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I'd play both. Christ, this next statement ***really*** upsets people (at least in r/flightsim), but MSFS is great for scenery and smaller aircraft when you'll be going VFR and sight spotting, whereas bigger or faster aircraft are absurdly wobbly or sensitive. X-Plane is better, in my opinion, for bigger aircraft. >Does xplane have a future Why wouldn't it? >are planes still being made for this sim Check out the X-Plane Org store


I agree just loaded up the 747-200 god I missed it


There is a magnificent new 777 - pls font start a war here FF haters- that should come out next year developed by FlighthFactor which should set a new standard for systems simulation in flight simulation .


The new standard has already been set by the Hot Start Challenger 650.


That beauty is still in my list of planes to try. I'm really looking forward to the TBM 900 when Hot Start have ported it to XP12.


the standard for $120 planes yes


I would have paid $500 for it. But then I fly that plane IRL.


Actually sooner than that. They made an update not too long ago that we should be done with beta testing in 8-10 weeks I believe




Yeah, 8 - 10 weeks is the start of the public beta. If they deliver on the promises, then this could be the "650 Challanger" of the airliner world, and I personally cannot wait.


Me too ! I’m just a bit frustrated about all the hate about FF in the community but anyways…


Anyone who thinks FF will ever release anything that comes close to the Challenger needs to temper their expectations. FF is and has for a while been the pinnacle of mediocre whereas Hotstart is and has always been one of the best aircraft developers for xplane. Personally I will be surprised if it even comes close to the PMDG but I welcome FF to try and surprise me.


Purchased XP-12 last week and not went back on msfs yet, so much more aircraft, albeit some a bit pricey, but they have been worth it, To Liss A340 being my favourite, Max settings & VisualXP being the only non aircraft add on and I'm sure there's more i could do but personally I'm loving it.


Yeah I am thinking the same, I do think xplane does Need to get on the bandwagon with those that need tutorials or just have started flight simming. I mean p3d the once king is now in the gutter.


It's certainly going in the right direction after having looked on forums etc before purchasing and looks to be very much under rated, 747-200 will be next for me to purchase but so far the Zebo 737, To Liss A340 and FF 767 have been great.


X-Plane is the more stable, reliable and immersive sim. **These are some good planes:** Felis 747 Zibo 737 (free) Rotate MD-80/MD-11 ToLiss A319, A320, A321, A340 (**best airbus simulation ever made)** Thranda DGS Series (affordable, immersive and customisable)


Yea I feel real immersed with anti aliasing and performance issues. Real immersive.


With your specs, XP11/XP12 should run smooth at 60fps... Personally, im much more of a systems guy, so I don't really care abt graphics as long as they're decent


You would think…. The game is unstable in some areas and they are working to fix it as I have noticed.


Does xplane have a future? It has been going strong for nearly 30 years and was releasing new versions while Microsoft basically abandoned their product in the 14 years before MSFS. Xplane is not a big hit with casual gamers, but they have never really targeted the casual gamer segment.


I think XP does have a future because of its realism


I'd just try the demo of 12. Planes are still being made and there's a solid collection already that should keep you busy for years. What plane are you getting your licensee in?


Cesena 172. Got about 3 lessons done so far. I have been simmijg for a long time. The reality is that fs2020 while Great. It’s lagging behind, the planes take for ever to be made. If xplane and fs2020 merged, heaven on earth


All good quality models take forever to make. It’s an incredible amount of work to do it well.


I’d suggest buying the [C172 REP package](https://store.x-plane.org/Reality-Expansion-Pack-for-Laminar-Cessna-172SP_p_670.html) since you’re training in a 172. It comes in XP11, or XP12 versions.


REP is really good but I just got the AFL 172 Analog and think I prefer that. Immersion wise it's much better, haven't tested all the systems yet though.


Learn Ortho4xP or get Autoortho so you can have VFR for your area, that will help a lot. Highly recommend either the REP or new AFL Analogue 172 NG as well.


There is a merge. Check out the [SwanSim YouTube channel](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq1lN5NZjjA&pp=ygUNU3dhbm5zaW0geHAxMg%3D%3D).


I have been using Xplane 12 since I have started my instrument training and it has helped out a lot compared to MSFS. Like people have said, MSFS does look stunning, but honesty Xplane 12 still looks great. Using the Map on Xplane12 also helps with looking at your holding patterns and such, I don't regret switching and haven't played MSFS since. As others have said, you can always try to demo


XP can also easily connect with Foreflight


Wait, it can?? I did not know this!


[Yup!](https://support.foreflight.com/hc/en-us/articles/204115525-How-do-I-connect-ForeFlight-to-the-X-Plane-flight-simulator-) It’s super easy and requires no additional software.


