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Pffffft I guess I just don’t get it. Idfc who makes them or how much they are, they’re fugly as fuck, and it just looks like her initials are CD


How much are we willing to bet she links Dior for Amazon when she returns? This shit's rouched... or she links knockoff Dior so you can't be as great as her! /s


Her hands look the same age as her mom's


And she couldn’t even be bothered to go get actual acrylics for Paris. Those are kiss nails if I ever seen them. Not even the ones she shills. She missed so many boats. Watching her stories for anything of substance is like waiting for the DVD icon to bounce perfectly into a corner.


Look at how filthy that tragus barbell is. Fucking Christ it’s a shade of bronze.


No lady Dior bag? You’ve meant to tell me that Ms.20k a month doctor money went into Dior and only left with the cheapest items?


She went to Paris to go shopping at Dior? For the love of all things holy, go somewhere you can't go at home! Go to Le Bon Marche!


LOVE Le Bon Marche! I’d totally forgotten about it! Guess I need to go to Paris again soon to refresh my memory! 🛍️




I miss le bon marche!!! I went to college right across the street from it. Such an experience.


Compact Disk 🫶🏼


Coulda ^sized Down


Quite unrelated but I scrolled through her FB a bit and saw a photo of her mom for the first time. Her mom is definitely prettier than her, but they do have the same nose (MS’ real one lol)




I found her real name by googling this sub name.


Yeah I found it by googling. It's been a wild ride!


I’m sorry swerts, but I dont want to risk it. You may find her real name in the original younique sub and r/antimlm sub. Just search for “chief hun” and you might get her name from the comments


Google interview with a boss babe


Thank you!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/antiMLM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Let’s Make A Deal - Scentsy](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12c95jm) | [883 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/12c95jm/lets_make_a_deal_scentsy/) \#2: [It has its benefits](https://i.redd.it/jhsa5atzcyya1.jpg) | [104 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/13dd6v4/it_has_its_benefits/) \#3: [I’ve stopped being polite](https://i.redd.it/lwmfezuv4i7c1.jpeg) | [283 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/18n31yp/ive_stopped_being_polite/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Honestly shocked she admitted mom paid for this. She could’ve gone on aliexpress and gotten this basic jewelry ~~that’s where I got mine~~. Dior makes some cute stuff but she just *has* to get the stuff that’s obnoxiously branded. Actually, come to think of it, does she own anything luxury that isn’t obnoxiously branded? That says it all really.


Je ri re a les touristes. Haw haw haw. Mais le pauvre mama! Quel dommage! La 'influencer' cest de trop!


I mean, you could have gotten something unique that you can only get in Paris, but no, you went for the shit that is available all around thr world.


So Miss Doctor Money 20k a month didn't purchase a Dior saddle bag? *Je n’en reviens pas!*


Where is her mini lady Dior bag? Surely doctor money could afford a single handbag!


God I am ashamed to say I love the saddle bag. I’m a bit of a handbag hoarder and trying to get better, I’ve no joke been thinking about it for at least a year. I’m probably going to cave.


In reference to the first pic - I feel like the appropriate dad joke here is ' does the other ear say ROM?' I would never, ever wear those ugly ass things. NOPE. Edit: typo


Ha! Good one, at least to a silly Swerty like me who loves dad jokes.  And yeah I would also never wear those obnoxious things. 


ROM? Is that a computer thing?


Haha ya. CD ROM = compact disc read-only memory


This is gonna sound so dumb, but is it different from a music CD? Or are they all the same thing?


No sweat. I’m an elder millennial, here to help, lol. techtarget.com says: Both CDs and CD-ROMs are types of optical discs that use a laser beam to read the data stored on them. However, while CDs are primarily used for audio content and can be written to, CD-ROMs are used for storing and distributing data such as software and can only be read.


I had to force myself to remember Grimace’s surname. Silly me thought it must be his initials! Flabbergasted that anyone would actually *choose* this set.


White crystals and gold finished metal?! I had to know the price and when I saw the description 😳😳 I guess my idea of what is designer is way off. They could have went to a vintage store and found something so beautiful for that price and it would have been special and unique. It’s her money but I was really hoping she would purchase one thing that at the very least could be worn when she washes her hands. Hell all of that crap could have probably paid for that London trip.


