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Anyone have a jar of leeches I could borrow?


You joke, but leeches are actually a thing in the modern medical establishment. I’m not joking. They do good work (in the right circumstances, not ‘bleeding people’ like in the past). I literally asked a doctor (while I was accompanying my friend suffering from a broken arm) if they had any leeches on site, and they said yes. The anti-coagulants in the leeches’ fluids, as well as their ability to reduce swelling by removing the blood build-up in tissues are two key elements of their use. : )


With covid’s blood clots we’re probably gonna need more anti-coagulants anyways. Invest in leeches


I have heard that some people's long COVID symptoms are helped by donating blood or plasma. I guess if there's still COVID in your bloodstream, it helps to get it out? So leeches could help with that, right? (I don't understand if people can get COVID from your long COVID blood? I think there's a lot we still don't know/understand. It's clear this disease affects everyone differently.)


The possibility of someone passing Covid via blood donation is, IMHO, very real. There is, I believe, evidence of viable viral persistence in the body for at least months. Some people (AJ Leonardi) have asserted that we don’t clear the virus at all. But I think we need detailed research to confirm that. I personally would not like to see blood bank supplies, or organ donations, potentially contaminated. Interesting that blood draws might help people with long-Covid though. That’s a curious development. Given that there seems to be strong lines indicating that bad acute symptoms & some long-Covid are related to the body’s own immune response, maybe blood draws reduce the “overstimulated” blood cells & cause the body to produce fresh, naive blood cells. That’s just my speculation though.


Right, the body creating fresh blood without COVID in it would be the way it would help. I don't understand how it would be anything other than that.


1980s. HIV. ... here we go again...


Right? If it’s identified as a danger… then that could rule out the vast majority of the population from giving blood. Which would put blood supplies into crisis. ^(NOTE: THis is PURE speculation and I have no evidence.)


Mostly to deal with necrosis


I see right through you, leech. Don't talk to me or my blood again.


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. The CDC really needs a new name because they're not controlling jacksh!t


Center for Disease Facilitation ..?


“No longer seeing large waves” What effin planet are they on?


Well, I mean… if you can’t get a PCR and you can’t report a RAT and the RATs don’t work half the time; and then you told everyone to ignore their symptoms and go to work anyway; and everyone pretends it’s not happening… you wouldn’t SEE a wave  (unless you count all the bewildered people bitching on TikTok and Facebook, but no one GAF about THAT)


