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For now, best DPS class is Swordfighter/Flash Fencer. Do have an Ogre with Flashback though, it's the best breaker in the game. Tbh, later on most attackers aren't too bad so long as you avoid the debuff focused ones since debuffs are awful in this game because they never flippin land. Even Swordfighter has it's niche. Though, you should equip Ultimate Qigong on every single non-ether attacker when you get it since it's a surprisingly large damage boost (ironically, it's the master skill of a healing class). I recommend doing the new members side quests ASAP as they all give you cool classes to muck around with (well, usually cool. Monica, I'm talking to you). The only exception is Incursor as it's about 10 levels higher then the rest of the area it's in if memory serves.


What do you mean usually cool, that class provides an art you can use to delete entire bosses.


Which one is that? Mighty Beat?




Fair point, but when that is quite literally your only selling point beyond being Lanz's base class with a slightly different coat of paint, it's pretty lame. At least Zeon's class has an awakening gimmick. Okay, now that I'm typing this, I think just defenders in general are pretty lame in this game. Except Lone Exile. Lone Exile is perfect.


How can I learn if ones an ether class and a non-ether class?


Ok uhh 3 questions, what the heeell is Ultimate Qigong, who Monica (i might've met her but forgot) And what do you mean about incursor?


Sorry for the lack of clarity. Monica is a character you will meet later. Incursor is the class given by Alexandria and Colony Iota, which is somewhere in the desert you are probably in (also she's like Level 40 not 30 my bad). You can start her hero quest and not be ultimately screwed but avoid confronting her deeper in the colony until you're up around that level range. Ultimate Qigong is a Master Skill from leveling up to level 5 in a specific class you will unlock later, i.e. a skill that you will be able to equip while using other classes.


Ahh alright, also I just met Juniper (at first i thought she was Jupiter) and Im around 36 lvl now




Im waiting for Ethel flair) is that Thaumaturge a good class? Wait where's Gamma? I thought i already found them, but just found Iota by trying to find the othrr classes i missed in Aronis Though what do you mean by overworld?


Never mind, just found em.


Not really, but it's the class that has the Ultimate Qigong skill, so you should still get it and level it up.


Your guide is full of spoiler


Incursor, Flashback, and Ultimate Qigong are available at Ch.3, which OP has already long passed. Only spoiler is Monica which since she is only mentioned in name I don't see too much of a problem with.


How do I get those Pyra or pictures things below my name?


https://preview.redd.it/ue9go3h0qa8d1.png?width=317&format=png&auto=webp&s=71bca7ed0c28b3f4c576c4ea0c27f2db519adf9a Move your mouse to the right part and click on the pencil icon. Choose your flair (many flairs won't show up because it is outdated. Some flairs don't show up there but show up under your name normally i.e QTP). Apply


I'm not a bug méta player, but Flash fencer is a good one for now, also noting that even ogre isn't the best DPS it can become really good for breaking enemies. I'd say Seraph I one of the best DPS as long as Incursor, not gonna say more to not spoil tho. Id personally do the heroes quest before anything else but it's my way of doing


If you're in chapter 4, Incursor is an Agnian Crit class you can get in Fornis region. Full Metal Jaguar should be coming up in your playthrough so keep an eye out for it. Flash Fencer is good but you're going to want to ascend it in chapter 7 so you can get it's skill that gives Noah full Talent Art at start of battle and switch to another job. But either way, you're in the middle of the game and should be learning the most jobs you can with each character as you can over level easily and win most fights with any job combination. Builds aren't important until endgame really, just save up transferrable skills and arts for now.


Fornis? I thought i went through that area, but sure I'll look around areas i havent discovered, Is Full Metal Jaguar good?


Also by "ascending" You mean by just using it till Ch7?


You should be able to start doing ascension quests in chapter 4 or 5 to raise a job's level cap. These have prerequisite quests that need to be done first though.


