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Wow I’m disappointed to hear that! Can I ask what happened in the movie regarding allergies and masking? I tried to google it but nothing came up


I added it into the main post


I haven’t heard of it until today, but thanks for letting me know. I have anaphylaxis and I’m completely disgusted by the the way people with allergies are always portrayed in the media, especially in films/shows that target kids. We’re constantly mocked as the “nerdy” kids that invite harassment in sitcoms, or we’re casted as the villains who ruin everything for everyone. You don’t hear people making fun of kids with other diseases like cancer, yet a common (and in many cases potentially deadly) condition like food allergies bears the brunt of jokes. 2 kids in every classroom have an allergy, and 1 in 3 report being bullied because of it. Unfortunately, these “jokes” have led to the deaths of kids at schools because of the constant exposure to messaging that says we’re “weaklings” and don’t deserve to live/be treated with respect. I’m very disappointed but not surprised to learn that maskers have become the new target. Just out of curiosity, would you (or anyone else who’s seen it) be able to describe the scenes in question? I’m an advocate for the allergy community and I’ve been making a list of films for a guide warning parents about harmful/dangerous messages in children’s media. Knowledge is power. Thanks, friend!


Have 2 family members with life threatening food allergies. Ablists are becoming a real obnoxious presence, getting tired of their shit.


Maybe it's because I've never dealt with allergies myself, but I just saw it as a super overprotective mom. 🤷‍♀️ The allergy thing was only mentioned a couple times.


They juxtapose allergies and covid safe practices with other things like wiping a 5th graders butt for him and making him wear a helmet in a car, to gaslight and minimize both of these life-threatening issues (which we know covid, long COVID, and food allergies are life threatening and we fight this battle every day-- people will die because of this movie and its bullshit).




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So the kid has a drone that follows him around and "hovers" over him (which symbolic of the mom and parenting that kids with food allergies parents can understand as we know know the stories of kids who have died because schools don't have rules or enforce them to protect the kids)-- twice this rule breakage on food is seen in the movie itself, with a kid eating Cheetos, the teacher taking away Cheetos and then herself eating them, and then proceeds to grab a napkin to wipe the kids cheesy fingers off and then she licks the freaking napkin omg, then goes into another kids lunch and starts eating his food while teaching the class, later another kid talks about having a peanut butter sandwich) and-- (I'm just going to say the modelling of disgusting hygiene is rampant throughout the first quarter of the movie before I turned it off), oh yeah then she throws up in the classroom (she's pregnant). So this is one of the first movies that I've seen that addresses Covid ever happened but doesn't say the word or acknowledge it, it's more just making fun of of course the food allergy kid and his family as unneccessarily overprotective and they do that with this old lizard basically gaslighting him, telling him to not listen to his patents or tell them he's talking to them, and (omg dont get me started on the old substitute teacher sexually harassing the male gym teacher with a vacuum cleaner) but anyways they make fun of the allergy kids family they show alongside things like making the kid wear a helmet in the car and the drone wiping his butt, masking is now in those categories. The drone also takes a thermometer of a girl who wants to visit him and her temp is high, measures her 6 feet back and puts a mask on her, and it's portrayed as unjustified of course bc as it's juxtaposed by these other things. Also when he has a playdate at his house he is wearing a PAPR and they make it seem bad, awkward, and ruining, with the other kid looking at him like he's weird and bored and gets his mom to pick him up early and of course they use the lizard as an excuse for the PAPRs but its an obvious covid reference because they say "lizards carry diseases and kids and dogs are especially vulnerable" and the dog is wearing a PAPR. Oh yeah then she pulls out an air purifier. (Juxtaposed by her saying can you please cut his chicken into nonchokable pieces). Honestly I can't watch anymore beyond this point but I know the lizard is going to make fun of him and his family and gaslight them. -- my son hated this he is 12 and so did I it made us feel further ostracized and I know our friends have fun at masked get togethers and i know a whole community if people who respectfully and safely gather. But this show of course doesn't show any of that and will hurt and us an attack on our community.






Can you elaborate on that? I didn’t think Sandler was anti-vax


Didn't know that about him, for shame. :(




It’s a funny movie man…it wasn’t an attack


Do you have food allergies or a kid with food allergies? Have you been gaslit for using precautions for your food allergies or Covid? If not, then it really isn't on you to say what is an attack or what is triggering to people who have had those experiences. Glad you think it's funny when people break policies and belittle others for serious life and death matters. I don't.




First of all, people asked he what parts after I made a general post bc about it being triggering. Triggering is a word for things people might have shared sensitivities on due to traumas of their past. Most in this group have trauma from people gaslighting them when they use precautions for covid-19. This movie makes fun of people who use precautions for Covid -19. I said how they do this, thinly veiled attack. I also said how they made fun of overprotective parents by bullying people with food allergies. Kids and adults with food allergies are looked at in the media as being crazy or overprotective or nerdy a lot. We in fact face death a lot and many have nearly died, many have dyed, because others don't take them seriously. This movie is hurtful to others besides me a d that is why I told people if the trigger warnings.




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wish is better tbh


Weird flex but ok




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