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I never get this message. But then again, Google probably already knows I'm a slut.


yeah it's odd this is the only song I've come across that has this warning, even though I regularly listen to, in my opinion, much more obscene songs


Try Sail by AWOLNATION, I get a suicide notification and it won't let me Chromecast it


How fucking stupid is that.


very. I hate being treated like a child by a robot.


I was wondering why my phone wasn’t listening to my “next track” command. Unlocked my phone and it gave me the warning 3x, then once I cleared them it skipped a bunch of tracks 🙄


only 3x i get over 20 warnings per song


Yeah, I get over 20+ warnings from "Sail" by AWOLNation. It's ridiculous. After almost two years with YT Music, I finally cancelled my Family Plan and went with Spotify.


I cancelled my family plan when they raised the price. They provide so little value for the money and they don't respect their users at all. Too bad they are a virtual monopoly.


I was just googling this problem and came on this thread. my girlfriend grabbed the tv remote (which shouldn't control any aspect of my casting except volume) and I went "that has nothing to do with the--" she clicked the "ok" button and it fucking played. I am very confused but try your TV remote I guess.


I remember being similarly offended by the fact that rap music videos were so heavily censored in the 90s where grunge and indie rock had language and visuals that were as or in some cases more offensive


Happy cake day lmao


Dammit, Bobby


My remote buttons don’t even work to hit the okay button. Annoying


Go on youtube music and put on Drugs by Falling in Reverse and play the video


Sorry for necroposting but this just started to happen to me for Rage Against the Machine songs. It's really fucking annoying.


Dude exact same reason I'm here looking for answers shits fucking retarded


Im here bcs of killing in the name


Bro same. I contacted youtube. They said at this time, there is NO WAY to make the warnings go away


take the power back warning here lol


I always listen to them on my vehicle’s sound system and it stops every time it gets to Know Your Enemy. It’s starting to really annoy me.


Can you have the song downloaded? because it won't let me


Because I have YouTube premium, yes.


I have it too, but it just won't download that song


Same, then I have to turn off driving mode on my phone to click the button. Seems like a safety issue that we should report to Apple to get Google to fix their app


Me too!


The only real answer is stop giving a shitty company like Google money because they can't do anything right.


I also get this and Google support told me that it's a legal requirement in the UK. So probably a load of shite. Because no one at any of the Google support things know how to fix anything except to suggest resetting your device. But I use a VPN to switch to Norway and it fucks off


If it's a legal requirement then why aren't the other music providers doing it? Cancelled yt music the other day for this reason, trying tidal and not had this issue on the songs I get the issue on yt with. Tried VPN with different countries myself yesterday and had the same results, it's been happening a while looking online but have only noticed it in the last month, Google nest hub just stops playing when it gets to a song with suicidal or self harm content with an option to go back only. If a legal requirement just have a one time agree notice, there's already a restricted content option FFS.


Necroposting your necropost because it’s still an issue. I just listened to Eminem talk about how if he ever killed his wife he would put sunglasses on her in the front seat and drive to LA making her wave to people, but Rage gets blocked? Stupid.


Same! Almost all of Rage's songs get blocked but Kim by Eminem, which is one of the most disturbing songs I've ever heard, doesn't.


Starting to happen to some og suicideboys and ramirez songs :"( this is so wack


Same. Never get any warnings in my car from the YTM app but playing the songs \_on my phone with headphones\_ stops the music. Focking stupid.


Bullet in the head...ahhhhhhh stop stopping my Rage!


Lol same


It just happened to me for the first time. It paused my music so I was like wtf is going on. The warning was for violence and suicide for the song "Wake up". I have had that song liked and in playlists for a long time, so I don't get why it would show now. I have wayyyyy worse songs liked and in my playlists that get no warning. 😊😈


It's because of the album cover is a monk lit on fire because of self-immolation.




Literally the exact same thig, It spams the message so much you cant accept any and then just doesnt play ffs


exact reason i just searched this


Literally what brought me here, too. My BF & I are just trying to Rage, and every song is flagged for something.