Wastewater on Biobot? CDC has one from my entire state, Biobot has every county but one, which is the first county or one of first in nation where an Ivy school is located: they feel off Biobot I don't know when, I noticed maybe 6 mo ago that no new data points, then they took it off. Where on Biobot can you see which plants they use in date for each county in your state? Those are real numbers, I just don't know how many sites are reporting. My state KNOWS and issue with CDC contractor and isn't happy about it. We are listed as doing great on CDC, but really not if you look at Bibot or just listen to health department in state. It infuriates me they used "winter numbers" of deaths being down from last year, like 8k a month is pennies. And told people to "keep distance," "wear a well fitting mask" (did it say "try?"), wash hands (ahhhh!), and cover coughs and sneezes. They SAID it wasn't based on science flat out. That you don't have a fever all the time to and have Covid, and fever going away doesn't mean you don't have Covid, and you have for longer than they are saying. AND that it was recommendations for WORK AND SCHOOL. WHY NOW???? Why not wait for school year to close out???? Seriously, why f with it now with not many months left and spring break this month and next? I don't now what our private school will do that we send her to because it is small and was extremely safe, WAS, new families they upped enrollment and they are NOT our people, don't fit in community of school, send kids sick, kids are verbally and physically abusive (that is coming from home, kids have needs not being met or have that environment), tried to sweep under rug a hate crime that happened to same child TWICE by different new kids this year---handbook covers sexual harassment but not racism! We have so few cases overall this year, which I KNOW means people are not testing, we were required to test after breaks last school year. I know the families that still test at least, don't mask but keep sick kids home and test them for everything. The full paying families are ones who don't give a care in the world about community. The head of school writes newsletters that sound like "good people on both sides" when he finally shared the attack based on race as he was forced to because the mom brought it up on the Zoom Town Hall for school. My child is Black too and I knew NOTHING of it. All that might sound like it doesn't have to do with Covid, but it does. Families will yell about CDC when they don't agree, and push back at school when they do agree---always in favor of less mitigations. New families last two years. They had ZERO cases k to 8th grade until April 2022 then a few cases (end of masks). Last school year was a MESS. Which is how I know it just didn't vanish poof this year. No one tests!!! My child is last in school to mask at all. A new kid, a grade under her (they have 3 grades per homecenter, one class each grade capped at 12, but first year in many moons grades filled almost. Next year we do to two grades per Center. They have some cross over, a good amount, plus individual grade level rotations. They eat all together in 2 classrooms, 29 kids, when super cold or pouring. At least most stop at 15 min like my kid to run outside to play because they put outdoor time with snack and lunch, a good bit of it too. And guided play at end of day has outdoors too. She isn't without a mask for too long, and I hope it gets to be 45 soon again, they will eat outside. Yeah, so a new mom contacts me whose son is in her Center a grade below, he wants a playdate. I said great, but we are Covid safe, I'm immune compromised, and had to be outdoors, suggested Nature Center. She replies they try to be safe too as she has micro preemie in the NICU still at 5 months, hope he comes home at 12 months, his lungs are not developed and he will have a long road to them developing fully even at 12 mo. BUT HER KID DOESN'T MASK! And she has a 3 year old who doesn't either. I was floored. Seriousy??? My child was a preemie but not a micro 1 pound 4 oz preemie. I can't imagine. My child said the kid visits the NICU all the time... I have no idea if they mask while there, she didn't mention and I think she would have, but the fact they don't at school and "try" to be careful??? What is wrong with this world??? I'm terrified school will change rules like next week. A bunch of kids were coming to school sick (mostly flu) and the school started sending more and more stern keep your sick kid home updates with each new alert of a case (my daughter did catch flu a, her best friend she said had yellow snot and coughing all week at school, and by Sat she was sick. Even masking. Even eating at her own table which I know is theatre on my part but I feel helpless so she does... She no longer masks outside. She rubs her eyes constantly, flu is fomites too. But why was that kid there?!?). She was sick Sat night, Sun spiked fever, we tested both days, made apt for Mon 9am for PCR for flu, RSV, Covid they put in a lab at her ped first year of Covid, 2 hour turn around. My husband and I had my private pcp run ours, same building, outside in car, our results for Covid are next day, but flu was like 10 min later, positive. She starts sobbing because she is a the most brilliant sweet nerd ever and missing school is torture for her (that wasn't us as kids). Her tests in 2 hours flu, no Covid. BUT WE TOOK HER. No one was even calling ped, but the hand full that all had flu. But obv that other kids had too in school. I kept emailing back saying "tell them to go to ped." They sent out finally a list of symptoms to keep kids home as they "bloom" into flu, rsv, Covid up to 14 days after symptoms, to call ped. Like they had to WRITE THAT OUT? We are a highly educated county, advanced degrees, huge concentration of wealth (not us unfortunately, lol), people have nannies, or one SAH parent, or wfh. They can have a sick kid home. They have peds! Like WHY? I was so furious, sobbing kid and all. We didn't do the 24 hours after no fever with no med, she stayed home until she was actually on mend. Snot and masks do not mix. Snot at school just shouldn't be allowed... NOW what will happen??? I NEED TIME TO PREPARE A PLAN, A NEW ONE. IF I need to change meds. Where is my husband with his cancer at this point (he is being followed still, dx in summer 2020, surgery, then developed a clotting disorder blood thinners for life). We are older parents at 52 to a 7 yr old. We did not see cancer. Or a pandemic that would force me off the most effective med options for my forever disease. We need a plan. I'm freaking out. Sorry so long. People will stalk this and say I need help, send death threats b/c my child masks and is vaxed and boosted (oh, every person in this area is vaxed, including kids and teens---some wealthy areas up to 99% They truly embraced vax and relax. These are people who know how to source, read, comprehend science---they did at start, for 2 years even. This was a safe place, now? Nope. Gotta get their glamour on). Every time I post about my child. Death threats. That's Reddit!!! These same fools spreading Covid. I am so so very stressed and whatever the next step is after depression. WHY NOW????


