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It’s normal. You’ll get there.


Thank you 🙏


So frustrating I know, you think you are doing so good and the scale does this to you. This was happening to me and turns out I was simply still eating too much (although I was no longer drinking alcohol or compulsively eating!). I now track, weigh and measure every little thing and strictly stay 500 calories under TDEE. This did the trick and now losing again. I wanted to be able to get away without doing this but I can't and it was a real education to learn just how little I need to eat.


Yes I did track my food intake for a while, but I honestly think my stress level and carbs are contributing to this stall.


Take a cortisol manager at bedtime, it’s just a supplement. Being stressed in general and limiting our calories produces the bodies stress hormone. I don’t feel stressed in general but I’m obviously restricting my calories so I take it every night. And it helps me sleep 🙂 edit: the brand I use is Integrative


What is in this? What is it called? Curious! Thanks!


Hahaha it’s literally called cortisol manager. I get integrative brand


Thanks! I will look this up. It might help with my chronic insomnia. Fingers crossed.


Which one do you like?


I use integrative. It was recommended by my naturopath


Thank you for sharing your experience


I’m the same way. It would be nice to not track and weigh and measure,’I have to. It’s too easy to trick myself about what I am actually putting in my body. The games we play…


Right, for me a couple of hundred calories here and there makes a difference between not losing and losing. I started tracking everything, the milk in my coffee, collagen supplement even the fiber gummies.


You may need the max dosage to reach full potential. Some people stay at 5mg, others at 10mg, and the rest at 15mg. I stalled out between 169-175 for nearly 2 months, too, until I went up dosages. Also, you are weighing yourself daily, so don't expect many changes doing this. I now measure myself weekly.


HW 224, same happening to me started Dec 29th SW 201 2.5 mg, didnt do anything I thought, 12 weeks on 5 mg, first 4 weeks down to 188.5 lbs, stalled the next 8 weeks then dropped to 185, been on 7.5 mg 3 weeks nothing. Feel like I'm stalled again, next injection in the morning, going to Drs tomorrow afternoon. I have a new box of 7.5 mg think I'll do for another 4 weeks and ask Dr for script for 10 mg. Added walking to see if that helps. Getting in my proteins and water, Go figure 🤷🏽‍♀


Yep we in the same boat. I hope something happens for us but I keep telling myself I didn’t gain all of this in days or weeks and that it will take time, it keeps me going. I took phentermine for a whole 13 months and lost only 20Ibs and became crazy, so this is helping me so much and I get to sleep will get there 😍


Please - everyone - use an app that has a trend weight or average weight feature. I know seeing the numbers go down everyday can be rewarding but day to day - or even week to week - fluctuations like this are normal. You could have eaten a lot of salt and are retaining more water. Maybe the gastric emptying was slower that particular week. If you’re eating at a deficit the weight will come down.


Thank you for your advice, I did track my food intake earlier in my journey, but stopped as I felt like I have learned.


I know this is a bit controversial on this sub, but I really recommend calorie tracking, if for no other reason than tracking purposes. If you track accurately and consistently it gives you a better sense of how you’re doing than weigh ins. If you know you’re eating at a deficit but are not losing, then you can take heart - maybe 😅 - that it’s just a matter of time. I say “maybe” because it hasn’t quite worked like that for me but maybe you’ll be more process oriented.


Totally agree, I can't see how you know if it is working or not unless you track calories.


(you can’t imo)


I disagree a bit, and no disrespect meant. I mean, I get 'don't be discouraged if one day your weight is up'. But if you weigh daily, or even weekly does not matter if you are actually looking at the longer trend. Which is what op is doing here, they are saying -- "Hey, this is a month of data and I am basically the same" Nothing wrong with asking a WTH question and reviewing things in your life to see if a tweak is possible. Average weight on the above for the first 4 entries: 183.5 Average weight on the above for the last 4 entries: 182.3 A 1 lb flux over a month is not considered gain or loss but maintenance. And BTW...I am right there now! Just did a 24 hour water fast to jump start things again.