I was hoping for exactly what we're getting and it's perfect lol


Oof, with her track record, those things are gonna get crusty and dull real quick.


Jewelry. Ugly and plain. Make up? Even a poor like me can but that. It's expensive in comparison to drug store. But overall, still adorable as it's not $100's for one item alone. (Personally I use MAC so not that much of a stretch). I don't get the hype with buying high end brand make up though like Dior, LV, Chanel etc other than the recognisable branding.


One of the nicest lipsticks I ever had was a Dior one, admittedly, and my second favourite was from .. The Body Shop 😂


Dior gotta have the tackiest, cheapest looking packaging for a luxury brand. Yeesh. Makes sense she’d like their stuff.


I keep a Dior bag for my shoe cleaners in the closet. Those earrings are what the girls from the girls school wore when we were like 16 20 years ago


Ngl the earrings look like they’re from Claire’s 💀


They look cheap as fuck and I’m not sure she actually bought them at Dior. Even the shitty branded ones they sell don’t look this bad. And I thought were a tad smaller?


So weird that she bought stuff she could buy anywhere when she’s in one of the greatest fashion cities in the world! When I was there I sought out unique, small, atelier designers and bought meaningful pieces that I still wear/reflect on today. I was pregnant at the time and one of my favourite pieces was a super cool baby onesie from a streetwear designer with a tattoo inspired design on the front that my baby wore home from the hospital. Now, it was no Christian Dior, but it was a unique piece that I would never have found anywhere else.


These nails are so chonky & bad




What does CD stand for?


Maybe Childish and Deceptive? 😉 (designer is Christian Dior, if this wasn’t a snark question)


Not snark, I'm a male. I don't know this stuff lol


Christian Dior


I'm a female and also didn't know so don't feel too bad haha


Are these items only sold in Paris? One would think she would be out sight seeing … And those nails; they look like they are lifting and ill fitting in general. So tacky


There’s absolutely nothing Paris-exclusive about her little shopping trip; she really missed out on getting something unique, special, or one of a kind by not shopping local. I mean, my glasses are Dior from Costco - absolutely nothing special about them.


The markets and vintage shopping are great there.


Pretty certain you can get all of the makeup products at Sephora or Nordstrom. I'm not a jewelry person, but I'd guess they're not exclusive either.


Really??? That’s it??? Worldly babe she is not


Horrifically tacky. For the price of those gauche ugly jewellery she could have picked up some gorgeous pieces from quality mid-range designer places (first thing I thought of was Zadig and Voltaire, but I’m sure there’s some France-specific brands that I am too peasant-ish to know about 🤣)- but she NEEDS the designer logo to show off the brand. She doesn’t care about anything else. What a miserable way of living.


I personally think Christian Dior is so tacky as a whole


Like most designer brands, their ready-to-wear stuff has some gorgeous pieces, but much of the accessories are plastered with tacky logos. I think that’s because the truly wealthy will be buying the clothes but the regular people are more likely to save up for a bag/ring/etc that they use everyday, and us regular degulars are more likely to want to show off that we could afford a luxury brand. That’s my theory anyway.


I agree!!! Couldn’t have said it better myself.


If not everyone immediately knows what it is, it's not worth it to her, I don't think. She can't put up some confusing brand from France and have someone ask a follow-up question. Also, I don't look at her socials, so I don't know if she posted about it, but the gallery there looks friggin amazing.


>She can't put up some confusing brand from France and have someone ask a follow-up question Good point. She seems to hate all questions that aren't "omg big M please tell me how you are so effortlessly thin and stylish and delicately beautiful with large, not at all close-set eyes and a waify pencil neck!"


Yeh she doesn’t exactly hang in any circles that recognise quality. Only status. Very nouveau riche without the wealth


I have never been able to get a look at how her nail application actually looks....egaaadssss. I have a good friend who uses press ons from CVS bc she doesn't want to spend money on manicures. Her nails actually look good, but I'm sure it's a combination of nail/finger shape and application. MS s nails look about what mine would look like because I have no skill.


I can't imagine traveling to a beautiful foreign country full of incredible cultural experiences that produces some of the finest luxury products in the world just to purchase this tacky shit that she can easily get anywhere.