So can msfs, I love the ablitity to practice XCs with it.


So can MSFS. I use the FS2FF app that I start before I start MSFS. FF works the same as XP does, although I don’t need a separate app. https://support.foreflight.com/hc/en-us/articles/204115275-How-do-I-connect-Microsoft-Flight-Simulator-2020-MSFS2020-to-ForeFlight-#:~:text=Open%20ForeFlight%20Mobile%2C%20then%20tap%20on%20MORE%20%3E%20DEVICES.,your%20simulated%20position%20is%20showing.


I have all 3- MSFS has great graphics but it feels like an arcade game compared to X-Plane, at least from my experience with stock planes. Kind of blows my mind because FSX seemed far more realistic, almost on par with X-Plane, but they just totally dropped the “as real as it gets” ball with 2020… I used it to fly around my town and found my apartment complex which was fun, but then I quickly lost interest. X-Plane feels way more like the real thing despite some people having performance issues. But as a real world pilot I’d say you can’t be X-Plane for realism!


I’m worried the flow of addome will slow down for xplane. I really just want to fly older planes


Yeah totally know what you mean. There’s always the options to use prepr3d or even fsx if you’re not overly concerned with graphics- fsx has tons of add-on a/c free and payware- chances are you could find an add on for any plane your heart desires!


Yeah I’ve been flying fsx a lot lately


Why fully switch ? I still have FSX, XP11 while mostly playing XP12 and MSFS.


X-Plane’s aerodynamic modeling is realistic enough in most areas that it can be used as a research or training tool for real world aviation. It’s not a game. At least not the way I use it.


Yes but it's not great for private pilot training especially maneuvers and landings. Great for practicing procedures and instrument flying.




Eh I still won't trust it. So many different variables irl compared to a sim.


I started my FS2020 journey in 2021. I recently got XP12 and the one thing I love about XP is the ground. Yes you heard me the ground. There is very few aircraft with tire clipping and the planes actually feel like they are on ground. MSFS has huge tire clipping problems with a lot of their models and bigger aircraft especially those with more than one pair of gear (for example 747). Also working weather radar is great and the plugins is amazing. GSX pro is nice but it is clunky because of the MSFS SDK. Everything is thru clunky menus versus XP has smooth plugin windows Who knows because MSFS2024 will be released and could have a huge turnaround


I second this - everytime I am flying in MSFS I remember back to the first time I landed the Rotate MD80 in X-Plane 11 and wish that MSFS felt the same. Feeling that huge bulk touch down and settle on the runway, feeling the spoilers actually kill my lift as I bring the nose down... I've not gone back to X-Plane yet but that's just because I don't have the time to set up controls, graphics and addons.


So you have 3 real life flights, but want to fly airliners in sims? I guess your end goal is to become an airline pilot? You already have XP11 and have add-ons for it? Then the difference between XP11 and MSFS should be clear for you. There is no need to "switch"... You can have both sims installed in your PC. You can fly MSFS in the morning then take a break and fly airliners in XP11 in the afternoon. Does XP have a future? It does. But even if it does not, as long as it does right now what you need from it, then it's a moot point.


I haven’t decided yet what I want to do. But I love flying, and have a family member who owns a private jet and he said I could fly with him when o get my license. I also am an aviation geek so I love stuff like old planes and flight sims


I've got news you for go for it especially for instrument training.


Yeah I know the fmc in fs2020 isn’t so great. I like flying old airliners is their any xplane besides the 747?


X-Plane for inside the cockpit. MSFS for outside the cockpit. I use X-Plane for procedures and IFR. MSFS for scenery and visual navigation. I have hopes and dreams for both sims, but those don't matter cuz they're not real yet. What matters to me is what I can do today.


I fly both sims in vr hp reverbe g2.im using a dof realty h3 with a but kicker msfs looks great visually but lacks the realism that xp 12 has. I use fs realistic in both sims which adds to the realism. Msfs kind of feels like your in a glider when flying. xp 12 feels like you're in an actual aircraft. I've spent hideous amounts of dollars buying xp aircraft and scenery to the point theres pretty much none left to buy. Ive just spent around $300 nz dollars in the steam market place buying scenery and aircraft. One again it looks fantastic but lacks the realism. If msfs used the same flight model as xp then xp would probably be a goner. Thank goodness they havent


Regarding old airliners the Felis 747-200, FlyJSims 727 and 737 are great (but consider there are currently no XP12 version of the FlyJSims


I switched from MSFS 2 weeks ago and haven't gone back to MSFS since.


Yeah once fs2020 gets the just flight a300 I’m going back. I just need some flight engineer action and they have my wallet