They're trying to treat it like the common cold.




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Oh ffs: “Today’s announcement reflects the progress we’ve made in protecting against severe illness from COVID” ….during the acute phase. No concern for PASC.


No concern with brain damage with multiple infections neither


No kidding. The stupid involved with announcing this the same week we get that big study on widespread brain damage associated with Covid. But it’s fine! Nothing to see here!


I love all their language about “considering changes” and putting it out for public comment in April. Blatant lies.


There are also a few reports that wastewater sites have shut down over the last week, too... the erasure of COVID continues...


Where did you read this? Biobot sites? CDC has one site from my state, my state knows this is an issue and is not happy, but it is what CDC contractor has signed up. Biobot: I don't where to find how many sites and which for each county in my state. One county is missing which wasn't before, but that has been for a long time now. It was one of first in nation affiliated with an Ivy school. I feel lucky Biobot has so many counties in my state, I just don't know how many sites and where in each county. Are they losing data sets? This is like a panic statement: if you don't have an actual report it is causing a lot of anxiety. Can you provide source?


Do we think this will cause a spike in cases, or not if everyone was just ignoring the isolation guidelines anyway? It seems like people only discuss the guidelines they want to hear, like the masking part is still recommended but I think most people aren't even aware of it. That said, I've seen way more masks in the past few weeks in my region.


I absolutely think it will cause a spike. I still get calls from people wanting to know how long to isolate, what to do in certain situations, etc. the masking rec is super weak. In government speak, recommendations are “consider” “should” and “must.” The masking is grouped in with a bunch of precautions in a weak suggestion .


I worried about this too, but then I think it probably won’t make a huge difference since I suspect most people haven’t been isolating at all for quite a while now… you know, since it was announces it was “over.” But you know what we’ve had since then? A much higher baseline of cases and the second biggest wave of the pandemic. Everybody sick all the time. The return of measles. So I think we’ve already had the consequences… all except the continuing rollout of brain damage, heart disease, immune issues, etc that people are going to get from repeat infections.




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It matters. In schools it matters. They will have parents saying "follow CDC," but only ever say this when they like their guidelines. I'm in a small private school. Why not wait until the END of the school year??? This impacts us greatly as immune compromised. i think this year new families send kids to school sick---with everything not just Covid. They are not on aid like us, full tuition payment. They have nannies, or one is SAH, or WFH. There is not hardship issue. Just people who are not community minded, which the school is built on. Small k to 8, 75 or so students. My kids is last to mask, but I KNOW which families care and test correctly or PCR, and keep kids home if sick with anything. Then the new families. Our head of school has started his newsletters lately very much "good people on both sides," esp when an second verbal hate crime against a Black student was finally disclosed. i have so much to say on this but must go eat dinner. WE NEED TO KEEP IN SCHOOLS. I'm immune compromised. I need that community to care again,. Instead we have new kids who are violent, verbally and physically with little consequences (a day at home). It isn't the child, it is the home, a need isn't being met, however it needs to be in handbook and addressed. Sexual harassment is addressed. Racism is not. His letters on this lead me to believe the new guidelines are coming to school next week. WHY NOT WAIT UNTIL END OF JUNE!!! Give us time to prepare for new landscape. So YES it matters, greatly. What happened to April to get us through spring break at least??? I'm in great distress and sick already. I can't take much more. My child is the weak link (she masks, only one in entire school, but has to eat inside her homecenter with 29 other kids spread over 2 classrooms, she has her own table but that doesn't mean much but something I could aSk for...). Now this??? Why NOW? Did they even have time to read public comments? Why NOW? It curse work matters. Do you have kids? Are you immune compromised?


