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Born in 78. I was in the beta for gmail so I have some e-mails from 2004. Re-reading 20 year old e-mails is fucking wild. There's one where I was bragging to my friend about how many evening minutes my landline gets.


Same here. Back when you had to get an invite from someone. My email address is my name. I've gotten academic papers for review, doctor appointment reminders, all kinds of things. There's some poor guy in Iowa with the same name that probably wonders why he hasn't heard back from any of the temp agencies he signed up with. I reply when I can to let the sender know but there's not much I can do for automated messages.


Oh my goodness. I get other people's emails ALL. THE. TIME. And serious stuff, too, like mortgage applications, kids vaccination records, etc. Its wild. I know one of the intended receivers and forward her any of her mail that I get (she gets evited to a lot of things), but the one in Australia who used my email address to sign up for a PayPal account? No idea how to actually get in touch with her. But I do see receipts for everything she buys.


I get a girl in Brooklyn's email all the time. I've tried to get through to her but no luck. I have one that's first initial last name.


Same, got an invite very early. So I have a very common name email with no numbers in it. Very exclusive.


same. i got my first name (which is relatively uncommon, but unheard of) @ gmail. as far back as 2008 ppl were jelly.


I too was a beta tester for gmail. Mine is my first name. I have an incredibly common name too. 


This is my response too. My Gmail account is from that same time period. Had to be invited and all that business. That 1gb for email was wild back then.


Yep, I got in on the gmail beta. I got a kick ass email address. Very unique. Lots of people comment on it.






Exact same. So pissed I didn’t pick a cooler username


Same. Got a beta invite back in ought-four.


My friend has a Gmail beta address. It’s simply his last name. My oldest is my Yahoo email from 2000


My Hotmail account from October 1996, three months after it launched. Still active and heathy to this day.


You’re a Legacy.


At its height, people were always impressed my address was just…may name. No numbers or extra letters or gibberish.


Ha people do comment about the lack of numbers in my hotmail. 1997 and still going strong


It is a rare position to be in for sure, and a lot more enviable than '[email protected]' addresses. We save THOSE for our legacy Xbox Live accounts!


My 1997 yahoo account also lacks numbers/characters, and is still technically in use bc it’s included on my phone/in All Inboxes with all of the other emails I’ve ever had (it essentially amounts to emptying the 150 emails that accumulate every couple days in its junk box, and the rare occasions I find out about accounts I apparently have, from a promotional email or birthday “gift” from, idk, Quiznos or Discovery Zone, or some shit).


I still have my Rocketmail account from about the same time.


So does my best friend! We set them up the same day and picked which one we wanted by which one we thought sounded the coolest.




Many years ago.. like 20+, my buddy had to explain to me the significance of RM in his email LoL


Yes, I will hand it down to my children!


Also rocking a Hotmail account from the same time. Some of the youts I work with called me an old when they found out.


Admittedly I have a Gmail and Outlook account for "modern times", but a lot of my major personal correspondence is tied to my Hotmail. To hell with what 'dem kids say!


Microsoft keeps trying to get me to use outlook.com and I refuse!  Hotmail for life!


My Outlook account is just for work because I have to. Otherwise I’d be right there with you!


I had my Hotmail from 98 to 2021 🤣 I understand bro


The secret is to never change the 4-character password from the day you made it. The hackers will never know.


Same! Every time I give my email to a doctor or whoever, they always laugh and say I must be older than I look.


The highest praise! "You look great for being 'hotmail' old!"


Same here


That's mine too. That same year, before Microsoft bought it.


Probably Hotmail - late '90s. I don't use it very often any more, mostly to give when I need an email to sign up to something but don't want spam mails to my main account.


I still have my Hotmail from 96, and I use it for exactly the same thing.


probably my aol account. and then my icq from 1996.


ICQ shut down :( Happened in June.