Imagine if your old Walkman just refused to play a track on your old CD. A sign of the times.


Same..I wanted to listen to Rage against the machine album and it wont let me queue the whole album, only one song at a time and have to click confirm each song.


BRUH, same! Literally all my Lil Wayne songs are fine but since I started listening to Rage Against the Machine I'm bombarded by this message every 2nd or 3rd track :'(


SAME this is so dumb


The new Tipper Sticker. If it doesn't have it, I'm not interested.


So I got absolutely annoyed and decided to go into a chat with youtube help... yikes The help I received consisted of checking my network restrictions here: [youtube.com/check\_content\_restrictions](https://youtube.com/check_content_restrictions) then trying to listen on incognito as if I want to log in every time I want to hear a song, then asking if I was logged into the correct account (lol yes because that makes a difference), then sign out and back in (big brain help there wow), after that didn't work he needed 5 minutes to check more information (my bet he was absolutely stumped and realized that youtube music is absolutely stupid also feel like I should point out that the reason why the warning on mobile doesn't have an option to "don't ask again" is because it's a warning so it MUST show up every time for some reason as if I care what offends our more fragile generations) he did in fact take exactly 5 minutes which I'm honestly amazed at, he then asked for a song that the issue was appearing with to which I gave him one, he then told me that it is an intended feature to skip songs on pc but will ask on mobile (that is the most stupid feature that I have ever heard of in my life) then I was told that I can submit feedback and the "engineers" will look into it. So in conclusion youtube music says "go fuck yourself" if you are on a pc and wraps you in a safety blanket to protect you from things that won't hurt you and if you listen on mobile it just feels like it needs to hold your hand and save you from every little offensive thing and ask if you're okay with it.


fucking hell....


I know this is like a super necro reply, however, i got this issue now still and also on PC.. it just annoyingly stops my music and i have to get to it and play next song.


Have you figured it out? Cause I can barley listen to any xxxtentacion songs that I like


Dude Im having the same exact issue it literally started like a day ago. I had it on other songs but out of the blue X is impossible to listen to




serves you right listening to that horse shit


Hey here’s an idea shut the fuck up if your not going to be nice child just because people have different options on music doesn’t mean you can shit on it in case you didn’t know because obviously your brain dead so I have to explain simple things to you tell me if you need help with anything else that your caretaker can’t help with because obviously you have something wrong with your brain in fact I might just tell your mommy your on the internet being ignorant and she can beat you then you can go beat your meat to an anime character cornball neck beard


For me at least, it doesn't seem to appear on PCs.


that would be nice but I sadly only listen on my phone


it just skips these songs automatically on pc


how do I get it to stop doing this?


What're you supposed to be confirming here? That it was indeed offensive?


no, it is essentially asking If you would like to play this song, "confirm" means yes and it is played normally, and "cancel" means no and it is skipped.


Do you have your birthday set in your Google profile? My wife was having troubles streaming something from YouTube to the TV with a similar message and it was because she didn't have her birthday set


nope, my birthday is set to show I'm nineteen.


Which country do you live in? Maybe it's a local thing.


Texas, usa. and like I said this is the only song I've come across that's had this warning before even though most other music I listen to is much more violent/obscene


my playlist is all suicide music, you can't listen to anything without stopping, youtube is getting more and more snowflake.


It's not YouTube "getting more and more snowflake," it's YouTube putting a warning to make sure you're fine with that kind of content, because it isn't genuinely something a *normal* person would listen to or watch.


"Sail" by AWOLNation has been featured in 5 movies, over a dozen commercials and TV shows, and it's spent the 4th longest time in history on the Billboard Top 100. It also gets 20+ YTMusic content warning popups on my phone. So yeah, I strongly dispute your notion of what a "normal person" is.


