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When it comes to height, our boy Xiao is unbeatable. https://preview.redd.it/68t93ul0qr6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38d1254f69cd67ea806be86993934c1a73253541


HELPPp Where'd you find this


It was from an old reddit post. I found it. [Here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/s/3fnj9FQMsf) I remember checking the Genshin wiki back then to confirm the height change, and sure enough somebody really did change it, most probably as a joke. It's back to normal now tho. Gave me a good chuckle when I first saw it back then. xD


Holy shit lisa is taller than itto?!


That chart counts headwear so she's carried by her hat. She's like 5'6"ish in reality. I don't know what the merit of this chart is


Bro that chart is so off, ig its a meme chart, 199.2 is 6’6” and lisa is like 5’5”, can’t believe my dumbass didn’t realize


It’s kinda funny, the hat made her a whole foot taller lmao


This is peak


includes his jump height when in ult lololol


Well they still can't compete with Xiao but, they are tall enough I guess.


I love how everyone is ok with neuvi, arle and al being the strongest in there element while cryo and electro are being argued on


Geo forgotten as always




by calling him “al” you're literally calling him “the” btw 😭




I already said Ei in my desctiption might be there but she also tall so the concept still same


electro arguments are justified none of them cleanly gap the other but Wrio feels so much better than the other 2 cryos, even if their theoretical DPS outputs are similar. It’s too easy to make content that fucks with Ayaka and Ganyu’s performance meanwhile you can throw Wrio into basically any situation and you can easily adapt the teammates and rotations to clear better. It feels like the type of argument you would only make had you not tried them all in a variety of situations


wrong. electro's best dps is fischl, and she is kinda short. sorry.


Oz is Tall though and he is the real carry


Isn't fischl/oz a sub-dps?


You can say that, but my oz can one shot enemies


You mean OZ emitter.


Hmm one of these is not like the others..


🤣🤣 which one


clorinde and wrio are not the best of their elements


Debatable, it depends what criteria you want to use. They’d definitely win if things like ease of use and self-sustainability were factors; else if it’s just the highest C0 ceiling for them ignoring other factors it’d be Cyno for Electro and Cryo could go any way honesty speaking.


I don’t think Clorinde is easier to use than cyno. Squeezing 6 n3e is harder than any part of cynos kit. And getting knocked back results in an even bigger dps loss than cyno.


Forget cyno. There's raiden who literally gets invincible interrupt resistance, doesn't need any reactions for her own raw damage, and with only minimal need for animation cancelling


Yeah, but Raiden is a lackluster DPS before C2. She's not exactly bad or anything, but her numbers are definitely beaten by Cyno. That's kind of Electro's problem, everyone is a different shade of "meh."


Bro its not 2.x patches anymore. Ayaka is not that good nowdays. Wrio is much more flexible in terms of teams (access to melt) and his dmg is good without hyper investing. And he is not burst reliant which is always a good thing.


I have them and test them both at C6 levels. At max investment, Ayaka is a little higher dmg wise. But Wrio is not far behind at all. I think I posted some comparison vids not too far back on my profile.


Wrio is way better at C6 LOL


Not according to my testing. I use them both at C6 (with C6 Shen and all that). C12 Aya vs C12 Wrio is a pretty tough call. Have u texted yourself or looked up other people’s vids?


The second half of your statement is accurate, but I still think Ayaka is still a fantastic unit as of late. You just have to adapt Jamie, a respected theorycrafter and speedrunner, sums it up pretty well [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AyakaMains/s/J9t2pLvBEO) Personally I would still rate Ayaka above Wrio. She's better than him for like 90% of abyss content


In terms of damage (C0), Ayaka still slaps. Otherwise, Wrio. I think this is the answer for best dps in Cryo?


That's fair, after all "best" is subjective for everyone. I don't personally agree that Wrio is the best dps, but I can see why people would claim that, given that he's more consistent and easier to play for the average player, so if they prioritise those aspects in their definition of "best", that's completely fine as well I'm just here to clear up the misconception that Ayaka has fallen off. She still performs exceptionally well, it's just that she's harder to play now so most people default to easier characters. I'm sure most veterans can agree that the abyss is actually pretty easy, and it's just more convenient to use a comfort character like wrio compared to a character where you have to be more alert like Ayaka, even if she clears faster, since wrio is more than enough


Exactly. I dont know why you are being downvoted tho


They're probably just the same uneducated playerbase who don't understand Ayaka's potential. Granted, it's hard to recognise it when you don't play Ayaka enough. Even Zajef himself called Ayaka overrated on his podcast with Jamie. Jamie countered him and Zajef changed his mind


Oooo love to hear this! Any way u could link to this podcast?