Aww, that would have been my oldest. I had a sub million number. Guess my oldest now is my yahoo account, which I still kinda use, just because the email is tied to a bunch of other accounts


My AOL account goes back to the mid 90s. I had a few others around that time too. Battle.net, gamestorm, steam, eBay, paypal, yahoo.


My Amazon account, which goes back to April of 1999.


Mine is from '99, too. About a year ago I had fun looking at my old orders and reminiscing, but just tried to again, and it's not showing anything older than 2001 now. What about you?


Same - mine's only showing until July 2001.


I remember buying books on Amazon back when it only sold books.


Livejournal, 2001 or 2002 (I forget)


I just deleted my LJ forever, it was 23!


Hotmail and Yahoo since 2000, AOL since 2005, and eBay since 2002. Damn! In 1999 I got a sprintpcs.com email but that’s long gone.


I've been using my AOL screen name and email since 1996.


eBay, Yahoo and Amazon would be fighting for #1. I'd have to go back and check.


Probably AOL


Hotmail circa early 1996.


Still have my original AOL account from mid/late 90s. The oldest account Im still active on is probably Amazon. Joined when they exclusively sold books.


Same here.


My AOL account, which goes back to 1997.


Does Fidonet still exist? I could still have some BBS accounts from the late 80s.


Old BBS account turned 30 this year, it's still my backup email address!


I still have a Xanga. Apparently they’re rebooting their site now lol.


I do too but I deleted the mail I used to sign in so I can't reset my password.


Hotmail from 97 which I still use.


Got Hotmail in '98. Still my primary.


Got my MySpace account from 2004, so much fun to look back at my photos and messages from past girlfriends and friends!


eBay sent me an email earlier this year congratulating me on 25 years.


Same! Just checked my eBay account. Nov 3 1998 My ICQ account from the same era still works too.


didnt icq shut down? is there a way to check? i still know my uin


I think this month it is.


Probably my Yahoo email if I had to guess. I created that as a teenager. My Gmail I opened in 2002 and still have one of the first emails I received.


Hotmail account from 1995 that I still use…


I've had my yahoo account since about 2003


Had the same yahoo email used since 1997


I've been a Netflix subscriber since long before streaming. I think I got my account in 2007. I splurged on the 3-at-a-time plan.


I've been banned and/or deleted from most accounts and forums over the years. I also stopped using some of them once the main features were taken. I also didn't get a computer or have Internet access at home until I moved and went to uni in 2002. Most of my old and active accounts would be from around that time. Sometime in 1998: Hotmail. I used to log in from the local community college, local library, and from work. Most of my on-line activity was focused on music forums. I was subsequently banned from all of them. I pretty much stopped using Hotmail once I moved onto AIM and Yahoo! Messenger. Late 2002: eBay account that was blocked by eBay a few years ago. I tried getting this account back, but their customer service is total shit, so I made a new account. Late 2002 or sometime in 2003: Yahoo! account that I still use. I first got it for the Yahoo! Messenger. They got rid of the messenger and chatrooms, but I still use the e-mail(s). Early 2003: AOL Instant Messenger. I stopped using it once I moved onto Yahoo! Messenger and graduated uni. I never went back to AOL again. September 2003: Amazon account that I still use. September 2003: Netflix DVD account, which I had up until Netflix ceased their DVD service last year. I'm still subscribed to their streaming service.


Both feeling proud and feeling old when my steam account profile comes up.


Hotmail email address. Still use for shopping sign ups and other junky stuff.


I have an eBay account from late 1999 that I still use. Hotmail might be the next one (I opened that in 2000). I had an account with [SETI@Home](https://setiathome.berkeley.edu) soon after it started (it started in May 1999), but it since morphed into [BOINC](https://boinc.berkeley.edu), but the SETI@Home project disbanded a year or two ago. SETI@Home was a project that analyzed radio waves from space to look for patterns that might indicate extraterrestrial intelligent life. They allowed people to basically donate time with their home computers to help the project. BOINC is now a general platform for that kind of distributed computing, and there are other projects to help analyze data for things like health research, astronomy, and others.


