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Amazon shit for the most part




This is disgusting 


What is the song ? I kinda like it.


And still doesn’t provide actual happiness, joy, or contentment


The first pile made me 😬- it equaled about my pre- and post- Christmas shopping in total (actually, there’s probably a bit more). And then the kitchen!! I actually gasped. Heaven knows she probably also isn’t choosing to have them sent in as few boxes and trips as possible, either.


Sooo Slaw was not on vacation, and also not at "their" shared home to receive packages. Hmmm. 


I have 3 kids and we were cooped up in the house for 2+ weeks as two separate (and intense) viruses went through the house. I didn’t have half of these deliveries and I’m including food and diapers in my amounts. This is disgusting! Such overconsumption, she is single handedly destroying the planet - you know she doesn’t recycle those boxes or any of the packing plastic


On a semi-related note, i just signed up for RidWell as a way to recycle my plastics and I've never been more excited about trash!


Imagine being proud of this 😬


I’ve been feeling a bit guilty over some shopping I’ve done with our sales, but this is … yikes. How do you not pause and think and evaluate?


This is NOT the flex she thinks it is. But then again, when is it ever??


Why does she think this is a brag? If you want to impress me as an influencer, let me see the boxes that brands send you, not the tons of shyt you buy from Amazon. As we used to say back in the olden days, she cuckoo for cocoa puffs.


but what about etsy and local brands???????


Prob only to return most, Empty Existence Babe.


This honestly makes me sick. So much waste. For me, my favorite fashion accounts I follow on IG are people who do lots of thrifting ands buy from small, slow fashion brands. There are so many ways to buy second hand online now that there’s no excuse not to use them. If an item you buy doesn’t exactly fit or you wish it was altered a bit in the way it looks I’m a huge advocate of learning how to do those things yourself. Not only does that make for interesting content, you’re helping out the planet.


This is literally the antithesis of who big M is not


It’s totally the antithesis of who she is. She is the poster girl for consumer culture. The bitch of it is since she doesn’t work she has all the time in the world to scour second hand websites and shops in Asheville and film her experiences but she’d never do it.


For her to thrift or do anything that doesn't scream doctor money? She'd die first. Even though I can pay full price for things, why the hell would I, when I can get it for sooo much cheaper somewhere else, like TJ Maxx. Thrifting, consignment, and places like Marshall's, are fun treasure hunts sometimes. I went to TJ the other day and bought lancome, biolage, face serum, moisturizer, 3 kinds of hair styling stuff, a huge body wash, (even a Tiger Balm for $3) and a 30 color eye shadow palette all for less than $40. The most I paid for an individual item was $6. On black Friday, I bought two huge Clinique kits w 13 items for about $65 (normally $175) w coupon codes and sales. That is a flex. Not this shit.


Thanks quite a haul!! I agree the hunt is part of the fun!!! I miss TJ Maxx and Marshall’s. We don’t have places like that here in Sweden. So whenever I go visit my family in the states I always hit up every store in the place they live looking for bargains lol


Mortgage begging babe gonna come in strong this month




I thought we left vapid overconsumption in 2023?


Is this all the shit she bought for herself whilst drunk and miserable in Palm Beach? Jesus.


Yeah, methinks swerty was stress shopping on vacation


It has to be. Almost everything from Amazon is two-day shipping and she was gone, what, five days? She has zero impulse control.


Like, I’ve had my fair share of retail therapy moments (both in physical stores and online). I get it. Sometimes it’s just the right kind of pick-me-up, I’m partial to a new mug, or a game. But THIS much stuff that’s undoubtedly useless junk?! Swerty has nothing in her life except the dopamine hit of opening a parcel. If she wasn’t such a terrible person I’d feel sorry for her.


And not one of those packages will contain anything for the kitties. I'm running out of ways to say, "She's such an asshole."


it's so much fun to shop for pets too! i don't understand her.


NO. This is horrible!!




I think the majority of her tens of followers must be small town baby boomers.


This is really embarrassing for her to post. I mean, at least I'd be embarrassed to post something showing how much money I'm wasting on crap. No wonder C never wanted to marry her.


