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Thank god she got some lounge wear


Her eye makeup looks so fucking stupid


And that's with a filter on!


I’m not an influencer or social media babe, but I thought that when one shared their “haul” it would at least be a smidge more curated? I just don’t get it. Like who gives a shit about what some 30-going-on-45-year-old woman bought at Target on a random Thursday?! I love me a good Target haul video, but this was just…bad.


I’m confused as to why she needs travel sized anything when she’s checking 3 bags apparently?


"I saw it and thought I want that" I think this is the extent of her thought process for 97% of her purchases


“Why did I buy The mean girls magazine.?” “I don’t know why”' Who does this and then says that? A shopaholic.


How are you a medium in every store and in various brands? Especially the things from china? How do people believe this bullshit? I consider myself solid medium, but have sizes small to XL. I would think/hope that the majority of women would and know that she’s full of shit.


Travel sized advil is the most ridiculously expensive thing.


Didnt she say she wasnt going to buy anymore pj sets this year because she has so many already?


She said they were medium in the store and then had to pretend to look to see what size?


I hate those thumb sleeves


Lispy baby voice in Target


Wtf on that eye color? Husky filter?


Hope Mom doesn’t mind picking up those checks for food in Paris! She’s been spending money like I’ve never seen before. Jesus she is absolutely wild these days


Why not go to the library? Such a waste. And I love pajamas but jeez how many pairs does one person need?? She has a bajillion samples and beauty products—does she really not have any beauty products to travel with?


I've been getting a lot of use out of my library card and now rarely buy books. All of this is such wasteful behavior, in my opinion.


No way she is planning to pack body wash to go to Paris. No f-ing way.


I see that she got a new nose at Target.


https://preview.redd.it/l7htx404fbdc1.png?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e36566e361ee5c19972ac55a2cc84bf7270c90a Someone definitely got a refill for Paris 💉






her injector should lose their license 🫢


Bold of you to assume they have one


Before she started talking I actually thought she went to chick-fil-a to make sure she has plenty of raaaaanch. Her over consumerism is just disgusting at this point. Bitch, travel like a pro and refill shit, use shampoo bars, etc to save space and no exploding.


Traveling smart? Traveling babe never heard of it.


Where does she put all this stuff? Her townhouse is a 3/2, right? Has the third bedroom become a hoard? Also I know she returns a lot but she does not return everything. If she returned everything she bought we’d have seen it by now. Not enough time goes by of her being offline to allow the time it would take. Friendly reminder that hoarding is an anxiety disorder.


Imagine living with someone so financially irresponsible and that hoards. Lucky for Grimace he doesn't live there.


The garage


This is a HORRIBLE eyeliner and lash application by Miss Makeup expert. Ugh


The gap between the eyeliner and the actual lash line 😂


It’s funny she stops and peeks at the pants tag just to say she did a medium. We know, you always pretend you got a medium.


I don’t understand these car hauls - it’s so cramped and awkward, why not just do it when you get home? Also- Amazon hauls, target hauls, ulta hauls- all for 5 days in Paris?


This. I'm not a social media person so maybe I'm missing something, but what's the use of crammed quick where you barely see anything car hauls? I can never imagine this being useful or entertaining for everyone. 


I’ve never seen anyone do a car haul! Like maybe if it’s stuff for your actual car? Lol this is like kid playing pretend influencer


She has to get it in before the dopamine rush wears off!


My thought exactly! Babe is spiraling hard these days. FL musta been rough


Wait, the tag on the pants are purple. Isn’t that an L or XL?