Well, at least give an option to disable the warning. Shouldn't be too hard.


no, they literally became so trigger happy with it that i can pop up a 212 song playlist and it will be over in less than 30 seconds from all the "song may contain suicide/self harm" then just skips the goddamn songs with no input from the user with a cocky little "song unavailable, skipping to next song" pop up for a total of 0.3 seconds i would definitely label that as going "full snowflake", seeing as it has no actual impact besides pissing off users, its WORSE than the pop up i use to get if they seriously wanna help people listening to these songs, LEAVE THEM ALONE. its that simple, they came to listen to these songs for a reason


"normal" people don't listen to Foo Fighters - Dear Rosemary apparently :Thonk:


Feeling a bit judgemental, are we?


I would even be okay with having to click through a warning, instead of just straight up skipping the whole song even when I click the "I understand and wish to proceed" button. It's fucking infuriating


I swear I HATE this. When I’m working, I do a lot of repetitive motions so I like having YouTube playing in the background. So I’m listening and all of a sudden it stops to ask this stupid question. OBVIOUSLY IF I ADDED THE VIDEO TO MY PLAYLIST I WANT TO WATCH IT!😡So I’m sitting there for hours listening to silence because I’m not allowed on my phone. 🙄🙄🙄🙄I hate YouTube


If you search YouTube downloader and click through the links the 4th or 5th one will be able to download the songs/podcasts etc then copy paste them into your phones music folder and play them locally on your phone. Bonus is they loose money from you not watching the ads and you get to enjoy your music without using data/WiFi 9r ridiculous restrictions designed to keep 6 year olds safe from life.


We should all start a petition to YouTube music. This is ridiculous. This is the same crap as streaming services being strong armed into putting “trigger warnings” enough is enough. People need to understand life isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. These things exist, we all have to endure and continue moving though life.


I’m just going to give Spotify my 💵💰


Yeah, it's what I did too.




Youtube monitors must be previous kindergarten teachers...just so bloody obnoxious


in my playlist when i agree to it it just boots me out of the playlist and continues listening to it, and they should defo make this a disable in settings cause its just good for nothing.


YouTube is the worst.  Canec


So I sorta found out how to do this. Navigate to top right. Click on your profile circle. Settings > Playback & restrictions Toggle on : Don’t play music videos Toggle off : Restricted mode Hope this helps


Yes I am also quite tired of this. I will be switching music streaming back to Spotify soon because of this and other things. If you think it’s too sensitive warn me once maybe even a second or third time but STOP telling me every freaking time “r u sureee” 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️  it’s things like that that lead some people to use self abusive language jokingly when talking about how much they hate their experience…


hi to all the suicideboys enjoyers any way to fix this ?


The best (and only) way to get around this is to leave the app open. This is especially annoying because when I want to listen to a Rage Against the Machine full album every song is “inappropriate”. This drains my battery and I have to make sure I’m back in the app when the song transitions.


Isn't it funny that one of the selling points behind YT Premium besides no ads has a bug so debilitating it renders it useless.


Stop turning off YouTube music and leaving me with nothing 


hello ! i got the same message on a XXXtentacion song.... bro wtf ? i can't even listen to it in the web version..


It's censorship. Straight out of Orwell. They decide what is appropriate and they don't like Rage Against the Machine.


This is funny because I, in fact, searched this for the exact same problem. (The same song and everything.)


Kinda late here, I have the same problem. Ever figure jt out? It’s so annoying.


nope, was never able to figure out out


Idk if I should reply to everyone in the comment section with my solution, but if you’re still curious, here it is: I found a loophole. It’s worked for me so far, lmk if it doesn’t work for you, but if you look up the song & then “lyrics” and click on a 3rd party lyric video it doesn’t seem to be blocked. If you add that to your playlists instead it’ll sound the same but it won’t have the annoying warnings


Bruh i got the same thing but it says the song contains suicide or self-harm topics and its messing up my playlist cause it pauses every-time it gets to that song




It should at least automatically play the video if you don’t respond in 5 seconds so you’re not just stuck with silence until you are able to use the phone.😡


I get that when i play YOASOBI「夜に駆ける」


I feel like I need to ask if we’re all okay cause the songs that get this alert are… YALL, are you good? I know I’m not 😅


It happens every time I listen to jocelyn flores And when I download it stops me from playing unless I download it again.


