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Wellbutrin is likely to cause appetite loss in the first several months, so it could actually help weight loss. Did the provider actually prescribe Wellbutrin for anxiety? Buspirone is typically prescribed for anxiety and the Wellbutrin not so much. Were you unsuccessful with an SSRI or SNRI prior to this? Wellbutrin tends to cause more anxiety, so that’s why it’s often used a little differently. Is it for depression and they augmented with BuSpar to help curb the anxiety related to the Wellbutrin? This is what I do for work, so I’m just curious and hoping it doesn’t cause you more anxiety 🧐


I take Wellbutrin 450 mg er. I was also on Zoloft, (weaned off). No issues. I’ve been on it for years.


I also take Xanax but not daily. Again no issues.


I also take Xanax as needed… I have noticed it takes a bit longer to kick in, but nothing unmanageable.


I still take Contrave which has Wellbutrin in it and haven't had any issues. I don't have any experience with the buspar but as long as it's not extended/controlled release you really shouldn't see much difference.


I take buspar 2x a day at 10 mg and I’ve had zero problems


I take Wellbutrin and Vyvanse, no issues. I do get super nauseous some days as a side effect of Zep, but it’s not because of the meds since the nausea isn’t an every day thing.


I'm on Wellbutrin xl 300mg. Honestly the combo with Zepbound has been great, 0 food noise and fewer depressive thoughts.


I take Wellbutrin 300 er and buspar 7.5 - been on Wellbutrin for many many years and buspar for a year - I started zep this April and have had no issues. It all seems to be working like before.


I take Buspar 5 mg (3x per day) and 20 mg Prozac and have had no issues at all with Zep.


I take Wellbutrin and buspar and have had no issues at all.


I take ambien and Xanax with zepbound. I found that it seems to take longer to kick in, but zero additional side effects.


This is important. If you take benzos and notice that it’s not working DO NOT take more. It will kick in much later. Learn from my lesson when I said ‘huh this isn’t working’ and took double my normal dose. I was dismissed from parenting duties that evening.


When I need to take xanax i dissolve is under my tongue to counteract this... It does make me MUCH sleepier now though.


I take Prozac and have actually titrated my dose down a little bit since starting Zepbound


I am on both meds and have been for over a year. No problems for me.


I take anxiety and depression meds and no issues.


No experience with wellbutrin but have been on buspar for years 15mg 3x per day and so far no issues/concerns. To be fair just started my journey, this week will be week 3. Good luck!!!


I take Wellbutrin and xanax sometimes at night to sleep. I had really bad anxiety the first night after taking the very first shot and when I first titrated up to 7.5 mg. It happened just in the first 24 hours after the shot but didn't continue. I have no doubt it was related to the Zep.


Interesting enough Zepbound has allowed me to go off my Buspar. I don’t know what miracle is drug is but all my anxiety and ocd is gone


I’ve noticed I’ve passed some WB pills whole since being on zepbound. I have noticed a spike in my anxiety so I attribute it to that. If anyone has experienced this and has solutions, I’m all ears.


You were passing them before but didn't notice. Wellbutrin is an extended release pill so it has a special coating that doesn't allow the pill to disintegrate but allows the drug to seep out slowly at a controlled rate. The pills have more meds in them than the dosage indicates so you could probably reuse them a couple times over if you were really cheap and weird enough.


Is anyone taking this and NOT on antidepressants or anti anxiety meds?


I’m not, at the moment. I probably should be 🤣 Wellbutrin was great for me. Wonder if that helps offset dopamine loss with Zep. But just took my first shot tonight so will see how my mental health is impacted, if at all.


I was on generic Wellbutrin the first 90 days of my Zepbound journey, since I was quitting smoking and being fat both for the new year, and I don't see any reason to worry. I feel Zepbound has assisted in making quitting smoking easier, I have quit many times (once for 3 years.. then I got divorced), but always gained weight in past attempts, as I have an oral fixation and tended to substitute food and cigarettes for each other.. now I chew on toothpicks all day ($3 for a pack of 300 instead of $10 for a pack of 20 lol)


I was on wellbutrin for 4 years (150 SR twice a day, was on the 300mg XL but that was causing eye twitching eventually so switched to twice a day), and wellbutrin is great for depression but really doesn't do anything for anxiety. Since I started the zepbound in April, my anxiety went up exponentially so my doctor prescribed me effexor which is an SNRI that targets both anxiety and depression. I was on this from mid May to recently and coming off of wellbutrin and starting effexor made me EXHAUSTED. Like I was getting 9+ hours of sleep per night and still tired in the morning and wanted to go back to sleep. I wanted to take mid-day naps, and I was only on 75mg of effexor, so I recently told my doctor to wean me off of effexor and I'm going back to wellbutrin because I simply can't afford to be unproductive and tired every day at work. Wellbutrin will most likely give you an energy boost/may help with depression but as far as anxiety goes, I've just had unhelpful experiences with it, and need other meds to address my anxiety.


I take buspirone 2, 7.5 and zep 2.5 (on zep about a month); no side effects.


I've taken Welbutrin for years, still taking it, no issues.


I'm on Buspbar and Zepbound (and Crestor), I've had zero interaction issues. Hopefully soon I can drop the Crestor.


I am on the exact same meds. Doing ok so far. No interactions that I can feel. Good luck!