Those are 7 entries that are basically over two weeks and then the 8th entry a week after entry 7. I would say holding over two weeks and then one bump in the first weigh in of week four/entry 8 is more about tracking than actual weight loss. Here is a stall I had in May: https://preview.redd.it/nw31m7nbtp7d1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e861b01af4b45a67dae0c9b5cc11648eb8976e23 My trend weight for the month including that 20 day stretch I showed was a 6lb loss. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think your point is fair in that, if over two months (ie close to 60 entries) of weigh ins and someone is maintaining, then I get it. But from what OP shared, I still think they should just track trend weight + weigh in daily. The data will be more accurate and likely encouraging.


I wondered if for those of us who are stalled whether a fast is effective or not. How did it work?


I don't know....I am doing it today -- :) But in the past it has helped me.


They're normal fluctuations. Don't focus on your weekly/daily weight. Look at monthly drops.


what app is this?


It’s called weigh in


Ugh this is frustrating, but the good news is that you are trending down. Perhaps a higher dose is in order.


I picked up 12.5 so will see 😊


Good luck! My wife and I just bumped our doses up (her to 7.5 and me to 5.0) -- so very much at the start of things. If you are getting your body more and more used to eating good food vs junk I am sure that will help in many 'no scale' ways also, which is what encourages us when the scale pauses (or even throws it in full reverse!)


I also weigh myself every day, but I only record my weight if it goes down. That works for me.  I see that you had a new low weight June 1 and again on June 3. But your weight has been fluctuating in the same 3 pound range for a month.  That happened to me for six weeks on 2.5.  As soon as I was able to move up to 5, my weight loss started again.  If I were in your position, I would try to get 7.5. 


Is it possible for you to add some floor exercises and some walking? When I started exercising I actually gained weight from gaining muscle but muscle uses more calories than fat and after going to the gym five days a week ( as much as I can) I’ve started really enjoying it and my body shape is taking on what I used to look like before my weight gain. I started extremely small I literally just made myself go to the gym and just walk for 15-20 minutes in the beginning and went up from there. I’m now doing a 30 minute row and 20 minute core five days a week which can be grueling but I’m really feeling great!


Why are you weighing yourself everyday?  That is asking for stress.  Absolute minimum should be 1 time a week if not once every 2. 


depends on the person. Some of us like the routine and don't panic over the day to day fluxes. Some people that would drive them nuts.


Not everyday but few times a week, it keeps me accountable.


Small tip… not sure if it’s a science or what but when I stall I take 1 day and pig out. Seriously. Eat whatever you want and as much of it as possible. I think it tricks the mind into thinking you got a surplus and it releases. After pigging out, usually scale goes up the next 2 days but then it’s all downhill. Everyone is different though.


Tried it lol no loss but no gain either


But hopefully a fun day!


It's normal. You could try dropping your carbs to below 30% total daily calories for a week and see if that helps. Also, double check your TDEE - make sure you're in at least a 500 calorie deficit daily.


Thank you, yep I think I do consume more carbs plus I will be stopping the protein drink just to see how it goes


I would suggest you not stop the protein. However if your protein drink is high in sugar then find a different one. Just change ONE thing (ie drop the carbs) and give it 1-2 weeks. See my post on [WATER WEIGHT](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/s/y60hIIY0pl).


Awesome post on the water weight btw.....!




This could literally be my post. I started in Oct at 212 and am only at 180.5 as of this AM.


It’s so frustrating but we’re not going to give up, will be there 😍😍💪🏽


The 1st month I lost 13lbs. Now on 7.5mg & my hunger is back & feel like I've stalled. Don't think 7.5mgs is working. It's an expensive drug not to work. Looking to move up to 10mgs. I weigh myself after each box & not every week.


Yes we supposed to feel hunger though, but if your not feeling fullness after you eat differently go up on dose. I’ve been saying this to my husband that I feel like some of pens might be filled with water and some with meds cause it’s a hit and miss every week lol


Agreed! I had 0 appetite on 2.5 though.