The purple tag is the branding. She hides the tags out of frame so quickly it would take our swerties in the fbi to enhance if we were to see the size on the front of the tag in tiny letters. If she kept the hangers, light pinkish red would be L, lavender as XL, and the unlikely M would be yellow. Any cart pics with hangers??? 👀


I’m gonna need one of our swerties to go check Target for us 😂 I’d do it but I’m Canadian (cries in Target tears)


I am (sadly) a US target employee 🥴 at least I'm good for something on this sub


Ooooo. Well then, thank you for your service confirming this! Lol Have you considered putting in a transfer to NC to be our eyes and ears on the ground? 😂 Ok even that’s a bit too far for me lol


I'd rather join an MLM than keep working here 😂😭




Yep. https://preview.redd.it/umt7cf8ifbdc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=474b394fef8b01d146aba86524793b569e5208cf


Couldn’t she get a travel caddy and pack a few of each item that she ALREADY FUCKING HAS and call it a day?


Big M on why she bought the Mean Girls magazine: "I mean mostly I just saw it and I was like I want that." She hasn't progressed past impulsive toddler-level thinking.


She was SO CLOSE to self-awareness of her lack of impulse control.


This is all so ridiculous. So much needless stuff. Filming the entire time she's in the store, she must look like an idiot.


How many fucking pajamas does one swerty need?


![gif](giphy|7JvlHfd7C2GDr7zfZF|downsized) (apparently)


So much junk.


Her reasoning of purchasing the magazine and what was inside is one of the dumbest things I've heard in a long time


“This looked fun to read on the plane.” She looked baffled that she bought it.


Even the cats are physically sick of her shit. They’re quite literally begging for help. 😢


"Somehow I spent $200." It's called a shopping addiction, swerty.


Those videos of her pawing through all the junk at target and baby voice cooing at it are kind of nauseating. It’s so much random stuff. So many $5 items that she didn’t need until she happened to see them. When she gets home does she put all this stuff somewhere or leave it in the bag or what does she do with it?








Her eyeliner is one of my biggest pet peeves. She ALWAYS manages to make her eyes look smaller and closer together than they already are. JUST PUT THE WING AT THE FREAKING CORNER


anyway… boycott starbucks




Please tell me someone has her Goodreads




Does *anyone* believe she actually read *five books a month?!* If anything, she skims.


She doesn't seem to know how to write very well or have much vocabulary, so I doubt she reads all that much .


She must look absolutely ridiculous tromping about in the too-small jacket and too-small necklace, looking like an overstuffed can of biscuits.


And you KNOW that white collar is getting oompa loompa orange all over it.


She’s really feeling herself with this filter man. Like she’s eye fucking herself soOooOoOoOo hard.


The Target Stars Above modal/spandex pajama sets and lounge pants ARE the best. Makes me feel some sort of way to actually agree with something she said.


I bought these pants for after a major back surgery (like, for reals) and there is no fucking way she's a medium.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


She sure as shit isn’t a medium in them though.


I've never seen a 'real' picture of her. So does she make herself skinnier in videos? How does she do that? Is she actually bigger than she shows? I've only lurked here for a few months, don't really know who she is but she's just so awful. I'm also totally not up to knowledge on filters and shit all my daughter's grew up and moved out I don't get educated on it anymore lol.


If you head over to r/instagramreality they feature a lot of filtered photos/videos and people frequently comment the many ‘tells’ to look for in media that’s been filtered. Their ‘Sanity Sunday’ posts also have included filter debunkers who show you in real time filtered vs. unfiltered. As someone who doesn’t have instagram or twitter and keeps what social media I do have very private (so scarce pictures, never with filters) it was really eye-opening to see just how insidious filters can be.


Ok thanks! I always told my daughter's they were pretty just the way they were.


There are freaky good and user friendly AI photo and video editing apps now that give people an insane amount of customization over their image. She's *significantly* bigger than she shows in her prerecorded posts, which she can use those apps on, and still somewhat bigger than she appears in her lives, where she's limited to much less advanced and less egregious video filters. This is her in a Live from sometime late last year. Pretty sure she's bigger than she was then, since back then she could filter herself to something like a size 2 in still pictures and now she doesn't seem to be able to get that small anymore. Other swerties probably have better real pictures. https://preview.redd.it/a63oro9uvbdc1.jpeg?width=830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36a6a8598a698c79ae1f5d54d2b6ecae5bd4cc8f


Wow. That's insane. I had no idea you could literally make yourself thinner. So basically her life is a whole lie. I can't believe she hides who she really is. Especially she's not that old. That's sad. She filters who she is because she's so insecure. But being on this sub I've really seen how unkind of a person she is. Material, rude, a laundry list. I can't imagine living in such a distorted reality mentally and physically. Thanks for telling me all that TIL that the tech world is moving faster than my brain!


