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In my opinion, dental care IS healthcare. I wish it was more accessible.


Both vision and dental should be considered health care and I would curse anyone who disagrees. Aside from that you should still be flossing regularly.


Hearing care should be too. There’s nothing unnecessary or choice based about hearing


Except for not wearing ear protection, but anyways I completely agree with you.


Yeah that’s a tricky situation isn’t it? But then at the same time we could get into the problematic situation of thinking about other situations where people did things to themselves like… “well some people with diabetes have it bc of their habits and some continue to have it bc they won’t change their diet so that shouldn’t be covered.” Or “you broke your leg while/because of drinking so your hospital bill shouldn’t be covered or be allowed to be applied to your out of pocket maximum.” Etc. I don’t have an answer to or even a remotely solid stance on that problem but it’s an interesting thing to think about


I think it’s simple, it is health care and should be covered, no questions asked.


Oh my mistake, I thought you were saying hearing loss caused by exposure in situations in which you were fully aware you needed to wear hearing protection shouldn’t be covered (eg hearing aid cost). Oops lol


All good! My miscommunication, I was just saying that we CAN make choices to prevent hearing loss, but so can we make choices to prevent tooth decay, visual acuity worsening, coronary artery disease, etc. they should all be covered. By the way, teaching childhood and family education regarding health promotion, and then empowering families to make changes would cause the most improvement in health and reduction in healthcare spending…


I vant afford glasses cuz I need to work! I can't get to work cuz I can't get glasses to drive! How is vision not Healthcare


yes my teeth bones would like coverage too


Right why are eyes and teeth considered add ons?!


Teeth are premium bones, and require an upcharge.


*ackshually* while teeth are considered part of the skeleton, they technically aren't bones 🤓


Getting there in Canada. Baby steps.


>baby steps No kidding, now I can maybe get a cleaning done in a city an hour away if I find a dentist who signed up for the program that seemingly none of them want to volunteer for.


Not if Pollievre gets in.


Not in AB under Danielle Smith. She intends to opt out by 2026 because providing federal dental care will be confusing for Albertans “Juggling two overlapping plans and struggling to understand their similarities and differences from a coverage viewpoint is challenging.” 🙄 https://calgaryherald.com/news/politics/alberta-opt-out-national-dental-care-plan-2026-smith-trudeau


Thank god she's doing that, right?! It's just SO confusing and challenging, having additional dental coverage!! 😫 I would get SOOOOOO confused and upset when I go to the dentist and don't have to give them all the money in my bank account! Having to "juggle overlapping plans" and actually keep my hard-earned money would just be the WORST...


It absolutely is considered Healthcare where I'm from and is reimbursed.


Not even an opinion. It’s a fact. Dental problems can lead to heart disease and all kinds of horrible outcomes. It’s RIDICULOUS that it’s not considered health care for insurance purposes.


Never understood why your teeth, eyes and mind are considered luxuries


Capitalism. You don't need those things in order to be able to sit in a chair and work.


Right like at what point does a tooth abscess becoming septic get covered? What percent dead do you have to be?


"you have health coverage, but not dental coverage" has the same ring as "I've never had sex, just oral". wishful thinking! nice try!


That's not a matter of opinion. It is.


well some government dont think so


Sucks being American


Naw we going back to the days of wooden teeth cuz fuck you and your teeth. Does anyone know how this became the norm? Like was it all in one back in the day until some looney idiots separated it? Like vision kinda makes sense, though everyone should still get periodic exams to check that nothing is brewing up that isn't noticeable day-to-day


And I like to add: mental health care. We act like healthcare is specifically for your body to be able to do work I guess. But we should include all important aspects for real healthcare. Do a teeth check twice a year and perhaps a mental check once a year as an addition to regular healthchecks.


The day before thanksgiving is, in my opinion, one of the busiest travel days of the year


The VA doesn’t even offer dental care to veterans unless you have a disability rating of 100%.


Seriously why are teeth and eyes treated like a premium add on when it comes to health coverage??


Recently saw an ad for a local student doing free cleanings and such but was kind of nervous about the possibility of them messing it up badly. What is the worst that could happen during a routine cleaning/check up with an inexperienced student dentist? Any suggestions on what to look out for?


