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Most of these goals are really stupid.


RIP date nights šŸ‘€


Imagine her dating again and having to answer the ā€œwhat do you do for a living?ā€ question. ā€œI make appts and influence!ā€


Save $35,000 and only invest $10,000? Finance babe!!


Scheduling apts is one of her TOP goals. Oh brother


While for us ADULTS, scheduling appts is just another regular task we do. Because it's just that, a TASK. NOT a goal. Oy vey.


ā€œDo something that scares meā€ about 90% of what she does already scares an entire subreddit. I donā€™t want to imagine what ACTUALLY scares her.


Considering any sort of genuine work seems to scare her this will either turn out terrifying, hilarious, or actually edifying (I put edifying at the least likely but an outside chance is still a chance, I suppose).


These are the same goals every year for like the last 5 years and she never reaches them šŸ˜† keep dreaming sis


She had a goal to get engaged in 2023 and seems to have given up on that for 2024. And a goal to pay off debt and save. These all seem easier and worse like do a face/hair mask and visit 2 new places? Go to the chiropractor. This is just a list of tasks mainly. Not like she ever achieves her goals but this is really phoning it in.


So weā€™ve already modified the goal from zero alcohol to greatly reduce it? Lol.


Itā€™s called moving the goalposts, swerty, look it up.


Oh yes. Thatā€™s right. I forgot we have to keep lowering standards so we have a chance of reaching the goals. šŸ¤£


Sheā€™ll count the whole day sleeping off her NYE celebration as a successfully sober day.


Yasss queen now you get it!


Iā€™m told Iā€™m a fast learner. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/05gnszvwu17c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a5ebc7031029df7e62c03f63cc8fc17ee02233 Tell us Grimmie doesnā€™t live there without telling us Grimmie doesnā€™t live there šŸ’…šŸ¼šŸ’…šŸ¼šŸ’…šŸ¼ Maybe this means she realizes just how low the bar is for their ā€œrelationship.ā€ Edit: words


Last year she talked so long about a goal to get engaged in 2023 and now the bar for C is on the floor and the goal is to see him twice a month lol. That is some bad regression for their relationship.


The only long term couples who set this as a goal are parents whose oldest just got old enough to babysit and is willing to give a family discount.


Well I thought they did date night at least once a week or so. Now itā€™s every other week.


Iā€™d snark on 90% on this list, but lots of people who live together do date nights.


But do people who love each other fiercely and want to get married, totally live together, have loads of free time and no kids make spending time together a NY resolution?


Iā€™ve seen date night goals as a thing šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø (not that I think M and Coke are any of those things)


Thereā€™s always the BEC factor with her.


To clarify the original snark: Itā€™s the fact that Big Swerty paints Grimmie as loving her āœØFiErcLyāœØ while itā€™s heavily speculated that he doesnā€™t even live there in the first place. Iā€™m not snarking on date nights, my partner and I have them as well and weā€™ve been living together for over 6 years.


I knew what you were getting at but didnā€™t think that gave weight to the speculation.


Hey M, may I suggest a revised list of goals? - Detox, followed by rehab - Consultation with a psychiatrist alongside regular psychologist visits - Stop buying so much crap - However DO buy things in your size to replace the shitshow going on in your closet - Get a job, a real job, and keep it. Earn money, and aim to save a small amount - Make friends who actually like you - Call it off with Grimace - Call it off with the influencer schtick - Call it off with the fillers


https://preview.redd.it/7hxf5trfv17c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68747a4407deca51ed45e54c93055630397acfa3 MS, probably


The one where she's sitting on the counter in her robe kills me šŸ˜‚


LOL she does dry January every year and without fail she fails every single damn year. Just give it up big M.


Didnā€™t she say she was going to do dry February instead? Is dry February in the room with us?