Sorry I forgot which day was it, but it should be somewhere from last month. You could probably find it somewhere in zajef's vods on twitch


were you able to find it?


Ayaka has had 2 favourable abysses the entirety of 4.x while we still haven’t had a situation where Wrio is bad in, can we please be serious for a second


Ayaka has never been bad as well, if you're struggling you're just playing her wrong


I see this is what Ayaka mains are up to nowadays huh


It's fine, we're used to people underestimating her


I think wrio definitely is


mostly depends on situations for cryo, as currently it’s somehow more forgotten than geo by hoyo


oh they absolutely are. wrio is so much more versatile than ayaka these days. clorinde as well


I don't have wrio so I can't say, but I have Raiden, Fischl and Clorinde, and the first 2 are much more versatile and stronger than her.




Best dps of their element? Raiden C0 is definitely not the best dps of their element, considering that this is probably talking about no constellation. Ayaka has also fallen off, considering that her freeze can’t really measure up to wrio’s other reactions.


Cyno is better than raiden in terms of ceiling, has many limitations that raiden and clorinde dont but he def does more damage than both.


THANK you😭 and it’s always the people that are using his wrong team that call him mid or a keqing sidegrade(I’ve heard that a lot). He’s a quickbloom dps, how about you use him in a quickbloom team?


People saying that are just repeating what they heard at cynos release day, where he was admittedly weak, due to lack of understanding of the character and lack of proper supports. He has aged amazingly though and under the right circumstances has higher dps/dpr than even alhaitham. He suffers when waves are in the mix though and he is terrible in overworld so he'll never be popular enough to clear his name from his dark days. But excluding him from a "best electro dps" conversation is a crime, he shreds.


bro i have both raiden and cyno c3 on very good cv and their best teams, cyno isnt beating raiden , debateably even at c6,thats hard cope


I highly doubt you’re using both their best teams then lol, raiden isn’t really that good of a dps till c2 and even then she’s either a hypercarry or an em bot in a game that focuses a lot on teams. Neuvi is an exception cuz of his absurd damage, and arle to an extent. Raiden don’t got that kinda damage lmao


i have literally no reason to lie. But its fine ur free to believe whatever you want to believe \^\_\^


I didn’t say you were lying, I said you may not actually be using their best teams. Teams change over time, you could be using an outdated one


you are free to join Jello Impact Official discord and show me then :')


Well its a known fact. Maybe you are playing him wrong cuz he definitely doesnt need c3 to outperform raiden.


He may do more damage, but personally for me, Clorinde feels more comfy to play. Mainly because Cyno struggles in multi-wave content (I don’t have Baizhu so 🤷‍♂️), whereas Clorinde Overload has zero issues with that. But Cyno can definitely do a lot of damage, especially when fighting a boss where waves aren’t a consideration.


Yeah clorinde is definitely a better dps all things considered especially given that she'll get better with time since characters always get their best supports after they release. Cyno himself is an example of that using 3 supports that came after his debut, making him go from dog to god (thats ironic cuz he is technically both lorewise).


you are free to join Jello Impact discord server and show us that he is god


Wtf is bro talking about




Well you didn't site a source


Its a known fact, I dont have to. Go google it, it would take you less time to do that than responding to my comments every few hours waiting for a source that you will probably disregard anyway due to bias. Dont get me wrong though, Cyno is a stronger electro DPS than Raiden but Raiden is a better character. Cyno thrives in one specific team with very valuable characters that he potentially steals from the other half of abyss, while raiden is a very versatile character than can play in many teams and different roles. In my honest opinion Clorinde will be the best electro DPS. Unlike Cyno she isnt locked into one team and isnt forced to take the field forever, and unlike raiden she is a dedicated DPS only meant for that role instead of being a jack of all trades, which seems to be where meta is heading. Given time she'll get more fitting supports as new characters usually do and surpass Cyno even at his best, and as for Raiden they are both equally flexible in different ways but from what ive seen Clorinde is slightly better for the time being and the gap will only widen.