The tacky shit luxury companies make so people who can’t afford to buy the real luxury products can feel like they’re rich, no less


Honestly it’s fucking genius advertising the more I think about it. - use crappy metals and cheap cz to mass produce jewelry for very low cost. Put your business name or logo on it. Don’t make any adventurous design choices, make it very palatable and, well, sorry for the pun but vanilla - add a price tag that’s definitely a very hefty profit in your pocket, and high enough to make the ~commoners~ wince a little, but also within reach, and feel a bit accomplished to hand over, like getting a prize. Like spending a hundred dollars at the arcade to get enough tickets to exchange for a giant blow up bat. Price it low enough to seem a bit pointless for your ideal shopper. Use the profits to make various high quality items that may appeal to your ideal shopper audience, priced accordingly The ~commoners~ get to feel amazing and accomplished for buying something from the store at all And other ~commoner friends~ recognise the name/logo and think “if they can get that, why can’t I do it? I could TOTALLY afford that too”. They may buy the same mass produced ring. They might even try to assert dominance with a pair of shoes. Another friend sees those shoes and thinks “I can totally top that” and splurges for a bag. Of course they can only afford the cheapest one, covered in logos. You pay for the privilege to market for them, and love yourself sick for it. I mean, I say this knowing I have a double g buckle leather belt, and so does my husband. In my defense, I wear it daily at work, it does go with most things 🫠


Yep, that’s literally what they do. Luxury brands make more money schilling the low level stuff than their actual high end products (because how many people are really buying a $7,000 haute couture gown?) Meanwhile non-wealthy people can try to signal wealth and class by overpaying for the lower end products that aren’t any better than drug store makeup. It’s a win win!


Yeh it’s not from their “real” range.


Can you imagine sitting at a café with your friends, and you see this American dolt taking videos of the Dior makeup she bought.


And linking to her Amazon finds 😂




What a waste of money to buy things in Paris that she could buy online or at a mall store in Asheville.


To be fair, I don't think she has taste beyond "mall store in Asheville". You're asking a LOT from Boss Babe.


I suppose so.


Not just *could* buy at home, she did. She already owns Dior blush.


LOL, we’ve already seen it and the teeny Dior hand lotion bottle with her LV keychain artfully displayed in her car with its Mercedes badge in the background.


That jewelry is so tacky and looks like knockoffs. I would almost guarantee no one in Paris would actually wear those. They sell that makeup at Sephora and Ulta 🙄


Oh these match the fake Gucci she has on her neck which is also 🤢


I just want to say and I’ve been guilty of it is typically when you’re flaunting designer items you purchased just with the name or logo it’s because you can’t actually afford the pieces you actually want


I’ve been guilty of this too when I got my first paychecks 😫 but about MS, I’m sure these are the items she actually wants because she has absolutely no taste. She only wears things because she thinks they will make her be perceived in a certain way.


She literally went to Paris just so she could brag about things she bought there.


You can buy that make up at Sephora , it’s not a rare find


1. Gauche. 2. Why? Very meh to me. 3. Seriously? Do we need cases to open, to then open our already encased lip products? I’ve never had a Dior lip that wasn’t secured by the provided lid. 4. Sephora etc. Not revolutionary. 5. Palette is years old. Again, nothing revolutionary and also available pretty much everywhere. She’s killing me. I swear.


It replaces the top lip of the lip stick and then you can buy refills that are very slightly cheaper. They are nice maybe if you have a specific color you always reach for that you want to identify easier.


Yeah I have a particular shade of Givenchy lipstick that I love and I have the refillable leather case for it. The refills are - like you say - marginally cheaper. Also, for the record, I have never once taken a picture of my lipstick and shown it to anyone.


Can't wait to watch her mash that makeup into her face with a dirty brush


Maybe we’ll get to see her saliva mua technique as a bonus


Manic bronzer babe


Looks like duty free cheap ass jewelry.


Most jewellery from luxury brands is fairly cheaply made and not worth it.


They have that at Sephora but OK.


I had one years ago for a lip gloss or something? She only buys shit she thinks makes her look rich.