Yeah I’m trying to figure out how to remove this advisory. It’s getting really old and annoying it keeps pausing my music playlist every couple songs or so. Really pisses me off that I need to turn my phone back on, constantly click “accept” to the same songs I’ve been listening to for years. I honestly doubt there’s any way to remove it, YouTube is wack asf now


I found a loophole. It’s worked for me so far, lmk if it doesn’t work for you, but if you look up the song & then “lyrics” and click on a 3rd party lyric video it doesn’t seem to be blocked. If you add that to your playlists instead it’ll sound the same but it won’t have the annoying warnings


I always get a wanting for the song "I deserve to bleed" and it's annoying. I feel like we should only have to click "accept" once or just be able to disable it. Like I know this song has topics of self harm idgaf I wanna listen to my music without having to press "accept" or "continue" every 5 seconds. I prefer to use Spotify because that doesn't happen but I can't afford premium and I'd rather not deal with ads.


Did anyone figure how to disable this pop up from stopping your playlists? EDIT: found restrictive mode, but it was off and I'm still getting the pop up?!?!?! Anyone have a clue how to stop it other than that, causes it's happening with restrictive mode on OFF.


I found a loophole. It’s worked for me so far, lmk if it doesn’t work for you, but if you look up the song & then “lyrics” and click on a 3rd party lyric video it doesn’t seem to be blocked. If you add that to your playlists instead it’ll sound the same but it won’t have the annoying warnings


I found a loophole. It’s worked for me so far, lmk if it doesn’t work for you, but if you look up the song & then “lyrics” and click on a 3rd party lyric video it doesn’t seem to be blocked. If you add that to your playlists instead it’ll sound the same but it won’t have the annoying warnings


Yeah but it gets taken down for copyright don’t it?


My solution to this is to get an ipod, download the music and play it freely from there. Maybe I won't discover new music this way but it at least won't pop up and interrupt my music time. You know how annoying these can be while DRIVING?! Extremely and maybe even dangerously. I already have all the restrictions turned off, I don't need this popup. I used the "liked songs" as my Playlist and marked it as liked. It does this anytime you have closed the app, it wants you to reconfirm that you're OK with the song. "The family-friendly noose song" is plagued with this popup.


I swear I HATE this. When I’m working, I do a lot of repetitive motions so I like having YouTube playing in the background. So I’m listening and all of a sudden it stops to ask this stupid question. OBVIOUSLY IF I ADDED THE VIDEO TO MY PLAYLIST I WANT TO WATCH IT!😡So I’m sitting there for hours listening to silence because I’m not allowed on my phone. 🙄🙄🙄🙄I hate YouTube. It should at least automatically play if you don’t respond after a while😡


Coming from Google on the normal YT website after seeing this for the first time (Song was Chop Suey by SOAD) and the obvious things were considered and ruled out (Found a Rock Band 2 FC of the exact same song without the popup BTW)


Is there any solution yet? Cause I can’t listen to a few different artists without my music pausing and waiting for me to allow it


Same. it's so frustrating because it pauses on all of youtubes platforms.


I'm on this sub for encountering this exact issue with Sail by AWOLNATION and am highly displeased to find that it's nothing something there is even an "I'm a weirdo never ask again" button. Come ON.


Lol that same song brought me here. First time I encountered one of those godforsaken trigger warnings. Guess there's no fix yet


Same song here. YouTube music shittified Google play music and now they're further shittifying it without warning or option to opt out. Edit: I added the version of the song from the single (4:19) and the pop up doesn't work. Apparently Google's algorithm here is also shittified. I almost didn't post this just because YouTube music doesn't deserve to be worked around while charging but the song is too damn good.


Anyone find a way to watch these videos? YouTube doesn’t let me watch the Muffin Song by Tomska


yes, just follow my comment on this thread


This. It's fucking annoying, being forced to manually click the "proceed" button because YouTube thinks the song is "promoting suicide."