I've had a cleaning by a dental student. They're under the guidance of a professional the entire time. It just felt like a regular cleaning that took slightly more time.


Good to know. Thanks. Suppose I shoulda just done it. But I now have coverage anyway so no biggie.


Saw username, checked profile, disappointed


Yeah. I suspect a lot of people do that. I originally made it as a throwaway for... purposes. After the APIcalypse my 3rd party app of choice wouldn't let me change profiles but still worked. So... here we are.


You gotta understand that by the time students get to the practice, they only lack experience on, let's say, "live" patients. They've seen plenty of teeth and gums in med school, they've already done the procedure quite a few times, but never on a real patient, and even when they do I imagine they're supervised by an experienced dentist.


I learned the value of vetting medical professionals a while ago. (Bad outcome. Checked reviews after the fact online. Said I would be more careful in the future) Students can't be vetted in that way. So I was curious about what could realistically go wrong with a cleaning. I'd be really hesitant about trusting a student with a more involved procedure. But a routine cleaning and check up seems fairly safe. I was just curious if I was underestimating the damage a bad cleaning could do.


I exclusively go to students for my dental work. Everything is checked by their teachers at the beginning, middle, and end of the appointment. They take everything really slowly and explain it to you so it's great for someone with medical anxiety. First time I went was because an experienced dentist said I'd need a root canal and 5 fillings so I wanted a second opinion. Students laughed and said no, your teeth look great and that guy was trying to scam you. That was 4 years ago and I've never looked back!


Yes! I also go to teaching dental schools as well as teaching hospitals. It’s great.


Just want to chime in to say that I had all of my dental work done (after a decade plus of no dental care) at a dental school (University of New England) and it was the best experience I’ve ever had. I was actually referred to the dental school after a dentist in another practice seriously injured me during a routine filling. Some of the work I had done included a root canal and two crown procedures as well as an extraction and a multitude of fillings. The experience actually motivated my interest in going back to school for dental hygiene so maybe one day I can save someone the pain that I went through. I should also mention, the students that perform the work are fourth year students who sometimes have third year students assist. The treatment plan must be signed off on by the attending faculty dentist of the day and must be checked and often graded right in front of you as well. It’s a really interesting process imo but if I can stress anything it’s to rest assured that you’ll be well monitored and taken care of. I hope more people can take advantage of these services.


Plenty of people have chimed in similarly. But no one really answered the primary question. I understand its monitored and all that. I just wanted to know what would/could happen if things *did* go wrong. Regardless of the likelihood. If all that happens is they do a bad cleaning and miss spots or whatever, then it seems like a no brainer. I just want to know if there is an "accidentally pulverized your enamel and killed your cat" failure mode.


I think the hard part is that honestly any dentist of any experience level can make mistakes. I had over 200 hours of work done just at the school and experienced one minor injury where I accidentally moved my tongue while the student was working on the lingual side of one of my back teeth and the bottom of my tongue got burned/cut by the one of the polishing burns. Before I went to the dental school I went to a local clinic that happened to have externs from the school working there. I had this really old dentist who audibly grumbled at the extern when he was applying a metal band around my tooth the wrong way and she chimes in that they’re being taught not to do it that way anymore and recommended the way they’re being taught to do it. Fast forward two months later and I’ve been in increasing pain down my jaw and neck the entire time. When the pain was truly unbearable I went to the dental school they determined I had pulpitis and the nerve and pulp had died. When they extracted it there was a large hole in the side of the tooth where it was left unfilled and visibly went straight to the pulp. I have no idea how anyone could fuck up that badly. Another bad experience was with a dentist that owned his practice. He was yapping about politics and his boat to this assistant and didn’t use anything to prevent my teeth from bonding together. He had to redrill and refill the tooth. So in short, you’re probably less likely to face one of those major issues I’ve personally had with private dentists because students don’t really have any leeway to cut corners in dental school. Idk if that helps answer what you’re wondering about? I personally take comfort in knowing that my student is less likely to cut corners and if anything goes wrong the attending dentist will take over.