Well..... I'm dumb... I reread your first comment and I realised I read what you said inverted🤦 I thought you said Raiden and chlorinde have limitations that cyno doesn't have🫠🫠🫠 now that I've reread I completely agree and BTW I have cyno's best team with PJWS and chlorinde with mistsplitter and c1 catch Raiden and If I were to rank them. Based on how fast they clear it'd be chlorinde then cyno then Raiden but my Raiden isn't really the best so 🤷 [here is a clear I did with my Raiden if your interested ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/tdIWz00sap) it really just depends on the content we're talking about Cuz against triple. Kenki both chlorinde and cyno feel way worse in comparison to Raiden BUT if it's single target then cyno and chlorinde are way faster so it heavily depends on the type of content we're talking about.


Yup agree. Clorinde is if you want the most well rounded dps, Raiden is if you want the most versatile character and Cyno is if you want to hyperinvest in one team.


I know Cyno is suppose to have higher DPS. For me it just doesn’t feel like it. Not even in showcases. There was 1 sheet I saw but it was lack luster In details and other teams.


Perhaps its because he plays quickbloom so a big portion of the dmg comes from the cores, might feel underwhelming but the dmg is there and its big when the circumstances are right.


Are you running him in quickbloom? That's where he shines.


Brother we're not in 2021 anymore


Wrio eh maybe. Clorinde no, since fischl.


It’s on-field dps, if that’s the case then Arlecchino is not a better dps than Xiangling. Also Clorinde is the best Aggravate on-field dps we have right now


Arle isn't strictly better than Hu Tao at C0, so this whole list is somewhat unreliable. Same with Clorinde and Alhaitham if Cyno DPR and Nahida on field hyperbloom(in Nahida case specifically pure hyperbloom as quickbloom is Alhaitham uncontested) is in the comparison.


WHATTTTTT?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!!!?!?????? How is Xiangling better than arlecchino? She barely deals 30k in raiden national and needs alot of er


Some people need to cope. Even if I built all buffers around Xiangling, arlecchino would be done fighting and sitting on her throne bored.


Only thing she has going for her is that she's the only pyro sub dps and that she applies pyro


No Xiangling, invalid.


She is not on field


You didn't mention anything about on field in your post.


its a joke


You dont know what dps means do you


Need this gimmick dead


Cyno is the best electro dps.


Ah yes, the tallest of them all, Xiao


I don't see xiangling :/


I don't understand all the Wrio and Clorinde hate lol. You guys either build them wrong or simply don't have them. They both work great and their damage is consistent and high.


They are also quite have wide option for artifacts and F2P weapons. Wrio can go Marchusse for full crit investment or can strongbox shimenawa Clorinde have like 3 full sets for her (whimpsey, TF, Glad) They both easy to build plus easy to play because no burst reliant and versatile team mates


I think their greatest strength is their flexibility and being easy to play around. Ayaka and Cyno have higher ceilings but require much more investment and specific setups/characters. Wrio and Clorinde are much more forgiving if you mess up a rotation slightly, and have more viable teamcomps to cater to certain abyss floors/bosses. In the end either can be considered "strongest" depending on your own definition and what you value, which is honestly very good for the game.


Clorinde is worse than Cyno in quickbloom Clorinde is worse than Yae in aggravate Overload is a mess No one is calling her bad but saying she’s the best of her element is simply misleading.


it's not hate they simply aren't the best of their elements


Most of everyone here is not the best of their elements anyway due their nature as on field DPS Even Neuvi isnt the best hydro, Furina is.


it says DPS


My bad, sorry. Unfortunately I often see very negative reactions about them or people simply saying they're trash. Any character has their ups and downs in my opinion.


I agree to an extent, but some characters like some 4 stars are just outright not good. Anyway the Genshin community is such a cesspool say anything about a character people don't like (even if it's true) you get downvoted. And people hate on every character for no reason too lol.


Overall, Clorinde kinda is. It's just noticeable enough of a gap for skilled players. Raiden may be more forgiving, Cyno may have higher raw DPR and sustained single-target DPS, but if you had to pick one unit that best represents the realistic ceiling potential of electro, it's Clorinde. Although ngl I have no idea exactly how good a C6 Sethos is. He might be up there as well.


you know that cyno has much MUCH higher ceiling than clorinde?