Cassandra Bankson just did a video on this very thing. Luxury brands are designed and marketed for poor folks that want to look rich. Marketing in general is like that.


The small leather goods, the makeup, and the beauty products are 100% marketed at people who want to cosplay rich. Granted, you can be rich and have the small leather goods - 100%. But it’s usually because you have a matching handbag or clutch to put it in. Or another equally high end bag. Or sometimes just carry the small cardholder when you don’t want/need to carry a bag. But most of the bags and the clothing are definitely marketed at the rich or the people that save and save and save for years to get the one bag they love.


I used to work in marketing, though not in luxury goods. I’ve always been on the side of quality versus labels. I don’t give a damn about labels and I’m not paying hundreds and thousands more for something! I’m trying more for sustainable and fair wage brands as I can.


setting aside the fact that she is sooo unbelievebly tacky… dior isn’t exactly known… for good makeup… sure, the lipsticks are nice but that face palette? chalky and dated, which i would assume such an expert MUA would know!


Agreed. Most of the fashion houses’ makeup lines aren’t particularly stellar. I would say you might find one or two amazing things, but overall they’re pretty mid. Except Tom Ford - TF seems to knock it out of the park pretty consistently. YSL’s makeup is meh. Guerlain is great for fragrance, but not makeup. Chanel obviously the iconic Chanel No. 5 and Dior has j’adore. Armani’s foundation though is apparently good, but have not personally tried it. It’s just a ploy to attract poor people and make them feel luxe and people eat it up because it’s “designer” when you can get fantastic makeup from like Lancôme, colour pop, glossier, and any number of other brands.


YES. So many haute couture brands that branch out into makeup are NOT good, they’re banking on the prestige of the brand. I love Saint Laurent so I tried to convince myself for years that YSL makeup was the best, but it’s SO mid - as much as I hate to admit it. Get some Pat McGrath or something and then we’ll talk, MS


I loved Dior Airflash foundation that’s now discontinued


Their backstage foundation and eyeshadow palette are super mid as well


I have liked their mascara in the past but that’s really it. It looks like she’s wearing her boyfriend’s initials in her ears. 😆


Yeah I like their eyelash primer lol. Label doesn’t mean anything when it comes to make up. Tarte and IT cosmetics are some of the Meccas in Sephora IMO


I got a bunch of their lip oils for Christmas and my birthday this year and really like them! But I am poor and sad so I don’t have a sophisticated lip oil case to store them in :/


if you haven’t tried it, i really enjoyed NYX lip oils!


Yeah it’s the primer I like but usually Lancôme’s. My eyes hate a lot of brands of mascaras but tarte works great too. If I wear makeup, lip products are usually some indie brands I love.


I like Lancôme’s too, even better than Dior! I switched because they’re not cruelty free (no shame whatsoever - it feels damn near impossible sometimes and usually not being cruelty free now means they sell in China where it’s required to test on animals 🙄). And last time I bought Dior I learned they’re not cruelty free either. Ugh, it’s just my personal goal to lean into animal advocacy as much as possible and I’m trying but damn it’s a challenge - anyone have some primer recs? Lol.


Okay but these look so cheap


I know I shouldn’t judge, but MY GOD IS SHE TACKY!!!!!! Paris has some very lovely department stores and even mid range priced designer stores. And she went to Dior, not only that bought a bunch of jewelry with the CD name on it. So everyone knows she went to CD and can be impressed.


This trip is So boring im so disappointed ☹️☹️☹️


OK I found it. Wow she makes it really easy to pin her down. She didn't even to the flagship Dior store (which, if you look on google street view, has an actual line down the block). She went to a department store, Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann, that has a Dior department.


Ngl those stores can be good. Aside from the tourist busses lining up which you can skip ahead of. If you know what you want it’s good. Flagship is good if you don’t know what you want and have time to sit around with some champagne and be brought out the new collections. This babe only wants the basics.


She went to Paris and found the fucking MALL 💀


Yeah galeries lafayette isn’t the mall.


She was filming it in her stories and calling it a mall


I do like that eyeshadow. That’s the only nice thing I have to say about these pics.


Just a case or is there *lippie* in there?