HUNDREDS, if not creeping into lower thousands, of $$ spent on DOOOPS and fast fashion, when she could make a few investment purchases from high-quality, unique or emerging brands and genuinely have something to share. 


Trashing the planet really isn’t on trend right now. No one is looking up to or is impressed by this.


She always does these bigger hauls when she's having a breakdown over something or other. So I will say that I am disappointed, but not surprised.


She’s so cool. I am so jealous. Look at the luxury. What an envious life she lives!


I do most of my shopping online, but that makes me feel anxious. It's way too much.


She had to do some impulse shopping, that she was totally *not* going to do in 2024, to distract herself and make herself feel better after an absolute shit show of a holiday being ignored by everyone in (West) Palm Beach.


Someone likes to get drunk and shop


It's pathological. 


I just got the buyers remorse literally an hour ish ago from getting a few items. I still feel very spendy, but this thing MS did is about 6 times more than what I spent.


Same. I bought 2 sweaters from the J.Crew ThredUp re-sale site and already was having thoughts like, "Did I really need that?"


I ordered a metric ton of organization items plus a lot of cleaning supplies on Amazon recently and I’m so embarrassed by all the packages. I feel like I owe an apology to the delivery people. I can’t imagine showing off all the boxes.


Same, but from somewhere else. I feel so ashamed turning up to the post office pretty much every weekday to get them... I live in a smallllllll town so they don't deliver parcels to the door, and the post office worker knows everyone by name. No hiding my shame (although my closet is looking great)


I’m legit excited about a laundry room organizer I got. I feel so old


I’m sure she thinks all of this is just a write off for her “business”. Bless. 


Eff off, gross lady.


I feel disgusted with myself if I even order 3 items. She is beyond delusional if she orders this much crap and still tries to give financial advice. She clearly isn't good with her money at all




https://preview.redd.it/j9sxlrlxnxbc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a49d3be25a6f4c206df8d8eaa0cd44d1e0d9af0 I’m sorry what?




That vapid filtered face in the background is just too perfect. I so wish this whole Big M act was brilliant sarcasm.


![gif](giphy|14xreOl4Yva0dW) Hey, Big M.....


So how much will she be returning?


Honestly with how much of it ends up in the sad online sale if Forgotten Things, I’d say not much. My guess is she’s too lazy to take it to a Kohl’s during the return window and/or she’s been restricted in some capacity on her ability to return. Also, I wonder how much just sits in the garage of forgotten things just collecting dust in a heap.


All of it. Including the body suits she’s gonna try on without underwear or showering. 


Sorry about this Leona but I have to https://preview.redd.it/493g89s9oybc1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03db04be3f9978d49a0e19bccaad50d522ada2ad


![gif](giphy|sc5KAxzrIu6m1esH3T|downsized) Excuse me while I go vomit up my coffee 😂


^yeaST ^inFECtion


How dare you


So she’s saying she spent her whole “family vacation” drunk Amazon shopping? Weird flex. Dollars to donuts she doesn’t even remember what she ordered and it will be a big surprise when she unboxes.


Isn’t that half the fun? Source: my ADHD self does this (about actual needed items, not pointless consumerism) and it cracks my husband up


Same! I go between being alarmed and impressed how quickly I can forget!


Yes I can be truly alarming


Imma call in a tip thats she’s running a meth lab and using Amazon to deliver to her customers 😂


0lly i love your name btw


Thank you!


Women be shopping


She is a girl's girl after all!! teehee






I can't even believe it. It's so gross and disgusting. I can't with her.




Apparently nobody in her life cares enough to intervene


I’m feeling really good about my no spend January right now.


And this isn’t to condone the way she shops at all, but utilizing different shopping methods other than driving to the store is actually better for the environment in a lot of cases. By utilizing drive up, you’re actually giving jobs back to people who would otherwise be out of one bc of self checkout. A lot of those orders are filled by products in the storage section of the store so it keeps the stores inventory flowing without the items seeing shelves. This is egregious, but online or drive up shopping isn’t always the technological devil it’s made out to be.