It is now august of 2022 and I am still having this issue. To all responding users of this thread: Have you ever figured out the solution?


yes, just follow my comment on this thread


Yeah, I cancelled my Family Plan and went with Spotify.


Sorry for the super late reply TLDR, the MVs have pop-up but the album versions do not. For this example I’ll use the song Yoasobi Running into the night because it’s probably the easiest example I can think of right now. So while the original music video has the pop-up on youtube due to its suicidal themes (https://youtu.be/x8VYWazR5mE) <= this one The album version does not (https://youtu.be/by4SYYWlhEs) <= this one Now to find the album cover, what I do is I go into the youtube music app and search the song. For this specific example the first thing that pops up when I search “Running into the night” is this link (https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lOyeC3Yr9eJSNtezA0O7oxyJll7-ab0XY&feature=share) <= this link And if you look at the beginning of the URL, you’ll notice it’s a youtube music link which will not take you to youtube itself, but instead youtube music. But if you delete the “music.” after the // it’ll instead take you to youtube, and the album version without the pop-up. (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lOyeC3Yr9eJSNtezA0O7oxyJll7-ab0XY&feature=share) <= without “music.” And while some songs such as this one literally have their album versions available when you search for it in the first place, other songs such as TUYU I’m getting on the bus to another world is near impossible to find without using youtube music. (https://youtu.be/9V4EOblFuRk) <= Album version that I couldn’t find by just googling Pretty much this way you’ll still help the artist by giving them views while listening to their music, without having to find reuploads. I hope this helps anyone looking into this issue.


Thanks! What a coincidence! I was also getting the warning in racing into the night. That’s why I came to this thread.


Similarly to the other comment, I actually came to this thread because I wanted to listen to TUYU's I'm getting on the bus to the other world, see ya! You're 2 for 2 lol. Thank you!


Doesn't exactly help my case since I just use YouTube's "my mix", which at the moment for me will add some songs from tuyu but skips them anyways. Good to know though, thanks!


I do that too on youtube music, however on youtube on pc, it doesn t work and i don t know if there s any way to turn it off there


idk if its still relevant but there is a tampermonkey script, idk if i can comment that here tho?


Please do.


Any solution? I can't listen to 'I'm getting on the bus to another world, See ya!' and 'If there was an endpoint' while doing homework because of this


Endpoint -> [https://youtu.be/UArb6-27kwM](https://youtu.be/UArb6-27kwM) Bus -> [https://youtu.be/9V4EOblFuRk](https://youtu.be/9V4EOblFuRk) Still the uploads by the artist, just without the disclaimer (Hopefully). Use [this](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kXvvktzqYlTHUSUPj6wmNmsvDGYrxB2R8) if you need any other songs by ツユ


i get that warning for that same song and no others its soo annoying


They put that and wont let me post a fight


I get this same damn message with the theme song to M.A.S.H. for those that don't know the tv show M.A.S.H. has an instrumental only song, however that song actually does have lyrics. It is actually from the movie M.A.S.H. and was a song sung in that movie called "Suicide is painless" now you shouldn't need a trigger warning with that name but oh well. My biggest issue though is that when I am listening on playlist I don't get the cancel/confirm option it just stops dead with this message. So damned irrittaing.


yeah, i can barely listen to some rage against the machine bc every other song gives this warning


the only workaround I found, is that youtube sends some sort of confirmation through the link. for example False Alarm by the Weeknd is flagged as offensive, but when you play it through this link the message doesn't pop up. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW5oGRx9CLM&t=37s&bpctr=1667755470](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW5oGRx9CLM&t=37s&bpctr=1667755470)


remove the "=" after the v and replace with "/"... then delete "watch?" Should work after that [https://www.youtube.com/v/CW5oGRx9CLM&t=37s&bpctr=1667755470](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW5oGRx9CLM&t=37s&bpctr=1667755470) Should look like that after


I have youtube premium and the family library thing from the playstore. Not sure if they still offer it (FL) but its caused some weird issues with calendars and things before. I have restricted mode off, use the same account on my phone and windows laptop. It flat out will not play videos with the suicide warning on my laptop, no problem with the same vids on my phone. Tried settings and just turning things off and on, nothing works. Pretty irritating


I get the same thing for suicide warnings when I listen to nearly anything by xxx in his “17” album it’s annoying I wanna be sad in peace and leave it while I sleep


Jesus, i had like \~5 songs of my 300 songs playlist flagged a few months ago. Now it's about 20%. Clicking confirm won't do shit and i have to skip to the next song manually, can't even play them anymore. HOW IS THIS STILL NOT FIXED?