Totally fine. The cleanings are usually done by assistants and not the dentist themselves.


dental law is different in different places.... but i believe that most locations in US require a dentist or hygienist to do this. not an assistant. in dental schools or hygiene schools the students are supervised by a licensed professional


a dental hygenist (not a student) damaged my crown because she made the tooth it was attached to "break" because she used too much force, so i had to get an implant, but this is a special case. Apparently there are two ways to fix a chipped tooth after a root canal, one where you just shove a giant metal screw into the tooth and then attach whatever replacement tooth you want to it, and another where you use multiple smaller screws. The big screw makes the actual tooth prone to breaking in the long term so it isn't done as much anymore but happens to be what i had. As long as you aren't in the same situation i think the worst they can do is damage or rip off a piece of your gums but they really need to be very negligent to do that.


Thank you. This is what I was looking for. Whole lot of people reassuring me of all the measures they take and how they aren't completely inexperienced newbies. But all I was asking for was what are the failure modes.


This is me rn. Never taught about/ to floss. I KNOW my breath smells and I can't get rid of it no matter what I do now😓. Need to get a cleaning for my back teeth real bad. Trying to mask it every chance I can. I always take gum from people if they offer it bc I'm convinced they are just trying to be nice about my breath smelling bad . Im so embarrassed by it but too broke at the moment to get anything done. This new job I'm signing up for dental for sure!


-Floss sticks, double stringed. -ACT flouride mouthwash, small bottle has higher amount of flouride. -Crest advanced mouthwash, the purple bottle. -Tongue scraper or just use a spare toothbrush you only use for tongue cleaning. -Sensodyne pronamel toothpaste. Use all these, brush at wake up and bed time. Floss once maybe twice a day if eating foods that stick between teeth but be gentle especially starting out. Use a soft toothbrush with gentle strokes as well! Use the mouthwash after flossing, brush after wash, then use the ACT wash for a few mintues, spit it out and let it sit on your teeth around 15-30 mins without drinking anything or washing the mouth. This will dramatically help anyone who needs an oral health boost :) (edit: 100% xylitol gum is also a great addition that kills cavity forming bacteria, though i wouldn't swallow the spit ((not great for gut health)), just chew it for a few minutes after eating or when waking up before brushing and then spit out the saliva)


xylitol has proven benefits for the teeth. sadly, a recent study indicates that it may be causing increased risk of heart attacks and other problems. if its in toothpaste, you probably aren't swallowing it much. in gum or lozenges... eh, you possibly consume a lot [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/06/health/xylitol-heart-attack-stroke-wellness/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/06/health/xylitol-heart-attack-stroke-wellness/index.html) [https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/advance-article/doi/10.1093/eurheartj/ehae252/7686607](https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/advance-article/doi/10.1093/eurheartj/ehae252/7686607) i stopped recommending it to my patients....


Simultaneously, poor oral health has been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, & dementia. My friends who are dentists & oral surgeons still recommend xylitol because the benefits outweigh the risks (based off the current research we have, this very well might change in the future).


Interesting, and thank you! That is why i said to spit it it out, like I literally do not allow any of my saliva to be swallowed when using it. I will swish it around after chewing for a few minutes and then spit and then usually brush in the morning. Do you think this caused specifically by swallowing/consuming the xylitol?


as a person who is constantly chewing gum, of fucking course. Literally can't do shit without it killing you these days I guess.


The referenced recent study is far from concrete. This video from Layne Norton breaks down a lot of the issues with the study: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9Yx4fTaRdM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9Yx4fTaRdM) They key point is that they did not measure actual Xylitol intake. Also keep in mind that Xylitol is naturally found in all sorts of vegetables and fruits. It's up to you, but I would not worry about chewing gum just yet.


As a person who’s used floss sticks - and, for a long time, those Listerine “ultraclean access” sticks, be careful with this. They’re very good at cleaning between the teeth but not good at getting around to the front/back of the teeth below the gum line. I recently found “gum chucks” on Amazon, or the Piklip floss folders; these hold normal floss but make it easier to navigate (or at least it does for me, given that my mouth is small and it’s hard to floss with my fingers). But, importantly, these let the floss be tight enough to get between my crowded teeth, but then loose enough to curl around and get all around the teeth below the gums.