TIL! Thanks swerty!


If this were actually for her job, she wouldn’t have put “just a few packages” as if everything was for her single-serving shitpost, only to be pawned onto USPS in a 3 hour long nightmare return next week.


From her USPS rant, it sounds like she does nothing to prep her things to be shipped either, she expects them to do everything for her. I’ve had a couple very small side businesses and always just pack and print out the shipping labels at home so really all I have to do is just hand them to the person at the UPS store or USPS. You can get better discounts that way too using promo codes. I think her lack of inexperience career-wise is part of why she does things so archaically. She has bottom of the barrel standards and won’t take feedback from anyone so she works hard but not smart at all.


This isn't the flex she thinks it is. This is disgusting and further proves how shallow, narcissistic, selfish and wasteful she is. Bet you she got hammered and ordered most of this on the bender, and had no idea what a bunch of these were. No normal person orders this much at once unless they need to replace a wardrobe they lost or they're shopping for multiple kids at once who are in need of like, everything.


I once online shopped when I was hospitalized with a very high fever. I remembered that I bought clothes, but didn't remember exactly what. There were hot pink pants involved.


Lmao while I'm glad you're obviously all better, you can't be held responsible when hospitalized with an infection causing serious fever spikes. That's pretty funny.


I lost almost everything I owned in a house fire and never did this. Assuming she wasn't hammered, it's really concerning how much things matter to her.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that!! I woke up in the middle of the night when my son was barely 2, the night of a terrible ice storm, to having my asthma kicking up...I felt the walls and they were cool. It smelled electrical. I opened the door to the basement and was hit with so much smoke. Closed it back up, hoping to slow down the spread with trying to keep as little air flowing as possible. Had to get my husband up, get our son, our 2 cats, dog, my in-laws who were both very large individuals all out to our cars at 2am in 16 degree temps. Took over 15 mins for the first fire truck to get on scene...it was indeed electrical, and it destroyed much of what was stored in the basement and thankfully that was it. Not knowing what I was walking back into for those couple of hours while the firemen were working was terrible. Thankfully, we were very lucky and no one was hurt. The Holiday Inn in the next town allowed pets and had an indoor pool. We stayed there for 3-4 nights while the damage was repaired and got the house cleaned up. I hope you've fully recovered by now. Having a sad situation like that, I could totally understand having to do a bunch of shopping at once.. I still wouldn't buy all of that she did. What's even worse is knowing she's going to likely return the majority of it bc she's not just an overly materialistic asshole, but she's also an inconsiderate bitch who tries it on to post it, orders too small, and then returns it. And then in a week she'll be begging for sales bc she's broke. She's such a waste I'm every sense.


Thank you! It was actually a very cleansing experience and made me want less in life (material items). Ours happened in early Feb at 5 am during a freezing rain. We owned a townhouse at the time (end unit) and our neighbor fell asleep (passed out) frying chicken. We were woken up by our neighbor beating on our door and ringing our doorbell frantically. We had to get our 2 dogs and cat out (he was missing for almost a full week but got him back). It's so scary in the moment but we have such an amazing support system. I'm so glad no one was hurt in your experience ❤️


It’s the *only* thing.


Even Amazon is frowning (the first box I see when she goes in the kitchen)


Wouldn't you be frowning if you were stuck with her for any length of time? Even the boxes are miserable! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


These must be all the berets she ordered for Paris!


“French hats”




She bought all this next day prime from her WEST palm beach Airbnb I’m sure trying to flex in front of the models she was defs NOT hanging out with.


What in the ever-loving actual fuck.




I'm no psychologist but something tells me she's trying to fill a monumentally large, gaping, emotional hole with material goods, other meaningless shit, likely a shit ton of alcohol, all while lying to the world how happy and successful she is. Good for her.


You summed up her whole life


This literally made the pit of my stomach drop with anxiety I would have if I had bought this much stuff. And we know it’s all crap.


