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On the upside, we aren’t seeing the hold the pee pose with the shoulder wiggle, floppy hands and the coy eye thingy.


Definitely MS. https://preview.redd.it/qe6oyzt01k2c1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beac4e3c2863f63c63c68067ef3995d3c6528cb4


I didn't know it was possible for her eyes to get any closer together, but the illusion here is...something.


I really hope she records herself and runs into a wall or something.


Remember when she said it’s hard to convince her to buy anything cause THATS HER JOB, SHE’S THE INFLUENCER? This. She falls for every single gimmick like this. What a fucking waste of money.


That surges back into my brain every single time she posts something that is trending and she was absolutely influenced to buy.


What's ironic to me about this mask is I was watching a literal video by FunkyFrogBait about anti-aging TikTok, and dying laughing at it, and these were in it! It's such a scam. No one can convince me that a $500 light mask is going to resolve all my skin issues and de-age me. If it works for you by all means but she's just another slave to trends and DIDN'T SHE ALREADY OWN ONE OF THESE? (Not this brand but another one, I swear she had/has one).


The only way these things are going to help her skin is if she wears one 24/7 and it physically stops her from drinking or tanning.


$500?!?!?!?! Money troubles what? And you’re right I sear she had something similar a few years ago.


The last thing those lips need are gamma rays or whatever the f is going on with this.


She’s a fucking marketers dream. Anything to fix the problem except adjusting her life choices. She should dye her hair orange so maybe the one orange cat brain cell will get confused hop on in that hollow skull and give her a turn to experience actual thinking. She is a


I really do not feel bad for her!




*Ulta!?* Not Ulta, she publicly renounced shopping there, and at Sephora, when she discovered the ultimate best skincare.


But she’s sOoOO depressed guys


At a certain point I think you need to leave your skin alone or you’re just making it worse… she does SO much to it except wear basic sunscreen.


I love that for her.


There are some good laser treatments, but they are very pricey. She can’t think long term and save up for anything they might be effective.


More Amazon ?


Wtf is this contraption?


She's not smiling behind it and once you realise that it's disturbing.


Agreed. Those are sad dead eyes back there. It’s like shopping and returning is not as fulfilling as she makes it seem.


I like to think she’s making that awful smug and threatening face that she also made when she was at that Red Aspen airbnb house and wearing that tragic green bikini. She’s like one of those wannabe gangsta teenage boys of the 2000’s. Like flashing a ‘peace’ and using improper grammar and misspelling words…who the fuck does that? Is she Fred Fucking Durst? (This behaviour was also **very** full on when she got back from Mexico and did that awful unpacking video with her crispy busted sausage lips.)


Omg! I haven’t thought of the video “White Chicks and Gang signs” in a good long while. Thanks for making me think of it. 😂 I think it’s almost 20 years old.


Omg I hadn’t seen it before but [here it is](https://youtu.be/KKTDRqQtPO8?si=VrcH3DCVr_tYiiPP) LOL it’s perfect for Swerty! Looks like it was posted 16 years ago so HaPPy SwEeT 16! ![gif](giphy|QbEZQY9Xtt58Q)


Thanks for posting it! I meant to go back and link, but then the baby woke up! It’s such a good one. 🤣


My pleasure! It was a real treat!




I can’t imagine: Putting this plastic shit on, taking a photo, taking it off and literally typing “hell yeahs” and then posting. *shuddering in embarrassment*


Jesus fucking Christ WHAT NOW


She’ll literally do anything to avoid giving up alcohol, which would do more for her complexion in a month than all this other bullshit has ever done for her.


i’m constantly thinking about this because when i got sober my skin became so radiant and fresh and healthy like never before… whenever i look at her skin i get flashbacks to my dull, grey skin and i wasn’t even that far gone but yikes!


I can still see her sausage lips under that thing


While I don’t feel any sympathy for the constant display of an attempt to undo so much of the damage she has willing done to herself (sun damage, abhorrent filler, alcohol induced anxiety, etc.), photos like this really point to the bottom of the barrel. She isn’t a real influencer, she’s destroyed herself in many ways, she is in a dead-end relationship, and she has too much pride to reach out for help. I have seen once in my life someone so wretched that it seeps out to everything else in their life. Big M reminds me of that person in every aspect of her being.


Yes I'm sure this will fix everything https://preview.redd.it/cqm98udf1g2c1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=23fd7dc531b16339c52be00e1fabe0c5bad5ed32


Even Jesus can’t save those nasty lips


Would reconstructive surgery even fix them at this point?


She is the world’s biggest mark.


This image frightens me every time I see it, she looks like she's an extra on The Walking Dead or something. How does anyone see her without makeup on and not ask if she needs to see a doctor (or quit drinking but I can get why no one would dare say that to her face)?


But I thought the collagen was all she needed?!!


And the occasional IV!


And the herbal face food, and the weird sloppy goo facial


What can possibly be the point of this newest gadget?


I mean it’s pretty effective at hiding all the damage so long as she doesn’t take it off.


Channeling her inner Mandalorian perhaps.




Funny how her depression is pretty much cured now that she’s gotten a hoard of crap from Amazon and target and ulta. She’s sick. Like seriously she needs to reevaluate her life and make better choices and stop using this influencer career to enable and justify her shopping addiction. How is no one in her life having these conversations with her? But whatever, I have no dog in this fight and it makes for entertainment, do whatever. Keep spiraling, girlfriend


I honestly believe she won't quit til she's homeless, or she kills someone drunk-and-distracted driving. At which point, it's not really quitting is it. Filming a story while they repossess her leased Mercedes, "this bike is 26.3% off on Amazon today only guyz"


I have to believe it’s a combo of MS shutting down anyone in her life who dares to disagree with her since she obviously doesn’t receive any level of even *perceived* criticism well, plus MS not truly having people in her life that deeply care about her for real enough to call out her self destructive behavior. Maybe someone does care about her but knows it’s not worth the theatrics she’d pull. Pretty bleak no matter how you slice it.


What now?


Is ‘Pineapple Head’ allowed as a nickname now? I swear she spends all her time thinking up new ways to look like an idiot.


Giving TMNT vibes, too.


The body of robot Krang with the face of pink blob Krang.


She’ll fall for any quick-fix snake oil product.


Still a mask, but I digress.