a movie and think it's awful. Usually very good to was ok. Never bad though


And the hunks........


They used to be SO much better bad good. Also, I’m not paying for cable anymore.