Well, she doesn't give a shit that she's going to return 99% of it and cost (some) independent little shops on Amazon an actual sale bc she destroyed it all by forcing her fat ass into clothes 2-3 sizes too small.




same! I heavily utilized Target’s order pickup over the summer when I was dealing with suicidal ideation, and I felt soo obnoxious having them pick the items for me after never having used anything like that before. some of us are conscientious and some are… her and I am positive there is no recycling happening, or we’d see her gloating about it


Lots of hugs swerty, I hope you’re feeling better ♥️


Hugs 🤗 hope your feeling in a better space


Hey no shame in curbside pickup. It doesn’t generate any extra waste and I believe Target uses their own employees for that. If anything, curbside pickup might mean some extra hours for them. I hope you are in a better place, swerty. Walmart+ has saved me from having to order a lot from Amazon. Ethical consumption is hard, but *most of us* do try, I think.


I hope you’re now in a better place! Admitting that is hard, even to internet strangers…😊


Why post this ? Who does she think would be impressed by this ? What does she think people will say ? ‘Wow big M look at all of the Amazon junk you can afford to order and then return!!’


"I wonder what fugly outfits you'll create and filter for us next!"


And then everybody clapped


Someone spent half her vaca stress shopping trying to fill the hole left by Skoal.


![gif](giphy|19Ik3PuuqoFnhTTfEi) Since the vacation was not a treat


I straight up GASPED when she walked into the kitchen and showed even MORE packages on the counter. I was already shaking my head at the pile in the living room, but holy shit, she needs professional help for the shopping addiction alone, amongst other things.


Wow. Who put those all in the house? C? Did she really go to Palm Beach on his family’s trip without him? No wonder she’s broke.


Could be her *bestie* whose husband sold her the middle unit... But probably C.


I reckon it would have been her mother, if she lives nearby.


IIRC from the toilet plunging incident, I believe her mom lives at least 30 minutes away.


Ope, she just told on herself. She was too excited to show off the piles of shit she ordered while on vacation, that it didn't occur to her that this shows that Chode wasn't even there with her (or at the very least, didn't travel home with her).




So happy for her that C was able to go over and put all her packages into her house because he wasn’t in FL 




Bold considering she’s been crying about her finances and tax season is coming up


This is….a lot. Like insane. I get that a lot of influencers get stuff shipped to them to shill, but realistically, she is not at that level. Look- I get the whole online shopping thing. I’ve been known to buy a few unnecessary purchases when sipping wine. I also love things- minimalist, I am not. But - wow. Did she buy all this on vacation? My online shopping actually becomes nonexistent on vacation bc I’m always doing something. Going to some restaurant. Visiting some beach/ museum. Getting ready to go out. This is looking very much manic


And on vacation you’re busy… spending money! We come home from vacation and it’s time to put our credit cards in the freezer and eat Aldi food lol


>I get that a lot of influencers get stuff shipped to them to shill, but realistically, she is not at that level. Lol yeah she wishes. Swerty has to pay out of pocket to shill for Amazon because no one will invest a few free products for her to shill.


Exactlyyyy I follow a few influencers with legit followings (300-500k) and a few times they posted something like that when they got back from like, 2-3 week trips and even then, it was like 1/3 of this


What happened to support local and small business?


She's supporting the local contractors who do the last leg of the Amazon deliveries.


Where does she hide the hoard?


The garage. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/euolx0reJf) was it when she first moved in. Imagine it now, a year later. Though she does also return most of the clothes she “buys.” She doesn’t even buy them, she gets them shipped to her through Amazon’s try before you buy program where they ship it to you but don’t charge you until 5 or so days later, if you decide to keep it. I assume she returns them before the return window closes and avoids ever getting charged. All so she can pretend to be a model/influencer in the middle unit townhouse where she lives alone. I hate her.


Half of that (at least) is going back. It almost always does. I’m surprise Amazon hasn’t cut her off yet.


And another portion ends up on her closet sale on her blog where everyone gets to see the real sizes of the items she claimed were a meatyum


In the trunk of her car on her way to return everything!


I want a peep of that garage 👀


Sure glad I try to cut down on my overall footprint when ish like this is happening. So glad. No one needs this much stuff. She needs help.