Time to move to spotify


I just encountered those issues. I flushed Youtube Music premium. They will get me back when they stop trying to be my mom and just do what I pay them for. Provide Music and content.


There seems to be no fix, but if enough of us send them "feedback" eventually they will fix it


Feel free to copy and paste my feedback I understand that the health and well-being of people in every aspect/community is important, however I shouldn't have to press accept on a notification that I've already pressed accept on, multiple times. I merely wish to enjoy my paid for "uninterrupted" music, without being constantly asked if I wish to proceed to listen to a song that I CHOSE for my Playlist. I'm constantly given the notification "The following content may contain suicide or self-harm topics". I'm well aware of the difficulties people face in life, however if I press "I understand and wish to proceed" there's absolutely NO reason I should be receiving this notification ever again. PLEASE fix this issue. Thank you


The solution is to ditch youtube/google and go to spotify. I argued with support I don't need another mom nagging me about whatever I listen to and to get the hell out of my personal music choices but they say it is working as intended and they are bent on stopping my playlists every few songs. Screw them. We need to collectively ditch em if we want them to change. Only money talks. FYI, even if you turn off the offensive content filter, you still get the playlist breaking pop-ups.


Cancelling for that stupid reason! Moving back to Spotify!


PLEASE!!! 😭🤬🤕 I get super depressed and musics my only outlet and there was one night it gave me ten in a row and I threw it and went too far hitting my head against a wall.


Fr, this shit makes me more depressed. I hate living in this snowflake society so god-damned much. the frustration makes me even more upset.


Yo if you download the song and listen to it via downloads you won’t have this problem


havinf the same issue on youtube music, it sucks because ill hit continue and it will jump to the song and just take me right out the damn playlist i was listening too.


I’m actually tempted to cancel YouTube music because of it


Do it, only money talks to a company that big


I just copy the link, go to a yt to mp4 website and when the player comes up with the download video button I just watch it from there instead of using up phone storage


I get constant suicidal content warnings for Killing in the Name Of by Rage Against the Machine, no warnings at all for $UICIDEBOY$ songs literally based on the premise and promise of suicide. Stupidest warning.


This is exactly what brought me here


Don't try listening to rage on your Google home hub, it doesn't even give you an option to skip the damn disclaimer. You just flat out can't listen to that song and you have to skip to the next one.


unfortunately, i believe there isn’t a way to get rid of it.