Hahaha no problem! It is a massive mind fuck and it's so unhealthy for people to have the ability to just create like a whole different version of themselves for the internet. If you look at the Filter Warp and Exposed post tags in the sub, you'll see lots of examples and clues!


She does not wear the correct size of them because I took a screenshot of her during a live wearing a pair stretched so thin you could literally see the crack of her ass through them.


A lot of people size up in pajamas, so it’d be totally normal for her to buy an L or XL.


I can’t imagine that’s comfortable. Her preference to be uncomfortable for a tiny letter on a tag no one can see is baffling.


Sad, pathetic life for a sad pathetic person. 99.99% of the population goes to Target. None of them get so excited that they can’t wait to get home to show all their boys how cool and addicted to shopping they are.


She has nothing else going on in her life besides Target hauls.


This video is embarrassing


That necklace is FIGHTING with the filter 🤣 so embarrassing!!


“this starbucks coffee makes a great meal replacement” lmaoooo


Pre-mixed coffee with protein powder as a ‘meal replacement’ and she wonders why she has digestive issues


I think she meant the premier protein mixed with it but protein shakes are not meal replacements so funny either way.


And using Premier Protein in coffee has been around for the better part of a decade. This isn’t anything new she just invented 🙄


Yeah I knowwwww - I was like “sis we can see you ain’t missing a meal”


No way in fuck did she go to Target sober


Annnnd that is my biggest pet peeve...her very obviously drinking and driving. She is a horrrrrrible person in so many other ways but DWI is so incredibly selfish. I pray she gets caught. With ubers being so accessible and instacart/doordash literally everything able to be delivered, there is absolutely no excuse.


Did we dream up that New Year’s resolution about no more new pajamas or no?


My biggest ick in life is seeing girls wear their sleeves halfway over their hands. MS does it all the time. Looks absolutely ridiculous, ye just look like a fucking plonker 😂


But it makes them look so tiny n cute! ![gif](giphy|pcf8QQqHF9Bp1YwR7t|downsized)


What’s with the pillow in the backseat? And possible throw blanket/towel? She can’t ever make sure her backgrounds are tidy.


Maybe she naps back there when she's initially too wasted to drive home.


….I had an alcoholic ex do this exact thing when too sauced to drive during the day 🙃 just sayin


She just bought all this travel size stuff for Florida. She can’t have used it all in that short 3 day trip 


I just stocked my locker at my Y so i can walk in before or after work,work out, shower and get ready with all the hair/skin care and makeup in my locker, and can go wherever i need after totally ready..I literally put together a whole makeup bag, brought stuff that i had half used or filled the airline size travel bottles and brought my swimsuit and a few sets of shorts/yoga pants and tshirts so I can change into them and afterwards, shower and can get 100% ready to go into work. It cost me $3 for the little travel bottle package bc my husband used the one I had. I'm sure we all have at least a decent amount of our HABA (health and beauty aide) supplies on hand that we wouldn't have to run and drop $200 to go on vacation. And I don't go shopping 1/10 as often as she does so I know she's able to do the same, especially as often as she travels. She is so ridiculous with as wasteful as she is. Any excuse to blow money bc she's spiraling HARD since she was in FL.


It’s so wasteful. Why doesn’t Travel Babe have a good set of refillable travel jars?


because she is a selfish bitch who hates the planet. 


recording in the parking lot so she can go back in and return half of it on the same day




I most definitely have pyjamas. I don’t work (retired due to MS). I have a sleep schedule (go to bed at midnight, alarm goes off at 830). I have been woken by a lot of delivery people before 830 needing a signature - pyjamas is just easier.