Adding some info as I just went to my dentist and they are very forward with recommendations and reasons. Flossing is much better than mouthwash. For mouthwash ACT is highly recommended but not all versions are the best. Look for a ph balance mouthwash not too acidic. Do not get mouthwash with alcohol. Normal string floss is preferred over picks. Mainly as it’s generally thicker to grab more plaque and you have more control to wrap around your teeth. But any flossing is better than no flossing. For mouthwash and after brushing. Spit out as much as you can when done but do not rinse with water after. Try to let it sit as long as possible before eating and drinking. As above said soft bristle brush is the best. Avoid all the plastic “technology” added to the brush head. Those are mostly gimmicks. Sonicare and oral B rechargeable toothbrushes are recommended if you can afford it. They said avoid the battery powered brushes (didn’t get a good reason for this). Avoid the charcoal toothpastes as you are scraping your enamel.


What's up with the different toothbrush for the tongue? I have a tongue scraper but before I did after brushing my teeth I would just start at the back of my tongue and work forward scrubbing it all off till it felt like my teeth. Why separate brush only for that?


You could also have tonsil stones!! Those will make your breath smell nasty. I know because I have them sometimes lol




Try turning your head towards your shoulder and coughing hard/deeply with emphasis on the cough coming from your tonsil area, not so much your chest/belly. It takes a few tries to really understand the right angle your head has to be in for it to work but I get so many stones out this way.


Do you use an electric brush? And do you use it on your tongue? I think those stones come from debris left in the soft areas of your mouth and caught in your tongue.


I hate tonsil stones. They stopped for some reason but I spent so many years occasionally coughing up horrible things. Picture the look and texture of a boiled peanut chunk with the smell of a billion farts.


I've completely overhauled my dental regime and now floss twice a day and brush after each meal (previously flossed occasionally and brushed in the morning and before bed). At the same time I started this about 6 months ago, I also haven't gotten any more tonsil stones. May be a coincidence, but I'm pretty sure they're related


Waterpik makes a big difference for me


That’s what I was going to comment. I use a Waterpik at night after flossing and before brushing, and sometimes during the day if I’ve eaten stuff that sticks in my teeth.


My hygienist said a good idea is to put a bit of mouthwash in there as well. About 1/5 the tank and then fill the rest with water I do this everytime now. Just feels good to do, better than straight water.


Can you watch a YouTube video on how to floss


Ensure it's not coming from your gut. My ex had horrible breath, like a rotten dead rat and funny when she was vegan it smelled like dank fermented weed. She started taking chlorophyll, probiotics, and gut enhancing pills and the breath went practically away, she suffers from stomach ulcers and gut issues like leaky gut. Make sure your gut is good!


Drink lemon water. Squeeze one lemon in glass, add salt according to your taste, add water and drink it. Works for me.


Try fixing your diet. Stop eating and drinking sugar. Eat only during meals, a few times a day. Vegetables. Should help, as long as you’re also brushing and flossing


I'll also add that a sign of depression is not taking care of yourself, like brushing your teeth, showering, shaving, cleaning.


And I apparently am very good at deceiving myself. I acted like a typical depressed person, not leaving my home for weeks, not showering, not brushing teeth, just working, eating and that's it. But STILL in my head I saw myself as doing everything as what would a regular person do...


That’s the illness my friend


But my carbon footprint bro, it's gotta be down there


No idea why this hit so hard with me, but god damn hahaha


I mean what else is there to do? Every time you leave the house you're inevitably spending money on something or some activity.  Outside of the public library I can't think of any activities to do outside the house.  So it's just sit around for 2 weeks,  blow your fun money on the Saturday after pay day then it's just sit at home and play video games for the next 2 weeks.  If an unexpected expense pops up then there's no fun money until that's paid off.


wait i do this lmao


but im just saving laundry! :(


Bro no need to call me out like this


That when I know I need help.


I am apparently also the best at peaking all the depressive signs. My electricity got cut off because I can't make the $2000 bill, I don't have a shower, washing machine or working oven in my house. I eat mostly bread and get one par of clothes cleaned by a friend once a month if I'm lucky. I don't feel that depressed though.