The only people I know who set "dry" months aside are folks who need to reevaluate their drinking habits. Social drinkers don't have to create blackout perios for their drinking. And I say that as a recovering alcoholic!


iā€™ll add to that and the comment youā€™re replying to - as another recovering alcoholic, EVERY TIME i set aside ā€ždryā€ months or weeks i always failed immediately (like, first day) soā€¦ yeah, time to reevaluate her drinking habits


Swerties, these are only her '2024 Top Goals." All the other things will be on her supporting goals list. Real talk: no guru or life coach out there would recommend more than 1 or 2 goals to achieve real and lasting change. No one would accomplish all of these "goals," even if half of them are really just a to-do list. She's honestly just so immature.


I think she needs to cancel every other goal except complete sobriety. She will never achieve anything on her list until she recovers from alcohol.


2 months off of alcohol out of 12 šŸ¤” ....less...alcohol?


Also, letā€™s face it, by next October, sheā€™ll forget she made this list until a swerty makes a post of her acting a fool at a Halloween party captioned ā€œSober Octoberā€.


You know, she *claims* sheā€™s gotten her drinking under control and it back but her goals are still the same when she wasnā€™t cutting back. I mean if youā€™ve cut back and are happy with that, why cut back more?


ā€˜Breath workā€™. Has she even mentioned what she think that means? Or shared an app? ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized) ^(Also,) ^(it) ^(doesnā€™t) ^(count) ^(if) ^(you) ^(hold) ^(your) ^(breath) ^(while) ^(chugging) ^(down) ^(the) ^(ninth) ^(milky) ^(vodka) ^(sweaty.)


Not one job on the list. She clearly has a problem with alcohol. Setting these goals to drink less (dry January which wonā€™t happen) every year and she never reaches them.


Doesnā€™t letting Coke use her car and credit card count as charity?


She has never completed a goal that Iā€™ve ever seen. Especially the alcohol. She always cracks a week or two in with some bullshit excuse. Sheā€™ll fail this list fairly quickly then will go back to her weekly goals that sheā€™ll fail too. She just wants the high of making the list and getting the validation, while never completing it. Itā€™ll be that cycle for the rest of her life. Coming up with the goal is good enough since whatever followers she has will forget about it nor care, since theyā€™re doing the same things.


She comes up with the most *bullshit* excuses to drink, too, including "the sun was out today" and "I've been doing so well not drinking I thought I'd reward myself with a drink." Actual fucking excuses she's given.


I think you hit the nail on the head there!


ā€œWitness something beautifulā€ is giving Jamie in A Walk to Remember


ā€œSpend a weekend as a tourist in my own town.ā€ Holy shit, like a real influencer? Will believe it when we see it.


I bet $10 she's going to do a bar crawl.


Just that we needed, more pics of her feet on a trail she claims is Biltmore, but could be anywhere.


Thereā€™s no effing way she could make it through an Oct without drinking


I doubt she'll make it to the Twelfth Night in January.


Wait her goal is to save $35k over an entire year?? I thought sheā€™d been saving $20k/month!


Remember when we were kids and we'd add random tasks to our to-do lists so it looked like we accomplished more?


Hell my ADHD ass did that last week šŸ˜… but at least I have that excuse


I call it 'Yay-d d' and everything on your list counts!


I love this šŸ˜ƒ


Not sure why she does this to herself & shares it yearly. Has she never heard of SMART goals They need to be realistic - achievable - maintainable ! Iā€™m talking about her alcohol intake here mainly, but there is a lot that track in her monthly *fails then, itā€™s new start* bs. -start with something realistic & achievable & build up. - aim for 6 days out of a month, without drinking ( I know for the average thatā€™s nothing, but itā€™s MS ) Then monthly, build it up by say 2 extra days. Or even 1 if itā€™s too fast, too soon. There is more chance she will succeed. Rather than thinking she can go all out sober for a whole month (x 2) in the midst of a very unhealthy relationship with alcohol. Failing āž”ļøhitting harder. Lastly -eyebrows, saunas, face masks etc they do not need to be on there šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ .. the pain is real & not the one in her back. Edited to shorten ( adhd rant sorry )


Assuming she drinks even more than she shows online, it might even be unsafe for her to completely quit for a whole month šŸ˜³


That's what I always think about. She'd very easily be at risk for seizures at a minimum, which is scary. Alcohol withdrawal is no joke.