I have 6 nightgowns, 2 sleeveless, 2 short sleeve, 2 long sleeve but I’ll also sometimes wear shorts with a dri-fit top, like Under Armor or just the Amazon version. Maybe pajama pants if it’s really cold but I like my legs free.


Yes. I love my Johnny Was robe/cami nightie sets. I change into them as soon as I get home and then I luxuriate around the house feeling glamorous, comfy and happy, but really I’m just being schlumpy. It lifts my mood, but that could be chronic pain talking. But she can’t possibly wear all these things she has, and half of them look pretty flammable. I don’t own more than I can reasonably rotate through even though there’s a new turquoise pattern I’m dying to get (but won’t).


I don’t. I just wear underwear and a tee shirt almost all the time when I’m home. Plus a sweater if it’s cold


I don't have any either, just old but soft oversized t-shirts and comfy short shorts. In my opinion pijamas look silly, especially if they have buttons or are shiny. 




I have insomnia issues and one of the CBTi things I learned is to create rituals associated with sleep. Putting on pajamas is one of mine.


People who always wear pajama sets just seem to have their life together imo and I think this is what Big M (and me) strives for


I think you nailed it. I tried to say that above in more words but failed.


I have like 2 pairs for “special occasions” like when I’m going on vacation. 😂 But mostly it’s sweats or leggings and tshirts. It’s like lace teddies. I don’t think anyone owns as many as Big M. 🤣




That trust fund isn’t going to spend itself!


Why are we just chilling in the target parking lot showing off mundane items? Like, this isn't a haul its just the usual stuff people buy and toiletries for travel. She really thinks she's hot shit. What a weirdo.


I think it's the chance to use this filter. She seems reallyyyy into it.


She can return them faster this way!


Fourth, fifth, and sixth new pajama sets since she vowed less than a month ago not to buy any new pajamas for 2024.


Looks like 2024 is the year of the Pajama Watch. So far she has bought 6 new sets, and 6 new drinking vessels for Cup Watch.


Why does she think she needs 'meal replacement'? She has all the time in the world to prepare real, healthy food. Actual nourishment. She's the worst.


Since when is coffee a meal replacement? 😂 


When she adds the protein powder! Then she hits two of the four food groups: protein and caffeine!


Especially since she replaces it with a ton of sugar and fat lol


Sugar, fat, and microplastics.


Oh god yes!


I don’t believe she replaces any meals with that.


Ma’am, we know those pajamas are not size medium. 🙄


this is beyond pathetic in general but the fact she’s doing it in her car and couldn’t even wait until she got home is somehow worse.


She did it with her Ulta haul yesterday too. She’s spiraling HARD and needs that dopamine hit from shopping


And thinks we all care. I mean, we all watch, but we don't care. Starbucks Iced Coffee + Premier Proteins = a great meal replacement?? And justification for wanting the Mean Girls magazine is "I mean mostly I just saw it and was like I want that" - DiSpOsAbLe InCoMe SwErTiEs - # THATGIRL Come on though. All the tea and where the stars are now? I couldn't name one person that was in the old movie OR the new one. Ok well maybe 2. Tina Fey and Lindsay Lohan


So there’s this thing called Google where you could look up movie stars…and it’s free! Dumbass.


Right? She basically bought a Buzzfeed article…


That’s exactly what I thought of!!


She seems to be leaning towards making Mean Girls a temporary personality. She’s had a few reels. There’s a coffee creamer.


I can't believe you did my girl Rachel McAdams like that


Tbf I actually can't believe Rachel McAdams played Regina still. She's so versatile 😭😂


Can you imagine spending 200 dollars at target? Only time I did that was like…for my AirPods lol… which is a purchase that happens once every 3 years or so, usually less since I tend to replace one AirPod at the Apple Store since usually one craps out. But like…that’s a shit ton of money on very useless stuff. You can also like…get travel bottles for 10 cents each and put your shampoo and stuff in there instead and…save money??