So I had a chat with Support today, I left the transcript below if anyone is interested. 12:28:38 PM Chris Mo: I keep getting stops in my music to accept a prompt 12:29:29 PM Krystal M.: I know how this concerns you. 12:29:49 PM Krystal M.: I would be concerned too if this is happening to me. Let me explain how this works. 12:30:20 PM Krystal M.: The pop-up warning is working as intended for contents that might be risky for viewers. 12:30:34 PM Krystal M.: You can check on this by visiting: [https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802245](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802245)? 12:31:45 PM Chris Mo: ok so how do i allow this permanently? 12:32:32 PM Krystal M.: It cannot be removed and it will to continue to pop-up for contents that may contain suicidal or self-harm. 12:32:51 PM Chris Mo: so what if the filter is wrong? 12:33:40 PM Chris Mo: Also this is youtube music 12:33:53 PM Chris Mo: these songs are not promoting any sort of self harm 12:34:05 PM Chris Mo: and it's impossible to accept these aggrements on smart devices 12:34:20 PM Chris Mo: such as a my google home 12:34:27 PM Krystal M.: It includes music videos too. 12:34:44 PM Chris Mo: the video plays without issue 12:34:51 PM Chris Mo: it's just the song 12:35:05 PM Krystal M.: Do you have the link to that song? 12:35:09 PM Krystal M.: I can check on it. 12:35:16 PM Chris Mo: [https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=bWXazVhlyxQ&feature=share](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=bWXazVhlyxQ&feature=share) 12:36:11 PM Krystal M.: Thanks! 12:37:23 PM Krystal M.: I checked on it and it shows that the title contain the word that will trigger the warning. 12:37:32 PM Chris Mo: killing? 12:37:42 PM Chris Mo: so any song that says killing will stop my music from playing? 12:38:18 PM Chris Mo: [https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=IXl0nMLIUsU&feature=share](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=IXl0nMLIUsU&feature=share) 12:38:25 PM Chris Mo: this song plays and has killing in the name 12:38:56 PM Krystal M.: I'm sorry, Chris. I wish I can help you with this. It's just the limitation has been set by YouTube and we are not in control over it. 12:39:18 PM Chris Mo: ok so are you able to make a suggestion to some one that this is broken? 12:40:00 PM Krystal M.: I will forward a feedback to our product team about this issue. 12:40:08 PM Chris Mo: cool 12:40:56 PM Krystal M.: Do you have any other suggestions? 12:41:59 PM Chris Mo: no I think that's all. It's just very frustrating to have my music stop, espically in the car and when on my google home 12:42:36 PM Chris Mo: Thank you for your help today, I just wish there was a blanket acceptance. I'm okay with seeing content youtube may think I don't want to see 12:43:14 PM Chris Mo: and by paying for this service, I don't think my music should be censored 12:43:54 PM Krystal M.: I feel you, Chris. I also have the same issue. It's kind of odd to get this pop-up on music contents. 12:45:23 PM Krystal M.: Krystal M. ended the conversation


My playlist is like 75% suicideboys songs and this is so annoying,


same issue with Word Alive-Trapped. bro come on. just fucking play the fucking thing. i click you do. that's your job. mine is to uninstall you when you don't do. \*angrilly press enter


this is the most retarded shit ever, why do they not let you disable the warnings? like the whole point is so people dont get "triggered" which is dumb but whatever, but if i go to my youtube settings and turn off content warnings then clearly i am not triggered by videos and dont care... The only thing that triggers me is the dam warnings themselves... LET US DISABLE THEM YOUTUBE!


It's the album covers that trigger the warning... the only way around this that I have found was to dig out my old RATM cd, rip it to MP3 and upload it to YTmusic so it's missing the cover. 😐 Works like a dream in my playlists now on Android Auto.


Not music but I like having YT on background while I do stuff and the fact that i need to stop what im doing to get rid of the message is annoying. I don’t see why there is a issue two years later, just give us the option to disable it. As cringe as it may sound, YT is literally turning to that Black Mirror episode


use a yt to mp3 type site to download all the songs you want and privately reupload them on your own secret channel to listen to them without warnings or ads


Ugh. When will a girl be able to listen to her murder podcasts to help her sleep in peace? I’m waking up to silence every hour because of these dumb warnings.


These warnings are so annoying. I'm an adult. I want to listen to suicidal content from Rage Against The Machine without warnings.


Very frustrating. Every single Rage Against the Machine song has a trigger warning. I'm paying for this subscription and I'm an adult. Let me listen to music.


Happens to me for rage against the machine and drowning pool songs. Its super ridiculous cause i listen to *far* more explicit music on the regular and never have this problem. So FUCKING annoying because it stops the music when youre listening to it with background play on


Turn restricted mode off in setting in your profile. This will gets you past songs and stuff at parental advisory level but anything with blood, like cop shooting or horrible accidents you will always get a prompt and no way to turn that off yet.


2 years and still no way to disable this warning. So freaking annoying.


Legit just googled this. I listen to podcasts in the shower when I wash my hair and I hate having to stop and try to dry my hands everytime a video gets flagged.