Yes, and measurable. How do you measure most of this?


You measure it with your heart. You know, the same way she measures alcohol when sheā€™s crafting cocktails.šŸ˜‚


How does "heal my body" work? And what does she mean by healing exactly? She probably makes these goals so vague so she can edit them throughout the year.


Her back problems. Funny how her back wasnā€™t an issue when she partied all weekend.




I have been watching Judy for 2 decades. I was so sad when her original show went off the air. Then she started Judy Justice, and I was excited again. I've binged those seasons tons of times. I actually heard her say this in my head!


I heard this lol. Wife and I have been JJ fans for years, a guilty pleasure.


Ha, I love that! You're my kinda people!


Laughed out loud


The ultimate naval gazer. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø She NEEDS to quit drinking.


She would have paid off her car in cash and done a downpayment on a house if there was even a grain of truth in any of this. Hell, she would have paid for a house in cash. She couldnā€™t even pay off her used car with it being a goal for like 3 years.


ā€˜4x monthlyā€™ must be the hun way of saying ā€˜weeklyā€™


Lmao I had the same thought!


I thought she was already "completely off alcohol" due to her non-inflammatory diet šŸ¤”


She should add ā€œkeep better track of my liesā€ to her goals list


Sauna 2x a month, but she has that stupid sweat tent in her garage that she spent a grand on and never even uses. All of her personal goals are just self-care. Brow waxing? That's a goal? This is pathetic


I'd love someone to add up what this list would cost if she actually saw it through. Which of course she won't.


And this is why she has no savings and put 0 down on her middle unit


when she first posted the sauna someone on here said something like ā€œimagine how stupid youā€™d feel sitting in that lil oven mitt just looking aroundā€ i still think about it like once a week lmaoooo


Thatā€™s freaking hilarious!!!


Like Violet Beauregard after she turned into a blueberry, just a head and hands poking out


Itā€™s truely pathetic šŸ¤£ so self indulgent. I doubt she will do ANY of the things that involve giving, especially the ā€˜volunteer jobā€™; donā€™t make me laugh šŸ™„


She did her mandatory community service at the food bank, and it was so fulfilling that she never went back.


Sheā€™ll steal money from her five genuine followers and go tip some of it to a bartender. Thatā€™s her volunteer work.


Itā€™s not like itā€™s going to make her look any better


Her outsides match her insides and no amount of red light masks, facials, hair cuts is going to help


This is the most vapid thing I have ever read.


Yes. Vapid was the first word that came to mind. It all feels soā€¦. Empty. And the ones that arenā€™t as vapid seem performative, like you can just tell itā€™s complete and utter bullshit. Witness something beautiful, what does that even mean?! A sunset? An act of kindness? Or will she tick that off the list looking at herself with a heavy filter


Most of it is just normal adulthood keeping oneself alive and functional stuff.


Great! Jesus Babe, Self Care Babe, Bullcrap Babe, and $20K Monthly Babe all meet.




Hun wants to save $35k, invest $10k, and donate money, but could only afford a 0% down ARM. ![gif](giphy|wzxK9cmYgIPDy)


Hun, her financial advisor said it was the best route to go.


He said she was good to go!


So you're telling me that I've been a fool all of this time, believing that she wasn't actually good to go? Damn.


Oh dawg, please donā€™t let her volunteer in an animal shelter. Those poor things are already traumatised enough.


She can stay away from the woman's shelter too, the one she was planning on dropping off her unwanted crap at.


Or give them a finance class? šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Dry Jan will last approx 3 hours


Sheā€™ll probably tick the whole month off before itā€™s even Jan 15th.


I forgot she used to actually do that. She showed a planner or something one time when she was doing another dry month, maybe even last January, where she'd ticked off the days in advance because she was "going to do it." Swerty *that's not how this works.*


Sheā€™s never made it a full month


January starts on the second, right?