My Hotmail is from the late 90s. It's still my main account.


Hotmail! June 1996. Still use it daily.


Hotmail since freshman year of college! Fall 1996.


September 97! Oh ONLINE ACCOUNT my bad! I still have a hotmail from .. 96?


I’ve still got a hotmail email


I have been with Pandora since way back when they were called the music genome project. That had to be like 99 or 2000ish! I actually finally signed up for a paid subscription just this year! Figured I'd gotten enough out of my free one and it was time.


Talk21.com which was from ... I think... 1997ish. Its now been taken over by BT, but the @talk21.com still works. Does that count?


Hotmail since 1996


I still have a Netscape email address that works 😌


My Hotmail is from 1996, maybe very early 1997. Still use it to this day.


Capital One credit card. And I only know that because my username is based on the coffee shop I hung out at daily in 1997-98.


I have $800 million in HSX (Hollywood Stock Exchange). First logged in in about 1998. I bet big on superhero movies in the 00s and 10s.


I've had yahoo email and Amazon account for at least 20 years. I really miss the old Amazon customer service! They would refund your money for anything and tell you to keep the item. My air fryer ended up being free because I didn't want to pay a restocking fee to send it back. That was late 2020, things have really changed in the last few years


Yahoo email from ‘98 still open


My Yahoo email account, which I still use, since 2002.


Yahoo mail from 1997. I still use it, though it is my backup email for sign-ups that I don't want in my Gmail.


Yahoo, I think it’s about 25 years old now. But it’s my full name so I’m not giving it up!


Oldest mail in my yahoo account is from 1999


of what i still have access to, also ebay, joined in 2001. my original AOL account that i no longer have access to would be older. i dont have the original account, but i continue to use the screen name as close to the original as possible in many places.


I still have access to my old Yahoo mail account. The "Welcome to Yahoo" email says August 12, 1998. I was just starting my senior year of high school at that point.


I'm not sure when I started a Gmail account, but I actually got to use my first name, middle initial and last name which are not really uncommon names, and I feel like that would be impossible now.


I’ve had gmail since it was in beta. My email address has no numbers, just first name, middle initial, last name - I have a very common name. My steam account is a few years older than that.


I’m pretty sure my gamefaqs account has been open since 96 or 97


I think it’s also eBay for me. My account dates to early 2001.


I have a [Lycos.com](http://Lycos.com) HTML website that I created back in high school in 1996. The website is still there though I can't remember how to log into it now, sure I could figure it out if I wanted to. It's a website about The Doors musical group.


I wish I still had access to my AOL acct from the late 90s. I would give anything to read emails, etc from it


I had excite until they shut it down. :(


My first Amazon order was in 1999. I ordered Get A Life and The State on VHS. Peak Xennial.


Amazon. I created that one my first year of college in 1999. My first email addresses were through an ISP that no longer exists, but my oldest ones are my Yahoo addresses from the early 2000s.


My Xbox account has been around since Xbox original and was online when service eventually went live, so November 15, 2002.


I still have an active aol account from 00. I only use it for when you have to give an email account for something and don't want to give your main email address. But I check it every day. My classmates.com account. From late 90s. I never log in, forget my password for it but get emails (on my AOL account, lol) from it all the time.


I was making purchases on eBay and buying CDs on Amazon by July 1999 (I’ve been rereading old journal entries, hahaha) so I know those accounts are that old at least!


Ones account is from Fark.com. It’s well over 20 years old and I still use it from time to time. I mainly stick to Reddit these days but it’s nice to know Fark is still around. 


I had Facebook back when you had to have a college email address to sign up and I still use my Hotmail account I opened in 1998.


I opened my Amazon account in 1998 and my eBay account on February 28, 1999. I think I opened my Yahoo email in the early 2000s, probably when I shut down my Hotmail. I opened Gmail in July 2008. I was a late bloomer to that.