I, 47m - just had full dentures put in 2 weeks ago. I'm still healing and they had to extract over 22 teeth still, some broken at the gums. The struggle is real.. Depression, anxiety, shame, embarrassment, self esteem issues, financial worries and a host of other health problems derive from poor dental health. Sometimes you can't help it, teeth are genetically brittle. I assure you dentures are no fun and encourage you to do your best to take care of what you've got. Flossing is made easy these days with the little pix with a handle etc. Ya gotta get the gumline and floss well for long term health for sure.


Fuck this is me but I'm 29. Worst part about it for me is my grandparents paid for me to get braces and all sorts of stuff growing up and I threw that all away because I can't deal with my mental health.


Here's a good timesaver: Only brush the teeth that you want to keep! 


Too many containers in my cupboard to go through


Try flossing your teeth and then smelling the gunk that comes out. You'll never forget to floss again.


That was exactly what got me to start flossing. The smell is pungent af.


But the taste is like second breakfast




*Recoils dramatically*




If you floss every day you shouldn't smell anything... Just saying. If you're smelling some bad that means you aren't cleaning your mouth out correctly. Even if you missed a few days.


I've never had stinky floss, is this common? Am I immune to the smell?


What I can say is if you are not dramatizing and you actually floss well and smell the goop with no bad odor, either A you can't smell or B, you just don't eat food that turns rotten in your mouth like others in this thread.


No, just means you're doing it right. Not sure what the fuck that guy is doing to have that problem.


I think they mean when you FIRST start flossing, the smell will make you keep flossing. That’s how I started the habit I never flossed growing up because my parents didn’t. My hygienist always mentioned my gums were a bit inflamed, but she said water flossing was good enough. I had a different hygienist one day who said it was not enough and convinced me to try flossing for real The smell the first time was like a rotting dead animal. I couldn’t believe I had that stench in there this whole time, so I kept flossing each night as it got fainter. After 1-2 weeks it went away, and now I floss daily I work as a receptionist and I can recognize that same smell in other peoples breaths sometimes. Perio breath 😭


Maybe, but he said "you'll never forget to floss" which usually forgetting means like missing a day or two. Going a week or month or entire lifetime without flossing isn't just forgetting to floss.


This is so true. The smell and the white gunk between the teeth are not a turn on 🤢


Thanks for reminding me to schedule a dentist appointment


Also, if you want to keep your teeth in your face you should absolutely get them cleaned. Especially if you're the type to not get many fillings. Especially if you're over 30. You'd be surprised how quickly gum disease can set in and ERODE YOUR JAW BONE. Ask me how I know. 


I get cleanings 4x a year now because I didn't take care of my teeth. It's still not enough Also, bone loss. I know how you know. Sucks man, same boat


I have sensitive teeth too. It's so traumatic. Last clean I had was under local anaesthetic, thank fuck. Absolutely amazing. I'm doing that every time if they'll let me. 


Just to add: Sometimes you even got bad things on your tongue. Make sure to clean it, too


I honestly think this is where most peoples bad smells are coming from. Brushing the tongue never did the trick. Tongue scrapper though, works god dam magic.


wish along the human evolutionary journey we somehow mutated an ability to smell our own breath, that would go a long way to help many people wake the fuck up


It also negatively affects your heart and, in turn, your brain, which then negatively affects your mental health, which then negatively affects just about everything


Not only that, it can damage your heart health!


I eat beans to counteract it


I’d like to know more about this. Do you have any information on it?


So true , bad breath is the worst . Will walk out on a date if you have bad breath


Yeah, it’s hard to make me attracted to you if you’re making me physically ill.


I broke up with a guy because his dental hygiene was non-existent. I’d drop the old ‘I’m gonna go brush my teeth’ before morning sex but he’d never follow suit. Game over, dude. Hot garbage juice is not a smell that’s going to put somebody in the mood.


Dental hygienist here: TRY YOUR BEST to floss THEN brush around every single tooth surface every 48 hours. After 48 hours you’ve given bacteria enough time to protect themselves beyond your own mechanical removal. Sulcular brushing is a game changer *stimulation will help tighten up gingiva and keep gunk from compacting into gum pockets*. Preventive medicine is the best option I cannot stress this enough. Oral health IS systemic health, and located between brain and heart. Two organs you DON’T want infection spreading to willy nilly. YOU GOT THIS!!! *get some floss picks and put them somewhere you go often, but also have downtime*


What is sulcular brushing?