Whoever told told you that is coping hard: Clorinde quickbloom can also reach 70k dps Just like cyno quickbloom In aggravate clorinde is a million times better


Downtime longer than uptime kekw


And cyno has too long of a dps window


And? It doesn't hurt his DPS since you can end his burst early to set up another rotation. There's not much you can do to mitigate Clorinde's downtime, though. Not even TF fully fixes it.


Why cant we have an electro dps with normal uptime :(


To be honest I really do loathe how nobody can keep up with field time


To be honest I really do loathe how nobody can keep up with Cyno's field time. I love his playstyle but he could be so much better with better teammates.


Isn’t Lyney the pyro character with the highest damage ceiling? Or is that just when comparing C6 characters?


Lyney is spreadsheet/what if character. Arle is easier to play and insane damage. If we talking about theoritical ceiling for speedrun for C0 than Childe with buffed internationals and perfect play would be here instead of Neuvillette who has much better consistency by the time Childe is starting his 5th retry.


clorinde is not the 'best dps' he's just an average character. Stop 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Tbh electro does not have the best dpses.


Keqing slander


She kinda fell off. She's not bad now or anything, but Yae is better at aggravate and Cyno is way better at quickbloom. Keqing is perfectly viable but she's a little below average for an electro DPS, and electro DPS units haven't been in a very good place since Raiden was meta.


Weird picture of Itto there.


Clorinde instead of fischl? This is misinformation


that’s not Goatluc🥱


also get Clorinde tf outta here raiden gaps


This list is almost accurate if you consider all of them are C0 because then there's one error. Wrio C0 is not a character, Ayaka takes the cake for the best C0 Cryo dps. Once cons is involved it becomes a bit more complicated than that


Imo the reason why i hestitant to put ayaka is that she is a situational character now and she is not really good to play outside freeze where freeze has been countered in alot of abyss for more than one year but if she worksz she works. Ayaka if she bricked will still get outperformed by C0 Wrios who works better in Melt, Burnmelt and Hyperfridge while his own freeze team makes bette ruse of Furina. But when classic freeze works, she takes the throne. C0 wrio is enough to beat everything anyway.


Can't disagree about what you said. Going by versatility it is definitely Wrio. Well if you also consider that, Wanderer is better than Xiao at that too but then ffxx dmg is just so broken it doesn't even matter if he doesn't have as much versatility overall lol


The thing is FFXX is very much a really strong brute force team compared to Ayaka's, it doesnt get bricked by abyss line up like Ayaka as when last abyss Copellia and Fatui operatives around this team still like rank 5 or rank 6 idk and if you even changes Faru for Zhongli for more comfort the team still have bull shit Furina x Xianyun synergy anyway. Then i said i still recommend Wanderer to many people compared to Xiao because he is get more use in open world where 90% of the content is.


I know about ffxx that's why I don't argue about Xiao Honestly 90% of Fontaine abyss was Coppelia or Coppelius to kill Anemo and Cryo lol when it's not them it's the Tulpa where you can't shred Cryo, F Ayaka


Also Clorinde is a better DPS than Raiden on every cons, especially at C0, only the hardcore Raiden simps still deny that. Raiden does provide useful supports to the team tho, the regen and the burst dmg bonus.


Sure, but Cyno is still better than Clorinde. Easier to play and better DPS thanks to Furina. Clorinde trades damage and ease of use for having more team options, so she's decent in her own way. She's just not the "best electro DPS" that people want her to be.


Clorinde works better with Furina cos she stacks her buff much faster lol


And? I said what I said with that in mind. Furina was a huge buff for Cyno quickbloom, and he's currently a better DPS.


I mean Clorinde is already a better dps than Cyno so if Furina works better with her than Cyno she is also better than her there. You realize Clorinde can also be used for Quickbloom right ? Cyno mains should really stop coping at some point. I also have a very well invested Cyno at C2R1 and love him dearly but I don't think he's close to Clorinde on every comparable cons, same thing for any other 5* electro tbh and ALL my 5* electro are highly invested with cons


False. Now first I want to point out, but I’m using all of the units that you mentioned at constellation level six…. Regardless, Aya works perfectly fine with/Shen, Kaz, and Zongli….


If you're at C6 on multiple units you shouldn't even be in the discussion tbh. That's not representative of the average player's experience.


