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Which one do you use?




The auras have ventilation?




Thank you! You’re so kind. I appreciate it!


I have never used a valved N95 respirator but I may do so in the future for outdoor exercise and/or general comfort. I think it's perfectly fine as long as you aren't infected and you aren't going to a place with lots of vulnerable people (like a hospital, clinic, or nursing home). You also have to remember that the majority of the population isn't using anything at all (like surgical masks which work as source control to some extent) so using a valve isn't going to make a big difference compared to 99% of people not using anything at all even for source control.


I simply ask: what does your guilt accomplish? Nobody's perfect and you're trying your best, fighting an uphill battle against a huge machine.


I will continue to wear a nonvalved N95 (currently wear 3M Aura 9205) indoors. But last summer I really struggled to breath when it was hot or I was walking for a longer period of time. It was the same with a relative of mine who takes long walks. Because of this I've made the decision to purchase valved N95s for outside during the summer. For so long, I didn't want to buy valved respirators because it means less protection for others. But after last summer when I nearly passed out a few times in the grocery store (on the really hot humid days), I am fine occasionally using a valved N95 outside. Of course this all assumes that I can find some that fit comfortably and seal well.


Which valved N95s did you like? 


I have not purchased any yet, but am planning to for the upcoming hot season. Since I wear a 3M Aura 9205, I thought that I would try the 3M 9211 (but since it's for industrial use only, I can only order it from an industrial distributor). My understanding is that it will be a bit smaller/tighter than the 9205 because of the valve which I do not think will be a problem. Otherwise, I will try the 3M 8511 which I can easily get in hardware stores.


Please give a review if you end up trying. I'm definitely interested for once it gets hot.


I often wear 9211+ in the summer and while definetely second to Airgami, it's okay enough.


Good to know. Thank you!


I definitely will if I remember. (Sadly a big if these days!) Take care!


I wear a valved p100 elastomeric because it fits me perfectly and ensures the highest level of protection I can get, and that's what I can afford and wear continously whenever I leave my house. I wear it literally everywhere with no exceptions and I mask outdoors 95% of the time, including scenarios even most other coviders don't mask in. I cover the valve following rare unmasked exposures from healthcare, and I don't have any others - including from household members - so I'm literally the safest person to have around. Valves still give an above-surgical level of protection for those around, so while personally I wouldn't wear a valve if I viable suspected an infection, it's still not a zero-level source control. I often say I wish we lived in a world where everyone wears valved respirators because so fewer people would pick up an infection to start with, and we'd all be much better off for that.


Was going to post this. Your valve blocks more than their procedure mask.


Depends on the space. Outside alone I wear one, but not indoors or around people and if it was an explicitly mask required event I would expect that means unvalved. I generally disagree with the "no one else is doing anything so whether I protect others" mindset. I think that's a dangerous, individualistic path to go down.


So I feel the same actually which is why wearing a valved mask (although way more comfortable for me) really leaves me conflicted. I do offer to wear non-valved n95s when I’m around people who also mask and are Covid cautious and have been wearing a non-valved mask whenever I think I have recently been in contact with a sick person, but it still feels kind of icky. I’ll have to think on this some more…


I hope it's clear I wasn't trying to criticize you so much as a general sentiment I have seen before, it's clear from your OP that you do care for the wellbeing of others.


It was clear :) we’ve interacted on here before and I think I understand your values to be pretty similar to mine


Something to consider: if you offer, you're putting the burden on them. It's kind of like how people will offer to put on a mask when they see me in mine. I'd prefer they just put the mask on and not make me feel like I'm imposing something on them.


Thanks! I really appreciate this perspective. That makes a lot of sense and I’ll definitely consider that in future


May sound cruel, but if “others” cared about covid, they’d be masked too. If a valved mask makes you more comfortable, I say wear it.


My spiteful side wants to agree but I know that our government has really just failed us on education about Covid. A lot of people genuinely just don’t know that it’s still around/how serious it is. They deserve to be educated not infected


That’s 100% true, and many *truly* have no clue; some people are even shocked when somebody turns up with covid, because they *honestly* believe it’s over. However, any attempts I’ve made at education have been met with “iVe GoT tO LiVe My LiFe”, or assertions that I’m mentally ill. People’s minds are closed. Nobody is open to learning anything new about covid, or sacrificing any of their joys or comforts in life.


I totally agree. I’m trying to hang onto shards of compassion but it gets harder and harder


But those "others" may be around people/family/co-workers who are vulnerable/immune-compromised (people like me) and I don't want the "others" to spread it to those people. That is my quandary. That said, I do have a few valved masks which I may use if I really can't breathe well for a long time (I have lung disease).