I'm also really disappointed in this news because of schools. We're the only still coviding family at our school, but I know most families well enough to know they follow the guidelines for 5 days out of school and then 5 days masked. We are already sending kids back to school while still contagious with flu, RSV, etc. Now covid too? At least at 5 days we had a chance they were no longer still contagious. And if they were still contagious, had cut down significantly on the exposure time to the rest of the class. What is it going to do to these kids to have covid twice a year starting at age 5? What about students who are high risk or their families? I hate this place.


We are high risk parents. CDC says to keep us safe by avoiding us like are they going to give us a sign to wear so people know???? I'm very vocal at school, people know my situation. We HAD a really good community, they stopped masking last school year mostly, this year totally, but they tested. I know which families test and which are out for themselves only, don't believe in one can change the whole---for the better. I don't even know how or why they chose our school, or how they got into our school. The assistant head of school and head of admissions is retiring after this school year, a HUGE loss, she is my advocate. She was forced to meet higher enrollment marks. Normally even before Covid she didn't always fill a grade (12 kids per grade, k to 8) if she didn't find good community matches. She diversified the school in every way too, something she is extremely proud of---but this year so many more fully paying families, who again, don't understand how they are at our school, a progressive eduction school based on social emotional leaning, project approach, arts going back 50 years with that founding. We have a massive aid package next year. Still better than public school, where my child's friends from K when she was in public, parents tell me "no cases! two years!" We have 15 elementary schools, 3 middle, 3 high schools, 13k plus kids. SURE. Not ONE case. We have to report into the state, or we did until this year. I searched last year, state wide like 3 schools reported cases, mine being one, because we WERE honest. The school still is, but not the parents. I'm furious they did away with after break required testing day one to return and day 5 (6) to continue. That worked really well. Gone. I NEED the community we signed on to be a part of last school year. It is gone. Why would they WANT to be at our school? I know some kids were not allowed back at old schools... Out of options? I know she is retiring because it is so NOT the community she built. I'm so sad. And afraid. We ARE the immune compromised parents. CDC CAN'T SAY keep distance from us, and at same time say this is for work and school. Kids, some are vulnerable too. Anyone can be as we know. I'm not ready. I'm just not ready.


I'm a nurse and I stringently disagree with the CDC decision to reduce isolation guidelines to 1-day. Fever is not a useful indicator of Covid-19. It's been reported that up to 80% of Covid patients don't present with fever. CDC seems to ignore asymptomatic spread altogether. After 4 years, they're still emphasizing hand-washing over masking even though the primary mode of transmission is aerosol. It's kind of ironic that the same week they decrease isolation guidelines, several new studies came out showing that even mild infections can cause cognitive decline. As much as CDC wants to treat Covid like the flu, it isn't. To say people aren't following the current guidelines as a basis to drop isolation further is ridiculous. The new recommendation protects no one and permits propagation of new variants. All I see coming from this is infection, reinfection and long Covid - and more flu and RSV. We need more testing, masks need to stay in healthcare, and people need to stay home until they are actually well and not still spreading illnesses. What happened to actual infection control?


I know, the CDC stopped protecting the public a while ago. They are people pleasers now, the opposite of helping people. A friend of mine just developed a double ear infection, she is mid 50s, she is all surprised. I told her on her FB wall it’s because covid has destroyed her immune system and she now gets stuff she would have never had before. No answer.


They never started. I knew from day one where Robert Redfield blatantly LIED at the first congressional hearing that they were bought and paid for.


It's crazy how they're literally speed-running society towards the dark ages. Public health institutions are supposed to, you know, protect public health, not destroy it.


Just when you think the lack of leadership in public health can’t get worse. This is not being motivated by a desire to prevent the spread of disease. And I guess more people are likely to follow guidelines when there are basically no real guidelines to prevent spread. Really brilliant thought process there…






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