Wriothesley is definitely a character C0, he's just less flexible. Still, at that point, it's not like Ganyu or Ayaka are particularly flexible, especially at C0.


Itto > Navia Fight me


Both still tall tho




right cuz itto who only works with one team vs. navia who outdamages him and is much more flexible is better💀


As an Itto main, I sadly agree. Itto is held back a bit from the fact that he's bound to Gorou and cannot use Furina at all without losing DPS. If we ever get a true geo healer he'll be competitive, though. For now though, even C6 Noelle is better.


Ei and Hu Tao erasure.


Ei is an enabler pre c2


Doesn't mean she isn't a DPS. The two aren't mutually-exclusive.


yeah but pre c2 her damage isnt crazy to be top electro dps


As a hypercarry, it isn't. But as the on-field DPS and driver in teams like Rational, where she's one of three strong DPS units contributing to the team's total damage, she's a top choice. Only in cases of hypercarries like Xiao and Neuvillette can you only focus on their personal damage and ignore the team. And even then you shouldn't because even their best teams often have other strong DPS units like Furina and Kazuha contributing their damage.


You get more damage by kicking her for sucrose c0


I just noticed that people are not debating xiao vs. scaramouche? Or did people forget about him already?


It was pretty even until xiao got the xianyun/furina combo


Mostly cause of xianyun if I'm not mistaken lol


Stopped being a debate a while ago. Xiao is the Anemo king.


xiao overtook wanderer by alot since cloud retainer


Oh I see.


Well this is xiao mains


Most casual Wanderer stans do argue when it's brought up but people always mentioned how kinda equal both are even before Xianyun came out, after Xianyun it's kinda obvious who's and on top now and only major Wanderer stans reject it.


Oh, I see now. I don't have scaramouche. So I wouldn't know. But I did know about the debate


When Wanderer was released, he was a bit behind Xiao in both AoE and ST, at least on paper, because Xiao has higher skill ceiling. When Furina and MH released, Wanderer overtook for a while. And then Xianyun had her debut, and Xiao has been significantly stronger since


Wdym xiao uses MH and Furina better than Wanderer lol


MH + Furina wasn't that far ahead from VMH + Bennett for Xiao before Xianyun, since they increase atk, which doesn't benefits Xianyun's buff. They were more meaningful for Wanderer


I mean you can use both Furina AND Bennett for Xiao VMH ? Xiao stacks Furina faster than Wanderer.


Using both Furina and Bennett is fine, but he only heals the on field units, and only up to 70%. He can be built to capitalize on overheal to take advantage of Furina's passive, but it can only proc once or twice per rotation. So you will stack Furina's buff slower, and Furina's personal dps will also be handicapped. So even when Bennett + Furina was the best pair for Xiao's personal dps before Xianyun, the team dps ends up being a bit lower than Jean + Furina. Iirc, r/Xiaomains had a post about that. Also, for Wanderer, he barely has any self buff. So dmg% buff was alot more meaningful for him when compared to Xiao, who already has an abundant amount of dmg%. He doesn't have the HP% draining passive like Xiao. But let be honest, 2% per second isn't that meaningful for stacking Furina, it's the healer who do most of the heavy lifting anyway I might be wrong, though ┐(´ー`)┌


Best pyro DPS aware


Yo how good is wrio and his teams? I was inactive when he was released and Ive been dying to get him since then


If arlecchino al haitham and neuvilette are s tier, wriothesley is a tier. Very good, very versatile and nice to play because if his healing and easy to build. The only thing is that he compared to s tier he just misses some damage.


Thanks! Thats good enough for me. Itto and Ayato are often called A or B tier but theyre fun and enough to clear abyss for me so I think Wriothesley would be the same then


True and based


maybe i built my clorinde wrong bc her dmg is mid asf im ngl


Isn’t itto still best geo??


He can't use Furina, so no. Navia outpaces him and so does C6 Noelle. If we get a true geo healer or Gorou gets powercrept, then maybe Itto will be good again. For now, I'm going to have to bench him though. He's really not keeping up.