What else are you doing to lose weight?


I am eating healthy and honestly doing what I am supposed to do, I eat high protein foods drink my electrolytes and water, my stress level have been high not going lie lol but I’m a mom of 5 it’s expected right ? lol


This is so me!!!!!!!!. Started in January and have only lost 10 pounds. Sooooo frustrating. I even added doing 2miles a day but to no avail!!!!!!. Am still on 7.5mg cause can't find 10mg and was on 5mg for some months. Attimes I feel this might not be for me.




Get out of here with your MLM - cult crap!


I’m sorry that you feel that way. I thought we are all here to support each other and become healthier versions of ourselves. I struggled for years and years with my weight, so I was offering a suggestion. There was nothing negative about my post, only being supportive.


You being predatory with your brainwashed MLM diet plan that causes long term harm IS being negative. It’s a scam, once you stop “fueling” you’ll gain all your weight back with hundreds if not thousands of dollars out the window. $400 can get ya a nutritionist, therapy, or a gym which would better uses of time and money. Cult tactics.


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I’ve been at 155 since Mother’s day. I’m on 5mg and can’t get my 7.5mg filled with Lilly direct.


I am experiencing something similar. 155 on startup in Feb, 135 this morning. I am only 5'0" tall. However I stalled out at 135 over 3+ weeks ago! I upped my dosage from 5 to 7.5 2 weeks ago. I I feel the meds working on my appetite, my food has not really increased and I am walking 3 miles/day but either the insulin is not kicking in as it needs to OR my body is just rebelling against my weight loss! I am not eager to to up to 10 mg as I am not sure if I will have more feelings of nausea or constipation. I am paying privately and it is VERY expensive, but I plan to hang in there another couple of months. Stay the course. Keep your calories where they need to be. I am hoping it is good practice for when I reach my weight goal and would like to come off the meds if I can. Maybe you can think of it this way? I feel I am worth it - who needs a new car anyway?


I'm similar to you in that I am not a fast loser, which I don't really mind, since losing very fast has its own set of issues. F70 SW220 CW178 G144. I began Jan2024. Have gone up and down a pound or so a few times, and have stalled losing nothing for a week a couple of times. I FiNALLY started exercising on a mostly regular basis, nothing crazy but I walk 30 minutes a day 5-6 days a week and hired a trainer 2 x wk to work on strength training (30 minutes). What I've found is those weeks I adhere to that schedule my weight loss is better. I record what I eat daily and watch my macros. That helps me as well. Fingers crossed for your journey!


I don’t weigh myself every day. I don’t want to see the up and down. I usually weigh the day of my shot dosage changes and about ten days in, ten days after that. Then on the day my dose changes again. I am at 15mg, at my goal of 130, 50 pounds lost. Started 12/26/23. Some months were better than others, both in terms is side effects and weight loss. Some not so good. I stayed on 10mg 7 weeks due to lack of availability of 12.5. But that was also a game changer for easing some of the nastier side effects I had been having. Still cold a lot of the time but nausea is gone completely. Don’t give up. You will get there.


Same happening with me? I’m up then down a few pounds and stuck? Going up to 7.5 mg has not helped yet and I can’t get 10 mg locally yet? Frustrating fur sure because I have been stuck for over a month now? 


Yep, I'm right there with you. Started in December as well. One thing I truly noticed this week has been sleep. My motivation/tracking has dropped off in the last month or so, but this week I had to get up extra early for a class and I have been bingeing at night, not extreme, but definitely searching out the sugar and eating more than the normal single serving or bite that up to this point has satisfied me. I've realized that when I am extra tired but won't put myself to bed (darn routines I can't let go of), that my mind/body instantly wants sugar for that boost to keep me awake. It was truly an aha moment last night when I went back for a second Ferrero Rocher and had those thoughts of more, more, more.


Are you working out more? I lost close to 7 lb last month but also gained 2 lb of muscle mass. So some might be converting. I recognize it more in the fit of my clothes than in the number on the scale. Derp breaths!