First cat toy of the year makes an appearance and it's the same damn fish that was the only real cat toy I saw last year. I'm not counting the flimsy cardboard gingerbread house (pretty sure it's gone) or slaw's new overnight bag anymore. Those poor babies, I'd run away from her too. Maybe they can play with the over consumption boxes?


Now, that's a great idea for content! She could build a loft for her kitties with some of that cardboard, sprinkle it with catnip, then show them sleeping on/in it. Could be fun to show how she found or brainstormed (as if) the plans, how it came together, how she decorated it. End with some cute cat footage. But we never even see interaction with the cats. Who scoops up after them I wonder? I just can't see her doing it.


You know she doesn’t change the single litter box for her two cats. She probably waits until the cleaning woman comes and makes her deal with it. Last I recall, she was waffle stomping clay cat litter down her bathtub drain because she thought that was an appropriate means of removing cat waste. Which shows how little she knows/cares about caring for animals and plumbing.


Would 100% watch. Every time I go to Costco I leave the box in my dining room for at least a month for my cats


This is disgusting. Just plain and simple, there is no need to ever buy that much garbage online. I guess I should sort of lower my level of disgust here and perhaps this is just a hard look at her mental illnesses and addiction issues. She is clearly buying this junk as a coping mechanism for whatever is wrong with her. She needs real deal very intense therapy and/or rehab.


I’m here as well except for how she flaunts it and thinks it’s “cute.” I get it. I’ve had a rough week and self soothed with a purple lipgloss right after I had already placed my skin care order and still am a bit mad at myself about that unnecessary waste. We try to be eco friendly in this house (my mom identifies with Kathleen Turner’s serial mom. I think she’s mostly joking and my husband is great at repurposing things.)


I have a gift card from Christmas (that I was given for a particular item I wanted on Amazon but wouldn't arrive in time so they got me the gift card instead) that I'm hesitant to use. That's how frugal I'm being these days. Can't even bring myself to order something that won't cost me a dime lol


That is friggin' gross. 🤢


I hate this so much. So much waste. Also, this isn’t a flex, it’s not like she bought all this. Most of it is through amazons try before you buy program and she’s returning 99% of it. Just so she can play pretend influencer.


All this in 4(!) days?!! She hasn’t even been gone that long for this amount to make sense. Omg


Her cat hates her. Mine would never ignore me like that after I’ve been gone for days


Mine SCREAM at me if I happen to sleep in! Or they perch on me in the bed until I wake up. Even when we have had to put them in the cattery (overseas trips) they don't even get cranky at us when we get back. These cats despise her and I can't say I blame them


Seriously though. Our cats would be meowing up a storm pretending they hadn’t been fed in days (spoiler, that’s NEVER happened but they try to be convincing).


Her Amazon driver too.


exactly what i was thinking! i know all cats are different but the one time my cat didn’t greet me when i came home after just hours, i knew something was off and it turned out he was dealing with a bladder infection so… yeah, my cat would (willingly) never


Garbage begets garbage


This is the life she’s built for herself: coming home to an empty home with nothing but a cat who’s running away and a sad pile of Amazon boxes (then posting it online in an attempt to feel any kind of connection to another person).


and it’s all trash.


And this is why you have no ring, have no ring, have no ring. This is why you have no ring, on your wedding finger (a song I just made up to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus)


The music! Babe is spiraling. Also, guess we already gave up on supporting small businesses?


Only if the small business is hers or she can benefit from it somehow, she forgot to add that in.


I’m sure some of those things are from sketchy 3rd party sellers!




Can’t give up if you never even start, swerty!


This could have fixed her teeth issues. Provide a safety net for when the trust fund runs out. Been a real LV. Cat paradise of towers, stands, scratching pads, etc. But it’s all cheap stuff because she values getting a ton of things. This is literally an entire paycheck worth of nonsense she’s going to return.


Or she could have bought something other than the cheapest items at the stores she went in.


Good point, she could have done more than just get a selfie in front of Tiffany’s


What are her teeth issues?