This is why she can’t afford the Air Pod Pros. You’d think professional babe could use the upgraded features and quality for her zoom meetings and content creation.


That filter is creepy, I'm getting uncanny valley vibes.


I rarely shop at Target, last time I went there was last year for some Nespresso pods and that is all I walked out with. Or maybe I also bought some sun butter. She has a Megan Miranda book... oof, I like Megan Miranda. Ms. Mess can miss me with her bs about spending 200 dollars at Target. She made it from Red ASSpen sales? Or her dad's Venmo? The funniest part of this haul was her showing a Mean Girls magazine. Goes with her post about wanting to be back in high school. Mess needs to realize living in high school as an adult is not a flex. That filter is filtering along with the compression shirt compressing her.


That was actually a pretty good book, and I have been about 50/50 on liking Megan Miranda.


I liked both that and Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six. They were at least diverting audiobooks on my commute although both sounded better than they turned out to me. I enjoyed the setting in both.


Isn’t she going away for like 3 days? Why does she need so much travel size stuff? NGL my quality essential stuff gets decanted into smaller packaging if they are big, especially for the flights. But she is going to Paris? Go to Citypharma. That place is chaos but so good for quality stuff at a good price. It’s been known for 10 years so about the timeframe for her to catch up and be aware. That would be a good haul for an “influencer” to do. Instead of just throwing things randomly around her rent-a-car.


Regular size deodorant isn't even that big!!  She's not backpacking across Europe ffs


And she’s supposedly traveling first class with means 2 checked bags and a much heavier weight allowance. I wouldn’t bother with travel size. I’d just pare down my usual products and take those. An extra 1-2lbs baggage weight is probably more eco friendly than buying all new plastic items packaged in plastic.


There should be an amenity kit when she gets seated anyway right? Who was she flying with? She kept saying suite but I’m sure she isn’t talking about the suites on EY or QR. I assume it’s normal business class.


Right? Also, stick some q tips in a ziplock. Does a regular razor take up that much luggage space?


I have that razor & you switch out the actual razor, like other Venus ones. You buy the replacement razors to snap on once it’s time to change it lol. Handle & case remains.


Right? It’s almost like she has no idea what she is doing 😒😝


200 dollars would be like 4 or 5 good meals in paris. There it goes.


But sweety, she can bring her Starbucks Iced Meal Replacement drinks.


For her itd be 1-2 meals in Paris


Yeah because she will fall into all those tourist traps


How many Target employees did she tell she’s shopping for her upcoming trip to PARIS


Probably just the poor cashier who couldn't run away from her. Maybe the returns person also. I bet all the employees know her and run away if possible.


They definitely do. I have a friend who does returns for boss and they’re always over $300. She said the employees recognize her and will make her wait or straight up avoid helping her until someone else does. She said they’re always super short with her even tho the returns aren’t hers. So I imagine anyone who knows MS runs the second they see her clomping in. 


The sheer number of pajamas she owns blows my mind. She probably has more “pajama sets” than I have actual clothes. Where does she store them all?!?


She can only wear a set for 1 night as her stinky acidic hoo-ha souls the crotch.




I'll be in my usual cell.


Life sentence for you!


Who buys this much travel size stuff? It’s such a ripoff. They’re called re-usable containers. She needs to learn about them. Her over-consumption is awful. Soap travels way better anyway. Just pack a bar of soap! Put some q-tips in a reusable little baggie. Makeup remover wipes don’t do anything other than take some stuff off and leave residue on the skin. Just wash yer face properly. Put some Advil in a fucking pill bottle who the hell buys travel size pills?! Am I old or cheap or am I normal? I refuse to believe she doesn’t have all that she needs and plenty more at home. Lordy.


