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As much as I love y’all and know yall are going to downvote me, I’m going to say it anyway. When Kanye was canceled for being antisemitic, where was that energy when he said QUOTE “slavery was a choice.” Have you all heard what he says about Black people? But let’s not have this cancel energy until it’s about Jewish people? Nah- I can’t agree. This isn’t even about MS. I want to record screeching brakes and put it into her air pods. But y’all just now being mad about Kanye’s antics because Jewish people were the target this time is completely tone deaf. —-pardon my rant, this is a triggering subject for me as someone with roots in both heritages.


Who exactly are you mad at? I stopped listening to Kanye years ago and I never specified in this post why he's problematic. You're lashing out at Jewish people because you feel his anti blackness needs to be highlighted above his antisemitism? Then speak on it! But you can do so without also diminishing the other groups he has attacked. This isn't black vs Jewish, this is humanity vs Kanye.


And if you’re being honest, when you titled the post and mentioned racism, were you thinking about all of his racism or just the antisemitism? Most people do not think of racism against Black people when they think of something a Black rapper says or does. If you can HONESTLY say you meant ALL of his racism- cool. But, let’s be real.


My post made literally no reference to any reason why I said he is racist. Anything you are assuming is coming from you


I don’t at all think you were thinking of anything except his antisemitism. It’s okay. You don’t have to admit it.


Hate that you took my comment as anger because I’m not angry. I spoke my opinion on the subject. Racism is racism. Nobody was cancelling him or dropping endorsements when he was talking about Black people, but now they are? The comment section switched from MS to Kanye - and I spoke on it. Nothing I said diminishes racism toward any group. Again, RACISM IS RACISM. But everybody needs to keep the same energy across the board. Period. I stand on what I said.


Britney got a conservatorship for soooo much less.


Seriously. He’s not only a menace to himself but to everyone else as well.


If she still shares and gushes over terf and antisemitic Harry Potter every 2 weeks for years. Her loving Kanye and sharing it surprises no one .


(I know I’ll be downvoted to hell 🤷🏾‍♀️) I’m boycotting Kanye bc he is anti-Semitic, prejudiced, an egomaniac, and a wealthy asshole who supports fascists and blames all of his wrong doings on his mother dying. That being said, Jewish ppl aren’t a race (Ashkenazi Jews aren’t the only Jews that exist) and anyone can convert to the faith regardless of their color or creed. The question is: does Kanye know that Jewish people are racially diverse? If not, then “yes”, his anti-semitism is rooted in racism. A quick aside: I’m sure the Israeli government would agree that Judaism ISN’T a race, since Beta Israel/Ethiopian Jews are being sterilized and experiencing racism and discrimination in real time. 🥲 SOURCE: https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel https://www.annefrank.org/en/topics/antisemitism/antisemitism-form-racism/


Jews are an ethno religious group. There are various Jewish ethnic groups. I'm not Ashkenazi, but have Sephardic roots. Once you convert you're a Jew 100% but not necessarily an ethnic Jew according to dna tests. There are multiple ethnic Jewish groups, but the idea people have that we're all Ashkenazi is again another example of the intolerance and ignorance we face. The thing to consider... During the holocaust for example it didn't matter if you didn't identify as Jewish, if you'd had any Jewish heritage, dna etc you were "Jewish" while equally converts were treated the same. Judaism is much more than just a religion.


Just wanna shout out to all the lovely people voting down the antisemitism deniers. Love you all.


When did he become racist?


Well, he is pretty public about his anti-semitism, if I recall. That being said, I try not to acknowledge his existence for the most part so idk if there are other things


That's different than racism. Maybe op is confused


As a Jew.... It's really not.


Sorry but that makes no sense. You can Convert to being Jewish. You can't convert to being black.


Kanye has BEEN a whole racist toward Black people. It ain’t new.


Jews are an ethno religion. it's more than just a religion. Hence why you get Ashkenazi, Sephardi, mizrahi, and Ethiopian Jews. They're all ethnic groups as well as cultural subsects.


I danced to this in a recital (Adult level Hip Hop), and my instructor wore mini shorts and and Afro wig. I hate Kanye, but the dance we did to this was pretty epic!


Uh. Please tell me your instructor is black.


Yes he is. And wow, all the hate?! (And love your username! I get the reference!)




As a Jew this just made my heart hurt. Fuck her. She is such a piece of shit


I am sorry. 💙


It's okay guys, 21 Jump Street cured Kanye of his antisemitism ![gif](giphy|KByQbRLHWG4A8)


Ah yes, the antisemitic Ye. This all tracks for her.




You're joking, right?




The only thing sadder than a troll is an unoriginal one.


What about this is trolling? I am dead serious because I want to see peoples replies


https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/unpacking-kanye-wests-antisemitic-remarks https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2023/11/29/kanye-west-performs-antisemitic-lyrics-in-dubai-reigniting-backlash-after-earlier-remarks-cost-him-billions/?sh=cda0c9333324 https://www.forbes.com/sites/antoniopequenoiv/2023/12/15/kanye-west-lashes-out-at-ex-business-partners-and-repeats-antisemitism-at-album-launch/ https://www.npr.org/2022/11/06/1133608843/antisemitic-rhetoric-kanye-jewish-communities-reaction https://variety.com/2023/music/news/kanye-west-new-song-vultures-antisemitic-1235798725/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/video-shows-kanye-west-spewing-antisemitic-garbage-yet-again


Now a days it’s probably a good mix of everyone


No I am for real are you able to show me anything so I can see for myself


Google it swerty


But I thought our boss babe said she doesn’t listen to music just podcasts. Why the sudden music posts?




I’ll have this discussion about Wagner, who died in the 1880s, not people making bank right now.


this is honestly such a great response, i could never really put it into words so thanks for that!




Her obsession/infatuation with rap always tickles me. She wanna be black so bad.


STILL on the highschool shit today???


Dang her spiral is hitting hard as the new year begins and she realises she’s getting older and has accomplished virtually nothing


Posted this yesterday, too; someone’s absolutely *pining* for something from the past… https://preview.redd.it/mgbnldt5lvac1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=f277a41e99dc7494c54a0bab18857634b96b2884


When is she not?