My eBay account is only from circa 2002. My yahoo email is about the same an age.


I have a yahoo email account from like 1998.


I still use my AOL email account. Circa 1992-1993


eBay and Amazon are both 2000 but eBay is a few months earlier (March vs June).


I still use my yahoo email. And it's as embarrassing as you'd think it is but there's too much attached to it to start over. I have a Gmail I use for "important" things but the yahoo isn't going anywhere. My partner's funny nickname for me that addy.


The oldest account that I still use is my FB account from 2005. It’s crazy to see posting from 18 years ago pop up.


eBay. Way way over 20 years


My yahoo mail that is my main account. Had it since the 90’s.


Yahoo email 2004. I don’t know if my AOL email is still active but that goes back to 1998.


I still have my Yahoo email since 1997. I remember setting it up in Computer lab at school when they started offering email.


My Amazon account is from 2001, very first order was a PS2. I remember using one of those sites that tracked PS2 availability and came back to my dorm room one day to find Amazon had them and created an Amazon account very fast to order one since they were very hard to find and were selling out quickly. I got my PS5 from Amazon as well but they came up with a much better system for that. I put my name on the waiting list and they emailed me when it was available and I had a limited time to buy it. The email associated with that Amazon account has changed since back then it was my college email which no longer exists. Now it's my Gmail account which is my second oldest since I created it around 2006 or so.


My first emails were in ‘00. My oldest active account is my later yahoo mail from ‘04.


I'm first name last initial at email.com, and have been since maybe 1998 or so. It's no longer my primary (ever since getting a gmail invite in 2004) but I keep it up because it's a fun bit of nineties internet to claim.


I think my ebay is form the late 90s, I never use it anymore. My IMDb account is from 2001, that's probably the second oldest, although I don't use that one much anymore either since the forums shutdown.


Gotta be my gmail. [email protected] - Fairly common name too. Ive actually been offered a decent amount for it but nothing that would be worth the hassle of changing every online account.


I have 2 Gmail accounts from 2004 and 2005


My eBay is from 1997 but I still have my yahoo acct today, and I opened that in 96? Hmm I opened it around the same time as my AOL which I also still have.


My AOL account has been open since 1997.


My Yahoo email; got it my senior year of high school around January of 1998. I have my kid's school announcements and camelcamelcamel sent there. My kid uses my Hotmail account from 1997 as his Xbox account.


Renegade or Synchronet BBS that is still online. It’s from 1991 with a 2400 baud modem when I created it. I have a Hotmail account from 1996 and I got my first.Lastname at gmail through the closed beta. I’ve had an offer of $5k to buy it and I just laugh.


I think my oldest active account is my MSN email address from around 2000/01. I used to have a Hotmail address, but I don't know whatever happened to it.


Probably eBay as well around the same time. First thing I even "won" was a modem PCMCIA card for my mother's crappy Toshiba laptop.


My Amazon account from 2004. It is crazy to see my purchases from then, including my musical ones.


eBay and Costco since 2000. Had and still use my Hotmail account from before that. Not sure how I’d look up that inception date tho.


AOL. Also 1998. Wish I had my old emails but they were backed on the actual PC then and that’s long gone


I set up an email forwarder through [mail.com](http://mail.com) in the fall of '97 and it's still active


My is eBay as well, 2000 for me. I have several forum accounts from that time frame as well.


Still have and use my 1994ish AOL email on occasion


Yahoo email from early 1997. They told us about it in the school bulletin 😄. My Gmail is from 2005


I work in a trade industry where our clientele tends towards over 50 and upper-middle or higher incomes. I am gobsmacked at the number of roadrunner and aol email addresses I still see.


Hotmail in 1998 is my oldest account. I also signed up for ebay and PayPal back in the day as well and those accounts still exist (I don't use them much, but still have them).


For me it's also my eBay account. Created in 2003 and still using it to this day. It would have been my original Hotmail account but I abandoned that back around 2008 because of constant spam.