I occasionally buy travel size of pain meds like ibuprofen because I keep it in my backpack that goes to work and school with me. But I just refill it from my normal home bottle when it get empty. I've also done that for traveling before if I had lost my previous mini bottle or the label was too beat up to be legible because I didn't want it to get confiscated for being unknown pills. But I also buy the generics for that stuff so it's a couple bucks. Otherwise... nah. Q-tips in a baggie. Stick deodorant in my carry-on liquids bag (because long flights get stale). Decant shampoo, conditioner, and the like. It packs lighter, plus if you really need something, just pop out to the pharmacy at your destination. I'd be doing that in France especially because of their skincare.


If I were going to France i wouldn’t pack any skincare and load up there. I have a la roche posay spray you can only get there (someone brought it back for me) and I will be very sad when it’s gone.


You’re normal. I buy the occasional travel size deodorant or something to keep handy in the car (or the like) but travel size stuff is a ripoff


Haul videos can be fun WHEN they are done correctly. Not sitting in your car pulling shit out that can’t be seen because, well, you’re in A CAR.


Yeah. That was a particularly bad choice on her part.


Didn't get body wash, you say? Let's just go back inside Target and spend another $300 on crap! Woo!


Off topic but her cheap cOmPrEsSiOn zip up is definitely screaming for mercy lol, I love that for her. I got a real lulu one and it looks SO GOOD when it’s in your right size, and unlike MS I buy the real one and size up when needed! The Difference between really looking good and looking like a busted can of biscuits 🥴 also if she didn’t buy so much useless shit at target she could actually afford the real deal


This. All the fucking way. On top of buying the correct sizes, not buying cheap DoOoOpS and getting several staple Lululemon pieces even at the yearly sale, would make a world of difference for her. But alas, cheap shiny baubles have a chokehold on her 🫠


A real Lulu, not a DeLulu.


DeLuLulemon needs to be new flair




You win that’s so good 🤣 take my poor gold! 🏅


Thank you! 😊🩶


Busted can of biscuits. 🤣


Was this the impulse spending that was out for 2024? Or was that different?


This is the living in silence. You must be confused.


I'm still reeling from how quickly Dry January slingshotted into Dressed-To-Drink Daily.


What a wasteful human. And a waste of space on this already overpopulated planet.


She makes a big deal about how much she travels, so I’m wondering why she discards every single travel size thing she buys as soon as she returns from a trip just to buy more. Oh, she’s an imbecile with a shopping addiction, you say? That tracks! She’s a liar who shills travel items all the time without ever having bought or used them? That sounds about right, too. Edit to add: how are all these basic pajamas superior to her Wealthy Parisienne “It” Girl plastic satin slop? I thought she was cosplaying as Carrie Bradshaw for this Paris trip. She can’t even be consistent when lying to _herself_


Honestly I travel fairly infrequently and got tired of trying to figure out which shampoo was in which reusable bottle so I usually just spend ~ $15 or so on a few travel size things and then toss them so I don't have to worry about it.


You know what works great for travel? A sandwich baggie with some q-tips in it.


Or even buy the travel size once and then just refill it??


I have had mine for over 10 years. I’m Not even sure they make the same case anymore.


if she was showing off Costco hauls it would probably be so much better for my eyes while perusing this sub. I’m sick of seeing the same stores, it feels like she’s bleeding them dry 😂


The fact that she can still get excited about target, ulta, and Amazon is shocking.


I feel a lot better about dropping $52 on beads today for my jewelry-making hobby now yeesh


Kind of off topic, but what is going on with that eyeliner, did she apply it in the dark? 😳🥴


Her lashes are pulling a C and trying to split. https://preview.redd.it/zk5bok2hd9dc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dcdbd3d3f8d0602ceac19ffe7bb4c9134a0ffc4


This is the most “she looks 50” pic I’ve seen. Omg.


Between the filter that is on life support and the multi-vehicle trauma that is her contouring, it almost looks like she has a blonde muttonchops beard here.