God and tonsil stones. Please for the love of god flush out your tonsils. People CAN smell your breath even if you think they can’t.


Ok, so, I literally can never smell anyone else's breath. Like, occasionally someone might have coffee breath that I'll notice. But at work, out in public -- can't smell anyone's breath. Are y'all, like, sticking your noses in people's mouths??


Me walking into the dentist for my yearly cleaning. Dentist: That'll be $3,000 for a deep cleaning Me: I don't need a subscription to my teeth Wake me when dental insurance starts covering deep cleaning


Yo, a deep cleaning should NOT cost $3k. That's insane. You need to go to a new dentist. If your teeth were absolutely garbage, I would still balk at $1k. You need to shop around.


I’ll give you a baseline. I see one of the best dentists in SF and a thorough deep clean across two sessions including X Rays is $910. It should be cheaper than this basically everywhere else in the world.


What the fuck??? I had two cleanings in Toronto and it cost me CA$350 for a deep clean and X-rays. How is dentistry so expensive in the US?


It’s cheaper everywhere else in America. This is the baseline of one of the most expensive cities in the world. San Francisco has fucked up infrastructure which makes everything insanely expensive here.


910? I paid 220 by me lol


scaling and root planing of an entire mouth is usually between $1k and $2k. this is divided over 2 to 4 visits $3k might be what a periodontist would charge. often 4 visits to reach the $3k total


Every dentist Ive been to in the last 8 years between multiple cities feels like a time share sale. I've basically given up on the idea that i'll ever get proper dental care even with some of the best dental insurance I can get.


I'm sorry, bro. You should keep searching. You deserve good care! Any chance youre in the Chicagoland area?




keep searching. my profession, like law, has some honorable people and others just in it for the money. it's tough to tell them apart.... ask friends who they see and if they trust that office.


I just did a deep cleaning today (right side quad), and the out of pocket cost for me was $266. The insurance did pay $3k though. It is expensive and why I floss everyday no matter how tired I am.


1. Fly to India (round trip $1000) 2. Go to a private dentist in Mumbai who'll do a deep clean for $25. If you want to be treated like royalty, meaning a clinic that has fancy decor, they'll charge $50. 3. Spend another $500 on hotels. 4. Fly back and kiss your partner


So true. My friend from India nearly fainted when I told him the before-insurance price of getting my wisdom teeth yanked.


Gentle dental does an introductory cleaning for 69 bucks. Maybe not everywhere but worth a shot


I have some of the best dental insurance you can get (fortune 5 tech company). I can get a free cleaning every year with it at no charge but I haven't been able to get one done in the past 8 years because they refuse and demand I get a deep cleaning. The cheapest place ive had try to sell me on it wanted $3k, my wife got scammed into it years ago at a different place in another city to the tune of $5k that we just finished paying off. Every dentist I go to feels like a time share sale for my teeth.


They can be super slimy, it’s unfortunate


At that price you should fly to a place with cheaper dentists.


Do you live close to the border? Get it done in Canada or Mexico because I'm from Canada and I've never had a dental bill for ANYTHING come close to $3,000 and I've had deep cleanings, a root canal, you name it. Even a deep cleaning should cost no more than CA$500.


I know it's totally location dependent, but I will never trust a gentle dental again after the one I went to in Boston. I didn't have dental insurance and they told me I had 6 cavities that needed to be filled immediately. I couldn't afford it so I didn't and expected all my teeth to fall out. Once I got insurance I found out I didn't have a single cavity, those crooks were just trying to get thousands of dollars out of me. I'd take the cleaning from them, but I'm so wary that they're just using it to take advantage of people.


Oh it’s def a scam to find problems but if they clean your teeth in the process and you never go back I think it’s not too risky


That's ridiculous. In the UK, for me, it's £18 privately with tax included. That's around $20.


Also UK here, private deep clean £55 because who can find an NHS dentist these days...