My yahoo address has a "2000" in it because that was the future. And I was likely watching a lot of Conan at the time.


Yahoo email from 1997


Oldest one I know I still use is a Gmail I started in 06 or 07. It’s the one we have linked to all our streaming services. Other than that it’s pretty much a junk account at this point.


My Gmail account is almost 20 years old.


This account... Only 7 months until my Reddit account can open it's own reddit account


got a Hotmail account from college, probably ~2000


I still have and use my original aol email from around 1993


I had a Prodigy account in 1990. I was 7. I had email.


Still have my AOL email account from 1996.


My mac.com address, from maybe 2000 or 2001? Before it became me.com and then iCloud.com. I haven’t even used a Mac in over 10 years but I still keep that account for a few things. Most notably it has a good record of emails from my dad and my best friend from back in the day, neither of whom are around anymore.


Still have my original email address, yahoo ~1996. It got retired except for websites that were likely to spam me decades ago


I think my oldest are my gmail account from 2010 and this Reddit account from 2012. I have a Facebook account from 2009 but I hardly ever use it.


I have a Fark account from 2004, as is my LiveJournal and my Yahoo! email, though I think the email may be oldest, that's just the oldest email I can find. I had accounts for eBay, Hotmail, and others that date from the 90's, but I think they've all been deleted for lack of use.


I was a fan of the game Doom and signed up for an account on the Doomworld forums back in 2001 at the age of 17. 23 years later, that site is still around, and so is the community. My oldest friends are people I met there. It's a really lovely community.


I have a yahoo account that I've had since 1998. So much fantasy football history on there.


My facebook account is from 2003. I don’t use it much any more, but I got it when it was a collegiate only site, and so I don’t particularly want to get rid of it either.


_Oldest_?  Probably an old USENET handle. Maybe my first college account? _Had_ a something or other website provider community site. Also Compuserve. Some BBS accounts. ICQ. But I've also had hotmail since the 90's. So that's probably the answer you mean. But nobody would know since I use my own domain name.


I had an AOL account from mid-90s. 94 maybe? Maybe later. It still exists but I don’t use it. Had an AT&T account for a while when we switched providers. Eventually, I made a Yahoo account. So sad that ICQ shut down! I used that so much in college!


So I had an aol account created back in the 90s that I lost track of. Recently I re-signed up to aol email, and the account was available, so I got it. Not sure if that counts.


Have probably had my Hotmail account since 1995/96 or so. I use it to sign up one-off accounts I don’t want junk mail from. But ironically, because I use it so sparingly, I receive less junk mail there these days that my main email account.


I've been on Metafilter since 2002.


I opened my hotmail account in 1995 or 1996. Before it was Microsoft. Back in the days of Cybercafes! For a while I didn’t use it at all and I think a lot of the really old stuff got deleted, but I still own the address and log in randomly now and then. It’s just full of spam!


My IMDb account is from August 2000


At the risk of bragging, I still use the Hotmail account I started in October 1996. 🤓


ebay 2000 offtopic.com 2002


My alternate email is yahoo, it’s from college, so probably about ‘98


I still have my Diaryland account from 2001. And my Neopets but I don’t remember when I made that. Pretty sure it was after the Diaryland though.


I have had my yahoo account since i was 18 . I am now 41 . Oldest account ever had.


eBay (early-2000s) or Hotmail c. 2005.


My Yahoo acc from 2002 is still up and going strong. It’s my email I give to places even they ask for an email to sign up for stuff.


My email. The oldest email is dated 2002, but I had to have signed up for it in 1997 or 1998.


I still have and use my OG AOL account from 98. It’s vintage.


Coincidentally, my eBay account’s been active since October 1998. I had an AOL account that predated that, but my dad finally stopped paying for AOL a couple of years ago and I lost access to it.


My oldest account is an email account opened in 1996


My Amazon account is from 2004


My yahoo email account has emails from 2000, and my Amazon account also goes back 24 years.