Lippie secured 🤝 https://preview.redd.it/d7ld99u3aoec1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=70db0ca07f10b6e4fe784329a0e723d4ed8b0031


Oh look. Beige 🙄


I'm sure she has plenty in the shade already 🙄


Ok call me crazy and not bitch eating crackers, but those earrings look fake…. Is she lying? ETA: these look like DHgate specials she is trying to pass off as being bought at dior.


Costume jewelry which any luxury blogger would tell you is an insane rip off.


She’s really outing herself as a poor person who thinks she knows what rich people wear. I mean, I’m a poor person myself, but at least I have taste. Even if I could afford those logo earrings, I wouldn’t be caught dead in them.


They’re not real diamonds lol. They paid for the logo and that’s it.


I know that, I said that weird. .I meant like, they don’t even look like the costume jewelry Dior sells. These look like DHgate specials she is trying to claim she bought at dior


No she bought them from a picnic blanket that have “doops” and scuttle off every few minutes cos they get called out. Costume jewelry would have more shine and be cleaner than whatever that is


She finally got a lipstick case. Thank god. We can all breathe again.


This is my reaction whenever she says “I finally got the viral blah blah blah…”




And you know what’s extra crazy/maddening about your excellent point? When you order from them online, from your bed or wherever, they still send it in absolutely lovely packaging. Omg. You mean like a tiny paper shopping bag don’t you?? I’m sorry. She never ceases to baffle me. What’s she going to carry around in it? (All bent and wrinkled from packing it back across the Atlantic.) Her lunch? To her nonexistent workplace? I’m sorry. Have a good evening and a great Friday!


SERIOUSLY. I ordered my Celine bag and the thing came with a fucking mini pillow in it to keep the Celine box my bag was beautifully wrapped in from sliding around too much in the main box. I’m not talking an air pocket pillow. I am talking an actual little stuffing filled pillow. It’s my cat’s now lol. I put it on her little cat bed.


She’s at the Dior kiosk on the floor of Galeries Lafayette haha




Fine for a regular person but EMBARRASSING for our swerty who tries to portray herself as wealthy and successful and living a luxury lifestyle. Same vibes as my broke ass going to uni in London and feeling like a princess for buying a £25 lipstick in Harrods.


She did post something about being in a mall.




YES this is exactly how I shop very often, because by the time I’ve seen something and want it it’s usually last season lol


Travels to a beautiful country to buy the same shit you can buy back at home.  What a dingus.


https://preview.redd.it/l98rf0cf0oec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06208c0e3bea7a508e113f3d36aaf3feeb48bd45 The closest ring I could find currently on there site was priced at $1,900 CAD (\~1,410 USD) The next most expensive ring that was similar was $2,600 (\~1929 USD) So safe to say she dropped at *least* 1,400 on that ring … 👀


I think this one is actually *kinda* cute


It’s adorable and I want it lol


And it’s in French, that would be an actual memory


No I think the ones you listed are the cheapest ones with gold and diamonds. They also do a cheaper range that's made with crystals and I think gold tone over stainless steel. Someone found it earlier and it was about 300. That ring is costume jewellery. Found the link https://www.dior.com/en_gb/fashion/products/R1009DVOCY_D301_TM-dio(r)evolution-ring?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqsitBhDlARIsAGMR1Rj3MreErc381kcETvAyiIPK7RvLX2fOjXD2gg6pynUao2Glpg2r1m4aAjlHEALw_wcB


Bahahaha what a clown


Ah wow that’s even worse then. This was the closest one I could find on the Canadian site


Yeah maybe they don't sell the rubbish ones in Canada. That ring will tarnish, the stones will go cloudy and it will fall apart in no time. I don't understand paying more than 20 for costume stuff.


And mami dropped at least $580 CAD (\~430 USD) on those earrings Gotta show of that WELTH hunnies 💅🏻 https://preview.redd.it/xcqej89x1oec1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=468ebcedd410f83be9071550f9283311d0854366 ETA: photo


My dumbass would assume those are her initials or something


I just commented someone might thinks it’s her boyfriends initials. Girls did that when I was in middle school and high school.


That much for silver and crystals makes my heart hurt. She could be in an antique jewellery shop in Paris buying a one off piece with real gold and diamonds.