If people care about getting COVID, they can mask. I mask & I'd rather be around someone in a mask with an exhalation vent than someone without a mask, which is the VAST majority of people.


If you would switch to a N99 without a valve if infected, good. If not, I don't think that's ok. Sure, there countless people living their lives pretending covid is over while spreading all kinds of viruses, but you know better and knowingly spreading covid is never ok. Until then, you do you. I personally do not wear valved respirators, because the valve can be faulty letting in infected air in the process. I have to be as safe as possible and don't like to take that risk however small it might be.


Yes, anytime I have interacted with a sick person, I wear a non-valved mask until I test negative for 5-6 days. That said, I’m sure I’m one of these people who get asymptomatic infections because I was not safe from 2020-2022 and I never tested positive despite loved ones near me getting Covid which makes me think I need to be extra careful about mitigating spread.


I just tape the valve shut on the inside of the mask. Problem done.


I believe preventing spread is incredibly important. I really care about myself not getting sick but I’d be part of the problem if I didn’t care equally to not spread. So no exhalation vents for me. I’ve heard the 3M V flex is very breathable if you want to try that


Oooh thanks for the suggestion! I have a large nose lol and also POTS so breathability and comfort are huge for me


I have pots and a big nose too!! If you don’t care about appearance as much, I’ve had the most success with duckbills. They’re roomy, and seal really consistently for me. I get mine here, they’re also a lot cheaper than other n-95s: https://www.ctbiotech.com/products/kleenguard%E2%84%A2-n95-pouch-respirator If you want to try out a few different types of masks, you might check your local mask bloc! I was talking to a member of mine and mentioned I was having a hard time getting a seal. They let me know I could get one each of a few types of masks from them for free, kind of like a sampler. That’s how I found out duckbills fit me best! [Covidactionmap.org](https://Covidactionmap.org) can show you your nearest org.


Thanks a bunch! Really appreciate it!!!


I have POTS too! I totally get the struggle 💕 hope you can find one that works


A compulsive level of concern for others? I don't think this far in you'd likely be spreading it to many others. I wear vented masks exclusively. They are shown to have the same level of source control as a surgical mask, and anyone who is trying to avoid covid would also be masked around you, anyone who isn't has the gas pedal all the way to the floor and is getting covid every time they are susceptible, whether its you or the 3rd person behind you in line at the grocery store who gives it to them - it was their time.


It sounds like you're fully able to wear a non-valved mask, so that is definitely the more ethical choice imo. Plenty of people who mask have to live with people who don't mask, there are a small number of people who legitimately can't mask for medical reason, and there are people who mask but can't afford the most protective masks.


So I agree. The only difference for me between the two is comfort. Unfortunately, the disposables have started to scar my nose and it’s pretty painful. The difference in wearing each to work is that the elastomeric stays on my face all day whereas I have to take off the disposable when I’m in my office or it kills


I tried them and liked them before I had to stop wearing KNs. I'd still have them in my rotation if I hadn't switched to N95s.  My reasoning is most people can mask and actively choose not to. I've been uncomfy masking this whole time (including when pregnant, during L&D, and for 2 subsequent hospital stays) so GD do I deserve some time where I'm not sweating my face off in my hot climate. This would be over if those people chose to protect themselves and others. 


i think wearing a respirator that has no exhalation valve is best if we’re considering doing the right thing for others (yes, even for those who do not take covid precautions anymore). most people are vulnerable now due to prior covid infection(s), even if they aren’t aware of it. i subscribe to the line of thinking wherein more people would be taking precautions if they were aware of the risks of contracting covid and could make a legitimate risk-benefit analysis, but the disinformation campaign throughout the pandemic has made it so that any risk-benefit analysis made by people (particularly those who are not fully aware of the research, which is most people) is essentially negligible. even if it is incredibly unlikely that you have covid (or any other viral illness) bc you take precautions (and are therefore less likely to spread anything), the probability is not zero. i also consider that, even if no one else in a public space is wearing a mask when you are in that space, someone who *is* covid-cautious (and potentially more vulnerable) could enter the same space after you have left it. if you have covid and those particles are being exhaled through your respirator, a fellow covid-cautious person could enter the space shortly after and inhale those particles since they linger in the air for hours. (again, the probability of this may be incredibly low, but it is not zero.)




Post removed due to misinformation.


Your mask protects me, my mask protects you


I don’t use an exhalation valve, personally. There was a lot of good discussion on them a few weeks ago here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZeroCovidCommunity/s/ZBxsmA82sD


Just wear it. It’s on other people if you accidentally infect people that refuse to help themselves.