Also, can I do this with any other character? its Cause I may or may not have a favorite thats definitely not two but the flairs only let me pick one


Each character you can have in the main party has an ascension quest. Starting in Ch. 5 Ascension quests are avaliable for a variety of heroes, even the main party. The main party's ascension quests however are divided up with Eunie and Lanz being in the aforementioned chapter, Taion's in Ch. 6 and Sena's in Ch. 7. Noah and Mio's respective ones are required for main story progress.


Ah, ok so the ascension quests are from random NPCs around the map? Or in the main story quests itself?


Noah and Mio's are main story. The other ouro kids are being in the right area, listening for specific information to discuss at campfires for the side stories to trigger.


Yeah Fornis is a pretty big map and you might've thought you were under leveled where the quest starts your first time through. There should be a question mark on the map between where the desert ends and greenery begins. Full Metal Jaguar is a strong Kevesi damage class up to the end of the game. It's a couple areas away from where you're at.


Yo, I got Jaguar and Thaumaturge for ultimate Qigong i think its called, I think I need to fight the last Agnian party for the Incursor, ill try and check the question marks for the ascension quests


Also is it normal with Incursor sometimes just missing most of it's attacks or just the enemy?


I think soulbreaker are the best DPS with the right setup


The soul in soulhacker refers to how you will lose your soul defeating all the unique monsters to max out your DPS


Oh wait a minute, i have another thought, does each character is better in a different class? Like is Noah better in Attacker than tank or there is but its a minimal difference, or theres none at all


Different characters learn new classes faster depending on their rank in them. Aside from that they have very minor stat differences that technically make them very slightly better at certain things, but it's not enough to really matter in the long run. We're talking like 100 hp difference at max level when everyone already has thousands or maybe a dozen points more or less in their attack stat, which isn't enough of a difference that you can't just put anyone in any class and have it be fine.


>We're talking like 100 hp difference at max level when everyone already has thousands or maybe a dozen points more or less in their attack stat, I mean, i agree with what you said and i myself encourage people to not give much weight to stat difference, but let's not exaggerate


In addition to stat differences, you can do a quest very late in the game that will upgrade the main character's original weapons, but only for that character, so Sena will be stronger at Ogre than anyone else.


What the characters do have is very different TP values, which dictate Chain Attack performance. I tended to make mid/low TP characters healers and high TP characters a defender, such that I could end chain attack round with a defender (which could easily get over 100 with some later accessories).


Flash Fencer is really good like everyone else has said. I’d recommend mastering it with Noah in particular pretty quickly. Mastering Flash Fencer gives an upgraded version of the Capable Hands skill that lets you start a battle with your Ultimate filled up 80% rather than 60% and can be equipped in any class. It synergizes incredibly well with an ability that Noah unlocks later in the game.


Ah so, ill just give Noah the class? What master arts & skills should i give him?


Honestly I don’t really know beyond that, sorry. It’s been a year or two since I’ve replayed the game, so I’ve forgotten the best way to play it especially at that stage. The Capable Hands strategy is just super good and it’s incredibly useful well into the postgame, at least it is for me.


Capable Hands strat?


Just mean that with how well it synergizes with the other ability Noah gets. It’s a spoiler though, so I can’t say anything beyond that.


Im gonna have a stroke by trying to understand, but yeah thanks guys!


Update!: ive unlocked Jaguar, and gonna unlock thaumaturge for that qigong thing, maybe ill try to find more stuff tomorrow since i wanna sleep now


For any class with a Break Art, there's an Ekidno-type Unique Monster in the Keves Castle region, hiding in an out-of-the-way section up a wall of vines in the Hovering Reefs called Blazing Karlos that drops legendary Break Brooches, and you'll want a good few of those (at least 2 or 3 is a solid amount).


Wait where is the "Keves castle region" Or just its the colonies or in what area?


It's the next region after the Pentelas region, you'll get there towards the end of chapter 4 if you haven't finished the chapter already.


its seraph and its not even close so use that when you get it around chapter 6


I would recommend getting the flashback break art(from yumsmith) onto Sena and then have her back on ogre. she then becomes one of your best break inflicters due to her fury smash skill


Why cant i equip the art though? It says that I cant equip any more positional arts?


Never mind i needed to change one of the character arts