A gnarly cavity and a missing tooth.


🙀 model babe is missing a tooth? If I had such a serious tooth issue and money to blow on ugly rings and ugly shoes I would fix my teeth first! Instead of lashes and spray tans I would fix my teeth! Your smile is everything!


That’s ridiculous! Is all she done while in Florida shop on line?


This is gross.


what happened to "we're not bringing impulse spending into 2024?" she is disgusting and pathetic. she thinks she's cute but she's a fucking dumpster (dumperrr?) fire.


This is literally a shopping addiction. It's nothing to brag about. She should be mortified and seeking therapy not validation from her bots.


Some people pay $999 for a phone that lasts a couple of years. Others pay $999 for an MLM start and Amazon fast fashion. And clearly, some of you swerties just can’t understand 💅 Also BIG /S if it wasn’t obvious lol


I love online shopping, but what the fuck? (I work full-time and don’t do MLM.)


This is how she soothes herself. That, and filtering and re-watching her stories when she lays in bed at night.


Yikes...and I was over here feeling bad about getting 2 Amazon deliveries this week. This is gross.


So she's telling us she sat there, on her phone, this entire trip ordering literal S H I T from Amazon. This is not a flex. This is appalling.




I hope you enjoy your new clothes, swerty. It’s a nice feeling to be able to do that once in a while. What a sweet present. I think it’s a gift to be able to appreciate the things you have. So many people just don’t, and it doesn’t matter to them if it’s a shirt from Target or Saks.


Thank you so much 🥰 I'm super excited! Yes, he's a very sweet person, and I feel incredibly lucky to have him in my life. I totally agree! I have a little morning routine that includes making coffee, feeding my cat, checking on my plants, and making my bed and almost every morning I feel grateful for my little world.


Those boxes are her only friends 🫶




That is so disgusting… not like actual influencer consumption isn’t gross as well but let’s just be clear SHE IS PUTTING THIS ALL ON CREDIT TO RETURN IT BACK TO BEZOS. None of this was gifted to her, none of this is PR, none of this is actual “affiliate” marketing where brands are paying her to review and advertise their product. ALL of it is out of pocket. Fever Dream Florida trip got her spiraling deeper in her instant gratification/shopping addiction than I think we’ve ever seen before.


Her feet slapping the floor in her tiny middle unit.


That is NOT the flex she thinks it is


Oh also, that music…at that volume. Swerty ain’t in a good place


Sorry, Middle Townhouse neighbors!


nO, sHe’S a sTrOnG, iNdePeNdEnT wOmAn who dOn’T nEeD nOBoDy!!


I can’t comprehend this level of consumerism. This much stuff. This many clothes. She buys cheap shit but she buys a lot of it. Her recent Amazon live had over $1,000 worth of clothing and she said that wasn’t even everything she purchased that day. She thinks this makes her look rich, but it screams “My life is an empty void I’m desperately trying to fill with garbage”.


hit the nail on the head! her life is so pointless and meaningless and she continues to drink so that she doesn't have to acknowledge it. being in poonique gave her a sense of success and forced friendships i.e. trips and "meetings" which i think made her feel a sense of purpose. she gave everything else up (like her medispa training or whatever that phase of life was) bc she's not a hard worker and can't think ahead. she fucked up poonique and has zero self awareness so she took that "following" and now has to run the hamster wheel of constantly creating nontent. she's so vapid and unrelatable. she's living off of her family's success thinking that she's entitled to it. such a sad existence for her but also love watching it


$1000 worth of $20 bodysuit packs and $40 polyester dresses just boggles my mind.


Looks like Swerty was stress shopping on vacation. I’m betting/hoping a meltdown is coming soon.


This made me physically ill. She’s such a fucking negative contribution to this planet.


Agreed. My attempt to be a below-average consumer is completely wiped out, and then some, by her alone.


There's no way my shampoo bars, laundry detergent strips, and second-hand shopping can make up for the kind of trash she produces. It's like when I see people using disposable dishes just because it means fewer things to wash... And I'm out here feeling guilty when I throw out something compostable.