THEY'RE NOT EVEN SILVER!! It says "silver-finished metal." OMG.


You're right thats even worse!!! I think designers deserve to be copied and undersold if this is the quality they're putting out.


The earrings are fake. Look at the “C”, hers curve inward, the real ones go straight into the “D”


Are these a good comparison? Are hers real or not? https://preview.redd.it/2hr74ye9hoec1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaa4e6e8d29931b768d251d2b7aedcfb2a09b059




Monmas “little” Dior ring looks like this.


You’re right! I can’t find those earrings on the site!


It could just be a different style from a previous season - this is the closest one I could find on their website currently ETA this is the closest style I could find on the Canadian website, clearly the stock is much different on other countries


It’s possible they did an old release with that style, I like Dior but not enough to follow them that closely. From what I’m familiar with, anything from them with “CD” is their “CD” logo, and that logo is a mirror image, so like an oval with a line through it. Sometimes there’s a gap in the oval like the picture above, but I’ve never seen the C properly curve inwards like hers. My guess is that at least some of the jewellery is fake and the makeup is real (designer makeup is expensive when compared to regular makeup, but doesn’t hold the same “designer” status really)


I thought her mom could barely afford to live without MS's weekly lunches and this very generous trip. Now her mom can afford the cheapest items at Dior? Seems a little suspicious to me.


To quote the Countess Luann “Even Louis Vuitton (or Christian Dior in this case) makes mistakes.”


“You came in, in your Herman Munster shoes…”


They said “give us the ugliest shit you got”


More like the cheapest shit. And from a mall kiosk no less.


I thought RAss had ‘the best setting powder’ and gave an ‘instant eye lift’. Guess not 🤷🏻‍♀️


These purchases irrationally infuriate me! This is what they throw money at on their first trip overseas!?! No discernment, nuance or curiosity about anything that isn’t a status symbol. Très tack-ayyyy.


Those legit look like a Claire’s or Ulta purchase.


Those earrings looks like a pacifier to me...so kinda appropriate


God they look like they could be from Temu.


[some on Etsy similar](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1623325467/cd-earring-sparkle-studs-sterling-silver?click_key=71e9d28a7a6a09011602eb1baa1c7af6cdaebe97%3A1623325467&click_sum=f776d0a8&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=dior+cd+earrings&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&pro=1&frs=1) I hate the crap she buys so much


Does she not realize she can buy designer things that don't have a tacky logo?? She's so trashy lol.


-t if they do t have the logo nobody will know they’re Dior🤷🏻‍♀️


Right?! There’s so many different earrings online that don’t scream DIOR but are still dior.


But how will anyone know they are expensive? In her circles people don’t have taste


Now we see the real reason she "took" her mom to Paris




Good Lord she is such a try hard stereotype. So tacky.


Nothing says WELTH like designer logo jewelry on a poorly applied press on nails.


Make a trip to Paris to go shopping the first day? (with so much to see, know and visit!! ) and don't sell those products in the USA? I know that due to tax issues you pay a little less but it's not like she's buying 10 purses!! She reminds me of when she went to NY the first time to end up at….Macy's


Hope Paris has a Nordstrom Rack


That’s my rule with international travel. I don’t go to places I can go to in the US if I can help it. She’s doing the same shit she could drive a few hours to Atlanta to do or on her many, many, boring trips to NY.


It’s telling how she only seems to get emotional over her family and friends are when they send her money or buy her stuff. It’s telling she is an asshole


She was complaining about needing to support and buy from small/independent places but goes and buys from a designer brand you can get anywhere in the world.... I would understand if it was a designer exclusively found in Paris/France/Europe and wasn't available to the US but Dior Seriously? Even stuff you can get Sephora? Wtf


You know by small and independent she really meant MLM huns


OMFG this is just like, the tackiest shit I've ever seen. College students with rich-ass parents aren't even this bad. Blech.


I realize this is nitpicky as all hell and I prove sound like a psycho, but I fucking hate her hands.


She's just your BEC


Absolutely. She's probably a lot of people's BEC


Without a doubt...her picture should be featured on urban dictionary next to the definition


She just popped the earrings in while still in the shop? No cleaning your ears or jewelry? I guess that's why her ears are so red.