I know I’ll get hated on for saying this in the Xiao mains subreddit but I genuinely don’t know the answer, isn’t Wanderer stronger? I thought he was


It was considered close before Xianyun but now I don’t think you could make an argument for Wanderer being better


To elaborate a bit, Xianyun really buffed Xiao and also made Furina a really solid choice for his teams. FFXX (Faruzan, Furina, Xianyun, Xiao) is significantly better than Wanderer's best teams. It's actually monstrous, and scales even better than Wanderer with appropriate and equivalent investment (i.e. don't get cons for Xiao, get cons for Xianyun). I'm not sure how MiHoYo plans to balance around Xiao's new team without hurting Anemo as a whole. It's a little scary how good Xiao has become.


Yo that's crazy I've never realized all the Anemo DPS are short lmao. Maybe C5R5 Xianyun can be a good DPS but when they're equally C6R5 the Wanderer is way stronger and with C6R5 Kazuha behind him in the second place.


Uhh nobody cares about C6R5, that's whale territory and 99% of players won't ever experience even a single C6R5 unit.


Hold it! Xiangling and Fischl are not tall.


Guoba and Oz are real DPS and they are tall


For real I have c6 scara and he needs the perfect team to do good enough damage


Since it seems everyone has forgotten about the man, let me reintroduce Itto: The tallest in game and the strongest geo (in my heart)


Tall xiao would’ve been insane


Ayaka mains finna get you


I thought Ayaka, Raiden, and Itto had the higher damage ceiling?


Consistent floor > High ceiling If we talking about ceiling Lyney and Tighnari also beat their respective element


Friendship 10 xiao is canonically 6,6


66 inches




Wrio casually doing 70k per basic attack melt hit but alright. Faster attacks, better damage, self healing. He's definitely better than both.


But AoE coverage that leaves a lot to be desired and he's also absolutely nowhere to be found in speedrunning at C0, unlike the other two who have consistently been strong performers (whenever cryo isn't hard nerfed).


He can hit multiple enemies if they're close enough, but unfortunately you usually need Kazuha or a similar character for that. The issue I have with Ganyu is that her charged attacks take some time and a lot of abyss enemies force you to run and a dodge a lot (Zhongli solves this issue for everyone lol). Ganyu's damage with or without reactions is good though. Critting with melt is satisfying but it just takes a little time to charge. And for Ayaka you need a whole team dedicated to buff her otherwise her damage is kinda disappointing. This wasn't the case a couple years ago. Kinda sad to see her this neglected in the game now. I've been thinking a lot to get Shenhe because I have all three of them, but you can technically use Ganyu and Wrio without Shenhe. I feel like Ayaka needs her. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong myself.


Ganyu definitely is NOT and Ayaka sucks ass without Freeze. Wrio also scales significantly better than both with cons.


Yet they all tend to tie in single-target speedruns at C6. People really, really forget how much frontload a C6 melt Ganyu can output.


electro goes to raiden or fischl fs


Ayaka > Wrio, Cyno > Any other C0 Electro dps




Wanderer freeze and wanderer electrocharged are not better than wanderer hyper and xiao hyper(ffxx) is way better than it


Ayaka> Wrio


So Clorinde did power creep Raiden ?


Comparing apples to oranges moment.


I’m seeing a lot of Wriothesley vs Ayaka and Ei / Cyno / Clorinde discussions, but no one’s pointing out Itto vs Navia??? That being said, they seem about equal to me. I don’t play Navia, but her advantage seems to be greater flexibility with teambuilding and rotations.


Itto kinda fell off, and I say that as someone who used to main him. His teams aren't doing particularly well lately. Even C6 Noelle will out-dps him at equivalent investment. Navia blows him out of the water even if I don't like the way she plays. If Itto ever gets access to Furina (i.e. if a true geo healer ever comes out, or he's ever released from Gorou) then he'll be worth discussing.


That’s because Navia’s a lot better than Itto and it isn’t particularly close


Nice try zy0x


so many sneaks lmao you thought you're slick by including wriothesley and clorinde here💀


Who would be in their respective places? only cyno is a candidate for electro and ayaka is too much of mob heavy character to be best cryo dps in all sutuations and teams and cyno's only team is hyperbloom that makes his options a bit more limited than clorinde do aggravate/yunjin/quickbloom and overloaded


Nobody really cares about team versatility. Cyno quickbloom works for most abyss chambers and has better DPS than Clorinde. Hard agree on Ayaka though, she doesn't work for many abyss chambers these days and she's kinda fallen off because of it. Wrio is just better right now.


This makes clorinde a bit more future proof than cyno