That’s rough!! Look for dental schools that have a perio dept. Those dental residents need to complete SRP’s and periodontal maintenance.


superb answer


I don’t understand this. I pay $10 a month for private Dental insurance and my deep cleans are completely free.


Does it cover root canals and crowns? Implants?


I can’t remember off the top of my head but I’m pretty sure it covers a most of the price.


Time to go to Mexico.


Mine was 300$. 78$ with insurance, and the dentist was out of network.


As someone who just visited a dentist for the first time since right before covid I can say yes, fucking do it. Game be damned, this affects everyone you talk to and all of your life just in general. I had been putting it off forever but noticed that hint of 'grandpa breath', just some kind of funk that mouthwash, brushing, and flossing wasn't helping. They had to do a serious gum deep clean, literal black shit was flushed out from under my teeth, and now that bad lingering funk is completely gone. I'm on a 3x a year schedule now, will never make that mistake again.


Yup smells like moldy/rotten bread


And for the love of all things good - get a tongue scraper. Thank me later.


Another LPT: scrape your tongue.


Good advice. Men have also got to start washing under their nails.


For years I never flossed, I always made the joke with my dentist when he asked me when the last time I flossed was, I would respond, "I'm not sure, but you were there when it happened". He'd have a chuckle and then do his best interpretation of a lumberjack using a two person saw on my jaw. One day the hygienist suggested to try flossing before brushing my teeth and see if I don't notice how much cleaner my mouth feels afterwards, and boy let me say, it made a world of difference, I floss every night now and I haven't had any issues with my teeth at the dentist in the last 5-6 years because of it. Getting that gross old food out from between your teeth is a magical feeling


This reads like the body of the post is unconnected to the title of the post


How so?


If you haven't been flossing and it has progressed to periodontitis you can't fix it yourself and need a dentist to do it. If you've been flossing and haven't gotten periodontitis you can keep flossing without having to visit a dentist.


And related, the fact that repairing teeth to make them "pretty" is considered a cosmetic service in America is mind-boggling to me. These days it seems like everyone and their mama is all for protecting/improving mental health, but very few of those people are fighting to help turn cosmetic tooth repair into a medically-necessary procedure, in spite of the fact that self-esteem is closely tied to your smile. The cost makes dental care unattainable for many living in poverty, creating a sense of helplessness, and even when there are free options like public clinics, it can still be really difficult to get the work done, because most of those places have massive waiting lists, and a lot of the free student options means an inexperienced person working on your teeth, which, even under professional supervision often means a more painful dental experience, an issue wealthy people don't have to face. The cost, the limited access and the fear of the process all really compound the feeling of being "stuck" with your "ugly" teeth, and that leads to even more self-esteem issues, because society generally prioritizes image, and there's a lot of discrimination and negative judgments about people with ugly teeth here in America especially, which can deeply impact self-esteem and social interactions. Put it all together and it can take a huge toll on mental health, contributing to anxiety, depresion and a negative self-perception. But sure insurance companies, tell me again how dental care isn't medically necessary.


Not flossing may be killing you. Good oral health is involved in good overall health.


i floss but still breadth is bad, i do oil pulling too but i am not sure why i have so much plaque buildup.


I got my teeth cleaned at a dental school today. I don't have dental insurance. It took two hours because this is how they staff the students, morning is 2 hours and afternoons are three with a patient. They did the gum measuring and then cleaned. Cost $119. I am getting two Premolars worked on (restored?) due to sensitivity and possible roots showing and they're charging me $117 per tooth. I'm not sure what the regular dentist charges, but I thought I'd give out some hard numbers for those wondering. The students work is checked by their trainer, a certified and registered DDS, before you're allowed to be free. The dentist that checked me today noticed some missed calculus and had the student redo it. Another student I listened to was doing a partial denture something and was explaining to the patient that is why the actual dentist was working so closely with her.


My Dad has a phobia (apparently) of dentists. I don't see him too often when when I do, fuck me his breath smells of hot shit and inparticular, rotting meat. That distinct smell you mention is obvious. He hasn't seen a dentist in over 30 years. Plain and simple he may brush his teeth (ocassionaly) but he does not and has never flossed and you can smell it, it's horrible. I hold my breath when I sit next to him, it is fucked. Contrary to that I brush twice daily, use mouthwash, use the right toothpastes and have for many years floss hard, daily. The amount of shit you get from invetween your teeth is insane. Once you get the hang of it, you can properly floss all your teeth in under two minutes, easy.