Dry January? Lololol. As if.


Lmao I love her goals, theyā€™re always the same. Looks like itā€™s a rerun of dry January where sheā€™ll check off days in advance and give up in two weeks. Seems like sheā€™s gotten bored of her spine rubbing against itself, and itā€™s now going to come in clutch when she needs an excuse. Interesting little tidbit thatā€™s missing? No mention of her first class trip to Paris. No ā€œsee xyz or try new foods while in Parisā€


I donā€™t think the Paris trip went particularly well. It started off boring but Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s when c dropped the bomb that he was done with her ass.


Zero mention of anything fitness related?!?!?!!? Huh.


Do you want her spinal cord to keep rubbing against itself?! Itā€™s all that HIIT, weightlifting, and hardcore spinning (not to mention contact sports) that broke her otherwise perfect body! Fitness babe has more than earned a permanent retirement.


She needs a diary.


And then she can share it with us on a live!


She can get it on Amazon.






A whole year to save what she has claimed to have done in two months in prior years? Sheā€™s so bad at keeping track of her lies.


Surprised she didnā€™t mention paying her car off early, thatā€™s another one of her usual financial goals/plans.


Purely performative and meaningless, as always.


Iā€™m surprised she didnā€™t add taking showers and brushing teeth.


She needs to actually. She rarely seems to bathe..


*Daily goals every morning* She'll keep those for her daily list šŸ˜†


Except we know that she doesnā€™t take daily showers šŸ˜‚


I know. Half this shit is stuff you should be doing regularly.




Wow itā€™s all self care nothing about educating herself or learning new skills. šŸ½


Educating herselfā€¦..ā€Huh?ā€ Learning new skillsā€¦ā€Huh?ā€¦also, I donā€™tā€


Not a single line about professional development. Her attempts at influencing suck even though that's all she does all day every day. Can't wait to see the meltdown she'll have if she actually goes to a derm and gets to hear just how bad her skin is fucked.


Her goals are so vague and undefined. If you have goals they should be clearly defined like instead of ā€œexercise moreā€, say walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes, 3 times a week or something like that. Not ā€œclose my apple rings whenever possibleā€. Also dermatologists are expensive without insurance. Good luck to her.


You would think at least one of her many dozens of journals, self help, personal development, woowoo ā€œthink your way to a millionaireā€ books that she claims to use/read would explain S.M.A.R.T. Goals and how to set them.


Oh so thatā€™s what she was talking about with apple rings! I have an Apple Watch and I still couldnā€™t figure out what the hell she was trying to say about apples. I knew it couldnā€™t possibly be just eating an apple for a ā€œhelthyā€ ā€œnon-inflammatoryā€ snack.


>Not ā€œclose my apple rings whenever possibleā€. Right. That just leads to endless goalpost moving and excuse making. Like, I am somewhat glad she never exhibits any capacity for growth because this sub is a source of endless bite sized entertainment nuggets for me, but as a grown ass human being, she's so pathetic.


She lives a sad sad life with no depth or meaning. This is embarrassing. Why would anyone post this immature list?!


Sheā€™s honestly so fascinating to observe. Sheā€™s just so 1 dimensional and vapid. Her lists normally consist of her great achievements for the day; ā€˜made my bedā€™, ā€˜washed my faceā€™ etc, so we should never expect too much, swerty might get a hernia if she tries any harder!


I feel like those kinds of lists also point toward her possibly (probably) dealing with depression from her hollow little life. I am only really proud of doing my skincare when my depression is worse. Otherwise it's kinda just another part of my day.


Same for me. But I find it hard to sympathise (if that is the case) because she spends so much of her day trying to boast and prove her superiority to others.


Yup, I have no sympathy because of how she acts. And the racism, etc. But given the Back Pain Babe shenanigans, I'd hate to see her Mental Illness Babe rendition. It'd be an insult when she's already tried to insult everyone.