I have 0 fucking clue, bit the dumb dipshits at google added this to the Youtube Shorts section too, but the dumbfucks forgot to add a button to clear the prompt, so any youtube shorts video that gets flagged by the system is basically unwatchable. Great job, somebody clearly deserves that 200k/y salary they get 👍


Yep. This is about to make me cancel and switch to Amazon Music or Spotify. I can't listen to AWOLNATION's Sail because " The following content may contain suicide or self-harm topics. ". And I have to keep clicking "I understand" every fucking time the song loops. ​ And yes, Restricted Mode is off. It's always been off. Because I'm an adult.


This is so fucking annoying warning, they listed all of the songs in one of the albums I want to listen to, and every fucking time the song changes I have to click through this bullshit, and because it's a fucking album I have to fight with it because it keeps changing the song faster than I can click through this fucking bullshit. Google fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!11111!!!!!!!!!!! I am so mad that I will commit a suicide now, bye.


I got my first popup warning literally just 5 minutes ago, never seen it before, and I wasn't in youtube music, I don't use it. I was just scrolling my normal feed, which autoplays videos when they're on screen, and got this crap. And the video that started autoplaying wasn't even a music video!


It actually seems impossible. I can't even find an extension that will disable this dogshit useless annoying ass prompt. And I'm suffering with an error where hitting "I wish to proceed" just takes me back to the home screen instead of playing the video. Its actually atrocious. But hey, seems like the solution for music for most of you is to just not pay for youtube and instead download each of the songs and play them on a local playlist. Give Google the middle finger until they fix their dogshit service. Or better yet, permanently. Fuck Google.


When that kind of draconian bullshit starts, you know it's time to abandon ship. Can't wait for TikTok to allow actual longform content, we really need a new longform video platform.


I'm not sure if anyone else in the thread has mentioned this, but there's an extention called "No Content Warning" for chrome which removes this.


Whats really shitty is this feature still doesn’t even work correctly to do what it’s trying to do. If you listen to X, it gives the content warning on Jocelyn Flores but doesn’t give the content warning on SAD! Doesn’t make even a little bit of sense.


Asks me on quite a few rage against the machine songs but funny how WAP has no warning. Broken system to say the least


Sadly it still keeps doing this, and it's getting really damn annoying by now.


Tjeu just started doing this ahit ro.me yesterday and then they l9g me out of my account every hr as well


It does the same to me whenever "Institutionalized" by Suicidal Tendencies plays, but not with the Body Count cover. I have both on a couple playlists


I thought that was hilarious and ironic when I did a deep dive on which ones have it, and don’t. The AWOLnation song, Sail, has a warning, but not Devildriver’s cover The Stormtroopers of Death song, “K*ll Yourself” doesn’t have it, and neither does any covers.


I’m getting irritated with it on he app. I’ve disabled the “restricted mode” which was supposed to block mature or sensitive content I thought, but now I’m being forced to deal with a warning popup on just scrolling through the YouTube subscription feeds…. Give me a break. Like, I wouldn’t be subscribed to certain content if I didn’t want to watch certain content, and if it’s against their terms of service then they’d have removed said content, so like… piss off already YouTube.


Censorship has begun. Get prepared for the hunger games.


Try know your enemy or killing in the name of by trade against the machine with the guy on fire album picture it does it every single time to me


Ayúdame Tags * Sound image * uploaded image Upload new image Must be JPEG, JPG or PNG and less than 2MB Recommended dimensions for sound image is 500x500px pixels. Sensitive content Explicit Any sounds with inappropriate audio, title or description will automatically be flagged as explicit to keep the Content Hub safe and enjoyable for everyone. This sound includes sensitive content. E.g., sexual content, violence. Remember to keep your content spam-free, respectful and to follow our Community Guidelines . App voicemod


Ok, this is getting ridiculous, youtube keeps removing my music from my downloads because it has "Sensitive content " of violence of any sort. Like, I don't need to be paying nearly 22$ to have youtube telling me what I can and can't listen to. Like, excuse me?! Believe me, I may not act like it, but I am a grown adult.