My Dad, well into his 80s, has always hated flossing because his teeth are kind of tightly packed in (but at least all his own!). Last year when I was visiting, I left my water flosser in their bathroom accidentally so he was asking about it. It’s an inexpensive Amazon knockoff brand so I ordered one to get there next day for him to try. He loves it, actually uses it every day rather than fighting the floss with arthritic fingers. Maybe your father would use that - he may have discomfort with floss especially since he’s not a regular user, he probably has inflamed gums.


My best friend just lost his woman for this reason


Periodontal disease also affects you heart health.


Is water pick/water flossing good enough? Or is it just super important to manually floss with traditional floss?


An oral irrigator and or water-jet is something people with a mouth of teeth may want to explore.


Those little "harps" with the floss attached are a game changer.


Damn, so that's why I'm getting killed in Elden Ring.


Crazy that there’s people on Reddit that need to be reminded that personal hygiene will increase your odds in social activities.


Nice try dentist office, I’m not coming back


Killing your game?


Water picks are amazing.


I noticed my breath massively improved after flossing just once before bed. It's the real deal. 


Fr if you don't floss your breathe will smell like shit. Take care of your teeth folks. Your oral health affects so many other things in your body that you wouldn't think. Whole body health is very important.




Dental plaque can also literally increase your arterial plaque and increase your risk for heart disease.  https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/gum-disease-and-heart-disease-the-common-thread


Sounds like something that well to do people get to concern themselves with.


Everyone knows teeth are just luxury bones! /s


Flossing is practically free.




When do you floss in a day?


I floss a couple times a day. Anytime I feel something in my teeth.


Before you brush your teeth.


You should also know that having your two front teeth smashed out of your face is apparently an immediate turn off to 99.9% of the population. My experience, at least.


Go to a dental school, they are amazing. They will do the most thorough job you can imagine and get stopped and check by professors walking around. I did NYU dental for an expensive procedure and it saved me a lot of money.


Also useful to know is that you can call a dentist and ask how much a cleaning is. Mine is $80ish without insurance. Which is expensive if money is tight, but worth it if you can save it up over a few paychecks.


Well. Yeah. Is this not common sense? Teeth not cared for = bad breath = people notice.


I ve looked after my teeth all of my life, and have never had perio breath, But I now have periodontal disease, all genetic though. I am gutted. Slowly but surely my gums are receding. Like an old joke I was told years ago, her teeths alright, its her gums that have to come out.


I had to get a gum graft a few months ago and was devastated. Mine was genetic too but i was still so disappointed that I had a problem with my teeth that caused such a rough procedure. It’ll be ok though! If you have to get a graft it’s likely to last the rest of your life since they put a lot of thick gum tissue on there.


How do you know you have this bad breath that you mention?


You can’t smell it, most likely. You become habituated to the smell. But if your gums bleed, are puffy and red, or your gums hurt…likely you have this going on. If you don’t floss - I can almost guarantee your breath smells like ass.


And sugar! Reduce that to a minimum. Just feeds the bacteria in your mouth as well


>dental care is expensive Nah, dental care is free. You guys need to come join us in the first-world. Good YSK though, get ya pearly whites pearly white.


floss your molars and then smell the tape, it’s pretty gnarly sometimes


Sucks being poor and so undeserving of the need to be able to see and hear and smile and chew food- how dare us peons expect those things to be included- we don’t deserve those luxuries 🙄🙄🤑🤑


I just had a man in my office today who was at least 4 feet away from me and the entire office smelled like he didn’t floss. Floss people! We can tell.


Broke a tooth a year ago and saved money to go to the dentist, i called and the soonest they could get me in was a month out. I finally go in only for the dentist to come in for literally 5 minutes and go “yeah you’ll need surgery”. They then sent me home and charged me $300. People preach about dental care but I can’t take out a bank loan every time I chip a tooth, it’s insane